The Nizkor Project: Remembering the Holocaust (Shoah)

Shofar FTP Archive File: people/r/raven.greg//1992/genie-topic4.9203

Topic 4         Thu Mar 12, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:46 EST
Sub: Holocaust:  what are the facts?        

A place to discuss claims that the Holocaust didn't happen. This is a
provocative topic, so please be certain that your messages don't violate GEnie
policies against personal attack.
935 message(s) total.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 1         Thu Mar 12, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:50 EST
 For those of you who are unaware of the current state of the Holohoax

controversy, you have a real treat in store. There is a LOT of new

work in this field, and if I can only figure out how to use

this @#$% system, I will be bringing it all to you. Feel free to as

any questions, but try to be civil and try to stay on the topic.

See you around!

Greg Raven

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 2         Thu Mar 12, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 04:13 EST
   I will be quite civil, and shall stay rigidly on the topic.

   People who believe that the Holocaust was a hoax are either insane
 or liars. The documentation that it existed was immense and 
 incontrovertable. So many people live for whom it was living memory.
 Do you honestly think, perchance, that so many Jews bothered to tattoo
 their arms, in such similar ways, and that it is all a ruse? My wife's
 uncle was part of Patton's army, that liberated several concentration
 camps - do you honestly think that the government went to the trouble
 of arranging Hollywood-like sets in advance, for the bamboozlement of
 all those soldiers, in a war zone yet? Or that those soldiers were 
 hypnotized or deluded? My uncle-in-law is the finest, most honest and
 honorable man it has been my privilege to meet, and the revulsion and
 horror of the things he saw were still vivid, nearly fifty years agone.

   It may serve some dark, twisted purpose for the naysayers to deny
 that a Holocaust never happened. I can't quite believe it to be due to
 anti-Semitism - hatred of a race strong enough to commit oneself to
 such a horrific denial is an evil fantasy that Lovecraft would have
 shuddered to contemplate. What motives there could really be I can't
 even begin to imagine.

   Such insane ravings of a 'Holohoax' should be treated with the
 contempt they deserve. Only a perverted jackal would dare invent such
 a bizarre creed, and as for those who perpetuate it... well, I supposed
 I promised I'd be civil.

 Hoping against hope that this topic is merely (!) a sick joke,
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 3         Thu Mar 12, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:45 EST

Mr. Raven didn't say anything like what you're alluding to in your text.  Why
are you so upset?  If he's got something to say, let's hear what it is; I
don't see any reason to just leap for his throat just because the guy wants to
talk about the holocaust, or to call him a "perverted jackal" (if that's
"civil", I'd hate to see what you "uncivil" would be like).

I for one don't know much about the subject, but would like to learn more
about it, and if there is more than one side to it, I am all for hearing the
pros and cons.

Please, let's be kinder and gentler.  This is America, after all.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 4         Thu Mar 12, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 07:48 EST

   You will note that nowhere in my letter do I refer to Mr.Raven by
 name. However, I think the topic header speaks for itself. When one
 sees terms like '""Gas chambers," the hoax of the century" and 
 "Holohoax," that tends to define where the writer is coming from.

   Does he have something to say on this subject? He will, no doubt,
 let us know. In the meantime, *I* had something to say, and I exercised
 my right to say it. There is no reason whatsoever why one has to wait
 one's turn, so to speak.

   In the meantime, I fully reject this issue as any subject about which
 to be kind or gentle, or about which there are 'pros' or 'cons.' If
 Mr. Raven had expressed his heartfelt belief that the world was flat,
 I might have smiled, shaken my head, typed 'What a silly thing,' PER'd
 the topic, and moved on. But to degrade the anguish and murder of 
 millions of Jews and other races, of which victims many yet live to tell
 their tales, is one of the most sickening and perverted creeds of this
 era. I utterly reject the notion that this can be taken lightly. I could
 with far more equanimity accepted a declaration that Mr. Raven was a 
 Klansman or an active Nazi.

   I've avoided attacking him personally because there are unanswered
 questions. Is Raven, perchance, actually intending to mock the hoax
 viewpoint? In which I've not insulted him at all. Is he playing a joke on
 us? In which case his taste in humor is lousy, but that's not a capital

   But does he really mean what his topic and first post imply? If so, 
 I daresay a lot of us will have more to say, and be damned to the rules.
 You may think that this is a subject fit for debate, Mr. Mungu, about
 which there is reasonable doubt. If so, I will forthwith open a debate
 about the propriety of taking assault rifles into the inner cities, and
 gunning down lower-income residents as a means of civic improvement - -
 and I will expect the subject to be treated as a valid issue, to be
 debated as a potential positive civic good. There is exactly as much
 merit to that argument as to the damned "Holohoax," sir.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan >* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 5         Thu Mar 12, 1992
R.EATON3                     at 10:06 EST
Bevan and M.RUNGU,

   The truth is that Mr. Raven is a very POLISHED Holocaust denier. He does
not care what you think or what you have to say.  He is looking for a forum to
post these ideas and the more upset others get will only serve him better.

   In truth, your wife's uncle saw camps in Germany, ones that did not have
gas chambers.  The bulk of the extermination process was carried out in Poland
in 6 camps.  The majority of these were destroyed either by the Nazis
themselves or in uprisings by the prisoners.

   Mr Raven would like nothing better than for us to talk about survivors and
camps that were not part of the extermination process. His motivation is deny
only the theory of gas chambers and and the
 more "grist for the mill" we give him, the more he will capitalize
 on it.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 6         Thu Mar 12, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 18:15 EST
        -=-=-=- To: M.RUNGU                      -=-=-=-

  > I for one don't know much about the subject, but would like to
  > learn more  about it, and if there is more than one side to it,
  > I am all for hearing the  pros and cons.
  > Please, let's be kinder and gentler.  This is America, after
  > all.

Please explain. Are you, for the moment suggesting that possibility, even the
very remotest possibility, that the Holocaust was a HOAX?
 YOU need to be convinced one way or another? Do think this topic is trying
for the truth? You are incredible if that is what you think.
 I can assure you, this topic, if continued will assure *you* that this is not
a kinder and gentler America. You shall find out.

The RAVEN calls this topic the HOLOHOAX. Is that information, or an attack. Do
you NOT understand the title and purpose.

I cannot believe such naivete.

I would not even argue it for a second. The amount of films,I have available
to show you or anyone, movies taken as GI's were entering the camps and the
human wrecks visible, piles of bodies like cordwood
 will make you retch. The documents available are mountainous. Living right
within two blocks of my home are a number of families with tatoos on their
arms, stories to tell that would shake you to your very foundation, THEY are
all a hoax?? Would like to speak to them???

Suggest you go immedietly to the nearest library and start looking at
documenting books etc. Then come back here and ask the same question.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 7         Thu Mar 12, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:57 EST
Webster's New World Dictionary (Second Edition) defines the Holocaust as: "the
systematic destruction of over six million European Jews by the Nazis before
and during WWII."

I should probably add there were were over 5 million non-Jews who were
destroyed using the same methods by the Nazis during the same time period.
This latter group includes homosexuals, Communists, Gypsies, Jehovah's
Witnesses, etc.

Now, Mr. Raven wishes to deny the above. Does this mean that there are "two
sides?" No more so than to say that there are "two sides" to whether Elvis is
or is not dead.

How do we know the facts behind the Holocaust? Yes, there are survivors,
liberators and perpetrators who have testified at trials but that is NOT how
we know what happened. Yes, there are photographs of certain camps but that is
NOT how we know what happened. We know because there were literally TONS
(according in one of the Holocaust Denier authors there were 1,100 TONS!) of
Nazi documents captured by the Allies.

Among these documents we have an order, signed by Adolph Hitler, which started
the euthanasia program....resulting in the deaths of 70,000 Germans. Imagine
seeing that signature. It is chilling. Almost as much so as seeing Josef
Mengele's signature for the receipt of the head of a 12 year old boy. Better
yet, listen to the Himmler's Posen speech....which was recorded as it was
given! We have that recording and you can clearly hear Himmler, the head of
the SS, explain what had and was going to become of the Jews.

All of the above is located at the National Archives in Washington, DC. Yet
even this is not the only collection. There is also the Bundesarchiv in
Koblenz and the archives at Riga which have recently become accessible to
Western scholars. And, of course, there are the archives at Yad Vashem in

If all of this is true then who can deny the Holocaust? It is good to ask that
question. When you take the time to explore their credentials you find them
peculiarly lacking. When you take the time to read their books, you find them
lacking any sense or logic. In fact, one of their authors (the same one who
stated that there were 1,100 TONS of captured documents) has invented a new
logical fallacy - guilt by POSSIBLE association! One of the theories of this
author is that X _might_ have had contact with _Y_ who _probably_ knew Z,
therefore Z helped plan a conspiracy that was transmitted to X through Y. It
doesn't matter a whit that there is no evidence that any of these people knew
each other!

Mr. Raven: Do you really want to discuss the Holocaust coming from the
position of denying its reality?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 8         Thu Mar 12, 1992
RTRAYNOR                     at 19:13 EST
   Leaving aside the hundreds of hours of footage shot at the death
 camps, made under battlefield conditions in an era that lacked Industrial
 Light and Magic to do up boffo special effects.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 9         Thu Mar 12, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:48 EST
8 RTRAYNOR: When you say "death camps," are you referring to the extermination
camps which had gas chambers? If so, you should know that we have no footage
from any of those camps. If, OTOH, you are referring to any camp as a "death
camp" because of the high mortality rates, then you are correct.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 11        Thu Mar 12, 1992
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry]         at 21:51 EST

Even for the most virulent and morally-corrupt of anti-semites, why is it is
important to deny the holocaust?  Of all the twisted approaches why do some
latch on to denying it?  Why not exult in it?  I just can't fathom.

\\\--- Gerry

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 12        Thu Mar 12, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:35 EST
Gerry: The answer as to why some anti-Semites might want to deny the Holocaust
can be understood by the term used in message 1: "Holohoax." IOW, the denial
of the Holocaust is not merely a misunderstanding of documents, etc. but an
intentional fraud perpetrated upon the world (according the Holocaust Deniers,
that is) and, if you accept that idea, the question arises as to whom
perpetrated this fraud. Of course, the Holocaust Deniers are ready with the
answer (which you can probably guess).

This whole movement depends upon instilling doubt in the uninformed and then
shifting that doubt to actual anger at those who are responsible for the
"hoax." Therein they fuel the fires of bigotry.

BTW, Hitler had this strange paradox in his worldview that the Jews were
inferior and "sub-human" and yet, the Jews controlled the world and dominated
the superior non-Jews. Some of the Holocaust Deniers employ a similar paradox:
they view Hitler and his cronies as great men because of the above stated
worldview but, at the same time, they deny that Hitler and his cronies took
any action on that world view.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 14        Fri Mar 13, 1992
RTRAYNOR                     at 00:02 EST
   Well then, Eric, I daresay we can do the "gent" a favor and give him
 his fill. There are undoubtedly synagogues in his area in which he'd like
 to speak, if he likes causing a ruckus. No doubt he would receive a 
 prompt and well-deserved attitude adjustment.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 15        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 00:07 EST
I can see a lot of people are upset; but I didn't see anywhere in Mr. Raven's
message a denial of the holocaust, he merely stated that "a lot of work has
been done in this area" or something to that effect.  His use of the term
"holohoax" may have been facetious.

Anyway, I think all the insults directed against him are naughty and
unnecessary.  Let's hear what he has to say, and THEN everybody can take his
points one by one and comment (without insulting him I hope), and maybe ask
him questions.  I hope all the abuse that was IMMEDIATELY thrown at him hasn't
scared him away.

And even if he IS planning to deny the holocaust, then perhaps we can all
agree that he has a right to do that denying, or confirming, or whatever he
wants to do/say, including on a discussion area like this forum, in the same
way that everybody else has a right to take a different position.  Personally,
I am very tolerant of ALL views and hate it when somebody expressing an
unpopular viewpoint gets shouted down, attacked, or vilified.  This is still a
free country. Let's not have any intellectual bigotry, pleeeeeeeeeeese...

Mr. Raven, you still out there?  Speak your piece now.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 16        Fri Mar 13, 1992
J.WEILER4                    at 00:15 EST
Let me tell you, when I did a "check" for new messages and saw the title of
this new topic, my stomach turned. I couldn't believe that after all that's
been said, recorded and catalogued, that there is still those who deny the
Holocaust. As a human being and a Jew, I felt my blood boil before I read even
the first message. However, after reading the first 12 messages, and seeing
that there are so many others who feel the same immediate and intense anger
>not directed at the person who started the topic per se, but at the issue>, I
am heartened because it is just such a reaction that will prevent the
Holocaust from happening again. I am relieved as a Jew. I am relieved as a
human being.

I am interested as to what proof the originator of this topic has that the
Holocaust is a hoax....and how long it will take for at least 15 people here
to categorically refute every word.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 17        Fri Mar 13, 1992
P.BOBBITT                    at 00:28 EST
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO: All          >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It's a shame that "Freedom of Speech" also permits freedom of stupidity.

The Holocaust happened.  Fact.  Final.

In Canada, we recently had someone sent to jail for spreading lies like this,
along with hate propaganda against Jewish people.  I'm glad our country has no
qualms against stopping hate literature published in the name of freedom of

America should learn that it's amendments aren't black and white. There is
room for the shades of grey necessary to prosecute hate mongers and to keep
its citizens safe from hatred and oppression, whether physical, or in print.

>>>>>>>>> Paul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 18        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:31 EST
 First, thank you everyone for participating. It has taken me days to

get to the point where I can limp along on this system, which

seems quite odd. I will only be visiting every other day

or two, so please be patient ... I will try to answer 

all your questions as best I can. If you feel I have overlooked

your question, PLEASE repost it. Thanks!*H

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 19        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:35 EST
 To RTraynor, I am neither insane nor a liar ... the opposite, in fact. As to
the points you raised, raise, applying tatoos is not the same as murdering
someone. Also, the Allies did not liberate the Eastern camps, where the
atrocities are all supposed to  have taken place. As nice a man as he may be,
your uncle is wrong about what he thou thought he saw. Finally, at least you
are as wrong about me and my motives as you are about the Holohoax. Can you
produce facts instead of  slander and invective, or are you working at the
peak of your form?

(wow, I really am learning to hate this editor).

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 20        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:36 EST
 To M.Feins, The Holocaust IS a hoax, and not only for one moment but for
nearly 50 years now. And not merely possibility, but fact. No gas chambers!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 21        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:37 EST
 oTo Pooh.bah, Webster's may be able to define the word, but they cannot prove
that any of the allegations ever occurred. I trust to appreciate the
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 22        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:39 EST
 To Pooh.bah (continued ...) None of the documents you mention prove there was
a Holocaust, and the Pos Posen speech, of which we do not have an authentic
text, does not say what you say it does. By the way, no matter how many tons
of documents stolen from the Germans by the Allies, there is no proof anywhere
in it. If there was, it would have been presented to us before now. Anyone who
tells  you otherwise is lying to you.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 23        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:40 EST
 to M.Andrews11, Happy to oblige you. They are lying. All of them. And don't
worry. I have plenty to say about this topic, and I'll be back!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 24        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:42 EST
 To Gscott- (GSCOTT-MOORE, that is). It is important to study the Holocaust
myth because  is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of the Zionists, who
take every opportunity to use it against us, the Palestinians, etc. If it is a
hoax, which it is, then most of the "moral underpinning" of the illegal and
immoral state of Israel vanishes, and we can finally hope for peace in the
Middle East.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 25        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:42 EST
 To Eric-M ... You lose.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 26        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:46 EST
 To J.Weiler4, I hope this doesn't burst your bubble, but it will be
impossible for anyone else on this topic to disprove what I have to say. And
it doesn't matter to me that the exterminationists outnumber me many times
over. I have the truth on my side, and that's enough. I invite you to stay
with the discussion, though, as you will discover that you have been used by
the exterminationists just as the rest of us have.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 27        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 00:49 EST
 To P.Bobitt, If you are referring to Ernst Zuendel, a man who I consider to
be a friend and for whom I would go out of my way to help, you are wrong.
Although the repressive state of Canada does prosecute thought crimes, 
Zuendel is not in jail. There may be others not as fortunate, but you and your
fellow Canadians are going to have to realize sooner or later that you can't
lock people up for disagreeing with you. The issue is  bigger than Zuendel,
Ross, Keegstra, etc. This is a truth that will not be denied. Hope you don't
ever need to exercise YOUR rights up there in the frozen North! You might find
out you have none.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 28        Fri Mar 13, 1992
EIREANNACH                   at 01:02 EST
Is there a possibility that if we ignore this insanity that it'll go away?  I
see nothing to be gained by feeding this ridiculous topic.

Liam  |-}-
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 29        Fri Mar 13, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:06 EST
22 G.Raven: You claim that anyone who has told me that there are documents
which prove the Holocaust is lying. Well, sir, you are then calling ME the

Let's discuss how the documents were acquired in the first place. You say that
they were "stolen." Not so. Yes, they were captured. However, the documents
which were captured by the U.S. have been microfilmed and those films are on
file at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Where are the originals? In
the Bundesarchivs in Germany. As a matter of fact, Robert Wolfe
who is the director of the Captured German Records at the National Archives
has even been awarded a medal by the Germans for his work in cataloging,
preserving and returning the documents. So, your claim that documents have
been "stolen" is not based in fact.

Now, you have also stated that we don't have a text of Himmler's Posen
speeches (after all, you are aware that there were more than one, aren't
you?). This is also not based in fact. Himmler spoke from notes. These notes
were handwritten by Himmler. His speeches were recorded and the text was
transcribed from the recordings. Once the transcription was completed, Himmler
reviewed it and added/subtracted from the speech to give it more polish in
written form. What remains from this process? We have the handwritten notes,
the recordings and the transcriptions (both before and after Himmler's
corrections). I am not basing this on anyone else's observations or reports. I
have heard the recording (which is much more than Staeglich has done), seen
the handwritten notes (not copies but the actual notes), seen the
transcriptions, etc. These are the actual documents....not on microfilm and
not copies. Staeglich has worked from secondary sources in that he has seen
copies and drawn certain conclusions from those copies. You, apparently, are
basing your conclusions on his work. I would suggest that before you continue
along this line that you take a little trip to the National Archives and
research it for yourself. Or, you might talk to Mark Weber about it since he,
too, has done some of his research at the National Archives and has even
written Mr. Wolfe a letter commending him on his unbiased help.

Now, what about other proof besides the Himmler speeches. It does exist. In
fact, I will post a translation of one such document in the next message. You
claim that this information would have surfaced before now if it existed. It
has surfaced before now but one only knows of its existence if one reads
historical accounts of the Holocaust....and preferably accounts based upon
primary sources.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 30        Fri Mar 13, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:25 EST
As promised in my last message, here is the type of primary documents that are
available which prove that the Holocaust is fact. This particular document is
a report from an official inspection mission to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The
inspection trip took place May 14-16, 1943 and was performed by von Herff and
Franke-Grischke. The latter man (being the junior member of the team) wrote
the report with one copy to von Herff (his direct boss) and the other copy to
Himmler. What follows is that report in translation:

                       RESETTLEMENT OF JEWS

The Auschwitz camp plays a special role in the resolution of the Jewish
question. The most advance methods permit the execution of the Fuehrer-order
in the shortest possible time and without arousing much attention. The so-
called "resettlement action" runs the following course: The Jews arrive in
special trains (freight cars) toward evening and are driven on special tracks
to areas of the camp specifically set aside for this purpose. There the Jews
are unloaded and examined for their fitness to work by a team of doctors, in
the presence of the camp commandant and several SS officers. At this point
anyone who can somehow be incorporated into the work program is put in a
special camp. The curably ill are sent straight to a medical camp and are
restored to health through a special diet. The basic principle behind
everything is: conserve all manpower for work. The previous type of
"resettlement action" has been thoroughly rejected, since it is too costly to
destroy precious work energy on a continual basis.

The unfit go to celars in a large house which are entered from outside. They
go down five or six steps into a fairly long, well-constructed and well-
ventilated cellar area, which is lined with benches to the left and right. It
is brightly lit, and the benches are numbered. The prisoners are told that
they are to be cleansed and disinfected for their new assignments. They must
therefore completely undress to be bathed. To avoid panic and to prevent
disturbances of any kind, they are instructed to arrange their clothing neatly
under their respective numbers, so that they will be able to find their things
again after their bath. Everything proceeds in a perfectly orderly fashion.
Then they pass through a small corridor and enter a large cellar room which
resembles a shower bath. In this room are three large pillars, into which
certain materials can be lowered from outside the cellar room. When three- to
four-hundred people have been herded into this room, the doors are shut, and
containers filled with the substances are dropped down into the pillars. A few
minutes later, the door opens on the other side, where the elevator is
located. The hair of the corpses is cut off, and their teeth are extracted
(gold-filled teeth) by specialists (Jews). Then the corpses are loaded into
elevators and brought up to the first floor, where ten large crematoria are
located. (Because fresh corpses burn particularly well, only 50-100 lbs. of
coke are needed for the whole process.) The job itself is performed by Jewish
prisoners, who never step outside this camp again.

The results of this "resettlement action" to date: 500,000 Jews. Current
capacity of the "resettlement action" ovens: 10,000 in twenty-four hours.


The above document has been translated as is. Nothing has been added to it.
All comments in () appear in the original document...also in ().
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 31        Fri Mar 13, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:10 EST
Gerry: Please read Mr. Raven's note to you (#24) very carefully. Your full
answer is contained therein but I really didn't expect Mr. Raven to be so
forthright this early in the topic. He refers to the "illegal and immoral
state of Israel" and suggests that if the Holocaust is a hoax that there would
be peace in the Middle East. In his opinion, the Holocaust is the only things
which gives legitimacy to the state of Israel. We are left to infer exactly
how he expects peace in the Middle East to be achieved if enough people doubt
the Holocaust.

Apparently, Mr. Raven is not well versed in recent history. Apparently, he
believes that Iraq's invasion of Kuwait had something to do with Israel. After
all, his suggestion that there would be peace in the Middle East without the
"illegal and immoral" state of Israel also means that without Israel, Iraq
wouldn't have started Desert Storm. Hmmmm.....

So far all we have from Mr. Raven is his calling people who state facts about
the Holocaust liars and his insistence that the Holocaust did not occur.
Perhaps he believes that this is somehow convincing. I'm sure that the rest of
us do not agree. His main claim (in the TOPic description and various
messages) is that there were no gas chambers. On what does he base this?

He has not stated it but, based upon my research of Holocaust Denial, I can
venture an educated guess. He bases this on something called "The Leuchter
Report" which was prepared by Fred Leuchter.

For those of you who do not know Fred Leuchter, let me list some of his
credentials. He received a BA in history. With no other education, he decided
that he was an "engineer" and passed himself off as such. Before this was
noticed by the state in which he practiced (MA), he was asked to be an expert
witness at the Zundel trial in Toronto. In fact, he was paid $35,000 for his
"research" and testimony....which is quite an incentive to arrive at the
desired conclusion. There was one slight problem with all of this....he was
unable to qualify as an "expert witness" and the report for which Zundel had
paid dearly was unable to be entered into evidence. Also, Leuchter was
criminally charged in MA for practicing engineering without a license and
finally settled out of court. As part of the settlement, Leuchter admitted
publicly that he was not and had never been a registered engineer.

This, then, is the quality of "expertise" that the Holocaust Deniers employ -
a man who has been discredited in TWO countries....and even committed perjury
in one of them (by claiming that he consulted at two institutions which have
disavowed such contact with him).
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 33        Fri Mar 13, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 03:02 EST
 Upon rereading the messages left in the wake of my starting this  topic, I
decided to attempt to answer some of the questions raised in  a bit more
detail. At this point I should mention that I have not  mastered GEnie yet,
and so if you do have questions, please break  them into "bite size" pieces so
I can do them justice. For example,  try not to ask a question about photos
and documents and war crimes  trials and confessions all at once. I'm not
going anywhere. We have  plenty of time. Take a deep breath and fire away. ---
If you wish to know a little more about me, my name is Greg Raven and  I live
in Santa Monica, CA. I am quite serious in doubting the  Holocaust. I do not
seek fame, fortune, or scandal, but neither do I  shirk my responsibility to
replace lies with the truth actively and  on an ongoing basis. I have been
studying the Holocaust for just over  10 years.  I don't hate anyone, and
don't care to. --- To R.EATON3, who claims I am "a very polished Holocaust
denier,"  thank you. I will admit to having studied this topic quite a bit,
but  I didn't realize I had reached the level of being polished. As for my 
alleged wish to talk only about the "camps that were not part of the 
extermination process," you must realize that from my studies, NONE  of the
camps were part of the extermination process. However, I  welcome your
additions, and thank you for helping to steer the  conversation away from
places such as Dachau, where no extermination  took place, although some
uncomplicated people still hold that they  did. --- POOH.BAH reminds us that 6
million Jews and 5 million non-Jews are  supposed to have been slaughtered by
the Nazis. Does anyone have any  idea what a massive undertaking that is?
Given the fact that it  supposedly took place in roughly three years' time,
any reasonable  person would doubt the veracity of what they had been told. 
Unfortunately, most people have been educated into ignorance. --- For those
who ask what I mean when I say I doubt the Holocaust myth,  I will say that in
my study of both exterminationist and revisionist  sources, I have found NO
documents, NO photos, NO confessions, NO  trial transcripts, NO forensic
evidence, and NO eyewitness testimony  that comes even close to proving there
was such a thing as a  Holocaust. Those who wish to disagree should produce
one or more of  the above so we can discuss it. It should be obvious that I
cannot  produce any of the above because by definition, I claim it does not 
exist. By the way, any undertaking of this size would leave behind  such a
trail of evidence that no one would be able to deny it. The  fact that there
is NO evidence to support the Holocaust myth is  Another Big Clue. --- I have
no desire to get into any discussion about whether Jews are  superior or
inferior to Gentiles, Arabs, etc. My only concern is in  going after the
facts. As such, I am not interested in defending  Adolf Hitler to my dying
breath. I will say, however, that he was a  great man ... certainly greater
than Churchill and FDR put together,  and possibly the greatest leader of our
century, if not longer. This  is not to say that he was perfect, but he about
the best thing that  could have happened to Germany. --- If anyone would like
to receive some information about the Holohoax  from my perspective, I have a
limited quantity of pamphlets that I  would be happy to mail to you. This way,
we will both know where I am  coming from, and you can either skip the small
talk or attack me anew  ... your choice. Simply leave me an address. I will
not put you on a  mailing list. This is a one-time deal. Fair?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 34        Fri Mar 13, 1992
RTRAYNOR                     at 03:24 EST
   Dear me.

   We are obviously debating a man who is certainly not sane, although he
 is superficially rational. If it can be called "debate," of course; when
 someone airily dismissed a tremendous mass of evidence as nonexistant,
 he isn't debating, he's reciting his memorized catechism. 

   I could rebut his perverse un-logic point by point, as Pooh-bah has so
 ably begun to do. But to what end? Arguing with fanatical lunatics serves
 no useful purpose. 

   I certainly wish to receive no pamphlets or any other such "info.
 If I want swamp muck, there is a marsh within my municipality's city
 limits, and I can dredge it by the bucketful. Mr. Raven demands that we
 provide him facts, but produces none of his own, beyond his dismissals.

   IGN PER, of a certainty.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan >* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 35        Fri Mar 13, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 03:32 EST
Ah, Mr. Raven, you ask for us to post any of "the above" (i.e. documents,
photos, etc.) which prove the Holocaust. Yet you leave me wondering since I
spent a little time and effort typing the report: RESETTLEMENT OF JEWS and you
don't even bother to comment on it. This leaves one wondering if you are
sincere in your claim that if we post such evidence that you will address it.

How about the Einsatzgruppen reports? For instance, from report #173 we
discover that one of the five reasons listed for the executions reported in
that report was "belonging to the Jewish race." That seems to give real good
evidence that Jews were being executed just for being Jews, don't you think?

Since you wish to tackle this in "bite-size" pieces, let's just confine
ourselves to answering that single question: Were Jews executed/exterminated
just for being Jewish? (I promise that we can address the gas chambers and
numbers in the future.)

To answer this question I will confine myself to official Nazi documents. I
will be using the Einsatzgruppen Reports, reports and forms from the
euthanasia program and other documents such as the order sent from the
Fuehrer's office to Rommel ordering the execution of any captured Jewish
POW's. (BTW, Rommel did not comply with that order.) I will also use the
Himmler speeches (so you won't be totally in the dark and can use Staeglich to
the best of your ability). I do caution you, though, that you shouldn't depend
upon Lenski's book in which he reports on Mark Weber's testimony on the
Einsatzgruppen Reports in the Zundel trial.

Are you REALLY sure that you want this to continue? If so, pick any of the
documents that I've listed above so that I can keep this in "bite-size" pieces
for you. After all, I would hate for you to claim that I took advantage of
your lack of knowledge of the system.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 36        Fri Mar 13, 1992
C.TAGGART                    at 03:44 EST

Amongst the myriad posts you have made in this topic, coated with anti-Semitic
and Nazi-apologist slime as they are, you yourself have not offered any PROOF
that your foul allegations have any truth or merit whatsoever.

After being presented with lists of documented evidence, you merely gainsay it
by saying that IT is not proof.

Your mere contradiction of the facts cannot disprove the existence of the

Just where do you claim that those 11,000,000 people WENT?

It's a good thing that you didn't spread these lies in the presence of my
friend Harry, who lost all four of his grandparents and many other relatives
in the Holocaust.  He'd have peeled you like a banana.

Go soak your head, Raven.  Maybe you'll find the experience helpful.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 37        Fri Mar 13, 1992
C.TAGGART                    at 05:39 EST
  >>"I am not interested in defending  Adolf Hitler to my dying
     breath. I will say, however, that he was a great man ...
     certainly greater than Churchill and FDR put together, and
     possibly the greatest leader of our century, if not longer.
     This is not to say that he was perfect, but he about the
     best thing that could have happened to Germany." -- G.RAVEN

Good God almighty, there's one on every BBS, isn't there?

The only thing "great" about Hitler is that he was perhaps the greatest
murderer of the twentieth Century.

Your belief that he is "great" certainly tells us all we need to know about
you, Raven.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 38        Fri Mar 13, 1992
EIREANNACH                   at 10:30 EST
Good idea, Bevan

Liam  |-}-
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 39        Fri Mar 13, 1992
C.GLASSNER                   at 10:37 EST
 Well, I was lurking here until I had a chance to see just where Mr. Raven
 was coming from.  Now I've seen --


 (I've got better things to do - if others want to fuel his warped views....
 more power to ya, but I really can't stomach this.)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 40        Fri Mar 13, 1992
GRAFFITI                     at 14:04 EST
This topic pushes a lot of peoples' "hot buttons" and promises to get very
heated.... I would ask that everyone please observe PF*NPC policy against
personal attacks.  Don't let someone incite =you= to violate that policy and
thereby endager =your= posting priviledges in the forum. If you feel you have
been attacked, DON'T RESPOND IN KIND -- you will be just as much in violation
as your attacker.  Instead, forward a copy of the message (or at the very
least, the Category/Topic/Message numbers) to the PF$ email address, and we
will review and delete any objectionable messages.

Thanks for your cooperation.

-Ric/PF*NPC sysop
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 42        Fri Mar 13, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 18:24 EST

 > America should learn that it's amendments aren't black and white. There
 > is room for the shades of grey necessary to prosecute hate mongers and
 > to keep its citizens safe from hatred and oppression, whether physical,
 > or in print.

I was taught that a democracy was one in which the majority ruled but the
rights of the minority were preserved.

GEnie may not necessarily want this topic here, and that's fine.  This service
is private.  I see nothing that would indicate why somebody who expresses
doubt that the Holocast occured should be tarred and feathered, though.

I believe that people who deny the Holocast have a hidden agenda.  They do not
really believe that the Holocast never existed.  Rather, they are trying to
spread misinformation.

But I see no reason to gag them.  There are instances in which government HAS
taught history in a slanted view.  Look at the Confederacy and the southern
states.  For a while after the Civil War, their history books were quite
different from the North's.  They may have even been more accurate about some
events.  I don't believe that advocates of the "Holohoax" are more accurate
about anything, though...but that is just my opinion.  They are entitled to
theirs as well.

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 43        Fri Mar 13, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 18:25 EST
 >>> G.RAVEN

 > It is important to study the Holocaust myth because  is the most
 > powerful weapon in the arsenal of the Zionists, who take every
 > opportunity to use it against us, the Palestinians, etc.

The words "hidden agenda" and "biased" pop immediately to mind.  While you
decry others' suggesting that you yourself have an agenda, you then say--
without any proof--that those who believe the Holocast happened are biased
themselves.  Can you say "hypocrite"?

 > If it is a hoax, which it is, then most of the "moral underpinning" of
 > the illegal and immoral state of Israel vanishes, and we can finally
 > hope for peace in the Middle East.

I don't understand.  First, how is Israel's existence illegal and immoral? If
the Holocast never existed, what does this have to do with current events? 
Even if you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Holocast did not
exist (which is impossible since you cannot prove a negative), I fail to see
what consequence that would have on the current state of Israel.  Israel ain't
going anyplace, anytime soon.  If they do, I think they're going to take the
rest of the Middle East with them.  :-)

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 44        Fri Mar 13, 1992
D.KAUFMANN1                  at 19:27 EST
 $$$$$$$$$  WARNING  ----    LONG POST   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
 $$$$$$$$$                               $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
 $$$$$$$$$  DEFINITELY WORTH YOUR TIME   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Translation follows text.

    Ich, Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess, sage nach vorhergehender
 rechtmaessiger Vereidigung aus und erklaere wie folgt:
    1. Ich bin sechsundvierzig Jahre alt und Mitglied der NSDAP
 seit 1922 Mitglied der SS seit 1934; Mitglied der Waffen-SS seit
 1939. Ich war Mitglied ab 1. Dezember 1934 des SS-Wachverbandes,
 des sogenannten Totenkopfverbandes.
    2. Seit 1934 hatte ich unausgesetzt in der Verwaltung von
 Konzentrationslagern zu tun und tat Dienst in Dachau bis 1938;
 dann als Adjutant in Sachsenhausen von 1938 bis zum 1. Mai 1940,
 zu welcher Zeit ich zum Kommandanten von Auschwitz ernannt wurde.
 Ich befehligte Auschwitz bis zum 1. Dezember 1943 und schaetze,
 dass mindestens 2 500 000 Opfer dort durch Vergasung und Ver-
 brennen hingerichtet und ausgerottet wurden; mindestens eine
 weitere halbe Million starben durch Hunger und Krankheit, was
 eine Gesamtzahl von ungefaehr 3 000 000 Toten ausmacht. Diese
 Zahl stellt ungefaehr 70 oder 80 Prozent aller Personen dar, die
 als Gefangene nach Auschwitz geschickt wurden; die uebrigen
 wurden ausgesucht und fuer Sklavenarbeit in den Industrien des
 Konzentrationslagers verwendet. Unter den hingerichteten und
 verbrannten Personen befanden sich ungefaehr 20 000 russische
 Kriegsgefangene (die frueher von der Gestapo aus den Gefaeng-
 nissen der Kriegsgefangenen ausgesondert waren); diese wurden
 in Auschwitz den Wehrmacht-Transporten, die von regulaeren
 Offizieren und Mannschaften der Wehrmacht befehligt wurden,
 ausgeliefert. Der Rest der Gesamtzahl der Opfer umfasste unge-
 faehr 100 000 deutsche Juden und eine grosse Anzahl von Ein-
 wohnern, meistens Juden, aus Holland, Frankreich, Belgien, Polen,
 Ungarn, Tschechoslowakei, Griechenland oder anderen Laendern.
 Ungefaehr 400 000 ungarische Juden wurden allein in Auschwitz im
 Sommer 1944 von uns hingerichtet.
    4. Massenhinrichtungen durch Vergasung begannen im Laufe des
 Sommers 1941 und dauerten bis zum Herbst 1944. Ich beaufsichtigte
 persoenlich die Hinrichtungen in Auschwitz bis zum 1. Dezember
 1943. . . Alle Massenhinrichtungen durch Vergasung fanden unter
 dem direkten Befehl unter der Aufsicht und Verantwortlichkeit
 der RSHA statt. Ich erhielt unmittelbar von der RSHA alle
 Befehle zur Ausfuehrung dieser Massenhinrichtungen.
    6. Die "Endloesung" der juedischen Frage bedeutete die
 vollstaendige Ausrottung aller Juden in Europa. Ich hatte den
 Befehl, Ausrottungserleichterungen in Auschwitz im Juni 1942 zu
 schaffen. Zu jener Zeit bestanden schon drei weitere Vernicht-
 ungslager im Generalgouvernement: Belzec, Treblinka und Wolzek.
 Diese Lager befanden sich unter dem Einsatzkommando der Sicher-
 heitspolizei und des SD. Ich besuchte Treblinka, um festzu-
 stellen, wie die Vernichtungen ausgefuehrt wurden. Der Lager-
 kommandant von Treblinka sagte mir, dass er im Laufe eines
 halben Jahres 80 000 liquidiert haette. Er hatte hauptsaechlich
 mit der Liquidierung aller Juden aus dem Warschauer Ghetto zu
 tun. Er wandte Monoxid-Gas an, und nach seiner Ansicht waren
 seine Methode nicht sehr wirksam. Als ich das Vernichtungs-
 gebaeude in Auschwitz errichtete, gebrauchte ich also Zyklon B,
 eine kristallisierte Blausaeure, die wir in die Todeskammer
 durch eine kleine Oeffnung einwarfen. Es dauerte 3 bis 15
 Minuten, je nach den klimatischen Verhaeltnissen, um die
 Menschen in der Todeskammer zu toeten. Wir wussten, wenn die
 Menschen tot waren, weil ihr Kreischen aufhoerte. Wir warteten
 gewoehnlich eine halbe Stunde, bevor wir die Tueren oeffneten
 und die Leichen entfernten. Nachdem die Leichen fortgebracht
 waren, nahmen unsere Sonderkommandos die Ringe ab und zogen das
 Gold aus den Zaehnen der Koerper.
    7. Eine andere Verbesserung gegenueber Treblinka war, dass
 wir Gaskammern bauten, die 2000 Menschen auf einmal fassen
 konnte, waehrend die 10 Gaskammern in Treblinka nur je 200
 Menschen fassten. Die Art und Weise, wie wir unsere Opfer aus-
 waehlten, war folgendermassen: zwei SS-Aerzte waren in Auschwitz
 taetig, um die einlaufenden Gefangenentransporte zu untersuchen.
 Die Gefangenen mussten bei einem der Aerzte vorbeigehen, der bei
 ihrem Vorbeimarsch durch Zeichen die Entscheidung faellte.
 Diejenigen, die zur Arbeit taugten, wurden ins Lager geschickt.
 Andere wurden sofort in die Vernichtungsanlagen geschickt.
 Kinder im zarten Alter wurden unterschiedlos vernichtet, da auf
 Grund ihrer Jugend sie unfaehig waren, zu arbeiten. Noch eine
 andere Verbesserung, die wir gegenueber Treblinka machten, war
 diejenige, dass in Treblinka die Opfer fast immer wussten, dass
 sie vernichtet werden sollten, waehrend in Auschwitz wir uns
 bemuehten, die Opfer zum Narren zu halten, indem sie glaubten,
 dass sie ein Entlausungsverfahren durchzumachen haetten.
 Natuerlich erkannten sie auch haeufig unsere wahren Absichten
 und wir hatten deswegen manchmal Aufruhr und Schwierigkeiten.
 Sehr haeufig wollten Frauen ihre Kinder unter den Kleidern
 verbergen, aber wenn wir sie fanden, wurden die Kinder natuerlich
 zur Vernichtung hineingesandt. Wir sollten diese Vernichtungen
 im Geheimen ausfuehren, aber der faule und Uebelkeit erregende
 Gestank, der von der ununterbrochenen Koerperverbrennung aus-
 ging, durchdrang die ganze Gegend, und alle Leute, die in den
 umliegenden Gemeinden lebten, wussten, dass in Auschwitz
 Vernichtungen im Gange waren.
    Die obrigen Angaben sind wahr; diese Erklaerung gab ich
 freiwillig und ohne Zwang ab. Nach Durchlesen der Angaben habe
 ich dieselben unterzeichnet und vollzogen in Nuernberg,
 Deutschland, am fuenften Tage des April 1946.

                              Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess

In my rather rough German, this translates to:

    I, Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess, having been duly sworn in, state
 and declare as follows:
    1. I am 46 years old and member of the Nazi party since 1922,
 member of the SS since 1934; member of the SS-in-arms since 1939. I
 was, from December 1, 1934, a member of the SS-Wachverband, the so-
 called skull unit.
    2. Since 1934 I was continuously busy in the administration of
 concentration camps and did service in Dachau until 1938; then as
 adjutant in Sachsenhausen from 1938 until May 1, 1940, at which time
 I was appointed as commander of Auschwitz. I commanded Auschwitz
 up to December 1, 1943 and estimate that at least 2,500,000 victims
 were put to death and exterminated there through gassing and
 burning; at least a further half million died through hunger and
 sickness, which amounts to a total number of approximately
 3,000,000 dead. This number represents approximately 70 or 80
 percent of all persons who were sent to Auschwitz as prisoners;
 the others were selected and used for slave labor in the industries
 of the concentration camp. Among the executed and cremated persons
 were approximately 20,000 Russian prisoners of war (who earlier
 were singled out by the Gestapo from the jails of the war
 prisoners); these were delivered into Auschwitz on the Wehrmacht
 transports, which were commanded by the regular officers and men
 of the Wehrmacht. The rest of the entire number of victims con-
 tained approximately 100,000 German Jews and a large number of
 inhabitants, mostly Jews, from Holland, France, Belgium, Poland,
 Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Greece or other lands. Approximately
 400,000 Hungarian Jews alone were executed by us in Auschwitz in
 the summer of 1944.
    4. Mass executions through gassing began in the course of the
 summer, 1941, and continued up to the fall, 1944. I personally
 supervised the executions in Auschwitz up to December 1, 1943...
 All mass executions by gassing took place under the direct order,
 under the supervision and responsibility of the RSHA. I received
 all orders for the carrying out of these mass executions directly
 from the RSHA.
    6. The "final solution" of the Jewish question meant the
 complete extermination of all Jews in Europe. I had the order to
 produce extermination facilities in Auschwitz in June 1942. At
 that time three further annihilation camps already existed in
 the general government: Belzec, Treblinka and Wolzek. These camps
 found themselves under the mission command of the security
 police and the SD. I visited Treblinka in order to determine how
 the annihilations were carried out. The camp commander of
 Treblinka said to me that he had liquidated 80,000 in the course
 of a half year. He had mainly to do with the liquidation of all
 Jews from the Warsaw ghetto. He used monoxide gas and according
 to his opinion his methods were not very effective. When I built
 the annihilation building in Auschwitz, I therefore used Zyklon
 B, a crystallized hydrocyanic acid, which we threw into the death
 chamber through a small opening. It took 3 to 15 minutes,
 depending on the climatic conditions, in order to kill the people
 in the death chamber. We knew when the people were dead because
 their screaming stopped. We waited usually a half hour before we
 opened the doors and removed the bodies. After the bodies were
 brought forth, our special commandos took off the rings and
 pulled the gold out of the teeth of the bodies.
    7. One other improvement as compared to Treblinka was that
 we built gas chambers which could hold 2000 people at once,
 while the 10 gas chambers in Treblinka held only 200 people
 each. The method and manner how we chose our victims was as
 follows: two SS doctors were busy in Auschwitz in order to look
 over the arriving prisoner transports. The prisoners had to
 pass by one of the doctors, who pronounced the verdict by a
 sign in their march past. Those who were fit for work were sent
 into the camp. The others were immediately sent into the
 annihilation installations. Children of a tender age were
 indiscriminately destroyed since on the basis of their youth
 they were unfit to work. Still one other improvement, which we
 made opposite Treblinka, was the one that in Treblinka the
 victims almost always knew that they were supposed to be
 annihilated, while in Auschwitz we strove to keep the victims
 unknowing in that they believed that they had to undergo a
 delousing procedure. Of course they also often recognized our
 true intentions and we therefore had sometimes rebellion and
 difficulties. Very often women wanted to hide their children
 under their clothes, but when we found them, the children were,
 of course, sent in to destruction. We were supposed to carry
 out these annihilations in secret, but the rotten and nausea-
 inducing stench, which went out from the uninterrupted burning
 of bodies, permeated the whole region, and all the people who
 lived in the surrounding communities knew that annihilations
 were in progress in Auschwitz.
    The foregoing statements are true; this explanation I
 have given voluntarily and without coercion. After reading
 through the statements I have signed and ratified the same
 in Nuremberg, Germany, on the 5th day of April, 1946.

                              Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess

From "Der Kommandant von Auschwitz erzaehlt," in _Das Dritte
 Reich und die Juden_, edited by Leon Poliakov and Josef Wulf.
 Berlin Grunewald, Verlag-GmbH, 1955.

 (1) Auschwitz was an extermination and slave-labor camp in
 (2) Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess (1900-1947) was arrested by
    British military police in 1946, and after being
    interrogated by American authorities, was handed over to
    the Polish government. The Poles tried him in March, 1947
    and condemned him to death, and executed him in April,
 (3) The SS (Schutzstaffel) was Hitler's black-shirted elite
    guard. The SS-in-arms was a branch of the SS which
    constituted a separate army along with the regular
    German army.
 (4) The SS-Wachverband handled special duties, such as
    guarding concentration camps. Their insignia was a skull.
 (5) Dachau was a concentration camp near Munich.
 (6) Sachsenhausen was a concentration camp in Northern Germany.
 (7) Gestapo is the abbreviation for Geheime Staatspolizei, the
    secret state police.
 (8) The Wehrmacht were the German armed forces; this term
    replaced Reichswehr after Hitler came to power.
 (9) The RSHA was the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, the Reich
    security office, headquarters of the SS police forces.

If anyone can provide a more polished translation, feel free.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 45        Fri Mar 13, 1992
NONESUCH                     at 19:57 EST
There's only one way to deal with people like this.


          -= Larry Smith  *  Amarillo, TX =-

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 46        Fri Mar 13, 1992
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry]         at 21:38 EST


Are you happy now?  G.Raven has made his/her perspective more than plain.  All
witnesses to the holocaust are liars.  And they have a reason to lie: to
retain their control of a national state that was stolen from their
predecessors.  Something tells me there are plenty more "reasons" for the lie
if the Palestininans are taken out of the argument.

But forget the fact that ALL nations that exist now were "stolen" from a
predecessor.  This particular nation has only the one valid reason by which
they can validate their national existance: that millions were killed
somewhere else in a gas chamber.  Without this the would crumble and be
dispersed by the wind of "true justice".

So we've heard the logic.  All eye-witnesses, all participant, are just a
bunch of dirty liars.  Fortunately for us Mr/Ms Raven has come with the real
truth.  Of course his/her perspective is only one story, and might well be ill-
compared by virture of sheer numbers to those who would argue for the "hoax". 
So who are we to believe the one or the many?  I'll go with the many, thank

After reviewing the appropariate bilious response I'll ignore the topic.

\\\--- Gerry

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 47        Fri Mar 13, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 21:46 EST
>>America should learn that it's amendments aren't black and white. There is

>>room for the shades of grey necessary to prosecute hate mongers and to keep

>>its citizens safe from hatred and oppression, whether physical, or in print.

  Totally disagree.  I think that Mr. Raven has a right under U.S. law to 

post untrue nonsense here as much as he pleases.  As a member of the ACLU, I

even would support that right legally.  I don't like ANY infringement on 

anyone's freedoms.

>> matter how many tons of documents stolen from the Germans by the

>>there is no proof anywhere...

  Note that Mr. Raven's phrasing indicates sympathy with the Germans, not the


>>By the way, any undertaking of this size would leave behind  such a trail of

>>evidence that no one would be able to deny it. The  fact that there is NO 

>>evidence to support the Holocaust myth is  Another Big Clue.

  Actually, the above is not Another Big Clue - it's what Hitler would have

called a Big Lie.  There's lots of evidence - you just deny it.  Read Pooh's


>>As such, I am not interested in defending  Adolf Hitler to my dying breath.

>>I will say, however, that he was a  great man ... certainly greater than 

>>Churchill and FDR put together...

  Depends on what you mean by "great".  He was certainly a *talented* man, 

but most of us reserve the word "great" for those who are not legitimate

icons of evil in our time.

  As to those who say, "Just ignore him and he'll go away":  I think it's

important to refute his claims, because some of those reading this TOP 

may not know history well. 

     Carl Fink

  (Pardon the double-spacing.  I have no idea why that happened.)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 48        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 21:53 EST
Mr. Marty Fein,

Your insistence on silence as a response to Mr. Raven's comments are not
reflected in your voluminous postings.  Are you saying that everybody should
be quiet about this and not respond to Mr. Raven except yourself, or are you
including yourself and plan to ALSO be silent in this subject area at some
future date?

Judging from the many responses and the heated debate that already seems to be
taking shape after only a few days, it would seem that nobody is interested in
silence but instead want to discuss this thing a great deal.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 49        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 21:56 EST
Mr. C. Taggart,

I read all of Mr. Raven's notes so far, and didn't see anywhere in them any
apologies or support for Nazism, nor did I read any expression of anti-
semitism.  In fact, in one of his messages he said something to the effect
that Jews are being "used" by the holocaust.

I am not a mind reader and don't know what his "motivations" or "sympathies"
or whatever are (are you?) and can only go by that which is expressed in his
notes.  I think it's only fair that we all approach it this way, i.e. - let's
look at what Mr. Raven is writing, and not at what we THINK he is
writing/thinking/intending. Let's be fair about this.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 51        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 22:02 EST
Mr. P. Bobritt,

Your comment to Mr. Raven, "you repulsive human being" is pretty extreme
(although it does promote him from "perverted jackal" which was applied to him
in an earlier message), and I don't see how it contributes to this discussion.

I don't see Mr. Raven calling anybody else names, throwing out insults, or
attacking anybody.  In fact, so far at least, he's been pretty well behaved,
unlike most of the others appearing in this topic area.

So far as personal behaviour goes, I will give Mr. Raven an "A" at this point.
Mr. Bobritt will have to get an "F".
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 52        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 22:09 EST
Mr. Raven,

Thankyou for giving us some personal info so we can see where you are coming
from.  I wish to apologize on behalf of some of the others, who have thrown
some pretty foul insults at you and who don't seem to have any self-control at
all.  They are obviously very upset that you have raised doubts about the
holocaust. Nevertheless, there seems to be a lot of interest in this area and
already this topic is outshining participation-wise, most of the other topics
ANYWHERE on the Public Forum.

Anyway.  Some of the ideas you expressed puzzle me.  I have a few questions
you could perhaps answer: 1.   What specifically is the connection between the
holocaust and
     Israel and the Palestinians.  I don't see what the one has to
     do with the other.   2.   You said in one of your notes that there were
"no gas chambers".
     What are your sources for this?  Can you name some books or
     studies or whatever to back up that statement.  I see a lot of
     movies on tv that deal with the holocaust and they always
     show or mention gas chambers.  Is tv lying to us? 3.   Who is this Zundel
person you mentioned?  You said in connection
     with his name something about thought control in Canada, or
     'thought crimes' or something like that.  Amplify? I am curious to see
your replies.   Many thanks, and a few handclaps for your good behavious in
the face of all the insults and attacks directed at you.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 53        Fri Mar 13, 1992
J.WEISBERGE1 [Jon W.]        at 22:13 EST

Are you ready to acknowledge at this point that those who characterized
G.Raven's efforts as attempting to deny the existence of the Holocaust are
correct?  If not, why not?  How else do you interpret the original - now
vanished - topic header, with its references to non-existent gas chambers, the
"Holohoax," etc., and G.Raven's subsequent posts?

It is not "intellectual bigotry" to denounce this effort, any more than it is
"intellectual bigotry" to denounce an effort, no matter how well "documented,"
to prove that the earth is not round. Intolerant, perhaps - but it is an
intolerance that is legitimately deployed when anti-human, hateful agendas are

I have for a long time wrestled with the question of whether the US, like
Canada, ought to place legal sanctions on hatemongering, but regardless of
one's opinion on that question, there is a big difference between arguing that
the power of the state ought not to be used to prevent such speech and arguing
that it deserves a respectful hearing.  What it deserves is the contempt that
any exposition of racist, anti-historical, pro-Nazi, genocidal ideas deserves.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 54        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 22:31 EST
To J. Weisberg

Yes, it is clear now that Mr. Raven is denying the holocaust, or at least
parts of it.  Still, he has the right to do so just as you or I have the right
to contradict him.

But I disagree with what you said about intolerance of his views  being
"legitimately deployed".  Intolerance is NEVER legitimately deployed. 
Intolerance is intolerance; bigotry is bigotry; and  racism is racism.  The
intolerance or bigotry or racism expressed by one person is no more acceptable
than that expressed by another. And I see a lot of intolerance directed
towards Mr. Raven's views. Tolerance, on the other hand, is not the same thing
as "agreement". This is America, where freedom of speech and freedom of
expression and freedom of thought are enshrined in our constitution and in our
laws.  I don't see anything in our constitution about "EXCEPT for those
denying the holocaust".  If such an exception is somewhere in our
constitution, please refer me to it and I will stand corrected. Thankyou.

Really, the appearance of this topic can be regarded as a kind of test, a test
as to the level of tolerance and goodwill that exists in our country towards
unpopular viewpoints.  So far, just about everybody has FAILED the test, which
bodes badly for the future of our country.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 55        Fri Mar 13, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 22:35 EST
To Mr. Raven,

As an afterthought, I have another question.  

I have a book called THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK.  When I read it, I was very
moved; Anne Frank wrote about her sufferings before the Germans took her away
to Auschwitz and gassed her.  My question is, have you read this book, and if,
after reading it, how can you question the holocaust?  The DIARY is required
reading is many or most schools, and really, to me at least, it represents the
holocaust like no other book can.  I am sure that most of the people who have
read Anne's diary will agree with me there.

Your comments?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 56        Fri Mar 13, 1992
H.WILSON11                   at 22:38 EST
 There's a saying on the Sci-Fi bb DFTEB..don't feed the energy beast (or
something like that)

If we all ignore him, he'll soon tire of his silly game, and go play
elsewhere.....Harvey in Atlanta.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 57        Fri Mar 13, 1992
DD.LANGDON                   at 22:55 EST
Mr. Raven,

Are you blind or just obnoxious?  The facts of the Holocaust have been so
thourghly documented by historians and journalists that only a fool would deny
that it occured.  Most clear in my thoughts was a documentary several years
ago that interviewed (former) Nazis about what happened in the camps.  Their
descriptions were more horrifying than anything I could have imagined.

I suggest you spend some time in the library checking out European world
history circa 1932 - 1945.

Dan Langdon

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 58        Fri Mar 13, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:55 EST
M.RUNGU: It is amazing how closely your posting style matches that of Greg
Raven. It does make one wonder, doesn't it?

Anyway, you said that Greg did not mention Iraq in his message and you are
correct. However, Greg did indeed imply that without Israel there would be
peace in the Middle East. I was using the recent situation with Iraq to prove
how faulty his logic is.

Now, you have asked Mr. Raven a number of questions. Since he mentioned in a
previous note that he would be unable to log on every day, let me take this
opportunity to answer the questions for him.

1. You asked for Mr. Raven's connection between the Holocaust/Israel and the
Palestinians. Okay, here is the way the Holocaust Deniers rationalize the
connection. They believe that the only reason that Israel exists is because of
the Holocaust and, in fact, they even believe that the Zionists (as well as
other Jewish organizations...per the CODOH ads) have concocted the Holocaust
as a false story just for that purpose. Therefore, if it hadn't been for the
Holocaust, there would be no Israel (of course this ignores both the Balfour
Declaration and the British Mandate...both of which predate the Holocaust)
and, with no Israel, the Palestinians would have the entire piece of real
estate now known as Israel and the Middle East would be at peace. The
Holocaust Denier author who most clearly states this is Butz and he does so on
the first page of his forward.

2. Next, you asked about the gas chambers and what studies have been done. Now
Mr. Raven would tell you all about Leuchter and his report and, if you look
uptopic a few messages, you will find that Leuchter has no qualifications to
write anything on gas chambers. Also, Mr. Raven will claim that the Leuchter
report is the only forensic study that has been done. If he were to do so, he
would definitely be misleading the readers here. After all, he would have
ignored the study done in 1945 by the Krakow Institute of Judiciary Expertise
which proved there were vast quantities of hydrocyanide compounds on the six
ventilation grills from Krema II that they tested.

3. You next asked about Zundel and his Canadian court case. Zundel is a
citizen of Germany and not Canada but has made his home in Canada for many
years. Canada has a law against spreading "false news." It was under this
criminal law that Zundel was prosecuted and convicted TWICE (the original
court case and the appeal). It was proved to two different juries that Zundel
was disseminating false information which he KNEW were lies...yet he claimed
what he was saying was the "truth." What false news was he spreading? The
"news" that the Holocaust is a hoax! IOW, the Holocaust has been put on trial
twice in Canada and has been proven twice! Although the Holocaust Deniers have
an author who wrote a book about the second Zundel trial, the best source is
the actual transcript of the proceedings.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 59        Fri Mar 13, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 23:23 EST
M. Rungu:

You suggest that it is impossible to tell what one is thinking from what
he/she is writing.  However, if you know anything about the language of anti-
Semitic rhetoric, you should be able to recognize code phrases like "the
Holocaust is one of the biggest weapons in the Zionist arsenal."

Mr. Raven:

Gee, sir, I'm confused.  Please help enlighten a dumb Jewish boy from New
York.  Ok:  I can see what a great weapon for us all the Holocaust is; but
then how come we're not using the Inquisition, the Pale of Settlement,
Chelmnicki's rebellion, the Slavic pogroms, etc...?

Inquiring minds want to know.

PS:  I'm lucky, because I'm 5th generation American.  I've got my grandparents
 (the ones who haven't died in other ways, at any rate).  But many of my
Jewish friends in the neighborhood lost grandparents in the Holohoax.  Others'
grandparents (and parents) survived the Holohoax.  What should I tell these
people?  I'd really like to be able to explain to survivors I know what REALLY
happened to them (or are they just making it up to get sympathy and attention
 and chicken soup); similarly, I'd like to be able to tell my friend Matt
where his grandparents really went.  (Maybe they won the Polish lottery and
ran off to found a synagogue in Shangri-La???)

Dave Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 60        Fri Mar 13, 1992
J.WEILER4                    at 23:43 EST
I just don't understand what Mr. Raven has been reading about the Holocaust
that he can honestly say there is no evidence of its existence. 11,000,000
people ceased to exist. How can anyone deny that? There are people still alive
today with tattoos on the their arms who SAW (read EYE WITNESSES) people
getting killed and beaten in these camps.

My first reaction was to be silent and IGN PER this topic because it makes me
very upset. I decided I can't do that or I would be a bigger liar to myself
than Mr. Raven is. There were children who went to these camps and never saw
their parents again...were they part of the hoax too?

Furthermore, I do not appreciate, Mr. Raven, being patronized by you. Don't
fear, your "truth" will not burst my idealic bubble as you so put. I'm an
educated adult who has spent the past 6 years reading everything I could about
the Holocaust. This interest started when I found out how it had affected
members of my family.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 61        Sat Mar 14, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 00:53 EST
55 M.Rungu: Are you serious, a shill or Greg in "disguise?" I find it very
interesting that you are only asking questions which exactly match the pre-set
Holocaust Deniers' dogma.

If you would like to know all about Anne Frank's diaries and loose sheets, I
would recommend that you check into the "Critical Edition" of her diary. It is
fascinating. First there is a group of essays, reports, etc. which include the
results from the State Science Forensic Laboratory of the Netherlands. The
SSFL tested the diaries and loose sheets for purposes of authenticating them.
Their final report was over 250 pages but there is an excellent summary in the
"Critical Edition."

I will be more than happy to summarize the results here but, suffice it to
say, they were able to determine that all the materials used (i.e. paper, ink,
binding, glue, etc.) were available at the time that Anne was in hiding and,
it turns out that shortly thereafter, elements which were present in these
materials at that time were removed. For instance, the ink had a high
concentration of iron but within five years inks no longer contained iron or
had very low concentrations.

The handwriting has been compared to other samples of Anne's writing from
letters to friends, etc. and it checks out perfectly.

The "Critical Edition" also contains all the diaries and loose sheets with
only minor changes. For instance, there are people mentioned in the diaries
who are still livin today. Some of them refused to grant permission to use
their names so initials are used instead.

Even with all of this and the fact that the diaries are fascinating, I have to
disagree that they tell the story of the Holocaust unlike any other source.
The diaries are the story of the life of one girl who died of typhus quite a
while after the last entry in the diary. The Holocaust was the systematic
destruction of over six million European Jews by the Nazis before and during
WWII. The diaries mention nothing of best, they give us insight
into the lives of Jews who were hidden by the Righteous of the Nations.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 62        Sat Mar 14, 1992
RTRAYNOR                     at 01:08 EST
   Dear me. Mr. Raven's raving do not inspire me to respond. Mr. Rungu's

   It is very interesting, and beginning to be enlightening, that you
 excoriate those of us who are a touch warm on the subject for being
 intolerant, suggest that intolerance is never acceptable, and quite
 ignore Mr. Raven's own intolerance.

   It is even more interesting that you value politeness as a virtue 
 superior to any other moral. Would you consider me a fine person, and
 praise my posts, if I started a topic about the goodness of sacrificing
 babies to Satan, eating their still-beating hearts raw, and forcing
 women into pregnancy after pregnancy to keep the supply up... just so
 long as I was polite and non-combative about my posts?

   You will perhaps forgive me for feeling that there are higher values
 to be upheld than praising Hitler in a civil fashion. Among them is
 truth; it is difficult to imagine, as you attempt to rationalize, that
 Raven does not praise Nazism when praising its chief adherent and
 prophet - exactly what made Hitler "great" if it was not the 
 philosophic basis for all his actions? It is difficult to imagine that
 you truly love civil discourse, when you make a point of mocking 
 POOH-BAH's name. If your sole contributions are going to be to 
 admonish us in a patronizing tone to play nice, you needn't - the sysops
 can do that just fine, as Ric already has.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan >* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 63        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 01:10 EST
RUNGU-RAVEN, RAVEN-RUNGO  and this shall be my last. There shall be


Obviously you are one and the same person, set em up in the alley, and the
knock em down what a farce and a shame, and you may rant on.

Per Ign
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 64        Sat Mar 14, 1992
RTRAYNOR                     at 01:18 EST
   Well, they do appear to be seperate people, living in Washington and
 California respectively, according to the directory.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 67        Sat Mar 14, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:34 EST
To Pooh.Bah --- You know, people like you and Raul Hilberg have obviously
studied  this matter to some degree, and seem quite intelligent. I find it 
Beyond Belief that you would cling to such a wrong-headed  interpretation of
the facts. Perhaps you have a vested interest in  supporting the illegal and
corrupt state of Israel. No matter. --- The Himmler speech (message 29) to
which you seem to be referring  (October 4, yes? and not October 6?), is one
of a series of speeches  given by Himmler during this time. By focussing in on
roughly two  pages of the text (out of 60+ pages), and by ignoring the other 
speeches (which were along the same lines), you manage to  misrepresent the
entire matter. --- You also have to look at other Himmler documents, such as
the cover  letter he wrote concerning an article of alleged atrocities by 
Stephen Wise and the World Jewish Congress. There, Himmler calls  these claims
propaganda. --- You have also ignored the meetings between Himmler and Masur,
in  which Himmler says that the camps are not what they are rumored to  be.
For that matter, Himmler told others on numerous occasions that  these
allegations were not true. --- In fact, Himmler participated in the Europa
plan through 1942, 43,  and 44, in Brataslavia, Slovakia, to find a place to
send the Jews to  get them out of Germany (including the occupied
territories). Jews  involved in those negotiations (and Jewish historians
since then)  believed Himmler to be sincere in his desire to find someplace to
 resettle the Jews. --- I realize that this speech is often touted as the best
evidence  (which in itself is a damning indictment of the quality of the 
established Holocaust history), but once you read Mark Weber's  upcoming book
(which deals with this and other subjects), you will  understand just how
shaky this plank is. --- By the way, Mark says "hi."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 68        Sat Mar 14, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:35 EST
Pooh.Bah, Pooh.Bah, Pooh.Bah! --- You have slipped so far so fast! Are you
really so desparate for  "proof" that you have to jump from the Oct. 4 Himmler
speech at Posen  to the obviously fabricated Franke-Gricksch "Resettlement
Action  Report?" Wow! --- Weren't you just telling me how you have referred to
the original  documents? Of the F-G report? Really??? Are you sure you didn't
refer  to a typescript cop made by Eric Lipman from a carbon copy of the 
original ... which has NEVER been found? Have you not seen the  English words
accidentally used in place of German words in this  typescript copy? Have you
not seen the other errors? --- All that aside, any reasonable person reading
this "report" would  immediately suspect something is wrong. Where is this
"house?" Where  are the hollow pillars? What "certain substances are used? How
is it  possible to open the doors a few minutes later when a deadly poison  is
supposedly still rampant in the air? How can the hair be cut off  without
rinsing it of the poison gas? Just how big is this house that  it has
elevators for hundreds of dead people? Is it normal for large  Polish houses
to have ten large crematoria? By what amazing physical  property do fresh
corpses burn particularly well? If it takes a  modern crematoria 2 to 3 hours
to partially dispose of a human  corpse, how can 10,000 corpses be disposed of
in 24 hours with only  10 crematoria? --- The Franke-Gricksch "Report" is not
only a bad forgery, the  fabrications contained therein do not even hang
together. You MUST be  able to do better than this!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 69        Sat Mar 14, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:35 EST
To Pooh.Bah --- Although there may not be peace in the Middle East without the
state  of Israel there, it is unquestionable that had we not been so eager  to
support the thugs of Tel Aviv, we would not have installed the  Shah of Iran
and trained him to oppress his people, so the Ayatollah  would not have come
to power by overthrowing him. Thus, we would not  have had to arm Iraq to
counter the religious fundamentalism with a  secular state (lead by Saddam
Hussein). Of course, if you wish to go  further back, if we had not backed the
British in dividing the Middle  East to suit their "divide and conquer"
tactics, perhaps Kuwait would  never have been separated from Iraq in the
first place.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 70        Sat Mar 14, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:36 EST
To Pooh.Bah --- You make a great deal of noise (much of it inaccurate) about
Fred  Leuchter, the man. Why not address the contents of the Leuchter  Report?
Answer: because you cannot. Furthermore, I note that you have  not reported
that the results of the Leuchter Report were duplicated  by the Department of
Toxicology in Poland, that a prominent Austrian  engineer has just issued a
report that backs Leuchter's, and that a  prominent German engineer is in the
process of issueing a report that  backs Leuchter. It doesn't matter if
Leuchter is only "qualified" to  herd banana slugs, if you with all your high
and mighty "proof"  cannot provide evidence that his Report is not accurate,
you are  evading the issue. I wonder why! --- For those who do not know Mr.
Leuchter, I can assure you that this  man wouldn't know how to tell a lie. He
is so straightforward and  honest it makes you wonder if there are any more
like him around. He  WAS accepted as an expert witness at the Zuendel trial,
and he DID  consult with those prisons who disavowed contact with him. I have 
more details on this, if anyone is interested. --- The reason why Mr. Leuchter
was accepted as an expert witness is that  Mr. Bill Armontrout, warden at
Missouri State Prison, swore under  oath that the ONLY expert on gas chambers
and other extermination  equipment in the United States is Fred Leuchter.
Period. Mr. Leuchter  has many designs, patents, and other accomplishments to
his name. He  is competent in the extreme. --- The bottom line is that the
Leuchter Report and all the others say  the same thing: there were no gas
chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau, or  Majdanek. Not only are the rooms not
capable of being used as gas  chambers, tests show that they never were used
as such.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 71        Sat Mar 14, 1992
P.PERCHANSKY [Marana_tha]    at 06:52 EST
Hello to every one:

It amazes me that any one could try to purpertrate (sp?) an outright lie that
the Holocaust never happened or that gas chambers never existed.


--- Peter M. Perchansky
       Psalms 18:31
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 72        Sat Mar 14, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 09:51 EST
Greg Raven: Tell Mark Weber that I said "hi" right back. Now, let's go over
the evidence, shall we? First, about the F-G report. Actually the copy I
reviewed is the carbon copy. Being a carbon copy, it is an exact duplicate of
the original. The problems that you mentioned as far as the text itself is
concerned was not evident. But what about the description contained in the

Now, you have taken that word "house" to mean literally a building where
people reside and, a single family dwelling at that. Is that what that one
word means? Not necessarily. When evaluating any document it must be evaluated
not only on its content but also the CONTEXT of other documents.

For instance, we know that the buildings which housed the gas chambers and
crematoria were concealed by shrubbery, etc. These buildings might indeed be
referred to as "houses" for want of a better word....after all, that is what
they were supposed to resemble and not some cold, death inducing facility. Is
selecting a single word the best you can do in debunking an entire document?

You also complain that the exact substances that were put down the pillars are
not mentioned. What was the reason of this report? F-G was a member of the SS
personnel office. He and von Herff were sent on this official inspection to
determine why there were suicides among the SS guards. Therefore, the PROCESS
that was being employed was important and not the details.....the purpose of
the report was to evaluate what the SS personnel had to experience and if this
was somehow involved with the suicide rate. BTW, we know all this from the
primary documents in F-G and Herff's personnel files.

What about the removal of the bodies a few minutes later? That was the purpose
of the ventilation systems in the gas chambers. It was the grills from these
ventilation systems that was tested by the Krakow Institute of Judiciary
Expertise in 1945 and found to have large quantities of hydrocyanide

What special properties do fresh corpses have that allow them to burn
particularly well? That isn't too difficult. First, it is called fresh fat.
Second, it is called lack of embalming. Why weren't these features mentioned
in the report? Because that wasn't the purpose of the report.

Why wasn't the hair washed before being handled? Now that question is really
reaching isn't it? After all, the answer is contained within the report
itself. "The hair of the corpses is cut specialists (Jews)" and "The
job is performed by Jewish prisoners, who never step outside this camp again."
IOW, they weren't concerned about those who cut the hair being contaminated by
traces of cyanide that might remain. It is really very simple....and it also
is interesting to note that F-G was very particular as to who the
"specialists" were and who handled all of this processing. After all, that WAS
the purpose of his report.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 73        Sat Mar 14, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:07 EST
Raven: Are you not aware that Himmler made TWO speeches in Posen? You keep
pointing to only the one. Perhaps you should investigate further. Now, let us
put his Posen speeches into context. SS personnel at the extermination camps
were committing suicide. In May, F-G and von Herff of the SS Personnel Office
make an official inspection trip to determine the reason(s) for this. In
October, Himmler makes his speeches to these same individuals and anyone else
concerned in the "Final Solution." What was the purpose of these speeches? It
certainly wasn't for public consumption. In fact he even stated that what the
audience was going to hear would not be spoken of again and never written
about (it brings to mind Lincoln's statement that the Gettysburg Address would
not be remembered but the battle would be).

These speeches outlined the program and made a point to explain why women and
children had to also be included. Therein we learn the reason for these
meetings and the speeches. The SS suicide rate had been determined to be
caused in whole or in part by the slaughter of innocent women and children.
Therefore, since Himmler had already determined that the SS personnel at the
camps could not be rotated out to the less stressful "front," it became
important to clearly elucidate the reason for murdering the innocents.

Once again, we know all of this from the primary documents....the memos,
reports and other correspondence. We even know that the meetings had programs
that were handed out by being placed on every seat and that it was forbidden
to remove a program from the room in which Himmler made his speeches.

It is interesting that you speak of "historians" as though they are a
monolithic group when it comes to the Holocaust. Why didn't you clearly state
(so as not to mislead) that the FUNCTIONALISTS are the ones who place greater
importance upon those documents which were meant for public consumption than
do the INTENTIONALISTS? Logic demands that we emphasize the private more than
the public. There can be political reasons for the public statements which
have nothing to do with the facts. The private statements are also motivated
by certain forces but rarely are those forces as significant as the pressure
on the public statements.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 74        Sat Mar 14, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:30 EST
Raven: You want an evaluation of the Leuchter Report? Really? First, let's
correct a misunderstanding about Leuchter's qualifications. To do this it is
prudent to review the court record of the second Zundel trial. In there the
court states: "I realize his opinion on this report is that there were never
any gassings or there were never any exterminations carried on in this
facility. As far as I'm concerned, from what I've heard, he is not capable of
giving that opinion."

That seems pretty clear to me. The court determined that Leuchter is not
capable of giving the opinion that there were never any exterminations or
gassings carried out at Auschwitz. However, you also mentioned Majdanek. You
have read the Leuchter Report haven't you? If so, then you know that Leuchter
never conducted any studies at Majdanek!

But, let's review the report and see what we find. Leuchter correctly states
that the Nazis were planning/constructing the gas chambers in late 1941. He
also states that at that time the US was the only country in which executions
were being carried out by gas chambers and then concludes that these two facts
make the gas chamber story implausible because Germany never consulted the US
on gas chamber technology. It leaves one wondering if Leuchter has ever heard
of a little something called WWII!

Then we have an even funnier episode later in the report. Leuchter correctly
identifies the structures he was examining as having been razed to the their
foundations. Then he latter states (on the same page but over a column) that
these structures would not be SAFE to be used as gas chambers! Let me tell
you, I would have to agree with that....any structure that has been razed to
its foundations would be very difficult to use as a gas chamber (or anything
else) and, since there are loose bricks, etc. still around, it would not be

Then we have Leuchter stating that "Kremas I, II, III, IV and V are described
historically and on inspection were verified to have been converted mortuaries
or morgues connected and housed in the same facility as the crematories." they were converted mortuaries and morgues, huh? Into what were
they converted? Leuchter never tells us in his report but he did say above
that they have been "described historically and on inspection were verified"
which means that his inspection verified the historical description.
Therefore, we must review the historical description to discover into what
they had been converted and, lo and behold, we discover that they are
historically described as GAS CHAMBERS!

But, let's address the "forensic" evidence. In so doing, I am going to have to
ignore the non-scientific method that Leuchter employed but my comments do
need to be taken not as fact but only as facts based upon the results of
Leuchter's dubious methods. To do this we only need to turn to Appendix II
where Leuchter gives us a nice graph of the analysis of the samples he
illegally removed from Auschwitz.

Now we need to keep in mind Leuchter's statements that these structures have
been razed to their foundations. We know from the historical record that this
was done 43 YEARS before Leuchter went to Auschwitz-Birkenau. So, for 43 YEARS
the samples he stole had been exposed to rain, sun, snow, ice and pollution.
Yet, with all that, in Kremas I, III, IV and V, traces of cyanide remainded
(ranging from 1.1 mg/kg - 7.9 Imagine the quantities of cyanide that
had to be present to have withstood this test of time and the elements!

I can certainly understand why the court would find that Leuchter is not
capable of rendering an opinion that these structures were never used for gas
chambers, can't you?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 75        Sat Mar 14, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 11:12 EST
 >>> M.RUNGU

 > So far as personal behaviour goes, I will give Mr. Raven an "A" at this
 > point.  Mr. Bobritt will have to get an "F".

