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   Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume Two, Chapter XIV

                                                  [Page 776]

(1) With knowledge of the aims and purposes of the Nazi
conspiracy, he sought to reorganize the Reich Association of
German Industry, of which he was Chairman, so as to bring it
into line with the aims of the conspirators and to make it
an effective instrument for the execution of their policies.

(a) Upon the invitation of Goering (D-201), Krupp attended a
meeting in Berlin on 20 February 1933, during which Hitler,
in a speech to a select group of industrialists, announced
the conspirators' aims to seize totalitarian control over
Germany, to destroy the parliamentary system, to crush all
opposition by force, and to restore the power of the
Wehrmacht. In the course of this speech, Hitler stated:

     "Private enterprise cannot be maintained in the age of
     Democracy; it is conceivable only if the people have a
     sound idea of authority and personality. *** Life
     always tears up humanity. It is therefore the noblest
     task of a Leader to find ideals that are stronger than
     the factors that pull the people apart. I recognized
     even while in the hospital that one had to search for
     new ideas conducive to reconstruction. I found them in
     Nationalism, in the value of personality, in the denial
     of reconciliation between nations, in the strength and
     power of individual personality. *** If one rejects
     pacifism, one must put a new idea in its place
     immediately. Everything must be pushed aside, must be
     replaced by something better."
     "*** We must not forget that all the benefits of
     culture must be introduced more or less with an iron
     fist, just as once upon a time the farmers were forced
     to plant potatoes. For all this, however, courage, and
     iron will and perseverance are essential."
     "*** With the very same courage with which we go to
     work to make up for what had been sinned during the
     last 14 years, we have withstood all attempts to move
     us off the right way. We have turned down the favour
     (benevolence) of the Catholic Centre Party [Zentrum] to
     tolerate us.

                                                  [Page 777]
     Hugemberg has too small a movement. He has only
     considerably slowed down our development. We must first
     gain complete power if we want to crush the other side
     completely. While still gaining power one should not
     start the struggle against the opponent. Only when one
     knows that one has reached the pinnacle of power, that
     there is no further possible upward development, shall
     one strike. ***"

     "Now we stand before the last election. Regardless of
     the outcome there will be no retreat, even if the
     coming election does not bring about a decision. One
     way or another, if the election does not decide, the
     decision must be brought about even by other means. I
     have intervened in order to give the people once more
     the chance to decide their fate by themselves. This
     determination is a strong asset for whatever must
     possibly happen later. Does the election bring no
     result, well, Germany won't go to ruin. Today, as never
     before, everyone is under the obligation to pledge
     himself to success. The necessity to make sacrifices
     has never been greater than now. For Economy I have the
     one wish that it go parallel with the internal
     structure to meet a calm future. The question of
     restoration of the Wehrmacht will not be decided at
     Geneva, but in Germany, when we have gained internal
     strength through internal peace. *** There are only two
     possibilities, either to crowd back the opponent on
     constitutional grounds, and for this purpose once more
     this election or a struggle will be conducted with
     other weapons, which may demand greater sacrifices. I
     would like to see them avoided. I hope the German
     people thus recognize the greatness of the hour. It
     shall decide over the next 10 or probably even 100
     years. It will become a turning point in German
     history, to which I pledge myself with glowing energy."

At this same meeting, Goering declared that the impending
election of 5 March 1933 would certainly be the last one for
the next 10 years, and probably even for the next 100 years

In a memorandum dated 22 February 1933 describing this
meeting, Krupp wrote that he had expressed to Hitler the
gratitude of approximately 25 industrialists present for the
clear expression of his views and emphasized, on behalf of
all present, that it was time to clarify the political
situation in Germany (D-204).

(b) On 25 April 1933, Krupp, as Chairman of the Reich
Association of German Industry (Reichsverbandes der
Deutschen In-

                                                  [Page 778]
dustrie) submitted to Hitler his plan for the reorganization
of German industry and in connection therewith, undertook to
bring the Association into line with the aims of the
conspirators and to make it an effective instrument for the
execution of their policies.