Let's also give Mr. Raven an "A" in ventriloquism, shall we?  :-)

 |/ ric, sitting back and starting to enjoy the comedic value of this
 |/      charade

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 76        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 11:26 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 77        Sat Mar 14, 1992
J.STENGEL [John]             at 11:40 EST
     Raven says he considers A. Hitler to be a great man;  one would assume,
then, that he has read *Mein Kampf*.  Anyone who reads *Mein Kampf* is left
with no doubt as to Hitler's opinions concerning the Jews. 
     If one were a lawyer trying a murder case, the first thing to be 
established would be "motive"; i.e. for what reason did the accused perpetrate
the crime upon the victim?  I would think that even a short scan through *Mein
Kampf* would leave the "jury" with a pretty solid impression of  "motive". 
One would have to conclude that the writer (i.e. Hitler) was highly 
"motivated" to very negative actions against the Jews.  Hitler wrote the book 
during the twenties, years before he gained power.  "Jews" (and Hitler's 
perception of their role in World and European history) are the dominating 
theme of the book. Hitler accuses the Jews of being the source of all social,
economic, and political ills of the world...he paints them as a kind of
parasitic virus "infecting"  the "healthy peoples" of the world. Subsequent 
Nazi literature expanded on this theme of Jews as "viruses", "bacterium", 
"vermin", etc.   Hitler goes on to imply that he is the "doctor" that Germany 
and the world needed; though  not being exactly specific as to his proposed 
"remedy"; one is left with no doubt as to his basic intentions (given future 
opportunity).  So with no further ado, if it please the court, the prosecution
 enters the book *Mein Kampf* as State's exhibit "1". 
     The second factor our "lawyer" must establish is "opportunity".  I don't
think there is anyone who will question the general outline of the  military
history of the European Theater of WW2.  At its peak of expansion, Nazi
Germany had conquered most of the territory (and population) of  continental
Europe. Included in these populations living under Nazi  administration were
the bulk of European Jews.  I submit, by virtue of  generally accepted
historical fact; that Hitler indeed had the "opportunity" to do pretty much
anything he wanted to do to the Jews (and anyone else)  residing in much of
Europe from 1942-45.  
     Now comes the first of the points where Raven might try to wiggle out of
a conviction (on technicalities).  We must establish the "weapon" or 
"weapons". I would propose to the jury that the Nazi State itself was the 
weapon; it was designed and built (mostly by Hitler) not as a national state 
to maintain the well being and prosperity of the German people, but as an
instrument of destruction; pure and simple.  From the moment the Nazis gained
control of the German State apparatus in 1933, they set to work preparing it
to be the instrument of the will of its Fuehrer.  The "will" of its  Fuehrer
was the destruction of all those he perceived as his (and by  implication
Germany's) enemies...the Jews were at the top of the list (see prosecution
exihibit "1").  Raven might lead us into all sorts of technical arguments
about the relative efficiency (for mass killing)  of XyxlonB as  opposed to
Carbon Monoxide or a bullet in the back of the head.  He may even  discredit
certain eyewitness testimony. Whereas we sometimes use the saying, "we can't
see the trees for the forest",  in Raven's case, he can't see the forest for
the trees.  Raven would have us stand around a particular tree; because we
cannot agree whether it is an ash, and oak, or a pine, he would have us deny
we are in the midst of a forest.  
    The fourth major piece of evidence would be the "corpus delecti"... i.e.
the body, in this case,  the corpses.  Since the events in question took place
nearly 50 years ago...this presents a problem to the prosecution. Up to this 
point, we have relied heavily on photographic and anectodal evidence. We may
at this point be able to "prove" perhaps only hundreds of thousands rather 
than millions of victims.  Mass cremation leaves less forensic evidence than, 
say, mass burial pits (i.e. skulls, bones etc.).  Up until 1989, the areas in 
which the bulk of the killings are thought to have occurred had been under 
control of a power which had its own crimes to conceal and was hence not too 
enthusiastic about investigators digging holes here and there in the forests.
Perhaps the post 1989 political environment in Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union opens the possibility of further forensic investigation and 
gathering of evidence on these matters.  If we discover the ash pits, however,
how do we evaluate them?  One pound of ash equals one victim?  Will we quibble
about numbers?  We DO HAVE solid forensic evidence gathered right after the 
war on at least hundreds of thousands of this not enough to 

   Germany under Hitler was the personal weapon of Hitler...Hitlers "enemies" 
were certainly within range and in his sights; Raven implies that Hitler never
 pulled the trigger.  Raven might present some interesting arguments as to 
whether "x" number of Jews and others were killed with a bullet as opposed to 
Cyanide gas or starvation or exposure or whatever...he might also present some
 arguments as to numbers killed at location "A" as opposed to location "B"... 
he may even argue as to the total numbers killed.  Would we lessen the charges
 if it could be proved that  "only"  9 million or 6 million or even 1 million 
died?  If Raven were  successful in revising the numbers (downward); would 
this be a valid reason to "dismiss the charges"; or would it be just an 
historical reevaluation of  the efficiency and effectiveness of the Nazi 
killing machine?   
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 78        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 13:09 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 79        Sat Mar 14, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 13:38 EST
>>I read all of Mr. Raven's notes so far, and didn't see anywhere in
 >>them any apologies or support for Nazism, nor did I read any
 >>expression of anti-semitism.

  Read more carefully, M.RUNGU.  Also, use a name, please - I hate talking to
someone's mailbox label.

>>Mr. Pooh Bah,

>>Or should I call you Winnie-the-Pooh?

  Actually, it should be "Ms. Pooh-Bah," if anything - and she takes the name
from Gilbert and Sullivan's MIKADO, not the children's book.

>>I find them TOPic disgusting, and offensive to  anyone of
 >>goodwill, and further suggest that the topic can not possibly lend
 >>itself to civil discourse. As an offended subscriber to this
 >>service, I am requesting that the sysops purge this obscene topic.

  I find the message from which this was excerpted (number 65) to be
abhorrent, and I am offended by the poster's desire to tell me what I can and
can't discuss.  If you're offended, Tony, stop reading it, but don't try to
tell others what to do.  I find the TOP disgusting too, but I don't elevate my
personal reactions into law, or even GEnie regulation.

>>The sysops should be ashamed!

  YOU should be ashamed of yourself - you are violating the very highest
ideals of this country by trying to close discussion.  Would you also like to
close the museum at Yad Veshem - then you wouldn't have to risk hearing about
the Holocaust when in Jerusalem?

>>Perhaps you have a vested interest in supporting the illegal and
 >>corrupt state of Israel.

  So, M.RUNGU, still no sign of hatred or anti-Semitism?

>> is unquestionable that had we not been so eager  to support
 >>the thugs of Tel Aviv, we would not have installed the  Shah of
 >>Iran and trained him to oppress his people, so the Ayatollah
 >>would not have come to power by overthrowing him. Thus, we would
 >>not  have had to arm Iraq to counter the religious fundamentalism
 >>with a  secular state ...

  No, it is not - I question it, for one.  Are you serious, or is the above
passage some sort of joke, Mr. Raven?

 Mr. Raven - what do you say about the witnesses?  The millions of witnesses,
Polish, German, Jew, Gypsy, Russian, Ukrainian, and others, who saw the camps?
Were they ALL lying?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 80        Sat Mar 14, 1992
GRAFFITI                     at 14:28 EST
Note: 4 messages have been deleted for being personal attacks on other private
forum members.  Please refrain from name-calling, and keep a civil tone in
public debate.  Thank you.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 81        Sat Mar 14, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 14:46 EST
Carl: Did you really expect a Holocaust Denier to have heard any of Gilbert
and Sullivan? After all, Gilbert was a Jew....and a good Jew, too. :-) (For
anyone not familiar with G&S, the above line about Gilbert is a paraphrase
from one of the operettas about a "judge and a good judge, too.")

Raven: Let's not be going all over the place. Let's try to have some
organization. First, do you believe that there was an extermination program?
If you don't believe there was one then that is the place to start and not
with the gas chambers. There could certainly have been an extermination
program without having been gas chambers but there could not have been gas
chambers without there having been an extermination program. Therefore, the
extermination program (unless you agree that there was one) is the point to
start. After all, you are aware that the gas chambers weren't the only means
of extermination used, aren't you?

So, in your next series of messages, please answer the following simple
question: Do you believe that there was an extermination program conducted by
the Nazis against various peoples primarily Jews?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 82        Sat Mar 14, 1992
K.GREGOVIC [Costa]           at 14:53 EST
 Mr Raven:

Do you think any Jews were exterminated by the Nazi's, and if so, what is your
estimate of the number killed?

Just an add on to the Jim Keegtra case in Alberta, Canada, his appeal was over
turned and a re-trial has been set. He is accused of teaching hate literature
to High school students. 

CAUSE OR TO DAMAGE AN OPPOSING CAUSE. Your comments are of a damaging variety.

PS- Do you believe in the New World Order? I think I know the answer to that
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 83        Sat Mar 14, 1992
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry]         at 15:33 EST

As M.FEINS so aptly put it, I would like to echo:

                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

\\\--- Gerry

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 84        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:55 EST
to H.WILSON11,

"Ignore the Energy Beast"?  I haven't read any sci-fi since I was a pre-teen,
so I don't follow you on that one.  But if you mean that Mr. Raven's messages
should be ignored and not responded to, I just don't think that will happen. 
Already so much interest has been elicited from his topic that there is NO way
it will be met with by silence.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 85        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:58 EST

Thankyou for answering the questions I posed, they did help me quite a lot. 
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Butz, Leuchter, and the others.  And I
did address my question to "The Raven" rather than to you.  Please let HIM
answer them, thankyou.

Ok.  Mr. Raven, perhaps YOU can tell me who Butz and Leuchter are, or sum up
their ideas re the holocaust.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 86        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:00 EST

I'm sorry, but I don't know what the "code phrases" are that you referred to. 
I am trying to take an absolutely objective and unbiased approach to this
discussion, and taking what Mr. Raven is saying at face value.  I don't want
to "read into" or "translate" his words, but just accept them as they are.  Is
that unreasonable? And so far, I haven't heard him say anything anti-semitic
or pro-Nazi.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 87        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:01 EST

No, I am not Mr. Raven in disguise.  If you have a look at the E-mail
directory, you will see that we are in different states altogether.  Cheap
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 88        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:06 EST

Mr. Raven has not been "raving" as you allege, and nor have I. He is just
making points, and I have merely been asking for a bare modicum of tolerance
to be displayed by those who disagree with him. HE HAS A RIGHT TO SPEAK JUST

Such a minimum of tolerance is in no way "exaggerated".  Let me put it to you
this way.  Let's say that RTRAYNOR started a topic insisting that the
holocaust happened.  Then a whole mob of people launched an avalanche of
messages containing insults and invective at him, attempting to drown his
words out and intimidate him into leaving the topic altogether.  I would be
the first one to come to his assistance and INSIST that he have a right to
speak out and demand that the mob show some tolerance.  Wouldn't that be fair?

I know that the holocaust excites emotions and passions, but it is still an
area of history, and all areas of history, ancient or modern, experience
different interpretations.  So let's hear what Mr. Raven has to say.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 89        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:08 EST

I was under the impression that you wanted Mr. Raven's messages to be met with
silence, but since reading that message I see that you have put up a number of
others (messages 63, 76, 78) and no doubt there are more to come.

Please explain.

What is this "silence"?  Who is meant to be silent?  And are you excepted from
this new rule?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 90        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:10 EST

Yes, a quick glance at the e-mail directory will show that Mr. Raven and I are
two different persons.  Unless of course, he has extremely long legs and arms
and can operate two different computers in two different states at the same

Just because I asked for leeeeeetle bit of tolerance, I am accused of being
HIM in "disguise".  Incredible paranoia........ But thanks for pointing out
the directory thing.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 91        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:13 EST

Do you have something against my name?  Am I supposed to change it just to
satisfy you, because you think it is a mere "address label"? Just because I
ask for a little bit of tolerance towards Mr. Raven's messages, my name is
attacked.  Unreal.  What's next?

I promise I won't say anything about YOUR name, Mr. FINK.  I will not stoop to
that.  Please let us stick to the topic under discussion, the holocaust.  Mr.
Raven is trying to make some points and I think you are digressing.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 92        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:17 EST
To whoever criticised the question that I had posed for Mr. Raven, I'm sorry
but I can't recall your name.

I am sorry if I asked the wrong questions about the holocaust. Perhaps you
could help us all if you detail WHICH questions we are not allowed to ask, and
which questions we ARE allowed to ask. I didn't realize that a discussion of
the holocaust had boundaries or parameters that were not to be crossed or
transgressed.  Strange, but I thought that every area of history was wide open
and even that ALL questions were encouraged so as to get at the historical
truth. Is the holocaust an exception to this?

If you could just give us all a list of which to ask and not ask, thankyou.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 94        Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 19:36 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 96        Sat Mar 14, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:44 EST
Rungu: First, Carl Fink was pointing out to you that YOU were playing games
with MY name with your Winnie-the-Pooh comment. So, please spare us the
martyrdom regarding names. You have not been attacked....unless you consider
being questioned as to whether you and Raven are one and the same an attack.
Around these parts, that is usually considered a fair question when two
"names" have the same posting style (including multiple messages). I have to
admit that I do not believe that you and Greg are not in league. You feed him
the questions and he is supposed to answer them. Part of the reason that I
believe this is that thus far you have asked only questions for which
Holocaust Deniers have pat answers. The Anne Frank part was what did
it....including you posting the false info that she was gassed when everyone
knows that she died of typhus.

Now, I love the way that you champion free speech and then ask me not to
answer your questions but to allow Greg to answer them. Me thinks that there
is a conflict there. Just because _I_ answer one of your questions does not
preclude Greg from also chimming in with a reply. So, please, stand by your
stated principles and allow me my freedom of speech.

You claim that you haven't seen anything that Greg has posted which is "pro-
Nazi." Didn't you catch his message in which he declared that Hitler was a
great man....and greater than Churchill and FDR combined? Most would consider
THAT to be pro-Nazi. What would your definition be of "pro-Nazi?"

I have already posted about Leuchter. The man is a fraud. He was not qualified
in Canada as an expert witness (I quoted the court ruling uptopic on that) and
he was criminally charged (and plea bargained) for practicing engineering
without a license. In fact, as part of the plea bargain, he is no longer allow
to distribute any reports or materials claiming to be an engineer. The
Leuchter Report does just that. Hmmm.....

What about Butz? Will, dear old Arthur is on the CS and engineering faculty of
Northwestern. Yet, he attempted to write a "history" whereas Leuchter, who
does have a BA in history, attempted to write an "engineering" report. Maybe
this tells us the problem with Holocaust Denial....they have everything

But, Butz loses all credibility on the first page of his Foreward. There he
states: "Liberal and conservative publicists, though they have very different
attitudes toward World War II and America's entry into it, and though they
squabble with each other on almost everything else, close ranks on the reality
of the 'holocaust.' [sic]" In this quote, Butz is mixing apples and oranges.
Liberal and conservative publicists also "close ranks" on the REALITY of WWII!

However, liberal and conservative publicists DO actively and loudly debate the
causes, ramifications, etc. of the Holocaust. Have you ever heard of the noisy
debate between the Intentionalists and the Functionalists?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 101       Sat Mar 14, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 20:29 EST

"I don't know what the 'code phrases are that you referred to.  I am trying to
take an absolutely objective and unbiased approach to this discussion..."

Mr. Rungu:  If you are truly interested in bringing such an enlightened mind
set to this discussion (as seems highly dubious at this juncture), you should
do so.  Your denial of "code phrases" is hardly objective and unbiased: it
merely illustrates your ignorance.  If you really care to be "absolutely
objective and unbiased," then you should ASK when you DO NOT KNOW.

This having been stated, I'll give you the first batch of "code phrase"
lexicology for free -- no request necessary.

"The Zionist-Masonic conspiracy" = "Those damn Jews, and their plot to take
over the world." (from the Russian rhetorical lexicon)

"Liquidiation" = "Murder"

"Resettlement" = "Deportation and confiscation of property"

"The Jewish-Bolshevik plot" = "Those damn Jews, and their alliance with the
Soviet Communists (even though they hate them, too)."  From the Nazi

"Criminal Zionist entity" = "Israel"

"Zionist thugs" = "Israelis, especially their leaders"

Even the least-educated student of history (someone like yourself, for
instance), should be aware of the enormously powerful role played by
propaganda and euphemism.

The world -- especially the Russians and the Nazis, and to a (relatively)
lesser degree, the Arabs -- has outdone itself in creating such a lexicon of
rhetorical euphemism for Jews and all our "sinister plots."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 104       Sat Mar 14, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 22:10 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 105       Sat Mar 14, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 23:05 EST
>>Do you have something against my name?  Am I supposed to change it
 >>just to satisfy you, because you think it is a mere "address
 >>label"? Just because I ask for a little bit of tolerance towards
 >>Mr. Raven's messages, my name is attacked.  Unreal.  What's next?

  Yes, quite unreal, since I didn't attack your name.  If you perceived it as
an attack, I apologize.  All that I meant was that M.RUNGU is probably not
your favored form of address - I doubt that people at work say, "Hey, M.RUNGU,
why don't we have pizza for lunch?"  I asked that you select and use to sign
your message some more common form of address.  No offense meant.

  By the way, M.RUNGU, the phrase "common carrier" has a specific legal
meaning, which GEnie does not fit.

>> ...I have as much _right_ to post my views as anyone!

  Tony, you certainly do, and I didn't mean to imply otherwise.  On the other
hand, I have the right to disagree vehemently - and I do.

  Again - those who are too offended to participate can simply...not
participate.  Those who feel strong enough to answer these vile, despicable
lies, can and will do so.  By closing debate, GEnie would be giving the
impression that the Deniers have some sort of secrets that the Powers That Be
cannot bear to have publicized, exactly the impression the Deniers want to
give.  By letting legitimate experts like POOH.BAH debunk them, you hurt them
far more.

  Ah, Dov, we meet again.  Read the above paragraph - your attempt at
supression only helps the Deniers.  On the other hand, you are correct, the
Constitution does not directly apply here - GEnie can post what it
collectively pleases.

  As I mentioned uptopic, I'm a member of the ACLU.  Yes, I would let the KKK
or the Nazi Party have a forum here.  I truly believe that supressing ideas is
both evil and ineffective.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 109       Sun Mar 15, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 01:05 EST
I repeat here (more or less) some E-mail that I sent Tony (TR) yesterday.

About a year ago, the Asian History professor at my school, with whom I work
closely, but who knows virtually nothing about Judaism, requested that our
library eliminate from its collection its copies of the infamous "Protocols of
the Elders of Zion."  Our Jewish chaplain, whose opinion I supported, insisted
that the books should stay.  The reason for this, quite simply, was that it is
better to have the evil out here in broad daylight for all to see, rather than
ignoring it, and letting it work its insidious way through the dark.


In nearly all cases I would defer to the good judgment of the Rebbe:  in this
one, however, I cannot.  Better to let the animals spew their poison in
public, than to drive them into underground lairs; better to let the people
see for themselves the evil than tojust to hear about it.


Tuvia David ben-Rafel ha-Kohen Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 111       Sun Mar 15, 1992
H.WILSON11                   at 01:28 EST
It's in the Sci-Fi RT, not any writings.
 And, yes, I think you're correct in saying that people will respond to
Raven's ravings>sigh>
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 112       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:50 EST
Raven: I'm afraid that my last question to you might have gotten lost in the
jumble of the "should this topic exist" discussion. Therefore, let me repeat
it here.

Do you believe that there was a Nazi program before or during WWII to
exterminate various peoples, in particular the Jews?

As I stated before but will paraphrase here, a discussion of the gas chambers
would be putting the cart before the horse if your answer to the above
question is in the negative since there can't be gas chambers without the
extermination program but there could be an extermination program without the
gas chambers. Therefore, if your answer is in the negative to the above
question, it would behoove us to discuss the extermination program first.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 113       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:51 EST
Raven: As an afterthought, I should probably state that I have evidence that
there was an extermination program AND that gas chambers did, in fact, exist.
Therefore, I would answer in the positive to the question that I asked you.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 114       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:56 EST
I would like to take a brief moment to thank whoever handles things  around
here (GEnie?) for retitling this topic, for their even-handed  description,
and for allowing this exchange of ideas. Now if I could  only figure out why
GEnie gives me 2 carriage returns when I request  two!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 115       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:56 EST
To Dave Friedman (and J.Weiler4)--- First of all, you have made an
unsupportable assumption, that being  that there are 6 million "missing" Jews.
In fact, the number of Jews  that cannot be accounted for is somewhere around
500,000, or roughly  11 percent of the Jewish population that remained in the
territories  occupied by Germany during the war. By way of comparison,
somewhere  around 12 percent of the Jews in the occupied territories who were 
never molested by the Nazis (that is, never captured, arrested, etc.)  died of
natural causes. Thus, during the war years, the number of  natural deaths in
the Jewish community in occupied Europe was roughly  equal to the number of
ALL the missing Jews who were captured by the  Nazis.  --- By the way, roughly
80 percent of the Jews in the occupied  territories were never molested by the
Nazis, and this figure is in  addition to the many many thousands who
emigrated. --- Therefore, the answer to your question is: "Nothing happened to
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 116       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:57 EST
To Pooh.bah --- Were Jews executed or exterminated just for being Jewish? It
is  possible that there were some executions of Jews as Jews by the 
Einsatzgruppen, just as there were many MANY atrocities against  Germans
before, during, and after WWII, just because they were  German. The
Einsatzgruppen, which only operated for a short period of  time, was in charge
of controlling occupied areas in the east between  the period of time when the
lands were occupied and that time when a  provisional government could be set
up. Communist-inspired partisans  initiated guerilla warfare, which almost
guarantees civilian  casualties ... much like the Vietnamese casualties at the
hands of  American soldiers. Although less than ideal, there were outrages on 
BOTH sides, and a few executions here and there is a far cry from  mass
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 118       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:57 EST
To D.Kaufmann1 --- The so-called "confession" of Rudolf Hoess would be flawed
if one was  only holding against it the errors it contains. However, the fact 
that it was extracted by torture invalidates the entire matter. Also,  you
might be interested to know that in America (and Germany, too, I  believe),
even confessions must be proven to be accurate. During the  War Crimes trials,
jurisprudences was out the window, and the  resulting kangaroo court paid
scant attention to niceties such as  justice. Looking at it another way, if
this so-called confession was  not extracted by torture, then how do you
explain the many errors;  and if it was extracted by torture (or forged in
whole or in part),  why should it have any credence at all?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 119       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:58 EST
To Pooh.bah --- You know as well as I do that the Balfour Declaration calls
for a  homeland for the Jews, NOT a Jewish state, and it specifically says 
that this homeland not come at the expense of the people already in 
Palestine. This is a far cry from a "green light" to move into  Palestine and
start slaughtering Arabs. Furthermore, one might ask  why the British, one of
the most imperialistic groups ever, have the  right to dictate to the
Palestinians what to do with their lands,  their borders, etc. The fact that
the Balfour Declaration was not  enough for Zionists to get what they wanted
is proved by the fact  that they helped start WWII in order to further their
drive toward  Palestine, and committed many atrocities against the Germans,
the  Arabs, the British, and probably others, along the way.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 120       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:58 EST
To Pooh.bah --- I know I have something somewhere about the 1945 forensic
test, I  just can't put my hands on it at the moment. However, even without 
referring to it I believe I am safe in saying that you have  misrepresented
it, and that this test does NOT show that there were  mass gassings at
Birkenau (site of Krema II). --- And as for a a court case "proving" that
Zuendel knew he was  spreading lies, that is of course ridiculous. As you must
know,  Zuendel believes there was no Holocaust. To say that a jury found him 
guilty of not believing is to tell us that the members of the jury  were mind-
readers (albeit poor ones!). Zuendel's trial was a typical  show trial in the
Soviet mold. 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 121       Sun Mar 15, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:59 EST
To Tony (TR) --- I understand how one might find Holocaust revisionism
distressing,  but look at it from my point of view, if you can. I, as an 
intelligent and caring person, honestly and truly feel that the  Holocaust
never happened. Therefore, all the Germans who were  murdered after the war,
and all the Germans who were brutally  mistreated after the war, and all the
Germans who continue to be  maligned since the war, are all innocent victims
of a hoax. This  arouses my compassion. And because the spectre of the
Holohoax is yet  before us, I can still do something to right this almost
immeasurable  wrong.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 122       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 02:25 EST
M.RUNGU/G.RAVEN (If you aren't the same person, you are acting in concert,
they good cop/bad cop interaction, identical posting style, and identiacal
catch-phrasing make obvious this is a scripted exchange)

  My father liberated several camps, none of the nig ones, he saw what
happned.  I personaly know 4 Holocaust surviros, 2 from Ashwitz.  I know what
  there is literally TONS of evicinde.  You on the pother hand have yet to
provide ANYTHING more than sweeping denails, and shouts of "is not is not is
not".  Prove your poinsts of shut up.

BW  Remember 2 years ago the "Insititute for historical Review" the mouthpeice
ofe the WAR/ANC anti-holocaust campaign had advertised they would pay $10
million to anyone who could prove the holocaust happened.?
  Several people did just that.  They, usieng your technique merely shouted,
it's not true.  whereupon they took the IHR to federal court and sued.
  after reviewing all the arguments and facts on all sides, the Courts said
that the plaintifs had unarguably proved the hlocaust was an historical fact
which no ration person could deny.  how do you explain that away?  Are you
going to declare that the "Zionists" hold our courts hostage?

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 123       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:40 EST
Raven: It is interesting that you perpetrate the defense that Christie used in
the Zundel trial (i.e. that the jury can't read a man's mind and, therefore,
cannot know if Zundel knew he was spreading lies). The problem with that
reasoning is that it was proven in court that both the Holocaust historians
AND the Holocaust Deniers believe certain portions of the pamphlet that was
being disseminated (and resulted in the trial) to be false. Much of the
pamphlet depended upon the work of Rassinier and even Weber testified to
Rassinier's shortcomings. For instance, Weber agreed that Harwood (the
pseudonym of the author of the pamphlet) was wrong on the numbers of Jews
exterminated and stated that these errors were derived from Rassinier.

You must remember that the trial was not whether Zundel does or does not
believe the Holocaust but, rather, whether it was reasonable to expect Zundel
to know that the pamphlet did contain lies. After all, in that pamphlet, to
"prove" the numbers killed, Harwood/Verrall depended upon some very strange
figures. For instance, he included the Jews in Turkey after WWII to "prove"
that there were many Jews left alive in Europe. Now, it doesn't take a
historian or genius to know that Turkey is NOT in Europe and, therefore, these
numbers make his argument meaningless.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 124       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:43 EST
Mike: You have some facts a little out of whack. The reward offered by the IHR
was for $50,000 and not $10 million. There was one person who successfully
sued...not a group. The final award was for $90,000.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 126       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:51 EST
Raven: There are many topic on this board in which to discuss Israel. Let's
try not to mix apples and oranges in this one by including it here. As far as
the 1945 forensic study on Krema II, that is again putting the cart before the
horse. You have not answered my direct question yet.

Do you believe that the Nazis had an extermination program before or during
WWII directed against various peoples, primarily the Jews?

A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice. You apparently tried to give some sort of
answer to this question in #116. However, having already been accused of being
"Winnie-the-Pooh" by your co-poster, I guess that I have to admit, in this
case, to being a "bear of very little brain" in that I couldn't for the life
of me decide if you were saying that there WAS an extermination program or
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 127       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 03:10 EST
  Ok, I got my infor off of Relay-Net, so it is quite possible it was not 100%
accurate as to figres.  However the important part was that the Federal courts
have ruled that proof exists.

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 128       Sun Mar 15, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 03:11 EST
I want to applaud and support Pooh Bah's calm and rational approach to this
topic. Of course, it's revolting. I'm of Jewish descent, and it turns my
stomach to think about it, though our humanity should be such that any
atrocity, such as the Cambodian genocide, should so affect us. But as volatile
and emotional as the situation is, we play into the hands of the enemies of
truth when we let emotion and vituperation overmaster us.

Pooh Bah has asked that the meta-discussion of whether there should even be a
discussion of these claims be in a separate topic. I agree; it clouds and
diffuses the issue here. Therefore, I have started Topic 7 for that very

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 129       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 03:14 EST

                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 131       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:25 EST
Mike: It was a California court and not a federal court that ruled that the
gassing of Jews at Auschwitz is "simply a fact." The judge was Thomas Johnson.

And, now, back to our regularly scheduled topic. Greg Raven, do you believe
that the Nazis planned and executed an extermination program during WWII
against various peoples, primarily the Jews?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 132       Sun Mar 15, 1992
RTRAYNOR                     at 04:57 EST
   It's an interesting question, Pooh-Bah. Considering that Raven has a
 habit of putting each answer in an individual post, it's tough to 
 imagine that he missed it entirely. I rather think, however, that the
 Socratic method is going to be lost here.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan >* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 133       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 05:21 EST
Bevan: Still, I don't think it is too much to ask of Greg that he supply a
simple "yes" or "no" to the question of whether he believes that the Nazis had
an extermination program during WWII to liquidate various peoples, primarily
the Jews.

Raven: There has been a new topic opened now for discussion of whether you and
I should be discussing the Holocaust in this fashion. Hopefully, that will
allow us to get down to the facts as they appear in the primary documents
(i.e. those documents produced by the Nazis before and during their time in
power....including memos, reports, speeches, etc.).

So, as soon as you answer my simple question regarding your belief in a Nazi
extermination program, we will be able to begin.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 135       Sun Mar 15, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 11:30 EST
>>Now if I could  only figure out why GEnie gives me 2 carriage
 >>returns when I request  two!

  That CAN'T be what you meant?

>>This is a far cry from a "green light" to move into  Palestine and
 >>start slaughtering Arabs.

  Is this your summary of the history of Israel?  I've gotten in trouble for
criticizing Israel myself, but this is hardly a complete description of
Israel's existence.

>> proven by the fact that they helped start WWII in order to
 >>further their drive toward Palestine, and committed many atrocities
 >>against the Germans, the British, ...

  Excuse me?  Zionists started WWII?  Can you document that?

  Oh, as long as Pooh keeps hitting her question:  the witnesses, Raven?  What
do you say about the millions of witnesses?  Are they all members of the
world's largest conspiracy?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 137       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 12:44 EST
Thank you Ric for the fine evaluation of a sad topic and PF*NPC policy.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 138       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 13:09 EST
P.NANSON: The "bad press" that Prodigy got was for allowing Holocaust Denial
but not allowing rebuttal. It was requested that rebuttal be allowed and, if
Prodigy couldn't see their way clear to do that, then Denial shouldn't be
allowed either. The press only picked up the second point but Prodigy did pick
up the first and mended their ways.

Now, Denial and rebuttal are allowed and the Holocaust Deniers over there have
been reduced to complaining that primary sources are being used by those who
are rebutting, bragging that they (the Deniers) only use secondary sources
(and sometimes teritary), and, when things get really rough for them, they
have even resorted to posting a single line of: "Liar. Liar. Pants on fire!"

Oh well, Raven are you prepared to give me a simple "yes" or "no" to my
question? Do you believe that there was a Nazi extermination program during
WWII which targetted various peoples, primarily the Jews?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 142       Sun Mar 15, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 15:26 EST
G-d Bless Paul Nanson and let the collaborators explain. I am going to save
your message Paul and use it, bl"n, as a macro daily as long as this topic
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 144       Sun Mar 15, 1992
J.STENGEL [John]             at 16:57 EST
    I am curious as to why the Neo-Nazi movement holds it to be of such great
importance to discredit the holocaust story.  Raven, are you torn between,  on
one hand, your great admiration for Adolph Hitler, and on the other hand some
human moral repulsion at the (generally accepted) practical results of a  Nazi
regime?  If you became convinced the Holocaust was fact; would this  demand
that you abandon your admiration of Hitler?  Would you agree  that if
(contrary to your current opinion) the Holocaust is indeed fact; that fact
would be in of and by itself reason to thorughly discredit Hitler  and Nazism?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 146       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 17:56 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 147       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:13 EST

I have to disagree with you that "everybody knows that Anne Frank died of
Typhus".  I have asked a number of educated people about Anne Frank.  They
were ALL familiar with her diary, although they hadn't all read it.  ALL of
them said that she had been gassed at Auschwitz.  When I asked them how did
they know this, they looked puzzled and just said they learned about it on

Such is the power of the mass media.  I too thought that she had been gassed,
or rather I should say that I ASSUMED that, because my distinct impression
from the mass media is that ALL or most of the Jews who died during the war
had been gassed.

So if Anne died from typhus rather than having been gassed, how many Jews died
from gassing, and how many from typhus, and how many from other causes.  Can
you give me a statistical breakdown and also your sources?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 148       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:19 EST

I agree with you that YOUR freedom of speech is just as important as Mr.
Raven's.  You made a good point, by the way, about Butz being the engineering
expert while Leuchter is the professional trained historian, and each doing
work in the other's field.

I have learned, however, that Butz claimed that he tackled this historical
area (the holocaust) because "establishment historians" were too 'chicken' to
do so and had thus ducked their professional responsibilities in this area. 
He claimed that it was consequently up to amateurs to do the research on the

Leuchter, on the other hand, is apparently a "gas chamber expert" who has been
the number 1 consultant to America's various prison authorities on gas chamber
design, operation, and specifications. This suggests to me that he is an
excellent person to be doing 'on-site' research at Auschwitz and Birkenau.

By the way, I was able to get copies of Butz's ("THE HOAX OF THE 20TH
CENTURY") and Leuchter's ("THE LEUCHTER REPORT") books in the mail.  I've only
read parts of them so far, but they look quite interesting.  Not at all
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 151       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:29 EST

I am not an ignorant person, unless you equate "ignorance" with political and
intellectual tolerance.  Strange how the insult you directed at me was not

Concerning the "code phrases", the interpretations and definitions you gave
reflect your own viewpoints and perspectives, and not necessarily those of
whoever is supposedly expressing these "code phrases".  I prefer to hear
whatever is being said directly from the original source, not from somebody
else "interpreting" and "translating" their comments or writings.  There is
too great a danger of distortion or of selective interpretation otherwise.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 155       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:41 EST

I didn't know the IHR had offered "10 million dollars" for anybody who could
prove the holocaust.  The way I heard it, they had offered 50,000 dollars for
anybody who could prove that gassings and specifically gassings, took place. 
My understanding is that a certain Mel Mermelstein challenged them on this and
in during the court proceedings the Judge on the bench "took judicial notice"
of the holocaust strictly in the sense that since it was widely believed and
widely accepted, it (i.e. the court) would accept it.

Such "judicial notice" in no way proves anything at all, except perhaps that
we are witnessing a Judge basing his legal decisions on public opinion.  The
court is not and cannot ever be the proper place to decide historical issues
such as the holocaust, and we all know this.

By the way, I understand that Mr. Mermelstein just recently lost a court
battle with the Institute for Historical Review.  Does this "prove" that the
holocaust did NOT take place?  Of course not.  What we are talking about here
is a situation in which certain people and certain groups appear to be trying
to use our court system to silence those persons and those groups that
question aspects of the holocaust.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 156       Sun Mar 15, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:47 EST

I have been reading your messages and to me at least they appear quite
rational and controlled.  Not at all "raving" as someone else characterizes

Your comments about the atrocities ring true.  There is no question that Jews
died during WWII.  Some died of typhus, some were shot in the Warsaw Ghetto
uprising, and many thousands were undoubtedly killed by the native eastern
european populations in uprisings that occurred as the Germans swept the
Soviets eastward.  

It is also true that atrocities took place on ALL sides.  The allies committed
a massacre at Dachau at the war's end.  The Soviets sunk several ships in the
Baltic near the end of the war that took the lives of many thousands.  The
allies fire-bombed Dresden (killing possibly as many as 250,000 people) and
Hamburg (scores of thousands more).  The Soviets killed 5-6,000,000 German
civilians in the closing months of the war and in the immediate postwar

The war itself was a "holocaust" and I don't think it proper for ONE
particular group to monopolise this term "holocaust" nor do I think it proper
for that group to characterise any mention of the sufferings of anyone else to
be a "trivilialization" of the "holocaust".
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 159       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:57 EST
147 Rungu: BTW, is there something easier that I can call you other than
"Rungu?" And would that be Mr./Mrs./Ms.?

You made an excellent point that you ASSUMED [emphasis yours] that most Jews
had been exterminated in gas chambers based upon mass media. I guess that is a
good reason to have history courses in school, right? And, I guess, that's why
most bookstores have a little thing called a history section and why
historians write for general audiences as well as for scholarly journals. It
is too bad that you have apparently depended upon mass media for this type of
information. I guess that it's true what they say about what happens when one
assumes....except that I have been spared that fate. :-)

As far as numbers, I believe that if one single person was killed because of
their race, religion, creed, gender, physical/mental disability or sexual
orientation that it would be too much. Therefore, I have not independently
investigated the numbers. For that information I usually rely upon Raul
Hilberg's excellent Appendix B in his three volume set "The Destruction of
European Jews." What follows, then, is his break down of the figures.

  Ghettoization and general privation            over   800,000
  Open-air shootings                             over 1,300,000
  Camps                                       up to 3,000,000

  TOTAL                                             5,100,000

Now, it should be added that not all the deaths in the camps were from
gassings. Some were from disease, starvation, forced labor, medical
experiments, etc. In the six extermination camps, Hilberg estimates that there
were up to 2,700,000 who died there. Once again, some of these were from
gassings but not all.

Although I don't agree with everything in Hilberg's 3 volume set, this
Appendix is the best study I've seen to date on the numbers, how they are
calculated, etc.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 160       Sun Mar 15, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 19:58 EST

I wasn't insulting you by calling you ignorant.  I was stating a fact. Perhaps
that's why it didn't get "censored. " Rebbe:

I agree with you 200% that people should be able to recognize for themselve s
that murder is an abomination, along with Anti-Semitism.  Nevertheless, if
everybody realized this, these problems wouldn't exist.  The only way to
REALLY appreciate a horror is to see it firsthand.  This ain't quite
firsthand, but it's close enough.


Dave Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 162       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 20:10 EST
148 Rungu: Are "establishment historians" too "chicken"? Exactly what is an
"establishment historian?" Bradley Smith made a similar claim in an interview
in 1988 that was published in the L.A. Free Weekly. There he said that he just
wanted to "help historians because they don't have the character to do this
themselves." Now that is laudable but not too credible when in the same
interview he stated that he wasn't "interested in what happened 45 years ago."
Add to that his statement on the first page of his book: "I've never been
interested in intellectual work; it takes too long" and we start seeing the
crux of the problem.

But, what about these "establishment historians" whoever they are? Have you
heard of the INTENTIONALISTS and the FUNCTIONALISTS? Both groups might be
considered "establishment historians" and they certainly do not have the same
view as to the causes and the execution of the Holocaust. However, as I
pointed out in a previous message, Butz tries to mix apples and oranges by
comparing difference in attitude toward WWII and America's involvement in it
against "closing ranks" on the REALITY of the Holocaust.

And, his claim that the "establishment historians" are "chicken" might seem
credible if he had developed his theory based upon some fact he uncovered or
some document that he viewed with a different interpretation. But, since you
have his book, you know that that is NOT what caused him to develop his
theory, is it?

"Noting the obvious ways in which this legend [the Holocaust] is exploited in
contemporary politics, notably in connection with the completely illogical
support that the U.S. extends to Israel, I had long had lingering doubts about

It was his political ideology that was the motivating factor behind his theory
and not scholarship. That does not bode well, then, for his credibility in
this matter. Also, it should be noted that he made the above statement back in
the late 70's.....long before the Cold War was over. Hmmm.....
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 163       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 20:22 EST
148 Rungu: What, in your opinion, should be the credentials for an "expert" in
gas chambers?

Leuchter criminally practiced engineering without a license and was not able
to be qualified by the Canadian court. Now his criminal charges come from MA
so that means that TWO countries recognize that he is not credentialed.

Be that as it may, he has a BA in history but no other degree. He claims to
have designed and built a "very precise lethal injections system" but has
never conducted an execution (9200), built Delaware's gallows (9201), had
designed a gas chamber but it was not built nor installed yet in MO (9202) and
had not designed or built any other gas chamber (9202).

Besides that, he has never witnessed an execution using poison gas (9202-
9203) and has never studied chemistry, physic, math beyond the college level
and has never taken any toxicology courses.

BTW, the numbers in () represent the page(s) of the court transcript from
which I got the information. The court case, of course, was the second Zundel
trial in Toronto.

Now, just venturing a rough guess, I would expect an "expert" in gas chambers
to have designed, built and installed at least one; studied toxicology to be
able to effectively do the above; and, have some sort of engineering degree
or, at least, a degree in one of the sciences.

Therefore, I have a difficult time classifying Leuchter as an "expert" even if
I ignore that he is a criminal for falsely representing himself as one.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 164       Sun Mar 15, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 20:35 EST

"Are the Sysops stormtroopers with whips and jjackboots?"

Perhaps you'd feel more at home???

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 165       Sun Mar 15, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 20:36 EST
#156 M.RUNGU

Now we have the "We didn't do it, and anyway, you did it too" argument.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 166       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 20:37 EST
155 Rungu: Ah, I already corrected Mike's faulty facts but he did have the
gist right and now, I am going to have to correct not only your FACTS but your

What was the "judicial notice?" In the Mermelstein vs IHR, Liberty Lobby,
Willis A. Carto, Elisabeth Carto, Noontide Press, et al case, there was an
agreement reached between the parties that the judge could evaluate the
evidence and render a "judicial notice" and all parties would accept said
notice. The following is the part of the judicial notice which the parties
acknowledged when they signed it as part of their formal apology to Mel

"Whereas, on October 9, 1981, the PARTIES in dispute in the litigation filed
CROSS-MOTIONS for summary judgement resulting in the court, per the Honorable
Thomas T. Johnson, taking judicial notice as follows:

"'Under Evidence Code Section 452(h), this Court does take judicial notice of
the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in
Poland during the summer of 1944.' and 'It is simply is a fact that falls
within the definition of Evidence Code Section 452(h). It is not reasonably
subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination
by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a

Nowhere in that quote does it say anything about it being a matter of commonly
held belief or public opinion. The emphasis in the first paragraph is mine to
indicate that both sides filed motions to be considered. Also, the gassings
per the judicial notice are "capable of immediate and accurate determination
by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy."

So, your facts are not quite right and your gist of the decision is all wrong.
BTW, the other case to which you referred regarding Mermelstein had absolutely
nothing to do with the Holocaust. It was a suit for malicious prosecution
resulting from a suit that Carto and company filed against Mel for liable. So,
even though you don't have the facts correct in that case either, it is not
"on topic" here since it doesn't concern any aspect of the Holocaust.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 167       Sun Mar 15, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 20:44 EST
Is there any chance that we can now get back to our regularly scheduled TOPic?
If so, I will expand my previous question and direct it to EITHER Raven or
Rungu (since Rungu's latest messages indicate that he/she/it has more
knowledge and wasn't really just asking questions....anyone surprised? >g>).

Raven and/or Rungu: Do either of you believe that the Nazis had an
extermination program during WWII with the intention of destroying various
peoples, primarily the Jews?

A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice. Your answer will give us an excellent
starting point for an "open debate." After all, that's what you want, right?
If not, please inform dear old Bradley about that....and tell him that now he
REALLY needs to lose some weight. He is has to weigh much more than the 240 he
claims in his book.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 169       Sun Mar 15, 1992
P.NANSON                     at 21:45 EST
Re: Message 161


Are you a member of any Nazi, Klan or other White Supremicist organization?



Do either of you believe that the Nazis had an extermination program during
World War II with the intention of destroying various peoples, primarily the


Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 172       Sun Mar 15, 1992
GSCOTT-MOORE [Gerry]         at 22:33 EST

As my final post in the revolting converse, I would like again quote again
M.FEINS (as if sheer repetition could accomplish anything at all) and from the

                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Joining others in ignoring this lunacy:

\\\--- Gerry

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 176       Mon Mar 16, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 00:03 EST


I add my voice to that of the questioner who asked if you're a klansman or
Nazi or anything groovy like that.

PS:  What _does_ the M. stand for?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 178       Mon Mar 16, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 00:27 EST
Administrative note:  several messages have been moved from this topic to
topic 7, "Allow Holocaust Hoax Discussions?"

Please direct all followup messages dealing with whether this topic should be
here to that topic; messages here should focus on the existence of the
Holocaust itself.  All messages appearing here from now on that should have
been posted in topic 7 will be moved there without notice.  Thanks for your
cooperation, and for keeping your messages civil and non-abusive in this very
heated issue.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 179       Mon Mar 16, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 00:48 EST
   Constant repetition of that 'blessed memory' message is getting a 
 touch trite. Can you at least vary the words some?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 181       Mon Mar 16, 1992
R.EATON3                     at 01:11 EST

If the courtroom is NOT the place to decide such issues, why is it that
Holocaust Deniers such as Mr. Zuendel keep trying to get it there?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 182       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:36 EST

I will give answer to your intended insult/personal attack on my credibility. 
NO, I do not belong to and am not a member of any Nazi, Klan or other white
supremacist organization.  Not that you or anybody else would belive me, and
not that a person's private affiliations are anyone else's business.

Ok, it's my turn now.  Are YOU, P.NANSON, a member or do you belong to any
Zionist, Jewish supremacist (e.g. the Anti-Defamation League), or otherwise
anti-Gentile organization.  A rediculous question?  No more so than yours, and
no more intrusive.  If your question is intended to "expose" the motivations
of myself, so would mine. Uh-oh, woooops.  I forgot.  These kinds of questions
only ONE side is allowed to ask.  I forgot about the double standard, sorry.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 183       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:41 EST

Am I to assume that a science teacher is supposed to be an exalted authority
on the holocaust?  How so?  Leuchter is a professional historian and THOSE
credentials have already been "rejected" by those who don't like his findings.
The qualifications of the many professional historians of the Institute for
Historical Review and it's Board of Advisers are similarly rejected and/or

On the other hand, if a critic of the holocaust is NOT a professionally
trained historian, e.g. Prof. Arthur Butz, then his credibility is attacked on
that basis.  So what it comes down to is: you can't win no matter WHAT one's

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 184       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:44 EST
To John Stengel --- Your posting may be alright for an opening argument, but
as proof it  has a LONG way to go. MOTIVE Hitler didn't like the way Jews
acted, and wrote about that in Mein  Kampf. Henry Ford didn't like the way
Jews acted, and wrote about it.  So did many other people. Big deal. What you
need is something  official, like a signed order, for proof. You don't have it
because  it doesn't exist. OPPORTUNITY Of the Jews known to be in Europe in
1939, roughly 80 percent of them  were never "molested" by the Nazis, and
roughly 87 percent of them  survived the war (whether through luck,
emigration, etc.). This  leaves roughly 13 percent who are dead (of all
causes) or missing (of  all causes). This represents a tremendous reduction in
the ability of  the Nazis to murder 6 million Jews, as they NEVER had their
hands on  that many of them (the total dead or missing appear to be about 
500,000). WEAPON To say that the Nazi state was a weapon is some major-league 
"wriggling," as you call it. In an American court of law, you have to  produce
the weapon, show that it was capable of committing the  alleged act, and that
it can be tested to show that it did in fact  commit the act. This you cannot
do. CORPUS DELECTI Yes, and what about the corpses. If the Nazis buried their
dead,  let's find the graves and count the bodies. If they burned their 
victims, let's count the number of crematoria, find out how many  total hours
they could have been at work, and then divide that number  first by two and
then by three (the number of hours it takes a modern  crematoria to complete
the first stage of the cremation process), to  determine a ballpark figure for
the maximum possible number of  corpses that could have been cremated. Then,
of course, we must  subtract death from natural causes, death by disease,
death by legal  execution, etc., to arrive at a rough estimate of the number
of  possible victims. Have fun. One hint: you won't get anywhere near 6 
million Jewish victims, and adding 5 million non-Jewish victims makes  your
task yet more impossible (pencil out the numbers and you will  see what I
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 185       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:45 EST
To Carl Fink --- There is a difference between disapproving of the policies of
the  state of Israel and being anti-Semitic (or, as you probably mean,  anti-
Jewish). Your failure to distinguish between the two is  symptomatic of the
disease to which this country has fallen prey.

Furthermore, we do not know that there were "millions of witnesses,"  as you
claim. We only have statements from a few thousand of them,  and Yad Vashem,
of which you seem so proud, has stated that over half  of their 20,000
survivor statements are outright lies. Additionally,  there are many
statements to the effect that there were no gas  chambers at Auschwitz-
Birkenau, and no mass killings. But you never  hear about these statements
because the victors get to write the  history books, and these testimonies
have been sent to the memory  hole.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 186       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:46 EST
To Pooh.Bah --- Thank you for your organization in this matter. I admire your 
approach. To me as an interested amateur, this subject seems almost 
unfathomably immense (and complex). I welcome your initiative to  bring order
to the chaos. --- You have suggested as a starting point that we consider the
question: Do you believe that there was an extermination program conducted by 
the Nazis against various peoples primarily Jews? --- To which my answer is
"no." I believe what Hitler wanted to  exterminate was Jewishness, which he
proposed to do by exporting the  Jews from Europe to their own area. This is
hardly a laudable aim,  but it is a far cry from mass murder. --- Because of
your previously-mentioned request, I will forego  responding to the other
posts you have made (regarding Leuchter,  etc.), until such time as we get
around to these subjects as part of  our examination of this topic. If this is
unsatisfactory, please tell  me which posts you would like responses to, and I
will provide them. --- Sorry, one more thing. I am only vaguely aware of the
schism between  the Functionalists and the Intentionalists. If it is important
that I  know this dichotomy, or if it offends you as a member of one group to 
be lumped in with the other group, please enlighten me so I can at  least make
an attempt to respond to you in a manner that reflects  your true position.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 187       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:46 EST
To K. Gregovic --- Do I believe in a New World Order? This is a complex
question, but  for right now I will say "yes." However, if you wish to know if
I  welcome, seek, admire, or desire a New World Order, the answer is an 
emphatic "no."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 188       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:47 EST
To D.FRIEDMAN14 --- Pooh.bah has suggested that we take this thing a step at a
time, so I  will refrain from responding to your post about "code words" at
this  time. I will, however, state that there are exterminationist  historians
who have flatly stated that the Germans did not use code  words (euphemisms)
to describe mass murder (Pressac being the example  that pops readily to
mind). If Pooh.bah agrees that there were code  words, then I am sure we will
deal with it in due course. If she does  not, then I will be happy to discuss
this matter with you separate  from the main discussion.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 189       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:47 EST
To B.Willis3 --- I was not offering pamphlets solely to promote one side of
the  Holocaust issue, but to help bring others up to speed on what the  "other
side" is saying. I was hoping that, by making this offer,  those less familiar
with the Holocaust debate than Pooh.bah might  sooner grasp some of the
significant points of contention, and thus  be able to focus their research in
those areas, which makes for a  better discussion for us all.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 190       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:51 EST

The Canadian show trials of Ernst Zundel in 1985 and 1988 were not initiated
by Zundel; they were initiated by Sabina Citron of the so-called "Canadian
Holocaust Remembrance Association", utilising the "false news" law from the
1892 enactment of Canada's criminal code. The English had abolished the law in
1888 (it really dates back as far as 1275) but it somehow survives to this
day.  What it shows is the great and desperate lengths to which various
persons and organizations will go to to silence offending voices like that of
Mr. Zundel.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 191       Mon Mar 16, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:53 EST
To Carl Fink --- You are correct ... I did not mean to say that GEnie was
giving me two  carriage returns when I asked for two. My original message was
butchered  dduring my attempt to edit it, and a line was dropped. At any rate,
I seem to have it under better control now, although things are still in need
of some fine-tuning. Thanks for asking, though!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 192       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:53 EST

I didn't say "we didn't do it and anyway you did it too".  If you read my post
a little more carefully, you will see that what was said was that BOTH sides
committed crimes.  That is a somewhat different position to take than the
reigning political dogma that dictates: "the Nazis were horrible beasts
responsible for everything and who committed all the mean and nasty things
while WE [i.e. the Allies] were perfect in every way."

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 193       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:00 EST

Your quote from Bradley Smith is found from the first page of his "CONFESSIONS
OF A HOLOCAUST REVISIONIST, PART I" preface, which tells me that you have
probably read it.  Which is good, for that shows me that at least you are
willing to see the so-called "revisionist" side to things, and accounts for
your somewhat more controlled and erudite approach in stark contrast to some
of the others found here...

What Brad was trying to say was that he is an ordinary guy with NO particular
qualifications that has gotten into the holocaust thing because he found some
of the more outrageous assertions about it a little too hard to swallow.  BTW,
his "CONFESSIONS" is apparently going to be re-released in an updated and
expanded edition.

Concerning Fred Leuchter, the fact that he's been THE leading consultant to
America's prison system on the design, manufacture and operation of "execution
hardware systems" including "gas chambers" makes him a good or excellent
candidate for examining the sites at the Auschwitz camp complexes.  The truth
is, if he was NOT such an expert/consultant, his credibility would be under
attack for NOT being so, isn't that so?  The object seems to be do attack the
man in any way possible because he has violated certain taboos.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 194       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:04 EST

To answer your question as to whether or not I think the Nazis had a
deliberate policy of extermination designed to destroy various peoples,
especially Jews - to be honest, I would have to say "I don't know, but I don't
think so."  Which is why I am interested in this discussion and why I want to
hear and read both sides of this issue.

The two people that seem to be representing the two sides fairly competently
are "The Raven" and "The Pooh Bear" - don't get me wrong, I am NOT insulting
either one of you, but a little humor is not out of place now and then.  Both
of you have, for the most part, kept most of the emotion and personal attacks
out of it, very unlike most everybody else. 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 195       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:15 EST

I understand that not a single autopsied body has ever been found in or near
ANY of the concentration camps and shown to have been "gassed".  I also
understand that not a single "gas chamber" has yet been unearthed, nor a
single plan, blueprint, or official report on one, not even official financial
records showing an allocation for one.  Just the many "survivor's" tales
which, as you quite rightly pointed out, the Yad Vashem authorities themselves
mostly reject and regard as unreliable.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 196       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:21 EST

This is two-part.  Firstly, thanks much for the info on Raul Hilberg's 3-
volume "DESTRUCTION OF THE EUROPEAN JEWS" and the statistics therefrom.  The
problem is that I can't find this book and would like to add it to my library
as being one of the books representing the holocaust position.  If you know 
where I can purchase the 3-volume set, please e-mail me an address.  

Sanning has been published that is a study of the demographic statistical data
on Europe's (and also the world's too for that matter) Jews in relation to the
holocaust, and the figures he produces are quite different from the ones you
quoted from Hilberg.  I have no doubt that Sanning would reject Hilberg as
"unreliable" and vice versa, which tells me that there is indeed two sides to
this or perhaps that somebody is lying.

The second part of my reply concerns, again, your question about the
"extermination" policy.  If you mean "elimination" rather than
"extermination", then the answer would be YES.  I.e. the deliberate intention
to remove the Jews of Europe FROM Europe to someplace else (Palestine? 
Madagascar? or wherever).  I think THIS has been fairly well documented, but
is often confused for an "extermination" program.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 197       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 03:48 EST
Raven: Thank you for responding to my question and refraining from getting
sidetracked by other messages here. Even though there are a number of things
mentioned by both you and Rungu, I will "play by the same rules" so to speak.

You do not believe that there was an extermination program and I know that
there was one. Therefore, for you to attempt to disprove the gas chambers is
futile because if you WERE able to do so, that would NOT disprove the
extermination program. However, if you are able to disprove the extermination
program, then the gas chambers are moot.

With this in mind, then, let's research the extermination program from the
primary documents (i.e. the Nazis own record) and see what we find. Because it
is easier to discuss this with the appropriate excerpts from the documents, I
will u/l the excerpts that I will use here in this TOPic. However, it is also
important to be able to put that excerpt into context so I will u/l a larger
text into the PF*NPC RT library. Could you do the same with any documents to
which you wish to refer? I will be glad to give you instruction (if you need
them) on the use of the library here.

Also, it should be noted that the content of the document is important but it
is more important how the document fits into the CONTEXT of the rest of the
documents. Therefore, I might be posting several short multiple messages (the
way you do) to expose the entire picture.

It would be great since you started this TOPic if you and I could agree (with
the approval of the other users) to make this a one-on-one proposition which
would help with the organization of the discussion. You and I could agree to
limiting ourselves to responding only to each other and then Rungu could ask
questions of either of us, discuss with other users in the TOPic or just help
you out behind the scenes if you wish.

Does this sound like a fair format to you? In anticipation of your agreement,
I will prepare my first set of documents in proof that there was indeed an
extermination program.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 198       Mon Mar 16, 1992
D.BRIN1                      at 04:27 EST
M.Rungu: Apparently, a bachelor's degree in history qualifies Fred Leuchter as
a "professional historian."  I have a friend who took pre-med in college but
couldn't get into medical school.  Can I call him a doctor now?

I've had considerable dealings with Greg Raven on Santa Monica's municipally-
operated BBS.  I'd like to congratulate Pooh-Bah for his/her calm but
relentless dismantling of Greg's thesis on this board.  In coming months,
Greg's shaky hold on the facts will be increasingly exposed (for example, he
once stated that Jews and Arabs coexisted "peacefully" before 1948).  His
refusal to pay attention to deficiencies in the Leuchter Report caused me to
throw up my hands and I have since ceased debating him.  I would encourage
participants who oppose the Raven&Rungu attack on the verity of the Holocaust
to let Pooh-Bah carrying on his/her excellent work. Please don't distract from
her points and questions  by introducing emotional outbursts and meta-
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 199       Mon Mar 16, 1992
D.BRIN1                      at 04:34 EST
I support Pooh-Bah's proposal.  Let Raven and Pooh-Bah slug it out!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 200       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 04:42 EST
       Never Forget                 Never Again
    A Moment of Silence in Memory of Those who died in the Holocaust
    And those who died to stop it, as well as those who fight against it's
    Soliders today.

   Amoment as well to contemplate the shame of the apopogists, and followers
of Gebbel's Big Lie technique, who would try and deny it ever happened.


   Never Forget                    Never Again

       Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 201       Mon Mar 16, 1992
E.BROWN42                    at 05:13 EST
I second that motion, and I suspect that I know "the bear of much brains" true

Scaramouche :->
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 202       Mon Mar 16, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 05:22 EST
   Hm. so Leuchter's professional qualifications derive from a BA in
 history. Well, *I* have an MA in history. I therefore am a far more
 skilled historian than he, by academic definition. I declare Leuchter's
 findings preposterous, biased, incomplete, inconclusive, and invalid,
 and await Mr. Raven's withdrawal from the argument, since he should 
 listen to my superior professional qualifications.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan >* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 203       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:31 EST
 First, I will supply a group of excerpts from various documents to trace the
 extermination program. Then I will write a message, if necessary, with any
 explanations that are necessary. In many cases, the documents can stand
 alone. I will use this same format for all my part of the discussion. The
 designation at the bottom is an indication where the document can be located.


 Rischsleiter Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are commissioned under responsibility to
 expand the authority particularly of designated doctors so that they can
 euthanize after they become aware of people who are seized by incurable
 sickness as determined by critical review of the state of their illness.

                                         Adolph Hitler

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 204       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:31 EST
 From the instruction sheet for the questionnaire for the euthanasia program:

 All patients are to be reported who

 1.   suffer from the diseases enumerated below and who within the institution
      can be occupied not at all or only at the most mechanical work (picking,

      Epilepsy (indicate if exogenous, war-related or other causes)
      Senile disorders,
      Therapy-resistant paralysis and other Lues [syphilitic] diseases,
      Retardation from whatever cause,
      Huntington's chorea and other terminal neurological conditions;


 2.   have been continuously in institutions for at least 5 years;


 3.   are in custody as criminally insane;


 4.   do not possess German citizenship or are not of German or related blood

 Accompanying footnote: Jew, Jewish Mischling [half-breed] 1st and 2nd class,
 Negro, Negro Mischling, Gypsy, gypsy Mischling.

 4 KLS 7/47
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 205       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:32 EST
 The proceeding two documents tell us that Adolph Hitler personally ordered
 the euthanasia program and one of the qualifying "illnesses" was not of
 German or related blood with Jew, Negro and Gypsy being the targets of that

 The euthanasia program order is dated 1.Sept.1939 so it is important to note
 that the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 removed German citizenship from the German
 Jews which, therefore, gave them a double qualifying "illness" under number
 4 above.

 Although this is not the sole proof of the extermination program, it does
 wipe out the claim that there is no order for the extermination of Jews since
 being Jewish is a qualifying "illness" and Hitler did sign the order to
 euthanize such people who are "incurably ill." Therefore, no further order
 had to be issued to exterminate the Jews or Gypsies.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 206       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:33 EST
The following several messages are from the Einsatzgruppen Reports. The number
of the report and the date will be noted with each excerpt. The Einsatzgruppen
reported on their activities to their respective headquarters which sent the
information to Berlin. There the RSHA compiled concise reports in the name of
the Chief of Sipo and the SD. Copies were distributed to high- ranking army,
police and SS officers, diplomats, members of the foreign office an even to
industrialists as they related to economic factors in the Soviet territories.

The Einsatzgruppen Reports were discovered by the U.S.Army in Gestapo
headquarters in Berlin after the war. They were initially impounded by a
research analyst attached to the Berlin branch of the Office of the Chief of
Council for War Crimes. They were sealed and transported in the custody of the
US Army to Nuremberg. During the first days of the Einsatzgruppen Trial, the
authenticity of the reports was established beyond doubt and none of the
German defendants challenged their validity.

After the trial, the original reports were sent to the National Archives in
Washington, DC. In 1960 they were given to the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz.
Photocopies of all the reports remain in the National Archives and at Yad
Vashem in Jerusalem.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 207       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:34 EST
                  Operational Situation Report USSR No. 17


 According to instructions by RSHA, liquidations of government and party
 officials, in all named cities of Byelorussia, were carried out. Concerning
 the Jews, according to orders, the same policy was adopted. The exact number
 of the liquidated has not as yet been established.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 208       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:35 EST
                  Operational Situation Report USSR No. 19


 In Kaunas, up to now a total of 7,800 Jews have been liquidated, partly
 through pogroms and partly through shooting by Lithuanian Kommandos. All of
 the corpses have been removed. Further mass shootings are no longer possible.
 Therefore, I summoned a Jewish committee and explained that up to now we had
 no reason to interfere with the internal arrangements between the Lithuanians
 and the Jews.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 209       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:35 EST
                 Operational Situation Report USSR No. 106


In agreement with the city military command, all the Jews of Kiev were ordered
to appear at a certain place on Monday, 29 September, by 6 o'clock. This order
was publicized by posters all over the town by members of the newly organized
Ukrainian militia. At the same time, oral information was passed that all the
Jews of Kiev would be moved to another place. In cooperations with the HQ of
EGC and two Kommandos of the police regiment South, Sonderkommando 4a executed
33,771 Jews on September 29 and 30.

[NOTE: This took place in the ravine of Babi Yar outside of Kiev.]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 210       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:36 EST
                  Operational Situation Report USSR No. 111


 These were the reasons for the executions carried out by the Kommandos:
 political officials; plundereres and saboteurs; active Communists and
 political representatives; Jews who gained their release from prison camps by
 false statements; agents and informers of the NKVD; persons who by false
 depositions and witness influencing were instrumental in the deportation of
 ethnic Germans; Jewish sadism and revenge; undesirable elements; partisans;
 politruks; danger of plague and epidemics; members of Russian bands; armed
 insurgents; supplying Russian bands; rebels and agitators; drifting
 juveniles; JEWS IN GENERAL. [emphasis mine]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 211       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:37 EST
                  Operational Situation Report USSR No. 117


 The districts occupied by the Kommandos were cleansed of Jews. 4,091 Jews and
 46 Communists were executed during the time span covered by the report,
 bringing the total to 40,699 [for the period of 1-15 October 1941 by
 Einsatzgruppen D].
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 212       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:38 EST
                  Operational Situation Report USSR No. 126


 The difficulties in carrying out such a large action - first of all with
 respect to sowing disunity - were overcome in Kiev by a call via posters to
 the Jewish population that they were to move.

 Although at the start, one could count on the participation of about 5,000-
 6,000 Jews, more than 30,000 Jews turned up who, due to extraordinarily
 skillful organization, believed in the transfer right up to the moment of
 their execution.

 Thus, even if about 75,000 Jews had been liquidated so far, it has already
 become clear that a solution of the Jewish question will not be possible in
 this way. True, we have succeeded in bringing about a total solution to the
 Jewish problem, particularly in smaller towns and also in the villages.
 However, in bigger towns it was observed that all the Jews have disappeared
 after such an execution.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 213       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:39 EST
 And, just in case you believe that any of the above was done for security
 reasons and had nothing to do with the individuals being Jewish:

                  Operational Situation Report USSR No. 173


 In the course of a routine Security Police screening of an additional part of
 the civilian population around Leningrad, 140 more people had to be shot. The
 reasons for this were as follows:

 a)   Active participation in the Communist Party before the arrival of the
      German troops;

 b)   Seditious and provocative activity since the arrival of the German Army;

 c)   Partisan activity;

 d)   Espionage;

 e)   Belonging to the Jewish race.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 214       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:39 EST
So, from the Einsatzgruppen Reports we learn that Jews were being executed for
no reason other than being Jewish, that these reports were being transmitted
to Berlin and that these executions continued. From this we can conclude that
Berlin did indeed order these executions. After all, Report 17 states that the
executions were ordered and, if this was false, it is reasonable to expect
that that misconception would be corrected quickly.  However, almost 8 months
later executions are still taking place because individuals belong to the
"Jewish race."

In Report 126 we learn that these executions are considered part of the Final
Solution. This not only supports the conclusion that the Einsatzgruppen were
performing these executions based upon orders but also that this was just a
part of a bigger program to solve the "Jewish question."

From this, even though a small fraction of the evidence has been presented, to
conclude anything other than the fact that there was an extermination program
against the Jews would defy Occam's Razor.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 215       Mon Mar 16, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:48 EST
All of the typos in the above document excerpts are mine.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 216       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 07:30 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 217       Mon Mar 16, 1992
S.JACQUES                    at 10:30 EST
 I havn't read any of the posts in this topic yet, but I will. I was
 surprised to see this brought up again--the idea that this was a hoax
 reveals a lot about anyone who hold this view in the face of overwhelmig
 eyewitness testimony. Just where did the Jewish population of Europe,
 e.g., towns in Poland--as in interviews of the approx. 6 hr film on
 the Holocaust that was on PBS--anyone know what film I am refering to?
 Anyway, where did the Jewish population of Europe go, if they were
 not murdered?

  One point I want to make, is that people often forget that the first to
 go were Hitler's political enemies-the Communists. (Of course there was some

 I don't know if people in the US feel they should thank Hitler
 for exterminating all the communists or what. Personally, I don't think
 being a communist justifies extermination, any more than being a Jew.

  However the extermination of the Jews was particularly horrible,
 because it was based on racism and lies. I don't think that exterminating
 your political rivals is justifiable, but at least one can see the reasoning,
which is not true with the extermination of the Jews.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 219       Mon Mar 16, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 19:11 EST
[Once again, please direct commentary on the appropriateness of this topic to
topic 7 in this Category, and leave this topic for discussion of the Holocaust
itself. Thanks. -Ric/PF*NPC]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 220       Mon Mar 16, 1992
P.BOBBITT                    at 19:30 EST
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO: Carl         >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I think your views are admirable, but somewhat naive.  You say you don't like
ANY infringement on anyone's freedoms.  What you should consider is the fact
that there WILL be infringements, regardless of whether or not they are

I propose this to you:  Whose rights are being most infringed upon when a
government elects to silence a hate monger spreading literature that
encourages the destruction of a race?

I should think that the right to exist comes before the right of freedom of
speech.  In this case, the government SHOULD step in to protect the more
important right, that of the right to live.  Hate mongers directly threaten
this right and they should be silenced.

You will also not that I have at no point requested that this topic be closed
down.  I think Raven has a right to express his opinions. He does not have the
right to threaten the safety of others with them.  Since he has not done this,
he should be permitted to continue speaking.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TO: M.RUNGU      >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

No one said this discussion had to centre around logic.  Feelings are what
people like Mr. Raven play on.  When you get my opinions on an issue, you get
both my thoughts and feelings.  And the feelings Raven stirs up in me are very
real.  If the expression, rather then the repression, of these feelings earns
me an "F", well I can deal with that.  My point is, how do you like the points
I'm making?

>>>>>>>>> Paul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 221       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 19:37 EST
              -=-=-=- To: RTRAYNOR [Bevan]
  >    Constant repetition of that 'blessed memory' message is
  > getting a   touch trite. Can you at least vary the words some?
 Sorry, as long as this topic is alive these messages will be repeated

                    A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 222       Mon Mar 16, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 19:47 EST
>>Am I to assume that a science teacher is supposd to be an exalted
 >>authority on the holocaust? [sic]

  No.  Nor did I ask you to, M.RUNGU.  I have some knowledge, but I'm hardly
an expert - Dr. Pooh is the expert.

>>There is a difference between disapproving of the policies of
 >>the state of Israel and being anti-Semitic (or, as you probably
 >>mean, anti-Jewish).

  Granted.  I don't approve of all of Israel's policies myself.  On the other
hand, I don't simply classify it as "corrupt" and write it off - as you do. 
By the way, "anti-Semitic" DOES mean anti-Jewish.

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 223       Mon Mar 16, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 19:49 EST
  Take it to TOP 7, Paul.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 224       Mon Mar 16, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 20:39 EST
   Sigh. Why do I get the impression that several people are fighting
 like the dickens to prove themselves more knee-jerk than Raven? The
 performing bear acts threaten to obscure Pooh-Bah's masterful job.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan >* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 226       Mon Mar 16, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 22:13 EST
217 S.Jacques:

The movie to which you refer, I believe is Shoah.  If so, it was about 8
hours, if memory serves (unless PBS hacked it some).


How interesting that Zionist organizations and the ADL are "anti-Gentile."
Does pro-Jewish have to mean anti-Gentile?  If so, I think you've exposed your
true colors loud and clear.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 227       Mon Mar 16, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 22:47 EST
                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                   of the Multi Millions of

                     JEWS, NON-JEWS, GAYS,


             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 228       Tue Mar 17, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 00:09 EST
 I left town for a few days, and came back to find over two hundred messages
 here that would have me rolling on the floor from its absurdity were it not
 for the horror of the Holocaust.  The attempts at deception by the
 so-called Holocaust Revisionists, who are actually disciples of the Nazi
 Big Lie technique (repeat an obvious lie often enough and people start
 believing it) are almost as laughable as the early inanities of their role
 model, Adolph Hitler.

 An example of the humor of some of these Revisionists.  (I skipped most of
 the messages, but the first one that I saw this morning was number 183,
 from one M.Rungu.  In it he says "Am I to assume that a science teacher is
 supposed to be an exalted authority on the holocaust?  How so?  Leuchter is
 a professional historian and THOSE credentials have already been "rejected"
 by those who don't like his findings."

 Isn't Leuchter the fraud who was parading around as an engineer, claiming
 to be an expert on gas chambers, but turned out to be unlicensed?  Is he
 also now parading around as an historian, or is this just a figment of Mr.
 Rangu's apparently very vivid imagination?

 "The qualifications of the many professional historians of the Institute
 for Historical Review and it's Board of Advisers are similarly rejected
 and/or ignored.

 I should hope so, at least if they're as professional as the admitted fraud
 Leuchter!  Or Mr. Rangu! 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 229       Tue Mar 17, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 00:10 EST
 M.Rungu:  I note that in message 194 you say "I don't know, but I don't
 think so," but claim to have an open mind and wish to hear about both sides
 of the issue.

 If you really mean that, I have a suggestion.

 Rather than simply reading, and arguing, about the Holocaust, I suggest
 that you speak with some of the survivors.  One can argue back and forth
 about books and articles, but after speaking in person with a Jew who
 suffered in the concentration camps and miraculously survived, nobody could
 possibly take the Revisionists seriously.

 I can't start going into minute details the way some other people do, and I
 don't want to get into the Revisionists' trap of referring to someplace as
 an extermination camp and having them come back and say such-and-such was
 not an extermination camp, it was simply a concentration camp, and use that
 to try to convince the naive that the Holocaust never happened.  But I can
 tell you, unequivacably, having spoken to a number of survivors who I have
 known personally, including one woman who told of seeing the earth over the
 mass graves at Babi Yar heave for days (or was it weeks?) after the mass
 executions there, that anyone trying to convince you or anyone else that
 the Holocaust never occurred is either totally misinformed or a bald-faced
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 230       Tue Mar 17, 1992
C.MAIER [Claire]             at 00:32 EST
Poohbah, you have repeatedly mentioned two types of historians with different
views (one starts with an I and one with an F, I think, but I can't remember
what the words are).  Could you explain in detail what each of these types
mean, and how the distinction is important to this discussion of the history
of the Holocaust?

 BTW, in case anyone cares, there is a difference between Pooh Bear and Pooh
Bah.  Pooh Bear, or Winnie-the-Pooh, is a teddy bear who is a main character
in the children's books by A.A. Milne.  Pooh Bah is a character from Gilbert
and Sullivan's Mikado, where Poohbah signifies an important official.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 231       Tue Mar 17, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 00:57 EST

Most of us, I think, are aware of that.  The only people using them
interchangeably aren't even enlightened enough to know there was a Holocaust,
let alone be conversant with G & S's wonderful operetti.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 232       Tue Mar 17, 1992
J.STENGEL [John]             at 01:30 EST
   ----->G. Raven (your post#184):
     Thank you for your comments on my post (uptopic)...I will attempt to
address these comments: 
     >To John Stengel --- Your posting may be alright for an opening
 >but as proof it  has a LONG way to go. MOTIVE Hitler didn't like the way     

 >Jews acted, and wrote about that in Mein  Kampf. Henry Ford didn't like 
 >the way Jews acted, and wrote about it.  So did many other people. Big 
 >deal. What you need is something  official, like a signed order, for  
   Henry Ford was a minor league anti-semite, so I wont even adress that
point. Lets move right up to the major league.  I admit that Hitler in *Mein
Kampf*  does not come right out and say "If I come to power I'll set up death
camps and  execute every Jew I can get my  hands on."  *Mein Kampf* does
continue to be the  best source as to Hitler's general attitude towards Jews.
To illustrate Hitlers  many anti-semetic comments, I present only a few.   In
the second chapter,  *Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna*, Hitler gives an
account of his  "conversion" to anti-semitism.  He gives a vivid blow by blow
description of  this "conversion"; 
     "For the Jew was still characterized for me by nothing but his religion,
and therefore, on grounds of human tolerance, I maintained my rejection of 
religious attacks in this case as in others"
   Later in the chapter:
     "If you cut even cautiously into such and abscess, you found, like a 
maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light--a kike!"
   Most revealing, Hitler closes the chapter thus:
   "Hence today I believe I am acting in accordance with the will of the 
Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the
work of the Lord"
   Well, from my viewpoint, anyone who claims to be doing the work of the 
Almighty is capable of anything.  Hitler goes on throughout the book to 
accuse the Jews of every vice, corruption, and crime known to mankind. He
makes it quite clear that he sees the Jews as number one enemy of his "Pure
Aryan Ideal".  Hitler never needed to issue a "signed order", his lieutenants
knew exactly where he stood on the "Jewish question". Did Ronald Reagan have
to issue a "written order" to Ollie North to get the Iran arms deal moving? 
Did the Ayatollah issue a written order to  kill Salmon Rushdie?  Did Jim
Jones issue a written order to his followers to drink Kool Aid?  "Motivated"
followers don't need "orders", they  anticipate what the boss wants.  Written
orders are a civilized nicety which, contrary to legends of Teutonic
thoroughness, in Nazi Germany were at best used to ofuscate actions rather
than legitimize them. 
   Your request for a "written order" is more a request for the "smoking gun"
than it is a dispute with my citaiton of *Mein Kampf* as a basis of  "motive"
for the holocaust.  The "smoking gun" in this case is the smoking crematorium;
not a (probably) non-existing written order by Hitler to  commence a mass
killing program.  I stand on my point that *Mein Kampf*, authored by the
absolute dictator of Nazi Germany during the times in  question, stands as
sufficient evidence to establish "motive"for the crime.  (i.e."The Almighty
told me to do it")    

   Next point:
     >OPPORTUNITY Of the Jews known to be in Europe in 1939, roughly 80
     >of them  were never "molested" by the Nazis, and roughly 87 percent of 

     >them  survived the war (whether through luck, emigration, etc.). This   

     >leaves roughly 13 percent who are dead (of all causes) or missing (of  
     >all causes). This represents a tremendous reduction in the  ability of  

     >the Nazis to murder 6 million Jews, as they NEVER had their hands on
     >many of them (the total dead or missing appear to be about  500,000)
    Raven, are you arguing that the Holocaust never happened or that the 
numbers are wrong?  As for "opportunity",  you do agree that most of the  Jews
of Europe came under Nazi occupation at some point in the war? Would you not
also agree that as a result of German Army conquests, the  Nazis had the
"opportunity" to deal with the "Jewish question" in any way they chose?  As to
the numbers of people on which they exercised their "opportunity";  should
500,000 dead rather than 6,000,000 make us reduce our feelings of horror to
one twelveth?  Incidently, the opening of  massive formerly secret Soviet
archives should begin to clarify these  numbers in the coming years.  My hunch
is that the toll is closer to  the 6,000,000 than the 500,000 figure.  I
submit that your comments do  not refute my "opportunity" argument; again I
stand on my original point.  

    The Weapon point:
     >WEAPON To say that the Nazi state was a weapon is some major-league     

     >"wriggling," as you call it. In an American court of law, you have to  

     >produce the weapon, show that it was capable of committing the alleged  

     >act, and that it can be tested to show that it did in fact commit the 
     >act. This you cannot do.
    Off the top of my head, I would define "weapon" as "instrument of 
destruction or of killing".  In my opinion, Nazism was a realization of 19th
century European Nihilism.  While the philosophical origins of  Nazism is
another topic in itself, suffice it to say that "Nihilism" can be summed up
very simply: "a philosophy of destruction".  Hitler built his State with
nihilism at the foundation.  Nazi Germany is remembered  for what it was
"against" rather what it was "for".  The Nazi rampage across Europe was an
orgy of nihilistic destruction, pure and simple. Like the Pied Piper, Hitler
led millions of Germans to their deaths with his "lebensraum" tune. In their
death dance,  the German people took  42 million of their fellow Europeans
with them.  I think my metaphor of the Nazi state as a weapon is appropriate. 
Was the Nazi state "capable of committing the alleged act"?   I submit that it
was not only capable, it was designed and built for just such acts.  It was
philosohically  committed to such acts.

    Final Point:
     >CORPUS DELECTI Yes, and what about the corpses. If the Nazis buried
     >dead,  let's find the graves and count the bodies. If they burned their 

     >victims, let's count the number of crematoria, find out how many  total 

     >hours they could have been at work, and then divide that number  first
     >two and then by three (the number of hours it takes a modern  crematoria

     >to complete the first stage of the cremation process), to  determine a  

     >ballpark figure for the maximum possible number of corpses that could 
     >have been cremated. Then, of course, we must  subtract death from 
     >natural causes, death by disease, death by legal  execution,
     >etc., to arrive at a rough estimate of the number of  possible victims. 

     >Have fun. One hint: you won't get anywhere near 6  million Jewish
     >and adding 5 million non-Jewish victims makes  your task yet more       

     Well, my sense of life urges me toward more wholesome ways to "have fun" 
(than counting corpses), but I guess we'll have to examine this point if we're
interested in pinning down the number of victims.  As to the numbers of proven
 crematoria, I plead ignorance.  I leave it to you Raven, and others on the 
topic to enlighten me.  As a "gut hunch", I would speculate that it is not an 
insurmountable technical problem for a modern industrial nation to dispose of 
11,000,000 emaciated bodies over a 2 or 3 year period.  After the fire bomb
raid on Dresden in 1945, survivors had to deal the corpses of over 200,000
men, woman and children.  The survivors were left with a city infrastructure
utterly destroyed; yet they dealt with the grissly task through the simple
expedient of piling up the bodies and burning them.  My guess is that a  Nazi
destruction machine capable of laying devastation to vast physical areas of
Europe and Russia would not be stumped by the relatively simple task of
disposing of 11,000,000 corpses.  While we're at it, what became of the
7,000,000 German military and civilian dead?  How about the estimated  20-
50,000,000 Russians?  Do we deny Stalin's starvation of 10,000,000  Ukrainians
because no one can produce a grissly stack of 10,000,000 skulls?           

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 233       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:15 EST

I've been looking over your statements and the documents you have proffered to
prove that an extermination program was intended, planned, ordered, and
carried out.  But I would like to make a comment or two before Mr. Raven

Firstly, any discussion of an "extermination program" relating to the
holocaust has to have it's primary focus on the famous "gas chambers" since
the vast bulk of the 6,000,000 figure are said to have been gassed.  Also, the
vast majority of the number said to have been gassed were said to have been
gassed at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complexes.  This should,
therefore, be the primary area of interest, rather than document after
document concentrating on the Einsatzgruppen operations.

Secondly, the Einsatsgruppen operations in and of themselves have always been
suspicious.  Orders may have been issued, but they were not always carried
out, in spite of the reports coming in from the actual units in the field
supposedly carrying out those orders.  Often it was found that the planned
operations were impractical or even downright impossible, and even sometimes
FALSE reports were sent in with fabricated figures of fatalities amongst the

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 234       Tue Mar 17, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:19 EST
To M.Rungu (regarding 196) --- There is one copy left of Hilberg's three-
volume edition of  "Destruction," priced at $145, at Eric Kline Booksellers,
Santa  Monica, (310) 395-4747. It is in good condition, and includes the box 
and the errata sheet.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 235       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:20 EST

I agree that the emotional outbursts and the introduction of meta-discussions
are quite superfluous.  I also think that the continuous, unending screenfuls
of "remembrance" messages are serving no purpose other than to irritate people
into leaving this message area entirely or to drown out the interesting
discussion that is developing.  I do wish the person would desist from
submitting them over and over again.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 236       Tue Mar 17, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:20 EST
To Pooh.bah (regarding 197) --- I do not mind discussing this topic primarily
with you, and as you  seem to be the best versed person participating for the 
exterminationist side, this seems somewhat natural. However, I do not  want to
exclude anyone from the discussion, if they feel they have  something
substantive to add. I wanted to start this topic to get  people involved, and
I think it inappropriate to exclude participants  based on a quasi-elitist
standard. It would be nice of those posting  the emotional (and the
repetitious) messages would allow us to  conduct our discussion, but I welcome
all others.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 237       Tue Mar 17, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:21 EST
To Daniel Brin (regarding 198) --- As I remember things, you were going to
bury me beneath a mountain of  evidence. You were so incapable of producing
even a molehill that you  quit posting messages without even saying goodbye,
leaving all the  others (who were counting on you) in the lurch. For those
here on  GEnie, you might be interested to learn that Mr. Brin's main 
contention about the Leuchter Report was that a pharmacist by the  name of
Pressac was much better qualified to speak of gas chambers  than acknowledged
expert Fred Leuchter. However, I will leave off my  further defense of Mr.
Leuchter until such time as the thread of the  "main" discussion gets to that
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 238       Tue Mar 17, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:21 EST
To Pooh.bah (regarding 203, 204, and 205) --- The barrel must be almost empty
if you are forced to scrape around in  the scraps of the Nazi euthanasia
program. What you forgot to mention  is that this program was quickly halted
because of adverse popular  opinion. You have also blurred the line between
the one-at-a-time  process of euthanasia (which we here in the U.S. are just
now  starting to consider ... those Nazis were quite advanced) and mass 
exterminations, as if mastering the former automatically makes you  master of
the latter. Nothing could be farther from the truth, of  course.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 239       Tue Mar 17, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 02:22 EST
To Pooh.bah (regarding 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, and  214) ---
You obviously have a lot of information already in your computer,  ready to
upload. You should write a book. I don't, so I probably will  not need to take
advantage of your offered instructions on  transferring files to the library
section. Thanks anyway. --- You have left out of your postings many germaine
points. First, it  should be mentioned that the Einsatzgruppen never numbered
more than  about 3,000 people, and some of this complement was in the form of 
administrators, secretaries (including women), teletype and radio  operators,
truck drivers, and interpreters. Hardly the make-up of a  purpose-built
killing squad. Furthermore, you neglected to mention  that the Einsatzgruppen
were only in existence for a relatively short  time, and had other chores to
which they had to attend.

However, you mention reports. Let's talk about some of the reports  you have
omitted reproducing. How about no. 127, from 31.Oct..1941,  which states:
  "In this area the Security Police has come up against two major  groups of
adversaries. They are: 1) the Jews, 2) those once active in  the former Soviet
regime ... In this regard it should be pointed out  that in the Ukraine, those
who sympathized with the Soviets were  prodominantly Jews ... It can now be
stated without reservation that  the Jews were, without exception, supporters
of Bolshevism.
  "Over and over again, particularly in the cities, the Jews are  cited as the
real Soviet rulers who exploited the people with  indescribable brutality and
delivered them to their deaths at the  hands of the NKVD. The (German Security
Police) units have carried  out approximately 10,000 interrogations during the
past four months.  Again and again, the Jews were cited as having worked
actively for  the Soviets, if not in responsible positions then at least as
agents,  collaborators or informers. Not a single Jewsh corpse had been found 
in any of the numerous mass graves. In any case, it is evident that  the Jews
share the greatest guilt with others for the slaughter of  the Ukrainian
people and the ethnic Germans.
  "For this reason, special measures against the Jews are considered 
necessary by the Security Police." --- You might have mentioned the reports of
24.July.1941 and 5.Aug.1941,  which refer to the establishment of Jewish
health centers in the  newly-created Jewish ghettos to prevent the outbreak of
diseases. --- You might have mentioned the report of 12.Sept.1941 (no. 81),
which  shows how relieved the Einsatzgruppen was to find large numbers of 
Jews gone upon entering areas previously under Soviet control.
  "During the first weeks considerable numbers of Jews fell under our 
control, whereas in the central and eastern Ukrainian districts it  has been
observed that in many cases 70 to 90 percent, and sometimes  100 percent, of
the Jewish population has fled. This can be seen as  an indirect result of the
work of the Einsatzgruppen, since the  removal at no cost of hundreds of
thousands of Jews --- most of them  reportedly to beyond the Urals ---
represents a considerable  contribution to the solution of the Jewish question
in Europe." --- When you made reference to the "Final Solution," you might
have  reminded everyone that this did not mean extermination. This was 
pointed up in report 63, 25.Aug.1941:
  "Slowly but surely, one of the most important problems, the  SOLUTION OF THE
JEWISH QUESTION, is being tackled. In Kishiven, there  were approximately 60-
80 thousand Jews before the war. Most of them  were deported with the
withdrawal of the Russians. When the city was  captured, there were only about
4,000 Jews present, but that number  has since increased. Upon the initiative
of the Einsatzkomando the  Rumanian city commander established a Jewish ghetto
in the old city  which currently contains about 9,000 Jews. The Jews are being
 organized into work groups and assigned to various German and  Rumanian units
for clean-up work and other kinds of labor." --- On the topic of the casualty
figures, you forgot to mention that  historians Reitlinger, Hilberg, Shirer,
Paget, Maser, Bauer, Cargas,  Krausnick, and Wilhelm acknowledge that these
figures bear little  resemblance to reality. For that matter, the testimony of
 Einsatzgruppen defendants Blobel and Nosske bear this out. Even  Ohlendorf,
who squealed like a stuck pig about high casualties in an  effort to get
himself off, changed his tune when he saw he was not  immune from prosecution.
--- As to your opinion that Hitler must have had some hand in this, even 
Hilberg no longer believes that. To quote Mayer:
  "Apparently, neither Heybrich, Hitler, nor Himmler ever issued a  written
command to liquidate these noncombatants." --- Finally, to your statement that
none of the Einsatzgruppen defendants  challenged the authenticity of the
documents, I can only say that all  the war crimes trials were kangaroo
courts, and they must have  adopted the position they thought best at the
time. However, Mayer  has recently interpreted and then eliminated one by one
all of the  documents or arguments which up until now have been used to make 
people believe that the Germans practiced a policy of exterminating  the Jews
(the Goering-to Heydrich letter of 31.July.1941, the Wannsee  Conference
transcript, the conduct of the Einsatzgruppen in Russia,  Himmler's speeches
at Posen in October, 1943, etc.). And if that is  not enough, Hilberg
acknowledges that the Einsatzgrupen did not kill  Jews without a security
reason (1985 edition). --- Perhaps most importantly, however, you neglected to
mention that the  Germans were fighting a guerrilla war in that area, which
was started  by Stalin's order of 3.July.1941. Under the circumstances, the 
Germans performed admirably.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 240       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:24 EST

Yes, Hitler did take measures against the Communists of Germany. His policy
before he acceded to power in the democratic elections of 1933 was to fight
them tooth and nail everywhere they could be found.  His policy after he
became Chancellor was to basically leave them alone IF they accepted the new
government and did not go underground or engage in revolution.

The general policy of the KPD (Germany's communist party) was to go
"underground", and thus, true to his word, the new government hit them very
hard indeed.  An excellent book on the subject from a personal standpoint is
"OUT OF THE NIGHT" by Jan Valtin.

Of interest here is an "overlap" problem, for a great many of the communist
leaders and communist functionaries were in fact Jewish. The measures taken
against them could, therefore, be considered a verifiable aspect of the
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 241       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:26 EST

I think everybody has their own thoughts and feelings aroused in a discussion
of this nature, but the problem lies in the fact that certain individuals give
in to temptation and express those feelings and thoughts in an unacceptable
manner that is offensive to EVERYBODY. Those that do so, in my grade book, get
an "F".
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 242       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:29 EST

It is fact that many of the "pro-Jewish" organizations in existence today
practice what we might call "Semitism".  That term could be defined as the
ideology of Jewish supremacy and anti-Gentile hatred and it's outward
expression.  It is precisely the behaviour we see in men organizations like
the Jewish Defense League and which we saw in men like Rabbi Meir Kahane
(whose views were unpalatable to even the leaders of Israel).

The practice of "Semitism" in it's most rabid forms have led to the outbreaks
of "anti-Semitism" here and there.  It's an interesting aside to the overall
holocaust discussion...
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 243       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:32 EST

The quotes from "Mein Kampf" are interesting but prove absolutely nothing
whatsoever.  Hitler himself violated many of the principles found in his book,
in later years, and frequently expressed himself in contradiction to passages
therein.  He also often expressed regret at having written the book at all.

Pointing to the anti-Jewish references found in Mein Kampf do NOT prove intent
to create or carry out an "extermination program", mcuh much less (typo on
line above, sorry!) prove that such a program was carried out.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 246       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:53 EST
230 Claire:

 > Poohbah, you have repeatedly mentioned two types of historians with 
 > different views (one starts with an I and one with an F, I think, but I
 > can't remember what the words are). Could you explain in detail what each
 > of these types mean. . .

The two general schools in Holocaust history are the Intentionalists and the
Functionalists. The difference in the two groups is evident in their
interpretations of the advent and implementation of Nazi policies toward the

For the Intentionalists, there is a straight line from Hitler's anti-Semitic
ideology of the 20's to the policies of the Nazis and the Final Solution.

The Functionalists, OTOH, believe in whole or in part that: (1) the Nazi
system was chaotic and major decisions were often the result of the most
diverse pressures, and, (2) the Final Solution was without any imperative
central planning, forecasting or clear orders from the top.

I could elaborate further but this gives you a basic idea. 

 > . . . and how the distinction is important to this discussion of the 
 > history of the Holocaust?

To understand the importance to this discussion of these two schools, you need
to know a little about what the Holocaust Deniers say about Holocaust history.
From one of their ads that they run on college campuses we find:

 > We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but
 > influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust
 > story an exception.

Obviously, considering that the two Holocaust history schools of thought are
so different from each other, the above quote from the ad, like the rest of
the text, is false. I can also tell you that the debate between the two
schools is very heated at times. For instance, in the "Yad Vashem Studies XIX,
1988" (an annual publication of the recent scholarly investigations into the
Holocaust), there is a heated debate in the first article that continues for
50 pages between an Intentionalist and a Functionalist.

Hope this helps to answer your questions. Feel free to ask more.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 247       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:54 EST
233 Rungu:

 > Firstly, any discussion of an "extermination program" relating to the
 > holocaust [sic] has to have it's primary focus on the famous "gas
 > chambers" since the vast bulk of the 6,000,000 figure are said to have
 > been gassed.

This is one of the reasons that it is good to get your information from
historical sources instead of just from the mass media and IHR. You had
previously asked me to post some figures (which I did from Hilberg) and then
you commented on that message but apparently ignored its content.

There were 2.7 million who perished at the extermination camps and, as I noted
in my earlier message, not all of these were the result of gassing. Some died
of disease, medical experiments, cold, hunger, forced labor or were executed
by other methods such as shooting and hanging.

Therefore, the vast majority of the 5.1 million that Hilberg cites were killed
through methods other than gas.

 > Secondly, the Einsatsgruppen operations in and of themselves have always 
 > been suspicious.  Orders may have been issued, but they were not always
 > carried out, in spite of the reports coming in from the actual units in
 > the field supposedly carrying out those orders.  Often it was found that
 > the planned operations were impractical or even downright impossible, and
 > even sometimes FALSE reports were sent in with fabricated figures of
 > fatalities amongst the targets.

Excuse me, do you know this from personal experience or could you cite some
sources for these strange claims?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 248       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:55 EST
235 Rungu:

 > I also think that the continuous, unending screenfuls of "remembrance"
 > messages are serving no purpose other than to irritate people into leaving
 > this message area entirely or to drown out the interesting discussion that
 > is developing.  I do wish the person would desist from submitting them
 > over and over again.  

Excuse me but weren't you the one who was championing free speech a short
while ago?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 249       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:55 EST
236 Raven:

 > I do not mind discussing this topic primarily with you, and as you  seem
 > to be the best versed person participating for the exterminationist side,
 > this seems somewhat natural. However, I do not  want to exclude anyone
 > from the discussion, if they feel they have  something substantive to add.

I just don't want either you or I to get distracted by side issues that might
be proposed by others. I have nothing against either you or I responding to
those side issues as long as it doesn't interfere with the discussion between
you and I. Agreed?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 250       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:56 EST
238 Raven:

 > What you forgot to mention  is that this program was quickly halted
 > because of adverse popular  opinion. You have also blurred the line
 > between the one-at-a-time  process of euthanasia (which we here in the
 > U.S. are just now  starting to consider ... those Nazis were quite
 > advanced) and mass exterminations, as if mastering the former
 > automatically makes you  master of the latter. Nothing could be farther
 > from the truth, of  course.

Your point would make sense except for one slight flaw. The Nazis did not do a
"one-at-a-time" euthanasia program. They "euthanized" 70,000 Germans in the
"short while" the program was in effect.

However, even discounting that flaw in your position, your message fails in
that it missed the point of the purpose of my u/l'ing of the documents
regarding the euthanasia program. The point was that being Jewish was
considered an "incurable illness" according the euthanasia program.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 251       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:57 EST
239 Raven:

 > You obviously have a lot of information already in your computer,  ready
 > to upload.

Not at all. Everything that I u/l'ed in those comments was newly typed. I'm
now working on typing the full documents to u/l into the library. I just
happen to know the history of the Holocaust fairly well, have excellent
resources handy and don't mind letting my fingers do the walking.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 252       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:57 EST
239 Raven:

 > First, it  should be mentioned that the Einsatzgruppen never numbered
 > more than  about 3,000 people, and some of this complement was in the form
 > of administrators, secretaries (including women), teletype and radio 
 > operators, truck drivers, and interpreters. Hardly the make-up of a 
 > purpose-built killing squad.

Are you forgetting or are you not aware of the auxillary groups that were
composed of local populations and the pogroms that were incited. I would like
to refer you to Reports 8, 14, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 38, 40, 43, 48, etc.

I assume from you lengthy quote of 127 that you have the Report available to
you. However, since many reading this probably don't, let me give them an
example to what I am referring. From Report 40, 8/3/41:

"It was very easy to convince the Lithuanian circles of the need for self-
purging actions to achieve a complete elimination of the Jews...Spontaneous
pogroms occurred in all the towns...Self-cleansing operations are very late in
starting in Latvia. Although Jews are completely eliminated from public life,
they can still be seen in the streets of Latvia's towns. The impertinence of
the Jews has contributed towards increased self-cleansing activityes. Thus in
all Latvian towns pogroms, destructions of synagogues, and liquidations of
Jews and Communists occurred....Self-cleaning activities in Latvia still
continue at this time....In the self-cleansing actions in Lithuania, Latvia
and Estonia over 20,000 Communists and Jews were liquidated by the self-
defense organizations."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 253       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:58 EST
239 Raven:

 > As to your opinion that Hitler must have had some hand in this, even 
 > Hilberg no longer believes that. To quote Mayer: "Apparently, neither
 > Heybrich, Hitler, nor Himmler ever issued a  written command to liquidate
 > these noncombatants." 

Wow! I love your logic! You state that Hilberg (an Intentionalist) doesn't
believe that Hitler had "some hand in" the Einsatzgruppen and, as proof, you
quote Mayer (a Functionalist).

Did you mean that or did you get a little sloppy or were you merely testing
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 254       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:59 EST
239 Raven:

 > Hilberg acknowledges that the Einsatzgrupen did not kill  Jews without a
 > security reason (1985 edition)

Do you have a page number for that? Here is what I find in Hilberg:

"According to Ohlendorf, the commanders of the Eisatzgruppen were briefed by
Himmler personally. They were informed that an important part of their task
was the elimination of Jews - women, men and children - and of Communist
functionaries. Standartenfuehrer Jaeger of Einsatzkommando 3 recalls a meeting
of about fifty SS leaders in Berlin, where Heydrich declared that in the event
of war with Russia the Jews in the east would have to be shot. One of the
Gestapo men asked: 'We should shoot the Jews?' Heydrich then answered: 'Of

No where in there (or in the text proceeding or following this passage) do I
find any indication that Hilberg "acknowledges that the Einsatgruppen did not
kill Jews without a security reason."

This position would fly in the face of Report 173 which I quoted before that
stated that a reason for execution was "belonging to the Jewish race." To
respond to this report by saying that Hilberg disagrees is employing the 
logical fallacy of an "appeal to authority."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 255       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 06:59 EST
239 Raven:

All in all this message is spoken like a true believer in Mark Weber. Here I
quote from a number of Reports which indicate that Jews were being killed for
being Jews and you produce a single report that says Jews were Communists and,
therefore, a security risk.

Let's look at this more carefully. Report 127 (your quote) was written on
October 31, 1941. In it, it states: "It can be stated positively today that
the Jews without exception served Soviet Bolshevism."

That sure leaves me wondering about Report 111 (October 12, 1941 - over 2
weeks BEFORE it could be stated "positively" ) where one of the reasons was
"Jews in general".

Oh, now I get it. I needed to read further in Report 127 to see the Nazi
logic. "Not a single Jewsh corpse had been found in any of the numerous mass
graves [from the Soviets]." Hmmm....I wonder how the Nazis were able to
determine that. Check for circumcision? Do you have any clue?

This clearly demonstrates that justification, rationalization and propaganda
are not tied to reason, logic or reality.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 256       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 07:00 EST
239 Raven:

 > Mayer  has recently interpreted and then eliminated one by one all of the 
 > documents or arguments which up until now have been used to make people
 > believe that the Germans practiced a policy of exterminating  the Jews
 > (the Goering-to Heydrich letter of 31.July.1941, the Wannsee  Conference
 > transcript, the conduct of the Einsatzgruppen in Russia,  Himmler's
 > at Posen in October, 1943, etc.).

Talk about spin doctors! Mayer is a Functionalist - not a Holocaust Denier. He
has NOT "eliminated one by one all the document or arguments which....have
been used to...believe that the Germans PRACTICED A POLICY OF EXTERMINATION."
He fully acknowledges the extermination but believes that it was a FUNCTION of
other events.

Once again, though, you err by an "appeal to authority." You need to cite
documents, your interpretation and, if desired, it is permissible to state
authorities who agree with your interpretation. That is scholarship. However
to simply state that "X says Y therefore it is true" is faulty logic and
definitely NOT reserach or scholarship.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 257       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 07:01 EST
240 Rungu:

 > His policy after he became Chancellor was to basically leave them alone IF
 > they accepted the new government and did not go underground or engage in
 > revolution.

Do you still believe in the Nazi propaganda that the Communists started the
Reichstag fire?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 258       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 07:01 EST
Now, Raven has posted an Einsatzgruppen Report (127) which claims that the
Jews were a security risk. That report was dated October 31, 1941. In a direct
response to that Report, I said that it was a utilization of "justification,
rationalization and propaganda." This might sound like I was speaking from
ideology and not primary sources (which I have committed myself to using to
base all my statements.)

Here is the primary source upon which I based those comments. This comes from
a Wehrmacht report on the extermination of the Jews in the Ukraine. It is
dated 2.December.1941 and was sent from the Inspector, Armament in the Ukraine
to Berlin. It is document: PS-3257.

"From the outset the attitude of the Jewish population was anxious-willing.
They tried to avoid anything that might displease the German Administration.
That they hated the German Administration and the Army in their hearts is
obvious and not surprising. However, there is no evidence that the Jews,
either as a body, or even in any considerable numbers, have taken part in
sabotage, etc. Without doubt there have been some terrorists or saboteurs
among them, just as there have been among the Ukrainians. But it cannot be
claimed that the Jews as such present any kind of danger for the German
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 259       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 07:02 EST
And, what about the mention in Raven's Einsatzgruppen Report 127 that the Jews
had brutalized the local population under the Soviets? Is this true?

Let's take a look at a report from SS Sturmbannfuehrer Magill of the 2nd SS-
Cavalry Regiment dated 12.August.1941.

"It was also conspicuous that in general the population was on good terms with
the Jewish sector of the population. Nevertheless they helped energetically in
rounding up the Jews. The locally recruited guards, who consisted in part of
Polish police and former Polish soldiers, made a good impression."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 260       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 07:03 EST
Raven also made the claim that the "Final Solution" meant the removal of Jews
via emigration, etc. and not extermination. I wish that were true. However, to
make such a claim required ignoring certain documents and the correlation
between those documents. His claim is based upon Einsatzgruppen Report 63
dated 25.August.1941.

From TR-3/1209 (Yad Vashem) we have an order signed by Mueller on

"The Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police has decreed that the
emigration of Jews is to be prevented, taking effect immediately."

So, if the Final Solution on 25.August.1941 was the emigration of Jews, had it
been completed by 23.October.1941? No, that can't be it. After all, that would
mean that there weren't any more Jews to emigrate so there would be no need
for the above order. Hmmm....I guess the only logical conclusion could be that
the Final Solution was not about emigration!

In fact, from a Foreign Ministry Circular dated 25.January.1939 we find
regarding the German Jews who were emigrating from Germany (please keep in
mind that the war had not even started yet):

"The poorer the Jewish immigrant [from Germany to other countries] is and the
greater the burden he constitutes for the country into which he has
immigrated, the stronger the reaction will be in the host country, and the
more desirable the effect in support of German propaganda. The aim of this
German policy is a future international solution of the Jewish question,
dictated not by false pity for a 'Jewish religious minority that has been
driven out' but by the mature realization by all nations of the nature of the
danger that Jewry spells for the national character of the nations."

That sure doesn't sound as though the Nazis would have been satisfied with
having no Jews on their soil. It seems that their outlook was much broader and
a simple emigration program would never have been considered a Final Solution.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 261       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 07:10 EST
The above messages clearly demonstrate why there is a right method and a wrong
method to working with primary sources.

The right method demands that we look not only at the content of a particular
document but that we must also put that document into the CONTEXT of the
{rest{ of the documentation.

To base a theory or opinion upon one or a few documents while ignoring the
rest is similar to the paradimgm of the six blind menKo "viewing" an elephant.
The blind man who felt a leg of the elephant believed the elephant to be
similar to a tree. The ;3blind man who felt an ear believed the elephant to be
similar to a leaf. The blind man who felt the trunk believed the elephant to
be similar to a snake, etc.

The fact is that all the blind men were incorrect.{ t({History is a jigsaw
picture puzzle and the primary{ documents are the pieces. If we leave out one
single p{iece, the picture is incomplete.{xD Therefore, some of the documents
that I u/l might not seem {to have anything to do with the particular issue
being discussed. However, even those documents are essential to bringing the
full picture into focus.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 262       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.FEINS                      at 07:41 EST
                         We Remember

               1,500,000 small Jewish Children


                        Blessed Memory

             that were indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

                     WE SHALL NEVER FORGET

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 264       Tue Mar 17, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 18:05 EST
[1 messages have been deleted. Please limit repetitious 'remembrance'
messages, or at least vary the wording. Please do NOT post a 90 line article
with the same line repeated over an over again -- that is not appropriate
here.  Thank you.  -Ric/PF*NPC]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 265       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:07 EST
 Raven maintains that the Final Solution meant the physical removal of Jews
 from Germany (verses their physical destruction). I have already responded
 with a few documents to refute this but, because it is such a crucial point,
 I think that I should give a more complete response.

 I imagine that most people here have heard of the Madagascar Plan....the plan
 to ship the European Jews to a special reservation on the island of
 Madagascar. With such a plan, is it possible that Raven is correct? The
 simple answer to that question is: No.

 There were TWO Madagascar Plans. One was formulated by the RSHA and the other
 by the SS. Neither plan was finalized nor accepted by the Nazi hierarchy as
 THE Madagascar Plan so that raises a question as to how serious that plan was
 in the scheme of the Final Solution.

 What follows, though, is something better than any claims that I or any
 authority could make. I will u/l a series of excerpted documents dated from
 21.September.1939 - 16.December.1941. As soon as I have the time, I will type
 up the full documents and u/l them to the library here. I'm sure that I can
 count on the sysops to expedite their access once I u/l them.

 I caution you that you might find some of these documents very disturbing. To
 give you an idea, I was going to include more excerpts but lost the stomach
 for it after the last 4 I typed.

 Other than one note after the first document, I have made no commentary. They
 are presented so that you may draw your own conclusions.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 266       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:07 EST

To Chiefs of all Einsatzgruppen of the Security Police Subject: Jewish
Question in Occupied Territory

I refer to the conference held in Berlin today, and again point out that the
planned total measures (i.e., the final aim) are to be kept strictly secret.

Distinction must be made between:

1. the final aim (which will require extended periods of time)


2. the stages leading to the fulfillment of this final aim (which will be
carried out in short periods).

It is obvious that the tasks ahead cannot be laid down from here in full
detail. The instructions and directives below must serve also for the purpose
of urging chiefs of the Einsatzgruppen to give practical consideration to [the
problems involved.]

For the time being, the first prerequisite for the final aim is the
concentration of the Jews from the countryside into the larger cities.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 267       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:08 EST
 From the above document, we discover that there are to be intermediate steps
 and then, the "final aim" (Endziel). Before the "final aim" can be executed,
 the Jews need to be concentrated into the cities. This would indicate that
 the ghettos and _concentration_ camps are part of the intermediate step.

 All of that everyone can clearly see. There is one part that might miss
 someone's notice but it is important. That is: the date. On September 21,
 1939, the Blitzkrieg had been successful....but the Nazis were still bound by
 the anti-aggression pact that had been signed by Hitler and Stalin. Also, the
 Nazis had yet to conquer France and Madagascar was a French possession.

 So, to claim that the "final aim" spoken of in this document meant to move
 the Jews further East OR to set up a reservation on Madagascar for them means
 that one claiming that would have to acknowledge that Hitler and the Nazis
 were either planning the invasion of the Soviet Union OR the invasion of
 France. Since this is possible, more documentation needs to be reviewed.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 268       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:09 EST

 The Reichskommissar for Ostland
 IIa 4

 Provisional Directives for the treatment of Jews in the area of the
 Reichskommissariat Ostland.

 The final solution of the Jewish question in the area of the
 Reichskommissariat Ostland will be in accordance with the instructions in my
 address of 27.July.1941 in Kovno.

 Insofar as further measures are taken, particularly by the Security Police,
 to carry out my verbal instructions, they will not be affected by the
 following _provisional directives._ It is merely the purpose of these
 provisional directives to assure that where, and as long as, further measures
 for the final solution are not possible, minimum measures will be taken by
 the Generalkommissare or Gebietskommissare. . . .

 . . .As far as possible the Jews are to be concentrated in cities or in
 sections of large cities, where the population is already predominately
 Jewish. There, ghettos are to be established, and the Jews are to be
 prohibited from leaving these ghettos.

 In the ghettos the Jews are to receive only as much food as the rest of the
 population can spare, but not more than is required for their bare
 subsistence. The same applies to the allocation of other essential goods.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 269       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:10 EST

 . . . Individual actions by members of the Wehrmacht or participation by
 members of the Wehrmacht in excesses by the Ukrainian population against the
 Jews is forbidden; they are also forbidden to watch or take photographs of
 measure taken by the Sonderkommando [of the Einsatzgruppen]. . . .

                                         von Rundstedt
                                         High Command
                                         Army Group South
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 270       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:10 EST

 Reichskommissar for Ostland
 IIa 4

 To: Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories

 RE: Execution of Jews

 . . .Will you please inform me whether your inquiry of 31.October should be
 interpreted as a directive to liquidate all the Jews in Ostland? Is this to
 be done regardless of age, sex, and economic requirements (for instance, the
 Wehrmacht's demand for skilled workers in the armament industry)? Of course
 the cleansing of Ostland of Jews is a most important task; its solution,
 however, must be in accord with the requirements of war production. . .

                                         Reichskommissar for Ostland

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 271       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:11 EST

 Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories

 To: Reichskommissar for Ostland

 RE: Jewish question

 The Jewish question has presumably been clarified meanwhile by means of
 verbal discussion. In principle, economic considerations are not to be taken
 into account in the settlement of the problem. It is further requested that
 any questions that arise be settled directly with the Higher SS and Police

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 272       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:12 EST

 Reichskommissar for Ostland

 To: Higher SS and Police Leader

 . . . I request most emphatically that the liquidation of Jews employed as
 skilled workers in armament plants and repair workshops of the Wehrmacht who
 cannot be replaced at present by local personnel be prevented. . .

 . . . Provision is to be made as quickly as possible for the training of
 suitable local personnel as skilled workers. . .

                                         Reichskommissar for Ostland
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 273       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:13 EST

 Generalkommissar for Byelorussia

 To: Reichskommissar for Ostland

 I wish to ask you personally for an official directive for the conduct of the
 civilian administration towards the Jews deported from Germany to
 Byelorussia. Among these Jews are men who fought at the Front and have the
 Iron Cross, First and Second Class, war invalids, half-Aryans, even three-
 quarter Aryans. . .

 . . .These Jews will probably freeze or starve to death in the coming weeks.
 . . On my own responsibility I will not give the SD any instructions with
 regard to the treatment of these people. . .

 I am certainly a hard [man] and willing to help solve the Jewish question,
 but people who come from our own cultural sphere just are not the same as the
 brutish hordes in this place. Is the slaughter to be carried out by the
 Lithuanians and Letts, who are themselves rejected by the population here? I
 couldn't do it. I beg you to give clear directives [in this matter,] with due
 consideration for the good name of our Reich and our Party, in order that the
 necessary action can be taken in the most humane manner.

                                         Heil Hitler!
                                         Wilhelm Kube
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 274       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:13 EST
 So, there are excerpts from 7 documents. One I included only to indicate how
 closely the secret of what was being done was guarded. However, throughout
 there is a tone of secrecy and instructions or clarifications given verbally
 instead of in writing.

 D. Jean Antoine Llorente, formerly Secretary of the Inquisition wrote:
 "Secrecy, the foe of truth and justice, was the soul of the tribunal of the
 Inquisition; it gave to it new life and vigour, sustained and strengthened
 its arbitrary power, and so emboldened it, that it had the hardihood to
 arrest the highest and noblest in the land, and enabled it to deceive, by
 concealing facts, popes, kings, viceroys, and all invested with authority by
 their sovereign."

 In this regard, was the Holocaust much different? It is amazing and we should
 be grateful for the quantity that the Nazis DID put into writing. Some have
 said that this is a contradiction which cannot be resolved (i.e. the
 extermination program was a secret but they put so much of it in writing).
 However, all of the Nazi ideology was composed of unresolved paradoxes. For
 instance, the Jews were "sub-human" far inferior to the "master race." Yet,
 according to the Nazis, it was this sub-human element that had somehow
 outwitted the Master Race and dominated the world.

 I believe Paul Valery had a prophetic vision of the Holocaust Deniers when he
 wrote in 1895: "The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor
 for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and
 oneself for an oracle, is inborn in" them.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 275       Tue Mar 17, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:47 EST
 Marty, as long as Raven and his motley crew keep repeating their very
 creative rewriting of history, it's appropriate that you bring us back to
 reality with a moment of silence.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 276       Tue Mar 17, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:47 EST
 238  G.Raven:

 >Nothing could be farther from the truth, of  course.

 I just couldn't keep myself from pointing out that you are an expert in
 this area, i.e. straying far from the truth.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 277       Tue Mar 17, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:48 EST
 242  M.Rungu:

 >It is fact that many of the "pro-Jewish" organizations in existence today
 practice what we might call "Semitism".  That term could be defined as the
 ideology of Jewish supremacy and anti-Gentile hatred and it's outward

 In a like manner, with at least as much accuracy, truth could be defined as

 >The practice of "Semitism" in it's most rabid forms have led to the
 outbreaks of "anti-Semitism" here and there.

 Racists have often tried to blame their victims for their plight.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 278       Tue Mar 17, 1992
J.WEISBERGE1 [Jon W.]        at 18:56 EST
It's interesting to note that M.Rungu has dropped the claim, made in message
#3, that it "doesn't know much about the topic."  I was inclined at first to
accept this at face value, but M.Rungu's subsequent disingenous use of "my
understanding is that...," "I have heard that...," etc.,  prior to each
regurgitation of various fundamental claims of the Deniers makes it apparent
that it "knows" a good deal about Holocaust Revisionism.  M.Rungu is acting
the part of the shill.

Further, while I am perfectly content to allow Pooh.Bah to dig into the
details of the Final Solution, I do not think it serves any useful purpose for
everyone to forfeit expressing their opinion of Holocaust Revisionism, and
especially to offer their opinions as to what motivates the Deniers.

In my opinion, for example, the purpose of the Deniers is to legitimize
Hitlerism in particular, and fascism in general, by denying their antihuman
essence - with the goal of installing fascism here.  They *like* German-style
fascism.  They think it's good for you.  Unfortunately, it's a difficult sell
when everyone knows that among its results was the mass murder and attempted
extermination of an entire people; thus the denial.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 279       Tue Mar 17, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 19:44 EST
 Pooh.Bah:  You are truly an amazing person.  Given all the documentation
 you have given, nobody but a nincompoop or dyed-in-the-wool racist could
 possibly give any credence to the creative rewriting of history by those
 who would deny the existence of the Holocaust.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 280       Tue Mar 17, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 20:53 EST
>>Firstly, any discussion of an "extermination program" relating to
 >>the holocaust has to have it's primary focus on the famous "gas
 >>chambers" since the vast bulk of the 6,000,000 figure are said to
 have been gassed.

  By whom?  I've heard "majority" but never "vast bulk".

>>Secondly, the Einsatsgruppen operations in and of themselves have
 >>always been suspicious.  Orders may have been issued, but they
 >>were not always carried out, in spite of the reports coming in
 >>from the actual units in the field supposedly carrying out those

  M.RUNGU, why do you plead ignorance on certain matters, (like when the facts
are against your position) but then make very authoritative statements,
implying that you are very knowledgeable, when you think the "facts" support

  Could you give a source for this belief that Einsatzgruppen reports were
often falsified?  In any case, though, assume that none of the atrocities Pooh
has mentioned really happened (as I don't): if the German High Command had NOT
had a policy of extermination, these reports would have led to the removal and
court-martial of the officers in question.

>>Yes, Hitler did take measures against the Communists of Germany.
 >>His policy before he acceded to power in the democratic elections
 >>of 1933 was to fight them tooth and nail everywhere they could be

  You're slipping, M.RUNGU.  These two sentences are clearly sympathetic to
Hitler - only a Nazi or Nazi-wannabe could call the elections of '33
"democratic".  Hitler "acceded to power" by arranging for gangs of bullies to
intimidate voters, winning a strong minority position, and using his position
as Chancellor to supress the legislature and opposition.

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 281       Tue Mar 17, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 21:11 EST
 > His [Hitler's] policy before he acceded to power in the democratic
 > elections of 1933. . . .

Hitler was never elected Chancellor. He was appointed. Elections for members
of the Reichstag were held in July '32, Nov. '32 and March '33. Hitler was
appointed in January '33. The last election before his appointment, the Nazis
had actually LOST seats in the Reichstag.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 282       Tue Mar 17, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 21:28 EST
The title of this topic is an assault and offense to all victims of Nazism.
That GEnie has become the forum for the dissemination of neo- Nazi material is

Now management considers remembrance messages an abuse. Tragic.

Public Forum NonProfit Conn. R
 Category 15,  Topic 5
 Message 5         Tue Mar 17, 1992
 GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 18:08 EST

Just a note... I deleted two 'remembrance' messages consisting of nothing more
than the same line repeated 90 some odd times. This is
 considered an abuse of the forum.  I really don't mind SHORT
 remembrance notes if they are posted at reasonable intervals.  I
 do not consider three or more a day as reasonable, though.
 Thanks.  -Ric/PF*NPC

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 283       Tue Mar 17, 1992
P.PERCHANSKY [Marana_tha]    at 21:37 EST
Hello G.RAVEN:

You are in my prayers.

--- Peter M. Perchansky
       Psalms 18:31
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 284       Tue Mar 17, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 22:31 EST
No, Dov, I consider two back-to-back 90+ line messages in which one sentence
is repeated over and over an abuse.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 285       Tue Mar 17, 1992
P.NANSON                     at 23:02 EST
Re: 278

Yes, Jon, M.RUNGU apparently knows quite a lot more about this revisionist
denial theory than it lets on.

I also noticed an interesting cronology which I will post to Topic 7 when it
is compiled.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 287       Tue Mar 17, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 23:13 EST

                    A moment of Silence in the

                         Blessed Memory

             of the 75,000 Mental Defective People

        who because of something they could not comprehend

                  nor defend themselves against

                       were  slaughtered

             by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

       Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 288       Tue Mar 17, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 23:17 EST

Are you really comparing Meir Kahane and the JDL to Abe Foxman and the ADL?

You can't possibly think JDL is mainstream "Semitism."  If you do, you've got
loads to learn.  Maybe you shouldn't post until you at least know some facts,
rather than "abusing this forum" (to paraphrase Ric) by firing off ill-
considered, shallowly-researched "facts" which have no roots in reality.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 289       Tue Mar 17, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 23:24 EST
 >>> POOH.BAH                     

RE:  Intentionalists/Functionalists 

So basically the Functionalists say that anything that happened isn't 
Hitler's fault and, instead, the blame should be placed on somebody else? 

 |/ ric 

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 290       Tue Mar 17, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 23:25 EST
Do the Holocast deniers also deny the medical experiments, especially the 
infamous twin studies?  How are these explained? 

 |/ ric 

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 297       Wed Mar 18, 1992
P.NANSON                     at 00:59 EST
Re: Message 286


 >Hey, isn't it interesting how posts 233-239, from Raven and
 >M.RUNGU are interspersed together and occur at exactly the same
 >time (around 2:20 AM) ???

Yeah, isn't that interesting.  I'm not the only one who noticed that.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 298       Wed Mar 18, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 01:22 EST
294 Dave
 Obviously Dave, when looking for Raven's shills, do not be blind- sided. They
operate in many directions, waving many banners. A favorite tactic of the neo-
Nazis is to wave the Constitution, even in private arenas where there is no
government influence, to demand their 'right' to disseminate propoganda. After
listening to one guttersnipe rail against me and Paul Nanson, I suspect
someone is protesting too much. (: A shill is a shill is a shill.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 302       Wed Mar 18, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 09:29 EST
 295 Claire:

  > Poohbah, what about the photographs of the emaciated people in the
  > concentration camps, and those of the emaciated corpses?

 Thanks, Claire, for asking such a great question. This is one of the areas
 the Holocaust Deniers can use to create doubts in the minds of those who
 understand what the photographs show and what they don't show. This has been
 of their take something that you (or someone else...nothing
 personal here ) believe and prove that some of your beliefs are wrong.

 Are there photographs? Yes. Are the photographs real? Yes. Have they been
 analyze by professionals to prove they are real? Yes, through the National
 Archives. (BTW, this was done AFTER some Deniers claimed they were faked.)

 Having said all that, it is important to know what the photographs show. The
 first misconception that a lot of people have is that the photos show bodies
 which have been gassed. This is not true. The extermination camps with gas
 chambers were all in Poland (eastern camps). The photographs we have were
 by the Allies in the west, most notably the US. The US did not liberate any
 the extermination camps so we have no photographs of those camps.

 I think you probably know this already based upon the rest of your message:

  > Do the Holocaust deniers think a bunch of people starved themselves and 
  > posed for these things as part of a conspiracy?

 Deniers are not a monolithic group any more than historians are. Some
 when asked about the photos, just ask: "Who controls Hollywood?" Other
 have claimed that the photos are faked but the most informed Deniers claim
 all the photographs show are people who have suffered from starvation and
 disease (typhus) BECAUSE of the break-down in transportation, etc. in Germany
 as the war was coming to a close (i.e. the deaths were a result of the
 the Nazis didn't do anything wrong).

 This, then, shows the cleverness of Denial. They can prove that there was a
 break-down in transportation, etc. and many to whom they are speaking cannot
 prove that the starvation had gone on throughout the Nazi reign of terror
 though they "know" that it did. Yet, we have documents like this excerpt that
 I u/l'ed yesterday in this TOPic:

  > In the ghettos the Jews are to receive only as much food as the rest of
  > population can spare, but not more than is required for their bare
  > subsistence. The same applies to the allocation of other essential goods.

 Read it carefully. Only as much food as the rest of the population can spare.
 Never more than is required for bare subsistence. This means that they could
 receive LESS than is required for bare subsistence! I had this document handy
 because I used it yesterday, however, there are other documents which address
 the camps directly and even include how much food an inmate should receive.
 nutritional analysis, it has been determined that the caloric intake of the 
 diet described in those documents is insufficient to sustain life.

 Yes, there was a break-down in transportation, etc. at the end of the war.
 that did not CAUSE the just helped to continue it.

  > I'd also appreciate it if you would include short excerpts of the
  > you've uploaded to the library

 Hopefully you've discovered that I have already. Otherwise, it leads me to
 believe that the many messages I've posted here are either not being read or
 being misinterpreted. Say it ain't so. :-)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 306       Wed Mar 18, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 17:02 EST
[14 messages moved to topic 7]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 307       Wed Mar 18, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 18:06 EST
Mike, in addition to complaining about your 90 liners, he also said that more
than three memorials posted daily would not be reasonable. Six million
memorials would be reasonable.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 308       Wed Mar 18, 1992
J.WEISBERGE1 [Jon W.]        at 18:20 EST
G.Raven 239:

As Pooh.Bah has pointed out, Mayer is scarcely a revisionist. Indeed, he goes
so far in his book _Why Did The Heavens Not Darken?_ to coin a new term to
describe the "mass murder" (his term) of Jews by the Nazis: Judeocide.

M.Rungu 240:

How, then, do you explain the banning of the Communist Party's press, the
forbidding of Party public meetings, etc., all of which took place *after*
Hitler was appointed Chancellor and *before* the March, 1933 elections?  How
do you account for Goering's directive of February 17?  How do you account for
the arrest of approximately 10,000 Communists in the February 28 - March 3
period, i.e., before the "democratic" elections of 1933?  How do you account
for the cancellation of those parliamentary mandates which were won by the KPD
in those elections?  The virtual banning of the KPD on March 6 - the day after
those elections?

And, of course, one must ask what you mean in your statement that a "great
many" of the KPD's leaders and functionaries were Jewish? What is a "great
many?"  10%?  20%?  50%?  Source?  Do you subscribe to Hitler's thesis of the
identity of Judaism and Bolshevism?

M.Rungu 242:

The Jews are responsible for antisemitism?  And why is antisemitism in
quotation marks?  Do you believe there is no such thing as antisemitism?

Eric 289:

No, the Functionalists do not argue that "the blame should be placed on
someone else."  As Pooh.Bah has noted, the Functionalists argue, with varying
emphases, that the Nazi extermination of Jews did not proceed from a fixed and
unvarying plan concocted before the fact, but from, essentially, a set of
improvised "solutions" to perceived problems.  Mayer, in particular, also
argues that the Final Solution cannot be understood without a recognition of
the interplay between Nazi antisemitism and anti-Bolshevism.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 309       Wed Mar 18, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:22 EST
I was talking (land line) to a friend of mine from GEnie today. He told me
that after reading comments in this TOPic that he felt as though he had led a
very sheltered life and wanted to know more about the Holocaust Deniers, their
organizations, etc.

It occurred to me that there might be others here who would be interested in
that information, too. So, I'll breifly review what I know about Holocaust

Currently, a man by the name of Bradley Smith is trying to place ads in campus
newspapers around the US. These ads deny the Holocaust.

Bradley Smith is 61 years old and, according to his book, for 35 years he has
been a writer, unsuccessfully. He gives his credentials as: "A high school
graduate, I have worked at many odd and boring job, travelled to exotic
places, seen many people killed and maimed and so on."

One has to wonder what "and so on" means in this context! He also states:
"I've never been interested in intellecutal work; it takes too long."

However, it is pages 98-99 which really boggle the mind:

"Two thousand years ago there were Jews who believed utterly that the son of
their G-d had been nailed to a pole and executed and that he rose from his
tomb to sail off the planet into the heavens. That tale was a runaway hit. Now
we have Jews everywhere committed to the proposition that _millions_ of them
were exterminated in itty-bitty gas chambers, were cremated, and rose up
toward the heavens in smoke. This one has all the signs of becoming a real
blockbuster, too. We Gentiles used to be made of sterner stuff. It took the
Jesus story more than three hundred years to be accepted as Truth by the
state. In our time the state bought the Holocaust story at the first

This should give you a fair idea of Mr. Smith and his views. His denial of the
Holocaust is based purely on taking a couple of literary expressions
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 310       Wed Mar 18, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:37 EST
Bradley Smith places tries to place the college ads under the auspices of
CODOH (Committee for Open Debate On the Holocaust).

CODOH was founded in 1987 and its directors are Bradley Smith and Mark Weber.
Mark Weber is a former member of William Pierce's neo-Nazi National Alliance
but is a relatively silent director. That leaves Bradley not only as the sole
active director but, also, the sole active MEMBER....CODOH is essentially a
committee of one!

But, this is just the beginning of the tangled web. CODOH is an extension of
the IHR Media Project which is directed by.......Bradley Smith! Sounds like a
little inbreeding to me.

The IHR Media Project is, of course, a section of the IHR (Institute of
Historical Review). Now the IHR has a lofty sounding name but is it a lofty

Well, they publish something called the Journal of Historical Review (JHR) and
it makes interesting reading to review their editorial assistants.

First, there is Mark Weber....the silent co-director of CODOH. But, this time
it goes beyond inbreeding. For instance, there is Wilhelm Staeglich who was a
judge in Germany and refers to the Holocaust as "Zionist atrocity propaganda"
(from a letter he wrote to the International Red Cross). There is Robert
Faurisson, a Frenchman, who has been relieved of his position as professor of
classical literature at Lyons 2. He has also been convicted of disseminating
materials to incite hate toward an identifiable ethnic group - Jews. There is
also Ditlieb Felderer who has also been convicted of racial harrassment in his
native Sweden. He is known as the source of mailings to Jewish leaders in
Europe. Within these mailings were locks of hair and pieces of fat and he
asked the recipients if they could identify the contents as belonging to
Hungarian Jews gassed at Auschwitz!

This, then, is a sampling of the intellectual and ethical editorial assistants
that produce the JHR. Please notice, among other things, its international
scope. IHR just happens to be the leading mover in Holocaust Denial in the
world....and it is located right here in the US (CA to be exact).
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 311       Wed Mar 18, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:54 EST
What about the IHR itself? Well, the IHR was founded in 1979 by Willis A.
Carto. Carto is also known as the founder of the Liberty Lobby (is treasurer
of it at present) and the Populist Party which ran David Duke for President in

Carto is an interesting character....and he's been kind enough to correspond
with all his views clearly exposed. The material I will quote is from his pen.
However, none of the views he expresses are original. After each of his
quotes, I'll post a similar quote from another source.

"The revolutionists have seen to it that only a few Americans are concerned
about the inevitable n*ggerfication of America"    Carto

"...she [France] is making great progress in n*ggerfication...on European
soil....An immense self-contained area of settlement from the Rhine to the
Congo, filled with a lower race gradually produced from continuous
b*stardization."      Adolph Hitler - MEIN KAMPF

"Yet White America, in her ignorance which is a planned result of the foul
Jewish conspiracy to mongrelize the white people of this once-proud nation,
knows nothing of this ready alternative [sending the blacks to Africa] to a
certain mongrelized fate."     Carto

"It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with
the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the
necessarily resulting b*stardization"   Hitler - MEIN KAMPF

"If Satan himself, with all the superhuman genius and diabolical ingenuity at
his command, had tried to create a permanent element of disintegration and
force for destruction of the nations, he could have done no better than to
invent the Jews."    Carto

"Where Jews are concerned, I'm devoid of all sense of pity. They'll always be
the ferment that moves peoples one against the other. They sow discord
everywhere, as much between individuals as between peoples."  Hitler

I guess, then, that it's true. There is nothing new under the sun. It is a
fifty year old refrain that the Holocaust Deniers sing only this time they use
the label "anti-Zionism" in place of "anti-Semitism" because the former is
acceptable by our society but the latter isn't. It used to be though....until
the Holocaust. So, maybe all the Deniers want to do is rehabilitate the label.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 312       Wed Mar 18, 1992
SPEAKER                      at 21:27 EST
I sift through the ashes and what do I find? The lives and dreams and hopes of
those who have died. The survivors have given voice to their strife - they've
borne witness to days of torturous life. Some of the perpetrators have told of
their crime - orders were followed without reason or rhyme. Yet, through it
all we have lost stories galore of those who perished in the madness of the
storm. Here, then, I step up to speak of lives so precious and deaths so
bleak. Listen if you dare to the tales I tell: I speak of what I know and that
I know well.

His name was Hanus Hachenburg born in Prague - Summer's child with a poet's
heart. Born July 12, 1929, his fate was sealed first on Sinai and then at
Munich. We chuckle ironically at "Peace in our time" but to Hanus, dear lad,
his laughter and childhood were cut short. He wants to be heard although his
story is long. Dear reader, bear with him, while he tells you about a 14 year
old life at Theresienstadt (Terezin). 



 That bit of filth in dirty walls,
 And all around barbed wire,
 And 30,000 souls who sleep
 Who once will wake
 And once will see
 Their own blood spilled.

 I was once a little child,
 Three short years ago.
 That child who longed for other worlds.
 But now I am no more a child
 For I have learned to hate.
 I am a grown-up person now,
 I have known fear.

 Bloody words and a dead day then,
 That's something different than bogie men!

 But anyway, I still believe I only sleep today,
 That I'll wake up, a child again, and start to laugh
                                                    and play.
 I'll go back to childhood sweet like a briar rose,
 Like a bell which wakes us from a dream,
 Like a mother with an ailing child
 Loves him with aching woman's love.
 How tragic, then, is youth which lives
 With enemies, with gallows ropes,
 How tragic, then, for children on your lap
 To say: this for the good, that for the bad.

 Somewhere, far away out there, childhood sweetly
 Along that path among the trees,
 There o'er that house
 Which was once my pride and joy.
 There my mother gave me birth into this world
 So I could weep...

 In the flame of candles by my bed, I sleep
 And once perhaps I'll understand
 That I was such a little thing,
 As little as this song.

 These 30,000 souls who sleep
 Among the trees will wake,
 Open an eye
 And because they see
 A lot

 They'll fall asleep again...


This, then, was Hanus' life as told in his own words. Poor Hanus never had a
chance to publish any of what he wrote. The train that came took him away to a
different country and camp. On December 18, 1943, the flames burned bright as
Auschwitz released his soul to sing with the angles.

Yis-gad-dal v'yis-kad-dash sh'meh rab-bo. . .
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 313       Wed Mar 18, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 21:50 EST
Thank you, Speaker.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 314       Wed Mar 18, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 22:39 EST
To AH.STEIN (regarding 229) ----- So you know a woman who saw the "earth over
the mass graves at Babi  Yar heave for days (or was it weeks?) after the mass
executions  there"? Wow. Tell me, what special properties must these corpses
have  had to cause this phenomenon? Does this property also account for the 
tales of professional liars such as Elie Wiesel, who claims that the  ground
spurted blood afterwards? Did the ground heave before or after  the blood
spurted, or were the two unconnected? Surely, if you think  about this for a
moment or two, you will see that you have swallowed  whole a typical atrocity
stories (read: lie). It is vulgar lies such  as these that defame the German
people, and serve as an insult to our  intelligence.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 315       Wed Mar 18, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 22:41 EST
To John Stengel (regarding 232) ----- Your statements that written orders were
somehow not needed in Nazi  Germany is contrary to the fact that there are
mounds of documents  from this period. In fact, the Germans seemed quite happy
to document  everything.
 ----------  I am arguing that the Germans never had their hands on 6 million 
Jews, based on the fact that only a small fraction of Jews in lands 
controlled by the Germans were arrested or detained by the Germans.  When you
look at the 500,000 figure of which I spoke, and then you  look at the numbers
of deaths by natural causes in the Jewish  community during the war years, you
see that they are almost  identical. In other words, almost as many Jews NOT
in custody died of  natural causes as Jews IN custody died ... supposedly due
to some  sort of program of mass extermination. This means that those 
efficient Germans, using all the technology they could muster, only  managed
to MATCH the natural death rates in their extermination  program. Items such
as this make me seriously doubt there could ever  have been an extermination
 ----------  You yourself state that calling the Nazi state a "weapon" is a 
metaphor. Metaphors (even bad ones) rarely kill people, and certainly  not en
masse. To put a finer point on it, let's say that your most  bitter enemy was
killed with a shot from a Colt .45 auto pistol. You  are found to have such a
pistol in your possession. The police would  attempt to test-fire this gun to
see if the bullet in the victim came  from your gun. If, however, they
discovered that the gun's firing pin  was frozen with rust in its bore (for
example), and could not  possibly have fired the fatal shot, this would be a
point in your  favor. If the gun could fire (or be made to fire) the bullet
would  then be examined to see if it matched the fatal bullet (ballistics 
test). In terms of this discussion, in spite of the fact that we have  been
presented with rooms that supposedly were used as gas chambers  (the "gun"),
we can show that the rooms could not have functioned as  gas chambers (the
"frozen firing pin"), AND that in fact they never  were (the "ballistics
test"). You have no weapon. Stating that you do  is somewhat like stating that
"society" causes black kids to rape  grandmothers and rob liquor stores.
 ----------  To expand on my earlier point about the crematories, if each body
 took only  one hour to be completely reduced to ash (which is  unreasonably
short), you would nee 11 million crematory hours to  eliminate all the claimed
victims. Crematories can only run 12 hours  out of 24, which means you need
roughly 916,000 crematory days.  Because all this alleged killing took place
in roughly three years  (let's say four), you have only 1461 calendar days
available.  Dividing crematory days by calendar days, you find you need 626 
crematories working at peak efficiency to do the job, which is  ridiculous.
Unfortunately for the exterminationists, this is a  best-case scenario. Note
also that this leaves unaddressed the  question of gassing the victims first.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 316       Wed Mar 18, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:46 EST
Greg Raven:

  > Tell me, what special properties must these corpses have had to cause
  > this phenomenon?

Perhaps you should consult a physiology text. There are no special properties
that are necessary. It is called DECOMPOSITION. When a body begins to decay,
gasses are released. Since these particular corpses were shot and immediately
buried without the benefit of embalming, the gasses had no place to go.
Therefore, the ground DID heave (as it has always done with any mass graves of
similar fashion).

Now, do you really want to call Elie Wiesel a liar and claim that he said that
the ground spurted blood afterwards? Are you SURE you don't want to retrack
that statement before I expose what Elie Wiesel REALLY said? Are you SURE that
you want to lose your last vestiage of credibility?

BTW, why don't you also say "hi" to Brad for me....after all, that particular
phrase is the one he always uses....and we KNOW how highly he regards
intellectual work, don't we?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 317       Wed Mar 18, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:53 EST
Greg Raven: We realize that you are CLAIMING that the Germans never had their
hands on 6 million Jews. However, your claim does not agree with the facts.
According to the Nazis own documents, they had access to ELEVEN MILLION Jews.

Just because you CLAIM something, doesn't make it a fact.

Now, do you really want to discuss the crematoria? If so, please be prepared
to document all your facts and, please, no more logical fallacies thrown in
for good measure, okay?

According to the Nazis own documents....written during the time they were in
power....the crematoria at Auschwitz alone could handle 10,000 corpses in 24

When you document your facts, please document the differences between
cremating an embalmed corpse vs a non-embalmed corpse that has just died.
Next, please document how many victims were cremated in the crematoria as
opposed to other methods of disposal (i.e. open pit burning, mass graves,
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 318       Wed Mar 18, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 23:03 EST
 The facts are that the Holocaust happened.  Those who try to deny it
 are merely trying to sanitize the Third Reich and make Naziism palatable
 once again.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 319       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 00:02 EST
How sad....and how ungrateful some people are. Here Raven opens a TOPic, posts
messages inviting a discussion, even agrees to have said discussion with me,
makes me go to all the trouble of typing all those messages containing the
excerpts from Nazi documents....and then he doesn't even reply to them.

Since I posted them, he has logged on and had the time to respond to
Alan.....therein illustrating his wonderful lack of knowledge of decomposition
and anarobic bacteria.....but doesn't even say "hi" to me.

Oh well.....maybe his silence means that he agrees with me. Think it's too
much to hope for that he will turn in his red, white and black for the good
ole Stars and Stripes?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 320       Thu Mar 19, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 00:07 EST
Score: Lord High Everything:  (I've lost count) Raven and His Magic Sidekick: 
-(I've lost count)

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 321       Thu Mar 19, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 00:17 EST

 I hear ya baby!  I hear ya!  :-)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 322       Thu Mar 19, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 01:08 EST
   D.BERKOWITZ (298) - Aw. You do say the sweetest things. Someone
 taught you rhetoric in rabbinical school, eh? Someone is indeed protesting
 too much - you are quite right in that. Keep up the good work in showing
 the readers how logical and reasoned your side can be.

   POOH-BAH - darn. You beat me to the decomposition comment. 

   Perhaps one of the most major flaws in Raven's line of thought (given
 the presumption that he is sincere in his beliefs) is that on just about
 every facet of the subject, he approaches the matter from one of three

   1) If an incident is reported, what ways are there to either explain
 why it couldn't have really happened, or to discredit the witnesses?

   2) If the first approach doesn't work, what persons can be brought
 forward to make a contrary statement, no matter how solid their motives,
 credentials, or access to the evidence?

   3) If neither the first nor the second approaches work, ignore the
 comment entirely and hope it goes away or no one mentions it.

   I daresay much the same methodology was used to explain the flatness
 of the earth, Ptolemaian planetary mechanics, the sun rotating around
 the earth, and other such items of accepted wisdom.

   Upon first hearing of the moving graves, my first impulse was "Nice
 allegory." The second was to consider if it could be true. The obvious
 answer was released methane and imperfectly tamped graves. Even in 
 modern-day landfills, where bulldozers meticuolously tamp and groom the
 sites, there are still spontaneous "eruptions."

   Blood flowing from the ground? Remember the area and the season - it
 would be entirely likely for the ground to be frozen enough for blood
 to have nowhere to go but to soak the surface.

   It's a different approach. One that chooses to take given facts and
 explain how they could have occured, instead of taking a favored pet
 theory and working like the dickens to deny any contradictory fact.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 323       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:23 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 246) ---
 Okay, so we have two different groups lying to us about the Holohoax. 
 Hiding behind this artifice is akin to claiming that, because there 
 were two groups arguing about which way to position the deck chairs 
 after striking the iceberg, the Titanic did not sink. I submit that 
 when you have two supposedly learned people such as Raul Hilberg and 
 Arno Mayer espousing diametrically opposed views on this issue, as 
 you claim they do, there is a real problem with "scholars" cooking 
 the data in order to make it fit their preconceived notions. The very 
 fact that there is such a raging discussion over documents known to 
 both sides indicates that in all probability there is at least one 
 more side to this topic. I note also that you did not mention which 
 side you favor.
 On a more personal note, one of the reasons I find Holocaust 
 revisionist so compelling is that there seems to be a great deal of 
 "revisionism" going on within the exterminationist camp. As you look 
 through the literature, you quickly find that no two survivors agree 
 with each other, and neither seem to agree with independently known 
 facts. Similarly, no two exterminationist historians seems to agree 
 on much, unless they are copying each other. For whatever it is 
 worth, the revisionists have a much more coherent approach to this 
 entire matter.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 324       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:24 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 247) ---
 Just because you quote Hilberg's numbers does not mean we all have to 
 adopt them as our own. You should have pointed out that until quite 
 recently, those presently in charge of the Auschwitz camp maintained 
 that 4 million people ... the majority of which were Jews ... were 
 murdered at Auschwitz. Now this number has been revised downward to 
 roughly one million. How does this happen? How come we still hear 
 about 6 million Jewish deaths? Whose math are we using, anyway?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 325       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:25 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 249) ---
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 326       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:25 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 250) ---
 Apparently, you are at odds with the Nazis when you claim that being 
 Jewish was an incurable disease. I could have sworn I read that Jews 
 who converted to Christianity were well treated by the Nazis (the 
 Roman Catholic Church flourished during Hitler's rule, for those who 
 do not know it).
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 327       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:26 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 252) ---
 Yikes! So it wasn't Hitler, and it wasn't any of his general staff, 
 and it wasn't even the Einsatzgruppen (not really), but instead it 
 was the indigenous populations who murdered millions of Jews ... 
 according to a NAZI plan? This must have proved a BIG disappointment 
 to the Nazis, who were setting aside ghetto areas for the Jews, 
 setting up hospitals, etc. All that work for nothing.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 328       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:27 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 253) ---
 I apologize for not knowing the difference between Hilberg (the 
 Intentionalist) and Mayer (the Functionalist). I guess the logical 
 extension of your differentiation between these two is that because 
 they disagree on major points history, the Holocaust must have 
 occurred. No wonder the revisionists have attracted my attention.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 329       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:27 EST
Bevan: Regarding the blood. Your idea isn't too bad other than the fact that
Babi Yar occurred in September (and the ground probably wasn't frozen) and
there are other factors to be considered....the main one being that Elie
Wiesel never said that blood spurted from the ground!

Yet, there are still other factors to be considered. The gas produced from
decomposition did "bubble" to the surface (and then the ground collapsed).
This whole process made the ground "mushy" and bodily fluids also were able to
escape to the surface.

If Raven chooses not to retrack his statement calling Elie Wiesel a
"professional liar" and Raven's ridiculous claim about Wiesel's statement, I
will be more than happy to post all the information (first, the proof that
Wiesel never stated that blood spurted from the ground and second, the reason
that SOMEONE did say such a thing). I just don't want to give Raven too many
clues before he decides whether he should or should retrack his statement. I
don't think that would be fair, do you? After all, research is a very
rewarding activity. :-)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 330       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:27 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 254) ---
 In the 1985 edition, I find Hilberg's statement in Chapter 4 (Mobile 
 Killing Operations), sub-section The First Sweep, sub-sub-section The 
 Killing Operations and Their Repercussions, in the paragraph 
 immediately after a list of German words translated to English. In my 
 copy, this is page 134, second paragraph up from the bottom. He says, 
 "Generally speaking, we find in th ereports one overall justification 
 for the killings: the Jewish danger."
 If this is an appeal to authority, I apologize again. Please realize 
 that I speak no German, am not a historian, have more than a 
 fully-item job doing something completely unrelated to this topic, 
 and so must be satisfied with what I can pick up in my spare time. I 
 can't help it if there are exterminationist historians who disagree 
 with you. Perhaps you should correspond with them instead of taking 
 it out on me. If the so-called historians can't even get their 
 stories straight, then we do indeed need more discussion about this 
 thing called the Holocaust, the creation of this topic being one 
 small step in the right direction.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 331       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:28 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 255) ---
 As you must certainly know, when the Germans discovered evidence of 
 mass exterminations in their push Eastward, they invited outside 
 parties to come witness the investigations. This stands in stark 
 contrast to the Soviet method, which is to hide everything from 
 outside eyes and then issue a "report." You see, once you discard the 
 preconception that the Holocaust happened and accept the possibility 
 that the Nazis may not have been monsters, a lot of things start to 
 make sense.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 332       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:28 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 256) ---
 I realize that Mayer does not deny the Holocaust ... which is 
 precisely why he is of such great interest. Here is someone who 
 professes to believe in the Holocaust, yet feels compelled to 
 jettison much of the standard Holohoax thesis in order to save some 
 remnant of the Big Picture. And as before, I remind you that I am 
 neither a researcher nor a scholar. Therefore, it should be 
 relatively simple for someone as proficient as you to demolish my 
 position, yes?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 333       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:29 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 258 and 259) ---
 What you are saying basically is that the Einsatzgruppen reports YOU 
 quote can be used to prove a point, but the ones I quote are to be 
 dismissed. Of course, you have used that same argument when I quote 
 exterminationists who don't toe your line. You really must tell us 
 which historians are okay to quote, and whether you are an 
 Intentionalist or a Functionalist.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 334       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:30 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 260, 261, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 
 272, 273) ---
 Instead of merely typing these documents in, you should have read 
 them also. They say nothing about mass execution of Jews. You say the 
 fact that there were two Madagascar Plans proves the Nazis weren't 
 serious about finding a place to send the Jews? Are you serious? By 
 that logic, that means that Himmler's Europa Plan and all of 
 Eichmann's work in trying to find someplace to ship the Jews REALLY 
 shows the extent of the extermination process. Those tricky Nazis!
 Along that same line, Nazis were so concerned about the wishes of the 
 Vichy government that they put off transporting Jews to Madagascar. 
 How vicious! How evil! How heartless! Oooh, those meanies!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 335       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:30 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 274) ---
 I don't want to get into a discussion of whether the Jews are 
 inferior or superior, or what the Nazis thought of them. However, I 
 will note that in economics, bad money ALWAYS pushes out good. In 
 other areas, the larger the crime organization the more they push 
 away the smaller criminals and the honest people. Therefore it is not 
 out of the question that something "inferior" could come to dominate 
 something "superior."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 336       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:31 EST
 To Carl Fink (regarding 280) ---
 Are you saying that evidence of Nazis disciplining their own kind for 
 excessive behavior toward the Jews (and others) would be proof that 
 there was no policy of extermination?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 337       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:32 EST
 To Eric-M (regarding 290) ---
 It is not my position to "deny" all excesses on the part of the Third 
 Reich, and I would imagine that the professional revisionists feel 
 the same. However, if there were some excesses in medical experiments 
 (to take your example), these are bad enough without adding 11 
 million fictitious victims of a far-fetched plan of extermination.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 338       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:32 EST
 To Paul Nanson (regarding 297) ---
 Here we are discussing one of the hottest topics around and all you 
 notice is that two people posted messages at the same time?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 339       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:33 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 302) ---
 >The photographs we have were taken by the Allies in the west, 
 >most notably the US. The US did not liberate any of the 
 >extermination camps so we have no photographs of those camps.

 In other words, we know that the camps liberated by the Allies were 
 not extermination camps. This leaves the camps liberated by the 
 Communists. Which means that most of the evidence (including the bulk 
 of that at the Nuremberg trials, etc.) must have come from behind the 
 Iron Curtain. So what you are saying, in essense, is that the Allies 
 were wrong when they said there were extermination camps in Germany 
 (and executed Germans for the crime), but that the Communists are 
 correct. You will excuse me, I hope, if I demur at accepting ANYTHING 
 the Communists say about anything.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 340       Thu Mar 19, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:34 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 309, 310, 311) ---
 If you strive for accuracy, you will point out to your eager fans 
 that your characterizations of Bradley Smith, Mark Weber, the IHR, 
 and others is hardly unbiased (or correct). Should anyone wish to 
 contact any of the people or institutions maligned by Pooh.bah, 
 contact me through E-mail and I will give you address (I am assuming 
 that it would be improper to post addresses here in the public area). 
 And Pooh.bah, you continued sleights against the above-named, Fred 
 Leuchter, and others, is unwarranted and out of place ... if you 
 truly have the proof you claim to have. It should not matter if 
 Hitler himself was on the staff of the IHR ... if you cannot make 
 your case without resorting to personal defamation, perhaps you 
 should reexamine your position.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 341       Thu Mar 19, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 02:10 EST
338 Greg Raven: "To Paul Nanson...

Here we are discussing one of the hottest topics around and all you notice is
that two people posted messages at the same time?"


a.)  This isn't a discussion:  rather, it is Pooh-bah's well-reasoned, solidly-
documented offerings of proof of the Holocaust, responded to by your ill-
considered diatribes.

b.)  "hottest topics":  This topic is not "hot," except among klansmen and
Nazis.  What's "hot" is your audacity.

c.)  "all you notice...same time"  I noticed it, too.  And isn't it funny how
McCarthy (as in Charlie) Rungu seems to have disappeared?

You're no Edgar Bergen, Raven:  We could still see your lips moving.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 342       Thu Mar 19, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 02:29 EST

 > Oh well.....maybe his silence means that he agrees with me.

That's what I take it to mean.  I take it to mean that whenever he does not
rebute any of your arguments, he simply has nothing to rebut, and that your
documented evidence then stands unchallenged.

Don't worry about typing for nothing.  Lots of people (at least 1 ) are
reading your psots.  :-)

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 343       Thu Mar 19, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 02:41 EST

 > Please realize that I speak no German, am not a historian,
 > have more than a fully-item job doing something completely
 > unrelated to this topic, and so must be satisfied with
 > I can pick up in my spare time.

Excellent self-promotion. By the way, what is a "fully-item job?"


 > If you strive for accuracy, you will point out...that your
 > characterizations of Bradley Smith, Mark Weber, the IHR,
 > and others is hardly unbiased (or correct).

As I recall, much of it was in the form of quotes. Are those quotes accurate
or inaccurate? Seems to me they speak pretty well for themselves.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 344       Thu Mar 19, 1992
C.MAIER [Claire]             at 02:58 EST
Did anyone see Reasonable Doubts on March 17?  I thought it was very well
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 345       Thu Mar 19, 1992
P.PAVLOVSKY                  at 03:12 EST
...a young lady (a Jew) remembers that the first time she saw
 numbers tattooed on somebody's arm when she was 13 or 14 years old.
 Only then her mother told her about concentration camps...

...a young man (a Christian) is surprised that the pope John Paul
 II was in a Nazi slave camp. He thought that only Jews were the
 victims of Nazis.

These are just two examples of ignorance (in these cases of two
 Genie participants) that prepare the soil for seeds of lies and

Too often we see the number of the Nazi victims reduced from eleven
 million to six million, so it looks like only Jews were killed and
 the other victims are only "gentiles" or "non-Jews" not worthy to
 be mentioned. The WWII usually has no place in such a picture. That
 notion is not exactly denial of the part of Nazi atrocities, just
 omitting a part of the history.

There are stories I heard over and over when I was a kid. Imagine
 no TV; so people talked more to each other. Much of their
 conversations was about the war, hunger, suffering, death and more

Now somebody says that my family is a bunch of liars, that Nazis
 actually didn't want to kill anybody, that three members of my
 family were killed by an accident. One of them may be classified as
 a provocateur because when SS came for him he new it is his time
 and kept walking out from them. Wasn't such a behavior too foolish
 and theatrical? Maybe he should let them to choose more appropriate
 time and place to shoot him.

What about those two thousand death Jews whose bodies my grandpa
 and other men were forced to cover in a pit. Did he made it up to
 amuse me?

Are two names of my wife's relatives on the wall in the Old-New
 synagogue in Prague only a part of a mosaic decoration? We don't
 know how they died. Gas chamber? Gallows? Typhus? Does it really

How easy can Nazis fool people? It depends...

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 346       Thu Mar 19, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 03:50 EST
Isn't it nice that someone who has no knowledge of German and no experience in
history feels that he has the ability to pass judgement on the existence of
the Holocaust? It's the equivalent of saying, "I don't know anything about it,
but it didn't happen."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 347       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:27 EST
 323 Raven:

  Butz (a Holocaust Denier) says:

 "Liberal and conservative publicists, though they have very different
 attitudes toward World War II and America's entry into it, and though they
 squabble with each other on almost everything else, close ranks on the
 reality of the holocaust [sic]."

  CODOH's ad says:

 "We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but
 influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust an

  Raven says:

 "Similarly, no two exterminationist historians seems to agree on much, unless
 they are copying each other."

 Don't you just love the way Holocaust Denial works. First, claim that there
 is no debate. Claim that "influential pressure groups" prevent it. Then, if
 someone knows enough about the historical debate that is going on, claim that
 that debate PROVES that there was no Holocaust.

 Raven, did you learn how to do this intellectual work from Bradley?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 348       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:28 EST
 324 Raven:

  > You should have pointed out that until quite recently, those presently in
  > charge of the Auschwitz camp maintained that 4 million people ... the
  > majority of which were Jews ... were murdered at Auschwitz.

 Maybe you should try reading some factual material for a while. Yes, those in
 charge of Auschwitz (i.e. the Polish gov't) did claim that 4 million had been
 exterminated in POLAND (as opposed to Auschwitz only). Slight difference,
 isn't it?

 No historian has ever claimed such a number was exterminated at Auschwitz.

 The Polish gov't, BTW, never claimed that most of those exterminated were
 Jews. In fact, they made quite a point to avoid any mention that Jews were

  > Now this number has been revised downward to roughly one million. How does
  > this happen? How come we still hear about 6 million Jewish deaths? Whose
  > math are we using, anyway?

 Well, this happens when the Polish gov't brings their plaque in line with
 historical reality. You are right that we shouldn't still be hearing about 6
 million Jewish deaths. With recent access to the Nazis documents from the
 Riga archives, we now know that there are at least 250,000 MORE Jewish deaths
 than had previously been reported.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 349       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:29 EST
 325 Raven:

  > I could have sworn I read that Jews who converted to Christianity were
  > treated by the Nazis. . .