     1. In the letter of transmittal, Krupp stated that his
     plan of reorganization was characterized by the desire
     to coordinate "economic measures and political
     necessity, adopting the Fuehrer's conception of the New
     German State" (D-157).
     2. In the plan of reorganization itself Krupp stated:
          "The turn of political events is in line with the
          wishes which I myself and the Board of Directors
          have cherished for a long time. I am convinced
          that, under the threat of the impoverishment of
          our people, the machinery of government must be
          simplified to the utmost. For the same reason I
          did not fail to recognize a long time ago the
          necessity of rationalizing our economic system.
          "Convinced that the opportunity of the hour must
          not be missed to obtain the best for our economic
          system, I am employing the authority bestowed upon
          me by the Presiding Council to carry out a double
          task: --
          1. In the negotiations with the Reichschancellor
          and his representatives I shall make it my goal to
          coordinate, in the field of organization of
          industrial associations, the economically
          reasonable with the politically necessary.
          2. In reorganizing the Reich Association of German
          Industry I shall be guided by the idea of bringing
          the new organization into agreement with the-
          political aims of the Reich Government and at the
          same time to make it so rational and forceful that
          it can be an effective instrument of industrial
          enterprise, according to the relative importance
          of the industry." (D-167)

(c) In a speech delivered on 18 October 1933, on the
occasion of the first meeting of the Committee for
Industrial and Social policy of the Reich Association of
German Industry, Krupp reaffirmed his aim to bring the
Association into complete accord with the political goals of
the Nazi government and stated, inter alia:

                                                  [Page 779]
     " *** To have united the purposes of an entire Nation,
     is the great historical achievement of the man in whose
     strong hands our President has placed the fate of our
     people. When Reichschancellor and Fuehrer Adolf Hitler
     called the General Council of Economy together for the
     first time on the 20th of September, I had the honor to
     thank him for the confidence which he had put in the
     men of the practical business world by calling them to
     the General Council. I pledged to him unrestrained
     support in his Government in its exceedingly difficult
     task from all branches and organizations of Economy.
     "I may repeat now what I said then: 'The unshakable
     faith of our Reichschancellor and Fuehrer in the future
     of our people gives-also to the men of business the
     courage and the strength to put everything in the
     reconstruction of a healthy National Economy in a
     strong National State under National Socialist
     "You, too, gentlemen, if I am certain of your
     confidence, are bound to this pledge. It holds in
     itself, for all of us, the deeply felt obligation to be
     the guarantors for the unconditional execution of the
     Fuehrer's will in all links and branches of Industry.
     May the spirit of devotion to duty which inspires us
     always dominate this Committee's conferences!
     "I ask you, gentlemen, to rise and to join me in the
     toast: To the venerable President of the German Reich,
     General Fieldmarshal Von Hindenburg and the German
     People's Chancellor and Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler: 'Sieg
     Heil'." (D-353)

(2) Krupp organized, sponsored, and made substantial
financial contributions to the Hitler Fund (Hitler Spende),
with knowledge that the funds were to be used to further the
objectives of the SA and SS.

(a) In a letter to Schacht dated 30 May 1933, Krupp wrote:

     "As Dr. Hoettgen and I had the opportunity of
     mentioning to you yesterday, it is proposed to initiate
     a collection in the most far-reaching circles of German
     industry, including agriculture and the banking world,
     which is to be put at the disposal of the Fuehrer of
     the NSDAP in the name of 'The Hitler Fund', which would
     replace collections in many cases separately organized
     of the various NSDAP organizations and the Stahlhelm.
     It has been decided to appoint a management council for
     this central collection; I have accepted the
     chairmanship of the management council at the unanimous
     request of the principal federations, inspired by the
     wish to
                                                  [Page 780]
     collaborate with my full strength in this task which is
     to be a symbol of gratitude to the Fuehrer of the
     nation." (D-151)

(b) A circular written by Hess in August 1933, which was
found among Krupp's files, specifically states that one of
the purposes of the Hitler Fund is "to put at the disposal
of the Reich leadership the funds required for the unified
execution of the tasks which fall to the lot of the SA, SS,
ST, HJ, political organizations etc." (D-151).

In a letter dated 15 August 1934, from Lutze, Chief of Staff
of the SA, which was found among Krupp's papers, authority
was granted, with the approval of the Deputy Fuehrer, to
Gauleiter Terboven to use a special part of the year's
Hitler Fund in the interest of the SA in the Ruhr district

(c) From the inception of the Hitler Fund until the collapse
of Germany, the Fried. Krupp Cast Steel Works in Essen (main
company in the Krupp organization) alone contributed
4,738,446 marks to that fund (D-325; the above figure is the
total amount shown on the chart, not here reproduced*). This
assistance to the Hitler Fund was supplemented by large
contributions made by the other Krupp companies.