 Have you heard about not taking false oaths? Have you ever read the Nuremberg
 Law of 1935? Do you have any idea how the Nazis defined who was and who
 a Jew? These are very basic facts regarding the Nazis, anti-Semitism, the
 Reich, etc. You don't even know this much?

 The Nazis defined someone as being Jewish if 3 of the grandparents were
 Jewish...the religion didn't matter in the least. Have you even heard that
 Nazis decided that Jews were a "race" and not just a religion?

  > (the Roman Catholic Church flourished during Hitler's rule, for those who 
  > do not know it).

 Yeah, right. With this act you could make it onto the stage at Evening at the

 "The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.
 Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the
                                 Adolph Hitler
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 350       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:30 EST
 327 Raven:

  > So it wasn't Hitler, and it wasn't any of his general staff, and it wasn't
  > even the Einsatzgruppen (not really), but instead it was the indigenous
  > populations who murdered millions of Jews ...

 Mind if I teach you a little lesson? You might be able to get away with the
 above if we were discussing this face-to-face without it being transcribed.
 However, if you wish to twist words here, they will get thrown back up in

 You see, I posted a few excerpts from the Einsatzgruppen Reports. Then, you
 posted the following response:

  >> You have left out of your postings many germaine points. First, it should

  >> be mentioned that the Einsatzgruppen never numbered more than  about
  >> people, and some of this complement was in the form of administrators,
  >> secretaries (including women), teletype and radio  operators, truck
  >> and interpreters. Hardly the make-up of a  purpose-built killing squad.
  >> Furthermore, you neglected to mention  that the Einsatzgruppen were only
  >> existence for a relatively short  time, and had other chores to which
  >> had to attend.

 To which I replied:

  > Are you forgetting or are you not aware of the auxiliary groups that were
  > composed of local populations and the pogroms that were incited. I would 
  > like to refer you to Reports 8, 14, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 38, 40, 43, 48,

 You do know the meaning of "auxiliary groups," don't you?

 From Webster's New World Dictionary, Second Edition:

 auxiliary: 1. giving help or aid; assisting or supporting; 2. acting in a
 subsidiary or subordinate capacity; 3. additional; supplementary; reserve.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 351       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:30 EST
 328 Raven:

  > I apologize for not knowing the difference between Hilberg (the 
  > Intentionalist) and Mayer (the Functionalist). I guess the logical 
  > extension of your differentiation between these two is that because 
  > they disagree on major points history, the Holocaust must have 
  > occurred.

 Let's see. So far we've been able to determine that you are unfamiliar with
 history and have a limited vocabulary which does not include the word,
 "auxiliary." Now, I guess, you are trying to tell us something about your
 reading skills. what WAS it that I said? Oh, yeah, here it is:

  > To understand the importance to this discussion of these two schools, you
  > need to know a little about what the Holocaust Deniers say about Holocaust
  > history. From one of their ads that they run on college campuses we find:

  >> We debate every other great historical issue as a matter of course, but
  >> influential pressure groups with private agendas have made the Holocaust
  >> story an exception.

  > Obviously, considering that the two Holocaust history schools of thought
  > so different from each other, the above quote from the ad, like the rest
  > the text, is false. I can also tell you that the debate between the two
  > schools is very heated at times. For instance, in the "Yad Vashem Studies
  > XIX, 1988" (an annual publication of the recent scholarly investigations 
  > into the Holocaust), there is a heated debate in the first article that 
  > continues for 50 pages between an Intentionalist and a Functionalist.

 Gee, I guess that means that it would logically follow that the Holocaust
 Deniers are not telling the truth that there is no debate on the Holocaust. 
 Even CODOH's ad states: "We debate EVERY [emphasis mine] great historical
 as a matter of course...." Does that then mean, Greg, that you think that ALL
 historical events didn't happen because they are debated?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 352       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:31 EST
 330 Raven:

  > In the 1985 edition, I find Hilberg's statement in Chapter 4 (Mobile 
  > Killing Operations), sub-section The First Sweep, sub-sub-section The 
  > Killing Operations and Their Repercussions, in the paragraph 
  > immediately after a list of German words translated to English. In my 
  > copy, this is page 134, second paragraph up from the bottom. He says, 
  > "Generally speaking, we find in the reports one overall justification 
  > for the killings: the Jewish danger."

 Boy, this sure explains a lot. You have the single volume of Hilberg. Come on
 up to the big leagues sometime. In the 3 volume set, the quote is in Chapter
 SEVEN and on page 329...and that's in the FIRST volume. See what all you're

 Now, it is possible that what you quoted from Hilberg is all that your little
 single volume has....but I doubt it. Read along with me. If there are any
 you don't understand, I'll be glad to explain them to you.

      Aside from terminology designed to convey the notion that the killing
      operations were only an ordinary bureaucratic process within the
      framework of police activity, we find - in logical but not
      psychological contradiction - that the commanders of the
      Einsatzgruppen constructed various justifications for the killings.
      The significance of these rationalizations will be readily apparent
      once we consider that the Einsatzgruppen did not have to give any
      reasons to Heydrich; they had to give reasons only to themselves.
      Generally speaking, we find in the reports one overall justification
      for the killings: the Jewish danger. This fiction was used again and
      again, in many variations.

 Here are the key words, see if you can find them in the above quote:
 justifications, rationalizations, fiction. Need any of them defined, Greg?

  > I can't help it if there are exterminationist historians who disagree 
  > with you.

 As you can see, Hilberg and I are in total agreement on this point. BTW, you
 seem not to know what an "appeal to authority" is. Do you need a lesson in 
 logic as well?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 353       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:32 EST
331 Raven:

 > You see, once you discard the preconception that the Holocaust happened and
 > accept the possibility that the Nazis may not have been monsters, a lot of
 > things start to make sense.

Yeah? Name one.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 354       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:33 EST
 331 Raven:

  > I realize that Mayer does not deny the Holocaust ... which is 
  > precisely why he is of such great interest. Here is someone who 
  > professes to believe in the Holocaust, yet feels compelled to 
  > jettison much of the standard Holocaust thesis in order to save some 
  > remnant of the Big Picture.

 BTW, you misspelled Holocaust in your message but I corrected it when I
 you above.

 Once again, I remind you of the words of Butz and the CODOH ad. They claim
 there should be debate and you, apparently, believe that there shouldn't be
 debate. Which is it, Greg? And, if you do not want discussion of the facts,
 did you open this TOPic.

 You know, when you make these lazy statements, your agenda slips out from
 your monitor and is plainly seen:

 You: "There isn't open debate which proves the Holocaust didn't happen."

 Me: "You're wrong. There is open debate."

 You: "See, historians don't agree therefore that means the Holocaust didn't  

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 355       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:33 EST
 333 Raven:

  > What you are saying basically is that the Einsatzgruppen reports YOU 
  > quote can be used to prove a point, but the ones I quote are to be 
  > dismissed.

 No, that is not what I'm saying. Historical research demands that ALL the
 documents must be viewed in relation to each other. The documents that I
 indicate that Jews were killed for "belonging to the Jewish race" or being 
 "Jews in general." I also quoted from one of the documents that the Jews had
 caused no problems. All of this must be reconciled. That is why Hilberg might
 say one thing and Mayer says another. This is what makes for true historical

 Now, how can these facts be reconciled? First, we know that Jews are no
 different than any other group of human beings - some good, some not so good,
 some not so bad and some bad. We also know that some Jews were members of
 partisan groups which we would probably consider good but the Nazis would
 considered bad.

 Were all the Jews that were killed by the Einsatzgruppen killed for
 to the Jewish race" and for no other reason? I never said they were.
 all I need to do to prove that Jews were being killed for "belonging to the
 Jewish race" is to show one example where that was the case. You, OTOH, 
 maintain that NO Jews were killed simply for "belonging to the Jewish race."
 Therefore, where a single example proves my case, that same example disproves
 your case. Sorry.

  > Of course, you have used that same argument when I quote 
  > exterminationists who don't toe your line.

 You DO have a problem with vocabulary, don't you? When you say, X disagrees 
 with you and don't include what X said or wrote, that is NOT "quoting." That
 asserting. If you also don't include a reference, then it becomes an
 unsubstantiated claim. What you have been doing is making unsubstantiated
 claims. Even though you are not a historian, you should have picked this up
 at least, high school. I know I sure did.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 356       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:34 EST
 334 Raven:

  > Instead of merely typing these documents in, you should have read 
  > them also. They say nothing about mass execution of Jews.

 I have read them but we now know that you have problems with vocabulary. So,
 perhaps it would be beneficial for us to review the documents. Why don't you
 start with the last four as a group and tell us your interpretation of them.
 sure that there are many here who would be happy to help you with any words
 don't quite understand. You are familiar with terms such as: liquidate and
 slaughter, aren't you?

  > You say the fact that there were two Madagascar Plans proves the Nazis
  > weren't serious about finding a place to send the Jews?

 Okay, I guess we will have to re-read this one, too.

  >> There were TWO Madagascar Plans. One was formulated by the RSHA and the  
  >> other by the SS. Neither plan was finalized nor accepted by the Nazi
  >> hierarchy as THE Madagascar Plan so that raises a question as to how 
  >> serious that plan was in the scheme of the Final Solution.

 Now, start with the third sentence (which is also the last one of this
 It is NOT because there were two Madagascar Plans that questions are raised
 (now comes the sentence of importance) because neither plan was finalized nor
 accepted. That raises questions about their seriousness but, if you will read
 carefully, I never claimed that it PROVES they weren't serious. The rest of
 documentation does that work.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 357       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:35 EST
 335 Raven:

  > I don't want to get into a discussion of whether the Jews are 
  > inferior or superior....

 Too bad that you didn't want to....because you did. Thanks for showing us
 agenda again.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 358       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:35 EST
 336 Raven:

  > Are you saying that evidence of Nazis disciplining their own kind for 
  > excessive behavior toward the Jews (and others) would be proof that 
  > there was no policy of extermination?

 No, Carl is well aware that there is proof that UNAUTHORIZED cruelty was
 punished. However it is interesting to note that Commandant Koch was executed
 not for his cruelty but for stealing money from the inmates and NOT turning
 over to the Reich. His (and his wife's) cruelty did come up in the case but
 wasn't the deciding factor.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 359       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:36 EST
 337 Raven:

  > In other words, we know that the camps liberated by the Allies were 
  > not extermination camps. This leaves the camps liberated by the 
  > Communists.

 Boy, your history IS faulty, isn't it? In case you didn't know, the USSR WAS 
 one of the Allies! I assume that is to whom you were referring by saying
 "Communists," right?

  > Which means that most of the evidence (including the bulk 
  > of that at the Nuremberg trials, etc.) must have come from behind the 
  > Iron Curtain. You will excuse me, I hope, if I demur at accepting ANYTHING
  > the Communists say about anything.

 Wrong. Most of the evidence came from the Nazi documents and most of the Nazi
 documents were captured by the US. Now, would you like to allege that the US
 tampered with them?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 360       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:37 EST
 338 Raven:

  > If you strive for accuracy, you will point out to your eager fans 
  > that your characterizations of Bradley Smith, Mark Weber, the IHR, 
  > and others is hardly unbiased (or correct).

 Let's work on that vocabulary again, shall we?

 characterization: the act of characterizing; description of characteristics.
 characterize: to describe or portray the particular qualities, features, or
               traits of

 What qualities, features or traits did I describe for any of the above?

 I stated that Bradley and Mark are co-directors of CODOH. Are they not? I 
 quoted directly from Bradley's own book (I could have used quotes from
 interviews, too, but they might have misquoted him). I quoted Staeglich's own
 words and stated facts about Felderer and Faurisson which are part of the 
 public record. As far as that is concerned, so are Mark Weber's former
 associations. I also quoted Carto's own words and I never drew any conclusion
 from any of the above.

 Are you now trying to tell us that you object to the fact that when people
 something that walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck
 they tend to call it a duck?

  > And Pooh.bah, you continued sleights against the above-named, Fred 
  > Leuchter, and others, is unwarranted and out of place ... if you 
  > truly have the proof you claim to have. It should not matter if 
  > Hitler himself was on the staff of the IHR ... if you cannot make 
  > your case without resorting to personal defamation, perhaps you 
  > should reexamine your position.

 Ah, how soon they forget. Here, out of your own mouth (or, rather, keyboard)
 the following:

  >> Does this property also account for the tales of professional liars such
  >> Elie Wiesel, who claims that the  ground spurted blood afterwards?

 Do you need another vocabulary lesson? A statement of facts which are part of
 the public record is not defamation. However, your calling Elie Wiesel a
 professional liar is. You haven't quite mastered this tactic of the Deniers,
 yet, Greg. It needs a little work. To do it well, you have to remember what
 said just a few moments before and not become your own judge and executioner.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 361       Thu Mar 19, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 05:35 EST

                          We Remember

                        and Memorialize

               10,000 Homosexuals who displeased

                        the NAZI MASTERS

             Because they dared to believe differently

              that were indiscriminately slaughtered

             by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

                      WE SHALL NEVER FORGET

                          IT DID OCCUR

       Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 362       Thu Mar 19, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 06:48 EST
  Oh, Pooh.Bah-
  Nice job, you have destroyed all his "points" with hard cold facts.  He/They
have only admission of what they don't know.
  German, history, biology etc.  Makes one wonder hoew they can consider
themslever qualified doesn't it?

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 363       Thu Mar 19, 1992
S.JACQUES                    at 08:14 EST
 And the communists too. I nkow it is hard to generate sympathy for
 communists in the US, but I don't think being a communist deserves
 the death penalty, and they werre the first to go, weren't they?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 364       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:40 EST
 314  CRaven:

 >To AH.STEIN (regarding 229) ----- So you know a woman who saw the "earth
 over the mass graves at Babi  Yar heave for days (or was it weeks?) after
 the mass executions  there"? Wow. Tell me, what special properties must
 these corpses have  had to cause this phenomenon?

 Not being a medical expert, I can only report about what happened, not the
 biological reasons why.  Perhaps you should consult with your fellow
 Holocaust Denial expert, admitted liar Leuchter.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 365       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:41 EST
 314  CRaven:

 >Does this property also account for the  tales of professional liars such
 as Elie Wiesel ...

 The nobel laureate is a very clever man, who actually began masterminding a
 public relations campaign as a small child, when he cleverly arranged to be
 placed in one of Hitler's special resorts for Jews that are sometimes
 referred to as concentration camps.  (Of course, you know better.)

 The resorts were so fabulous that the Jews neglected to eat;  they were
 having so much fun playing hide and seek with the resort personnel,
 sometimes lovingly referred to as SS or Gestapo.  In fact, they were having
 so much fun that they never even noticed their friends dying from
 self-inflicted malnutrition.

 Mr. Wiesel revealed all this to me a few years ago when I had the privilege
 of speaking with him privately.  That's not exactly what he said, but I'm
 very good at reading between the lines.  He's a very inspiring person;  in
 fact, after meeting with him, I was inspired to visit Babi Yar myself and
 was able to confirm that the heaving was not caused by decomposing bodies
 but rather by the hot air coming out of the mouths of Einsatzgruppen troops
 excitedly talking about how much fun they were having with their Jewish
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 366       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:41 EST
 319  Pooh.Bah:

 >Since I posted them, he has logged on and had the time to respond to
 Alan.....therein illustrating his wonderful lack of knowledge of
 decomposition and anarobic bacteria.....but doesn't even say "hi" to me.

 Don't be upset.  Graven didn't bother to say "hi" to me either;  he just
 took the time to libel a nobel laureate.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 367       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:42 EST
 323  GRaven:

 > On a more personal note, one of the reasons I find Holocaust 
  revisionist so compelling is that there seems to be a great deal of 
  "revisionism" going on within the exterminationist camp.

 In the tradition of one of your colleagues, Mr. Leuchter, the admitted
 liar, let me practice psychology without a license.  On a personal note, I
 believe the reason you find debunking one of the greatest tragedies of
 human history so compelling is that you have some problem with Jews.

 Am I wrong about that?  Are some of your best friends Jewish?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 368       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:42 EST
 326  Craven:

 >I could have sworn I read that Jews who converted to Christianity were
 well treated by the Nazis ...

 The survivors of Edith Stein (or was it Stern?) must be delighted to hear
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 369       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:42 EST
 328  GRaven:

 > I apologize for not knowing the difference between Hilberg (the 
  Intentionalist) and Mayer (the Functionalist).

 No need to apologize for your ignorance.  If you apologized for your every
 exhibition of ignorance or misinformation, you'd be doubling the volume of
 your messages.  We're all quite content with your present volume.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 370       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:42 EST
 330  GRaven:

 >If this is an appeal to authority, I apologize again. Please realize 
  that I speak no German, am not a historian, ...

 No need to apologize again.  It's been pretty obvious that you're no
 historian.  In fact, it's pretty obvious that you're no Jack Kennedy,
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 371       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:43 EST
 337  GRaven:

 > It is not my position to "deny" all excesses on the part of the Third 
  Reich, ...

 That's mighty white of you.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 372       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:43 EST
 339  GRaven:

 >You will excuse me, I hope, if I demur at accepting ANYTHING 
  the Communists say about anything.

 Likewise, you will excuse me, I hope, if I demur at accepting ANYTHING you
 say about anything?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 373       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:43 EST
 340  GRaven:

 >If you strive for accuracy, you will point out to your eager fans 
  that your characterizations of Bradley Smith, Mark Weber, the IHR, 
  and others is hardly unbiased (or correct).

 Ah, this is one of your most accurate posts.  You are half correct.  Pooh's
 characterization, though correct, is indeed biased.

 You're making progress.  Perhaps soon we'll see a post from you that is 60%
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 374       Thu Mar 19, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:43 EST
 346  scaramouche:

 >Isn't it nice that someone who has no knowledge of German and no
 experience in history feels that he has the ability to pass judgement on
 the existence of the Holocaust? It's the equivalent of saying, "I don't
 know anything about it, but it didn't happen."

 I was thinking the same thing.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 375       Thu Mar 19, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 18:53 EST
   Scaramouche (346): Well said. I'm reminded of a statement that Harlan
 Ellison made, in response to a comment that everyone was entitled to 
 their opinion. He denied this, saying that people were only entitled to
  *informed* opinions.

   It doesn't take much brainpower to come up with knee-jerk rationales
 to explain knee-jerk prejudices concerning complex issues. It sure takes
 far less brainpower to do so than to actually bother to learn about a 
 subject on which you're willing to spout off. 

   Raven - you say that you neither know German, history, or political
 science. Logic and rhetoric apparently are sore points as well. Yet you
 make a number of bald assertions, parroting people who also lack critical
 faculties. Scaramouche is quite right. Isn't it a wee bit arrogant, don't
 you think, to claim ignorance of the tools needed for historical research,
 but claim that an event well within the living memory of millions never

   Aside from the fact, of course, that this discussion is ceasing to be
 a debate. I'm mindful of a minor league hockey game I saw recently, in
 which my team routed their foes. Contemptuously, they beat the opponent
 in every aspect of the game, shutting down their offense, slashing through
 the defense as if it wasn't there. The enemy looked quite befuddled out
 on the ice, not knowing precisely what to do, having their every action
 easily countered. What Pooh-Bah is doing to Raven looks an awful lot like
 that game.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 376       Thu Mar 19, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 18:59 EST
Mr. Raynor persists in offering public swipes against me. I think that he
should refrain.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 377       Thu Mar 19, 1992
SPEAKER                      at 19:28 EST
I sift through the ashes and what do I find? The lives and dreams and hopes of
those who have died. The survivors have given voice to their strife - they've
borne witness to days of torturous life. Some of the perpetrators have told of
their crime - orders were followed without reason or rhyme. Yet, through it
all we have lost stories galore of those who perished in the madness of the
storm. Here, then, I step up to speak of lives so precious and deaths so
bleak. Listen if you dare to the tales I tell: I speak of what I know and that
I know well.

Through the eyes of a child, I travel in time. This child lived the things
that come only in the terrors of the night. Come and sit by the campfire, this
ghost story will be told. This one is new. This one is true.


        The Garden

 A little garden,
 Fragrant and full of roses.
 The path is narrow
 And a little boy walks along it.

 A little boy, a sweet boy,
 Like that growing blossom.
 When the blossom comes to bloom,
 The little boy will be no more.


A child's hand scrawled these words and signed them Franta Bass. The full
first name had been given as Frantisek eight days after birth. September 4,
1930 was a joyous day in Brno. That was the day when Franta was presented to
the world. A lifetime later, on October 28, 1944, the world bid goodbye. Was
there anyone left at Auschwitz to cry? Who said Kaddish? Who marked the day?
Franta lived 14 years, 1 month and 24 days.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 378       Thu Mar 19, 1992
CLAIRE                       at 20:19 EST
#338 RAVEN:
 > If you strive for accuracy, you will point out to your eager fans
 > that your characterizations of Bradley Smith, Mark Weber, the IHR,
 > and others is hardly unbiased (or correct).<<

What I saw here were direct quotes.  They allow discerning readers
 to draw their own conclusions about their originators.  To me, for
 example, they strongly suggest deeply-rooted racism and a profound
 lack of education.
 But then again, maybe Smith and Carto were just having a really bad

> ...I speak no German, am not a historian, have more than a fully-
 > item job doing something completely unrelated to this topic, and
 > so must be satisfied with what I can pick up in my spare time.

Perhaps your argument would be better served, then, by someone who
 has the time and resources to present a more convincing POV than what you've
put forth so far. It shouldn't come as a surprise when unsubstantiated beliefs
(or the results of flawed research) are torn to shreds by someone who's made
the time to find the facts.

I suggest that being "satisfied with what you can pick up in your spare time"
demonstrates only that you are easily satisfied. Understand that others may be
a little more choosy than that.


Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 379       Thu Mar 19, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 20:22 EST
>> Are you saying that evidence of Nazis disciplining their own kind
 >>for excessive behavior toward the Jews (and others) would be proof
 >>that there was no policy of extermination?

  No.  I'm saying that evidence that of Nazis following their orders to
exterminate Jews is pretty darn convincing evidence that the extermination
really did happen.

  Let me add something from my background in biology:  debate does not equal
doubt.  Every serious biologist for the last century has recognized the
overwhelming evidence for the FACT of evolution. Nevertheless, there has been
a healthy and fascinating debate on the MECHANISM of evolution, which
continues to this day.

  Some Creationists ("evolution deniers"?) use the existence of a debate
between, say, the neo-Darwinians and the Punctuated Equilibrists as evidence
that "Biologists don't believe in evolution!"  Of course we do (although we
wouldn't use the word "believe").  We just don't agree on exactly HOW it

  Similarly, the Functionalists may not agree with the Intentionalists on WHY
the Holocaust occured, but that doesn't in any way imply that they don't agree
THAT it occured.

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 380       Thu Mar 19, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:18 EST
Raven: Are you going to retrack your statement that Elie Wiesel is a 
"professional liar" and that he said that blood spurted from the ground at
Babi Yar? Or, do you want me to post exactly what Elie Wiesel said and have
you lose any vestiage of credibility that MIGHT still remain?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 381       Thu Mar 19, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 23:44 EST
 I concur with Alan Stein's comments made today.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 382       Thu Mar 19, 1992
P.BOBBITT [Paul]             at 23:45 EST
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TO: P.NANSON     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hmm.  I'm visiting a friend in New York now, and although we're sitting only a
few feet away, I'm talking on a laptop connected to GEnie that says I'm
sending from Toronto.  Perhaps M.RUNGU and Raven live in different places, but
are actually together on a visit, or something.

Of course, this could just be off topic.  It's more important to deal with the
issues like Pooh.bah is than how the issues are being sent.

>>>>>>>>> Paul >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 383       Fri Mar 20, 1992
DD.LANGDON                   at 00:23 EST

I have yet to see you produce any proof that the Holocaust did not occur.  You
have done a lot of talking but have not said much.  Time to put up or shut up.
Prove your point or admit your wrong.

Dan Langdon

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 384       Fri Mar 20, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:54 EST
 To Pooh.Bah (regarding 316) ---
 So you are saying that when buried bodies decompose, they make the 
 ground heave and tremble? I guess I WILL have to consult a physiology 

 As for the Wiesel quote, you will find it in Paroles d'etranger, 
 Editions du Seuil, page 86. There he says, "Later, I learned from a 
 witness that, for month after month, the ground never stopped 
 trembling; and that, from time to time, geyserss of blood spurted 
 from it."

 You will probably say that Wiesel is quoting someone else. I gotta 
 tell you, though, when I was a kid, my dad told me it was okay to 
 steal from big corporations, one of my friends told me that if you 
 fell out of an airplane you would die before you hit the ground, and 
 my teachers told me that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was 
 unprovoked. Not a one of these statement is correct, which is why I 
 don't go around repeating them ... even as quotes from someone else.

 Of course, this is far from the only whopper Mr. Wiesel has ever 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 385       Fri Mar 20, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:55 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 317) ---
 If the Germans claimed they had 11 million Jews, they are alone in 
 their demographics.

 I will be pleased to talk about crematoria when we get to that point. 
 And I will gladly document my sources. In fact, I called a funeral 
 home just a few days ago, and was told that the FIRST STAGE of the 
 cremation process takes 2 to 3 hours, depending on the body. Because 
 the German crematoria were no better than modern crematoria, there is 
 no way they could handle 10,000 corpses in 24 hours. This is 
 ridiculous on the face of it, and is counter to the claims of some of 
 the so-called eyewitnesses at Auschwitz. By the way, I can't wait to 
 get to the discussion about open pit burning.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 386       Fri Mar 20, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 01:55 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 319) ---
 I am sorry that my schedule does not meet with your approval. I have 
 but limited time and limited resources for pursuing this discussion. 
 If you can exercise just a bit of patience, I think you will find 
 that I get around to all your questions eventually. There is no need 
 for you to put words in my mouth.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 387       Fri Mar 20, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 02:20 EST
And now, from the home offices, on location and broadcasting out of Rockaway,
NJ (Exit 37 off Rt. 80)...It's Greg Raven's top 10 things that NEVER happened!

10.)  Slavery of blacks in America (Hey, do YOU know any?)

9.)  Watergate (You've even got a primary source:  "I am NOT a crook")

8.)  The Spanish Inquisition (Columbus was a Zionist, after all)

7.)  Disco (well, okay, we all believe that one, too.)

6.)  Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK (actually, it was Ollie Stone!)

5.)  Fred Malek counted up the Jews in the Labor Dept. (qv. #9)

4.)  FDR ran the country (he was actually a puppet of the dirty Zionists)

3.)  The A-bombings of Japan (Just a sympathy plot by Japan to get us to open
our markets to their goods)

2.)  David Duke was a racist (He wore the sheets & pillowcases to hide a skin
disease or other deformity. PROOF:  His plastic surgery)

And NUMBER ONE (Some disco, please, Paul...):  <--note the pun, ):

#1.)  Paul McCartney survived past the mid-60's. (His evil twin married Linda
and formed Wings).

(Hmm...actually I like Wings, sorta)

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 388       Fri Mar 20, 1992
TERMY                        at 02:21 EST
It would seem there are two valid side issues to this discussion, issues which
bear some notice.  These two issues are motivation and credibility.

Mr. Raven and Mr/Ms Rungu (if still inclined to post here) should clear up a
few points of conflict in their posts, lest we see cause to doubt their

The latter, in message #3, stated s/he knew very little about Holocaust, but
was interested in learning.  On Sat., 14 March, Mr. Raven informed them of Mr.
Butz' book.  On Sunday, a copy of said book was delivered to Mr/Ms Rungu and
an instant expert was made. This raises interesting questions concerning the
number of firms which deliver on Sundays.

Further posts by Mr/Ms Rungu indicate that this individual's knowledge of
Holocaust was truly growing by leaps and bounds.  In a matter of hours Mr/Ms
Rungu was suddenly familiar with the names of various historians cited by both
Pooh.Bah and Mr. Raven, and displayed more than cursory knowledge of the works
authored by these historians.  If we're to believe this, we can only conclude
that Mr/Ms Rungu is one of history's all-time "quick study's".  IF we are to
believe this...

Mr. Raven & Mr/Ms Rungu, in their early posts (#1-40) intimated that they were
unacquainted with one another, yet later posts clearly show a cooperative
effort on their part.  I believe Paul Nanson & Jon W. have noted this apparent
contradiction, as have others, citing posts, if memory serves, #230-239 as

Both Mr. Raven and Mr/Ms Rungu carry what may be reasonably termed as
questionable credibility, at least in these specifics.  My curiousity aroused,
I have to wonder what other statements made by these individuals are of less
than acceptable accuracy.  Could it be that they have incorrectly identified
themselves as being non- aligned with various organizations which actively
promote and foster anti-Semitic feelings?  If evidence shows clearly that
these individuals have been, shall we say, less than truthful in two or more
instances, what credence should we give their assertions that they do not
belong to the KKK, or other similar groups?

It seems likely, especially when we recall Mr. Raven's explanation of how the
Jews, supposedly an inferior race, were capable of mastering a superior
(presumably "Aryan") race.

Mr. Raven, Mr/Ms Rungu, you may consider this a formal request to clarify the
situation.  I do not presume to judge you guilty without hearing a defense. 
Be aware that I've collected considerable evidence supporting the above, and
that such evidence may be aired in response to what you have to say in
accounting for yourselves.

Your cooperation in clearing up these no doubt easily resolved discrepancies
and their attendent destruction of your credibility is eagerly anticipated.

                                Gary R. Raper, Jr.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 389       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:32 EST

I am back again (I know how deeply I was missed by everybody). Looking at your
very selective Einsatzgruppen readings and then reading Mr. Raven's selections
in rebuttal to yours, it becomes clear that you are not seriously interested
in ascertaining the historical facts on the holocaust.  You seem to have
selected only those reports that support your position.

Concerning your comments about Lithuania and how "spontaneous pogroms occurred
in all the towns", I think you are right.  The peoples of the Baltic republics
(as well as in the Ukraine and EVERYWHERE in the East that the Germans swept
out the Soviets) clearly remembered the holocaust perpetrated upon themselves
by the Soviet commissars and by the NKVD, and how the leaders and organizers
of these massacres were in fact Jews.  The "pogroms" you mentioned were acts
of revenge towards Jews, and in no way can be attributed to the German
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 390       Fri Mar 20, 1992
P.NANSON                     at 02:35 EST
**** Sysop - delete this post ****

Re: Message 338


 > To Paul Nanson (regarding 297) ---  Here we are discussing one of
 >the hottest topics around and all you  notice is that two people
 >posted messages at the same time?

Yes, I find it quite interesting - especially at 2:20am EST - 12:20am your
time.  The only thing interesting about this topics is that there are people
hateful enough to try and cover up the holocaust and the fact that GEnie is
allowing them to do it.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 391       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:35 EST

I would like to redefine your "intentionalists" and "functionalists"
holocaustspeak terminology.  The "intention" of holocaust propaganda is to
create a gigantic and fraudulent guilt complex amongst the peoples of the
West, to the immense financial benefit of Jews  worldwide and to the
financial, political and diplomatic benefit of the Israeli state in
particular.  The "functionalists" are those professional functionaries (or
professional "survivors") who carry out the tasks of creating the myth/legends
and intensifying the guilt inculcation, such as Elie the Wiesel et al.

How do you like my new definitions?  They are certainly more accurate than
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 392       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:38 EST

We are not a "motley crew" attempting to "rewrite history".  What I and others
who have a serious interest in this historical period known as the holocaust
are trying to do, is to help to bring history into accord with the facts; to
de-emotionalize events; to de-demonize the historical personalities involved. 
Much of history AS IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN in recent years is false, and in that
sense at least some of it, i.e. the false and inaccurate or tendentious
portions, do indeed need to be rewritten.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 393       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:40 EST

Far from wanting to "stray from the truth", I think it is important that we
view the 1933-1945 period dispassionately and that we all make a serious
commitment to historical truth.  To do so, we need to escape the ahistorical
MYTHs and UNtruths - that is my commitment. It should be yours.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 394       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:44 EST

Mr. Fink, I will say again that there is a great deal that I do not know about
the holocaust, but I am learning.  A willingness on my part to see the OTHER
side (i.e. the side opposing the historical dogmas) is not the same as making
any claim or implied claim to be "knowledgeable" about the subject.

But I will tell that there is one thing I have learned.  The "revisionists"
that challenge certain aspects of the holocaust have and are approaching the
issue in a scholarly and serious, as well as a dispassionate manner.  The
defenders of holocaust dogma (and I really have to use that word, DOGMA, I
don't know what else anybody could call it) are, on the other hand, shrill,
hysterical, hyper-emotional, unbelievably personal and insulting, and non-
serious. Frankly, so far, the revisionist case is coming out as the clear 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 395       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:55 EST

Your comments about the 1933 elections which brought Hitler the 
Chancellorship are misleading, false, and yet quite relevant to our discussion
of the holocaust, for they illustrate the methods of distortion and propaganda
employed by the holocausters.

The July 31st 1932 elections brought the NSDAP no less than 230 seats out of
608.  That 230 represented the NSDAP as by far the biggest party in Germany,
the party with the most popular support, far more support, in fact, than any
other party.  You know this. It was a democratic election and yet Hindenburg
denied Hitler the Chancellorship because he regarded Hitler as too "radical".
The November 6th 1932 elections brought the NSDAP 196 seats, a drop of 34
seats.  Nevertheless, it was still THE biggest party in Germany and an
absolutely indisputable twice-over showing to  Hindenburg that the people of
Germany had chosen their man.  These election results brought about the
negotiations that gave Hitler the Chancellorship.

To deny that Hitler was democratically elected is sheer nonsense and you know
it.  Incidentally, the March 5th 1933 elections brought the NSDAP  288
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 396       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 02:56 EST
  Funny, Pooh.Bah has been calm logical and dispasionate.  She has poster
literaly hundreds of cites and example.
  So far you sides posion seem to based on cries of "it never happened",
"everything was forged", and then followed by statemnts saying,
   you don't know much and are trying to learn.  Then a few message later you
display familearity with obscure peices of offcal paper.  
   You have also displayed a woeful lack of knowledge about the decompostion
of large amounts of dead animals or humans.
  You have libeled a nobel lauriate, and called seveal people names.  

   I see nothing from you side that is more than groundless inflamatory

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 397       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:59 EST

Your references to the emaciated people of the camps is utterly meaningless. 
What is it supposed to prove?  That people were emaciated, which nobody
denies, or that they "prove" an "extermination" campaign, which IS being
denied?  One might ask that if, as is being claimed, the German authorities
were intent on destroying  all these people, why did they not do just that.  A
simple enough operation, quickly enough done, all the more so considering the
reputation the Germans enjoy as being super-efficient and super-organized. 
Why merely retain all these people in all these camps for years and years when
they could have been quickly liquidated?

The collapse of Germany's food and medical supply systems, and the disruption
and/or collapse of the provision of medical supplies is a much better and more
sensible explanation, especially considering the efficacy of the allied
bombing campaigns with those very intents.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 398       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:02 EST

So Mr. Raven and I, on a several occasions, are now "exposed" as submitting
messages in much the same time frames.  What is that supposed to mean?  What
exactly is being "exposed" here?  Please remember that we are both on the West
Coast and are in the same time zone.  This kind of fantasy and conspiracy
paranoia is really rather rediculous.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 399       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:05 EST

The free and open discussion of the holocaust often necessitates the reminding
of various would-be speech suppressors that our Constitution does indeed
provide certain speech guarantees and safeguards.  I know that this is
extremely frustrating to those who want topics like this suppressed and
silenced if they don't fit into convenient dogmatic confines, but our
Constitution is a reality.

I think it's nice that it can be waved around now and again.  It's certainly
better than burning it or stomping on it as the deniers of free and open
expression found amongst the Holocaust camp would like to do. 8S
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 400       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:08 EST

I don't see how the desire for a free and open discussion of the holocaust is
equivalent to "anti-semitism".  That is your emotionalized interpretation, and
based upon nothing whatsoever. The Jewish people are just as much manipulated
by this issue as are non-Jews.  Whether seen as "anti-semitism" or as a kind
of (rabid?) "semitism", it's an historical are chockablock full of
contradictions, lies, myths and distortions that need to be cleaned up.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 401       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:13 EST

I don't see how you can seriously deny that the Jews of Europe represented
security risks to the German occupation authorities. In France, deGaulle
himself described the French Resistance as mainly consisting of "Jews, Negroes
and Communists" (with an extremely heavy overlap of the first and last
categories). Remember that deGaulle was a leader of the "Free French" and that
he despised the "Resistance".  The same kind of composition of the other
resistance movements throughout Europe had much the same heavy dominance of
Jews/Communists.  This is historical fact and every historian knows it.  Not
every historian is willing to talk about it, of course, but they all know it.

I remember reading "THE GREAT GAME" by Leopold Trepper.  The (Jewish) author
and former 'Red Orchestra' member described his organization and all the Jews
in it, and how it was 'rolled up' by the German occupation authorities and how
one by one the individual members betrayed each other.  The issue of whether
or not they were "security risks" to the authorities is quite clear, and also

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 402       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 03:14 EST
Strange, M.Rungu, that you place your faith in an individual who by his own
admission CANNOT read German, has no knowledge of the scholarly discipline of
history, engages in reading denial literature only in his spare time, and
tries to defend the notion that an "inferior" race can dominate a "superior"
one. One might almost think that you had ulterior motives.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 403       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:20 EST

You brought up the issue of the Reichstag Fire; Fritz Tobias' study of the
same title holds as it main thesis that the German authorities had good reason
to believe that the fire was set by the KPD; the public utterances they made
about it and the measures they took against the KPD were not intended as
propaganda, but were serious. Tobias also holds, and convincingly, that the
KPD did not actually plan or set the fire or even necessarily know anything
about it, and I accept that.  The German security apparatus erred, but
honestly, and this is what Tobias clearly found.

Now in what way is this relevant to our Holocaust discussion (although you did
bring up the Reichstag Fire, not I)?  I will tell you.  As the German police
rolled up the German Communist Party (KPD), a virtual horde of Jews were
brought in as party leaders, party organizers, party functionaries, etc.  The
KPD in fact, more closely resembled, at least at the higher levels, a Jewish
bar mitzvah gathering rather than a "German" party.  So the issue is, should
this be considered an aspect of a "planned extermination campaign" or not?  I
don't think so.  The targets were Communist leaders because they were
prominent Communists, not because they were Jews.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 404       Fri Mar 20, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 03:25 EST
Mary (Rungu):

We missed ya', kiddo.  Where you been?  For a minute, I thought this TOP had
been made 1/2 safe for humanity.

Well, like they say, "Too good to be true."

Friedman the pro-Semitic (and pro-Gentile and pro-Everybody), Zionist Jew
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 405       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:04 EST

So "six million memorial messages are reasonable", huh?  I guess this is the
kind of "discussion" that encapsulates the intellectual position held by the
so-called "exterminationists".  Just message after puerile and emotionalized
messages, screenful after screenful drowning out the SERIOUS discussion that
would otherwise be appearing on the monitor screens.

The attempted intimidation of GENIE and the Sysops to have them suppress this
discussion have failed (at least so far, that is), so the endless
"remembrance" messages are used instead.

Why are you so opposed to a free and open discussion of the holocaust? If the
"exterminationists" have nothing to hide, why the attempts at repression?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 406       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:09 EST

The measures you described that were taken by the German security agencies
against the German Communist Party (KPD) are factual, and nobody is trying to
deny those measures.  Personally, I don't have any problem with them because I
frankly am not sympathetic to revolutionary communist organizations - but I
accept that we may be in disagreement there.

The "holocaust" was certainly a holocaust of communism throughout Europe;
which is precisely why the Communists of today HATE the Nazis so much - they
were the ONLY opponents that effectively kicked their posteriors so to speak,
EVER.  The fact that so very many Jews in these various communist
organizations complicates the issue and it also ties it in with the holocaust
claims, since so many of the communists arrested or killed were Jewish.

The German security measures against the communists don't in any way "prove"
an "extermination campaign" of Jews.  They would, however, indicate the
intention to "exterminate" communism as an effective force anywhere in Europe -
and frankly, I think that was a good thing to be eliminated.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 407       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:12 EST

Gee, thanks a lot for the hyper-emotional tale or poem or whatever it was. 
What is it supposed to prove, though?  That somebody can write a poem or that
somebody has a lively imagination? Unfortunately, it appears to me that the
vast bulk of the "evidence" used to infer an "extermination campaign" does
indeed consist of just the kind of stuff you presented to us.  In no way could
it be considered historiographical evidence, or "primary source material" or
anything at all except perhaps fantasy. (s
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 408       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:14 EST

I have to deny that anybody questioning aspects of the holocaust is
necessarily trying to "sanitize the third reich" or attempting to "make nazism
palatable again".  Those are mere defamatory tactics intended to place the
credibility of "revisionists" in doubt, and based upon absolutely nothing
whatsoever except paranoic fantasy.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 409       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.STEWART8                   at 04:17 EST

There was only one security risk to nazis---HUMANITY.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 410       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:19 EST

I have no doubt that you have heard many "stories" about the holocaust.  So
have I.  So has everybody.  Nonstop.  In fact, a veritable AVALANCHE of these
stories.  I remember the stories about the human soap manufacture, about the
lampshades and purses made from the skin of "gassed" Jews.  I remember the
tales and stories of "mass gassings at Dachau", babies eaten for breakfast,
etc. etc. etc.  They were hordes of "eyewitnesses" and "survivors" attesting
to each and every one of these fantastic tales, each "survivor" and
"eyewitness" beating his/her chest, grinding his/her teeth, and moaning and
wailing.  Yet today not only do I not see any historians accepting those kinds
of "stories", but they don't even make reference to them anymore, not even to
DENY them.  It's like all these stories have disappeared into some kind of
memory hole...

These unreal stories are utterly unreliable and have been pronounced so even
by the so-called "holocaust museums" around the world. You can choose to
believe them if you wish, but understand clearly that they are of a fictional,
and not factual or historical, nature.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 411       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:26 EST

Yes, I have also noticed that the "exterminationist" camp is experiencing
their own "revisionism".  The big difference is that the heated arguments
between the Hilbergs and the Mayers, between the Yad Vashem institutions and
the Elie Wiesels, is that it is all kept behind the scenes, it's all kept
quiet to "outsiders", and that the mass media carefully avoids these "in
house" historical debates.

A clear sign that something is going on is when we see a POOH.BAH
concentrating her efforts of the fatalities supposedly occurring amongst NON-
gassed Jews rather than the "gassed" ones.  These purported "holocaust
scholars" know that the mass gassings tales are rapidly becoming insupportable
and they are consequently moving to other defensive positions.

I foresee the continuing downward revision of the holocaust numbers until they
eventually (soon too ) reach the proportions that the revisionists of
organizations like the Institute for Historical Review claim, i.e. a rough
overall figure of around 600,000 or so. Once that figure has been ultimately
accepted by all and the myths of "mass gassings" etc. are finally laid to
rest, the grand edifice known as the "holocaust" becomes a burst bubble.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 412       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:35 EST
I notice a back-and-forth here on the issue of "which historians?" to be
quoted or not quoted, which are "acceptable" or NOT "acceptable".

I can simplify this for those who are confused.  It is really quite simple. 
Let's say you have historians or famous writers who are internationally
respected and widely quoted from.  They let's say these historians/authors
begin to question the holocaust or begin to question the origins of WWII etc. 
The examples of David Irving and John Toland spring to mind here.  Immediately
that these men challenge the establishment dogmas and break these historical
taboos, they are immediately branded "anti-semites" and "sanitizers of Nazism"
etc. in groundless defamatory fashion.

Having thus been "exposed" as "anti-semites" etc. for having broken the
taboos, they have become "unreliable", "biased", and no longer to be quoted
from, respected, or honored.

On the other hand, historians/authors who support each and every holocaust
claim are lauded and honored galore.  They get the best university positions. 
They get their books published and distributed with the greatest of ease.  And
they assume the most respectable positions within the establishment historical
realm of what Harry Elmer Barnes called the "court historians".

What is witnessed here is what we could call intellectual terrorism at play,
and every historian knows it.  If he dares to question the holocaust, his
career is OVER.  If he DOES openly and honestly question it, he has everything
to lose.  Which makes the positions taken by Irving and Toland vis-a-vis
historical and holocaust revisionism all the more interesting and convincing.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 413       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:41 EST

All the photographs are "real"?  You must know yourself that a great number of
the photographs used as holocaust "evidence" were in fact doctored or altered.
Udo Walendy's writings and various monographs published by the IHR deal with
individual photos and their use/abuse relating to the holocaust.  Some or many
photos, perhaps even MOST photos WERE real, but in and of themselves they
don't mean much.

A photo of a pile of bodies shoes only a pile of bodies, usually a few dozen
or a few hundred.  They don't show if the bods were Jewish or whatever.  They
don't show if they were gassed or not. They also don't show  or "prove" WHERE
or HOW they died.

Similarly, I remember the photos of the "gas chambers" taken at Dachau.  Later
it turned out that they were in fact photos of delousing chambers or of
crematoria facilities there, which every camp had.  I also remember some of
the photos of "gassed Jews" which later turned out to have been taken at
Dresden in 1945 and which in fact showed the burning pyres of the air-raid
victims of what was probably the greatest single war crime of WWII (and
perpetrated by US, the "good guys").

Photos are interesting, and even if they sometimes ARE accurate, undoctored,
and verifiable, they don't mean a whole lot.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 414       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:45 EST

I find your comments about "The Raven" not speaking German quite interesting. 
If he doesn't speak German, then this "proves" that he is "not fit" to discuss
the holocaust or it's "documentation". Naturally, this proviso is not applied
to anybody else, but ONLY to those that question aspects of the holocaust.  On
the other hand, if he DID speak German, then this would no doubt "prove" that
he was "pro-Nazi", "anti-semitic", "biased" etc. in the same kind of
irrational vein.

I used to be fluent in that language (German), and still try to keep it up by
reading novels (zum Beispiel Fallada, Boll, und so weiter) and so what would
THAT prove?  Here your "logic" would get turned upside down in the typical
holocaustspeak manner.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 415       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:51 EST

Your defamations and slanders heaped upon the directors/advisers/ Board
members of the Institute for Historical Review seem to run like this:

Professor "A", Dr. "B" etc. are linked to the IHR, which "proves" their "lack
of credibility", "bias", and "anti-semitism".  Presto! No professional
historians or serious scholars are left to refute any aspect of the holocaust!

Imagine if the same kind of irrational and illogical approach was taken
towards those that support the holocaust myths: it would go like this:
Professor "POOH.BAH", Dr. "Holohoaxer" and all the others have openly stated
that a holocaust took place.  This "proves" that they have no credibility,
that they are "biased", that they are "Semitic haters" etc. etc.  It would be
just as rediculous.

You can't keep demanding to see historians representing the revisionist
position, and then when a number of them are presented to you, just simply
reject them because they represent that revisionist position are are therefore
"not credible".  It's rediculous in the extreme.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 416       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:55 EST

Your quotes from Bradley Smith's work are accurate.  You are also correct when
you say that he and his work are a part of the IHR's "media project".  But
what exactly is "exposed" here?  When or where did Smith or anybody from the
IHR try to hide this or deny it.  The answer is: NEVER.  Both the IHR and the
Institute have been very open about it, and I don't see anything wrong with

CODOH, however, is a separate organization from the IHR although it is quite
true and also quite natural and even obviously natural that they would be
linked or that they would sometimes work together.

Again, to use your logic, imagine if: Hey!  Guess what!  We have DISCOVERED
that the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Defense League and the America-
Israel Public Affairs Committee are LINKED! Wow!!!!  What an "exposure"! 
Members belonging to all three at once!  You see what I mean?  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 417       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 05:13 EST
Nice to see you reveal your true colors, M.Rungu. Apparently, those two
zionist Jews, Lenin and Stalin, were no doubt great champions of the 
international conspiracy of Capitalistic money-grubbing Communist Jews, eh? I
have my doubts.

Especially since you have claimed to have no knowledge of revulsionist 
history, and expressed a desire for "fair and open" debate by attacking POOH-
BAH's personality and slandering the Jews as being nothing more than a total
bunch of Communists.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 418       Fri Mar 20, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 05:17 EST

For someone who came aboard as someone claiming not to know very much (a claim
I still accept at face value) and just wanting to get some honest discourse,
you sure carry a lot of prejudicial baggage.


I have but one problem with your posts.  They make me want to cry.

Dave Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 419       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 05:20 EST

I believe that's he's ignorant about the Holocaust, too. Unfortunate that it's
an invincible ignorance, eh?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 420       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:26 EST

Ah yes, of course.  "GENIE is allowing a holocaust discussion!" How terrible! 
This PROVES that GENIE is a hotbed of Nazi haters, and that the Sysops are
mass gassers of Jews...

Anybody that questions the holocaust must be burned at the stake, right?  All
revisionist books and materials and studies must be heaped up and incinerated,
right?  And all, of course, in the name of "tolerance", "freedom", and "love".

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 421       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:30 EST
To TERMY (Raper)

When or where did I claim that I received the Butz book from Mr. Raven, on a
Sunday, and became an "instant expert".  This is distortion in true
holocaustspeak fashion.

I believe that I said that I "recently received" the book and that I had not
read all of it yet, or something to that effect. By the way, I bought it from
the IHR, nobody else.

The point is, I am willing to hear and read the revisionist side IN ADDITION
TO the "exterminationist" side.  I am willing to read Raul Hilberg and am
trying to find his trilogy to see what he has to say (at an affordable price
though!).  At the same time, I want to read Butz and see what HE has to say
from the other side.  Are YOU willing to see/hear both sides?  My guess is:
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 422       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:34 EST

I can't resist a response to your message 387/TOP TEN ---

So here we are on the Holohoax Moonbase of New Tel Aviv, and the top ten
holohoaxspeak stories are being frothed forth (accompanied of course, by
wailing, knashing of teeth, beating of breasts, moaning/groaning......)

1.  Holohoaxman "A" was gassed FIFTY times, then eaten by
    an Alsatian wearing an armband!  But he SURVIVED... 2.  Holohoaxwoman "B"
was driven over by a Nazi tank, then
    cremated, then her ashes made into a lampshade and a purse.
    But she SURVIVED... .............................................and the
holohoax takes and mythologies go on and on - and NOBODY is allowed to
question ANY of them!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 423       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 05:36 EST
I think M.Rungu has just about said it all.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 424       Fri Mar 20, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:47 EST
I would like to quote from a very fascinating article I read recently by Dr.
Howard F. Stein (Jewish), "The Holocaust, and the Myth of the Past as History"
(from the Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 1, No. 4 - Winter 1980):

"My point of departure is the smple observation that between 1933 and 1945
some awesomely terrible things took place in Europe - TO EVERYONE.  It is
however, another matter to view the entire sordid era through the eyes of a
single group - the Jews - and to accept this interpretation as the only valid

"Why, for Jews, the holocaust?  What, in sanctifying the holocaust, do Jews
NOT want to know about that grim era?  Whatever be the "facts" of the
holocaust, it is experienced as a NECESSITY, as part of a recurrent historic
pattern.  Reality must be made to conform to fantasy...

"I would go so far as to say that one who comprehends the Jewish meaning of
"Holocaust" (and I encompass some five thousand years here) has understood the
Jewish experience of LIFE: fear of punishment,  inevitability of punishment,
expectation of punishment, and finally, unconscious conviction that punishment
is deserved.  Of course, all this is massively defended against...and by
distorting the reality of history so that it conforms with the myth of

"It is precisely at this point that the holocaust as sacred symbol collides
with a scientific approach to the Holocaust as a fact to be analyzed.  The
magic of "numbers" has long played an almost hypnotic role in any discussion
of the 1933-1945 period.  To most Jews, and to many non-Jews, the Holocaust is
defined exclusively in terms of the "six million" Jews who perished.  Little
mention is made of non-Jewish Slavic peoples, or non-Axis peoples of Western
Europe who perished. ...

"The core of Revisionism must be the RE-HUMANIZATION of all  participants,
whatever their role, in the Second World War. The consequence, I believe, will
be a discovery of a systemic irrationality in which Germany cannot be singled
out for blame..."

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 425       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.STEWART8                   at 05:52 EST

I don't see anyone here making a martyr out of you.  So, why not stop throwing
tantrums and state your case.  Or, am I to gather that these tantrums you are
casting about is the essence of your case?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 426       Fri Mar 20, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 06:09 EST
You've got it, Ed.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 427       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:51 EST
 379  Carl:  Excellent point.

 The racists who refer to themselves euphemistically as "Holocaust
 Revisionists" attempt to use the fact that most people don't know every
 exact detail of Hitler's extermination plan, and that some people mention
 one method, such as gassing, while others mention another method used, such
 as the Eizengruppen (sp?), to try to gravenly convince the naive that the
 Holocaust never occurred.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 428       Fri Mar 20, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 07:38 EST
 408 Rungu:

 I suggest that you read Raven's message 33 where he says "... he 
 (Adolf Hitler) was a great man ...".  

 Holocaust denial is an element in the propaganda of neo-Nazi 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 429       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:54 EST
384 Raven:

 > So you are saying that when buried bodies decompose, they make the 
 > ground heave and tremble? I guess I WILL have to consult a physiology 
 > text!

To help you in your research may I recommend that you study the difference
between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria? Then you might wish to research why
everyone is required to be buried in metal lined caskets and, when you are
done with that, figure out what would happen when 33,771 corpses decompose in
a single mass grave. After all, according to the Einsatzgruppen Reports,
that's how many were buried at Babi Yar from September 29-30.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 430       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:55 EST
384 Raven:

 > As for the Wiesel quote, you will find it in Paroles d'etranger, 
 > Editions du Seuil, page 86.

Thank you for citing your source. You have just disclosed that you are taking
the quote from Faurisson - the one who was removed from his professorship in
classical literature at Lyons 2.

Let's put your quote into context, shall we? I will use the correct American
source: _The Jews of Silence: A Personal Report on Soviet Jewry_. As you will
notice from the title, the Holocaust is not the subject for the book - Soviet
Jewry and the Refuseniks.

In this book, Wiesel has an entire chapter entitled "Babi Yar." He begins with
a little history of Kiev, including Bogdan Chmielnitzki, the Cossack chieftain
who, in 1648, led an insurrection against the Polish and Ukrainian gentry that
resulted in the massacre of numerous Jewish communities. At the end of the
first page of that chapter, Wiesel says:

"All you need is a bit of imagination, and, breaking through the surface, you
can identify Babi Yar with the figure of Bogdan Chmielnitzki, the man who
prefigured it, who prepared the way, the man who made Babi Yar possible."

Two paragraphs later, Wiesel writes:

"As a warrior who hoped to lead his people to independence by the sword,
Chmielnitzki failed. But as a murderer of Jews he was successful. The story of
Babi Yar will be recorded as his greatest victory."

Now, do you maintain that Wiesel believes that Chmielnitzki was present or
ordered Babi Yar? Or, do you understand him to be speaking allegorically?

Now comes the quote in question:

"How many Jews were killed at Babi Yar? Exact estimates are hard to come by.
Some say seventy thousand, others a hundred and fifty thousand. Unlike those
in Auschwitz, the Germans and their local collaborators here did not bother
with statistics - perhaps because Ukrainians have no head for figures.

"Eyewitnesses say that for months after the killings the ground continued to
spurt geysers of blood. One was always treading on corpses. Only recently
someone dug up a new mass grave, and it is generally held that this was not
the last. So it is impossible to rely on figures; the dead themselves ensure
the need for occasional revisions of former estimates.

"Non-Jews in Kiev do not like to talk about Babi Yar. Even the quasi-official
spokesmen of the Jewish community prefer to pass over it in silence rather
than admit the simple, cruel, incriminating fact that the general populace of
Kiev, including faithful members of the Communist Party, did not lift a finger
to prevent the mass murders."

Now, to claim that Wiesel is "saying" that geysers of blood DID spurt from the
ground, you have to be consistent and say that Wiesel is saying that 70,000
were killed there, that 150,000 were killed there, that "one was always
treading on corpses," etc.

No, Raven, it is clear that Wiesel is NOT asserting any of the above as being
true any more than he is saying that Chmielnitzki participated in or ordered
Babi Yar.

Perhaps you shouldn't depend upon a French ex-con as a source, huh?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 431       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:55 EST
384 Raven:

 > You will probably say that Wiesel is quoting someone else. I gotta 
 > tell you, though, when I was a kid, my dad told me it was okay to 
 > steal from big corporations, one of my friends told me that if you 
 > fell out of an airplane you would die before you hit the ground, and 
 > my teachers told me that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was 
 > unprovoked. Not a one of these statement is correct, which is why I 
 > don't go around repeating them ... even as quotes from someone else.

Really? You just did.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 432       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:56 EST
384 Raven:

 > If the Germans claimed they had 11 million Jews, they are alone in 
 > their demographics.

No, they are NOT alone in their demographics. It all depends upon how one
defines "Jew." Even the Nazis admitted that right after they ennumerated, by
country, how many Jews were under their control.

 > I will be pleased to talk about crematoria when we get to that point. 
 > And I will gladly document my sources. In fact, I called a funeral 
 > home just a few days ago, and was told that the FIRST STAGE of the 
 > cremation process takes 2 to 3 hours, depending on the body. Because 
 > the German crematoria were no better than modern crematoria, there is 
 > no way they could handle 10,000 corpses in 24 hours. This is 
 > ridiculous on the face of it, and is counter to the claims of some of 
 > the so-called eyewitnesses at Auschwitz.

So now you are taking eyewitnesses reports (which you have previously
discredited) over the official Nazi report?

It will be interested when we get to the discussion of crematoria. After all,
from the above I can tell that you are depending upon all the usual false
assumptions of the Deniers. Ho hum....
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 433       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:56 EST
389 Rungu:

 > Looking at your very selective Einsatzgruppen readings and then reading  
 > Mr. Raven's selections in rebuttal to yours . . .
               ^^^^^^^^^^ Excuse me, but for the above to be accurate, Greg
would have had to quote more than one report. He didn't. He quoted from Report
27 only.

 > You seem to have selected only those reports that support your position.

Now this statement is really funny! However, assuming that you were not trying
to be humorous, let me explain (again). Greg claims that no Jews were killed
by the Einsatzgruppen without just cause as a security risk. I claim that
there were Jews killed for no other reason than the fact they belonged to the
"Jewish race." For me to be right, all that is needed is a single example
where Jews were killed for "belonging to the Jewish race" (and if you check
Report #173, you will see just that). However, a single example proving me
right also proves Greg wrong.

 > The "pogroms" you mentioned were acts of revenge towards Jews, and in no
 > way can be attributed to the German authorities.

Run, you have just stepped into the same pile that Rave did (as elucidated
above). To prove you are wrong, I only have to find a single example where the
pogroms CAN be attributed to the Nazis. Let's see if I can do
Here it is, in Einsatzgruppen Report #10, 7/2/41:

"It is obvious that the cleansing activities have to extend first of all to
the Bolsheviks and the Jews [not that here "Bolshevik" and "Jew" are not
synonyms!]. As for the Polish intelligentsia and others, decisions can be
taken later, unless there is a special reason for taking action in individual
cases considered to be dangerous.

"It is therefore obvious that such Poles need not be included in the cleansing
action, especially as they are of great importance as elements to incite
pogroms. (This depends, of course, on local conditions.)"

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 434       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:57 EST
395 Rungu:

 > These election results brought about the negotiations that gave Hitler the
 > Chancellorship.

 > To deny that Hitler was democratically elected is sheer nonsense . . .

Excuse me but "negotiations" and "democratically elected" are not one and the
same. Therefore, YOU have just denied that Hitler was democratically elected.

 > The July 31st 1932 elections brought the NSDAP no less than 230 seats out
 > of 608.  That 230 represented the NSDAP as by far the biggest party in
 > Germany, the party with the most popular support, far more support, in
 > fact, than any other party. 

As, I believe, even you can see from the above, 230 is not 51% of 608...and as
you pointed out, the number of seats for the Nazis DECLINED in November.

Democratic governments are not formed by who has the biggest but by who has
the MAJORITY (as in over 50%). Hitler never did.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 435       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:58 EST
401 Rungu:

Let me see if I can explain this to you in terms that you will understand.
Yes, many Communists (an atheistic ideology) were of Jewish descent. However,
from that one may not logically conclude that many Jews were Communists. In
fact, the large majority of Jews were NOT Communists.

So your conclusion that the first statement (i.e. many Communists were Jews)
translates into therefore all Jews are a security risk is illogical.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 436       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 11:00 EST
I present for your consideration:

Rungu says in 391:

 > I would like to redefine your "intentionalists" and "functionalists"
 > holocaustspeak terminology.  The "intention" of holocaust propaganda is to
 > create a gigantic and fraudulent guilt complex amongst the peoples of the
 > West, to the immense financial benefit of Jews  worldwide and to the
 > financial, political and diplomatic benefit of the Israeli state in
 > particular.  The "functionalists" are those professional functionaries (or
 > professional "survivors") who carry out the tasks of creating the 
 > myth/legends and intensifying the guilt inculcation, such as Elie the 
 > Wiesel et al.

Rungu says in 400:

 > I don't see how the desire for a free and open discussion of the holocaust
 > is equivalent to "anti-semitism".  That is your emotionalized
 > interpretation, and based upon nothing whatsoever.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 437       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 11:01 EST
412 Rungu:

 > The examples of David Irving and John Toland spring to mind here.

Irving is not a historian but a writer of popular history. The two
designations are not synonmous. Toland, OTOH, doesn't even know German and
even Irving speaks disparagingly of him.

 > no longer to be quoted from, respected, or honored.

You can't lose something you never had.

 > What is witnessed here is what we could call intellectual terrorism at 
 > play, and every historian knows it.  If he dares to question the
 > holocaust, his career is OVER.  If he DOES openly and honestly question
 > it, he has everything to lose.  Which makes the positions taken by Irving
 > and Toland vis-a-vis historical and holocaust revisionism all the more
 > interesting and convincing.

Irving and Toland have never lost positions, careers, etc. for their
positions. They didn't have any to lose.

What is most interesting, though, is that here, again, we have someone
claiming (falsely) that there is no debate, that historians are not allowed to
questions aspects of the Holocaust, etc. Yet, when the evidence has been
presented that this IS false, the same people claim that that is proof that
the Holocaust didn't occur. Ho hum.....can we change the record? This refrain
has gotten boring.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 438       Fri Mar 20, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 11:01 EST
415 Rungu:

 > Your defamations and slanders heaped upon the directors/advisers/ Board
 > members of the Institute for Historical Review seem to run like this:

As has been pointed out by others (as well as myself), I posted quotes and
matters of the public record. I did not state my conclusions or even suggest
what others should conclude from the quotes or facts. Therefore, your charge
that I have practiced defamation and slander is unfounded. However, the same
cannot be said for either you or Greg. Greg has called Elie Wiesel a
"professional liar" and has not retrated that statement. You have called the
nobel laureate "Elie the Wiesel" which is, once again, playing games with
someone's name....which you specifically chided someone else for when it was
YOUR name that was in question. Ho hum....

 > Professor "A", Dr. "B" etc. are linked to the IHR, which "proves" their
 > "lack of credibility", "bias", and "anti-semitism".

You said it, not me.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 439       Fri Mar 20, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 11:53 EST
For a while we had, ==The Germans didn't do it, and anyway, everybody else did
it, too.== It's actually a little slicker than that, because they say, ==the
Germans didn't commit the atrocity of trying to exterminate an entire people,
an effort that had nothing to do with the war effort (a war in which the
Germans were aggressors); they only committed normal war atrocities like
everybody else.=

Then we had, =the Germans didn't do it, and anyway, why do you just mourn the
Jews when they did it to so many other people?= (Something which everybody
acknowledges and mourns.)

And every so often, we have =They didn't do it, and anyway, the Jews deserved
it because they were communists= (An especially ironic and nasty tactic
considering how much Jews have suffered at the hands of communism.)

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 440       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:09 EST
 384  GRaven:

 >You will probably say that Wiesel is quoting someone else. I gotta 
  tell you, though, when I was a kid, my dad told me it was okay to 
  steal from big corporations, one of my friends told me that if you 
  fell out of an airplane you would die before you hit the ground, and 
  my teachers told me that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was 

 Is that how you learned your utter disdain for the truth?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 441       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:10 EST
 385  GRaven:

 >I will be pleased to talk about crematoria when we get to that point. 

 What a pleasant thought.  But, aren't you trying to convince people there
 weren't any?  How can you talk about something that wasn't?

 Ah, I think I've got it!  You know they existed;  you're just trying to
 convince others they didn't.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 442       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:10 EST
 386  CRaven:

 > I am sorry that my schedule does not meet with your approval.

 I do wish you'd stop apologizing.

 >I have but limited time and limited resources for pursuing this

 Glad to hear it.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 443       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:10 EST
 389  M.Rungu:

 >The peoples of the Baltic republics ... clearly remembered the holocaust
 perpetrated upon themselves by the Soviet commissars and by the NKVD, and
 how the leaders and organizers of these massacres were in fact Jews.

 For one who is so interested in denying the Holocaust, you're very
 imaginative to come up with a holohoax, and then blame it on people, like
 my grandparents, who were fleeing pogroms.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 444       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:11 EST
 391  Rungu:

 >I would like to redefine your "intentionalists" and "functionalists"
 holocaustspeak terminology.

 You've been pretty good at rewriting history;  why stop there?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 445       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:11 EST
 392  Rungu:

 >We are not a "motley crew" attempting to "rewrite history".

 Sorry, it's Purim.  I guess your disguise fooled me.  I'll award you first
 prize in the contest for the most deceptive Purim costume.

 >What I and others who have a serious interest in this historical period
 known as the holocaust are trying to do, is to help to bring history into
 accord with the facts;

 Congratulations;  your deception has fooled me again.  I look forward to
 your getting serious, and ceasing this nonsensical denial.

 >Much of history AS IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN in recent years is false...

 Certainly, the version that you and Craven are trying to fool people with
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 446       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:11 EST
 394  Rungu:

 >Mr. Fink, I will say again that there is a great deal that I do not know
 about the holocaust, ...

 That's quite clear.

 >but I am learning.

 That's not.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 447       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:12 EST

 >Your comments about the 1933 elections which brought Hitler the 
 Chancellorship are misleading, false, ...

 You're the expert in that area (misleading, false, ...).
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 448       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:12 EST
 397  Rungu:

 >Why merely retain all these people in all these camps for years and years
 when they could have been quickly liquidated?

 Would that have been your recommendation?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 449       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:12 EST
 399  Rungu:

 >The free and open discussion of the holocaust often necessitates the
 reminding of various would-be speech suppressors that our Constitution does
 indeed provide certain speech guarantees and safeguards.  I know that this
 is extremely frustrating to those who want topics like this suppressed and
 silenced if they don't fit into convenient dogmatic confines, but our
 Constitution is a reality.

 Your lack of understanding of the free speech guarantees of the
 Constitution, which do not apply to commercial activities such as GEnie, is
 matched only by your lack of understanding of the Holocaust. 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 450       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:12 EST
 405  Rungu:

 >Just message after puerile and emotionalized messages, screenful after
 screenful drowning out the SERIOUS discussion that would otherwise be
 appearing on the monitor screens.

 You seem to be describing your own messages here.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 451       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:13 EST
 407  Rungu:

 >Gee, thanks a lot for the hyper-emotional tale or poem or whatever it was. 
 What is it supposed to prove, though?

 Even nothing is more than what you and CRaven have proven.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 452       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:13 EST
 408  Rungu:

 >I have to deny ...

 You seem to do a lot of that.

 >Those are mere defamatory tactics intended to place the credibility of
 "revisionists" in doubt ...

 It doesn't take much to place the credibility of the Holocaust deniers in
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 453       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:14 EST
 411  Rungu:

 >I foresee the continuing downward revision of the holocaust numbers until
 they eventually (soon too ) reach the proportions that the revisionists of
 organizations like the Institute for Historical Review claim, i.e. a rough
 overall figure of around 600,000 or so.

 A mere pittance.

 >Once that figure has been ultimately accepted by all and the myths of
 "mass gassings" etc. are finally laid to rest, the grand edifice known as
 the "holocaust" becomes a burst bubble.

 An you Holocaust deniers look forward to smiling all the way to the
 mortuary.  How pleasant.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 454       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:14 EST
 419  scaramouche:

 >I believe that's he's ignorant about the Holocaust, too. Unfortunate that
 it's an invincible ignorance, eh?

 It would be excusable, although pitiable, if CRaven and Rungu were throwing
 around all their lies out of ignorance, but I'm quite sure they know more
 about the gory details of the Holocaust, and revel in them, than most of
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 455       Fri Mar 20, 1992
SPEAKER                      at 19:02 EST
I sift through the ashes and what do I find? The lives and dreams and hopes of
those who have died. The survivors have given voice to their strife - they've
borne witness to days of torturous life. Some of the perpetrators have told of
their crime - orders were followed without reason or rhyme. Yet, through it
all we have lost stories galore of those who perished in the madness of the
storm. Here, then, I step up to speak of lives so precious and deaths so
bleak. Listen if you dare to the tales I tell: I speak of what I know and that
I know well.

Eva Pickova entered the inferno at the age of 10. She navigated bravely
without a friend. Where was Virgil who had helped before? Where was Dante who
knew the score? Without their presence she wandered bereft of help. Yet
without their advice, she, too, recorded her trip.



 Today the ghetto knows a different fear,
 Close in its grip, Death wields an icy scythe.
 An evil sickness spread a terror in its wake,
 The victims of its shadow weep and writhe.

 Today a father's heartbeat tells his fright
 And mothers bend their heads into their hands.
 Now children choke and die with typhus here,
 A bitter tax is taken from their bands.

 My heart still beats inside my breast
 While friends depart for other worlds.
 Perhaps it's better - who can say? -
 Than watching this, to die today?

 No, no, my G*d, we want to live!
 Not watch our numbers melt away.
 We want to have a better world,
 We want to work - we must not die!


So was the cry of Eva who hailed from Nymburk. The date of her birth? May 15,
1929. Her deportation to Theresienstadt went as planned. She arrived in that
hell on April 16, 1942. Twenty-nine days later she turned the ripe age of 11.
A year after that, she penned the words above. "We must not die!" but die she
did - with Hanus Hachenburg on December 18, 1943. Auschwitz that day stole
more than youth - it took from all of us their unwritten work.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 456       Fri Mar 20, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 19:40 EST
Maurice Rungu:

I earlier forgot to address your citation of John Toland.  Let me tell you a
secret, historian to historian, since you're obviously so educated. Toland is
primarily a pop historian of Japan (whose work I, as an Asian Studies major
specializing in Japanese language and history, have seen here and there). 
He's a lousy source to quote.  His work, while certainly entertaining (and,
like Reader's Digest, good bathroom reading) must be taken with a grain of
salt.  He's no pro historian, and anyone who cites him not even as an
authority on Japan (which is dubious enough), but on the HOLOCAUST deserves to
be taken with a grain of low-sodium salt substitute.

DT Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 457       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 20:54 EST
 430  Pooh.Bah:

 >Perhaps you shouldn't depend upon a French ex-con as a source, huh?

 But then GRaven would have nothing to base his distortions on.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 458       Fri Mar 20, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 20:55 EST
 435  Pooh.Bah:

 >So your [Rungu's] conclusion that the first statement (i.e. many
 Communists were Jews) translates into therefore all Jews are a security
 risk is illogical.

 Obviously, logic isn't one of Rungu's strong suits.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 459       Fri Mar 20, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 21:24 EST
>> So you are saying that when buried bodies decompose, they make
 >>the  ground heave and tremble? I guess I WILL have to consult a
 >>physiology  text!

  You're better off with a medical book on autopsies, Raven. Physiology really
only applies to living organisms.

        A Biologist

Public Forum NonProfit Conn. R
 Category 15,  Topic 4
 Message 389       Fri Mar 20, 1992
 M.RUNGU                      at 02:32 EST

 >>Looking at your very selective Einsatzgruppen readings and then
 >>reading Mr. Raven's selections in rebuttal to yours, it becomes
 >>clear that you are not seriously interested in ascertaining the
 >>historical facts on the holocaust.  You seem to have selected only
 >>those reports that support your position.

>>Concerning your comments about Lithuania and how "spontaneous
 >>pogroms occurred in all the towns", I think you are right.  The
 >>peoples of the Baltic republics (as well as in the Ukraine and
 >>EVERYWHERE in the East that the Germans swept out the Soviets)
 >>clearly remembered the holocaust perpetrated upon themselves by
 >>the Soviet commissars and by the NKVD, and how the leaders and
 >>organizers of these massacres were in fact Jews.  The "pogroms"
 >>you mentioned were acts of revenge towards Jews, and in no way can
 >>be attributed to the German authorities.

  Very interesting.  Your first paragraph both detracts from you veracity (you
said that you were not knowledgeable about these matters, but now you can tell
that Pooh's readings are "selective") and describes Mr. Raven's tactics, but
attributes them to POOH.BAH.

  Your second paragraph is simply untrue - while there were Jews in the
Russian Communist movement (Trotsky being the best known example) to simply
classify ALL the "leaders and organizers" as Jewish is just not correct.  I
doubt that ignorance is the explanation.

  Why do you put "pogroms" in quotation marks?  It is the correct word.

  Notice the odd phrasing of this paragraph.  "The peoples of the Baltic
republics...remembered the >holocaust< perpetrated upon themselves..." 
[Emphasis mine]  This holocaust you accept?  In any case, that word already
has another meaning.

  Also, "...the Ukraine and EVERYWHERE in the East that the Germans swept out
the Soviets..."  Notice that this sounds approving - we speak of "sweeping
out" in a positive way.

  RUNGU, do you really want to claim that the Revisionists (Deniers) are
"scholarly and serious"?  Have you read Pooh's posts?  They even explicitly
DENY being "scholarly".

  DOGMA? If it's dogma, how can there be an active debate among the
Functionalists and the Intentionalists?  It's generally accepted, not because
it's dogma, but because the evidence is overwhelming - because it's TRUE.

  By the way, your 395, despite its pretence of arguing with me, actually
agrees completely with what I said.  I said that the Nazis won a "large
minority" of the parliament - you say 288 of 608 members.  That's a large
minority, RUNGU.  In addition, you fail to deal with the fact that the Nazis
had to use polling-place intimidation to get that many seats.  Do you want to
deny that Hindenburg was correct when he called Hitler "too radical"?

>>Gee, thanks a lot for the hyper-emotional tale or poem or whatever
 >>it was. What is it supposed to prove, though?  That somebody can
 >>write a poem or that somebody has a lively imagination?

  This is "serious and scholarly"?

>> each "survivor" and "eyewitness" beating his/her chest, grinding
 >>his/her teeth, and moaning and wailing.  Yet today not only do I
 >>not see any historians accepting those kinds of "stories", but
 >>they don't even make reference to them anymore, not even to DENY

>>These unreal stories are utterly unreliable and have been
 >>pronounced so even by the so-called "holocaust museums" around the
 >>world. You can choose to believe them if you wish, but understand
 >>clearly that they are of a fictional, and not factual or
 >>historical, nature.

  Are you serious?  If so, give some sort of source for historians not using
the stories of survivors, and for holocaust museums doing the same.  By the
way, what does it mean to put "holocaust museum" in quotes?  What do you think
it REALLY is?

  I won't dwell on the ridiculously insulting and dismissive tone - I think
people can see it for themselves.

  By the way, David Irving has examined the evidence and now accepts the
evidence for the existence of the Holocaust.  He's no longer in you camp,

  RUNGU, your 424 - Dr. Stein isn't saying, as you imply, that the Holocaust
didn't happen.  He's saying that it wasn't a unique historical event (that
there have been other genocides) and that it didn't happen to Jews only (lots
of Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped people, and political dissidents
also died).

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 460       Fri Mar 20, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 21:48 EST

   Rungu gives new and vital meaning to the term "circular argument." The
 tortuous leaps of illogic might be entertaining if the intent wasn't so

   So (for example) Pooh-Bah is being mean and nasty and only quoting
 documents and incidents that support her position? Considering that nearly
 all credible documents and incidents DO support her position, that isn't
 terribly surprising... at least, not to most of us. But what had you
 expected, Rungu? That she was going to argue both sides? Raven started
 this topic, ably assisted by yourself. Why don't YOU guys start citing
 evidence directly contradicting your position? I promise you that you
 won't find it too terribly difficult. Honest.

   That's only one tiny piece in a long litany of weird and contradictory
 suppositions on Rungu's part. Other than the fact, of course, that Rungu
 was merely a moderate fence-sitter a week ago, merely defending Raven's
 right to be heard, and is now a devoted Denier. Pretty quick switch in
 just a week, wouldn't you say? Can you say "Bag Job?" Sure you can. I
 knew you could.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 461       Fri Mar 20, 1992
J.STENGEL [John]             at 22:13 EST
    I logged on this evening (Fri, 20th) after 3 days abscence; 176 New 
messages!  Certainly a lot to catch up with!  If nothing else, the main
contributors to this topic; POOH.BAH, Raven, and Rungu are persistent and
prolific in their arguments/counterarguments.  I note that Raven took time to
reply to one of my posts:
    >To John Stengel (regarding 232) ----- Your statements that written orders
    >were somehow not needed in Nazi  Germany is contrary to the fact that
    >are mounds of documents  from this period. In fact, the Germans seemed   

    >quite happy to document  everything.
   Well, I guess that POOH.BAH might AGREE with you on ONE part of that  (i.e.
"..The Germans seemed quite happy to document everything).   POOH.BAH is
arguing from documents which apparantly do exist; "documents" are the basis of
POOH.BAH's argument and have been extensively cited. POOH.BAH (uptopic) points
out that documents are the pieces of a "jig-saw puzzle", which when pieced
together, show the entire picture. To my way of thinking howerver, official
documents tend to ofuscate rather than  illuminate.  "Documents" are produced
by bureaucrats...bureaucrats have a tendency to skew documentation.  A well
written document will say what the subordinate thinks his (bureacratic)
superiors wants it to say (or just as importantly, not to say).  If anything,
this tendency is even  more pronounced in a totalitarian state.  Does anyone
commit the "truth" to paper in a totalitarian terror state?  There are
probably mountains of documents right now in various (defunct) Soviet
ministries which  "prove" that Soviet agriculture was producing vast surpluses
of grain, or millions of automobiles, or refrigerators or whatever.  Somehow,
these vast mounds of "documented" consumer goods failed to ever appear in
Moscow shops.  
     POOH.BAH has maintained  a "scholarly aloofness" throughout this 
discussion and has avoided emotional outbursts for the most part.  Raven has
repeatedly asked for "documents";  POOH.BAH has repeatedly obliged. I get the
general impression that both POOH.BAH and Raven have a high regard for
"documentary" evidence.  Sorry folks,  I can't seem to  put pieces of paper on
such a high pedestal on this kind of subject. Memoirs, diaries, personal
letters, eyewitness accounts etc. usually  shed a lot more light on historical
events than do "official documents".  When  was the last time you heard of a
prosecuter getting a murder conviction on the  basis of a "document" (other
than a signed confession)?  Actually, in such cases, eye-witness accounts
(under cross examination) carry a lot more  weight.  Eye witness accounts can
also be corroberated by other physical evidence.  There are PLENTY of
eyewitness accounts to the holocaust events.  Raven says he can discredit some
of these eyewitnesses; congratulations Raven!  With thousands and thousands of
such eyewitnesses would it not be a surprise if you could'nt discredit a few? 
But for every  witness you can discredit, the prosecution can bring out 10
more whom you  can't discredit.  For the one witness who is confused (or whose
mind has been so warped by what they went through) and whose testimony cannot
be corroborated;  the prosecution will produce ten whose minds are clear and
whose testimony can be corroberated.  
     "It is written, it is true"  might suffice in winning religious 
arguments...the "truth" of the twentieth century is all around us.   Just open
your eyes and ears and its staring you in the face.  Given the late nineteenth
century general breakdown of the the old moral bariers  that restrained us
(Western Civilization) for hundreds of years; add  "traditional" European anti-
semitism, and  the truth of  the holocaust  becomes a sure bet.  What the hell
is the history of this century other than an orgy of mass killing?  At this
very moment, there are men sitting in missile silos on both sides of the big
pond; men perfectly willing to press a button that will launch a weapon that
will incinerate MEGA-MILLIONS  of people 15 minutes later.  And that's without
even waiting for a "written  order", no documents left to "prove" the event to
future (if any) historians!   Instant holocaust, crematoriums not needed.  And
you doubt the holocaust  happened?  My God man, where have you been? 
     >To expand on my earlier point about the crematories, if each
     >body  took only  one hour to be completely reduced to ash (which is 
     >unreasonably short), you would nee 11 million crematory hours to        

     >eliminate all the claimed victims. Crematories can only run 12 hours 
     >of 24, which means you need roughly 916,000 crematory days.  Because all

     >this alleged killing took place in roughly three years  (let's say
     >you have only 1461 calendar days available.  Dividing crematory days by 

     >calendar days, you find you need 626  crematories working at peak       

     >efficiency to do the job, which is  ridiculous. Unfortunately for the   

     >exterminationists, this is a best-case scenario. Note also that this    

     >leaves unaddressed the  question of gassing the victims first.
    Come on Raven, can you seriously maintain that Nazi Germany, which
produced enough rifles, tanks, artillery pieces, submarines etc. to nearly
defeat the combined might of The United States, The Soviet Union,  Great
Britain (and  various other lesser powers), would have a problem producing 626
crematories? Also, setting as the standard of "crematory performance" the
performance of a modern funeral home facility is a bit invalid, would you not
agree? No funeral crematory is intended to handle more than a very few bodies.
I'm sure (technically) a crematory could be built to handle as many as
desired;  I dare say that a crematory could be made to burn 100 bodies at a
time rather  than  one body...lets see then... instead of the 626 you cite as
needed to  dispose of  the massive numbers of corpses during the 4
years...hmmmm, move the  decimal point two places to the left...yep,  they
would need 6.26 creamtories. Lets round that off to 7.  Gosh do you think
MAYBE they might even have had 14 (or perhaps even 21)  "hundred at a time"
crematoria?  With 21 crematoria, they would not even have to work (as you put
it) at "peak efficieny".  The  "impossibility" of cremating the millions is a
very weak argument (if its an argument at all).

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 462       Fri Mar 20, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 22:22 EST
   True enough - the supposition that Nazi crematoria must function in
 exactly the same fashion as those used by funeral homes in 1990s America
 is a pretty silly one.

   But that *is* an interesting point you touched on. Do you think that if
 some crazy in Kazakhstan decides to nuke the human race tomorrow, the 
 G. Ravens of Delta Draconis some hundred thousand years hence will deny
 that humans had any hand in their own mass destruction, and therefore God
 must have decided to break the Covenant and do us all in himself?

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 463       Fri Mar 20, 1992
J.STENGEL [John]             at 22:54 EST
-----> Note to POOH.BAH
     Your analogy of the "jig-saw puzzle" in reference to documents  pieced
together to form the "big picture"....When I think of "jig saw puzzle", I
usually picture one of those 2,000 piece monsters that most of us just
would'nt have the patience to piece together.  I would'nt even attempt it if I
did'nt have the puzzle box cover in front of me so I could "peek" at the
completed picture now and then!
    Actually, the holocaust "puzzle" is more aptly analogous to the 5 or 6
piece nursery school only need to see one or two pieces and you
pretty much have the whole picture!  No need (IMHO) to  to chop the puzzle
into thousands of little pieces in order to reassemble the "whole story".  If
you're ambitious enough to tackle the 2,000 piece version, hats off to you!  I
still say though, the  simpler puzzle, when put together, forms a picture
identical to your more complex puzzle!    

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 464       Fri Mar 20, 1992
P.NANSON [eclectic]          at 23:06 EST
Re: Message 406


 >The measures you described that were taken by the German security
 >agencies against the German Communist Party (KPD) are factual, and
 >nobody is trying to deny those measures.  Personally, I don't have
 >any problem with them because I frankly am not sympathetic to
 >revolutionary communist organizations -

And yet you come here, to a private system, and try to wrap your garbage in
the First amendment.


Re: Message 420


 >Anybody that questions the holocaust must be burned at the stake,
 >right?  All revisionist books and materials and studies must be
 >heaped up and incinerated, right?  And all, of course, in the name
 >of "tolerance", "freedom", and "love".

Do you hope to prove your point by putting words in my mouth?  You are free,
under the Constitution, to stand on any street corner and spout your filth. 
But, in case you haven't noticed, GEnie is a private system and has policy
guidelines barring bigotry and racism.

Anyway, as I understand it, it is the Nazis who are the book burners.


Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 465       Sat Mar 21, 1992
C.MAIER [Claire]             at 00:34 EST
Let's see.  Raven thinks that the arguments between the Intentionalists and
the Functionalists casts doubt about the veracity of the Holocaust. Well,
let's look at an analogy, shall we, to see the point Raven is making.
  Let's say Raven goes to the store and buys a loaf of bread.  An
Intentionalist would say he intended to buy the bread all along.  A
Functionalist would say it was an impulse buy.
  But Raven says, "Aha! They are disagreeing!  That means that there is a
third possibility--that I didn't buy the loaf of bread at all!  And he
maintains this, even though a receipt for the bread in question is found in
his possession.
  Raven, maybe this example would suffice to show why we don't support your
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 466       Sat Mar 21, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 02:09 EST
   Really, Claire. The notion that a debate about the particulars of an
 event or theory means that it is non-existant is mind-boggling - or 
 would be, if we didn't have about fifty posts from Raven to bewilder us

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 467       Sat Mar 21, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 02:32 EST

                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                       RAOUL WALLENBERG

         The Swedish Diplomat for his Valiant efforts

                  at the risk of his own life

         in saving the lives of 100,000 Hungarian Jews

          from the same horrible fate of the millions

        of Gentiles, Jews, Gay, Gypsies and mentally ill,

            that were indiscriminately slaughtered

         by the depraved animals of the Nazi Holocaust

                   The Master Race of NAZIs

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 468       Sat Mar 21, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 04:00 EST
Mordechai (yeah, right?) Rungu:

Cute, how you strongly imply that since you've no "sympathy for revolutionary
communist" organizations, you condone the slaughter of their members.

Friedman the Yid
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 469       Sat Mar 21, 1992
P.PAVLOVSKY                  at 13:42 EST
If I handle English as well as SPEAKER does, I would write a short
 poem "Komu neni rady, tomu neni pomoci". With my limited style I
 can help those who want to know a bit of history. Not from
 textbooks, but from memories of my blessed family.

At the beginning of WWII my grandfather had three brothers. When
 Nazi tanks rolled through their town, one brother made a mistake
 and open the window to check out what is going on. A moment later
 the tank blast killed him and demolished his house. That one is
 counted only as a "civilian causality". Two other brothers were
 picked by Nazis and shot in nearby woods. His wife had a heart
 problem and depended on medications to live. Shortly after the war
 begun the supply of medicine ended and she died.

The owner of a local drugstore was a Jew named Kwaswalter and his
 daughter Rachel was the best friend of my mother. Sixteen years
 old, they must work on a farm. One day Rachel told my mother that
 she will not come to work tomorrow because she is going to run away
 that night. Rachel lived in a ghetto, guarded by SS, where Nazis
 were gathering Jews from other villages.

Early morning SS and Ukrainian collaborating police begun
 transporting all people from ghetto to an abandoned limestone mine
 where each and every one was shot.

My mother remembers how horrified she was when she was walking to
 work and for every step she made there was one shot and one dead.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 470       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:23 EST
I have posted excerpts of various documents which support the fact that there
was an extermination plan. Some might think that these documents are the sole
evidence available. This is far from the case.

For instance, the first two documents I will quote here are from
correspondence regarding honors to be conferred upon members of the SS who
participated in the executions conducted by the Einsatzgruppen. This is a
clear indication that (1) the executions were to be kept secret, and, (2)
participation was considered worthy enough for honors.

Remember, all of the information that I've posted thus far deals solely with
the Einsatzgruppen program. This, as most of you know, was not the only method
of extermination. There are two other main classifications: privation and the
camps. The classification of "privation" includes those who were starved,
frozen or worked to death. The classification of "camps" likewise divides into
medical experimentation, executions and gassing.

Much of the technology for the gassings came out of the Nazi euthanasia
program. Therefore, even though I posted two documents which are from the
euthanasia program already, I will explain more about the euthanasia program
when I get to the information on the gassings.

This, then, should give you a general outline of what I will be covering.
Please let me know if you are getting "information overload" and I will let up
for a while.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 471       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:23 EST
 RE:  Conferment of the Kriegsverdienstkreuz.
 RE:  My telegram to you, no. 2719, of 19 Nov. 1941.

 The Commandant's Office has submitted to date two lists recommending the
 conferment of the Kriegsverdienstkreuz. In both of these appear SS personnel
 who participated in executions. We herewith request confirmation as to
 whether these names should be listed once again in the roll currently under
 preparation. Further requested is information as to whether in the
 recommendation lists under "Reasons and Comments of Immediate Superior" there
 should be specified, "Execution, i.e., special action" or whether a general,
 routine reason should be given.

                                         The Camp Commandant
                                         Signed, Roedl
                                         SS Obersturmbannfuehrer

 [Note in this document that "execution" and "special action" is synonymous.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 472       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:24 EST
[Reply to the previous inquiry. Dated 20.November.1941]

In the lists of recommendation for the conferment of the KVK to SS members who
participated in the executions, under "reasons" enter: "completion of vital
war assignments." The word "execution" should under no circumstances be
mentioned. In the lists to be handed in, the names already submitted should be
cited once again.

                                        Signed, Liebehenschel
                                        SS Obersturmbannfuehrer

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 473       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:25 EST
Just in case there is anyone still wondering if there is a possibility that
the indigenous populations of the Baltics, Ukraine, etc. erupted into
"spontaneous pogroms" which the Nazis couldn't control (as has been claimed
here by others), I submit the following for consideration. This extract comes
from a report by Einsatzgruppe A in the Baltic countries. It is a general
report of their progress up to October 15, 1941.


Basing oneself on the consideration that the population of the Baltic
countries had suffered most severely under the rule of Bolshevism and Jewry
while they were incorporated into the USSR, it was to be expected that after
liberation from this foreign rule they would themselves to a large extent
eliminate those of the enemy left behind after the retreat of the Red Army. It
was the task of the Security Police to set these self-cleansing movements
going and to direct them into the right channels in order to achieve the aim
of this cleansing as rapidly as possible. I was no less important to establish
as unshakable and provable facts for the future that it was the liberated
population itself which took the most severe measures, on its own initiative,
against he Bolshevik and Jewish enemy, without any German instruction being

In Lithuania this was achieved for the first time by activating the partisans
in Kovno. To our surprise it was not easy at first to set any large-scale anti-
Jewish pogrom in motion there...In Estonia there was no opportunity of
instigating pogroms owing to the relatively small number of Jews.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 474       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:25 EST
Commander of the Security Police and the SD Einsatzkommando 3

Kovno, 1.December.1941

Reich Secret Document

. . .I confirm today that Einsatzkommando 3 has achieved the goal of solving
the Jewish problem in Lithuania: There are no more Jewish in Lithuania, apart
from working Jews and their families.

I wanted to eliminate the working Jews and their families as well, but the
Civil Administration and the Wehrmacht attacked me most sharply and issued a
prohibition against having these Jews and their families shot.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 475       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:26 EST
                                        Kiev, 16.May.1942

Reich Secret Document

To SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Rauff Berlin

The overhauling of the vans of Einsatzgruppe D and C has been completed...

I have had the vans of Einsatzgruppe D disguised as house trailers, by having
a single window shutter fixed to each side of the small vans, and on the large
ones, two shutters, such as one often sees on farm houses in the country. The
vans had become so well known that not only the authorities but the civilian
population referred to them as the "Death Vans" as soon as one appeared....

I also gave instructions that all personnel should stay as far away as
possible from the vans when the gassing is in progress to prevent damage to
their health in the event of gas leaking out...

The gassing is generally not carried out correctly. In order to get the Aktion
finished as quickly as possible the driver presses down on the accelerator as
far as it will go. As a result the persons to be executed die of suffocation
and do not doze off as was planned....

                                        Dr. Becker
                                        SS Untersturmfuehrer

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 476       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:27 EST
                                        Minsk, 31.July.1942

To Reichkommissar for Ostland Gauleiter Hinrich Lohse Riga


....Without contacting me, the Army Rear Zone Command liquidated 10,000 Jews,
whose systematic elimination had in any case been planned by us....

In Baranowitschi there are still another 10,000 Jews in the city itself, of
whom 9,000 will be liquidated next month...

Naturally I and the SD would like it best if the Jewry in the Generalbezirk of
Byelorussia was finally eliminated after their labor is no longer required by
the Wehrmacht. For the time being the essential requirements of the Wehrmacht,
the main employer of Jewry, are being taken into consideration...

                                        The Generalkommissar for Byelorussia
                                        signed Kube

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 477       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 16:28 EST

 Fuehrer Headquarters
 Circular No. 33/43 g.
 RE: Treatment of the Jewish Question

 On instructions of the Guehrer I make known the following:

 Where the Jewish Question is brought up in public, there may be no discussion
 of a future overall solution. It may, however, be mentioned that the Jews are
 taken in groups for appropriate labor purposes.

                                         signed M. Bormann

 Distribution:  Reichsleiter
                Group leaders

 [Apparently, the Final Solution had nothing to do with forced labor, either.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 478       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:19 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 348) ---
 >Maybe you should try reading some factual material for a while. Yes, 
 those in charge of Auschwitz (i.e. the Polish gov't) did claim that 4 
 million had been exterminated in POLAND (as opposed to Auschwitz 
 only). Slight difference, isn't it?

 More than slight. The trouble with studying the Holocaust is that 
 there is so little FACTUAL material available from the 
 exterminationist side. For example, at the Nuremberg trials the 4 
 million figure was established as the number of deaths at 
 Auschwitz/Birkenau. There were plaques at Auschwitz until recently 
 that proclaimed, in 19 languages (I believe) that there were four 
 million victims there. Now, those plaques have been wiped clean.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 479       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:20 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 349) ---
 The fact that Hitler and the Third Reich gave immunity to baptized, 
 Christianized Jews, should once and for all demolish the vile slander 
 that National Socialism was intrinsically against Christianity. It 
 was not. National Socialism was fundamentally, positively Christian. 
 In a conference with Friedrich Christian Prinz zu Schaumburg-Lippe, 
 Hitler declared that a confrontation between religion and politics is 
 damaging to both, and that the state needs "religious citizens as the 
 foundation for a moral and clean society."
 I have no doubt that some Jews "converted" only temporarily, but this 
 hardly weakens my position!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 480       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:20 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 350) ---
 Yes, I have a record of all the posts in this topic. I made a point 
 about the limited number of members of the Einsatzgruppen, the 
 limited territory over which they operated, and the limited amount of 
 time they were in use. You have yet to directly respond to this, 
 instead preferring to quote Webster (???) and continue to blame 
 millions of Jewish deaths on people who were not Nazis. Thanks for 
 helping make my case.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 481       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:21 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 352) ---
 I also have Hilberg's original volume. Interesting how his position 
 changes from version to version, isn't it?
 As to the quote, I have it in front of me. When you leave out 
 Hilberg's pejorative comments and guesswork, what you have is the 
 sentence I quoted: "Generally speaking, we find in the reports one 
 overall justification for the killings: the Jewish danger."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 482       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:21 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 355) ---
 >Historical research demands that ALL the documents must be viewed in 
 relation to each other.
 You keep saying this but you don't practice it. Why don't you view 
 the Einsatzgruppen reports I mention in this context, and tell me 
 what those mean-old Nazis really meant when they said they were 
 setting up ghettos for Jews, and building hospitals? Why don't you 
 mention that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of Einsatzgruppen 
 reports, many of which are on topics such as food, farming, churches, 
 and other normal day-to-day activities of running the occupied 
 territories? You present yourself as being knowledgeable about all 
 this, how about if you explain Einsatzgruppen reports of 31.Oct.1941, 
 24.July.1941, and 5.Aug.1941? 
 Also on the subject of context, you might try to explain why the 
 Germans pursued the Europa Plan if they were intent on killing Jews? 
 The Europa Plan was authorized both by Himmler and by Hitler (Hitler 
 also authorized a similar plan involved Romania). Both plans fell 
 through because of the other side of the negotiations, NOT because of 
 the Germans.
 And what about the Madagascar Plan, about which there seems to be 
 some confusion in your mind. The RSHA is a part of the SS (posting 
 356). The Madagascar Plan was discussed, however, in the Foreign 
 Ministry as well as in the RSHA. If this Plan was not serious, why 
 would the Nazis go to these extreme lengths to fool themselves? By 
 the way, the term "Final Solution" was applied to the Madagascar 
 Plan, as it was to subsequent relocation plans after the Madagascar 
 Plan fell through. At this point, Heydrich, who was in charge of the 
 Madagascar Plan, called the Wannsee Conference to coordinate the new 
 relocation plan.
 Basically, you have nothing in the way of proof that there was a Nazi 
 policy of exterminating Jews just for being Jews, you seem to be in a 
 bit of a spot. You claim that Hitler (et al) must have known of this 
 policy because the Einsatzgruppen reports told them so. They do no 
 such thing. They do show that the Einsatzgruppen was NOT engaged in 
 the wanton murder of Jews as Jews. Because you have lost that 
 toehold, you now claim that these "auxiliary groups" did the dirty 
 work. On orders from whom? Hitler? Himmler? Who? Where are these 
 orders. Remember, you said there was a policy of extermination 
 against Jews as Jews.
 While you are working on this, you might care to illuminate for the 
 others the reason why the state of Israel has not released the 
 Himmler diary. If there was a policy of extermination against the 
 Jews, it should be note there, yes? Of course, until they do release 
 it we will have to make do with letters from Himmler, such as the one 
 in which he states that the propaganda allegations of mass murder are 
 going to be used against the Germans should they lose the war. Hardly 
 an admission of guilt!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 483       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:22 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 347, 351, 354, etc.) ---
 What you call "debate" is more properly divided into the two 
 categories of "propaganda" and "damage control."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 484       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:22 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 356) ---
 Okay, let's look at your postings 270, 271, 272, and 273.
 regarding 270
 The sender of this missive is asking for an interpretation of a 
 previous message. In other words, the previous message was not stated 
 clearly. He is asking for clarification. If you are reading something 
 else into this, you are over-eager.
 regarding 271
 This message states that the answer to a previous message has been 
 given in some other (verbal) message. Thus, there is no repeat of 
 that verbal message here. Nothing can be made of that. Then, the 
 message states that, "In principle, economic considerations are not 
 to be taken into account in the settlement of the (Jewish) problem." 
 I take this to mean that no matter what it costs to resettle the Jews 
 (or house them, etc.), work must proceed in this area. There is 
 nothing sinister here unless you read something into it, based on a 
 bias against the Germans and a prejudice against the truth.
 regarding 272
 This is a message from a man pleading to be allowed to keep his Jews 
 so they can be left at their jobs. This hardly sounds like mass 
 regarding 273
 An even more remarkable document! Here is a man asking for special 
 consideration for Jews! Perhaps you are of the opinion that the Nazis 
 were killing the Jews with kindness?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 485       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:23 EST
 to Pooh.bah (regarding 359) ---
 I meant to posting "western Allies" instead of merely "Allies."  
 However, when you state that "most of the evidence came from the Nazi 
 documents," you are playing another little word game with us. Perhaps 
 by number or weight, there were more Nazi documents presented at 
 Nuremberg. But what about the Soviet documents that accused the Nazis 
 of using atomic devices to vaporize Jews? What about Soviet documents 
 that Nazis electrocuted masses of Jews in huge vats? What about 
 Soviet documents that Nazis used a pedal-operated brain-bashing 
 machine to kill Jews? Get serious. And as to your question, the 
 Soviets certainly DID tamper with evidence, which includes outright 
 forgeries, partial forgeries, unsworn affidavits, etc. Why are you so 
 eager to leap to the defense of the Communists?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 486       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:23 EST
 To Carl Fink (regarding 379) ---
 The debate about the Holohoax should not be over either the WHY or 
 the THAT, but rather over the HOW. And although I liked your 
 comparison to the debate over the evolutionary process, we are 
 talking about a historical event, not a prehistoric event. I trust 
 you will be able to appreciate the difference.
 The reason the discrepancies between the Functionalists and the 
 Intentionalists are important is because there is no agreement on any 
 of the major points. For example, the functionalist position 
 implicitly (if not explicitly) invalidates the Hoess "confession." At 
 least with evolution scientists have a clue. With the Holocaust, the 
 exterminationists do not.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 487       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:24 EST
 To Paul Bobbitt and P. Nanson (regarding 382) ---
 If you are really so interested in M.Rungu, why not present your 
 concerns in a direct question and see what he says?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 488       Sat Mar 21, 1992
G.RAVEN                      at 18:24 EST
 To DD.Langdon (regarding 383) ---
 Exactly what kind of evidence would you accept as proof that 
 something did NOT exist or occur?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 489       Sat Mar 21, 1992
W.GROSS4                     at 18:31 EST
rI have just stepped into this interesting topic and read a whole bunch of
messages.  I have just a couple of observations.

I remember a thing called Ocam's Razor in philosophy, it says in short, the
simplest answer is probably the correct one.  Now departing from that point,
let me relate an occurance in Sept. of 1987.  I was in Germany taking part in
REFORGER 87.  We fininshed that exercise near the Bergen-Hohen Training area
in Northern Germany.  It was located in the same area as the Bergen-Belsen
Camp. The one liberated by the Brits in 1945.  We had a few days to kill
before we returned to the States, a few of us Texas boys went to the site of
the former Camp.  The FRG had turned it into a memorial park with a large
number of mass graves landscaped and identified with plaques that had wording
like "here lie 5000 dead" or "here lie uncounted dead."  Now why would the FRG
go to the problem to build such a large park to perpetuate a myth.  It does
seem to violate Ocam's Razor.

Second on comparing funeral home crematories with one that migh have been
designed to handle large number of corpses really doesn't make sense.  You can
run a house on a 15 kw generator, to provide electricty to a city you build a
much larger plant.  So, if the German's were going to build a furnace to
cremate large number of bodies they certainly would design it for the capcity

Lastly the comment about the break down of food distribution and medical
serivces in Nazi Germany.  The German's were delivery mail up until two weeks
before the fall on Berlin,  if they could deliver mail you'd think they could
do some of the other things.  Of course mail is easier to move.  Yet if they
were doing that, they could have been delivering food and medical services for
much later than has been implied.

But what do I know I am no expert.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 490       Sat Mar 21, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 18:42 EST
483 Raven:

The only "damage control" in which Pooh-Bah is engaged is the amount of damage
she wishes to inflict on your sorry position.

485 Raven:

What a cute implication:  Pooh-Bah is "so eager" to leap to the defense of the
Communists?  So are we now implying that people who know that the Holocaust
happened are Communists?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 491       Sat Mar 21, 1992
SPEAKER                      at 19:52 EST
I sift through the ashes and what do I find? The lives and dreams and hopes of
those who have died. The survivors have given voice to their strife - they've
borne witness to days of torturous life. Some of the perpetrators have told of
their crime - orders were followed without reason or rhyme. Yet, through it
all we have lost stories galore of those who perished in the madness of the
storm. Here, then, I step up to speak of lives so precious and deaths so
bleak. Listen if you dare to the tales I tell: I speak of what I know and that
I know well.

At 15, Petr Fischl wrote no poetry. Yet, he did not depart this world without
telling his tale. In a diary he left upon the shelf, his lyrical prose call


We got used to standing in line at 7 o'clock in the morning, at 12 noon and
again at seven o'clock in the evening. We stood in a long queue with a plate
in our hand, into which they ladled a little warmed-up water with a salty or a
coffee flavor. Or else they gave us a few potatoes. We got used to sleeping
without a bed, to saluting every uniform, not to walk on the sidewalks and
then again to walk on the sidewalks. We got used to undeserved slaps, blows
and executions. We got accustomed to seeing people die in their own excrement,
to seeing piled-up coffins full of corpses, to seeing the sick amidst dirt and
filth and to seeing the helpless doctors. We got used to it that from time to
time, one thousand unhappy souls would come here and that, from time to time,
another thousand unhappy souls would go away....


Born in Prague, September 9, 1929, Petr didn't have long to live. His days at
Theresienstadt were dark and drear. On October 8, 1944 - six months before
liberation - Petr took his final walk this time into a gas chamber. How tragic
he was never given a chance to get "used to" Auschwitz.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 492       Sat Mar 21, 1992
P.NANSON [eclectic]          at 20:21 EST
Re: Message 479


 > The fact that Hitler and the Third Reich gave immunity to
 >baptized,  Christianized Jews, should once and for all demolish
 >the vile slander  that National Socialism was intrinsically
 >against Christianity. It  was not. National Socialism was
 >fundamentally, positively Christian.

Garbage.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer didn't think so, and he paid for saying so.  He
was arrested by the Gestapo on April 5th in 1943, and spent two years in
Gestapo prisons and concentration camps, uncluding Buchenwald.  He was
excecuted by special order of Himmler at the Flossenburg concentration camp on
April 9th, 1945, just days before the Allies liberated it.

Reinhold Niebuhr didn't believe the Nazis were Christians, either.

At least now you're coming clean as a Nazi apologist.


Re: Message 483


 > What you call "debate" is more properly divided into the two
 >categories of "propaganda" and "damage control."

Strange, Greg Raven, but I just had the same thought about you.


Re: Message 487


 > To Paul Bobbitt and P. Nanson (regarding 382) ---
 > If you are really so interested in M.Rungu, why not present your
 >concerns in a direct question and see what he says?

You seem to be the only one who knows for certain that M.Rungu is a "he." 
What should we ask him?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 493       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:00 EST
 478  nevaR:

 >The trouble with studying the Holocaust is that 
  there is so little FACTUAL material available from the 
  exterminationist side.

 I don't see why that would bother you even if it was true, which as you
 well know it isn't.  Since when have you been bothering with facts.

 To everyone:  I have decided that, since nevaR (Raven) and ugnuR (Rungu)
 keep getting everything backwards, it would be appropriate to write their
 names backwards from now on.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 494       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:00 EST
 479  nevaR:

 >The fact that Hitler and the Third Reich gave immunity to baptized, 
  Christianized Jews ...

 Once again, I imagine that the relatives of Edith Stein (or was it Stern?),
 born a Jew but murdered by the Nazis while she was a nun, might question
 that lie. 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 495       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:00 EST
 483  nevaR:

 > What you call "debate" is more properly divided into the two 
  categories of "propaganda" and "damage control."

 For once, you're actually correct!

 You spread false propaganda, and Pooh.Bah controls the damage you are
 trying to cause.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 496       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:01 EST
 484  nevaR:

 >This is a message from a man pleading to be allowed to keep his Jews 
  so they can be left at their jobs.

 Are you claiming that the Nazis kept Jews as slaves?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 497       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:01 EST
 485  nevaR:

 > I meant to posting "western Allies" instead of merely "Allies."  (sic)

 One of your more cogent statements.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 498       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:01 EST
 486  nevaR:

 > The debate about the Holohoax (sic) should not be over either the WHY or 
  the THAT, but rather over the HOW.

 Ignoring the fact that you seem to be incapable of spelling Holocaust
 correctly (perhaps you should try Shoah instead, it's shorter), at least
 you now seem to admitting that it did occur and just want to argue over the

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 499       Sat Mar 21, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 21:02 EST
 488  nevaR:

 > Exactly what kind of evidence would you accept as proof that 
  something did NOT exist or occur?

  Exactly what kind of evidence would you accept as proof that 
  something did exist or occur?

 Sorry about that;  I know it's one of those despicable Jewish traits to
 answer a question with a question.  If your hero, Adolph Hitler, had
 succeeded, then you wouldn't be subjected to this.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 500       Sat Mar 21, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 21:49 EST
>To Carl Fink (regarding 379) ---
 >the debate about the Holohoax should not be over either the WHY or
 >the THAT, but rather over the HOW. And although I liked your
 >comparison to the debate over the evolutionary process, we are
 >talking about a historical event, not a prehistoric event. I trust
 >you will be able to appreciate the difference.

  Yes, Raven, I'm well aware - could you please adopt a less superior tone? 
We are considering a PAST event - in either case, we consider evidence in much
the same way.  And you can't simply assert things, Raven.  WHY should the
debate be over HOW, rather than IF? Surely, HOW affects IF, but why does it
take precedence?  (Not that there's any actual debate on this matter.)

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 501       Sat Mar 21, 1992
TERMY                        at 21:56 EST
 421 Mr./Ms. Rungu,
 ->When or where did I claim that I received the Butz book from Mr. Raven, 
 ->on a Sunday, and became an "instant expert".  This is distortion in -
 >true holocaustspeak fashion.
 I said, "On Sat., 14 March, Mr. Raven informed them of Mr. Butz' 
 book.  On Sunday, a copy of said book was delivered to Mr/Ms Rungu and
 an instant expert was made."  (Note:  I did not say Mr. Raven sent the 
 books to Mr./Ms. Rungu.)
 It appears I was mistaken; it was Pooh.Bah, not Mr. Raven, who informed 
 you of Butz' book.  And, a careful scrutiny of the situation suggests 
 that you received the books no later than Sunday, 15 March, perhaps 
 earlier.  I offer the following excerpts from some of your early posts as 
 Message 3         Thu Mar 12, 1992
 M.RUNGU                      at 04:45 EST
 [One paragraph deleted]
 I for one don't know much about the subject, but would like to learn more
 about it, and if there is more than one side to it, I am all for hearing 
 the pros and cons.
 [One sentence deleted]
 Message 85        Sat Mar 14, 1992
 M.RUNGU                      at 18:58 EST

 Thankyou for answering the questions I posed, they did help me quite a 
 THE OTHERS [emphasis mine].    And I did address my question to "The 
 Raven" rather than to you.  Please let HIM answer them, thankyou.
 [One sentence deleted]
 Message 148       Sun Mar 15, 1992
 M.RUNGU                      at 19:19 EST

 [Three paragraphs deleted]
 By the way, I was able to get copies of Butz's ("THE HOAX OF THE 20TH
 CENTURY") and Leuchter's ("THE LEUCHTER REPORT") books in the mail.  I've 
 only read parts of them so far, but they look quite interesting.  Not at 
 all crackpot.
 How does one who is "not familiar with Butz, Leuchter, and the others" on 
 Saturday at 18:58 EST, receive copies of Butz' and Leuchter's work BY 
 Sunday and 19:19 EST, via mail?  
 Another message excerpt:
 Message 52        Fri Mar 13, 1992
 M.RUNGU                      at 22:09 EST
 [Approximately two and 1/2 paragraphs deleted]

 You said in one of your notes that there were "no gas chambers".  What 
 are your sources for this?  Can you name some books or studies or 
 whatever to back up that statement.
 [Approximately one and 1/2 paragraphs deleted]
   This message suggests you were not aware of Mr. Raven's sources, and 
 corroborates your statement of unfamiliarity with Butz, et al.
 You've gone from "relative know-nothing" to one who highly knowledgable 
 in denier information in 1 week, 2 days.  You knew nothing of Butz, et 
 al. on Sat. afternoon, yet received copies of their works in the mail by 
 Sunday afternoon, approx. 25 hrs later.
 You will, of course, excuse me if I find you less than credible.
      Gary R. Raper, Jr.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 505       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:33 EST
 I posted:

 >                                        15.November.1941
 >Reichskommissar for Ostland
 >IIa 4
 >To: Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories
 >RE: Execution of Jews
 >. . .Will you please inform me whether your inquiry of 31.October should be
 >interpreted as a directive to liquidate all the Jews in Ostland? Is this to
 >be done regardless of age, sex, and economic requirements (for instance, the
 >Wehrmacht's demand for skilled workers in the armament industry)? Of course
 >the cleansing of Ostland of Jews is a most important task; its solution,
 >however, must be in accord with the requirements of war production. . .
 >                                        Loshe
 >                                        Reichskommissar for Ostland

 Raven replied:

 >> The sender of this missive is asking for an interpretation of a 
 >> previous message. In other words, the previous message was not stated 
 >> clearly. He is asking for clarification. If you are reading something 
 >> else into this, you are over-eager.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 506       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:34 EST
 I posted (a reply to the previous message):

 >                                        18.December.1941
 >                                        Berlin
 >Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories
 >To: Reichskommissar for Ostland
 >RE: Jewish question
 >The Jewish question has presumably been clarified meanwhile by means of
 >verbal discussion. In principle, economic considerations are not to be taken
 >into account in the settlement of the problem. It is further requested that
 >any questions that arise be settled directly with the Higher SS and Police
 >                                        Braeutigam

 Raven replied:

 >> This message states that the answer to a previous message has been 
 >> given in some other (verbal) message. Thus, there is no repeat of 
 >> that verbal message here. Nothing can be made of that. Then, the 
 >> message states that, "In principle, economic considerations are not 
 >> to be taken into account in the settlement of the (Jewish) problem." 
 >> I take this to mean that no matter what it costs to resettle the Jews 
 >> (or house them, etc.), work must proceed in this area. There is 
 >> nothing sinister here unless you read something into it, based on a 
 >> bias against the Germans and a prejudice against the truth.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 507       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:35 EST
 I posted:

 >                                        December.1941
 >Reichskommissar for Ostland
 >To: Higher SS and Police Leader
 >. . . I request most emphatically that the liquidation of Jews employed as
 >skilled workers in armament plants and repair workshops of the Wehrmacht who
 >cannot be replaced at present by local personnel be prevented. . .
 >. . . Provision is to be made as quickly as possible for the training of
 >suitable local personnel as skilled workers. . .
 >                                        Loshe
 >                                        Reichskommissar for Ostland

 Raven replied:

 >> This is a message from a man pleading to be allowed to keep his Jews 
 >> so they can be left at their jobs. This hardly sounds like mass 
 >> murder!

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 508       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:35 EST
 I posted:

 >                                        16.December.1941
 >                                        Minsk
 >Generalkommissar for Byelorussia
 >To: Reichskommissar for Ostland
 >I wish to ask you personally for an official directive for the conduct of
 >the civilian administration towards the Jews deported from Germany to
 >Byelorussia. Among these Jews are men who fought at the Front and have the
 >Iron Cross, First and Second Class, war invalids, half-Aryans, even three-
 >quarter Aryans. . .
 >. . .These Jews will probably freeze or starve to death in the coming weeks.
 >. . On my own responsibility I will not give the SD any instructions with
 >regard to the treatment of these people. . .
 >I am certainly a hard [man] and willing to help solve the Jewish question,
 >but people who come from our own cultural sphere just are not the same as
 >the brutish hordes in this place. Is the slaughter to be carried out by the
 >Lithuanians and Letts, who are themselves rejected by the population here?
 >I couldn't do it. I beg you to give clear directives [in this matter,] with
 >due consideration for the good name of our Reich and our Party, in order
 >that the necessary action can be taken in the most humane manner.
 >                                        Heil Hitler!
 >                                        Wilhelm Kube

 Raven replied:

 >> An even more remarkable document! Here is a man asking for special 
 >> consideration for Jews! Perhaps you are of the opinion that the Nazis 
 >> were killing the Jews with kindness?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 509       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:36 EST
 478 Raven:

  > For example, at the Nuremberg trials the 4 million figure was established
  > as the number of deaths at Auschwitz/Birkenau.

 The Nuremberg Trials are a historical event - not a recorder of history.
 Historical accounts have never recorded the 4 million figure.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 510       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:36 EST
 479 Raven:

  > The fact that Hitler and the Third Reich gave immunity to baptized, 
  > Christianized Jews, should once and for all demolish the vile slander 
  > that National Socialism was intrinsically against Christianity. It 
  > was not. National Socialism was fundamentally, positively Christian. 

 "The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.
 Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the
                                         Adolph Hitler

 Mind if I ask the source for your assertions?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 511       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:37 EST
 481 Raven:

  > As to the quote, I have it in front of me. When you leave out 
  > Hilberg's pejorative comments and guesswork, what you have is the 
  > sentence I quoted: "Generally speaking, we find in the reports one 
  > overall justification for the killings: the Jewish danger."

 Ah, but that isn't what you originally claimed, was it?

 This thread began when you stated:

  > Hilberg acknowledges that the Einsatzgrupen did not kill Jews without a
  > security reason (1985 edition)

 So, you start out by claiming that Hilberg "acknowledges" that the
 Einsatzgruppen did not kill Jews without a security reason but, when I
 pointed out to you that this was taken drastically out of context (deleting
 key words such as "rationalization" and "fiction") you stated these are
 "pejorative comments and guesswork."

 The fact remains that you took Hilberg out of context and, therefore, you did
 not come close to proving your original contention.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 512       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:38 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > You present yourself as being knowledgeable about all this, how about if
  > you explain Einsatzgruppen reports of 31.Oct.1941, 24.July.1941, and
  > 5.Aug.1941? 

 Has anyone wondered yet why it is that I quote the documents and allow them
 to make my point but Raven just throws out dates and implies that there is
 something that _I_ am hidding?

 Raven: Quote the documents and don't lower yourself to vague innuendo. Just
 be sure that you quote in context, okay?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 513       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:38 EST
 482 Raven:

  > Also on the subject of context, you might try to explain why the 
  > Germans pursued the Europa Plan if they were intent on killing Jews? 
  > The Europa Plan was authorized both by Himmler and by Hitler (Hitler 
  > also authorized a similar plan involved Romania).

 Now this is really funny. The Nazis desired foreign exchange and were willing
 to ransom off some Jews. There was just one tiny problem, however. This was
 in 1942-1943 and there was a little something called WWII in progress. As
 with most wars, it was prohibited to give foreign currency to the enemy. The
 Nazis wanted US dollars and the US wouldn't approve the transfer.

 Proves once again what great humanitarians Hitler and Himmler were. I think
 we would call this "money for hostages" today. If it had gone through, we
 might even get to read about "Nazigate".

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 514       Sat Mar 21, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 22:39 EST
 482 Raven:

  > At this point, Heydrich, who was in charge of the Madagascar Plan, called
  > the Wannsee Conference to coordinate the new relocation plan.

 Boy, if you're willing to buy that one, I've got a bridge I'd love to sell

 The date that the Madagascar PlanS (remember that there was more than one)
 were formulated was July 1940.

 The Wannsee Conference was due to commence in December of 1941 but the Nazi
 declaration of war on the US pushed the final date back to January 20, 1942.

 Now, do you really expect us to believe that Heydrich called a meeting 18
 months ahead of time?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 515       Sun Mar 22, 1992
S.PIERCE6 [Sheri]            at 00:54 EST
Ravens are those repulsive black crows that feed on the flesh of the dead, the
same harbingers of death shown chasing Jewish charactures in Nazi "Juden Raus"
propaganda posters.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 516       Sun Mar 22, 1992
RUDOLPH                      at 01:00 EST
  Unbelievable!!!  I have just spent hours reading this topic. I must admit I
am disturbed.  Poo.bah has posted numerous messages responding in detail to
challenge after challenge from Raven/Rungu (who are figuratively if not
physically the same person).  Pooh's responses are cogent, well thought out
and convincing.  Pooh has cited original sources which clearly prove his point
of view well beyond a thoughtful or reasonable doubt.  Since Raven/ Rungu have
said what they seek is open debate, and they have "open minds," I have been
expecting them to acknowledge that the Holocaust Revisionist point of view
must be wrong.  I am surprised and saddened that they are sticking to their
original point-of-view despite the overwhelming evidence Pooh has posted to
educate them about what is obviously a truthful albeit terrible historical
fact...that the Holocaust really did happen as a  planned policy of Nazi
Germany.  BTW, while I find the whole issue of Intentionalist vs.
Functionalist interesting, it in no way lends aa/    ny  evidence to
Raven/Rungu's position that the Holocaust didn't happen.  What  it does tell
us is that Holocaust scholars seem to be committed to open debate concerning
those issues which are not historically evident in a  clear and obvious way,
i.e. that there was indeed a Nazi German government policy to kill people only
because they were Jews.

I want to thank Raven/Rungu for forcing this debate onto GEnie.  I have have
learned more about the Holocaust than I ever really wanted to know. I have
also discovered that there is some kind of cynical, underhanded plot by some
people to spread a message that the Holocaust never happened. At first I was
willing to take at face value that Raven/Rungu were simply open minded people
seeking the truth.  I now must believe that this is  actually a plot to cause
anti-semitism or anti- Zionism or something like that.  Raven/Rungu, I am not
accusing you of being anti-semites!  I am  saying that based on your inability
to respond in a thoughtful and cogent manner to Pooh v 4   s. Pooh's ability
to present clear, well document facts and original sources, coupled with your
attempts to continue the battle instead of realizing that you must be wrong
and declaring that you are\ mistaken, leads me to no other supposition than
that you are holding this debate, not to determine the truth, but rather to
spread falsehood.  Why would you, when your case is clearly so weak, continue
to argue it, if not to somehow and for some reason defame Jews? Based on this
debate, if you continue to claim that you are simply seeking to find the truth
with an open mind, either you are idiots, or liars!

Please, prove me wrong by presenting original sources to defend your position,
Rave/Rungu; Respond directly to Pooh's challenges just as Pooh responds
directly to yours, use logic and thoughtful argument instead of the mush you
are slinging, and I will not sit here so offended by your abuse of debate,
history and scholarship.  So far this does not read like an open debate so
much as a Raven/Rungu attempt at   Z   propaganda which is being demolished by
a much more knowledgeable Pooh. State sources and  argue logically, or stop
this insult ;.   to intelligence!  z ince Raven/ Rungu have said what they
seek is open debate, and they have "open minds," I have been expectingo    =  
@;|=   @>  @ I have been trying without success to eliminate the last two and
a half lines from this posting (after intelligence!) which appeared in the
Upload. I can't seem to do it, so please disregard those last 2 1/2 lines. 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 517       Sun Mar 22, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 01:43 EST

Try doing an *L command to see what number lines the ones you want to axe are,
and then type "*d,(Line#from),(Line#to)" (without the quote marks).

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 518       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:32 EST
 To Termy (regarding 388) ---
 I know how much difficulty I have trying to save the texts of these 
 messages in some usable form, and it seems that you are having some 
 trouble with this, too. You stated: "On Sat., 14 March, Mr. Raven 
 informed them (M.RUNGU) of Mr. Butz' book." Actually, it was Pooh.bah 
 who provided that information to M.RUNGU. By the way, without 
 presuming to answer for M.RUNGU, here in Los Angeles we get Saturday 
 delivery from Express Mail, Federal Express, UPS, and Airborne 
 Express, if memory serves.
 You also stated: "Mr. Raven & Mr/Ms Rungu, in their early posts 
 (#1-40) intimated that they were unacquainted with one another, yet 
 later posts clearly show a cooperative effort on their part. I 
 believe Paul Nanson & Jon W. have noted this apparent contradiction, 
 as have others, citing posts, if memory serves, #230-239 as 
 evidence..." According to my records, I did not respond to M.RUNGU 
 directly or indirectly until 234, at which time I provided a source 
 for a book he was seeking. This is the only time I responded to 
 M.RUNGU, in spite of many questions asked of me in M.RUNGU's posts.
 Although it cannot make any difference to this debate, the only 
 organizations to which I "belong" are the NRA, the Libertarian Party, 
 and the California Rifle and Piston Association. I do not currently 
 and never have belonged to any white supremacist or other "racist" 
 organization, although if I did I would not mind mentioning it 
 because my arguments must be considered independent of any real or 
 assumed background of mine. In other words, if it pleases you to 
 think I am Racial Hatred Incarnate, that's your cross to bear. Just 
 leave the name-calling out of the discussion and deal with what I 
 say. There should be enough there into which you can sink your teeth.
 As to my "explanation of how the Jews, supposedly an inferior race, 
 were capable of mastering a superior (presumably "Aryan") race," you 
 should have read my post more carefully. I said nothing about Jews 
 being inferior or superior to anyone else, and I did not comment on 
 their so-called ability to dominate a superior race while being 
 inferior, etc. What I said was, "in economics, bad money ALWAYS 
 pushes out good. In other areas, the larger the crime organization 
 the more they push away the smaller criminals and the honest people. 
 Therefore it is not out of the question that something 'inferior' 
 could come to dominate something 'superior.'"
 Finally, it is not my credibility that is at stake, but the 
 credibility of a massive lie that has been perpetrated through the 
 years. You must certainly realize that you are lied to on a regular 
 basis by the government and the media ... sometimes intentionally and 
 sometimes unintentionally. If you have not yet reached this 
 realization, the bulk of this discussion may be beyond you.
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 519       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:33 EST
 To P.Nanson (regarding 338) ---
 You have misconstrued my intent. I do not wish to cover up the 
 Holohoax. I wish to reveal it for the propaganda it is. It never 
 happened, therefore it would be difficult for me in talking about as 
 I do to assist in covering it up.
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 520       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:34 EST
 To R.Arbetman (regarding 428) ---
 Holocaust denial may be an element of neo-Nazi organizations, but no 
 form of Nazism is an element of Holocaust denial. Just because you 
 don't like (or more likely, don't know anything true about) Adolf 
 Hitler does not make him less a great man. To put it another way, why 
 is it so important for exterminationists, who claim to have all this 
 evidence, to try to discredit Holocaust revisionism with pejorative 
 labels? If they had any solid facts, they could simply argue those 
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 521       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:34 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 430) ---
 So when Elie Wiesel talks, we must filter out all the "imagination," 
 the "allegory," and the insupportable "assertions" in order to arrive 
 at his real meaning? Gee, I was relying on facts. Perhaps you 
 shouldn't depend on someone in need of deep therapy as a source, huh?
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 522       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:35 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 433) ---
 >For me to be right, all that is needed is a single example where 
 Jews were killed for "belonging to the Jewish race".
 Guess again. You claimed that the Nazis had a policy of killing Jews 
 as Jews. If a few Jews were killed merely for being Jews, that 
 certainly is bad. But it is a long way from being an official policy. 
 In order for you to prove your thesis, you must show overwhelming 
 evidence that this policy was being followed. However, as long as the 
 Nazis were building hospitals for Jews, setting up ghettos for Jews, 
 attempting to negotiate with other countries to accept the Jews so 
 the Germans could export them, attempting to keep them alive for 
 various reasons (work being chief among them), and expressing relief 
 upon arriving at towns to find the Jews all gone, you have some 
 serious holes in your argument.
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 523       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:35 EST
 To AH.STEIN (regarding 441) ---
 >aren't you trying to convince people there weren't any (crematoria)?
 You need to go back to Holocaust studies class. Of course the 
 concentration camps had crematoria. Most cities of any size did, and 
 all for the same reason: to cremate corpses to prevent the spread of 
 disease. Crematoria are not and were not used for murdering people. 
 You see? Even you have been mislead by the constant retelling of the 
 Holohoax. Don't you understand that everyone is being used by this 
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 524       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:35 EST
 To AH.STEIN (regarding 453) ---
 Until you know how many Jews died of natural causes in Europe during 
 the war years (1939-1945) by number and by percent, you should not be 
 so quick to pooh-pooh the 600,000 figure.
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 525       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:36 EST
 To Carl Fink (regarding 459) ---
 >You're better off with a medical book on autopsies, Raven. 
 Physiology really only applies to living organisms.
 The physiology book was recommended to me by Pooh.bah. 'Nuf said?
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 526       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:36 EST
 To John Stengel (regarding 461) ---
 >Come on Raven, can you seriously maintain that Nazi Germany, which 
 produced enough rifles, tanks, artillery pieces, submarines etc. to 
 nearly defeat the combined might of The United States, The Soviet 
 Union, Great Britain (and various other lesser powers), would have a 
 problem producing 626 crematories?
 They might have been able to produce 626 crematories, but they did 
 not ... at least not at the so-called "killing centers." And, because 
 we have the original plans of these crematoria and can examine some 
 of those that remain, we can tell that they were little different 
 from modern crematoria. That is, they did not hold 100 bodies. At any 
 rate, the more bodies you put in, the longer it takes to reduce them 
 to ash. This is very straightforward.
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 527       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 03:37 EST
 To RTRAYNOR (regarding 462) ---
 >the supposition that Nazi crematoria must function in exactly the 
 same fashion as those used by funeral homes in 1990s America is a 
 pretty silly one.
 If it were nothing more than a supposition, it would be silly. 
 However, we can examine the actual crematoria, the plans from which 
 they were built, and (I believe) the patent papers for these same 
 crematoria. These all show that there was nothing special or unusual 
 about these devices, which were commonplace throughout Europe then as 
 Greg Raven
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 528       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 08:24 EST
 512  Pooh.Bah:

 > Has anyone wondered yet why it is that I quote the documents and allow
 them to make my point but Raven just throws out dates and implies that
 there is something that _I_ am hidding?

 False innuendo is a staple of the neo-Nazis and Nazi sympathizers who are
 trying to erase the memory of the millions of people, including
 approximately six million Jews, murdered by their idols in the Holocaust.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 530       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 09:16 EST
 519  nevaR gerG:

 > You have misconstrued my intent.

 Obviously not.

 >I do not wish to cover up the Holohoax (sic).

 Please use a spell checker.  Once again, may I suggest that if "Holocaust"
 is too long a word for you to spell correctly, you may desire to write
 "Shoah" instead.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 531       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 09:16 EST
 nevaR gerG:

 >Just because you don't like (or more likely, don't know anything true
 about) Adolf Hitler does not make him less a great man.

 You seem to be enamored of the Austrian house painter.  I'd be interested
 in hearing your opinion of him.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 535       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 09:18 EST
 524  nevaR gerG:

 >Until you know how many Jews died of natural causes in Europe during 
  the war years (1939-1945) by number and by percent, you should not be 
  so quick to pooh-pooh the 600,000 figure.

 I'd suggest that until you learn some facts yourself, you stop trying to
 direct the education of others.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 536       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 09:19 EST
 527  nevaR gerG:

 > However, we can examine the actual crematoria, the plans from which 
  they were built, and (I believe) the patent papers for these same 
  crematoria. These all show that there was nothing special or unusual 
  about these devices ...

 Are you now claiming to be as much an expert on crematoria as the admitted
 liar, rethcueL derF?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 537       Sun Mar 22, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 09:25 EST
There are apparent some people participating in this TOPic who don't
understand the difference between "history," "literature" and "court records."
It is also apparent that some people don't understand that when the question
is changed, the amount of proof required changes also.

Therefore, since there might be others lurking here who are confused, too, let
me make a few comments on the above. Someone who writes literature (as in Elie
Wiesel) will use certain literary devices such as simile, metaphor, allegory,
etc. If such a person were to say: "That girl is as beautiful as a rose in
June!" we would look ridiculous if we assumed that he was speaking literally
and, because of that, assumed that the girl was heavily wrinkled with a big
head and a skinny body with sharp protuberances.

Scholarly historical accounts will not use such devices although you might
find an occassional "popular history" that will. Since most of us have had
English course which instruct in the literary devices, we usually recognize
them for what they are quite easily.

A court record actually becomes a part of history and not a recorder of
history. The goal of a trial and the goal of historical writing are different.
The trial has the goal of proving a case (or defending against a case)
depending upon which side one is on. Historical writing has the goal of
informing what happened. The difference between the two is that judgement (and
a verdict) is expected in the former and not in the latter. Also, in the
former, evidence is gathered and once the trial begins, that gathering ends.
Historical research is forever gathering information.

And, what about the discussion technique of changing the question for
discussion mid-way through and when one responds to the new question, then it
is pointed out that the original question has gone unproved? Well, basically
that is a technique of obfuscation and used only by those whose viewpoint is
so weak that they must resort to devious practices. For instance, if someone
were to say: "I can prove that there was a systematic extermination program
and, as part of the evidence, I would like to present these documents from the
Einsatzgruppen Reports" and someone else responds (thereby changing the
question): "But all the Jews killed by the Einsaztgruppen were killed for
security reasons" then all the first person has to do to disprove the new
question is supply one example of when the Einsatzgruppen killed Jews for
"belonging to the Jewish race." Once this is done, however, the second person
retorts that this does not prove the original question (which it was never
intended to do....especially since it had already been declared that the
Einsatzgruppen Reports were only PART of the evidence).

Generally, this technique is used only when the party of the second part is
grasping at straws (btw, that is an example of the use of a cliche and I don't
literally mean that someone has a jar of straws slightly out of reach and has,
therefore, lowered himself to grasping at them).
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 538       Sun Mar 22, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 10:03 EST

 > The gassing is generally not carried out correctly. In order to get the
 > Aktion finished as quickly as possible the driver presses down on the
 > accelerator as far as it will go. As a result the persons to be executed
 > die of suffocation and do not doze off as was planned....

[talking about the "vans of death"]

What are they talking about?  Carbon monoxide poisoning?  I thought most of
the "gassing" was from HCN gas.  I didn't realize that they had mobile van
units, either.

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 539       Sun Mar 22, 1992
TERMY                        at 11:12 EST
In reply to:  Message 397  M.RUNGU

->Why merely retain all these people in all these camps for years
 ->and years when they could have been quickly liquidated?

Does the word Bunuwerke ring a bell in your head?

In reply to:  Message 399  M.RUNGU

->The free and open discussion of the holocaust often necessitates
 ->the reminding of various would-be speech suppressors that our
 ->Constitution does indeed provide certain speech guarantees and

True.  That is the first Amendment to the Constitution.  There's a point which
is pertinent to this discussion which deals with innocence & guilt, human
rights and freedoms, and was apparently considered of higher import than even
freedom of speech, as it is found in the main body of the Constitution, not in
an amendment. Does the term "corruption of blood" ring a bell in your head?

In reply to:  Message 421  M.RUNGU

->The point is, I am willing to hear and read the revisionist side
 ->IN ADDITION  TO the "exterminationist" side.  I am willing to read
 ->Raul Hilberg and am  trying to find his trilogy to see what he has
 ->to say (at an affordable price  though!).  At the same time, I
 ->want to read Butz and see what HE has to say  from the other side.
 -> Are YOU willing to see/hear both sides?  My guess is:  NO.

You guess wrong.  I'm in the process of obtaining the various
 texts written by the Holocaust deniers.  I'll be receiving copies of Butz,
Leuchter and Bradley Smith's work, at the outset & will see where they lead
before obtaining further literature from the denier camps.

If nothing else, they'll justify buying another bookcase for fictional works.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 540       Sun Mar 22, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 11:38 EST
>>>You're better off with a medical book on autopsies, Raven.
 >>> Physiology really only applies to living organisms.

> The physiology book was recommended to me by Pooh.bah. 'Nuf said?
 > Greg Raven

  Yes, but she's a historian, and I'm a biologist.  Why does it surprise you
that I know more biology than she?

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 541       Sun Mar 22, 1992
J.CHILDERS2 [LINDY-JIM]      at 12:21 EST

It is obvious that you have a desire to ridicule and lambast Raven and Rungu. 
However, I believe you are just playing into their hands.  Your justifiable
outrage is resulting is a series of rather childish retorts which do not add
to the case for the historical truth of the holocaust.  I believe the case is
best represented by utilization of factual evidence.   So far it appears that
the debate has centered on POOH.BAH's question as to whether Raven believed
that the Nazis had a plan for the systematic extermination of the Jews in
Europe.  Raven has responded that he does not believe that this was the case. 
POOH.BAH has presented some evidence to this effect while Raven has presented
some evidence that the Nazis had plans to address the Jewish question by non-
exterminationist methods.

POOH.BAH msg 537

RE: The Einsaztgruppen

It would be possible to argue that if a: The Einsatzgruppen felt that all Jews
were security risks (whether that belief is logical or not) then b: The
identification of a person as a Jew would also mean the identification of that
person as a security risk; and c: It would be valid to say that all Jews who
were killed by the Einsatzgruppen were killed because they were a security
risk (since being a Jew equalled being a security risk).

I would like to say in anticipation of the furor that is likely to erupt from
this message that I believe that the Holocaust did occur. I do not feel that
the case for this has been conclusively proven here primarily because so much
time is being spent on side issues. I will not respond to personal attacks and
in fact do not intend to present any evidence for or against the reality of
the Holocaust since I do not have any.  I have an interest in History, (it was
my undergraduate major) but did not specialize in European history.  I do have
a desire to see this issue debated to a conclusion.


Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 542       Sun Mar 22, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 14:42 EST
Jim: Your logic is valid. However, there seems to be a slight point that you
(and probably others here) have missed. The declaration that the executions
were to be carried out on "Jews in general" came on October 12, 1941 while the
declaration as to their "security risk" came October 31, 1941 - over two weeks
later! Therefore, it appears that the action was taken and then the
explanation was announced.

Add to this that pogroms were being incited in the report of July 2, 1941
which is long before any declaration of any sort that Jews were participating
in partisan activities, were Bolsheviks, etc.

Eric: Carbon monoxide was used not only with the gas vans (which were employed
with the euthanasia program, the Einsaztgruppen AND Chelmo extermination camp)
but CO was also the gas used at Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzac....and, for a
while, at Majdanek. HCN (cyanide) was only used at Auschwitz (including
Birkenau) and for part of the time at Majdanek.

There were 6 extermination camps. Four of them used CO exclusively and one of
these four never had permanent gas chambers but, instead, used gas vans
solely. Of the remaining two extermination camps, one used CO in the beginning
and switched to HCN while the other used HCN exclusively. Also, both of these
latter two camps had a section or satellite camps that was a labor camp.

How this helps to give you a general answer to your question. I will be
supplying the documentary evidence for the above statements later when I get
to the discussion of the extermination camps.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 543       Sun Mar 22, 1992
SPEAKER                      at 16:32 EST
I sift through the ashes and what do I find? The lives and dreams and hopes of
those who have died. The survivors have given voice to their strife - they've
borne witness to days of torturous life. Some of the perpetrators have told of
their crime - orders were followed without reason or rhyme. Yet, through it
all we have lost stories galore of those who perished in the madness of the
storm. Here, then, I step up to speak of lives so precious and deaths so
bleak. Listen if you dare to the tales I tell: I speak of what I know and that
I know well.

Readers, harken, to this simple tale. Piotr Zalewski died not for his birth
but for his love. A former grenadier under the Tsar, he lost his position in
Lenin's Revolution. He finally found his life's calling - nothing grand, mind
you, just a lowly janitor. It wasn't what he did but where he did it that
mattered - in an orphanage in Warsaw that housed Jewish children.

In 39 came the Blitzkrieg and life changed for Piotr and the children. The
order was issued, the orphanage must move. Into the ghetto they went, the boys
and the girls, leaving Piotr the Aryan behind, alone. He petitioned the Nazis
to make an exception. They beat him mercilessly to teach him a lesson. Aryans
weren't allowed behind the walls, you know. But, this did not stop Piotr the

He snuck into the ghetto in the still of the night. There to live with and
comfort the children from fright. They finally parted company when the
children boarded a train but Piotr had found a home and in the ghetto he
remained. It was in 44 when the ghetto was invaded. The resistance held out
longer than had the Polish Army. In the end, the ghetto was taken by Nazi
force and might. And Piotr met his death in the place of his heart. His body
was found, cold and stiff, in the courtyard of the home he loved the best.
Even though the children had long been gone. Piotr died defending the
orphanage they had shared together.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 544       Sun Mar 22, 1992
E.STEWART8                   at 17:08 EST

Thank you for providing a voice that brings a proper perspective to this
topic.  Each and everyone of the Holocaust victims were unique human beings. 
Sometimes it becomes difficult to remember that, when the Holocaust is
discussed in numbers and labels.  Each victim had and will forever have an
identity --- a human being with a name, a heart, and a soul.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 545       Sun Mar 22, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS                  at 18:05 EST
A modern crematorium, vintage 1992, requires about an hour to consume ONE
corpse, leaving 4 to 5 kg of coarse lumpy ash. It cannot be operated 24 hours
per day without doing irreparable damage to the facility. It is improbable
that anybody's design from 1930 would be more efficient than a current design.

According to records, Auschwitz was equipped with 3 crematoria. The maximum
capacity would have been about 60 corpses per 24 hour period.

For years, the fatality estimate for this camp had been set at about 4 million
persons. The post-Communist government of Poland has reduced the estimate to
about 1 million, with the comment that previous estimates were Soviet
propaganda fabrications.

The Russians, who had always refused to released the death records of the
camp, did so last year. The 39 bound volumes contain 78,000 names and span the
entire operating period of the camp. If the Polish government estimates are
correct, then only every thirteenth fatality was recorded. Although not
impossible, it seems improbable.

The "Hoess Memorandum" does not constitute proof. It is just a paper document,
the details of which have been contradicted by the current Polish government.
There is evidence to suggest that the document was prepared for Hoess by his
captors and that he was beaten into signing it. His subsequent execution was
quite convenient, since dead people cannot change their minds or retract
statements later.

There is room for legitimate doubt about some of the details which make up the
Holocaust. That being said, I do find it difficult to accept Mr. Raven's
thesis that nothing occurred and that it was entirely a propaganda hoax. This
is a wealth of physical evidence to suggest extreme persecution of certain
minorities, including Jews.

The bluster, hysteria, and personal attacks of Mr. Raven's opponents only
serve to create more doubt. Truth does not require legislation to protect it.
Truth does not require intimidation, bluster, or hysteria to keep it upright.
Truth stands by itself.

If Mr. Raven is correct, no effort, however ardent, will save the Holocaust
story in the long run. If Mr. Raven is wrong in his thesis, then the Holocaust
story will survive any and all research or questions that can be put to it.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 546       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:19 EST

When or where did I say Lenin and Stalin were "Zionist Jews"? I never even
mentioned their names, as you well know.  Scroll through the messages and find
such a quote, please.  Oh, I know, what you MEANT was "you IMPLIED this" or
"you were THINKING that". This is a typical smear tactic, and one which I
warned of at the very beginning of this dialogue.  When you started 'reading
into' posted messages, when you 'interpret' what has been posted, the
distortion becomes so great that it bears no resemblance at all to what has
been originally said.

Revisionists that questions aspects of the holocaust continually run up
against slimy and underhanded tactics of this nature.  

Actually, Lenin was not Jewish at all (or perhaps he was half-Jewish, there
has been historical disagreement on this); his wife was Jewish, and he was
surrounded by masses of Jewish Bolsheviks as a matter of historical fact, but
he himself was probably not Jewish and he was MOST CERTAINLY not "Zionist".

Some biographers allege or infer that Stalin was Jewish or part Jewish, or
that his family from Georgia was originally Jewish, but I haven't seen
anything solid on it.  However, like Lenin, at least one of his wives was
Jewish, and he too was surrounded by masses of Jews who happily did his dirty
work.  Lavrenti Beria and Lazar Kaganovich, probably the two most sordid mass-
murderers in world history, spring immediately to mind...

Please stop misquoting, misinterpreting, etc.  It only confuses the real
issues (your intent no doubt).
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 547       Sun Mar 22, 1992
B.EATON2 [BZE]               at 18:21 EST
Raven re #520

 What makes Hitler in your estimation 'a great man?"  The death toll in WWII
was something like 30 million people; men, women, children, and soldiers.  If
you insist on taking away the 6 million Jews, that still leaves at least 22
million, most of whom died because he thought Germany should rule the world. 
For a short time, it seemed as if he would.  Does that make him great?  If not
that, then tell us what it is that he did to make him 'great.'  It certainly
can't be what he did for the Germans.  In the end, they suffered very badly
because of him.

Whether you believe in the Holocaust or not, you will have a great deal of
difficulty in sustaining your judgment of Hitler with any sort of factual
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 548       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:25 EST

Since when does a desire to hear BOTH sides of the holocaust equate with
having "a lot of prejudicial baggage"?  There are historical events and
historical facts that should not be covered up any longer, that need to be
aired, and thus, in consequence, will be better understood.  Thus I mention
the historically verified facts of the extremely heavy Jewish involvement in
the various Communist movements throughout Europe.  It is fact; unpalatable of
course to Jewish people who nowadays are embarrassed by the mention of it, but
historical fact nonetheless.

The same goes for the holocaust directly.  The issues of the gas chambers, the
crematoria operations, etc. need to be thoroughly examined, and examined free
of dogma and hysteria.  This is NOT "prejudicial baggage" when inconvenient
questions are asked on these issues.

The supporters of various holocaust myths repeatedly say that they have
nothing to hide, that the best way to deal with revisionism is to meet it head-
on with counter-argument, etc. etc., but when it comes to the crunch, they go
berserk and become hyper-emotional and even hysterical if questions are asked
or comments are made they don't like or that they cannot easily answer. 
Already we see the once cool and collected POOH.BAH becoming hysterical and
resorting once again to slander and vituperation rather than rational
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 549       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:29 EST

What "tantrums" are being thrown?  Are you not being rather rediculous? I have
a sense of humor and I do poke fun at the more outrageous allegations on the
holocaust and at the kinds of typical hysterical and irrational responses that
are elicited when revisionist questions and comments are posed.  Or perhaps
you got the address wrong, for it seems to me that, by scrolling through the
messages, you can see masses of tantrums and wailings from a variety of
holocaust-myth supporters in message after message.  After all, when questions
and comments they don't like appear, then tantrums etc. are the usual
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 550       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:33 EST

I don't think you will find a single revisionist or revisionist supporter that
makes the blanket claim "the holocaust never happened". Professor Butz, for
example, makes perfectly clear that much of what has been alleged by the
world's Jews about the holocaust carries much truth.  What they question are
the more outrageous allegations, such as "mass gassings", "human soap", "human
lampshades", "Jews being eaten by guard dogs" etc. etc. etc. of which
holocaust literature is packed.  Or I should say WAS packed.  Nowadays few
such claims are still being made, except of course the gas chamber legends,
which are supposed to account for the bulk of the magical 6,000,000 numbers
and which ironically are least verifiable.

Please stop misquoting revisionist writings.  Obviously you are not at all
familiar with revisionist thought, and rely on biased and tendentious
"interpreters" such as POOH.BAH to see what they are saying.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 551       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:39 EST

Once again, the irrational pseudologic of holocaustspeak is expressed. 
Quotations from Prof. Faurisson are "not credible" because of measures his
university in France took against him. In your typical biased and selective
fashion, you don't mention WHY these measures were taken against him or
explain how or why they in any way make his work on the holocaust "not

Jewish organizations in France went berserk when this literature professor
raised questions and doubts about certain aspects of the holocaust.  They put
tremendous pressure on his university to "punish" and victimize him even
though his holocaust work had nothing whatsoever to do with his university
work.  Like a good and politically correct university, it took measures and
Prof. Faurisson paid a price for speaking out.  What this illustrates is
precisely the reason that so many historians prefer NOT so speak out on the
holocaust, even though they know that so much of it is sheer bunk.  They know
that they will be victimized and abused in medieval fashion as Faurisson has

By the way, for those interested, a collection of Prof. Faurisson's writings
and essays dealing with holocaust revisionism will be published by the
Institute for Historical Review in the next few months.  Rather than rely on
POOH.BAH's slanders against Faurisson, one can read his work DIRECTLY and form
one's own opinions.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 552       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:43 EST

Oh yes, of course.  David Irving "does not have a career".  John Toland "does
not have a career to lose" either.  And neither of them have "any positions to
lose."  Because both writers have raised questions and doubts that Jews to not
like raised, they have become non-grata and are now "not credible".

Never mind, of course, that both of these famous historians were not so long
ago in the "establishment" camp and at that time were extremely critical of
Hitler, Nazism, Japan, and that they at that time accepted each and every
story about the holocaust without question.  No praise or honor was too high
from Jews THEN.  But both men have done serious research, they have come to
question their original historical assumptions, and they have had the courage
to speak out and voice and write their findings, and in consequence have
suddenly become "not credible" because these findings have not been
"kosher"/politically correct.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 553       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 18:55 EST

Thankyou for admitting that many communists were Jewish.  Of course, that puts
you in opposition to the standard kosher line which tries to claim that the
world's Jews had nothing to do with communism at all but were in fact
"victims" of communism.

I will say again that they peoples of eastern Europe were victimized abused
and slaughtered by commissars that they knew were Jewish, and that the
Lavrenti Berias and the Lazar Kaganoviches (Jewish) were the top dogs ordering
and carrying out with such blood-lust enthusiasm the collectivization, the
gulag goings-on, etc. and the peoples of the areas that were thus so
victimized, that experienced this HOLOCAUST by Jews against non-Jews, wanted
revenge and bided their time.

The chaos and breakdown in authority following the Germans sweeping  east, or,
later, retreating westwards again, was the opportunity these peoples
(Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Russians, Latvians, Estonians, etc.) were waiting
for, and the massacres of Jews that took place have to be understood in this
light.  Often the German authorities were placed in the ironic position of
being responsible for the PROTECTION of the Jewish populations from the
Ukrainians etc. and such measures of protection as they took made them quite
unpopular at times with the civil populations.

The standard holocaustspeak line is rather irrational.  It runs: "everybody in
eastern Europe were anti-semitic and they all killed and massacred Jews!"  But
at the same time, we hear: "ALL the crimes committed against the Jews were
done by the German Nazis!  To spread the responsibility to non-Germans only
sanitizes the Nazi crimes!" etc. etc. in the same neurotic, hysterical and
irrational vein.

The Poles of today have a saying: "We hated the Germans, but at least they got
rid of the Jews."  The German authorities recognized the extremely powerful
feelings towards the Jews of the various eastern European peoples, and in many
cases were forced to shift entire Jewish populations elsewhere for their own
protection.   Historically, this is reflected in the so-called "Pale of
Settlement" which came about for similar reasons.

Many Jews were indeed massacred or otherwise treated badly by the indigenous
populations of eastern Europe, but it is quite wrong and quite ahistorical to
lay responsibility for these events at the door of the German authorities.  
If anything, responsibility would lie with the Jews themselves, for it is
their very actions and behaviour towards the host peoples of these areas that
led to these actions.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 554       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:03 EST

Your comments on the democratic elections of 1933 are getting more and more
ludicrous and insupportable by the minute.  First you say the elections were
not democratic, then you say Hitler wasn't actually elected, etc. etc.

It is fact that the NSDAP was the single biggest party of ALL the German
parties and had the most popular support.  It is fact that every politician
and leading light in Germany recognized and accepted this (some didn't like
it! of course).  It is fact that Hindenburg and von Papen knew that the
popular support could not any longer be ignored and that Hitler would have to
be made Chancellor, and so he was.

Let me look for some similar analogies in our modern-day elections. How about
Israel?  Very few of the Prime Ministers of Israel, especially in the last few
decades, have had solid and clear majorities.  They have had to resort to
coalitions to form  govts.  Does this mean that they were not democratically
elected? Of course not.  They WERE democratically elected, the voice of the
people (except the Palestinians of course, they don't get to vote!) chose and
the candidate with the MOST votes was given the option of forming his govt.,
just as Hitler did in 1933.

Every presidential election we have here in America shows that only some 40%
or so of the voters actually vote.  Does this mean that NONE of our Presidents
are democratically elected?  Of course not.

Your "logic" and "reasoning" have assumed almost desperate proportions in
their application to twist and distort history in every direction but the
truthful one.  The next thing we'll probably be hearing from you is that
"Hitler never was even a candidate" or that "elections were never even held"
and that it was all propaganda created by Goebbels.  They lying has got to
stop.  Let's get at the truth please.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 555       Sun Mar 22, 1992
REVENANT                     at 19:30 EST
   I must say I have found reading through this topic fascinating. I was under
the impression that MY RT, PSI-Net, was the only home of fantasy-that-thinks-
it-is-reality on GEnie. Imagine my disappointment to discover it is not, yet
my relief at an early decision to avoid "turf wars" with other Sysops over the
existence of discussions I could claim as mine in their RTs.

   I should note, at this point, that I have a BA in History from the
University of Vermont, with dual teaching minors in Political Science and
English. By trade I am an author of fiction, so one could assert that, in
fact, I am paid to lie. In my studies I specialized in contemporary history
and American history. By avocation I know far more than I would like to admit
about conspiracy theories, hate groups and weird, strange things happening in
the world.

   I find the nature of the argument here almost amusing because of the way
denial of the Holocaust is being handled. The Deniers seem willing to admit
that grotesquely huge numbers of individuals were murdered/exterminated by the
Third Reich. I have read messages that allow as how this is true. Here, how,
in America, we look upon a man like Ted Bundy who murdered mere tens of
victims as an inhuman monster, yet a man whose government engaged in policies
that spawn the murder of various ethnic groups is praised as a great man, a
man greater than Churchill and FDR combined. This is chilling.

   I find it equally as chilling that someone can suggest that just because a
commercial crematorium here in the US in the 1990s cannot be run 24 hours and
could only account for 60 bodies in a day, that crematoria elsewhere are
limited to the same numbers. This is fallacious for two reasons: 1) Nazi
Germany did not have to deal with the EPA and other regulatory commissions for
the operation of an incinerator within city limits. More importantly, a single
crematoria for a mortuary here is not going to have anything but the most
general design features in common with an industrial facility.

   I have seen documents in which people ask for their good Jewish workers to
be exempted from liquidation -- a request that clearly shows that liquidation
was taking place AND that even useful Jews were being subjected to it --
turned into proof of no criminality for the Nazi government because that one
individual showed mercy. Were I desirous of being trite or flip I might point
out that the merciful officer is merely the exception that proves the rule. As
it is the documents cited speak eloquently by themselves about a monsterous

   Again and again I have seen a "zionist" conspiracy alluded to. This
conspiracy is the author of the "myth" being discussed. Those who defend the
Holocaust have been asked for and have provided documentary evidence of the
Holocaust's factual existence. I think for any rational individual, the 
evidence offered confirms the terrible reality of the Holocaust.

   I would ask G.RAVEN and M.RUNGU to, in turn, show their cards. I would like
to see them offer documentary evidence of the conspiracy. I would like to see
their proof that, in fact, a conspiracy was created to fabricate the "myth" of
the Holocaust.