(3) Krupp, both privately and through the Krupp firm, made
substantial contributions to the Nazi Party and affiliated

(a) For contributions by Fried. Krupp Cast Steel Works in
Essen, see D-325.

(b) In June 1935, Krupp contributed 100,000 marks to the
Nazi Party out of his personal account (D-332; D-373).

(4) In numerous public addresses, Krupp supported the
measures adopted by the conspirators in the execution of
their program.

(a) In a speech urging every German to approve Germany's
withdrawal from the disarmament conference and the League of
Nations, Krupp

     "*** Just as the 5th of March brought about the change
     from chaos to order, from disgrace to honor in domestic
     policy so, on November 12, the unanimous "Yes" of the
     German people concerning the foreign policy of the
     Reich Government, shall and must give ample proof to
     the entire world that every citizen who is worthy of
     the German name, stands uncondi-
*This and subsequent similar charts have been omitted from
this publication because of their length and complexity, and
the relative unimportance of the issue for which they have
been cited.
                                                  [Page 781]
     tionally behind the Reich Government as led by the
     Reich Chancellor, and its foreign policy which is
     dictated by the commandment of self-respect."
     "*** When the radio broadcasts the results of the
     People's Election on the evening of November 12, the
     entire world must know that: Germany stands in the camp
     of Adolf Hitler." (D-393).

(b) In a speech delivered on 26 January  1934, Krupp
expressed approval of the leadership principle in industrial
relations, under which the entrepreneur became the leader
and the workers became his followers. In the course of this
speech he said: "National-Socialism has liberated the German
worker from the clutches of a doctrine which was basically
hostile both for employer and employee. Adolf Hitler has
returned the worker to his nation; he has made of him a
disciplined soldier of labor and therefore our comrade.
When, on the other hand, the new State awards to the
enterpriser the role of leader in economy and labor, then we
know that: Leadership has obligation !

     "The enterpriser and his leading officers are the
     trustees for the material welfare of our people." (D-

(c) In a speech delivered on 10 August 1934, in connection
with the plebiscite to approve Hitler's dual appointment as
president and chancellor after Hindenburg's death, Krupp

     "Let us all follow him now also, our Leader, our Reich
     -- and People's Chancellor.
     "In an exceptionally short time he has eliminated the
     quarrel between parties, has guaranteed unity to the
     Reich and has assured to every German pride to work,
     has brought the opportunity for work to the near
     future. On 19 August all our votes borne of deep trust
     and proven confidence shall go to the man acclaimed by
     those hearts of many thousands and millions who cannot,
     because of their age, go to the polls but who daily
     join us, who are permitted to vote, in the Cry:
     Heil Hitler!" (D-86).

(d) In a speech dated 27 October 1935, Krupp stated:

     "*** Our thoughts fly therefore by themselves in this
     festive hour of our plant community, to the man whom we
     thank for the ressurection of our Nation: Adolf Hitler,
     the patron of German labour and German art. Unanimously
     we will confess and pledge ourselves to stand behind
                                                  [Page 782]
     Fuehrer and his movement today and forever and thereby
     to be of service to the idea of eternal Germany." (D-

(e) In a speech dated 1 May 1936, after the Nazis had
reoccupied and fortified the Rhineland, Krupp stated:

     "No greater recognition, no greater incentive to
     further common work accomplishment could have been
     given us than was done through the visit of our Fuehrer
     on March 27th of this year to our works and through his
     addresses from here. ***"

     "Never has a statesman fought for the soul of his
     people and for its wellbeing with such faith, such
     ardor, such endurance. We shall never forget how deeply
     we are indebted to him. *** I only mention here the
     abolition of the parties and the unification of the
     people, the regaining of the sovereignty in the
     Rhineland, the extensive abolition of unemployment, the
     accomplishments of the labour service, the magnificent
     public buildings, the roads, bridges and canals. ***.
     "The world will have to get used to the fact that the
     voice of the Fuehrer is the voice of the whole German
     people. ***.
     "Jubileers and co-workers! We shall be thankful to fate
     that we were and are permitted to be eye and action
     witnesses of the great turning point in our German
     history, and we shall thank especially the divine
     destiny that it has presented us with a man like Adolf
     Hitler. Let us then combine all that which moves our
     hearts upon mention of this name into the cry: Our
     people and fatherland and its great Fuehrer Adolf
Sieg Heil!" (D-291).

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