Michael A. Stackpole PS Raven/Rungu, if you want to check me out, start with
Marquis' WHO's WHO IN THE WEST, current edition, for my bio.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 556       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:30 EST

You said that "everybody acknowledges and mourns" the holocaust of what we can
call the "others", meaning by "others" the non-Jews who suffered and died
during WWII.  

Firstly, hardly anybody nowadays is even AWARE that non-Jews  suffered or died
in any appreciable numbers.  All they hear about through the mass media and in
our institutions of "learning" is that Jews suffered.  There is little or no
mention of the Soviet collectivization in which 7 million or more non-Jews
perished (a collectivization policy, by the way, carried out almost entirely
by Soviet Jews as the Ukrainian people well know), the Gulag camps in which 20-
30 million mostly non-Jews perished (under the personal direction and command
of prominent NKVD Soviet Jews), the mass slaughter of Germans at war's end in
which some 6,000,000 civilians were wiped out, the mass carpet bombings aimed
at the civilian population of Germany in which over 1,000,000 civilians
perished etc. etc............I could go on and on.  Most people are entirely
unaware of these events, because all they ever hear about is the JEWISH

Jewish organizations and Jewish leaders themselves abhor and condemn any
mention of the sufferings and deaths of non-Jews during WWII because to do so,
according to them, would be to "trivialize" the JEWISH holocuast or would
somehow "water down" or "sanitize" the Nazis' misdeeds.  That is a long long
way from "everybody acknowledges and mourns" the sufferings and deaths of
these "others".
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 557       Sun Mar 22, 1992
REVENANT                     at 19:33 EST

   As I suggested in 555, please provide me a list of sources for your
assertion in 556 that "Jewish organizations and Jewish leaders themselves
abhor and condemn any mention of the sufferings and deaths of non-Jews during
WWII because to do so, according to them, would be to "trivialize" the  JEWISH
holocuast [sic]..."

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 558       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:36 EST

Your continuous, hysterical misquoting of Mr. Raven's posts amaze me. When or
where did he say that "crematorias did not exist" or when or where was he
"trying to convince others they didn't exist".  NOWHERE as you well know.  

When Mr. Raven was saying, and I know that he is right, is that each camp had
crematoria (to deal with the fatalities from outbreaks of disease or even from
allied bombing), but none of the camps had "hundreds" of crematories.  The
crux of the issue here is the allegation that "millions" of Jews (notice that
nobody else is ever mentioned?  only Jews.) were "gassed" and that these
"gassed" Jews were then cremated.  When you are talking unreal numbers like 3-
4 million "gassed" (even the exterminationists can't get the numbers right;
they are continually arguing about it and each one puts up different numbers),
the problem is HOW to cremate that many bodies when perhaps 10,000 or so are
gassed every day, there is only a few crematory ovens in the camp, and it
takes a minimum of 3-4 hours to cremate each body.  The simple mathmatics of
it all necessitated the fantastic hoax that "hundreds" of crematoria were in
some of these "extermination" camps.  The lies reach such incredible
proportions in this manner, that they HAVE to be questioned, which Mr. Raven
did. And obviously nobody is supposed to question even the most fantastic and
outrageous holocaust claims.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 560       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:48 EST

So Toland is now a "pop historian of Japan"?  Fairly recently no honor or
praise was too high for him from the Jewish community back when he was still
an "establishment historian" or "court historian" that toed the politically
correct line and carefully avoiding questioning ANY WWII or holocaust dogma. 
Now that his research has led him to question his earlier assumptions and now
that he is showing the courage to actually present his findings, the attacks
and slanders have begun, and all of a sudden, he, like David Irving in exactly
the same fashion, are now "not credible" and now are to be jeered and sneered

A similarly ludicrous argument foolishly applied by POOH.BAH was to sneer at
Toland because he does not speak German.  Somehow this was supposed to "prove"
or whatever that because he is not a fluent German-language speaker, his is
therefore "not credible".  Naturally, with the same kind of double-standard
application, POOH carefully avoided mentioning that David Irving IS a fluent
German speaker, because then the argument would be turned on it's head.  Of
course, the fact that Irving DOES speak German would no doubt "prove" that he
is a "Nazi", an "anti-semite" etc. etc.

Holohoaxspeak and holohoax "logic" is so bizarre it makes the head spin.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 561       Sun Mar 22, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 19:49 EST
My parting comments:  Meshugge Rungu (Note:  "Meshugge"=Jew-talk for "Crazy"):
You make me sick.  Your kind is the best argument against the 1st Amendment
I've ever seen!

Raven:  I hear you might find a little political niche for yourself in

And now, to quote Poe's Raven:  "NEVERMORE":  IGN PER

Tuvia David ben Rafael Ha-Kohen Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 562       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:54 EST

Actually, I condemn ANY slaughter, massacre, or similar attack on either a
civilian population or POWs.  I personally regard this kind of "warfare" to be
what Veale described as an "advance to barbarism".

How about YOU, Mr. Friedman?  Can you make a similar condemnation? Do you
condemn the mass slaughters and mass atrocities committed by Soviet Jewish
NKVD organizations in the Ukraine, in the Baltic, in the Russian Republic? 
Can you condemn the orders issued for such massacres of non-Jews by the Jews
Lazar Kaganovitch and Lavrenti Beria?  These are historical facts and every
historian accepts them. If you have any doubts, you could read Robert
Conquests many studies, Solzhenitsyn, et al.  I haven't seen you or anybody
else condemn THESE holocausts yet.

The relevant question IS: WHOSE holocaust is it?  If we go purely by the
numbers, and even if we accept the ludicrous 6,000,000 figure, the overall
slaughter of the "others" (i.e. non-Jews during WWII) puts the JEWISH
"holocaust" in the shade.  Yet nowadays we are rarely if ever told about the
sufferings and deaths of these "others".  Can you or will you condemn THIS?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 563       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 19:55 EST

When or where did I say "all communist leaders were Jewish"? You know very
well that NOWHERE did I state this.  Once again, you are misquoting and lying.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 564       Sun Mar 22, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 19:55 EST
Of course, I can't resist answering the (2 unread messages before your reply).


At the risk of soiling one of my favorite habitats, if you think you know ONE
TENTH OF A PERCENT as much as I do about Japan and Japanology, I invite you to
the Japan BB (That's BB#8).

And I forgot to say...


Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 566       Sun Mar 22, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 20:00 EST
BTW (Hey, come one, it's my last post...gimme a break!)

About your crack about Jews & Toland, I've got some news for you, Mohammed:

I'll bet those Jews weren't assessing Toland's worth to the field of Japanese
historiography.  I'm going to type in capitals now, so you'll be sure and

Just because you seem incapable of judging anything of historical worth by any
criteria other than the way you feel about someone/thing, doesn't make Toland
a "good" historian of Japan.  Of course, if you speak Japanese and have gotten
your BA in Japanese history, come talk to me.

Now I'm quitting for real.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 567       Sun Mar 22, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 20:02 EST

I don't agree with you that POOH.BAH has displayed "scholarly aloofness" at
all.  Her tone originally tried to convey that, but it quickly reverted back
to the slanders and emotional outbursts that we see in message after message
POOH is putting up.  The "scholarly" categorization is also false, for she has
shown in her extremely selective presentation of "documentation" that her
intent is merely to distort history rather than to verify it.

I am also finding that too many people are displaying a subjective and biased
approach to this subject.  They are taking the basic line that each and every
allegation or claim made about the holocaust is beyond doubt and cannot in any
way ever be questioned, and that any intrepid sould that DOES raise doubt, or
that DOES question inconveniently, is automatically to be labeled a "sanitizer
of Nazism", an "anti-semite" etc. etc.  I suppose the assumption is that if
enough mud and abuse is thrown at those expressing revisionist thought, that
their points and arguments will be drowned out.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 568       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:35 EST
 537  Pooh.Bah:

 >There are apparently some people participating in this TOPic who don't
 understand the difference between "history," "literature" and "court

 Are you referring just to nevaR and ugnuR, or are there others?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 569       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:36 EST
 540  Carl:

 >  Yes, but she's a historian, and I'm a biologist.  Why does it surprise
 you that I know more biology than she?

 nevaR is apparently taken aback when anyone knows anything, depending as he
 does on ignorance to spread his misinformation.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 570       Sun Mar 22, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:37 EST
 541  Jim:

 >It is obvious that you have a desire to ridicule and lambast Raven and

 Only as much as they deserve, which is far more than I can deliver.

 >Your justifiable outrage is resulting is a series of rather childish
 retorts which do not add to the case for the historical truth of the
 holocaust.  I believe the case is best represented by utilization of
 factual evidence.

 The case, as you know, has been made and proven many times over.  Pooh.Bah
 is making it once again, but I'm sure she has no expectation of convincing
 nevaR and ugnuR, who well know about the Holocaust but choose, for their
 own evil reasons, to try to convince others of its nonexistence.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 571       Sun Mar 22, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 23:04 EST
# 556

It's never been a secret or surprise to me that the Nazis killed many other
people besides Jews.

It's understandable that Jews focus on Jews, but it's a long reach from there
to covering up or hiding the other deaths. Please provide documentation rather
than repeated assertions.

Your statement

 > hardly anybody nowadays is even AWARE that non-Jews suffered or
 > died in any appreciable numbers

seems to lead to an admission that the Nazis did kill a lot of people

However, you slide over into your now familiar refrain about the Jews being
behind the Communists and leading the Communist slaughters. First, no one
denies the Communist atrocities in the Ukraine, the Gulags, and elsewhere
except Communists and those sympathetic to them. There has been plenty of
information about that, and with the collapse of Communism, a flood of
additional information is coming out.

You have repeatedly asserted that Jews are responsible for Communism. You
haven't provided any documentation whatsoever. An assertion repeated 20 times
is no more valid than one repeated once without documentation.

You refer to Robert Conquest and Solzhenitsyn, who are respected historical
writers. Please indicate anywhere they blame Jews for Communism.

Some Jews have been involved with Communism. So have people from every
nationality and ethnic group there is, both in the world as a whole (are the
Jews responsible for Communism in China?) and every group in the Soviet Union,
the heartland of Communism. Are all Georgians to be condemned because Stalin
was one?

Believe it or not, Jews are not a monolithic group. You can find Jews of many
religious, political, social, and personal views, just like "real people". I
am Jewish. I am not religious. I'm not a Communist. I'm not an international
banker. I support Israel, but I often criticize it. I'm in vehement
disagreement with some of the other Jews on this bulletin board about whether
this discussion should be allowed to continue.

None of this would make any difference if I lived in Germany or Eastern Europe
during WWII.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 572       Sun Mar 22, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 23:04 EST
 >>> POOH.BAH                     

 > How this helps to give you a general answer to your question. I will be  
 > supplying the documentary evidence for the above statements later when I  
 > get to the discussion of the extermination camps. 

Yeah...thanks.  :-) 

I didn't wanna break the current discussion off and jump ahead 'bout the 
gassings.  I was just curious about the methods used, as I can only remember 
the hydrogen cyanide poisoning being taught.  I certainly couldn't imagine 
using HCN in portable vans, though. 

That's enough for now to satisfy my curiosity...  I'll await more later when 
you get to the actual discussion about the extermination camps. 

 |/ ric 

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 573       Sun Mar 22, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 23:05 EST
Ric, several recent messages seem to me to more properly belong in Topic 7.
#559, #565, for a couple.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 574       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:28 EST
 To W.Gross4 (regarding 489) ---
 It is commendable that you are approaching this Shoah Business 
 keeping Occam's razor in mind. However, you are in error in 
 attributing the dead at Bergen-Belsen to the Holohoax. Typhus and 
 starvation were the causes of death at B-B, as proved by autopsies 
 performed when the Allies liberated the camp.
 Second, very few people have such a thing as a home crematory. Most 
 crematoria are industrial duty by nature and by design. Consider, if 
 the Germans had planned to cremate millions of Jews at the killing 
 centers such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, why did they have to expand the 
 number of crematories during the war? And if these crematoria were so 
 central to this alleged mass extermination, why did they not build 
 the new crematoria so they would function flawlessly? As it was, they 
 got only partial use out of Kremas IV and V due to poor construction 
 (there was a war going on, after all).
 Finally, although the Germans may have been moving the mail until 
 late in the game, I think you will find upon further study that the 
 entire infrastructure of Germany was in shambles at war's end, thanks 
 to FDR's inhumane demand of unconditional surrender.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 575       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:28 EST
 To Carl Fink (regarding 500) ---
 I am sorry you felt the "tone" of my message 379 was an attempt and 
 making myself seem superior to you. That was not my intent in using 
 the construction I did. And, as you will recall, I earlier in that 
 post complimented you on your analogy, flawed though I found it. 
 However, onward we must.
 Although in a rigorous examination of this question you would of 
 necessity look at all aspects of the question, in this case one can 
 arrive at the truth in relatively short order by noting that there is 
 no way the Nazis could have murdered people in the manner described 
 (that is, by mass gassings). Once you determine that the so-called 
 event never could have taken place, you can always invest time in 
 further study of the other issues, if you wish. Of course, Pooh.bah 
 and I have agreed to approach this matter from a different angle, so 
 you can expect we will spend more time reaching the only logical 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 576       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:29 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 509 et al) ---
 You seem to have missed the point of this and other posts. Allow me 
 to reiterate.
 When I was in school, I was taught that Jews were herded into rooms 
 ostensibly so they could shower. The doors then slammed shut and 
 poison gas came out of the shower heads instead of water. This isn't 
 true, is it? Yet, this is the version of the Holohoax that is still 
 taught in California schools.
 I was told that the war crimes trials (such as those at Nuremberg) 
 proved the Nazis culpable for the crimes charged against them. Many 
 of those charges were vulgar lies, and even you admit that court 
 cases do not establish history. In fact, the war crimes trials were 
 all show trials, following the Soviet example.
 I was told that the Holohoax referred to the 6 million Jews who were 
 exterminated in gas chambers by the Nazis. This definition has 
 changed, hasn't it?
 I have read exterminationist historians (such as Hilberg, Dawidowicz, 
 Reitlinger, etc.) who positively state certain things as being facts, 
 only to find these same historians are often contradicted or 
 denounced by more modern exterminationist historians.
 Where does this leave us? Even if you believe in this Shoah Business, 
 the more you study it the more inconsistencies you discover. Any 
 reasonable person WOULD doubt what he has been told, after seeing how 
 the story changes from year to year.
 In many respects, Shoah Business has become a religion. I know as 
 much about God as anyone has ever known since the dawn of time ... 
 which is to say, nothing. No matter how much you study God, you 
 cannot come up with any evidence that he (or she) exists. Similarly, 
 the devotees of the Holohoax would have us believe that because they 
 have studied Shoah Business for decades it must have happened, even 
 though they cannot produce any evidence.
 When the exterminationist comes upon a fact that clashes with his 
 theory, he discards the fact. When a revisionist comes upon a fact 
 that clashes with his theory, he discards the theory.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 577       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:30 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 510) ---
 The source of my information about the Third Reich and religion is 
 Dr. Austin App, in "A Straight Look at the Third Reich."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 578       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:30 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 511) ---
 If Hilberg says that the reports show that generally speaking Jews 
 were killed only for security reasons, he is referring to the 
 documents themselves. When he then claims that these documents were 
 the work of a Nazi organization apparently so bored with the normal 
 day's work that they took to sending "fiction" to each other under 
 the guise of official documents, he provides no support. Thus, the 
 factual portion of his statement supports me, which is why I quoted 
 it. His insupportable claim of "fiction" has no bearing on the 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 579       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:31 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 512) ---
 > Has anyone wondered yet why it is that I quote the documents and 
 allow them to make my point but Raven just throws out dates and 
 implies that there is something that _I_ am hiding?
 If memory serves, I posted the text of the 31.Oct.1941 report (number 
 127) back in post 239. You may start there.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 580       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:32 EST
 To Pooh.Bah ---
 When you are finished telling us about Einsatzgruppen report 127, you 
 might consider the confidential German Foreign Office memorandum of 
 21.Aug.1942: "The present war gives Germany the opportunity and also 
 the duty of solving the Jewish problem in Europe," the memorandum 
 notes. The policy "to promote the evacuation of the Jews (from 
 Europe) in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsfuehrer 
 SS (Himmler) is still in force." This document quotes German Foreign 
 Minister von Ribbentrop as saying that "at the end of this war, all 
 Jews would have to leave Europe. This was an unalterable decision of 
 the Fuehrer (Hitler) and also the only way to master this problem, as 
 only a global and comprehensive solution could be applied and 
 individual measures would not help very much." The memo concludes by 
 stating that the "deportations (of Jews to the East) are a further 
 step on the way of the total solution ... The deportation to the 
 (Polish) General Government is a temporary measure. The Jews will be 
 moved on further to the occupied (Soviet) eastern territories as soon 
 as the technical conditions for it are given."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 581       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:32 EST
 To Pooh.bah ---
 For an encore, how about if you take a swing at the memorandum from 
 the Spring of 1942 in which State Secretary Franz Schlegelberger 
 notes that Hitler's Chief of Chancellery, Dr. Hans Lammers, had 
 informed him: "The Fuehrer has repeatedly declared to him (Lammers) 
 that he wants to see the solution of the Jewish problem postponed 
 until after the war is over."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 582       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:33 EST
 To Pooh.bah ---
 Since by this time you must be getting warmed up, howz about telling 
 us your side of the directive of 28.Dec.1942 from the SS camp 
 administration office, which was addressed to every concentration 
 camp (including Auschwitz). As you no doubt are well aware, this 
 directive states that "camp physicians must use all means at their 
 disposal to significantly reduce the death rate in the various 
 camps." Furthermore, it states, "The camp doctors must supervise more 
 often than in the past the nutrition of the prisoners and, in 
 cooperation with the administration, submit improvement 
 recommendations to the camp commandants ... The camp doctors are to 
 see to it that the working conditions at the various labor places are 
 improved as much as possible." Finally, the directive stresses that 
 "The Reichsfuehrer SS (Himmler) has ordered that the death rate 
 absolutely must be reduced."
 This directive is backed up by a circular letter to each camp 
 commandant dated 20.Jan.1943 from Richard Gluecks (head of the SS 
 department that supervised the concentration camps), that orders, "As 
 I have already pointed out, every means must be used to lower the 
 death rate in the camp."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 583       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:34 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 513) ---
 If the Madagascar Plan was just a ruse to get foreign currency, tell 
 us what Hitler meant on July 24, 1942 when he said, "The Jews are 
 interested in Europe for economic reasons, but Europe must reject 
 them, if only out of self-interest, because the Jews are racially 
 tougher. After this war is over, I will rigorously hold to the view 
 ... that the Jews will have to leave and emigrate to Madagascar or 
 some other Jewish national state."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 584       Sun Mar 22, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 23:34 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 514) ---
 As plainly stated in my post of 482, Heydrich called the Wannsee 
 Conference to formulate a new plan for the Jews after the Madagascar 
 Plan seemed to have fallen through. Both plans were called the Final 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 585       Mon Mar 23, 1992
H.WILSON11                   at 00:02 EST

                   A moment of Silence in the

                        Blessed Memory

                     of the thousands of

                        the Non Jews

               and of the 'Righteous Christians'

          who helped save many Jews from extermination

         and who were also indiscriminately slaughtered

            by the depraved animals of Nazi Holocaust

                     and their Nazi masters

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 586       Mon Mar 23, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 00:59 EST
  RUNGU, your 551 certainly includes a lot of information about the history of
Professor Faurisson, considering that you are a disinterested participant in
this discussion, who originally claimed not to be a Denier, and who has no
particular knowledge of this subject, by your own statement.  Could you
perhaps clarify?

  In particular, considering that you have denied being a member of the IHR,
why do you know their publication schedule months in advance?

>>  David Irving "does not have a career"....
 >>Never mind, of course, that both of these famous historians were
 >>not so long ago in the "establishment" camp and at that time were
 >>extremely critical of Hitler, Nazism, Japan, and that they at that
 >>time accepted each and every story about the holocaust without

  Irving is not a professional historian, and in any case abandoned the
Deniers a while back - you can't use him as an authority anymore.

DIfferent quotes from the same posting:

>>Because both writers have raised questions and doubts that Jews to
 >>not like raised,....
 >>No praise or honor was too high from Jews THEN.

  Notice the constant reference to "Jews" - apparently nobody but the Jews are
offended by the Deniers...according to the Deniers.

From the next message:

>>Thankyou for admitting that many communists were Jewish.  Of
 >>course, that puts you in opposition to the standard kosher line
 >>which tries to claim that the world's Jews had nothing to do with
 >>communism at all but were in fact "victims" of communism.

  This sounds anti-Semitic, doesn't it?  "Kosher line" indeed. RUNGU, it's
perfectly possible for some Jews to be Communists and others to be victims -
as in fact happened.  By the way, in your list of Communist Jews, you once
more left out Trotsky.

>>I will say again that they peoples of eastern Europe were
 >>victimized abused and slaughtered by commissars that they knew
 >>were Jewish, and that the Lavrenti Berias and the Lazar
 >>Kaganoviches (Jewish) were the top dogs ordering and carrying out
 >>with such blood-lust enthusiasm the collectivization, the gulag
 >>goings-on, etc. and the peoples of the areas that were thus so
 >>victimized, that experienced this HOLOCAUST by Jews against non-
 >>Jews, wanted revenge and bided their time.

  This doesn't sound too anti-Semitic, does it?  RUNGU, you are once more
calling ALL commisars Jewish, rather than a minority. Furthermore, referring
to Jews as "dogs" (even "top dogs") and talking about our "blood-lust" are
pretty Nazi-sounding.  You refer to the gulags - have you ever researched the
question of Jewish victims of the gulags?

>>Let me look for some similar analogies in our modern-day
 >>elections. How about Israel?  Very few of the Prime Ministers of
 >>Israel, especially in the last few decades, have had solid and
 >>clear majorities.  They have had to resort to coalitions to form
 >>govts.  Does this mean that they were not democratically elected?
 >>Of course not.  They WERE democratically elected, the voice of the
 >>people (except the Palestinians of course, they don't get to
 >>vote!) chose and the candidate with the MOST votes was given the
 >>option of forming his govt., just as Hitler did in 1933.

  Sort of.  It's true that few Israeli governments lately have been majority
governments, but the coalition governments that form there do not abolish the
legislature and seize permanent power, as the Nazis did - and you keep
ignoring the point that the Nazis used intimidation at the ballot box to get
the large minority of the vote that they did.

>>Jewish organizations and Jewish leaders themselves abhor and
 >>condemn any mention of the sufferings and deaths of non-Jews
 >>during WWII because to do so, according to them, would be to
 >."trivialize" the JEWISH holocuast or would somehow "water down" or
 >."sanitize" the Nazis' misdeeds.  That is a long long way from
 >"everybody acknowledges and mourns" the sufferings and deaths of
 >>these "others".

  Nonsense.  Can you support this?  I've never heard of a Jewish organization
doing this.  In any case, the first sentence of this paragraph clearly implies
that all or most Jewish leaders and organizations act in this way - and this
is clearly false.

>>The crux of the issue here is the allegation that "millions" of
 >>Jews (notice that nobody else is ever mentioned?  only Jews.)

  I ask again - this doesn't sound anti-Semitic, does it?  He isn't trying to
imply the presence of a Jewish conspiracy, is he?

>>Do you condemn the mass slaughters and mass atrocities committed
 >>by Soviet Jewish NKVD organizations in the Ukraine, in the Baltic,
 >> in the Russian Republic?

  Come now!  You don't really want to claim that the NKVD was Jewish in the
majority, or in its entirety, do you?  Do you?

>>The GENIE guidelines against bigotry and racism could and should
 >>be applied towards the outbursts of anti-revisionist bigotry and
 >>intolerance that we see continually displayed in this Forum, and
 >>could also be applied to the Jewish racism we see displayed non-

  Please, an example of the Jewish racism?  I haven't noticed any.

                                Carl Fink

 I apologise to all others for the length of this, but I want to show RUNGU's
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 587       Mon Mar 23, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 01:04 EST
>> Finally, although the Germans may have been moving the mail until 

>> late in the game, I think you will find upon further study that the 

>> entire infrastructure of Germany was in shambles at war's end, thanks 

>> to FDR's inhumane demand of unconditional surrender.

  I'm leaving his detailed historical arguments for Pooh, but I'd like to
point out that the stated non-Nazi sympathizer Raven here calls FDR's demand
for unconditional surrender "inhumane" - Raven, would you care to characterize
what happened to Coventry?  To partisans and random villages in Yugoslavia? To
the Warsaw Ghetto?  To Stalingrad?  To the blind, deaf, retarded, and
otherwise handicapped of Germany itself?

    Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 588       Mon Mar 23, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 01:19 EST
   Really. This is starting to get VERY silly. Or would, if it wasn't so

   If it wasn't clear a week ago, it's clear now. The two-headed hydra of
 Raven and Rungu do not care in the slightest bit about historical
 accuracy, balanced accounts, relevance to the discussion, logic presented
 by the other side, or anything else. They argue somewhat in the style of
 W.MCDONALD - throw up the same statements, over and over again, and when
 everyone gets tired of rebutting the drivel, I daresay they'll declare a
 glorious victory, and their own putative vindication.

   Whether this topic had a right to exist is still under debate in Topic
 7, but it's becoming increasingly futile. As long as people keep on
 rebutting, Raven and Rungu will go on tossing new tattered arguments
 back. It is quite tiresome, and almost a waste of time. Their now-naked
 anti-Semitism is not pretty to watch.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 589       Mon Mar 23, 1992
J.STENGEL [John]             at 01:31 EST
------>H.P. Skaliks  #545
   >A modern crematorium, vintage 1992, requires about an hour to consume ONE
   >corpse, leaving 4 to 5 kg of coarse lumpy ash. It cannot be operated 24
   >hours per day without doing irreparable damage to the facility. It is
   >improbable that anybody's design from 1930 would be more efficient than a
   >current design
   The only personal knowledge I have of cremation comes as the result of my
father's cremation upon his death about 10 years ago.  I personally spread his
ashes...there was no where near 5 or even 4 kg.  My best guess is maybe 1 kg
(2.2 lbs) at most.  My father was down to about 140 lbs at his death. If your
figures are correct, it would lead me to believe the crematorium did not
return all the remains.  Since the body is about 70% water (which  would all
evaporate in the process), a 150 lb. corpse would contain  about 45 lbs of
hydrocarbons...if such a corpse after cremation leaves 5 kg (11 lbs) of ash;
this means that almost 25% of the body mass will not burn; this seems highly
unlikely to me.  I use a wood stove for supplemental heat; to get about 10
lbs. of ash I need to burn about a quarter cord of  wood; i.e. about 1000
lbs...the burnable parts of firewood and human corpses  are similar in that
they both are hydrocarbons.  What is the source of the  data (re. crematoria)
you cite?   
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 590       Mon Mar 23, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 01:54 EST

 Why is the Holocaust a "hoax"?  Who "fooled" me into believing that
 the Holocaust happened?  Why?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 591       Mon Mar 23, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 02:19 EST
 >>> M.RUNGU

 > They [sic] lying has got to stop.  Let's get at the truth please.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

You still haven't answered my question of whether you were totally honest with
us when you entered this topic.  Exactly when do you claim that you stopped

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 592       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:35 EST

So now you are telling us that 'Britain's Foremost Historian', David Irving,
has "left the revisionist camp" and "now accepts evidence for the holocaust"? 
Another falsehood is born.  

The story revolves around Irving's comment "I now may have to revise my views"
that was quoted in the London Sunday Telegraph (Jan. 12) and other papers
worldwide when he was examined the so-called 'Eichmann Papers'.

Yet in a front-page interview in the London Jewish Chronicle of January 17th,
he says: "The Jews are very foolish not to abandon the gas chamber theory
while they still have time."  He also predicted a new wave of anti-Jewish
sentiment because of the way that Jews "have exploited people with the gas
chamber legend."

His close relationship and links to the Institute for Historical Review are
more solid than ever before.  "My position remains unchanged", "gas chambers
and factories of death are legends", and other comments make this pretty

But anybody who follows the exterminationist/revisionist tussle knows the
exterminationist tactics.  First praise Irving to the skies while he remains a
"court historian".  Then when he becomes a revisionist, ignore him.  When
ignoring him doesn't work and he is able to publish historical bestseller
after bestseller, then lambast, slander, and physically attack him.  Then when
none of those techniques suffice to SHUT HIM UP, you watch each and every
utterance he makes, and twist, distort, and quote out of context everything
possible to "discredit" him.  This is where we are at now...

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 593       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:38 EST

The tear-jerker emotional story you quoted (or invented) left me unmoved. 
Stories of that nature abounded at Nuremberg and at other "war crime" trials
and on their unproven basis literally thousands of German officials and
officers were murdered by the Allied Tribunals and Authorities.  Yet later it
turned out that most or all of the stories were either false or absolutely

You think that a story like the one you regaled us with can be regarded as
contributory to the "proof" that there was an extermination policy, and that
such a policy was carried out in which 6,000,000 Jews and (but we're not
supposed to mention this, remember!) "others" perished?

Historiographically worthless.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 594       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:44 EST

Your comments about Bergen-Belsen are noteworthy, because they represent the
essence of popular belief about the holocaust.  Many people today still firmly
believe that ALL the German camps had gas chambers and were "gassing millions
of Jews" (the "others" are rarely, if ever, mentioned because it would
"trivialize" the vastly more important suffering of the precious Jews). 
Photos of the delousing chambers or of the crematoria at Belsen, Dachau and
other camps were paraded in the western media as "gas chambers"; the photos
were accompanied by wailing survivors' and eyewitnesses' tales of "mass
gassings" etc. that they "witnessed" and "survived" at Belsen, Dachau, etc.

Yet today no historian accepts these tales and not even the exterminationists
like Elie the Wiesel or Raul Hilberg or any of the others try to make such
rediculous claims.

I have no doubt that mass graves existed at Belsen, in which 5,000 bodies were
here, 2,000 there, and so on.  Thousands did indeed perish at the camps, most
particularly in the closing months of the war (including Anne Frank at Belsen,
of typhoid), and mass graves were necessary as a matter of hygiene.  Such
graves say absolutely nothing, and "prove" absolutely nothing, about an
"extermination program" or anything to do with such a program.

Let's get it into perspective.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 595       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:45 EST

The tear-jerker stories you keep giving us mean what?  Anybody can come up
with a story.  It doesn't prove a thing.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 596       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 02:52 EST

Aside from your careful selectivity in your presentation of the Einsatzgruppen
Reports (and carefully avoiding Reports which thankfully Mr. Raven has quoted
from, that demolish the points you are trying to "prove" with them), I notice
the recurrent buzz words within these Reports that you are relying on to
"prove" that there was an extermination campaign against the Jews and that it
was carried out.

These buzz words consist of repeated references like "eliminate", "future
solution", "special actions", "cleansing", "solving the Jewish problem" etc. 
Your interpretation is that all of this indicates a plan to physically kill
all Jews.  Yet in reality, it more likely indicates a plan to physically
REMOVE all Jews, which is quite different.  And that is precisely what
occurred; the movements of Jewish populations from their resident districts to
other, more easily controllable, areas by the German authorities was carried
out everywhere, and not only in the East, but also in the West.  Many of the
local non-Jewish populations (particularly in the east in areas that had
recently been under Soviet control) resented the movements of Jews because
they themselves wanted to deal with these Jews - and here "extermination"
might indeed be the operative word, but the German authorities interfered with

You keep taking these documents and reading into them what suits you. And
you're not alone.  Many or most of the exterminationist authors do exactly the
same.  The overall reference to "removing the Jews" is invariably taken as
meaning "exterminating" the Jews, when in fact it always meant physical
removal to another part of the globe.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 597       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:33 EST

"I find you less than credible."  Of course you do.  You approach the subject
subjectively and with all your ideas preconceived and cast-iron.  Anybody in
conflict with those preconceptions is "less than credible".  Well, frankly, in
view of YOUR approach, I find YOU less than credible too.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 598       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:34 EST

Are the insults and invective you directed against Mr. Raven to be your sole
input on this issue.  I mean, do they represent the limits of your
intellectual contribution to our discussion?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 599       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:46 EST

Your comments about a 1992 crematorium's operation vis-a-vis the operations of
the Kremas at Auschwitz were helpful in that they bring into perspective the
numbers game vs. simple mathematics.

6,000,000 Jews are supposed to have been murdered in a "campaign of
extermination".  Of the 6,000,000 figure, some 4,000,000 are supposed to have
been gassed, and the vast bulk of these at Auschwitz.  Not a single gas
chamber has been unearthed at this camp (or any other camp for that matter),
and yet only 3 Krema (crematoria) were in operation to deal with these
"4,000,000".  Yet even if the Nazi beasts had them going 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, in a period spanning several years they would only have been able
to cremate some 64,800 "gassed Jews".  The simple mathematics of it should be
enough to shatter the assumptions of even the most gullible and naive, whether
Jew or non-Jew.

Other issues relate to the functioning of the chambers, and I mean
construction, doorways, operation, sealing them off, and so on. A number of
monograms have appeared in the JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW over the years
that deal with these very issues in great detail, and the "mass gassing"
stories quite simply do not hold up.

You did mention the "Hoess Memorandum".  I have the book "Commandant of
Auschwitz" by Rudolf Hoess that is purportedly his autobiography that he
"wrote" prior to his murder at the hands of the Allies. Anybody reading it
will notice the contradictions and the impossible statements therein, and also
a distinct difference in the writing style of the initial portions dealing
with his childhood etc. vs. the later periods in which he was the Commandant
of Auschwitz.  It is obviously a forgery, and few exterminationists today
refer to it anymore.

It's also my understanding that a British newspaper article a while back
contained the confessions of several British wartime interrogators who claim
that they forced the Hoess manuscript via torture.  Perhaps someone can help
me with the publication and date?  Mr. Raven perhaps?

The Soviet figure of 78,000 Auschwitz fatalities is quite close to the RSHA
figure of I think 85,000 or thereabouts.  It certainly is a long ways off the
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 600       Mon Mar 23, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 03:52 EST
   Rungu, I find YOU not in the slightest bit credible. Here you are,
 writing only a week ago that you knew very little about the Holocaust -
 go back and reread your third letter if you disbelieve me. You wanted
 to hear both sides, and find out what was what.

   Now here you are, a big Holocaust expert, knowledgeable not only in
 every aspect of the matter, but you know enough of Deniers to be able to
 pick their every quote out of various publications years apart, and you
 know the "truth" of the whole matter. From your putative week-old
 knowledge, you feel confident enough to refute evidence as lies or
 inventions, accuse others of distorting the facts, and assault the
 credibility of other posters.

   If you expect us to believe that, Rungu, you deserve a topic of your
 own over in the Science Fiction and Fantasy RT. Do you mean to tell us
 now that you've learned all there is to know about a complex historical
 event in a SINGLE WEEK??? Or is your Damascene conversion just an odd
 feint, that you hope we'd forgotten about over the last six-hundred odd
 messages? Were those pious appeals for tolerance and fairness a big
 put-up job, hoping that you could manage to keep true colors hidden for
 a while? 

   If so, why should we believe a single bloody word you say? You put forth
 a preposterous instant expertise in the first case, and a bald-faced lie
 in the second. Take your pick, Rungu. Where's the beef?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 601       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 03:53 EST

Your outrageous ignorance has plumbed new depths, Mr. Fink. The IHR (Institute
for Historical Review) does not have "membership".  Nor did I ever "deny I was
a member of the IHR"; in fact, I didn't even deny that I read it's
publications - I do read it's publications and they are excellent (THE JOURNAL

In the IHR's NEWSLETTER they announced they would be publishing Professor
Faurisson's work and gave the relevant details along with a projected date. 
That is where I attained the information that I posted.  Is that somehow
"sinister"?  Has something been "exposed"?  Has a "Rungu pattern" come to
light?  I can't help laughing, I'm sorry, but it is just so rediculous, these
attempts to destroy one's credibility, these attempts to demonize persons with
which you happen to disagree with.

Concerning David Irving, he is already widely acknowledged as 'Britain's
foremost historian'.  His immense popularity and mega book sales along with
the seriousness with which his colleagues treat of him will attest to his
work.  Because his most recent work, i.e. the findings and conclusions he has
reached in recent years, are not "politically correct" and are not "kosher",
every conceivable underhanded and dishonest subterfuge has been employed to
try to demolish his credibility.  It's par for the course when you question
the holocaust.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 602       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:21 EST
 Raven has apparently missed some of my earlier messages since he is asking
 questions that have already been answered. So, to correct this deficit,
 I will first repost those messages and then some new ones which might
 further clarify the situation.

 Now, Raven has posted an Einsatzgruppen Report (127) which claims that the
 Jews were a security risk. That report was dated October 31, 1941. In a
 direct response to that Report, I said that it was a utilization of
 "justification, rationalization and propaganda." This might sound like I was
 speaking from ideology and not primary sources (which I have committed myself
 to using to base all my statements.)

 Here is the primary source upon which I based those comments. This comes from
 a Wehrmacht report on the extermination of the Jews in the Ukraine. It is
 dated 2.December.1941 and was sent from the Inspector, Armament in the
 Ukraine to Berlin. It is document: PS-3257.

 "From the outset the attitude of the Jewish population was anxious-willing.
 They tried to avoid anything that might displease the German Administration.
 That they hated the German Administration and the Army in their hearts is
 obvious and not surprising. However, there is no evidence that the Jews,
 either as a body, or even in any considerable numbers, have taken part in
 sabotage, etc. Without doubt there have been some terrorists or saboteurs
 among them, just as there have been among the Ukrainians. But it cannot be
 claimed that the Jews as such present any kind of danger for the German
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 603       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:21 EST
 And, what about the mention in Raven's Einsatzgruppen Report 127 that the
 Jews had brutalized the local population under the Soviets? Is this true?

 Let's take a look at a report from SS Sturmbannfuehrer Magill of the 2nd SS-
 Cavalry Regiment dated 12.August.1941.

 "It was also conspicuous that in general the population was on good terms
 with the Jewish sector of the population. Nevertheless they helped
 energetically in rounding up the Jews. The locally recruited guards, who
 consisted in part of Polish police and former Polish soldiers, made a good
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 604       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:22 EST
 Raven also made the claim that the "Final Solution" meant the removal of Jews
 via emigration, etc. and not extermination. I wish that were true. However,
 to make such a claim required ignoring certain documents and the correlation
 between those documents. His claim is based upon Einsatzgruppen Report 63
 dated 25.August.1941.

 From TR-3/1209 (Yad Vashem) we have an order signed by Mueller on

 "The Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police has decreed that the
 emigration of Jews is to be prevented, taking effect immediately."

 So, if the Final Solution on 25.August.1941 was the emigration of Jews, had
 it been completed by 23.October.1941? No, that can't be it. After all, that
 would mean that there weren't any more Jews to emigrate so there would be no
 need for the above order. Hmmm....I guess the only logical conclusion could
 be that the Final Solution was not about emigration!

 In fact, from a Foreign Ministry Circular dated 25.January.1939 we find
 regarding the German Jews who were emigrating from Germany (please keep in
 mind that the war had not even started yet):

 "The poorer the Jewish immigrant [from Germany to other countries] is and the
 greater the burden he constitutes for the country into which he has
 immigrated, the stronger the reaction will be in the host country, and the
 more desirable the effect in support of German propaganda. The aim of this
 German policy is a future international solution of the Jewish question,
 dictated not by false pity for a 'Jewish religious minority that has been
 driven out' but by the mature realization by all nations of the nature of the
 danger that Jewry spells for the national character of the nations."

 That sure doesn't sound as though the Nazis would have been satisfied with
 having no Jews on their soil. It seems that their outlook was much broader
 and a simple emigration program would never have been considered a Final
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 605       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:23 EST
 579 Raven: Ah, yes, you quoted the last paragraph of a three page report.
 Now, let's put that quote into its proper context and see if it can stand up
 to scrutiny.

 This report is from Einsatzgruppe C, location: Kiev, date 31.October.1941. It
 carries a title of "Work carried out to date by the Security Police."
 Therefore, we must first see what "work" had been carried out thus far by
 this particular Einsatzgruppe in this particular location.

 9/12/41: "Executions of Jews are understood everywhere and accepted
 favorably. It is surprising how calm the delinquent are when they are shot,
 both Jews and non-Jews. Fear of death seems to have been dulled by 20 years
 of Soviet rule."

 9/25/41: "The units of the Higher SS and Police Chiefs, during the month of
 August, shot a total of 44,125 persons, mostly Jews."

 9/28/41: "Execution of at least 50,000 Jews planned."

 10/2/41: "Sonderkommando 4a in collaboration with Einsatzgruppe HQ and two
 Kommandos of police regiment South, executed 33,771 Jews in Kiev on 29-30
 September, 1941."

 10/20/41: "A total of 537 Jews (men, women and adolescents) were apprehended
 and liquidated."

 Now that we have an idea of what "work" was done during the time for which
 the report in question covers, let us now turn to that report. I will post it
 in the next message.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 606       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:24 EST
 579 Raven: Now for that part of the report that you did NOT quote.

 "In Galicia, particularly in Lvov, the German-speaking element was
 predominant. This made matters easier in practical terms since one was hard
 put to find any Bolshevik influence in the country. Measures were, therefore,
 mainly directed against the Jewish part of the population."

 "It may be stated today that the entire Ukrainian population has remained
 free of any Bolshevik ideology. In the beginning, as the German troops
 rapidly advanced, only superficial control was required in that area since
 hardly any Bolshevik seditious elements were found there."

 "Security Police has found two large groups of enemies in this area. They
 are: (1) the Jews; (2) active members of the former Soviet regime."

 Now, for the beginning of your quote: "It can be stated positively today that
 the Jews without exception served Soviet Bolshevism."

 BTW, this immediately follows the quote about the "two large groups." So,
 contained within this document is a definite contradiction. If the Jews were
 a security risk because they "served Soviet Bolshevism," then it follows that
 there would be only ONE group of "enemies."

 And, even with this, it totally ignores the previously statements that there
 was "hardly any Bolshevik seditious elements." Couple this with the number of
 Jews liquidated in my previous message (in particular on 9/29-30/41 - 33,771)
 and we can readily see that (1) the actions were taken and then the reasons
 for those actions were devised; and (2) the contradictory nature of these
 reports supports Hilberg's contention that the "Jewish danger" was a
 justification, rationalization and pure fiction. After all, if the Jews were
 so tied into the Soviet regime, then how had their "fear of death been dulled
 by 20 years of Soviet rule?" (see report from 9/12/41 in previous message).

 Since the last paragraph of the report you quoted is the only place that
 contradicts the rest, according to Occam's Razor, we must discredit that
 portion and accept the balance.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 607       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:25 EST
 580 Raven:

  > 21.Aug.1942: "The present war gives Germany the opportunity and also 
  > the duty of solving the Jewish problem in Europe," the memorandum 
  > notes. The policy "to promote the evacuation of the Jews (from 
  > Europe) in closest cooperation with the agencies of the Reichsfuehrer 
  > SS (Himmler) is still in force."

 Now, you might fool some of the people with the above but you should know me
 well enough by now to realize that I won't be fooled. When you quote a
 document, it is not permissible to include your interpretation in ()...I'm
 referring to your "(from Europe)" inclusion.

 Let's look at another document which has previously been posted by me.


 "The Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of the German Police has decreed that the
 emigration of Jews is to be prevented, taking effect immediately. (Evacuation
 Aktionen will remain unaffected.)"


 This tells us that "evacuation" and "emigration" are two different terms in
 the Nazi lexicon. Your document speaks of the "evacuation" which apparently
 has nothing to do with leaving Europe....regardless of your personal
 parenthetical remark.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 608       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 04:25 EST
 582 Raven:

  > "camp physicians must use all means at their 
  > disposal to significantly reduce the death rate in the various 
  > camps." Furthermore, it states, "The camp doctors must supervise more 
  > often than in the past the nutrition of the prisoners and, in 
  > cooperation with the administration, submit improvement 
  > recommendations to the camp commandants ... The camp doctors are to 
  > see to it that the working conditions at the various labor places are 
  > improved as much as possible." Finally, the directive stresses that 
  > "The Reichsfuehrer SS (Himmler) has ordered that the death rate 
  > absolutely must be reduced." 

 It certainly gets tedious when questions are asked which have already been
 answered. However, I will answer once again:

 From the official report on Auschwitz to Heinrich Himmler from Alfred Franke-
 Gricksch in May, 1943 (regarding the selections):

 "The basic principle behind everything is: conserve all manpower for work.
 The previous type of "resettlement action" has been thoroughly rejected,
 since it is too costly to destroy precious work energy on a continual basis."

 Of course, this is the report which goes on to describe the "resettlement
 action" as the selection and gassing of Jews. The full text can be found in
 one of the first dozen or so messages in this TOPic.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 610       Mon Mar 23, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 04:55 EST
  In message #577 you ay you are getting all your information on Hitler and
the 3rd Reich from 1 book?   ROFLMAO!  Don't you think it would be wise to
expand your readings before styling yourself an expert at this?

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 611       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 05:32 EST
 592 Rungu:

  > So now you are telling us that 'Britain's Foremost Historian', David
  > Irving. . .

 Sorry, but David Irving is not a historian, let alone "Britain's foremost

  > has "left the revisionist camp" and "now accepts evidence for the
  > holocaust"? Another falsehood is born.  

 Actually, because of the contradictory news reports, Ernst Zundel (someone
 from your camp, you know) called Irving to inquire about his (Irving's)
 position. Zundel isn't even sure where Irving stands on the issue. He stated
 that Irving "sort of" gave an explanation. Have you spoken to Irving and are,
 perhaps, better able to give us some insight into this?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 612       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 05:33 EST
 594 Rungu:

  > (including Anne Frank at Belsen, of typhoid)

 Here you go giving out false information again. Anne Frank did not die of
 typhoid. She expired from typhus. These are two very different diseases.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 613       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 05:34 EST
 594 Rungu:

  > I notice the recurrent buzz words within these Reports that you are
  > relying on to "prove" that there was an extermination campaign against the
  > Jews and that it was carried out.
  > These buzz words consist of repeated references like "eliminate", "future
  > solution", "special actions", "cleansing", "solving the Jewish problem"
  > etc. Your interpretation is that all of this indicates a plan to
  > physically kill all Jews.

 Actually, you must have not been reading too carefully. Here are the key
 words (in caps) from all the Einsatzgruppen Reports that I have quoted thus

 7/7/41:  According to instructions by RSHA, LIQUIDATIONS of government and
          party officials, in all named cities of Byelorussia, were carried
          out. Concerning the Jews, according to orders, the same policy was
          adopted. The exact number of the LIQUIDATED has not as yet been

 7/11/41: In Kaunas, up to now a total of 7,800 Jews have been LIQUIDATED...

 10/7/41: Sonderkommando 4a EXECUTED 33,771 Jews on September 29 and 30.

 10/12/41: These were the reasons for the EXECUTIONS. . .

 10/18/41: 4,091 Jews and 46 Communists were EXECUTED. . .

 10/27/41: . . .believed in the transfer right up to the moment of their

 2/25/42: . . .140 more people had to be SHOT.

 9/12/41: EXECUTIONS of Jews are understood everywhere and accepted favorably.
          It is surprising how calm the delinquent are when they are SHOT...

 9/25/41: . . .SHOT a total of 44,125 persons, mostly Jews.

 9/28/41: EXECUTION of at least 50,000 Jews planned.

 10/2/41: . . .EXECUTED 33,771 Jews in Kiev...

 10/20/41: . . .apprehended and LIQUIDATED.

 None of the key words in the documents that I have quoted are the least bit
 ambiguous. Your charge is false.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 614       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 05:35 EST
 599 Rungu:

  > Of the 6,000,000 figure, some 4,000,000 are supposed to have
  > been gassed, and the vast bulk of these at Auschwitz.

 Here you go giving out more false information. 4,000,000 have never been
 "supposed to have been gassed" according to historians. Four million is the
 approximate number who perished in the camps through various methods...all of
 which were known to cause death.

 These methods included gassing, starvation, overcrowding and lack of
 sanitation (which led to diseases), forced labor, medical experimentation,

  > The Soviet figure of 78,000 Auschwitz fatalities is quite close to the
  > RSHA figure of I think 85,000 or thereabouts.

 Actually, Eichmann estimated the number of Jews exterminated at between 5
 million and 6 million....and that was right before the end of the war.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 617       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:27 EST
 550  ugnuR:

 >Please stop misquoting revisionist writings.

 If I have misquoted any writings of the bigoted Holocaust deniers, it is
 only because either you or nevaR misquoted them.  I have only taken items
 you two have posted and cut and pasted them.

 Thus, it seems to me that you are accusing yourself of misquotes.  Most of
 us already realize that is one of your specialties.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 618       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:27 EST
 551  ugnuR:

 >Once again, the irrational pseudologic of holocaustspeak is expressed. 

 Is that anything like Orwellian Newspeak?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 619       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:28 EST
 553  ugnuR:

 >The Poles of today have a saying: "We hated the Germans, but at least they
 got rid of the Jews."

 Do you endorse the Polish anti-semitism?

 >Many Jews were indeed massacred or otherwise treated badly by the
 indigenous populations of eastern Europe, but it is quite wrong and quite
 ahistorical to lay responsibility for these events at the door of the
 German authorities.  If anything, responsibility would lie with the Jews
 themselves, ...

 Yes, blame the victims.

 >for it is their very actions and behaviour towards the host peoples of
 these areas that led to these actions.

 Ah, yes.  Their outrageous behavior in refusing to all be massacred during
 pogroms understandably incensed their gentle persecutors.  How dare those
 conniving Jews flee from their oppressors!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 620       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:28 EST
 554  ugnuR:

 >Your "logic" and "reasoning" have assumed almost desperate proportions in
 their application to twist and distort history in every direction but the
 truthful one.

 Spoken from the master of logical reasoning.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 621       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:28 EST
 556  ugnuR:

 >There is little or no mention of the Soviet collectivization in which 7
 million or more non-Jews perished (a collectivization policy, by the way,
 carried out almost entirely by Soviet Jews as the Ukrainian people well
 know), the Gulag camps in which 20-30 million mostly non-Jews perished
 (under the personal direction and command of prominent NKVD Soviet Jews)

 Once again, the master of denial of the murder of Jews conjures up a
 mythical Jewish conspiracy.

 I'm waiting to hear ugnuR quote from the Protocols.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 622       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:29 EST
 558  ugnuR:

 >Your continuous, hysterical misquoting of Mr. Raven's posts amaze me.

 As I've pointed out before, any quotes I've used were cut and pasted from
 your posts and s'nevaR .rM posts.  Thus, if you think I've misquoted either
 of you, I suggest that you send your complaint to Chip, since there
 obviously must be a malfunction in GEnie's software.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 623       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:29 EST
 559  ugnuR:

 >Your ludicrous argument that "the constitution...does not apply to a
 commercial service such as GENIE." stretches credulity (sic) to the limit.

 I find that a rather puzzling statement coming from one who specializes in
 stretching credibility past the limit.

 >The exact reverse argument was used by Jewish members of PRODIGY when
 their foul and disgusting personal slanders and obscenities were returned
 to them by *P*.

 I suggest that you check the facts, which you have, as usual,

 The complaints against Prodigy were made because that service (which,
 incidentally, runs far differently than GEnie) published the lies and
 distortions of the holocaust deniers but censored the replies.

 Had Prodigy been consistent and either censored the foul and disgusting
 lies of the holocaust deniers, or allowed replies to be posted, there would
 not have been any complaints lodged.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 624       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:30 EST
 560  ugnuR:

 >Holohoaxspeak and holohoax "logic" is so bizarre it makes the head spin.

 Once again, you've mispelled it.  That's H O L O C A U S T.  Or, try SHOAH
 if Holocaust is too long a word for you.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 625       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:30 EST

 >Actually, I condemn ANY slaughter, massacre, or similar attack on either a
 civilian population or POWs.

 Unless it is against Jews, in which case you insist it never occurred.

 >Do you condemn the mass slaughters and mass atrocities committed by Soviet
 Jewish NKVD organizations in the Ukraine, in the Baltic, in the Russian

 I must say this for you, ugnuR:  you have a very vivid imagination.  It
 reminds me a bit of Batman's arch-enemy, the Joker.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 626       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:30 EST
 565  ugnuR:

 >The GENIE guidelines against bigotry and racism could and should be
 applied towards the outbursts of anti-revisionist bigotry

 Anti-revisionism bigotry?  That's an oxymoron if I ever read one.

 >and intolerance that we see continually displayed in this Forum ...

 All well-balanced individuals are intolerant of the racism and bigotry the
 Holocaust deniers are trying to spread here.  To paraphrase Barry
 Goldwater, tolerance of your kind of racism is no virtue; intolerance
 towards your kind of bigotry is no crime.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 627       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:31 EST
 566  Dave:  Please don't quit.  All that is needed for racists and bigots
 like the Holocaust deniers to take over is for good men like you to do
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 628       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:31 EST
 567  ugnuR:

 >I don't agree with you that POOH.BAH has displayed "scholarly aloofness"
 at all.

 Since you get everything backwards, you've just proven that Pooh.Bah has
 indeed displayed scholarly aloofness.  Thank you.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 629       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:19 EST
 574  nevaR:

 >It is commendable that you are approaching this Shoah Business ...

 Mazel Tov!  You actually spelled that correctly--although you're
 capitalization is a bit unusual.

 >However, you are in error in  attributing the dead at Bergen-Belsen to the
 Holohoax (sic).

 Once again, you're spelling is a little off.  Try again.  That's

 H O L O C A U S T.

 On second thought, maybe you should stick to Shoah.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 630       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:20 EST
 575  nevaR:

 > I am sorry you felt the "tone" of my message 379 was an attempt and 
  making myself seem superior to you.

 There you go, apologizing again.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 631       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:20 EST
 576  nevaR:


 Once again, that's H O L O C A U S T.

 If you can't spell it correctly, how can you expect anyone to take you
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 632       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:20 EST
 579  nevaR:

 >If memory serves, I posted the text of the 31.Oct.1941 report (number 
  127) back in post 239. You may start there.

 If memory serves, I don't recall Pooh.Bah asking for your permission.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 633       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:20 EST
 580  nevaR:

 > When you are finished telling us about Einsatzgruppen report 127, you 
  might consider ...

 I think that Pooh.Bah is perfectly capable of deciding what to consider
 without your backwards input.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 634       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:21 EST
 584  nevaR:

 >As plainly stated in my post of 482 ...

 I don't recall anything ever plainly stated.

 >Both plans were called the Final Solution.

 Are you sure one wasn't the semi-final solution?  How do YOU decide which
 is which?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 635       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:21 EST
 592  ugnuR:

 >So now you are telling us that 'Britain's Foremost Historian', David
 Irving ...

 So now you're the expert on who's an expert historian.  Bravo!


 Aha!  You can spell it when you try hard enough!

 >Another falsehood is born.  

 You're the expert, having spread so many of them yourself.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 636       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:22 EST
 593  ugnuR:

 >The tear-jerker emotional story you quoted (or invented) left me unmoved. 

 Didn't your heroes, the Nazis, rather enjoy watching Jews sent to their
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 637       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:22 EST

 >"I find you less than credible."  Of course you do.  You approach the
 subject subjectively and with all your ideas preconceived and cast-iron. 
 Anybody in conflict with those preconceptions is "less than credible". 
 Well, frankly, in view of YOUR approach, I find YOU less than credible too.

 I couldn't have stated my reaction to your lies and innuendo better myself. 
 Thank you.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 638       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:22 EST
 598  ugnuR:

 >Are the insults and invective you directed against Mr. Raven to be your
 sole input on this issue.

 Thank you for your first real contribution to this issue.  We now know that
 nevaR is .rM rather than .sM.  Or is this another piece of misinformation
 you're spreading?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 639       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:23 EST
 601  ugnuR:

 >Your outrageous ignorance has plumbed new depths, Mr. Fink. The IHR
 (Institute for Historical Review) does not have "membership".  Nor did I
 ever "deny I was a member of the IHR"; in fact, I didn't even deny that I
 read it's publications - I do read it's publications and they are excellent

 I have heard myself that the writers for JHR do exhibit very creative
 imaginations.  Unfortunately, they try to peddle their imaginative,
 fictional creations as facts.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 640       Mon Mar 23, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:23 EST
 602  Pooh.Bah:

 > Raven has apparently missed some of my earlier messages since he is
 asking questions that have already been answered.

 I believe that you are incorrect.  I imagine that nevaR has read everything
 you have written, but, in the Nazi tradition, is being extremely selective.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 641       Mon Mar 23, 1992
W.GROSS4                     at 07:33 EST
A crematoruim is a furnace.  What else are furnaces?  Steel mills are one
extreme, but boilers for electric generators are probably a more easy to
understand comparison.  What is burned in steam generating furnaces? 
Generally natural gas or coal.  These furnaces operate at maximum temp. around
1800 degrees F almost continuously. Now could it not be possible that such a
furnace manufacturer provide a similar type piece of equipment for dealing
with large number of corpses?  One would think so.  I think that messsage 545
is probably an attempt to compare apples and oranges and probably lacking in
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 642       Mon Mar 23, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 18:11 EST
Mr Traynor finally realizes the real purpose of the RAVEN/RUNGU board. Sadly,
this was not realized from the inception of the topic.

Joseph Bishop, the author of a rather widely publicized e-mail to me on
another service, is currently one of the chief resident revisionists = anti-
semite on that other service. In the closing words of that infamous e-mail, he

From: (FFNN22A)    Subject:       10/07

Maybe a REAL, and this time, worldwide holocaust IS a good idea!  So I agree
with you there.

Have a nice day.
 This is the real motivation behind the revisionism. As I said from the
beginning, it is not about discussion, an exchange of views, but to abuse the
GEnie system to be a vehicle for dissemination of anti- semitic expression
without reprobation. They have succeeded, and I think it is GEnie's blackest
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 643       Mon Mar 23, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 18:19 EST
 >>> G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]

 > Thus, the factual portion of his statement supports me, which is why I
 > quoted it. His insupportable claim of "fiction" has no bearing on the
 > discussion.

I know next to nothing about all these documents...or the Holocast, for that
matter.  Most of what I know has come from reading what you, Mungo, and Pooh
have written.

If you did not try to justify your actions in quoting somebody out of context,
you would be more likely to hold more credibility with your readers when
quoting in the future.  When you have misquoted somebody and then try to
justify that, how am I supposed to believe that the next time I see something
from you that you aren't doing the same?

During my childhood, I perceived that I was often on the brink of being
attacked by unseen monsters.  This fantasy is not dissimilar from that of
other children.

If I then quote, "I was often on the brink of being attacked by unseen
monsters," I have blatently misrepresented the meaning of the original text. 
That is precisely what you have done when you omit Hilberg's surrounding

Your best course of action to minimize damages would be to show that Pooh Bah
is also blatantly misquoting sources.  Provide the surrouning context for her
snippets and show that what she claims she quoted isn't really what was said.

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 644       Mon Mar 23, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 18:20 EST
 >>> G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]

 > "The Jews are interested in Europe for economic reasons, but Europe must
 > reject them, if only out of self-interest, because the Jews are racially
 > tougher. After this war is over, I will rigorously hold to the view ...
 > that the Jews will have to leave and emigrate to Madagascar or some
 > other Jewish national state."  [--Hitler]

I thought you claimed, in part, that the Holocast was a hoax dreamed up to
give the Jews sympathy...and that, in turn, led to the "wrongful" founding of
Israel.  Was this "myth" of the Holocast also perpetrated by Hitler and the
Nazis?  It sounds as if the formation of Israel is something that Hitler
wanted.  And he was, after all, a "great" guy.

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 646       Mon Mar 23, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 19:29 EST
C.FINK4...message 586

This is not a criticism Carl, since I have no reason to doubt your sincerity,
but your comment about ballot box intimidation is false. I have living
relatives who voted in that election and that is just not how things operate
in Germany, now or then.

J.STENGEL...message 545

John, a friend had the misfortune of losing his mother last year and he was
presented with about 4 kg (9 lb) of ash. Before daring to contribute to this
vitriolic topic, I checked with the funeral director in Tottenham. He said 4
kg was not unusual. There are significant bone fragments, etc. left over. To
truly reduce the body to just mineral ash would take too long and cost the
funeral home too much money. The crematorium uses quite large amounts of
natural gas to consume the body. Corpses don't burn at all well due to the
water content you mentioned. In that sense, it is quite different from a fire-
place log. It would be more like trying to burn a log which had been submerged
in a swamp for a few years....pretty difficult until you had fired it enough
to dry it. (This IS a pretty gruesome topic, isn't it?)

W.GROSS4...message 641

The crematoria which stand on the Auschwitz site today are NOT coking ovens of
the design used for steel mills. They are quite ordinary commercially
available crematoria. The comparison is valid. You can always buy an air
ticket to upper Silesia and look for yourself. Besides, LOT, the Polish
national airline, could use the business.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 647       Mon Mar 23, 1992
W.GROSS4                     at 19:32 EST
Mr. Raven, one wonders it what is suppose to be a discussion of ideas and
historical record what is gained by the use of a "red herring" as 'holohoax'?
 Note that I neve said that the dead at Bergen-Belsen were killed by any one
particular method.  If you grant that large numbers dies at Bergen-Belsen,
then you must grant that their deaths were do to German activity.  I find your
assertion about the deaths due to disease and not German intentions some what
hard to fully comprehend.  The diseases that you want to attribute all the
deaths to are easily controlled by simple sanitation measures.  If the Nazis
in deed were not the evil bastards that history to this point indicates, then
they would have taken the very simple steps to prevent and control these
diseases. (For a discussion of this you might be interested in looking up the
exploits on LTC Saint an American POW in a Japanese camp in Korea and the
steps he took to reduce disease and increase the health of that camp.  If the
Germans were as good as you said, then they could have directed those simple
steps be taken and prevented those deaths.  So since they didn't, it strongly
implies that they were happy to abet such deaths.)
 The point I was making about B-B was why would anybody go to the steps taken
to create these graves.  It doesn't appear reasonable there is a reasonable
explanation other than a large number of people are burried there.)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 648       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:35 EST
 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942. (Several

 Responsiblity for the handling of the final solution of the Jewish question,
 he [Heydrich] said, would lie centrally with the Reichsfuehrer SS and the
 Chief of the German Police (Chief of the Security Police and the SD), without
 regard to geographic boundaries.

 The Chief of the Security Police and the SD then gave a brief review of the
 struggle conducted up to now against this foe.

 The most important elements are:

 a) Forcing the Jews out of the various areas of life of the German people.

 b) Forcing the Jews out of the living space of the German people.

 [NOTE: The above are the measures which have been "conducted up to now
 against the foe." Therefore, the Final Solution must be something else.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 649       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:36 EST
 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942. (Several

 Emigration has now been replaced by evacuation of the Jews to the East, as a
 further possible solution, with the appropriate prior authorization by the

 However, this operation should be regarded only as a provisional option; but
 it is already supplying practical experience of great significance in view of
 the coming final solution of the Jewish question.

 In the course of this final solution of the European Jewish question
 approximately 11 million Jews may be taken into consideration, distributed
 over the individual countries as follows: [list follows]

 As far as the figures for Jews of the various foreign countries are
 concerned, the numbers given include only Jews by religion since the
 definition of Jews according to racial principles is in part still lacking

 [NOTE: Emigration has been replaced by evacuation and evacuation is a
 "provisional option." Also, those who wish to obfuscate by throwing around
 meaningless, unsubstantiated numbers of Jews in Europe have obviously not
 read this report.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 650       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:37 EST
 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942. (Several

 Under appropriate direction the Jews are to be utilized for work in the East
 in an expedient manner in the course of the final solution. In large columns,
 with the sexes separated, Jews capable of work will be moved into these areas
 as they build roads, during which a large proportion will no doubt drop out
 through natural reduction. The remnant that eventually remains will require
 suitable treatment; because it will without doubt represent the most
 resistant part, it consists of a natural selection that could, on its
 release, become the germ-cell of a new Jewish revival. (Witness the
 experience of history.)

 [NOTE: Forced labor is not the final solution but is expected to kill many of
 the workers.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 651       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:38 EST
 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942. (Several

 The first-degree Mischling [half-breeds] exempted from evacuation will be
 sterilized in order to obviate progeny and to settle the Mischling problem
 for good. Sterilization is voluntary, but it is the condition for remaining
 in the Reich. The sterilized Mischling is subsequently free of all
 restrictive regulations to which he was previously subject.

 [NOTE: Because of the sterilization requirement, it is logical to conclude
 that the "suitable treatment" for the "remnant" that could become the "germ-
 cell of a new Jewish revival" (from the proceeding message) was something
 other than allowing the Jewish "race" a chance to re-establish itself.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 652       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:38 EST
 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942. (Several

 Secretary of State Dr. Buehler put on record that the Government-General
 [Poland] would welcome it if the final solution of this problem was begun in
 the Government-General, as, on the one hand, the question of transport there
 played no major role and considerations of labor supply would not hinder the
 course of this Aktion. Jews must be removed as fast as possible from the
 Government-General. Furthermore, of the approximately 2 1/2 million Jews
 under consideration, the majority were in any case unfit for work.

 Secretary of State Dr. Buehler further states that the solution of the Jewish
 question in the Government-General was primarily the responsibility of the
 Chief of the Security Police and the SD and that his work would have the
 support of the authorities of the Government-General. He had only one
 request: that the Jewish question in this area be solved as quickly as

 In conclusion, there was a discussion of the various possible forms which the
 solution might take, and here both Gauleiter Dr. Meyer and Secretary of State
 Dr. Buehler were of the opinion that certain preparatory work for the final
 solution should be carried out locally in the area concerned, but that, in
 doing so, alarm among the population must be avoided.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 653       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:39 EST
 Reich Secret Document

 Honorable Mr. Reichsfuehrer!

 On instructions from Reichsleiter Bouhler I placed a part of my men at the
 disposal of Brigadefuehrer Globocnik some considerable time ago for his
 Special Task. Following a further request from him, I have now made available
 more personnel. On this occassion Brigadefuehrer Globocnik pressed the view
 that the whole Aktion against the Jews should be carried out as quickly as
 possible, so that we will not some day be stuck in the middle should any kind
 of difficulty make it necessary to stop the Aktion. You yourself, Mr.
 Reichsfuehrer, expressed the view to me at an earlier time that one must work
 as fast as possible, if only for reasons of concealment. Both views are more
 than justified according to my own experience, and basically they produce the
 same results. Nevertheless I beg to be permitted to present the following
 consideration of my own in this connection:

 According to my impression there are at least 2-3 million men and women well
 fit for work among the approx. 10 million European Jews. In consideration of
 the exceptional difficulties posed for us by the question of labor, I am of
 the opinion that these 2-3 million should in any case be taken out and kept
 alive. Of course this can only be done if they are at the same time rendered
 incapable of reproduction...... 

                                         Viktor Brack
                                         SS Oberfuehrer

 [NOTE: The rest of this letter explains the use of X-rays as a means for
 sterilization and asks Himmler's approval to begin such a plan.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 654       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:41 EST
I have seen recently speculation in this TOPic concerning the operation of the
crematoria at the Nazi camps. Maybe of the questions which are being raised
have very logical answers to them contained within the official Nazi
documents. However, because this type of information deals specifically with
the camps, I am refraining for the time being from posting it since I'm
attempting to post documentation in a logical sequence.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 655       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:53 EST
I have posted several messages which contain excerpts from the Wannsee
Conference Protocols. Since this is a well known document by title, it might
be interesting to discuss the history of this particular document and not only
what the document tells us of history.

The Wannsee Conference was supposed to take place in December 1941 but the
declaration of war upon the US as well as other war activities postponed the
conference until January 20, 1942.

At the conference, minutes were taken. After the conference, these minutes
were typed up, reviewed and approved (by Heydrich) for distribution. When the
US captured this document, it was contained within a group of other documents
concerning similiar matters. One point of particular interest (to me, at
least) is that there was a cover letter (on official letter head) that
accompanied the distribution of the minutes and yet, the cover letter is never
quoted in histories.

This is probably because the cover letter is important in the history of the
document but not in the history of the event of the Holocaust. This cover
letter explains to the recipient what is attached to the letter (i.e. the
minutes) and also attempts to set up the next meeting for a continuation of
the discussion - more details were to be discussed in the next meeting and
those that needed to attend were of a rank that would be doing more of the
"hands on" detail work of the Final Solution.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 656       Mon Mar 23, 1992
J.WEISBERGE1 [Jon W.]        at 20:18 EST
As I indicated earlier, the point of all this is to legitimate fascism.  The
modern-day Nazis understand the Holocaust was the most repugnant feature of
Hitlerism, and therefore direct their efforts toward proving that it didn't
happen.  After all, if it didn't happen, then one can move on to pointing out
all the "positive" features of Nazism - most particularly, its anti-communism.

Indeed, it is interesting to note - as some already have - the implications of
Rungu and Raven's points in this regard: that the Jews were "security risks"
because they were Communists, that one ought not to believe anything that
Communists say, that the murder of Communists not for anything they have or
haven't done but simply their beliefs is permissible, if not praiseworthy.  It
certainly underlines Arno Mayer's thesis (and, since Raven has mentioned Mayer
several times, it seems worth recommending Mayer's book, _Why Did The Heavens
Not Darken?: The Final Solution In History_) that antisemitism and anti-
Communism were (and, I guess I should add, are) inextricably intertwined in
the Nazi weltanschauung.

The ultimate point being, for them, that the US fought on the wrong side in
the Second World War.  According to Raven and Rungu's implicit argument, we
should have joined the "great" Hitler in fighting the Jew Communists.


PS.  Lindy-Jim's #541 in re Alan Stein's "contribution" is right on the mark. 
Childishness such as spelling peoples' names backward or posting two dozen one-
line responses of the character "you're a liar" in the space of an hour or two
reveals a lack of substance rather than deep wit.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 657       Mon Mar 23, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 20:50 EST


>>So now you are telling us that 'Britain's Foremost Historian',
 >>David Irving, has "left the revisionist camp" and "now accepts
 >>evidence for the holocaust"?

  No, that was me.  I was repeating what I'd seen in the mass media - your
contacts at the IHR are apparently better than mine.  If it's so, it's a

  By the way, since you have so little knowledge of this matter, why do you
know about Irving's connections with the IHR?

  "Britain's foremost historian"?  You're quoting me, (and getting me mixed up
with POOH.BAH, a high compliment) but I never said that. Exactly who are you
quoting, anyway?

>>Stories of that nature abounded at Nuremberg and at other "war
 >>crime" trials and on their unproven basis literally thousands of
 >>German officials and officers were murdered by the Allied
 >>Tribunals and Authorities.  Yet later it turned out that most or
 >>all of the stories were either false or absolutely unverifiable.

  Really?  I don't recall hearing that in history class.  Can you back up any
of that with fact?  Exactly which stories used to execute thousands of German
officials and officers were later proven false?

>>...6,000,000 Jews and (but we're not supposed to mention this,
 >>remember!) "others" perished?

  Who says?  You can't just keep referring to an imagined conspiracy against
admitting that others were killed in the Holocaust without supporting it.

>>...Elie the Weasel....

  You're losing it, RUNGU.  You're showing your true colors. Perhaps you
should take some time off to refurbish your protective camouflage.

>>Your outrageous ignorance has plumbed new depths, Mr. Fink. The
 >>IHR (Institute for Historical Review) does not have "membership".
 >>Nor did I ever "deny I was a member of the IHR"; in fact, I didn't
 >>even deny that I read it's publications - I do read it's
 >>publications and they are excellent (THE JOURNAL OF HISTORICA
 >>REVIEW etc.).

  Of course, Mr. (Mrs?  Ms?) RUNGU would never resort to insult? Sysops,
please do NOT delete RUNGU's 601 - I am not offended, and would like it to
remain, to demonstrate RUNGU's character.

   Why is it historical ignorance to assume that someone who claims no
particular knowledge of these matters would not be a subscriber to several
magazines on the subject?  Why is that outrageous?  More to the point, why is
it "historical"?  If you must insult me, please do so in a less random manner.

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 658       Mon Mar 23, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 21:20 EST
656 Jon: RE: your statement about Communists being killed because of their
ideology and not some action they performed. There is clear documentary
evidence of this (some of which has been posted). Probably one of the better
(i.e. clearer) statements of this is from Einsatzgruppen Report dated:
2/25/42. One of the five reasons given for the executions ennumerated in that
report is: "Active participation in the Communist Party BEFORE [emphasis mine]
the arrival of the German Army."

As far as Holocaust Deniers wishing to rehabilitate fascism, that is true for
some Deniers but not for all of them. To view the Deniers as a monolithic
group is fallacious. I will admit, though, that many (if not most) of the
Holocaust Deniers in the US do indeed view our involvement in WWII in a
negative light. However, those who do so, do not necessarily believe that we
were on the "wrong side." Many believe that we had no business in WWII in the
first place.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 659       Mon Mar 23, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 21:23 EST
 Hmmm.  Where did they go? 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 660       Mon Mar 23, 1992
B.EATON2 [BZE]               at 21:56 EST
G.Raven   #574  You are setting up straw men; that is quibbling about minor
pts or arguments that the opposition never used in order to then say, 'See,
you're wrong about everything.'

No one in this discussion or anywhere else claimed that 6 million Jews were
gassed.  What has been proved is that between 1933-1945 6 million Jews died. 
That figure, however, does NOT cover those comparatively few who managed to
escape to other countries.

It does include those like Anne Frank and others who died of typhus,
starvation, shooting, by medical 'experiments,'and all other ways that were
not natural.  They were murdered as much as were those who were gassed.

BTW, you have not yet answered my question about the 'greatness' of Hitler.

Someone in a former post mentioned a woman who died because she no longer had
access to necessary medicine.  There must have been many like that such as
diabetics who, herded into RR cars and then camps, were denied insulin.  All
of the people like that were murdered and as such are counted in the 6
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 661       Mon Mar 23, 1992
W.GROSS4                     at 22:22 EST
Hans-Peter, please inform us as to the manufacture of the ovens in question. 
Who made them, was it a standard design of theirs or were they custom designed
for Auschwitz?  If they were of standard design did they have a manufacutes
designation/modle number?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 662       Mon Mar 23, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 22:37 EST
 520 Raven

 > form of Nazism is an element of Holocaust denial.

 I split my sides laughing at that one.  The central theme in Holocaust
 denial is that the NAZIS didn't commit genocide.  To say that that
 NAZISM isn't an element in Holocaust denial is to ignore the fact that
 we are debating over the fact that the NAZIS had a manisfest doctrine
 of Jewish expermination.

 NAZISM is everywhere in this debate.  The NAZIS murdered 6 million
 Jews.  You have not convinced me otherwise.  POOH.BAH has reassured me
 in my belief without the so-called "pejorative labels".

 Let's face it pal: your "he (Hitler) was a great man" line says it

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 663       Mon Mar 23, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 23:02 EST
[6 messages deleted, 2 moved to topic 7]

=whistle blowing=  Time out!

I think we have been more than equitable in giving this topic the benefit of
the doubt and allowing it to remain in the forum, as well as providing a
special topic (topi 7) in which to voice your opinion about whether it should
be allowed at all.  We simply ask that you observe PF*NPC and GEnie system
policies and refrain from personal attacks, etc.


I don't like deleting anything; those of you who have followed my Cats the
last year or so know this.  But there comes a point when enough is enough.  We
passed that point in this topic a long time ago.  Once you receive a formal
warning, your very next violation will get a 15-day Read Only status in the
RoundTable.  If, once you return, you continue to abuse your priviledges here,
you will be locked out of the RoundTable.  (This may be discussed in an
appropriate Category 1 topic.)

C'mon, folks... all we ask is that, in debating your opinions, you do it
NICELY, and that you not resort to personal attacks against other private
forum members.  We believe in open speech here; we don't have to:  GEnie is a
private network and you really don't have any "Constitutional free speech
rights" here.  (This should be discussed in Category 7, if you don't agree.)
We aren't here to delete your messages -- we are here to facilitate orderly
discussion within our area.  If you find that you cannot read these topics
without typing abusive responses, however, we ask that you ignore the topics
and allow other members to participate as they will.

Thank you for your cooperation, and my apologies for the interuption.  Let's
get back to discussion of the facts and your opinions of the Holocaust, and
please redirect other lines of discussion to the appropriate areas.

-Ric Helton, PF*NPC
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 665       Mon Mar 23, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 23:49 EST
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 666       Mon Mar 23, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 23:49 EST
There, you see, AH.STEIN?  All it took was a little ego-stroke to put me back
into the fray.  (Plus the fact that I left my Stephen King book on the Amtrak,
so I needed a good horror story).

Meshugge RunguI:

Noted with satisfaction that you failed to attempt to rebut me on John Toland.
You mean I *MIGHT*  know more about you than something?  Geeee!


I think AH.STEIN is perfectly right in writing the offenders' names backwards:
it's appropriately symbolic.


About your point along the lines of:  "David Irving is a commercial success,
therefore what he writes is true."

The National Enquirer, the Weekly World News, and the Sun (supermarket
tabloids, all) are also very successful.  So I guess by your logic, everything
they print must be true, too. ...Wait...don't answer that.


I believe Mr. Raper has implicitly asked (through his selection of a handle)
to be called "Termy."  TelCom etiqutte suggests that you should do so.  Does
your need to be unbearably offensive mean that you have to find new ways of
being boorish?


Re:  Your question about S.PIERCE's alleged lack of "intellecual
  When it comes to putting down people's intellectual contributions, you're
not exactly holding the high ground, chief.

Tuvia David ben-Rafael Ha-Kohen Friedman (Note:  That's Jew for my name)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 667       Tue Mar 24, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 00:04 EST
W.GROSS4...message 661

The names of funeral equipment manufacturers are not the sorts of things that
stick to mind, especially on something that I read a fairly long time ago.
Some of the respondents to this board leave the impression that they have
memorized the library of congress number of everything they have ever read in
their life and can instantly recall the title, date, and hour it was read. I'm
afraid that I can't make that sort of claim.

Since the Polish government maintains this site, the Polish consulate in your
city may have access to this information.

The owners of the firm were hauled into court on charges of complicity in the
concentration camp deaths. The owners successfully defended themselves against
the charges by pointing out that the same equipment was exported all over the
world by their firm.

The point is that the equipment in question still exists at the site and there
is no indication that its design falls into line with your speculation about
coking ovens, etc.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 668       Tue Mar 24, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 00:22 EST
                              * *
                             *   *
                            * O O *
                           *       *
                          *         *

                       IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!
                        IT WAS A HOAX!

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 669       Tue Mar 24, 1992
B.EATON2 [BZE]               at 01:26 EST
Carl left out another important outrage in #587.  The village of Lidice in
Czechoslovakia was burned to the ground, the men killed, and the women and
children taken into slavery.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 670       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 01:47 EST

Very Clever!!! 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 671       Tue Mar 24, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:59 EST
 To Carl Fink (regarding 540) ---
 >Yes, but she's a historian, and I'm a biologist. Why does it 
 surprise you that I know more biology than she?
 I am not surprised that Pooh.bah is less informed on any given 
 subject ... I've been saying that all along. What surprises me is the 
 double standard: If I make a perfect valid comment that does not 
 conform to the norm, I am subjected to all sorts of snide comments. 
 When Pooh.bah makes out-and-out mistakes, no one says a word. Have 
 you ever asked yourself who the h*ll she (or anyone else on this 
 topic) is to pass judgment on the qualifications of Fred Leuchter?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 672       Tue Mar 24, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:59 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 542) ---
 You believe the Nazis murdered millions of people with CO? This just 
 keeps getting better. I eagerly await the chance to discuss this with 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 673       Tue Mar 24, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:00 EST
 To H.P.Skaliks (regarding 545) ---
 >I do find it difficult to accept Mr. Raven s thesis that nothing 
 occurred and that it was entirely a propaganda hoax.
 I don't believe I said this in so many words. I believe that the 
 Holocaust story is just that ... a story. Although I was taught that 
 the Holocaust was the murder of 6 million Jews in gas chambers 
 (including those at Dachau, which we now know is was a lie), I am 
 willing to accept Pooh.bah's definition, which appeared in post as:
 >Webster s New World Dictionary (Second Edition) defines the 
 Holocaust as:  the systematic destruction of over six million 
 European Jews by the Nazis before and during WWII. 
 The reason I say that the Holocaust did not take place is that 1) 
 although there were certainly hardships (and worse) imposed on some 
 Jews by the Nazis before and during WWII, this was not systematic, 2) 
 the events that actually did happen to the Jews did not constitute 
 destruction, and 3) the Nazis never had their hands on 6 million 
 There are those who say things such as, "if only one Jew was killed, 
 does that make it okay?" My answer is, "Of course not. But let's not 
 use the term 'Holocaust,' which has already been (mis)defined, to 
 refer to this much lesser event." In other words, I specifically 
 reject the notion that the word "Holocaust" can be redefined on the 
 fly to mean "everything bad that happened to any Jew anywhere in 
 Europe, whether or not it had anything to do with the Nazis." This 
 seems to be the way the definition is headed, as each passing day 
 reveals new impossibilities in the Holocaust stories we have all been 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 674       Tue Mar 24, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:00 EST
 To B.Eaton2 (regarding 547) ---
 This is not the forum for discussing Hitler as a leader, however I 
 will point out that he built the autobahn, revitalized Germany's 
 economy from less-than-nothing to one of the strongest in the world 
 (without resorting to a military build-up), restored most of the 
 proper borders of Germany, launched the Volkswagen, eliminated 
 prostitution, eliminated pornography, achieved full employment, and 
 initiated many social works that made life in pre-war Germany truly 
 wonderful. Hitler did with Germany what FDR could only dream about 
 doing with America, which is probably one of the reasons why FDR 
 wanted so badly to fight Germany ... jealousy.
 Note that I am not saying that Hitler was perfect. But compared to 
 the other leaders of his time (and most of those since), he was a 
 great leader, with great ideas and the ability to see them 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 675       Tue Mar 24, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:02 EST
 To Revenant (regarding 555) ---
 > I have a BA in History from the University of Vermont, with dual 
 teaching minors in Political Science and English.
 You also have a problem in that you have apparently been educated to 
 the point of ignorance. I don't mean this as a personal dig ... most 
 of the people I know who went through our educational system suffer 
 the same problem, and the condition lasts only as long as you let it. 
 Your speculations on the qualities of Churchill and FDR, and those of 
 the abilities of Nazi crematoria, are groundless. Fortunately, as a 
 history major, you have an advantage that most people do not have. 
 You have the ability to do independent research and discover the 
 truth. Happy hunting!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 676       Tue Mar 24, 1992
C.MAIER [Claire]             at 02:25 EST
Tuvia, I like that. M stands for "Meshugge", of course.  It's perfect.

 Raven, I find it appalling that you think someone who would round up and move
a group of people, and herd them into camps where the death rate was high, was
a "great man".  And I find your attempts to justify the Nazis condemns them
even more.  The acts that you yourself have admitted the Nazis did are more
horrible than I knew previously. I could only imagine what you would have done
as Jeffrey Dahmer's defense attorney--you might have said something like,
after all, he only killed about 10 people, and there's no real evidence that
he ever actually ATE anybody, and he did rid the world of some nasty
homosexuals, etc.  This is the type of defense you are providing for your
"great man" Hitler, may the demons of hell string him up by his sole testicle.
By opening this topic, we all have seen how horrible the Nazis were, and how
great a threat neo-Nazism is in this day.  I guess in that sense, you have
provided us a service.  Never forget. Never again.  The price of freedom is
eternal vigilance.

 Poohbah, let's discuss the gassings and the crematoria, since our deniers
have been shrilling about it every other message.  We can backtrack later. I,
for one, want the facts about the gassings/crematoria on the board.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 677       Tue Mar 24, 1992
RTRAYNOR [Bevan]             at 02:33 EST
   Raven, 671:

   Who the hell is qualified here to pass judgement on Leuchter?

   Well, I'll volunteer. As a person with superior professional 
 qualifications in history to Leuchter, and a resident of the state that
 convicted him of fraudulent behavior concerning credentials, I will 
 cheerfully go on record as saying that he is an out-and-out charlatan
 whose respect for the scientific method is on a par with Jimmy Swaggart's,
 and whose interest in truth is right up there with an ambulance chaser
 attempting to defend the guy who was videotaped shooting the granny in
 the deposit line.

   I forthwith challenge you, Raven, unless you can claim at least a 
 doctorate in history, to accept my professional judgement.

      Yr obt svt,

  = = *> Bevan <* = =

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 678       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 03:07 EST

Thanks.  Motion seconded, motion carried.  Meshugge it is!

Ravin' Greg:

"Have you asked yourself who the h*ll she [Pooh-bah] (or anyone else on this
topic) is to pass judgement on the qualifications of Fred Leuchter?"

Mmmm...sound a little bit strident there, Mein Herr.

"You have a problem in that you have apparently been educated to the point of

(Said to Revenant, in re: Msg #555)

You know, my Ravin' friend, that reminds me of a quote from Chairman Mao
during the Cultural Revolution (I'm sure as a Libertarian, you can appreciate
the Chairman's wisdom):  "The more books you read, the more stupid you

Tuvia David
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 679       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 04:01 EST
Forgot to mention...

Ravin' Greg:

"Hitler...revitalized Germany's economy from less-than nothing to one o fthe 
strongest in the world (without resortin gto a military build-up), restored
most of the proper borders of Germany."

As always, you've demonstrated for us your uncanny grasp of history. Lord
Bullock, Trevor Dupuy, and Studs Terkel, watch out!

When you say that Hitler didn't resort to a miltary build-up, are you 
suggesting that the mighty Wehrmacht conquered through love and flowers?

General Rommel:  "Please surrender, guys." Allies:  "Okay.  Sorry."

Also, what -are- the proper borders of Germany?  As a historical entity,
Germany -- a very young country -- doesn't really have any proper borders:
just a some frontiers that turned out to be the way things were after
 a half-century of Prussian and neo-Prussian expansionism (when I say, " half
a century," I'm talking chiefly about Otto von Bismarck, although I realize
that Prussia's pretty much always was a militarized, expansionist power). Ask
the Romans 

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 680       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:15 EST

Your reply on the crematorium details, along with the analogy of the swamp log
are apt.  You have to understand that there is a certain desperation to shore
up the legends of the mass gassings, and that intrinsic to this shoring-up is
the need to somehow demonstrate that the "millions of gassed Jews" were dealt
with without any major problems.  The fact that only three Krema of ordinary
design and capability existed at Auschwitz (and, as you point out, are still
there to be examined) and which could not possibly, even in the wildest
imagination, have done the job of disposing of these "millions of gassed Jews"
(we're not supposed to mention the non-Jews because that would "trivialize"
the super-special suffering of the Jews, remember), in and of itself should
lay to rest the whole malodorous myth of the gassings.

Numerous messages constituting a sort of guessing game are already appearing
with the usual "but maybe the Nazis did this" or "surely the Nazis must have
done that" etc. etc. but they don't seem to  realize that this is not a
guessing game or a game of speculation. The mass gassings and the disposal of
the output of these alleged mass gassings cannot be supported, verified, or
proven.  In fact, they can't even be seriously believed in anymore by anybody
that does the simple mathematical calculations based on the cremation data you
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 682       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 04:17 EST
  Now you are claiming Hitler didn't have a military build up?  ROFLMAO!!  Um,
just what did he use in the war, you know WWII, it was in all the

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 683       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:20 EST

You are correct in that the fatalities that occurred at Bergen-Belsen, or at
Buchenwald, or Dachau, or any of the other camps could probably have at least
partly been prevented.  But bear in mind that most of the deaths occurred in
the closing stages of the war, and indeed not long before the camps were
entered and inspected by the Allies. The blockade, the bombing campaign, the
chaos and overcrowding, and the disruption of food and medical services all
took a tragic toll. I don't think anybody would deny that deaths occurred. 
What is in question here is whether or not a deliberate extermination policy
was at play and that was responsible for their deaths.  The evidence does not
support such claims at all.

Naturally, if one is absolutely determined to believe in the holohoax
mythology re the cause of the fatalities, in spite of the paucity or
unreliability of the "evidence", then I suppose nothing can shake such
beliefs, so what's the point?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 684       Tue Mar 24, 1992
P.NANSON [Eclectic]          at 04:25 EST
Re: Message 674

[nevaR gerG] NEVAR.G -

 >Note that I am not saying that Hitler was perfect. But compared
 >to the other leaders of his time (and most of those since), he was
 >a great leader, with great ideas and the ability to see them

Don't sell him short... Hitler was a perfect *** ****.

And, hey - what about those accomplishments?  Millions dead - bombed out
buildings - wrecked economies - untold misery.... What a leader!

Sorta makes ya long for the good ol' days, huh?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 685       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:26 EST

Your comments about the crematorium debate boil down to a guessing game, or a
series of speculations.  There were only three Krema at Auschwitz.  They were
of ordinary design and had ordinary operating capabilities, and were certainly
no more efficient than similar crematorium in use today - if you have doubts,
you can always personally view these Krema at Auschwitz today since they are
still standing and open to inspection.

The simple mathematics  of it all should suffice.  How can millions of "gassed
Jews" be disposed of by 3 little Krema that, even if operating at full
capacity, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, month in and month out, non-stop,
full speed, year after year, and at such stupendous and mind-boggling
operation only output a maximum of less than 100,000 even at the wildest
estimations?  It's just impossible.  But if we accept the Soviet and SS
figures of the total fatalities at Auschwitz, then the figure makes more sense
and the whole thing comes back into perspective.  But in doing so, the central
theme of the holocaust mythology (the "mass gassings at Auschwitz") collapses
and with it the holocaust edifice itself.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 686       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:29 EST

You asked me if what I described as "the irrational pseudologic of
holohoaxspeak" was anything like George Orwell's "newspeak". Yes, it is.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 687       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:34 EST

I stand by my comments about the "controversy on *P*".  Vicious slander does
not constitute "rebuttal" but there are many who do indeed regard it as so. 
Anybody who read any of the message threads there dealing with the holohoax is
extremely well aware that each revisionist message received plenty of public
rebuttal; and plenty of slander and personal attacks too - it's just that the
most unacceptable of these attacks were censored.

Your mention of the PROTOCOLS is the first I've heard of it on this Forum.  I
haven't read the Protocols but I do understand that they are not accepted as
historically genuine, although some try to claim that what is laid out in them
is has actually already taken place or is taking place right now and that
whether they are genuine or not is irrelevant.  I don't know, like I say, I
haven't read them, I accept the general historical concensus that they are
unreliable, and so, in consequence I reject them.  But if you want to believe
in them, that's your right.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 688       Tue Mar 24, 1992
TERMY                        at 04:34 EST
In reply to:  Message 565  M.RUNGU


->The GENIE guidelines against bigotry and racism could and should
 ->be applied  towards the outbursts of anti-revisionist bigotry and
 ->intolerance that we see  continually displayed in this Forum, and
 ->could also be applied to the Jewish  racism we see displayed non-

->Rules like this are only supposed to be applied to those who raise
 ->inconvenient questions and comments that are not "kosher" or that
 ->are not  politically correct.

You are either ignorant of, or intentionally overlooking for the sake of smear
tactics, one minor detail...which just happens to change the entire tone of
Mr. Nanson's posts.

Mr. Nanson is not Jewish, nor, to my knowledge, has he ever been Jewish.  He
is a fundamentalist Christian.  He does not, however, appear to believe in a
"white Jesus"...

593 M.Rungu:

Interesting that you accuse Pooh.Bah and others of slander and smear tactics,
then turn around and attempt to smear and slander at every opportunity.

BTW, I'm a Gentile, too.  Accusing me of being "kosher" is almost as idiotic
as accusing me of PC.

                                        Gary the Goy
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 689       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:42 EST

Your comment "your heroes, the Nazis..." intrigues me.  Where or when did I
describe the Nazis as my heroes?  Are you misquoting AGAIN?  They are not my
"heroes".  But I will say that I don't feel that the "demonizing" of the Nazis
serves any historical purpose other than to cloud historical research.  David
Irving's many fine works have done much to "de-demonize" the various German
personalities of the period and to clarify to the reader that each and every
one of them was a human being.  Which is not a defense of them in any way. 
Nor a condemnation.  

Let's put it another way.  The evidence is still rolling in; a common saying
is that we cannot understand historical events until AT LEAST 50 years have
passed since they took place.  And indeed, this is precisely what has been
happening in recent years.  A more objective and unbiased approach has been
appearing here and there and the historical research is starting to open up
and starting to be done more professionally, more seriously, rather than
merely to affirm the assumptions of the past as has been the case in the early
postwar decades.  I welcome this exciting research, everybody will gain from

Another comment you made amazes me.  You referred to the "vivid imaginations"
at play in relation to the NKVD atrocities in the Ukraine, Baltic states, and
elsewhere in which tens of millions of innocent people were massacred in
various ways.  Are you denying that this HOLOCAUST took place (are you a
"holocaust denier"?)?  Are you denying that the vast bulk of it was at the
personal and enthusiastic direction of Lavrenti Beria, Lazar Kaganovich (both
Soviet Jews) and many other Soviet Jews?  Do you feel that the uprisings
against the Jewish populations by the eastern European peoples was not a
direct consequence of these actions?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 690       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:44 EST

Precisely when or where did Mr. Raven "style" himself as an "expert"? Can you
give us the message numbers please?  No?  Then why do you make such claims? 
You also said that he seems to be drawing his material "from one book" only. 
I have read his messages and it is perfectly clear that his sources are
numerous and varied.  It has to be clear to you too.  So why make the claim?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 691       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:51 EST

I have to admit that I don't bother reading your Einsatzgruppen Report
excerpts anymore; the selective presentation renders these excerpts
meaningless and uninteresting.  Ignoring the documentation in which the
building of hospitals etc. for the Jewish populations is laid out, the orders
for minimizing the fatalities of the inmates of the camps from Himmler, etc.
etc. exposes your selective techniques as worthless and destroys your
credibility utterly.

But this is typical as regards "exterminationist" presententation of
documents.  First, they will claim that there are "tons" of such documents;
but when pressed to produce them, they only come up with a relatively small
number, ALL of which are highly questionable or irrelevant; when this emerges,
they will then shift gears and try to claim that the Germans "destroyed
everything" to hide their "crimes", or sometimes even talk about the Germans
using some kind of special code language, etc. etc. 

And in the end they will just resort to the slander, vilification, and
innuendo directed at those intrepid souls who raise doubts.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 692       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 04:59 EST

A couple of the trends I have observed in this discussion should be commented

Firstly, the assumption that all revisionists or supporters of revisionism or
indeed anybody willing to see revisionist studies firsthand, are "hate filled
people" with "political axes to grind" and "agendas" designed to "sanitize
Nazism".  Their OWN agendas, axes, emotions etc. are never revealed of course.
The labeling and assumptive categorization is meaningless and counter-
productive. It only obscures the larger issues.

Another assumption is that the holocaust in it's entirety is being denied or
rejected.  To my knowledge no revisionist on earth has rejected EVERYTHING
about the holocaust.  What is rejected are the central themes of "mass
gassings", first and foremost.  Other  holocaust issues and events/non-events
are treated one by one.  To get a clearer understanding of the various issues
and the revisionist positions on them, a regular reading of the JOURNAL OF
HISTORICAL REVIEW would be necessary, for monogram after monogram in each
issue deals with it all.

Mass graves at Belsen etc. do not an "extermination campaign" prove. They
prove that people died at Belsen, but not that they were "exterminated". 
Remember that the onus of proof is upon the people making the original claims
of "mass gassings" etc., not upon those that question those claims.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 693       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:15 EST

Your presentation of the private e-mail message astounds me more than anything
I have yet seen.

How are we supposed to know that it's legitimate?  Anybody with a word
processor can fabricate a message and then upload it into this forum to
"expose" somebody, expecially when that person is not present to defend
himself or to dispute the authenticity of such a PRIVATE missive.  

Anyway, I find it hard to believe that anybody would want to see a holocaust
take place or regard it as a good idea.  I certainly don't, and I resent your
facile attempt to categorize myself or Mr. Raven as holding such views. 
Doubts and skepticism on holocaust themes is not the same as WANTING a

The logic of it invites scrutiny.  You are saying that this person's private e-
mail message somehow "exposes" the "agendas" of those who question the
holocaust.  That would be like looking at your postings (the public ones, this
is, which everybody can see for themselves and know to be non-fabricated!) and
then holding them up as somehow "proving" or "exposing" the "agendas" and
"secret purposes" of POOH.BAH, or AH.STEIN, or any of the others on this
Forum.  It would be insulting to them, assumptive, and without any merit or
basis in fact.

But overall, even if your assumptions WERE correct, which they are not, then
what is it supposed to mean?  In what way does it prove of the manifold
holocaust claims, how does it verify the "mass gassings" or support the
allegations and claims we keep hearing about "human soap", "human lampshades",
etc.?  The real or imagined perspectives of anybody discussing the holocaust
from EITHER side are not relevant to what is actually being discussed or
claimed.  Motivations are entirely irrelevant.  I don't care what YOUR
motivations are, I am more interested in what you are actually SAYING in your
postings. We would all benefit if you would take the same approach.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 694       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.NOTT [Sprocketeer]         at 05:24 EST
I think Harlan Ellison said it best.  (Parapharasing):'If there is a big
zionist conspiracy,  how come I'm not getting my share?'

Quoth the Raven, "Neverhappened."

Mr. Raven, do you now or have you ever believed in any of the following:

        Flying Saucers
        Psychic powers
        Whitley Streiber

--just checking.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 695       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:24 EST

A relevant question that we haven't really examined yet is the fundamental one
of what, precisely, do we mean by "holocaust"? I will say that if we are
talking about the social, political, and economic measures taken against
Europe's Jews by the German authorities and others, then, yes, these measures
alone would constitute a kind of "holocaust".  I'm not very good at analogies,
but let me try here....  How about if Jewish people like Ivan Boesky, Michael
Milken and every other Jewish person on Wall Street were banned from their
profession and all their "earnings" confiscated.  That would, to them at
least, be a "holocaust". In similar fashion, if the media abuses of Jewish
personages such as Roseanne Barr and others led to their removal from the mass
media, that, to them, would be a "holocaust". 

I think my analogies are already failing me, sorry.  Let's get back to Europe.
If the Jewish populations of the various Eastern (and sometimes Western)
regions were shifted or centralized, the cultural and emotional upheaval of
this nature would be a "holocaust". The mass emigration, whether voluntary or
forced, of millions of Jews from Europe to the United States, Israel and
elsewhere, again, would constitute a kind of "holocaust".

All of the foregoing is not in dispute.  What is in dispute is the definition
of the holocaust, essentially, as a "deliberate campaign of physical
extermination" of "all the Jews" and on the basis of "their being born as
Jews".  Since the fatalities from typhus or typhoid (thankyou for the
correction, POOH.BAH, concerning Anne Frank) or whatever is not in dispute,
there is little point in continually raising them.  The fact that some Jews
were massacred here and there in the East by the indigenous non-Jewish
populations is also not in dispute, although the responsibility for such
events being laid at the door of the German authorities IS in dispute.

If we can just get our definitions back into perspective, we can make some
progress on this...
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 696       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.NOTT [Sprocketeer]         at 05:27 EST
I think Harlan Ellison said it best.  (Parapharasing):'If there is a big
zionist conspiracy,  how come I'm not getting my share?'

Quoth the Raven, "Neverhappened."

Mr. Raven, do you now or have you ever believed in any of the following:

        Flying Saucers
        Psychic powers
        Whitley Streiber

--just checking.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 697       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 05:46 EST
694 Sprocketeer:

Hey, Whitley Streiber -did- write a cute book about WW III.

691 Meshugge Rungu:


I have to admit that I don't bother reading your Einsatzgruppen Report
excerpts anymore; the selective presentation renders these excerpts
meaningless and uninteresting."


I have to admit that I don't bother reading your lengthier posts anymore; the
uneducated, often boorish presentation, renders your words meaningless and
uninteresting, at best, and offensive at worst.

Friedman the Jew
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 698       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 05:56 EST

AGAIN I am misquoted.  When or where did I say that P.NANSON is Jewish?  I am
not remotely interested in whether this or that person posting messages in
this Forum is Jewish, Gentile, Eskimo, or Martian. What I am interested in is
WHAT THEY ARE SAYING, not "thinking", "implying", "what they REALLY mean" etc.
etc.  I said right at the start of this discussion that I, and I hoped
everybody else, would stick to what is being SAID rather than what this person
or that person THINKS is being said, meant, implied or whatever.

With a few exceptions, I feel pretty much alone in this approach.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 699       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 06:15 EST

Mr. Schulman, I found your (rather lengthy!) message interesting and thought-
provoking.  Naturally, I can't agree with everything in it, and I will
comment, but I am impressed with your approach. It is an approach that is
serious, not dominated by emotion, fair, and about as balanced as could be
expected of any one person.  I am all the more impressed since you are Jewish
and I am aware of the kinds of pressures a Jewish person would be up against
if he said or wrote anything not entirely in accord with holocaust dogma, as
you have.  Anyway...

Your telling of the joint visit to the Wiesenthal center in Los Angeles was
interesting.  It shows that if both revisionists and anti-revisionists can
calm down and be fair and objective, then, together, they can learn some

Your assumption that historical revisionists concentrate entirely on the
holocaust is not correct.  If you have followed the research and writings
emanating from the Institute for Historical Review, you will see the many
emphaseses (I know I spelled that wrong!) on World War I, East Asia, and even
the Korean War, Vietnam, the Mideast both past and present, and, as you
suggested they should, the dramas and holocausts that took place under Stalin,
Mao and others. A small controversy within the revisionist camp revolved
around how MUCH emphasis to place on the "holocaust", for some felt that since
it was the one single historical area with the most errors in need of
correction while others felt the other areas of history needed revisionist
analysis just as much.  The debate there still goes on, with the JOURNAL OF
HISTORICAL REVIEW placing perhaps 30% of it's attention on the holocaust. 
This in itself should place in question the assumptions of many that an "anti-
semitism" is at the root of the IHR's publishing and research efforts.

Your statement that Europe was "Jew-free" at the close of WWII is completely
false, and you must know this.  Berlin alone had some 50,000 Jews still living
there, free, to the great surprise and embarrassment of the holocaust-legend
exaggerators.  Hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of Soviet Jews from
the western regions of the (former!) U.S.S.R. lived and breathed and later
emigrated elsewhere, decades AFTER the war.   But it IS true to say that the
Jewish population of Europe was shifted dramatically; millions appeared in the
United States, Israel, and elsewhere, and to them, no doubt, such an uprooting
must indeed have been a "holocaust".

Revisionists, in general, accept many of the accounts of beatings, individual
(and sometimes group) executions, abuse, occasional torture, separation of
families (which is, to me, a terrible crime that I condemn most vehemently of
all, whether perpetrated by Nazis against Jews or by Israeli Jews against
Palestinians), etc. and often regard such sometimes verifiable events as a
"holocaust" of sorts. Those that reject ALL aspects and claims of the
holocaust are incorrect, but I have not encountered any such a revisionist
with such an approach.  Conceding the foregoing events is not the same as
conceding "mass gassings" etc.  Once the real has been separated from the
mythological, the overall historical event known as the "holocaust" assumes
such different proportions that it becomes what Le Pen in France quite rightly
described as a "historical detail".

Your descriptions of Harry Elmer Barnes as a Liberal, Charles A. Beard as a
Progressive, and Dr. James Martin as a Libertarian are accurate. All three men
were accused of being "anti-semitic" and even of being "Nazis" for their
intrepid revisionist approach to history, and they were genuinely shocked if
not deterred.

In similar fashion, you will no doubt be accused of having some sort of
"identity problem" as a Jew, for expressing what you expressed. Such is the
standard line when a Jew questions ANYTHING about the holocaust or when a Jew
refrains from the liturgy of hate and bigotry towards revisionists.  But your
approach is respected by some of us at least, which you should know.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 700       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.RUNGU                      at 06:17 EST
And now I really must get some sleep.  Forward with historical truth!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 701       Tue Mar 24, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 06:43 EST
D.Friedman14...message 679

Dave, if you actually believe that Germany is a young country then your
understanding of German history is rather sketchy. Is China a young country
also, just because the current state was formed in 1949?

Incidentally, Prussia did not exist in Roman times. The Romans had conflict
with people in western Germany. Attempts at Roman expansion ended with the
destruction of 3 Roman legions by Hermann in 9 AD in the Teutoburg forest.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 702       Tue Mar 24, 1992
CLAIRE                       at 08:55 EST
 It's presumptuous to assume, because you were unaware of the non-
 Jews slaughtered in the Holocaust, that the entire world shared your
 ignorance of those facts.

>I notice the recurrent buzz words within these Reports that
 >you are relying on...These buzz words consist of repeated
 >references like "eliminate", "future solution, "special actions",
 >"cleansing"...Your interpretation is that all of this indicates a
 >plan to physically kill all Jews.  Yet, in reality, it more likely
 >indicates a plan to physically REMOVE all Jews, which is quite
 >different.  And that is precisely what occurred...

Gee whiz, and to think all the wrong buzzwords caught my "shot",
"executions", "liquidation", "slaughter", "Death Vans", "gassing" (as in
" a result the persons to be executed die of suffocation and do not doze
off...") in those documents.

You won't believe this, but until you explained it, I REALLY DID think the
above were references to KILLING!  Goes to show what happens when you forget
to read these documents selectively, I guess.

As someone who arrived here with very little knowledge of the topic
 at hand, it appears you've brought yourself up to speed in the past 7 days.

I applaud your tireless quest for knowledge, but I hope it
 hasn't come at the expense of your sleep cycle--particularly the
 whirlwind 24 hour-period last weekend, during which you learned the
 names of Butz and Leuchter, ordered their books, received them by
 mail, and read them.  It's widely believed that sleep deprivation causes
derangement of the reasoning power in humans.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 703       Tue Mar 24, 1992
P.PAVLOVSKY                  at 14:45 EST
593 M.RUNGU:

> The tear-jerker emotional story you quoted (or invented) left me

I have no intention to move you.

> You think that a story like the one you regaled us with can be
 regarded as contributory to the "proof" that there was an
 extermination policy,...

No, I don't offer the "proof". I can contribute only what I heard
 from people who lived during the WWII, from my family members and
 their friends. For them that massacre of Jews was a terrible
 phenomenon, but it was just one day of their lives under the Nazi

And it was also only one of the reasons why my mother joined the CZ
 Army. As a nurse in a field hospital she was a witness of thousands
 of sufferings. And you know what, Rungu, we won.

669 B.EATON2 [BZE]:

> The village of Lidice in Czechoslovakia was burned to the ground,
 the men killed, and the women and children taken into slavery.

Lidice was the part of the Nazi revenge for the assassination of R.
 Heydrich (5.27.1942), many people were shot for 'endorsing the

Another villages burned to the ground, with all man killed, are
 Lezaky, Cesky Malin and one village in France ( I forgot its name).

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 704       Tue Mar 24, 1992
REVENANT                     at 16:17 EST

   You have said that I was "educated to the point of ignorance." Interesting
comment, and, of course, I don't take it as personal dig. I do think it is
false, however. You see, I AM capable of research, and you have yet to offer
me any persuasive evidence to support your position.

   I would like to point out that neither you, G.RAVEN, nor you, M.RUNGU, have
addressed the key item in 555 and 557. That is this: What have you to offer in
terms of evidence to support the existence of a Zionist conspiracy to force
the "Holocaust Hoax" on us? The logistics and coordination necessary must have
left some evidence somewhere.

   Trusting that you, Herr Raven, do not desire me to languish in the
ignorance you believe me educated into, I hope you will provide me with
evidence of this conspiracy..

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 705       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 17:51 EST
In re:  H.P Skaliks:


Serves me right for posting at 4:01 in the morning.  To address your points in
reverse order:  I knew that Prussia didn't exist back then (that's why I
rinned)...I just made a dumb joke that seemed funny in the sleep
deprivation-derangement that Claire mentioned a little while ago. 

(I know about the ambush of General Varus in the Teutoberger Forest, too.
Robert Graves, in his landmark novel __I, Claudius__, gives an EXCELLENT
fictional account of "Varus and his Eagles Three.")

The other point, though, is a bit different.  As a people, Germans are, of
course, quite old.  As an actual country, though, Germany is a little over a
century old.  Your example of China wants.  The People's Republic of China,
founded in 1949, is indeed a very young country.  China itself, however, has
existed as a --single political entity -- (with a few brief interruptions)
since 221 B.C. when the brutal Chin dynasty unified the country and lent their
name to it.  Thus, while there is a Chinese tradition of national unity dating
back several -millenia-, German unity is a relatively new phenomenon.

However, I must also admit that since I took up Asian Studies, my European
history (although not Jewish history, so much) has deteriorated considerably
You probably know more about Germany than I do, and if I'm laboring under some
misconceptions about Germany unity, I'll be grateful for your help.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 706       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:40 EST
 671 Raven:

  > When Pooh.bah makes out-and-out mistakes

 The problem is, Raven, I have made no mistakes. The properties which produced
 the condition causing the ground to heave, etc. at Babi Yar was caused
 through the normal physiology of anaerobic bacteria. I told you first to
 investigate physiology and then gave you the clue to reserach the differences
 between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The fact that you assumed the first
 clue (i.e. physiology) was in reference to HUMAN physiology is not my mistake
 but yours.

 Carl, OTOH, was being nicer by telling you directly where to look instead of
 making you figure that out for yourself.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 707       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:41 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > although there were certainly hardships (and worse) imposed on some 
  > Jews by the Nazis before and during WWII, this was not systematic

 Reality Check:

 Excerpt from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942.

 Secretary of State Dr. Buehler put on record that the Government-General
 [Poland] would welcome it if the final solution of this problem was begun in
 the Government-General, as, on the one hand, the question of transport there
 played no major role and considerations of labor supply would not hinder the
 course of this Aktion. Jews must be removed as fast as possible from the
 Government-General. Furthermore, of the approximately 2 1/2 million Jews
 under consideration, the majority were in any case unfit for work.

 Secretary of State Dr. Buehler further states that the solution of the Jewish
 question in the Government-General was primarily the responsibility of the
 Chief of the Security Police and the SD and that his work would have the
 support of the authorities of the Government-General. He had only one
 request: that the Jewish question in this area be solved as quickly as

 In conclusion, there was a discussion of the various possible forms which the
 solution might take, and here both Gauleiter Dr. Meyer and Secretary of State
 Dr. Buehler were of the opinion that certain preparatory work for the final
 solution should be carried out locally in the area concerned, but that, in
 doing so, alarm among the population must be avoided.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 708       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:41 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > the events that actually did happen to the Jews did not constitute 
  > destruction

 Reality Check:

 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942.

 Under appropriate direction the Jews are to be utilized for work in the East
 in an expedient manner in the course of the final solution. In large columns,
 with the sexes separated, Jews capable of work will be moved into these areas
 as they build roads, during which a large proportion will no doubt drop out
 through natural reduction. The remnant that eventually remains will require
 suitable treatment; because it will without doubt represent the most
 resistant part, it consists of a natural selection that could, on its
 release, become the germ-cell of a new Jewish revival. (Witness the
 experience of history.)

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 709       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:42 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > the Nazis never had their hands on 6 million Jews.

 Reality Check:

 Excerpts from the Wannsee Conference Protocols: January 20, 1942.

 Emigration has now been replaced by evacuation of the Jews to the East, as a
 further possible solution, with the appropriate prior authorization by the

 However, this operation should be regarded only as a provisional option; but
 it is already supplying practical experience of great significance in view of
 the coming final solution of the Jewish question.

 In the course of this final solution of the European Jewish question
 approximately 11 million Jews may be taken into consideration, distributed
 over the individual countries as follows: [list follows]

 As far as the figures for Jews of the various foreign countries are
 concerned, the numbers given include only Jews by religion since the
 definition of Jews according to racial principles is in part still lacking

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 710       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:43 EST
 Quoth the Raven (in regards to Hitler's "greatness"):

  > revitalized Germany's economy from less-than-nothing to one of the
  > strongest in the world (without resorting to a military build-up)

 Reality Check:

 The totality of Jews who are German subjects will pay a Kontribution of
 1,000,000,000 ( one billion) Reichsmarks to the German Reich. The Reich
 Minister of Finance in wooperation with the other Ministers concerned will
 issue regulations for the implementation of this order.

                                         Field Marshal General

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 711       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:43 EST
 671 Raven:

  > Have you ever asked yourself who the h*ll she (or anyone else on this
  > topic) is to pass judgment on the qualifications of Fred
  > Leuchter?

 Well, I can't speak for anyone other than myself but, to answer your
 questions: (1) I am Pooh Bah; and (2) I am literate.

 I have not nor will I ever "pass judgement" on Leuchter's qualifications.
 However, I will read and report the facts concerning those who we have
 entrusted for such tasks (e.g. the Canadian and MA courts).

 But, all that aside, you have declared that you are not a historian and you
 do not know German. It would be quite easy for me to lash back at you and ask
 you who the heck (apparently, I prefer to use better language) you think you
 are to pass judgement on historical reality? However, I shan't do that
 because I operate on the basic assumption that you are: (1) Greg Raven; and,
 (2) you are literate enough to read English translations of the

 I do have one question, though. How do you know, when reading an English
 translation of a Nazi document, that the translation is accurate? I have
 discovered many poor translations where there the translator's personal bias
 is obvious. That's why I verify every translation or translate every document
 myself. But, I've often wondered how people like you are able to determine
 the difference between translator's biases and reality. Care to clue me in?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 712       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:44 EST
 680 Rungu:

  > In fact, they can't even be seriously believed in anymore by anybody
  > that does the simple mathematical calculations based on the cremation data
  > you provided.

 Too bad that all that "great" data is false, isn't it?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 713       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:46 EST
 683 Rungu states:

  > What is in question here is whether or not a deliberate extermination
  > policy was at play and that was responsible for their deaths.  The
  > evidence does not support such claims at all.

 Reality Check:

                            Resettlement of Jews

 The Auschwitz camp plays a special role in the resolution of the Jewish
 question. The most advanced methods permit the execution of the Fuehrer-order
 in the shortest possible time and without arousing much attention. The so-
 called "resettlement action" runs the following course: The Jews arrive in
 special trains (freight cars) toward evening and are driven on special tracks
 to areas of the camp specifically set aside for this purpose. There the Jews
 are unloaded and examined for their fitness to work by a team of doctors, in
 the presence of the camp commandant and several SS officers. At this point
 anyone who can somehow be incorporated into the work program is put in a
 special camp. The curably ill are sent straight to a medical camp and are
 restored to health through a special diet. The basic principle behind
 everything is: conserve all manpower for work. The previous type of
 "resettlement action" has been thoroughly rejected, since it is too costly to
 destroy precious work energy on a continual basis.

 The unfit go to cellars in a large house which are entered from outside. They
 go down five or six steps into a fairly long, well-constructed and well-
 ventilated cellar area, which is lined with benches to the left and right. It
 is brightly lit, and the benches are numbered. The prisoners are told that
 they are to be cleansed and disinfected for their new assignments. They must
 therefore completely undress to be bathed. To avoid panic and to prevent
 disturbances of any kind, they are instructed to arrange their clothing
 neatly under their respective numbers, so that they will be able to find
 their things again after their bath. Everything proceeds in a perfectly
 orderly fashion. Then they pass through a small corridor and enter a large
 cellar room which resembles a shower bath. In this room are three large
 pillars, into which certain materials can be lowered from outside the cellar
 room. When three- to four-hundred people have been herded into this room the
 doors are shut, and containers filled with the substances are dropped down
 into the pillars. As soon as the containers touch the base of the pillars,
 they release particular substances that put the people to sleep in one
 minute. A few minutes later, the door opens on the other side, where the
 elevator is located. The hair of the corpses is cut off, and their teeth are
 extracted (gold-filled teeth) by specialists (Jews). Then the corpses are
 loaded into elevators and brought up to the first floor, where ten large
 crematoria are located. (Because fresh corpses burn particularly well, only
 50-100 lbs. of coke are needed for the whole process.) The job itself is
 performed by Jewish prisoners, who never step outside this camp again.

 The results of this "resettlement action" to date: 500,000 Jews. Current
 capacity of the "resettlement action" ovens: 10,000 in twenty-four hours.

 [NOTE: Above is from the report of an official inspection trip of Auschwitz
 in May 1943.]

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 714       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:47 EST
 685 Rungu:

  > I have to admit that I don't bother reading your Einsatzgruppen Report
  > excerpts anymore; the selective presentation renders these excerpts
  > meaningless and uninteresting.  Ignoring the documentation in which the
  > building of hospitals etc. for the Jewish populations is laid out, the
  > orders for minimizing the fatalities of the inmates of the camps from
  > Himmler, etc. etc. exposes your selective techniques as worthless and
  > destroys your credibility utterly.

 Gee, it would be too bad if you let the facts confuse you. Since you admit
 that you haven't been reading my documentation, then you apparently don't
 realize that I have responded to every documented source (what few there are)
 that Greg has presented.

  > But this is typical as regards "exterminationist" presententation of
  > documents.  First, they will claim that there are "tons" of such
  > documents; but when pressed to produce them, they only come up with a
  > relatively small number, ALL of which are highly questionable or
  > irrelevant; when this emerges, they will then shift gears and try to claim
  > that the Germans "destroyed everything" to hide their "crimes", or
  > sometimes even talk about the Germans using some kind of special code
  > language, etc. etc. 

 What a straw man attack! Please make your case against anyone who is posting
 here that the above is based in reality.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 715       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:47 EST
 692 Rungu:

  > Remember that the onus of proof is upon the people making the original
  > claims of "mass gassings" etc., not upon those that question those claims.

 Wrong again, Rungu. The Holocaust (including mass gassings...BTW, I like the
 way you are now qualifying the gassings....are you implying that there were
 gassings but not in "mass"? If so, please define "mass" for us.) has been
 proven in court on numerous occasions from 1946 through present day.

 Therefore, the onus now switches to you and your cronies.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 716       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:48 EST
 Termy states:

  > You are either ignorant of, or intentionally overlooking for the sake of
  > smear tactics, one minor detail...which just happens to change the entire
  > tone of Mr. Nanson's posts.
  > Mr. Nanson is not Jewish, nor, to my knowledge, has he ever been Jewish. 
  > He is a fundamentalist Christian.  He does not, however, appear to believe
  > in a "white Jesus"...

 Rungu replies:

  > AGAIN I am misquoted.  When or where did I say that P.NANSON is Jewish?

 Apparently Rungu doesn't realize that he has to be QUOTED before he can
 accuse anyone of MISQOUTING him!

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 717       Tue Mar 24, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:49 EST
 Rungu states:

  > I said right at the start of this discussion that I, and I hoped
  > everybody else, would stick to what is being SAID rather than what this
  > person or that person THINKS is being said, meant, implied or whatever.
  > With a few exceptions, I feel pretty much alone in this approach.

 Mr. Rungu, please don't feel "alone in this approach" haven't even
 started USING that approach yet. Try it, you might like it!

 BTW, in case anyone thinks that the above comment is unfair, let us review
 some of Rungu's previous messages.

  > A similarly ludicrous argument foolishly applied by POOH.BAH was to sneer
  > at Toland because he does not speak German.  Somehow this was supposed to
  > "prove" or whatever that because he is not a fluent German-language
  > speaker, his is therefore "not credible".  Naturally, with the same kind
  > of double-standard application, POOH carefully avoided mentioning that
  > David Irving IS a fluent German speaker, because then the argument would
  > be turned on it's head.  Of course, the fact that Irving DOES speak German
  > would no doubt "prove" that he is a "Nazi", an "anti-semite" etc. etc.

 Now, I did state that Toland does not know German. However, Rungu inferred
 from this that it "was supposed to 'prove' or whatever that because he is not
 a fluent German-language speaker, his is therefore 'not credible.'" That is
 NOT sticking to what was said and his inference is 100% incorrect. The rest
 becomes a straw man.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 718       Tue Mar 24, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 18:58 EST
  You ask why I state that Raven got his information  on the 3rd Recih from
one book, and acuse me of telling lies.   Well, as I posted that message
number Raven sadi this in, I can only assume your intnet is to obsfucate and
libel me.
  But just in case you have some learning disability and couldn't read that
message number (577) here is the whole message-

Category 15,  Topic 4 Message 577       Sun Mar 22, 1992 G.RAVEN [Greg Raven] 
at 23:30 EST

 To Pooh.bah (regarding 510) ---
 The source of my information about the Third Reich and religion is 
 Dr. Austin App, in "A Straight Look at the Third Reich."

  See, his infromation was from 1 book.  Menwhike POOH.BAH is qouting literaly
dozens if not hundreds of varied sources, most of the contempoary to the
actions in question.
  So far you guys have only quoted a very few books, all put out by the same
totaly discreditied group.  The made a promise and then didn't keep iit,
dispite being  ordered to by a court of law.
  Seems to me they have been convicted of being liars, yet you continue to be
mouthpeices of their vomitous spew.

  A simple question for you and RAvem are you memebers of any neo-nazi, racial
purity, Aryaan first,  KKK, or anti-semitec groups?

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 719       Tue Mar 24, 1992
S.PIERCE6 [Sheri]            at 19:36 EST
681 Schulman/Softserv

>>  ... it bothers me that Buchanan is being called anti-Semitic merely for
questioning whether, in the post-Cold-War world, massive U.S. subsidies to
Israel serve any strategic political or military interest of the United
States' taxpayer.

You are sadly misinformed on this subject.  Buchanan was exposed as an anti-
semite long before the breakup of the Soviet Union/end of the Cold War; his
anti-semitism is signified by his ongoing use of inflamatory anti-semitic
rhetoric and opposition to prosecuting Nazi war criminals who evaded
punishment.  He has also promoted the idea that the sealed gas vans used at
Treblinka were comparable to broken down subway trains in New York's
underground tunnels. Since people survive the latter, he asserted, the former
could not have been toxic.

If you would be interested in a few newspaper articles dating from '89 and '90
in re:Buchanan/anti-semitism, email me.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 720       Tue Mar 24, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 20:05 EST
>>Have  you ever asked yourself who the h*ll she (or anyone else on
 >>this  topic) is to pass judgment on the qualifications of Fred

  Yes.  By the way, Oh Raven - what are YOUR qualifications to pass judgement
on the work of Fred Leuchter?  Total and unconditional admiration and support
are also "passing judgement".

  Raven, your 673 simultaneously says that the word "Holocaust" is misdefined,
and then insists on using that definition for it and no other.  This is

>>Do you feel that the uprisings against the Jewish populations by
 >>the eastern European peoples was not a direct consequence of these

  RUNGU, you can't use phrases like that - an "uprising against the Jewish
populations" would imply that the Jews were ruling Eastern Europe, which is
arrant nonsense.  In any case:  yes, I deny that pogroms were caused by the
NKVD, which was overwhelmingly Russian anyway.

                                Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 721       Tue Mar 24, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 20:21 EST
D.Friedman14...message 705

Dave, I guess that this is a topic within a topic. I'll try and keep the
digression short.

China actually had rather lengthy periods of fragmentation, but always managed
to reassemble.

In the case of Germany, there actually is a reason that the state founded
January 18, 1871 was called the SECOND Empire. Germany and France were founded
together as the FIRST Empire in 768. After the partition in 842, the Imperial
title continued in the eastern portion. Although the empire contained some non-
German lands and people, the emperor was elected by seven German princes and
the bulk of the population was ethnically German. Most of the fragmentation
which ultimately led to the collapse of the first empire in 1806 following a
Napoleonic invasion was caused by the Thirty Years War approximately two
centuries earlier. At the start of the Thirty Years War, the empire had
endured 850 years. The United States is already showing its age after only 200
years, with a society that is showing signs of advanced and perhaps
irreversible deterioration. I doubt that it will ever see the 850th
anniversary of its founding. Naturally I am speculating there, since none of
us will live to see whether or not this call is correct.

I guess it is back to seeing the fur fly over the current topic.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 722       Tue Mar 24, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 21:04 EST

Please do not misconstrue these questions as attacks. These are just questions
which have arisen from the general discussion which has occurred to date. If
you don't happen to know the answers, that is fine also. It is the search for
missing fragments that makes history so interesting.

You have gotten a lot of mileage out of the Wannsee documents and other paper
sources. As a physics type I tend to go for physical evidence rather than
paper evidence. Some of the respondents to this topic have indicated that
there is a minimum of 1 kg of mineral ash left from the absolutely total
incineration of a human body. The Auschwitz site should have 4 million kg
(4000 tonnes) of mineral ash as physical evidence. To put this in perspective,
a typical dump truck can accommodate 4 tonnes. As far as I know, this has
never been found. Anybody can write anything on pieces of paper. Some
documents can also be of doubtful authenticity.

Chemical tests on the delousing hut on the site show significant amounts of
cyanide residue in the walls. This would be consistent with cyclon-B being
used. The shower building does not have cyanide residue. Was the shower
building built later by the Poles as part of the Auschwitz memorial or is it
actually the original building? If it actually is the original building, then
it was not used for the purposes that your documents suggest.

The figure of 11 million Jews drawn from your documentation has me puzzled.
Jewish organizations in New York periodically publish population figures for
the world Jewish community. The pre-war figures were 14 million for the whole
world. Most of the western European countries had Jewish populations of the
order of 1% of the general population. The 1992 population of the EC is about
350 million and all Europe is about 500 million. The western European total
should have been about 3.5 million. In Germany, the Jewish population BEFORE
the National Socialist regime was a little under 700,000. Is there any other
evidence, besides this one National Socialist document, that mentions the 11
million figure? If so, where did all these people reside?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 723       Tue Mar 24, 1992
SOFTSERV                     at 21:52 EST
M.RUNGU, I haven't seen an issue of the Journal of Historical Review since the
time I wrote my article in 1981.  At that time, most of the contents of that
publication were on the Holocaust. If its editorial policy now emphasizes the
sort of historical revisionism that is concentrated on by the "mainstream"
revisionists, that is an improvement.  But the main problem with both JHR and
IHR is Willis Carto, whose motivation in all this is, without doubt, Jew-

I oppose the concept of guilt-by-association; nonetheless, I think the
association between honest revisionists and Jew-haters is all to the detriment
of the revisionists and all to the benefit of the Jew-haters.

Regarding 50,000 Jews living in Berlin at the end of World War II, you will
excuse me if I say that this strains my credulity past the breaking point,
given the official policy of deportation of all known Jews to concentration

S.PIERCE6 [Sheri], Message 719, I have seen no inflamatory anti- Semitic
rhetoric from Pat Buchanan, and would appreciate your quoting me some, with
full references of where they appeared in print or who is reporting on it.  As
far as gas vans, the only statement I have heard from Buchanan on the subject
is that he has been misquoted on the subject, and that the only statement he
made was that a different sort of engine must have been used than was put
forward.  He did not deny that vans were used to kill by gassing.

Regarding his defense of "war criminals," I presume you're referring to the
case of Dimianujuk (sp?), whose American citizenship was revoked, and he was
deported to stand trial in Israel?

I have two things to say on this topic.  The first is, I object to the idea of
Israel -- a State which was not in existence in 1944-45 -- having any
jurisdiction over war crimes trials.  Any World War II-era event they try is,
by definition, based on an ex-post-facto law -- forbidden by the United States
Constitution -- and this is reason enough for the United States government to
have refused extradition.  Also, a basic principle of American justice is
trial before a jury of one's peers.  Can anyone honestly claim that an Israeli
jury trying an accused Nazi is a jury of peers?

Second, I do not put it past the communist regimes to forge evidence, and I
think it is quite plausible that the key piece of evidence --  the identity
card -- was faked.  Reasonable doubt alone is a second reason to have denied

Finally, even the Israelis have doubts about whether they got "Ivan the

To fault Buchanan on this accord is specious.  

Again, I repeat: I am not a political supporter of Buchanan.  But the
accusation of anti-Semitism is a tactic used by the liberals in this country
to intimidate conservatives, and I will not stand by and see this loathsome
tactic used.

I have one more comment.  In reading back in this topic, I noticed a number of
"memorial" messages for the dead of the Holocaust.  I would not be able to
stand myself tomorrow if I do not say today that I find this exploitation of
the dead for the purposes of silencing a political discussion to be one of the
most disgraceful and repulsive tactics I have ever seen in a discussion topic
on any subject.  Whoever is doing this should hang their heads in shame for
such misuse of other people's pain and suffering.

J. Neil Schulman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 724       Tue Mar 24, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 22:08 EST

Re:  the memorial messages:  "I find this exploitation of the dead for the
purposes of silencing a political discussion...repulsive."

No, sir, what's repulsive is when people slander Jews and throw offal on our
ancestors' blessed memories.


Thank you for the history refresher!  :)  I've forgotten so much since I
became an "Asia hand."

Re:  your questions to Pooh-Bah.  I'm curious:  in light of the questions
you've offered, do you believe that there was a Holocaust?  Please note that I
=don't= mean this as a loaded question!!!

(BTW, it's true that we might have strayed off-topic a bit, but I think our
little bit of civility has been refreshing!)

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 725       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:42 EST
  I've been informed by someone who has been trying to keep his cool that
 the hysterical anti-semitic messages being posted by the neo-Nazi
 holocaust deniers are getting to be more than he can bear and that if
 they don't want to get into a war of wits with him they may wish to tone
 down their hate filled messages.  Otherwise, they're probably going to
 be hit broadside with a termy tantrum.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 726       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:43 EST
  I have been informed that some of my responses to the hate filled
 messages of the anti-semitic neo-nazi holocaust deniers here might be
 construed as personal attacks on those very same anti-semitic, neo-nazi
 holocaust deniers and therefore have been deleted.
  Surprisingly, although those very hate filled messages of the
 anti-semitic neo-nazi holocaust deniers are themselves personal attacks
 on each and every Jew here, including myself, they have been allowed to
 remain, apparently because they are indirect personal attacks rather
 than direct personal attacks.
  In any case, I understand the tightrope the GEnie sysops are trying to
 walk, and am willing to respond to the anti-semitic neo-nazi holocaust
 deniers with one hand tied behind my back.  The next few messages are
 replacements for the deleted messages, with any direct personal attacks
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 727       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:43 EST
  518  nevaR gerG:

  >Finally, it is not my credibility that is at stake ...

  I agree.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 728       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:44 EST
  521  nevaR gerG:

  >Gee, I was relying on facts.

  Is that something new for holocaust deniers?  So far, I haven't noticed
 any reliance on facts on their part.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 729       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:44 EST
  522  nevaR gerG:

  >If a few Jews were killed merely for being Jews, that
   certainly is bad.

  That's mighty Aryan of you to admit that.  Thank you.

  >However, as long as the Nazis were ... setting up ghettos for Jews ...

  How nice of them!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 730       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:45 EST
  523  nevaR gerG:

  > You need to go back to Holocaust studies class.

  Thank you for the kind advice, but I'll decide on my own education without
  your input.

  > Of course the concentration camps had crematoria.

  >Crematoria are not and were not used for murdering people.

  >You see? Even you have been mislead by the constant retelling of the
   Holohoax (sic).

  Once again, it's spelled "Holocaust."  That's H O L O C A U S T.

  >Don't you understand that everyone is being used by this lie?

 The big lie technique was one of the mainstays of the German Nazis, and
 has been learned well by the anti-semitic, neo-Nazi Holocaust deniers.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 731       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:45 EST
  546  ugnuR:

  >This is a typical smear tactic ...

 A staple of the Holocaust deniers.

  >Please stop misquoting, misinterpreting, etc.

  Excellent advice.  Misquoting and misinterpreting should be left to the
 Holocaust deniers, and generally is.

  >It only confuses the real issues ...

 Which is the intent of the Holocaust deniers.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 732       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:46 EST
 666  D.Friedman:

 >There, you see, AH.STEIN?  All it took was a little ego-stroke to put me
 back into the fray.

 Welcome back.

 Countering the anti-semitic neo-Nazi Holocaust deniers is a time-consuming
 pain in the neck, but it needs to be done.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 733       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:46 EST
 671  nevaR:

  >If I make a perfect valid comment that does not conform to the norm ...

 Whenever that happens, we're all too stunned to say anything.

 >Have you ever asked yourself who the h*ll she (or anyone else on this 
  topic) is to pass judgment on the qualifications of Fred Leuchter?

 I believe that rethcueL derF gave everbody in the world the right to pass
 judgement on him when he admitted that he blatantly lied about his
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 734       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:47 EST
 673  nevaR:

 > I believe that the Holocaust story is just that ... a story.

 You're not just telling us that, are you?

 >The reason I say that the Holocaust did not take place is that 1) 
  although there were certainly hardships (and worse) imposed on some 
  Jews by the Nazis before and during WWII, this was not systematic ...

 Pooh.Bah has certainly proven that it was systematic.

 > 2) the events that actually did happen to the Jews did not constitute 
  destruction ...

 Oh, so now you're arguing semantics rather than reality.  In other words,
 since not every single Jew in the world was killed by the Nazis, but only
 about six million, the Holocaust is mis-defined by Webster's dictionary. 
 In that case, why aren't you writing Webster's and asking them to revise
 their definition?

 >and 3) the Nazis never had their hands on 6 million Jews.

 Exactly how many was it, then?  Five?  Two hundred?  Eight thousand? 
 Perhaps only three million?  Or do you go along with some of the evidence
 that has come up lately that indicates that the six million figure might
 actually be an undercount?

 If you want to argue that the figure of six million is incorrect, then in
 all fairness you have to explain how many the correct figure should be.  I
 suggest you either put up or shut up.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 735       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:48 EST
 674  nevaR: 

 Am I correct in my interpretation of the following as evidence that you are
 a great admirer of Adolph Hitler?

 > ... I [nevaR]
  will point out that he [Hitler] built the autobahn, revitalized Germany's 
  economy from less-than-nothing to one of the strongest in the world 
  (without resorting to a military build-up), restored most of the 
  proper borders of Germany, launched the Volkswagen, eliminated 
  prostitution, eliminated pornography, achieved full employment, and 
  initiated many social works that made life in pre-war Germany truly 
  wonderful. Hitler did with Germany what FDR could only dream about 
  doing with America, which is probably one of the reasons why FDR 
  wanted so badly to fight Germany ... jealousy.

 >...compared to 
  the other leaders of his time (and most of those since), he was a 
  great leader, with great ideas and the ability to see them 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 736       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:49 EST
 683  ugnuR:

 >I don't think anybody would deny that deaths occurred. 
 What is in question here is whether or not a deliberate extermination
 policy was at play and that was responsible for their deaths.  The evidence
 does not support such claims at all.

 In other words, the herding of millions of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and
 others into concentration camps, death camps, gas chambers, etc., with the
 resultant "accidental" death of about six million Jews and perhaps as many
 as nine million others, was not part of a deliberate policy but rather the
 result of characteristic German Aryan inefficiency.

 > ... holohoax ...

 How many times am I going to have to spell it out for you.  That's

 H O L O C A U S T.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 737       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:50 EST
 687  ugnur:


 >I stand by my comments about the "controversy on *P*".

 As the Holocaust deniers irrationally stand by their blatantly anti-semitic
 attacks on the memory of the roughly six million Jews who died at the hands
 of the Nazis.

 >Vicious slander does not constitute "rebuttal" but there are many who do
 indeed regard it as so.

 We agree completely.  (See, when you say something that's correct I stand
 up and applaud you.)

 I will point out, however, that it is impossible to slander anyone on a
 medium such as Prodigy, where the means of communication is written.  (Of
 course, an accurate understanding of facts and definitions is not one of
 the staples of Holocaust deniers.)

 Anybody who read any of the message threads there dealing with the holohoax

 I'm really getting tired of correcting your spelling.  (Of course, we Jews
 are used to bearing crosses.)  That's H O L O C A U S T.  
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 738       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:50 EST
 689  ugnuR:

 >Your comment "your heroes, the Nazis..." intrigues me.  Where or when did
 I describe the Nazis as my heroes?

 Your adulation of the Nazis is quite apparent from you messages.  If there
 was ever any doubt, after your recent recitation of the many virtues of
 Adolph Hitler (who, although he was neither German or Aryan, was very
 Nazi), there can no longer be any.

 >Are you misquoting AGAIN?

 Every quote I've attributed to you came by cutting and pasting directly
 from your own messages.  Are you retracting any of your own words?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 739       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:51 EST
 695  ugnuR:

 >What is in dispute is the definition of the holocaust, essentially, as a
 "deliberate campaign of physical extermination" of "all the Jews" and on
 the basis of "their being born as Jews".

 I suggest you write a letter to the publishers of Webster's dictionary, and
 suggest your own definition.

 Since the fatalities from typhus or typhoid (thankyou for the
 correction, POOH.BAH, concerning Anne Frank) or whatever is not in dispute,
 there is little point in continually raising them.  The fact that some Jews
 were massacred here and there in the East by the indigenous non-Jewish
 populations is also not in dispute, although the responsibility for such
 events being laid at the door of the German authorities IS in dispute.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 740       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:52 EST
 695  ugnuR:

 >Since the fatalities from typhus or typhoid (thankyou for the
 correction, POOH.BAH, concerning Anne Frank) or whatever is not in dispute,
 there is little point in continually raising them.  The fact that some Jews
 were massacred here and there in the East by the indigenous non-Jewish
 populations is also not in dispute, although the responsibility for such
 events being laid at the door of the German authorities IS in dispute.

 Would you perhaps be interested in sharing with us your own conspiracy
 theory explaining how roughly six million Jews vanished from the surface of
 the earth?  Was it a purely random tragedy?  (A little hard to believe,
 isn't it?)  If not, and it wasn't the result of a plan by the German Nazis
 you seem to admire so much, whose plan was it?

 It's quite easy, though irresponsible, to attack the known truth.  Who was
 it who said, that when you have eliminated the impossible, what is left is
 the truth, no matter how unlikely?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 741       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:52 EST

 I think ugnuR is lonely and wants you to keep him company:

 698  ugnur:
 >With a few exceptions, I feel pretty much alone in this approach.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 742       Tue Mar 24, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 22:52 EST
 700  ugnuR:

 >And now I really must get some sleep.

 Gae shlufen.

 >Forward with historical truth!

 I couldn't agree more.  (See, I've once again complimented you on saying
 something worthwhile.)

 I believe that you can help move us forward to the historical truth by
 getting a very good night's sleep, so that everyone else can read
 Pooh.Bah's messages.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 743       Tue Mar 24, 1992
P.NANSON [Eclectic]          at 23:08 EST
Re: Message 689


 >Your comment "your heroes, the Nazis..." intrigues me.
 >Where or when did I describe the Nazis as my heroes?  Are
 >you misquoting AGAIN?  They are not my "heroes".  But I will
 >say that I don't feel that the "demonizing" of the Nazis
 >serves any historical purpose other than to cloud historical

Perhaps you missed the recent praise by your cohort:

 >Message 674       Tue Mar 24, 1992
 >G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:00 EST

 >Hitler did with Germany what FDR could only dream about
 >doing with America, which is probably one of the reasons why FDR
 >wanted so badly to fight Germany ... jealousy.
 >Note that I am not saying that Hitler was perfect. But compared to
 >the other leaders of his time (and most of those since), he was a
 >great leader, with great ideas and the ability to see them

Do you care to distance yourself from his repeated praise for Hitler and the


Re: Message 692


 >Firstly, the assumption that all revisionists or supporters
 >of revisionism or indeed anybody willing to see revisionist
 >studies firsthand, are "hate filled people" with "political
 >axes to grind" and "agendas" designed to "sanitize Nazism".

Perhaps you forget your own recent statement:

 >The Poles of today have a saying: "We hated the Germans, but
 >at least they got rid of the Jews."  The German authorities
 >recognized the extremely powerful


Re: Message 698


 >AGAIN I am misquoted.  When or where did I say that P.NANSON
 >is Jewish?  I am not remotely interested in whether this or
 >that person posting messages in this Forum is Jewish,
 >Gentile, Eskimo, or Martian. What I am interested in is WHAT
 >THEY ARE SAYING, not "thinking", "implying", "what they
 >REALLY mean" etc. etc.  I said right at the start of this
 >discussion that I, and I hoped everybody else, would stick
 >to what is being SAID rather than what this person or that
 >person THINKS is being said, meant, implied or whatever.

Perhaps you forgot your recent question to me:

 >Ok, it's my turn now.  Are YOU, P.NANSON, a member or do you
 >belong to any Zionist, Jewish supremacist (e.g. the
 >Anti-Defamation League), or otherwise anti-Gentile

Why would you think that I, a gentile Christian, might be a Zionist, a Jewish
supremacist, or anti-Gentile.  On the other hand, based upon some of the
comments made by you and Raven, it seems quite plausible to think that one or
both of you may very well be involved in anti-semitic, Nazi or white
supremicist organizations - hence, my original question.

Paul the goy Christian

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 744       Wed Mar 25, 1992
P.NANSON [Eclectic]          at 00:45 EST
Re: Message 733, etc


 > 671  nevaR:

 >>If I make a perfect valid comment that does not conform to the
 >>norm ...

 >Whenever that happens, we're all too stunned to say anything.

That's beautiful!  ROFL, as they say!

Thank you sysops for instigating this new, indirect approach by AH.STEIN!

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 745       Wed Mar 25, 1992
S.PIERCE6 [Sheri]            at 00:45 EST
Schulman 723

>> I have seen no inflamatory anti- Semitic rhetoric from Pat Buchanan

As previously offered, I would be glad to email you relevent columns,
including one from the horse's mouth, upon request in email.  If you wish to
discuss this further, you will have to go to the Buchanan topic.

>> But the accusation of anti-Semitism is a tactic used by the liberals in
this country to intimidate conservatives

Not this time.  Anti-semitism is not a partisan issue, and I count myself as a
consevative.  Also check with conservative columnists Buckley, Wills and
Rosenthal on the subject of Buchanan's anti- semitic rhetoric.

>> As far as gas vans, the only statement I have heard from Buchanan on the
subject is that he has been misquoted on the subject, and that the only
statement he made was that a different sort of engine must have been used than
was put forward.  He did not deny that vans were used to kill by gassing.

What he wrote, in March 1989 was "Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon
monoxide to kill anybody," which he "proved" by reference to a 1988 bus
accident in which school children were trapped in a tunnel (not to a NY
subway, sorry 'bout that). He has held to this opinion in spite of experts'
opinions to the contrary.  In December 1991 he clarified as follows: "What
happened at Treblinka was . . . a hell on Earth. Jews were brought there in
the hundreds of thousands and died in the thousands."  Columnist George Will
said, "You just said they came there in the hundreds of thousands and died in
the thousands. Are you denying that hundreds of thousands of Jews died at
Treblinka?"   "No, no, I certainly cannot deny that." Asked to clarify his
opinion on diesel gas vans as the murder weapon, Buchanan replied: "Look,
you're getting into a technical question."

>> Regarding his defense of "war criminals," I presume you're referring to the
case of Dimianujuk (sp?)

Mr. Schulman, I did not refer to his "defense of 'war criminals'". What I said
was that he opposes the prosecution of Nazi war criminals, "doddering old
men," outside the realm of present priorities.  However, you are correct: he
has also defended accused Nazi war criminals, notably Linnas, Demyamyuk and
Arthur Rudolph. Buchanan compared Rudolph, who confessed he had persecuted
unarmed civilians, to the Soviet dissident Andrei Sakorov saying the OSI
(Justice Department Office of Special Investigations) case was a "fraud" and
that Rudolph had been "railroaded."

Allan Ryan Jr., former head of OSI said: "[Buchanan's] campaign on behalf of
these people is so infused with distortions and misrepresentations of the
facts that it's almost impossible to engage in any sort of response. He simply
piles lie upon inaccuracy upon surmise upon personal attack.  What makes it
even more contemptible is that even when he is shown to be wrong, he simply
ignores it. ... I think a lot of the stuff he just makes up."

The present OSI Director Neal Sher said, "He was so wildly off it was painful.
At no time has he ever contacted us about the cases we were handling, even
when he was an administration official and he was differing with government
positions that were upheld in court. ... He essentially took what was fed him
by our opponents, sometimes Holocaust-deniers, and just regurgitated it."

(all quotes from the Washington Post)
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 746       Wed Mar 25, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 00:51 EST
D.Friedman14...message 724

A lot of quite careful work has been done on wide sections of this topic. I
have no doubt that Jews, Gypsies, and others were the targets of extreme
persecution by the NS authorities. There is also lots of evidence that this
persecution resulted in enormous loss of life among these groups. The Jewish
community has chosen to call their period of trial and tribulation the
Holocaust. I don't see any value in disputing the name.

For me, the areas of uncertainty focus on a few specific sites. Whereas the
findings at the sites in Germany itself are verifiable, I do find it difficult
to accept some of the traditional reports about Auschwitz. It may be that I've
seen too many poorly done TV programs. There was one last year where two Dutch
sisters who survived imprisonment at this site were interviewed. They left the
impression that they knew to the nearest person how many were on the train and
how many were led this way or that. They couldn't possibly have known these
things as prisoners. There was a photograph one year in one of the local
papers purporting to be Auschwitz which showed this huge rectangular array of
corpses on a cobblestone street with the base of a large baroque building in
the background. This was most unlikely to be what it claimed. There are
contradictory claims by Russians and Poles and all sorts of physical details
which don't work.

As a science type, I'm trained to start with physical evidence and build up a
model which fits the observations. New evidence requires that the model be
adjusted or even scrapped. A lot of what I've heard here goes the reverse. A
number, such as 4 million, is taken as factual and then the physical evidence,
if it exists, is augmented with lots of speculation to support the advance
conclusion. Paper evidence, especially documents created by underlings trying
to impress distant superiors by telling them what they want to hear, is
relatively weak. The statements of many NS types that are normally dismissed
as empty rhetoric are taken as scripture if they support some cherished

Of what earthly value is a piece of paper from some NS official which states
that 10,000 people a day were cremated when you are standing in front of the
crematoria which supposedly accomplished this feat and which are clearly
physically incapable to doing what was claimed? If the physical evidence
contradicts the piece of paper, then the paper is just so much scrap.

Sorry Dave, I know that some of this must be unpleasant for you, but I thought
that I would be as honest as possible about my doubts about some of the
details. This is a very difficult topic in which it is altogether too easy to
hurt others or offend them.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 747       Wed Mar 25, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 01:25 EST
D.FRIEDMAN14, Message 724: I have to admit that I haven't read all the
messages in this topic, which I learned of just yesterday.  Further, I don't
have the patience to wade through over 700 back messages.  You say, "No, sir,
what's repulsive is when people slander Jews and throw offal on our ancestors'
blessed memories."

You'll excuse me if I examine this statement.

Slandering the living is one thing -- and by "slander" I assume you refer to
the charge that Jews have conspired to manufacture a hoax regarding the number
of Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis, and the manner in which they died.

"Throw[ing] offal on our ancestors' blessed memories" is another thing.  The
dead are beyond earthly harm; all that is said by the living about the dead
can only affect the living and the not-yet-living.

Nothing posted here can "throw offal on our ancestors' blessed memories."
Those who remember the dead will not remember them either less or more because
of messages posted here.

What is at issue here is what shall be told to the next generation about the
doings of the last generation, with our generation in some sort of position of

There is useful work that has been done to record the testaments of witnesses
to Nazi atrocities, so that future generations will remember.  

There is useful work to make this information available to the student and the
layman, so that it is not only recorded but also accessible.

But that is where the work of the historian leaves off.  Beyond that, one
enters the spheres of philosophy, religion, politics, and the social sciences -
- all of them hotly debated, with no universal consensus on anything.

I am not offended by those who believe the holocaust to be a political
fabrication for several reasons.  First of all, we live in a very politicized
age, with a lot of political fabrications.  I listed a few of them in my
article in my  Message 681.  There is no doubt that some Holocaust deniers
either believe in the Holocaust and deny it to offend Jews, or are indifferent
to the truth and deny it to offend Jews.  There is no doubt that Jew-haters
wish to neutralize the real political value which the Holocaust represents to
Jewish and Israeli interests.

But that some wicked or dishonest people have agendas to raise this question
doesn't mean that it wouldn't have been raised eventually anyway.  In fact,
you'll find in Simon Wiesenthal's book the statement from Jews at the time
that they expected future generations never to be able to believe the
Holocaust because the Nazis had been so efficient in covering up their crimes.

I am a firm believer that truth arises out of a process of dialectic. Those
who deny the Holocaust -- perhaps in spite of their true agendas -- do Jews a
favor by making us document these events thoroughly, while there are still
survivors available to do so.  If the denial of the Holocaust had waited for
another century, the task of documenting it would have been impossible.

The anti-Semites could have done their best work merely by shutting up for a
couple of more generations.

I have to say, also, that the historiosity of the Holocaust is not anywhere
near as important to the survivability of the Jewish people as a willingness
to fight.  The Israelis understand this; American Jews -- many of whom press
for disarmament of the private citizen -- do not.

As Dennis Prager asks, "Could the Holocaust have happened if every Jew in
Europe had simply been armed and ready to fight?"  The obvious answer is no.

Rather than posting memorial messages, Jews should be going out and buying
guns and learning how to use them.  That is the only certain way to make
"Never Again" mean more than a slogan in memory of the dead.

Perhaps you feel that should the Jews themselves begin to disbelieve in the
Holocaust, the Jewish people will be at risk?  Surely the history of
persecution against the Jews for the last two millennia is certain enough that
there is no danger of this?

Surely the documentation of genocide and attempted genocide against hundreds
of different peoples is enough for all of us to decide it's worthwhile keeping
our powder dry?

The Holocaust today is politics as much as it is history.  As such it must be
subject to debate.  Pooh Bah has the right idea: present the evidence.

Frankly, I am dubious that anyone will believe one way or the other based on
anything but their innate prejudices in any case.  I have found few human
beings to whom historical truth -- or any sort of truth, for that matter -- is
of any great importance.

The discussion in this topic is useful.  It provides a way for people on both
sides of this issue to speak to the other without danger of physical violence.
Slander leaves no blood on the floor. It is a small price to pay for the honor
of living in a society sane enough to allow people to speak their thoughts, no
matter how unpleasant they are to others.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 748       Wed Mar 25, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 01:29 EST
Sheri Pierce, yes, please email me the Buchanan columns you reference.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 749       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:38 EST
 722 Hans-Peter:

  > Some of the respondents to this topic have indicated that there is a
  > minimum of 1 kg of mineral ash left from the absolutely total incineration
  > of a human body. The Auschwitz site should have 4 million kg (4000 tonnes)
  > of mineral ash as physical evidence.

 According to your figures, you are computing on the erroneous belief that 4
 million perished at Auschwitz. As has already been discussed in this TOPic,
 the total number who perished (from all causes) at Auschwitz is around 1 -
 1.1 million.

 It also seems as though you, like many others, are confused to what
 "Auschwitz" refers. Auschwitz was a complex of three main camps with many
 additional satellite camps. There was Auschwitz I, II (Birkenau) and III
 (Monowitz). Auschwitz II or Birkenau was the extermination center but death
 which occurred at all three main camps (as well as the satellite camps) are
 credited to the overall figure of "Auschwitz." Auschwitz III, BTW, was a
 forced labor camp.

 Now, not all of those who perished were cremated. There were also mass graves
 and, in fact, the decomposing bodies in the swampy land surrounding Birkenau
 caused many problems not the least of which was poisoning the water table
 (and thereby, the drinking water for Birkenau and the surrounding area).
 However, the land was not swampy in the vicinity of Auschwitz I or III and
 there mass graves were utilized.

 So, this is the long way of saying that your conception of the quantity of
 ash that should be found is a gross exaggeration but it is such
 misconceptions on which the Holocaust Deniers depend to be able to make any
 sort of case.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 750       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:39 EST
 722 Hans-Peter:

  > Anybody can write anything on pieces of paper. Some documents can also be
  > of doubtful authenticity.

 Please, if you have any questions regarding the authenticity of any of the
 documents that I have u/l'ed (or will be u/l'ing), don't hesitate to ask.
 Each document has its own history and this history helps to substantiate the
 authenticity....unless you mean that the Nazis might have planted false
 documents to mislead the Allies. Is that to what you are speculating?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 751       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:40 EST
 722 Hans-Peter:

  > The figure of 11 million Jews drawn from your documentation has me
  > puzzled. Jewish organizations in New York periodically publish population
  > figures for the world Jewish community. The pre-war figures were 14
  > million for the whole world.

 Apparently you missed the comment made in the Wannsee Conference Protocols
 after the enumeration of how many Jews resided in which countries:

  >> As far as the figures for Jews of the various foreign countries are
  >> concerned, the numbers given include only Jews by religion since the
  >> definition of Jews according to racial principles is in part still
  >> lacking there.

 IOW, when you begin to calculate the number of Jews present in Europe, it is
 useless to compare apples and oranges. The Nazis considered Jews to be a
 racial classification. This would mean that a Jew whose family had converted
 three generations before to Christianity would, under the Nazis, be
 considered a Jew but would not be listed as a Jew in any other demographics.

 You are also comparing numbers derived from non-authoritative bodies (i.e.
 they had no ability to collect census data) vs. a governmental calculation.
 The Nazis were definitely in the position to be able to accurately count the
 number of Jews whereas Jewish organizations in New York had to depend upon
 voluntary reporting from Europe. As I'm sure you realize, many of these
 latter figures came from registered births and in many countries, births were
 registered at churches or synagogues and not with a governmental agency. Many
 Jews, because of previous persecution and pogroms, did not register their
 children. As long as that child lived his/her entire life within the Jewish
 community (vs. assimilation), there was no problem with not being registered.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 752       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:41 EST
 722 Hans-Peter:

  > Chemical tests on the delousing hut on the site show significant amounts
  > of cyanide residue in the walls. This would be consistent with cyclon-B
  > being used. The shower building does not have cyanide residue.

 First, let me say that I don't understand what you mean by "shower building"
 since the gas chambers at Birkenau (the only camp that used Zyklon-B
 exclusively) were not in separate buildings from the creatoria.

 Your information that the gas chambers do not have cyanide residue is false.
 However, this is getting beyond the discussion of the documents that I have
 been presenting. I would imagine that by the end of the week, I will be up to
 the gas chambers and will be more than happy to discuss them with you (or
 anyone else) in depth at that time.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 753       Wed Mar 25, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 01:46 EST
It should also be pointed out that the Holocaust accounts do mention that
cremation WAS the choke-point of the extermination process, and that Jewish
internees were forced to dig up mass graves of earlier victims and burn the
bodies on giant pyres. I've come across this fact in virtually every source on
the Holocaust that I've read. I also know, as anyone who has read THE DIARY OF
ANN FRANK, that she died of typhus and was NOT gassed. Sheesh!

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 754       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:00 EST
 746 Hans-Peter:

  > Paper evidence, especially documents created by underlings trying
  > to impress distant superiors by telling them what they want to hear, is
  > relatively weak.

 Excuse me, Hans-Peter, but that is the POINT of the documents that I've been
 u/l'ing. The Nazi underlings WERE reporting what they thought would impress
 distant superiors. Therefore, although the numbers executed, liquidated,
 shot, etc. cannot be taken as Gospel, they are proof that, as far as the
 underlings were concerned, this is EXACTLY what their superiors wanted them
 to be doing. And, since there these executions, liquidations, shootings, etc.
 continued and there is no evidence that the distant superiors ordered a halt
 to them, it must logically be concluded that the underlings impressions of
 what would impress their superiors was accurate.

 QED: There was a systematic extermination program of various peoples
 (primarily the Jews) by the Nazis during the period known as the Third Reich.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 755       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:00 EST
 746 Hans-Peter:

  > Whereas the findings at the sites in Germany itself are verifiable, I do
  > find it difficult to accept some of the traditional reports about
  > Auschwitz. It may be that I've seen too many poorly done TV programs. . .
  > A number, such as 4 million, is taken as factual. . .

 You have watched too many poorly done TV programs if you really do believe
 that the number 4 million represents the number who perished at Auschwitz (as
 this and your message 722 imply). The number 4 million has never been a part
 of the historical accounts.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 756       Wed Mar 25, 1992
TERMY                        at 03:46 EST
In reply to:  Message 674  G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]

-> This is not the forum for discussing Hitler as a leader, however
 ->I   will point out that he built the autobahn, revitalized
 ->Germany's   economy from less-than-nothing to one of the strongest
 ->in the world   (without resorting to a military build-up),
 ->restored most of the   proper borders of Germany, launched the
 ->Volkswagen, eliminated   prostitution, eliminated pornography,
 ->achieved full employment, and   initiated many social works that
 ->made life in pre-war Germany truly   wonderful. Hitler did with
 ->Germany what FDR could only dream about   doing with America,
 ->which is probably one of the reasons why FDR   wanted so badly to
 ->fight Germany ... jealousy.
 -> Note that I am not saying that Hitler was perfect. But compared
 ->to   the other leaders of his time (and most of those since), he
 ->was a   great leader, with great ideas and the ability to see them
 -> accomplished.

So great a leader was Hitler that, by 1945, all his great work had been
undone, and Germany was in worse straits than before his rise to power.  I'm
heartily pleased to know that FDR didn't accomplish what Hitler accomplished.

I shall leave the other obvious errors to those persons who wish to tackle

680 Rungu:

->we're not supposed to mention the non-Jews because that would
 ->"trivialize" the super-special suffering of the Jews, remember[?]

Oh, no, no, no!  Please, feel free to mention the non-Jews who were
exterminated by the Nazis.  In fact, I INSIST that you mention them, as
loudly, stridently and frequently as you are so admirably equipped to do.  I
demand that they be mentioned.  If you fail to mention them, I shall soundly
condemn you for failing to mention them:  they were human beings, and deserve
the remembrance.

                                Raper, aka Termy
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 757       Wed Mar 25, 1992
D.NOTT [Sprocketeer]         at 04:23 EST
sheri, I'm curious too. what do you have on buchanan?

He agrees with me on gun control (NO!) but I find his other views extremely
distasteful.  (yes, it's a wonderful year to look for a third-party
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 758       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:45 EST
 To Carl Fink (regarding 587) ---
 >Raven here calls FDR s demand for unconditional surrender "inhumane" 
 - Raven, would you care to characterize what happened to (etc.)
 I hope you can appreciate that this is not the forum to swap atrocity 
 stories. There are any number of books that give the details of the 
 inhumane treatment accorded the Germans before, during, and after the 
 war. The Germans were also guilty of some atrocities, but I believe 
 to a lesser extent than the Allies.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 759       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:45 EST
 To Beven (regarding 588) ---
 As I have said before, I am not anti-Semitic, and in fact don't hate 
 anyone. More to the point, the term "anti-Semitic" is incorrect in 
 the context you employed. To be anti-Semitic means to be against the 
 Semites, they being the descendants of a certain Biblical character 
 (Shem?). These include Sephardic Jews and Arabs. Many of today's Jews 
 are actually Talmudic Khazars, the Khazars being a white race from 
 Eastern Europe that was the only culture of which I am aware that 
 adopted the Talmud en masse. Furthermore, to equate the word 
 anti-Semitic with the words anti-Jewish or anti-Zionist is not only 
 sloppy, it in fact constitutes an attempt to "disenfranchise" the 
 Arabs and other true Semites, by virtue of robbing them of the word 
 that means hatred toward them. Once the word is usurped, it becomes 
 nearly impossible to talk about Arab hatred because there is no word 
 for it. A parallel can be seen in the word misogynist, which has no 
 counterpart to describe women who hate men.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 760       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:46 EST
 To R.Arbetman (regarding 590) ---
 > Why is the Holocaust a  hoax ? Who  fooled  me into believing that 
 the Holocaust happened? Why?
 I believe it is a hoax because it was started by Allied propaganda 
 teams during the war for use as a weapon against the Germans. After 
 the war, the lie remained in use to cover the stench of Allied 
 atrocities. Although Britain and America gained from this, the main 
 beneficiary were the Soviets. Later, Zionist groups, seeing the power 
 of using this propaganda against a helpless Germany, picked up the 
 ball. Therefore, many groups have had a hand in it, each for their 
 own ends.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 761       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:46 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 603) ---
 > It was also conspicuous that in general the population was on good 
 terms with the Jewish sector of the population. Nevertheless they 
 helped energetically in rounding up the Jews.
 When I read this post and your earlier post(s) about the "auxiliary" 
 members of the Einsatzgruppen "murder squads," ou seem to be saying 
 that the general population suddenly began murdering their Jewish 
 friends. Could you please explain this apparent radical change of 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 762       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:47 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 604) ---
 The trouble with virtually all the documents you quote is that they 
 all need to be "explained" in order for the "murderous intent" of the 
 Nazis to become clear. And what is more, they seemingly can only be 
 explained by you, as there are many many historians who completely 
 disagree with you. Now, it is possible that you are better versed in 
 all these matters that Raul Hilberg (the functionalist), Arno Mayer 
 (an exterminationist-revisionist), and J-C Pressac (also an 
 exterminationist-revisionist), but if we are to accept this as true 
 then we must throw out virtually everything that any of the rest of 
 us have ever heard about this Shoah Business ... because by extension 
 no one else has known what he was talking about. This goes directly 
 to a point I made earlier about all the untruths I have been told 
 about this Shoah Business over the years.
 What we need instead of a bunch of documents that need your 
 "interpretation" are some documents that unequivocally support your 
 intentionalist position that there was a policy of extermination. You 
 ought to be at least a little bit embarrassed that to prove your 
 point you started with Einsatzgruppen reports, which, accurate or 
 not, are the last rung on the ladder, so to speak (see post 605, 606, 
 Keep in mind that I am not saying and have never said that there were 
 not excesses by the Einsatzgruppen. There were excesses on the parts 
 of the Allies, too. These excesses hardly define the basic nature of 
 the governments whose soldiers commit these acts. However, the 
 Einsatzgruppen, a small, temporary agency with a huge territory to 
 control, had their hands full not only with the day-to-day details of 
 running these territories, but also with eliminating partisan 
 activity. Today, the word partisan sounds so romantic, but in fact 
 they were guerrilla fighters, and it is well known that guerrilla 
 warfare is an extremely messy business on all sides. This is not 
 meant to excuse the Einsatzgruppen, but it is a mitigating factor.
 If there was a policy, then we need documents with Hitler's name on 
 it, even if it angers Hilberg who NOW says "no Fuehrer order." What 
 we need are documents from Himmler and others that say things like, 
 "pay no attention to that unequivocal message of yesterday in which I 
 ordered you to stop the liquidations." Or, "pay no attention to 
 orders you recently received to move the Jews Eastward into the newly 
 occupied Soviet territories from the extermination centers in 
 Poland." See? Something like that.
 As long as you pick around at the edges of this thing, you are never 
 going to get where you said you were going. You promised us a policy. 
 Where is it?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 763       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:47 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 608) ---
 I know how you hate to answer questions twice, but this time I must 
 delve deeper into a previously-covered area.
 In response to my question in post 68 about the version of the 
 Franke-Gricksch Resettlement Action Report to which you were 
 referring, you replied:
 > First, about the F-G report. Actually the copy I reviewed is the 
 carbon copy. Being a carbon copy, it is an exact duplicate of the 
 I must know more about this. According to what I have learned of the 
 F-G report, there is no original. There is, however, a typescript 
 copy made of a carbon copy of the original, apparently typed and 
 signed by Eric Lipman. Are you really saying that you have a carbon 
 copy of the original?
 If you are in fact referring to  the typescript copy, are you not 
 aware of the tell-tale anglicisms, some of them uncorrected, some of 
 them typed over with the equivalent German words? For example, on the 
 first line of the report, "had" for "hat;" "der," the second word of 
 line 2, typed over "the;" and on line 3, "hier" typed over "here." On 
 line 8 of the second page of the report, the alleged copyist typed 
 "had," but corrected it to "hat," only to begin the following word 
 with "t" (evidently for "the") before catching that and typing the 
 correct German definite article "die." Furthermore, in the final 
 paragraph of page 1, the English participial ending "d" is twice 
 typed for the German "t," that is "ausgestatted" for "ausgestattet" 
 on line 5, which has been corrected, and "gebaded" for gebadet" on 
 line 9. Last but not least, the verb "kommt" is used twice with the 
 same subject in the sentence beginning on line 6 of the third 
 paragraph of line 1.
 These are certainly remarkable characteristics for what you, Fleming, 
 Pressac, and others advance as a simple transcription of a German 
 original. A less trusting (or perhaps more scrupulous) interpreter 
 might well be within his rights to suggest that this document was 
 based on an English-language, not German-language, source.
 I will await your reply to this before we press on to the actual 
 contents of the report.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 764       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:48 EST
 To Eric-M (regarding 643) ---
 I disagree that I have "blatantly misquoted" Hilberg. Here is my side 
 of it, once again.
 Hilberg makes a statement about the activities of the Einsatzgruppen 
 vis-a-vis the killing of Jews. This statement is based on the 
 documents at his disposal, many of which Pooh.bah has made available 
 (more or less) here in this TOPic. He then makes a completely 
 unsupported (and unsupportable) statement that these reports 
 contained "fiction," as if the Einsatzgruppen had nothing better to 
 do than write macabre memos to each other that were all or partially 
 divorced from reality. Thus, you have one supported statement and one 
 unsupported statement. I quoted the supported statement.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 765       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:48 EST
 To Eric-M (regarding 643) ---
 Your posting is a little confusing, but if I can divine what you are 
 asking, I will answer that yes, Hitler wanted to send the Jews to 
 Palestine (among other places). This is one reason why Adolf 
 Eichmann, who by the way was a Zionists, explored this possibility so 
 thoroughly. You must remember that in those days Palestine was 
 controlled by the British, and they certainly wanted nothing to do 
 either with the Jews or with helping Hitler out of his jam.
 The refusal of any of the Allies to allow the Jews to emigrate from 
 German-occupied lands was thus partially due to the fact that no one 
 else wanted them, and partially due to the fact that the Allies knew 
 that by forced Hitler to keep the Jews he would be presented with a 
 massive logistical problem. Toward the end of the war, the Nazis were 
 moving large numbers of Jews hundreds of miles east of the so-called 
 killing centers in Poland. This act is not consistent with a policy 
 of extermination.
 If this answer does not address your question, please restate your 
 question and I will restate my answer.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 766       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:49 EST
 To Eric-M (regarding 645) ---
 According to my local crematoria, it takes 2 to 3 hours for the first 
 stage of the cremation process, after which there can be a second 
 stage if further reduction of the remains is desired.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 767       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:49 EST
 To W.Gross4 (regarding 647) ---
 >If you grant that large numbers died at Bergen-Belsen, then you must 
 grant that their deaths were due to German activity. I find your 
 assertion about the deaths due to disease and not German intentions 
 some what hard to fully comprehend. The diseases that you want to 
 attribute all the deaths to are easily controlled by simple 
 sanitation measures. If the Nazis in deed were not the evil bastards 
 that history to this point indicates, then they would have taken the 
 very simple steps to prevent and control these diseases.
 Toward the end of the war, the Soviets were advancing from the East. 
 The western Allies were pounding everything ... including civilian 
 targets ... throughout Germany. The German infrastructure was in 
 near-total disarray. As the Germans had to pull back from the areas 
 of the concentration camps in the East, they gave the inmates a 
 choice: stay to be liberated by the Soviets or come with us. Most of 
 the inmates chose to evacuate with the Germans. This in itself speaks 
 volumes, that the inmates of the so-called death camps preferred to 
 take their chances with the Germans than with the Communists!
 Be that as it may, camps such as Bergen-Belsen, which were designed 
 to hold relatively small numbers of inmates, suddenly had to house an 
 inmate population many times larger than they were capable of 
 handling. With no food, no medicine, tremendously overcrowded 
 conditions, and general depravation, many succumbed. It is worth 
 noting that more inmates died at Dachau in the first months after 
 American liberation than had died in the previous few months under 
 the Germans. Conditions were extremely bad. This was not the fault of 
 the Germans. This was the fault of FDR, Churchill, and bloodthirsty 
 Zionists who would be satisfied with nothing less ... even at the 
 expense of European Jewry, who were used as pawns in a disgusting 
 game of international power politics.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 768       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:50 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 648 through 652, 655) ---
 The so-called "minutes" of the Wannsee Conference which you refer to 
 as the Wannsee Protocols are more probably notes made after the 
 Conference, rather than the actual minutes of the Conference. Big 
 The "Wannsee Protocol" bears no official imprint, no date, no 
 signature, and was wtritten with an ordinary typewriter on small 
 sheets of paper. It does not bear the name of an agency, nor the 
 serial number under which an official record of the proceedings would 
 have been kept by the agency that initiated them. The fact that it is 
 stamped "Top Secret" only makes this document more suspicious.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 769       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:50 EST
 To Jon Weisberge (regarding 656) ---
 > According to Raven and Rungu s implicit argument, we should have 
 joined the  great  Hitler in fighting the Jew Communists.
 I will go along with part of that statement. I think the U.S. should 
 have allied itself with Japan and Germany ... the two main countries 
 fighting to contain the spread of communism, instead of allying 
 itself with the hideously imperialistic Britain (and Stalin's USSR). 
 For Britain to accuse Germany of attempting to take over the world 
 was akin to the pot calling the kettle black. The difference being 
 that Germany was only trying to get back lands that belonged with 
 Germany, while Britain was still longing for total control over 
 colonies spread across the face of the planet.
 Had we fought communism then alongside Japan and Germany, we would 
 have a much better world today. As it is, were it not for Hitler's 
 armies, our European vacations would all be in what used to be called 
 the Soviet Union.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 770       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:51 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 658) ---
 > Many believe that we had no business in WWII in the first place.
 Amen to that!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 771       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:51 EST
 To B.Eaton (regarding 660) ---
 > What has been proved is that between 1933-1945 6 million Jews died.
 This has been alleged. It has not bee proven.
 > Someone in a former post mentioned a woman who died because she no 
 longer had access to necessary medicine. There must have been many 
 like that such as diabetics who, herded into RR cars and then camps, 
 were denied insulin. All of the people like that were murdered and as 
 such are counted in the 6 million.
 Although there were probably many cases similar to this, assigning 
 the blame becomes difficult, as there are other factors besides. 
 However, I am not arguing that no Jew suffered under the Third Reich. 
 I am stating specifically that there was no policy of mass 
 extermination, and in fact no mass exterminations, of Jews under the 
 Third Reich. This means I reject the 6 million figure and all 
 attempts to "pad" the actual figure to make an already grim reality 
 appear fiendishly inspired.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 772       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:52 EST
 To W.Gross4 (regarding 661) ---
 > Hans-Peter, please inform us as to the manufacture of the ovens in 
 question. Who made them, was it a standard design of theirs or were 
 they custom designed for Auschwitz? If they were of standard design 
 did they have a manufacutes designation/model number?
 If I may, the firm was Topf and Sons. If it were not 1:39 a.m. I 
 would look up the rest of the info for you. As it is, it has been a 
 long day.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 773       Wed Mar 25, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 04:52 EST
 To B.Eaton2 (regarding 669) ---
 > Carl left out another important outrage in #587. The village of 
 Lidice in Czechoslovakia was burned to the ground, the men killed, 
 and the women and children taken into slavery.
 There were many atrocities on both sides ... but this is not the 
 forum for discussing them.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 774       Wed Mar 25, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 05:49 EST
761 Ravin' Greg:

"ou [sic] seem to be saying that the general population suddenly began
murdering their Jewish friends.  Could you please explain this apparent
radical change of behavior?"

Once again, Mr. Raven, you've shown us why we can only wonder why you aren't
chairing a history department at a prestigious university.

The Jews really didn't have too many friends among the general population of
Eastern Europe.  Poland, [the] Ukraine, Russia, Romania, et al. were (and
remain) hotbeds of anti-Semitism.  That's why we kikes came over to poison
your America in the first place.  Oh, sorry...your term was "bloodthirsty
Zionists."  That also explains the recent surge of Jewish emigration from the
former Soviet Union:  anti-Semitism there is _hardly_ a recent phenomenon.

DT Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 775       Wed Mar 25, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 06:00 EST
765 Ravin' Greg:

Eichmann a Zionist?  Really, now.  I suppose the Pope was a Jew, as well?
(Oops...don't want to give him any new ideas, folks)

766 Ravin' Greg:

"According to my local crematoria..."

Good to see you've got fine relations with the neighbors.  Never know when
they might come in handy.

767 Ravin' Greg:

"Conditions at Dachau were extremely bad....This was the fault of FDR,
Churchill, and bloodthirsty Zionists..."


This is at least the fifth time I've heard you tell us about Zionists. Perhaps
you could tell us what you know about Zionism?  Then, based on that, perhaps
you can tell us how slaughtering European Jews, as you suggest in #767, these
"bloodthirsty Zionists" did, would serve their interests?

I really hope you won't try sidestepping this question, because I think it's a
really important one.  We have yet to understand the motives of these sinister
Zionists whom you keep producing from the shadows.

Zionist Friedman, Section Chief, Northeastern American Zionist Conspiracy
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 776       Wed Mar 25, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 06:52 EST
 723  Softserv:

 >I oppose the concept of guilt-by-association; nonetheless, I think the
 association between honest revisionists and Jew-haters is all to the
 detriment of the revisionists and all to the benefit of the Jew-haters.

 I'd also suspect that the probability of finding an "honest revisionist" in
 a roomful of revisionists is about as high as finding a needle in a
 haystack, blindfolded, with ones hands tied behind one's back.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 777       Wed Mar 25, 1992
STEPHEN.KAHN [Scarlet I]     at 09:41 EST
Raven and Rungu,

I'm curious about something.

What is your definition of "Jew?"
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 778       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:46 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > To be anti-Semitic means to be against the Semites, they being the
  > descendants of a certain Biblical character (Shem?). These include
  > Sephardic Jews and Arabs.

 Reality Check:

 From Webster's New World Dictionary:

 anti-Semitic: (1) having or showing prejudice against Jews, (2)
 discriminating against or persecuting Jews, (3) of or caused by such
 prejudice or hostility.

 From the day that the term "anti-Semitic" was first coined (by a non-Jew,
 BTW, who hated Jews and was defining his own beliefs), it has always meant
 and always been applied to hatred of Jews.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 779       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:47 EST
 760 Raven:

  > I believe it is a hoax because it was started by Allied propaganda 
  > teams during the war for use as a weapon against the Germans.

 Gee, isn't it strange that everyone who lived in Allied countries during that
 period now claims that they either did not hear about the destruction of the
 Jews during the war OR that they heard about it but never believed it?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 780       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:48 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > When I read this post and your earlier post(s) about the "auxiliary" 
  > members of the Einsatzgruppen "murder squads," ou seem to be saying 
  > that the general population suddenly began murdering their Jewish 
  > friends. Could you please explain this apparent radical change of 
  > behavior?

 Reality Check:

 Exhibit I:

 The difficulties in carrying out such a large action - first of all with
 respect to sowing disunity - were overcome in Kiev by a call via posters to
 the Jewish population that they were to move.

 Exhibit II:

 In Lithuania this was achieved for the first time by activating the partisans
 in Kovno. To our surprise it was not easy at first to set any large-scale
 anti-Jewish pogrom in motion there...In Estonia there was no opportunity of
 instigating pogroms owing to the relatively small number of Jews.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 781       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:49 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > The trouble with virtually all the documents you quote is that they 
  > all need to be "explained" in order for the "murderous intent" of the 
  > Nazis to become clear.

 Reality Check:

 7/7/41:  According to instructions by RSHA, LIQUIDATIONS of government and
          party officials, in all named cities of Byelorussia, were carried
          out. Concerning the Jews, according to orders, the same policy was
          adopted. The exact number of the LIQUIDATED has not as yet been

 7/11/41: In Kaunas, up to now a total of 7,800 Jews have been LIQUIDATED...

 10/7/41: Sonderkommando 4a EXECUTED 33,771 Jews on September 29 and 30.

 10/12/41: These were the reasons for the EXECUTIONS. . .

 10/18/41: 4,091 Jews and 46 Communists were EXECUTED. . .

 10/27/41: . . .believed in the transfer right up to the moment of their

 2/25/42: . . .140 more people had to be SHOT.

 9/12/41: EXECUTIONS of Jews are understood everywhere and accepted favorably.
          It is surprising how calm the delinquent are when they are SHOT...

 9/25/41: . . .SHOT a total of 44,125 persons, mostly Jews.

 9/28/41: EXECUTION of at least 50,000 Jews planned.

 10/2/41: . . .EXECUTED 33,771 Jews in Kiev...

 10/20/41: . . .apprehended and LIQUIDATED.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 782       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:49 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > I must know more about this. According to what I have learned of the 
  > F-G report, there is no original. There is, however, a typescript 
  > copy made of a carbon copy of the original, apparently typed and 
  > signed by Eric Lipman. Are you really saying that you have a carbon 
  > copy of the original?

 Reality Check:

  > First, about the F-G report. Actually the copy I reviewed is the 
  > carbon copy. Being a carbon copy, it is an exact duplicate of the 
  > original.

 Please note the difference between the word "have" in Raven's message and the
 word "reviewed" in my message.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 783       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:50 EST
 Quoth the Raven in 765:

  > Toward the end of the war, the Nazis were moving large numbers of Jews
  > hundreds of miles east of the so-called killing centers in Poland. This
  > act is not consistent with a policy of extermination.

 Quoth the Raven in 767:

  > As the Germans had to pull back from the areas of the concentration camps
  > in the East, they gave the inmates a choice: stay to be liberated by the
  > Soviets or come with us. Most of the inmates chose to evacuate with the
  > Germans.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 784       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:50 EST
 Quoth the Raven in 767:

  > This in itself speaks volumes, that the inmates of the so-called death
  > camps preferred to take their chances with the Germans than with the
  > Communists!

 Quoth the Raven earlier in 767:

  > Toward the end of the war, the Soviets were advancing from the East. 
  > The western Allies were pounding everything ... including civilian 
  > targets ... throughout Germany. 

 Seems to me that the inmates had a choice between the Soviets and the western
 Allies. Hmmmm.....

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 785       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:51 EST
 Quoth the Raven in 767:

  > This was not the fault of the Germans. This was the fault of FDR,
  > Churchill, and bloodthirsty Zionists who would be satisfied with nothing
  > less ... even at the expense of European Jewry, who were used as pawns in
  > a disgusting game of international power politics. 

 Quoth the Raven in 759:

  > As I have said before, I am not anti-Semitic, and in fact don't hate 
  > anyone.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 786       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:52 EST
 Quoth the Raven in 768:

  > The so-called "minutes" of the Wannsee Conference which you refer to 
  > as the Wannsee Protocols are more probably notes made after the 
  > Conference, rather than the actual minutes of the Conference. Big 
  > difference.
  > The "Wannsee Protocol" bears no official imprint, no date, no 
  > signature, and was wtritten with an ordinary typewriter on small 
  > sheets of paper. It does not bear the name of an agency, nor the 
  > serial number under which an official record of the proceedings would 
  > have been kept by the agency that initiated them. The fact that it is 
  > stamped "Top Secret" only makes this document more suspicious.

 First, I am glad that you are able to quote Staeglich's work word for word
 but isn't it considered plagiarism to do so without proper credit?

 As you know (because Staeglich mentions this in his book), he never saw any
 of the documents of which he speaks. Now, let's discuss the Wannsee
 Conference Protocols, shall we?

 They were minutes of the meeting held January 20, 1942. Staeglich doubts this
 but supplies us with no reason for his doubt other than what you have quoted
 from him above. However, if he had taken the time and trouble to contact the
 National Archives in Washington, DC (since it was the US which captured the
 minutes of the Wannsee Conference), he would have had his answer immediately.

 The Wannsee Conference Protocols were contained within a group of documents.
 Among these documents was the cover letter for distribution of the minutes.
 I have no idea where you work or what type of work you do (all we know is
 that you have a "full-item" job....whatever that means) but if you've been
 involved in any meetings in which minutes are produced, you know that the
 distribution of those minutes usually have some sort of cover letter. This
 cover letter explains the enclosure (i.e. the minutes) and proposes another
 meeting of those from the various departments represented 1/20/42 but of
 lower rank.

 The entire group of documents was captured by the US and has been in US
 possession ever since. You aren't suggesting that the US personnel...our
 veterans...tampered with these documents, are you?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 787       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:53 EST
 For those of you who have never heard of Wilhelm Staeglich and are not
 familiar with his work, let me quote from a couple of letters that he wrote
 and reproduced at the back of his book. Both of these letters were written to
 the International Red Cross.

 Letter I:

 "For the sake of its reputation, the International Red Cross should revise
 its position on Zionist atrocity propaganda as soon as possible."

 Letter II:

 "Finally, I should like to express my hope that in the future, at least, the
 international Red Cross will adhere to the precept you set forth in the third
 paragraph of your letter to me of April 28, namely, 'not to undertake its own
 interpretation' of events. We Germans are no longer going to put up with the
 lies about our nation that the Zionist imperialists have spread throughout
 the world - least of all when they come from a purportedly 'neutral'

 And, from correspondence with the Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte:

 "As much as we try, it is not always possible for the Institute to answer
 private queries - even those which are prompted by a scholarly interest - as
 fully as those who make them may wish, since we must give priority to our
 tasks of research and publishing."

                                    Dr. Martin Broszat

 "You must realize, of course, that I will draw my own conclusions from your
 evasive attitude."

                                    Wilhelm Staeglich

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 788       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 10:53 EST
 Quoth the Raven:

  > There were many atrocities on both sides ... but this is not the 
  > forum for discussing them.

 Excuse me? This is the TOPic started by Raven to discuss the Holocaust yet
 now he expects us to believe that it is not the forum for discussing
 atrocities. Hmmmm......

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 789       Wed Mar 25, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 11:42 EST
PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the huge volume in this topic, I will have to archive the
first several hundred messages to the library soon.  If you wish to capture
them to disk while they are still here on the bulletin board, do it now. 
Thanks.  -Ric/PF*NPC
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 790       Wed Mar 25, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 12:16 EST
NOTE:  After consultation with a number of people, and due to OVERWHELMING
complaints in my mailbox, messages that taunt Jews and other Holocaust victims
with spurious and unsupported claims that the Holocaust was a "hoax" will be
deleted.  This includes the word "holohoax," which I did not realize was as
blantantly offensive to Jews as it seems to be.

I must apologize for my handling of this matter. I don't know what I was
thinking:  that common courtesy and civility would win out? that after being
presented with several hundred messages of historical record some hate would
give and we would develop a useful dialog? that the joys inflamming a
persecuted religious minority would get old?  I don't know...

This forum is here to discuss and debate issues that affect us all and you are
expected to act like adults.  I think we can use the example of the past 700+
messages as a sad commentary on human nature.  Pooh bah has done an excellent
job of providing material for discussion, and I am very disappointed that none
of it is really being discussed.  What is coming through is unsupported
rhetoric and hatred.  Maybe this will change; I certainly hope it will.

I want to reinforce that this topic is open for serious, rational discussion
of the history and influences at work during the Holocaust.  Messages that
simply claim the Holocaust is a hoax, with no supporting arguments based on
records, citations or whathaveyou are not welcome.  The difference here is
INFORMED DEBATE versus spouting rhetoric -- on either side.

This is difficult for me because I do not believe that censoring speech is the
answer to anything, but I have several thousand people in this forum to answer
to when it comes to blatant bigotry.  I hope you understand that this is a
very complicated issue, and this decision is not at all easy. I know many of
you feel like it is long overdue.  Some of you will simply pass it off as more
evidence that we censor everything.  That is your belief, but this is my job. 
If you disagree strongly enough, discuss it in Cat 15 Topic 7, which was set
up for that purpose.  (I will copy this message there.)

If you have any comments at all on how to better handle this situation, let us
hear from you.  And please continue on with actual informed debate on the
facts about the Holocaust.  Thank you.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 791       Wed Mar 25, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 12:24 EST
[one very long message deleted; I will see if the author will upload it to the
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 792       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:27 EST
 There are two main areas upon which the Holocaust Deniers base their case.
 First, the gassings. Second, the number of Jews (and others) who were
 slaughtered by the Nazis.

 Therefore, since much evidence has already been presented (and not rebutted
 with any sort of evidence) on the fact that there was an extermination
 program, let us move on to the camps themselves.

 There were three types of camps: concentration, labor and extermination. In
 all, there were approximately 1700 camps in Nazi controlled territories and,
 out of this number, there were six extermination camps - all on what is now
 Polish soil. Four of these six camps used CO (carbon monoxide) as the killing
 agent while two of the camps used HCN (cyanide) as the killing agent in whole
 or in part.

 Auschwitz was the only camp that had been designed to use HCN exclusively and
 it is this particular camp that the Holocaust Deniers have made their cause
 celebre in attempting to debunk. Thus far, they have been extremely

 There are three sources (besides the Nazi documents themselves) which will be
 used in this discussion. The Holocaust Deniers will claim that the Leuchter
 Report and the subsequent Institute of Judicial Expertise (Krakow) support
 their contention that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. This claim is
 false. Besides the above two reports, a work by Jean-Claude Pressac will also
 be used. It is entitled: _Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas

 Both the Leuchter Report and the Pressac work are copyrighted materials and,
 therefore, will be quoted only within the usual accepted bounds here on the
 network. However, the report from the Institute of Judicial Expertise is not
 under copyright and will be quoted in full in later messages.

 Prepare for a possible information overload. This is the first of 10 messages
 which deals solely with the scientific evidence of the gas chambers.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 793       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:29 EST
 With any published research, there are two main sections: (1) data; and (2)
 conclusions based upon the data. With scientific research, the data are often
 in the form of test results. Therefore, to verify the data, repeated tests
 would need to be performed but, using the stated test results, one is
 generally able to make some determination regarding the conclusions reached.

 This is important to keep in mind when discussing the Leuchter Report. Fred
 Leuchter, without any training in toxicology, chemistry, engineering,
 physics, mathematics or any of the other sciences, was paid $35,000 to go to
 Poland, take samples from the gas chambers at Auschwitz, Auschwitz-Birkenau
 and Majdanek to prove that these structures were not gas chambers. He was
 employed to do this task by Ernst Zuendel who was then standing trial in
 Canada for spreading "false news" in his publication and distribution of
 Holocaust Denial materials. Robert Faurisson, a Frenchman who had been
 convicted in his country for a similar offense, acted as the mediator between
 Ernst Zuendel and Fred Leuchter.

 Leuchter did go to the three camps but only collected samples from Auschwitz
 and Auschwitz-Birkenau. All of these samples were removed illegally and
 brought back to the US to be analyzed. No samples were taken from Majdanek
 so, even though his report concludes that there were no gas chambers at
 Majdanek, that conclusion is not based upon any of the data collected.

 Since published research does have two main sections, I, too, will divide the
 Leuchter Report into those same two sections. Therefore, the next message
 will discuss the scientific properties of HCN (hydrocyanide or Zyklon-B) and
 then the next two messages after that will state first Leuchter's test
 results and then Leuchter's conclusions.

 The messages following that will quote the Krakow Institute for Forensic
 Expertise report so will not be divided by me into the clear-cut sections
 since the report itself first discloses its test results and then its

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 794       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:29 EST
 HCN is the chemical notation for hydrocyanic or prussic acid. It is composed
 of one atom of each of the following: hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. This was
 the compound used at Auschwitz, Auschwitz-Brikenau and, in part, at Majdanek.
 The trade name for it was Zyklon-B.

 The following is quoted from the "Directives for the use of Prussic Acid
 (Zyklon)" as issued by the Health Institution of the Protectorate Bohemia and
 Moravia in Prague. It is contemporary to the reign of the Nazis in Europe.


 Prussic acid is a gas which is generated by evaporation.
 Boiling point: 25 degrees Centigrade [point at which the liquid becomes gas]
 The liquid evaporates easily.
 Prussic acid is soluble in water.
 Lower limit of combustion: 67.2 g/m^3
 Higher limit of combustion: 480.0 g/m^3

 Normal application approx. 8-10 g/m^3 [for delousing], therefore not

 Prussic acid is one of the most powerful poisons. 1 mg per kg of body weight
 is sufficient to kill a human being. Women and children are generally more
 susceptible than men.

 Poisoning through the skin:

 Dizziness, headache, vomiting, general feeling of sickness, etc. All these
 symptoms pass if one gets out into the fresh air.


 The following is the lethal doses (in g/m^3) per species:

 Mosquitos:     0.25 for 30 minutes
 Bugs:          0.25 for 1 hour
 Humans:        0.30 instantly
 Fleas:         1.25 for 2 hours
 Rats and mice: 2.5 for 2 hours
 Lice:          5.00 for 2 hours
 Cockroaches:   5.00 for 2 hours

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 795       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:30 EST
 There are different published editions of the Leuchter Report and the page
 numbers do not coincide from edition to edition. Therefore, I will cite the
 page number for the quotes I use but these page numbers might not be the same
 as other editions.

 From page 8: "In Birkenau, Kremas II, III, IV, V are collapsed, or razed to
 the foundations.....Kremas I, II, III, IV and V are described historically
 and on inspection were verified to have been converted mortuaries or morgues
 connected and housed in the same facility as crematories."

 In all, Leuchter removed (without permission) 32 samples. 1-7 from Krema II,
 8-11 from Krema III, 12 from new gasket material, 13-20 from Krema IV, 21-24
 from Krema V, 25-31 from Krema I and 32 from the delousing chamber in Block
 3 (which, BTW, he considered his "control" sample!)

 Samples 8, 9, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 contained traces
 of cyanide ranging from 1.1 to 7.9 mg/kg.

 These test results were obtained after 43 years of exposure to the elements
 including rain and snow (keeping in mind that HCN is water soluble) and sun
 (keeping in mind that HCN is gaseous at 25 degrees Centigrade).

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 796       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:31 EST
 From the test results in the previous message, Leuchter concludes that these
 structures were not and could not have been used as gas chambers. He based
 this conclusion on the following additional information:

 "Germans allegedly constructed a series of large gas chambers for execution
 purposes beginning sometime in late 1941." (p. 7) Which he finds unbelievable
 because: "It seems unusual that the presumed designers of these alleged gas
 chambers never consulted or considered the United States technology, the only
 country then executing prisoners with gas." (p. 8)

 Of course, Leuchter apparently forgets that "late 1941" was also the time
 that the Nazis declared war on the US!

 "In Birkenau, Kremas II, III, IV V are collapsed, or razed to the
 foundations" (p. 8) Yet, he also states on that same page: "The on-site
 inspection of these structures indicated extremely poor and dangerous design
 for these facilities if they were to have served as execution gas chambers.
 There is no provision for gasketed doors, windows or vents; the structures
 are not coated with tar or other sealant to prevent leakage or absorption of
 the gas." and "There were no exhaust systems to vent the gas after usage"

 Now, how could an on-site inspection have determined any of that if the
 Kremas are collapsed or razed to the foundations?

 "The adjacent crematories are a potential danger of explosion." Such a
 statement only indicates Leuchter's lack of competence since it takes only
 0.3 g/m^3 to instantly kill a human and it takes a minimum of 67.2 g/m^3 to
 cause an explosion!

 Leuchter's "control" sample (taken from an intact de-lousing chamber) tested
 at 1050 mg/kg. The fact that he would select such a sample as a "control"
 (and have only a single control) indicates his lack of knowledge of
 scientific methods.

 Yet, because the test results of his "control" differed so greatly from the
 samples from the gas chambers, he concludes: "One would have expected higher
 cyanide detection in the samples taken from the alleged gas chambers (because
 of the greater amount of gas allegedly utilized there) than that found in the
 control sample." This, of course, is indicative that Leuchter has ignored the
 fact that 0.3 g/m^3 of HCN is enough to kill a human instantly while it takes
 5 g/m^3 for 2 hours to kill lice. He also has apparently ignored the fact
 that the delousing facility from his "control" sample is intact and the gas
 chambers, because of their destruction, have been exposed for 43 years to the

 So, Leuchter's conclusions are not supported by his test results and, what's
 even more extraordinary, his test results actually prove that the structures
 which he examined were used as gas chambers.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 797       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:32 EST
 [Report from Cracow analysis. One of five messages.]

 Institute for Forensic Expertise
 Cracow on the 24th Sept 1990

 Ref No 720/90

 To the State Museum at Auschwitz-Birkenau

 The Institute for Forensic Expertise in memory of Prof. Dr. Sehn in Cracow
 submits herewith its opinion compiled by the experts Prof. Dr. Jan
 Markiewicz, Dr. Wojoiech Gubals Eng. Jerzy Labedz and Magister Beate

 In conjunction with reports published in the western countries and with
 trials going on there some opinions came up that at Auschwitz no gas Zyklon
 B has been used for the purpose of killing human beings, the Museum at
 Auschwitz asked us to analyze samples taken from the walls of gas chambers
 there and to find the presence of hydrocyanide.

 On the 20th February 1990 the Institute for Forensic Expertise sent the
 following team of its experts to the camp and the Museum at Auschwitz
 Birkenau: Dr. Wojciech Gubals and Eng. J. Labedz - in order to take there
 samples for analysis, to find possibly any traces of hydrocyanic compounds.
 According to the minutes the samples were taken from rooms inside of Block 3,
 from crematory 1 at Auschwitz, but also from crematories 2, 3 and 5 at
 Birkenau. The samples taken were plaster from the wall and pieces of brick -
 all taken in the presence of Dr. Franciszek Piper, the manager of the Museum.
 Another samples were taken from the walls of Block 11 at Auschwitz, in the
 presence of Magister Piotr Setkiewicz, assistant of the Museum. Altogether 22
 samples were taken, this including 2 control samples taken from places far
 away, where a contamination with hydrocyanide could be excluded.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 798       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:32 EST
 [Report from Cracow analysis. Two of five messages.]

 Out of 20 samples, 10 samples were taken from rooms inside of Block 3 at
 Auschwitz vis. from rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 where the disinfection of prisoner's
 garments were done by use of Zyklon B.

 According to our information these rooms were painted during the war. Some
 spots of bluish tint can be seen shining through the painting.

 Another 5 samples were taken from the ruins of crematory 2 gas chamber at
 Birkenau and one sample from the ruin of crematory 5, and one sample from the
 wall of crematory 1 at Auschwitz. No samples were taken from the ruins of
 crematory 4 because the fragments of 30-40 cm height were erected after the

 The aforementioned assistants of the Institute for Forensic Expertise
 received, in addition, an envelope containing approx 150 g of human hair
 preserved by a worker of the Museum and 4 samples of hair tissue, also
 preserved by a worker of the Museum.

 All these preserved samples and materials (plaster, brick, hair, hair tissue)
 were shredded and put into micro-diffusion chambers. Next process: the
 samples were immersed into sulfuric acid and dissolved into a Conway chamber
 during a period of 24 hours, at chamber temperature. Vapors and gases
 emanating under these conditions were absorbed by a solution of sodium
 hydroxide. After completion of diffusion, the colored liquid was brought into
 reaction with a pirazolonic reagent and the intenseness of the achieved color
 was measured spectrophotometrically. the relating concentration of the
 cyanide compound was determined by means of a drawn oblique calibration which
 was checked in each of measured series by the aid of a gauge.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 799       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:34 EST
 [Report from Cracow analysis. Three of five messages.]


 Among the 10 samples taken from rooms inside of Block 3 - in which
 disinfection with Zyklon B were carried out - in 7 samples the presence of
 hydrocyanide compounds was found out in concentrations from 9 to 147
 micrograms in 100 grams of material after conversion into calium cyanide
 which was used as gauge in preparing the oblique calibration.

 The concentration of cyanides in the material analyzed.

     # of sample              concentration of cyanides (micrograms in 100 g)
         1                                              17
         2                                               9
         7                                              19
         8                                              35
         9                                             101
        10                                             132
        11                                             147
        15                                               6

 Attention: In the remaining sealed samples no cyanides were traced.

 All additional samples were analyzed in the infrared spectrophotometer F TS
 15 B made by Digilab. The result of this technique revealed cynic stripes in
 5 samples, most often between 2000-2200 cm^-1. A more or less faint bluish
 tint appeared on 5 additional samples analyzed. This kind of bluish tint can
 be caused by complex cyanide compounds entering a chemical reaction with
 ferro-related agents which are known as Prussian Blue.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 800       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:35 EST
 [Report from Cracow analysis. Four of five messages.]

 Among those samples taken from gas chambers of crematories No. 1, 2, 3 and 5
 only one sample #15 - taken from a pillar inside of the gas chamber of
 crematory 2 at Birkenau - gave trifle traces of cyanide compounds viz. 6
 micrograms/100 g of plaster.

 Negative results gave the analysis of human hair and hair tissue. The same
 negative result gave the analysis of the 2 control samples.

 On the 18th July 1990 Dr. Gubals once again visited the former Auschwitz
 concentration camp and took another 7 samples from places there. After the
 chemical analysis the presence of hydrocyanide compounds therein was proved.
 These materials underwent once again the chemical analysis mentioned above,
 and again positive results have been obtained.

 Hydrocyanide HCN detaching from Zyklon B is a liquid with a boiling point of
 approx 27 degrees Centigrade.

 It has an aciduious character and produces salts called cyanides when
 contacting with metals. Salts of alcalic metals such as natrium and calcium,
 are dissolvable in water.

 HCN is a very poor acid and therefore its salts easily disperse if mixed with
 stronger acids. Such an acid is carbonic acid which emanates through the
 reaction of bicarbon oxide and water. cyanides are more easily dissolved by
 stronger acids like sulfuric acid. Much more durable are those complex
 compounds of cyanic ions amalgamating with heavy metals. Such one is the
 aforementioned Prussian Blue, but even it dissolved slowly in an aciduious

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 801       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 18:35 EST
 [Report from Cracow analysis. Five of five messages.]

 Under such circumstances it was a vain hope that after 45 years cyanide acid
 compounds could be found preserved in building material (plaster, brick) if
 exposed to the action of atmospheric forces such as aciduious rains and
 aciduious oxygenes, especially those of sulfurous and nitrogenous complexion.
 A better chance had the analysis of plaster taken from safe places, prtected
 from the action of precipitation (including aciduous rains).

 Therefore, the analysis of plaster taken from rooms inside of Block 3
 confirmed the presence of hydrocyanic acid compounds, even in very trifle
 quantities. This result confirms the know fact that in those rooms inside
 Block 3 Zyklon B has been used for disinfection purposes.

 It was a mere lucky hit to detect hydrocyanide compounds in materials under
 action of atmospheric forces.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 802       Wed Mar 25, 1992
R.ARBETMAN                   at 20:02 EST
 4/790 Ric:




Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 803       Wed Mar 25, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 20:55 EST

>>Furthermore, to equate the word anti-Semitic with the words anti-
 >>Jewish or anti-Zionist is not only sloppy, it in fact constitutes
 >>an attempt to "disenfranchise" the Arabs and other true Semites,
 >>by virtue of robbing them of the word that means hatred toward
 >>them. Once the word is usurped, it becomes nearly impossible to
 >>talk about Arab hatred because there is no word  for it. A
 >>parallel can be seen in the word misogynist, which has no
 >>counterpart to describe women who hate men. [sic]

   The word you want is "misandrist", but it isn't used much.  The rest is
nonsense.  However you want to interpret it by folk etymology, the word "anti-
Semite" has always meant "One who is bigotted against the Jews."

>> I believe it is a hoax because it was started by Allied
 >>propaganda  teams during the war for use as a weapon against the
 >>Germans. After  the war, the lie remained in use to cover the
 >>stench of Allied  atrocities. Although Britain and America gained
 >>from this, the main  beneficiary were the Soviets. Later, Zionist
 >>groups, seeing the power  of using this propaganda against a
 >>helpless Germany, picked up the  ball. Therefore, many groups have
 >>had a hand in it, each for their  own ends.

  You can't simply state this kind of thing  - you need to support it. 
Exactly what Allied atrocities do you mean?  What evidence do you have that
Allied "propaganda teams" started the story?

  Re your 762:  funny, Raven, the rest of us have no problem understanding
Pooh's documents without help.  If you truly need all the explanation, perhaps
you should read more carefully.

>>...documents at his disposal, many of which Pooh.bah has made
 >>available (more or less) here in this TOPic....
 >>           ~~~~~~~~~~~~

  You there imply that Pooh is uploading somehow incomplete copies of these
documents.  Do you mean that?  If so, you had better be able to back it up,
otherwise it's an unfounded personal insult.

  Your 769 is frankly hard to believe.  Quotes follow:

>>I think the U.S. should have allied itself with Japan and Germany
 >>... the two main countries fighting to contain the spread of
 >>communism[sic], instead of allying itself with the hideously
 >>imperialistic Britain (and Stalin's USSR).

  Yes, prewar Britain was quite imperialistic.  Nobody, least of all
Churchill, would disagree.  Can you really call Japan, say,
"nonimperialistic"?  Considering their conquest of Manchuria and bits of
China, of Okinawa, and so on?

>>For Britain to accuse Germany of attempting to take over the world
 >>was akin to the pot calling the kettle black.  The difference
 >>being that Germany was only trying to get back lands that
 >>belonged with Germany, while Britain was still longing for total
 >>control over colonies spread across the face of the planet.

  Sure - France, Belgium, Holland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Denmark
"belonged with" Germany.  Why?  Denmark wasn't, to my knowledge, even part of
the Holy Roman Empire.  North Africa? What's now Saudi Arabia?  Why did they
"belong with" Germany?  Can you say "Lebensraum"?

                                        Carl Fink
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 804       Wed Mar 25, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 21:06 EST
Mazel Tov, Ric, on a correct and just decision.


You can post to Raven all you want, but I don't think he's able to reply,
given the new ban on slander.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 805       Wed Mar 25, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric]               at 21:16 EST
I would also like to point out that I will not tolerate further messages which
taunt Raven and Rungu, specifically spelling names backward, called them
"Raving" or whatever.  I hope we can ALL look more closely at the facts and
history involved, and less at the personalities that are presenting themselves

Also, due to a suggestion in my mailbox, we will be opening a second topic
soon as this one nears being full.  It was pointed out to me that since most
of the messages here cite specific message numbers, that would be a more
useful format.  This topic will be closed and further messages will be
directed to the new topic, and then this one will be saved in the library for
you to refer back to.  CAPTURE THIS TOPIC IF YOU WANT NOW, though it will be

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 806       Wed Mar 25, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 22:01 EST
AH.STEIN, Message 776.  *sigh*  You are wrong, dead wrong.   Revisionist
history and revisionist historians have as good a reputation for honesty and
scholarship as so called "mainstream" historians.  One of my most stringent
objections to the way the Holocaust has been affirmed is the smear jobs that
have painted serious historians such as AJP Taylor, Harry Elmer Barnes,
Charles Beard, and James J. Martin with the same tar that is being used on Jew-
haters such as Willis Carto and his ilk.

Pay attention to detail and don't throw out the baby with the bilgewater. 
There is a real importance for keeping a free and skeptical -- and politically
independent -- inquiry going in the history departments.  The alternative to
that is to allow nothing but victors' histories to be written -- and that is
as bad for the victors as anyone else, if it means that the winning side's
excesses will not be punished as well.

I have to include Robert Faurrison in this category, even though he has
challenged claims about the gas chambers.  I have heard him speak and have met
him.  First, he is in no way a Jew-hater or anti-Semite.  He is a historian
who -- presented with certain technical problems associated with gassing by
cyanide -- has raised proper questions.  I, myself, don't understand how a gas
as deadly as cyanide could have been vented out of extermination chambers 
without killing people elsewhere in the camps, including Nazi personnel and
their families.  If the cyanide gas was chemically neutralized before release,
no one has shown how this was done, leaving this a field day for the skeptics.

Damn it, you shouldn't lose your job for asking questions like this, and
Faurrison was treated shabbily in France for asking it.  The fact that he has
been associated with con-artists like Willis Carto is a shameful result of the
lack of discretion the Holocaust affirmers have been using on anyone who dares
to raise questions.  Where else was someone like this \supposed\ to go for
support, after being persecuted for being politically incorrect?

J. Neil Schulman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 807       Wed Mar 25, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 22:30 EST
 >>> G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]

 > Thus, you have one supported statement and one unsupported statement. I
 > quoted the supported statement.

You aren't supposed to pick and choose like that, though.  Whether you like it
or not, Hilberg characterized his preceeding statement as fiction.  When you
omit that sentence, you have distorted what Hilberg is saying.  If you do not
like what he has said or believe that his writing is full of errors, you
should use a primary source instead of using Hilberg.

How you quote is, of course, up to you.  How much more credibility you wish to
lose is, again, up to you.

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 808       Wed Mar 25, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 22:32 EST
Sorry, Neil. Your defense of Faurisson and explanation for his joining WIllis
Carto is bunk. It reminds me of the defense of Heisenberg, the famed physicist
Nazi, who turned his back on his Jewish colleagues, so that he could continue
with his pure 'Aryan' science. What could he do? He wanted to be a physicist,
not a politician. Unless you are saying that Faurisson has no association with
Carto? I think that it can easily be verified that he is in direct contact
with Carto.

Faurisson, if he indeed was not anti-semitic, would have never considered
associating with such an odious character as Carto.

I find something rather offensive in this neo-logism 'holocaust affirmers'.
Its implication is that there is legitimacy in the camp of the holocaust
deniers. No credible historian would dispute the systematic plan of the Nazis
to eradicate European Jewry. They may quibble over the details how it was
accomplished, the exact numbers, the collaborators, the heros and villains,
but no one with a sliver of credibility could possibly deny it. Hence the term
'holocaust affirmer' should be considered as offensive as the use of holohoax.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 810       Wed Mar 25, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 23:01 EST
D.BERKOWITZ, Message 808: No, I am saying that being skeptical about any
historical event is the job of the historian, and Faurrison was properly doing
his job when he strayed into  political incorrectness and got fired for it. 
It was only when he was fired and he was offered a podium and a place to be
published by Willis Carto.  Carto's agenda in this was obvious, and I'm not
disputing that he uses Faurrison to his own ends.  But I do not fault Robert
Faurrison for accepting Carto's help: after he was fired, who else would risk
associating with him?

This is exactly my point.  The climate of hysteria surrounding this issue is
sickening, and the more and more I see Jews using McCarthyist tactics, the
more and more willing I become to stick my neck out to defend the innocent
scholars who are being ruined by guilt-by- association.

I tell you, bluntly, from personal experience, that Robert Faurrison is not an
anti-Semite, and he has raised a proper question about the gas chambers.

If this means that there is, in fact, legitimacy in the camp of the Holocaust
deniers, then the fault is squarely on the backs of those who have hounded
historians so that no one aside from anti- Semites will allow them to continue
their work.

As for the term "Holocaust affirmer," is is a perfectly neutral, descriptive
term, and a logical neologism to counter "Holocaust denier," which is also a
neologism.  "Affirm" and "deny" are exact opposites.  If one is used, I'll
continue using the other.

J. Neil Schulman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 811       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 23:12 EST
809 Rungu: Before you make such accussations, you should perhaps re-read Ric's

806 Neil: There are two major problems with your message. First, Faurisson is
NOT a historian. He was a professor of classical literature. Second, he is NOT
a scientist or he would have been able to understand the "problems" he
mentioned about the gas chambers ventilation were no problem at all.

Were you serious that you, too, consider this to be a problem?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 812       Wed Mar 25, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 23:15 EST
810 Neil: There is a very definite difference between a "revisionist" and a
"denier." The term "revisionist" does not apply to those of the IHR, etc. The
term "denier," however, does apply.

BTW, out of curiosity, how many of the books published (or distributed) by
Noontide concerning the Holocaust have you read?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 823       Wed Mar 25, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 23:53 EST
POOH.BAH...message 749

Thank you POOH.BAH. Nobody can accuse you of being lazy! You appear to have
accepted the revised fatality figures of the current Polish government, which
puts the fatality list at about 1 million. Since the overall estimates of 6
million were based on the assumption that 4 million died at Auschwitz rather
than 1 million, shouldn't these newer estimates be reflected in the overall

My only concern about paper documents is when they are used as a substitute
for physical evidence. There is little chance that the NS officials who
created the documentation you used would have done so as a show for the
allies, since these documents were clearly internal documents which were never
intended for public, let alone foreign, view. A lot of material, not
necessarily yours, was produced by allied forgery mills after the war to
manufacture support for their version of the events.

Regarding the world Jewish population figures: You appear to be saying, don't
trust the world population estimates for Jews which were prepared by Jewish
organizations in New York. Your reasons for this seem quite plausible. By
contrast, you seem to have boundless faith in the figures produced by the NS
regime. It seems to me that their figures for foreign jurisdictions may also
be more legend than fact. Each country handles these sorts of statistics in
different ways, and physical occupation of the other jurisdiction does not
give you ready access to all this statistical information.

Regarding message 754: I would have to agree with your assessment of the
implications of the documents which you have presented. There are mountains of
documents on these events, and they are not all consistent or produce the same
implications. One has to be careful that one does not selectively use material
that supports our favourite model and discard contradictory material. The
ideal model, which is hard to do, would account for all the evidence.

Message 755: The 4 million figure for Auschwitz was tossed around for years
and I found it a logistical impossibility. The 1 million estimates are at
least plausible. Stories about the NS period have become a major cottage
industry in the U.S. Countless novels, films, etc. have been made on the
subject, each one of which tries to overtrump the last in terms of
outrageousness. For a time, it sounded like a contest between rival
implementations of the National Enquirer.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 824       Wed Mar 25, 1992
RUDOLPH                      at 23:59 EST
Neil, To what are you referring when you state that Jews are using
"MacCarthyist " tactics?  I have certainly seen Jews try to counter the work
of Holocaust deniers, I have seen Jews and others perceive holocaust denial as
a clear and direct attack on the Jewish community without any legitamate
historical basis.  I myself have met at great length with a professor of
Modern German history.  This professor is a scholar of the holocaust, is
German and is NOT a Jew.  She claims to have reviewed the work of Holocaust

deniers and says its hogwash and "dangerous anti Jewish propaganda." I have
followed these debates closely and have found little reason to support the
holocaust deniers from an academic point of view, whereas Pooh.bah has been
most impressive and scholarly.

As far as venting the gas chambers, I don't know if this is true, but this
history professor explained that it has to do with "air replacement gassing." 
Pooh, is this relevant or correct?

How do you know that Faurrison is NOT an antisemite.  I agree that we should
give the benefit of the doubt, but can you really know what is in someones
heart.  It seems to me that the only reason someone would get involved in
Holocaust denial is to somehow attack the Jews.  This is not historical
revisionism, at least not as presented here or anywhere else I have seen it. 
This is denial of a demonstrated historical reality.

One last point:  I work on a college campus.  I have observed the  Jewish
community trying to change things it doesn't like.  It rarely is able to bring
about such a change, even though there are many Jewish\ students on my campus
and very many Jewish faculty.  Recently, a member op  the faculty received
tenure despite tremendous pressure from Jews and other ethnic minorities on
campus.  I do not believe that the Jews have the  power or the influence to
destroy an academic's career...especially in  France.

Instead, I suspect that Faurrison's statem,ents and publications question- ing
the holocaust caused his colleagues to question his credibility as a
legitimate and non-biased scholar.  I find that the faculty will defend to the
end anyone who they believe is legitimate and credible even when  strongly
disagreeing with their scholarship, and even when their scholar-   ship is
HIGHLY controversial.  When, however, a professor is perceived to be biased,
narrow thinking, or agenda expressing through their research and publications,
the faculty attacks that professor with no mercy.  Was Faurrison fired because
of the Jews?  Or because he violated the academic sensitivities and integrity
of his institution, and because he broke the law in the process?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 825       Thu Mar 26, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 00:03 EST
#810 Softserv-
 Your defense of Faurisson is extremely weak, and I consider his actions

If pursuing my career meant collaborating with Nazis and known anti- semites,
I would give up my career. Would you defend Heidegger, Heisenberg?

I judge people by their actions. That Faurisson is willing to join forces with
Carto, he is, by any legitimate definition of anti- semitism, an anti-semite.

I do not know the particulars of your alleged shabby treatment of Faurisson by
his colleagues, but no derision, no abuse should drive one to the bosom of the
Nazis. I can find no justification for joining forces with the devil.

What you are saying, unless I misunderstand, is equivalent to the following

A doctor wants  to verify his theory that blacks have genetic inferiority. He
wants to do experiments on live negroes. When the medical community catches
wind of his ideas they are outraged. He loses his position at a the
university. But he insists there is a legitimate question and that it could be
proven, he is strident in his pronouncement that his studies are true science,
and that PC forces are preventing him from genuine medical research. He joins
forces with Dr Karto, a known Nazi, who will allow him to pursue his research
on his private island. Would you defend the doctor?

I believe you have lost your moral compass, sir.

Would you also approve of the writers in the former USSR writers' guild who
routinely purged their fellow writers so that they could be free to polish
their craft?

If Faurisson was legitimate, he could have found a legitimate forum to discuss
his point of view. Are you implying that all the other scholars who reject
Faurisson are less honorable than he? Perhaps they know him better than you,
perhaps they are more skilled in the subject than Mr Schulman? Perhaps they
were able to determine objectively that Faurisson was somewhat less the pure
soul that you wish to portray? What are your personal credentials for you to
offer judgement of the French historical community? On what basis do you
conclude that it was a visceral decision based on violating a still undefined
notion of 'political uncorrectness' and not a sober reasoned process by
scholars? You have made the charge, but you have not supplied any text of
meetings of the French historical societies, you have not corroborated the
allegations at all. If anything, you have employed in reverse the same method
that you seem to decry in others. I find it quite hysterical to impute
McCarthyism on the entire scholarly world in order to defend a person who
revealed his true colors through his association with Carto.

You made a rather crude statement. "...and the more and more I see Jews using
McCarthyist tactics..." Do you suppose only Jews are repulsed? Do you only
notice Jews? Do you think righteous Gentiles are not vocal in their
opposition? Are you implying that it was a Jewish plot? I find this type of
statement to be typical of anti- semitism. Now the reverse is true: one may
not criticize the bogus historical 'research' without being labelled a PC,
McCarthyist loaded with tactics ruining scholars through guilt by association.
That you make such a charge without any corroborating evidence that:

1) the protest against Faurisson [or this topic for that matter] was strictly
by Jews.

2) that they used McCarthyist tactics

3) that they are ruining people by guilt by association.

Guilt by association is usually understood, correct me if I am wrong, as
drawing a conclusion about someone's beliefs because some third party printed
his remarks, and you know the third party's reputation and therefore draw a
conclusion about the party who's work was printed on the basis of the third
party's beliefs. That is hardly the case with Faurisson. He is hand and glove
with Carto. It is not through implied association but direct collaboration.
Quite different, wouldn't you agree?

How many experiences with Faurisson did you have? Five years? Ten years? I
know people who had friendships with people for thirty years, and were shocked
to discover, after probing an off the cuff comment, deep rooted bigotry on the
part of a friend.

I still protest your use of the term holocaust affirmer. There is nothing to
affirm. Except in the hearts of dedicated anti-semites, there is no doubt.
Your use of the term is as offensive as holohoax, and for strictly emotional
and painful reasons, I have in a very gentle and respectful manner requested
that you cease. I think it is a small concession on your part to realize that
since it may cause pain, does not further any scholarly issue, and is strictly
an emotional expression and reaction on your part [as you in so many words
admit in 810] that it would be better to refrain from using it.

I wrote in my prior message to you, that certainly there is room to analyse
the methods and means employed by the Nazi barbarians to affect the systematic
and total annihilation of European Jewry. Certainly one can analyse and
discuss the numbers, the guilty parties, the heroes. BUT, no credible
historian could possibly deny the reality of the destruction of European

For myself, it makes no difference whether 100,000 or 100,000,000 Jews were
slaughtered. Nor does the method[s] employed make a real difference to me. The
result is self-evident, the tragedy palpable in every Jewish community across
the globe. Jews were isolated and killed for no crime other than EXISTING AS
JEWS. For that horrible crime they were condemned to death. Let the historians
pick through the facts all they like, the result is not altered at all.
Judaism has been limping and recovering from the loss for fifty years.


On loan from ZOG [g]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 826       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:18 EST
 823 Hans-Peter:

  > You appear to have accepted the revised fatality figures of the current
  > Polish government, which puts the fatality list at about 1 million. Since
  > the overall estimates of 6 million were based on the assumption that 4
  > million died at Auschwitz rather than 1 million, shouldn't these newer
  > estimates be reflected in the overall total?

 Perhaps you came to this TOPic late. On 3/19, in response to Rungu, I stated:

  >> Maybe you should try reading some factual material for a while. Yes,
  >> those in charge of Auschwitz (i.e. the Polish gov't) did claim that 4
  >> million had been exterminated in POLAND (as opposed to Auschwitz only).
  >> Slight difference, isn't it?
  >> No historian has ever claimed such a number was exterminated at
  >> Auschwitz.

 For instance, Hilberg began his historical study of the Holocaust in 1948.
 Even his second edition was published in 1985. Both, I think you'll agree,
 were long before the recent update by the Polish gov't. Yet, in his work, he
 has always stated the 1 million figure. Reitlinger (the other historian who
 shares the honor of producing the earliest complete history of the Holocaust)
 likewise has stated the figure of 1-1.1 million.

 This (the 1-1.1 million) has always been the figure on which the overall 6
 million figure has been based. Therefore, there is no need, just because
 Poland is finally bringing the plaques into line with history, for history to
 revise the total figure when it never had any of the sub-figures wrong.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 827       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:19 EST
 823 Hans-Peter:

  > There is little chance that the NS officials who created the documentation
  > you used would have done so as a show for the allies, since these
  > documents were clearly internal documents which were never intended for
  > public, let alone foreign, view.

 Agreed. That's one of the reasons that they are so valuable for determining
 what happened. Yes, underlings wanted to impress superiors but they certainly
 weren't trying to generate propaganda with these documents.

  > A lot of material, not necessarily yours, was produced by allied forgery
  > mills after the war to manufacture support for their version of the
  > events.

 When you say "Allied" are your referring to the USSR or the western Allies
 (US, Britain, France)? The USSR did try to forge some documents but they (the
 documents) were discredited at the Nuremberg Trials and, as a result, did not
 influence the decision of the tribunal. If, OTOH, you are referring to the
 western Allies, I challenge you to submit proof of such a claim.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 828       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:19 EST
 823 Hans-Peter:

  > By contrast, you seem to have boundless faith in the figures produced by
  > the NS regime. It seems to me that their figures for foreign jurisdictions
  > may also be more legend than fact. Each country handles these sorts of
  > statistics in different ways, and physical occupation of the other
  > jurisdiction does not give you ready access to all this statistical
  > information.

 First, let's review what was said about these figures at Wannsee:

 "As far as the figures for Jews of the various foreign countries are
 concerned, the numbers given include only Jews by religion since the
 definition of Jews according to racial principles is in part still lacking

 The entire point of this quote is that the Nazis answered the question: "Who
 is a Jew?" in an entirely different way than did anyone else. Do I have
 "faith" in their numbers? No, let alone "boundless faith." The Nazi figures
 are inflated. However, they are not inflated by 10.5 million which is what
 Raven and Rungu would have us believe. The Nazis were not stupid. They knew
 how many Jews had emigrated before and in the early stages of the war.

 Also, your assumption that the needed information had to be acquired from
 census statistics is erroneous. As soon as a country allied with or was
 conquered by the Nazis, registrations for Jews were set up. In some
 countries, to make it more palatable, this registration was based upon
 religion and not the Nazi racial ideology.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 829       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:20 EST
 823 Hans-Peter:

  > There are mountains of documents on these events, and they are not all
  > consistent or produce the same implications. One has to be careful that
  > one does not selectively use material that supports our favourite model
  > and discard contradictory material. The ideal model, which is hard to do,
  > would account for all the evidence.

 Boy, here's a man after my own heart! You are absolutely correct and that's
 part of the reason why there is debate within the historical community and
 why there are so many books written about the Holocaust.

 Many people seem to believe that because there are so many documents that we
 know all there is to know about the Third Reich. Sometimes, however, the
 mountains of documents can make it more difficult to get a definitive picture
 on one aspect or another.

 Also, because of the vast quantities of documents, some of them have not been
 fully evaluated even now - 50 years after the event! This is why some
 historical accounts (Hilberg's comes to mind) have had an updated edition
 published. As time, energy and resources permit, previously unevaluated
 documents are processed in an attempt to reach that "ideal model."

 However, we also need to be cognizant of the fact that, as in a court of law,
 there can be contradictions where both views cannot fit into ANY model. Then,
 it becomes important to know the history of the document itself (i.e. when it
 was written, for what purpose, where it was discovered, etc.). It is through
 this sort of evaluation that the correct priority or weight can be attached
 to that particular document.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 830       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 01:21 EST
 823 Hans-Peter:

  > The 4 million figure for Auschwitz was tossed around for years
  > and I found it a logistical impossibility. The 1 million estimates are at
  > least plausible.

 As stated before, the 4 million figure was never "tossed around" in
 historical circles.

  > Stories about the NS period have become a major cottage industry in the
  > U.S. Countless novels, films, etc. have been made on the subject, each one
  > of which tries to overtrump the last in terms of outrageousness. For a
  > time, it sounded like a contest between rival implementations of the
  > National Enquirer.

 I totally agree. What's even more unfortunate is that many people have gotten
 all their "knowledge" concerning the Holocaust from such sources.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 831       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 01:36 EST
Pooh*Bah, Message 811: I don't care if Faurisson is a lion-tamer. He was fired
because he expressed the opinion that cyanide gas is so lethal in minuscule
amounts that it couldn't be vented without small amounts drifting into areas
where it would kill guards and their families.  My knowledge of the cyanide
gassings in the California gas chamber -- the procedures for taking guards
down from watchtowers, pumping the gas back into sealed containers, and
washing down the corpse before handling -- is such that this is a \reasonable\
question.  I'm not saying it disproves that there were gassings; but it damn
well needs to be answered with facts, not dismissals.

Yes, if you know how this was handled, post it here.

Let me also state that the gassings are the \least\ witnessed and \directly\
documented part of the Holocaust.  How could it be otherwise?  To raise
questions about it is no great sin, and you don't have to deny that the
Holocaust happened to question this particular fact.

Hilberg figures that only around 2 million or so of the 5.1 million Jews who
were Holocaust victims died in the camps.  Suppose I said to you that I
believed that these 2 million were killed by the Nazis by other means -- mass
shootings, exposure, starvation, beatings, torture, and unsanitary conditions
leading to typhus epidemics and other diseases. Is this defending the Nazis? 
Is this being a "Holocaust denier" or a Jew-hater?

As for the IHR, it is run by a Jew-hater, Willis Carto, but he has managed to
get legitimate revisionist historians to publish in his magazines by the
simple expedient of publishing them uncensored. When no "mainstream"
historical publication will allow revisionism on \any\ aspect of the
Holocaust, I do not blame revisionists for "dealing with the devil" rather
than being silenced.

How many Noontide press books have I read?  Not many, but I've seen some.  A
lot of it is turgid and difficult to get through. For this reason, I can't
answer the question of whether a particular book published by IHR is honest
revisionism or deliberate propaganda without having seen the book.  I
certainly do not dismiss a book because of its publisher -- otherwise I would
have to dismiss my own work, which was published by Avon, which also publishes
Richard Nixon.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 832       Thu Mar 26, 1992
S.PIERCE6 [Sheri]            at 01:37 EST
Robert Faurisson is not a legitimate historian, he is a charlatan.

He used outright lies attributed to "historical research" to "prove" there
were no gas chambers.  His thesis depended on an entry in an SS doctor's diary
which said, "This Sunday morning in the cold and humid weather I was present
at the IIth special action (Dutch).  Atrocious scenes with three women who
begged us to let them live."

According to Faurisson, this passage proves: 1) that a "special action" is a
sorting out by doctors of sick from healthy in a typhoid epidemic; 2) that the
"atrocious scenes" were "executions of persons who had been condemned to
death, executions for which the doctor was obliged to be present"; 3) that
among the condemned were three women who had come in a convoy from Holland who
WERE SHOT; 4) that there were no gas chambers, since the women were shot and

The above is what he falsely attributes to the diary entry, citing its author
and date!

An eminent French scholar named George Wellers analyzed the diary entry and
the surrounding documentation for Le Monde. He did ACTUAL historical research,
checked the Auschwitz archives for the date of the entry and found that 1710
Dutch Jews arrived that day of which 1594 went immediately to the gas chamber.
The remaining 116 (all women, including the doctor's 3 women) were brought
into the camp.  The fact that the three women the doctor referred to were SHOT
is not found anywhere in the diary.  In fact that information came out at Dr. 
Kremer's Polish war crimes trial.  He said there, "Three Dutch women did not
want to go into the gas chamber and begged to have their lives spared.  They
were young women IN GOOD HEALTH, but in spite of that their prayer was not
granted and the SS who were participating in the action SHOT THEM ON THE

Faurisson knew that his diary source (Dr.  Kremer) testified that the gas
chambers did exist, but omitted the fact; he knew the three women were "in
good health," but said they were selected on medical grounds during an
epidemic; he knew they were shot for begging to evade the gas chamber, but
said they were shot because they "were condemned to death."

So it is really not surprising if Faurisson was denounced by French academia.

(see Village Voice 6/81 P.  Berman's "Gas Chamber Games: Crackpot History and
the Right to Lie" or Alan Dershowitz's book, "Chutzpah.")
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 834       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 01:51 EST
RUDOLPH, Message 824: I define "McCarthyist tactics" as smearing a person not
for what they say or do, but because of whom they are associated with. 
Faurisson is being called an anti-Semite and a Holocaust-denier not because
anyone has documented anti-Semitic statements of his, but because questions he
has raised about the Holocaust serve the agenda of Jew-haters.  I do not fault
a man for deciding that truth is more important than politics or association. 
The fact is that the Jew-haters have treated  Faurisson decently, and
practically no one else has, all because he has asked inconvenient questions.

How do I know that Faurisson is not an anti-Semite?  Because I heard him
lecture, I have talked to him, and I have read his writings, receiving from
him assurances that none of this was intended in any way to harm the Jews, and
finding nothing which can remotely be considered anti-Semitic to make me
disbelieve his assurances.  If anyone here can find me anti-Semitic statements
from Robert Faurisson, I'll reconsider my position, but until then, I say he's
been shafted.

Further, it's not at all necessary for Jews to have conspired to destroy
Faurisson's career -- and Faurisson himself never expressed any feeling that
he blamed Jews for being fired.  As a matter of fact, I can't recall him
blaming anyone, except perhaps politicians who saw advantages in making him a
cause celebre.

D.BERKOWITZ, Message 825: Are you aware that many of the scientists
responsible for the American space program worked for the Nazis first? Spare
me the rhetoric about the purity of science.

This is a general comment to all here: I don't think you understand how
insidious guilt-by-association is.  It starts with guilt-by- association --
and the next thing you know, if you aren't careful, Torquemada has you in some
cellar, begging for the auto-da-fe.

This is nothing new, my friends.

Finally, and pay close attention: \I\, a Jew, choose to question the
Holocaust, if for no other reason than doing so ensures that the evidence will
be perpetuated.

You need no outside devil to take on this job.  One of your own has decided it
needs to be done.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 835       Thu Mar 26, 1992
C.MAIER [Claire]             at 01:55 EST
   >737 AH.STEIN
   >(Of course, we Jews are used to bearing crosses.)
 Don't you think that's mixing metaphors a bit, AH? 

 Pooh Bah, I'm puzzled about the concentrations of cyanide you gave as being
lethal.  It doesn't make sense that it would take more cyanide to kill rats
and mice than people.  Or were those figures used just for fumigating
unoccupied buildings, where "overkill" of vermin doesn't matter, and the
purpose is to make sure ALL vermin are dead?
  Cyanide posions the cytochrome oxidase enzyme in the respiratory transport
chain in mitochondria.  This should affect all aoxygen using organisms. 
There's no reason I know of why humans should be especially sensitive to it,
which is why I'm puzzled at why the lethal doses are given as so much lower
than the other organisms listed.
 Your clarification would be appreciated.

 Ric, thank you for taking charge of this topic.  I have been offended at a
lot of material on this board, particularly of one individual, whom, as others
have pointed out, deliberately lied concerning his/her knowledge and
intentions regarding this topic.
 Also, please be sure and post the location of the continuation topic.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 836       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 01:57 EST
I should also mention, by way of reference, that I \always\ asked to read the
question of the "evil son" at the Pesach seder.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 837       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 02:07 EST
Neil: Let me see if I get this straight then. A man who is neither a historian
nor a scientist publishes works in which he claims that the Holocaust never
occurred and you call this "raising questions?" You haven't read books by
Noontide but you've "seen some" and yet you are of the opinion that they
publish true revisionism and not just diatribes? You also claim that this man
who is neither a historian nor a scientist and who has been caught in
documented falsehoods told you that he never meant any of this to hurt the
Jews and you believe him?

Do I understand you correctly?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 838       Thu Mar 26, 1992
TERMY                        at 02:40 EST
In reply to:  Message 699  M.RUNGU

->This in itself should place in question the assumptions of many
 ->that an "anti-  semitism" is at the root of the IHR's publishing
 ->and research efforts.

That Carto is the instigator of the IHR, however, removes any doubt of its
intent and function as an anti-semitic organization.

->Your statement that Europe was "Jew-free" at the close of WWII is
 ->completely  false, and you must know this.  Berlin alone had some
 ->50,000 Jews still living  there, free...

You failed to give your sources for this.  Please rectify this, so that we may
know where this figure was obtained.

->Hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of Soviet Jews from  the
 ->western regions of the (former!) U.S.S.R. lived and breathed and
 ->later emigrated elsewhere, decades AFTER the war.

"Hundreds of thousands...perhaps millions" is a shift in order of magnitude. 
100,001 is a substantially different figure from 9,999,999.  Could you be more
specific?  Again, you do not source this information.

->But it IS true to say that the  Jewish population of Europe was
 ->shifted dramatically; millions appeared in the  United States,
 ->Israel, and elsewhere, and to them, no doubt, such an uprooting
 ->must indeed have been a "holocaust".

AGAIN, no sources, and no specific figures are given.  How many "millions"
appeared in the U.S., give or take a 100,000?  And please, list your sources.

 The following is to both Mr/Ms Rungu and Mr. Raven:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you assert that the Holocaust is a hoax.

If the above is correct, why would someone wish to perpetrate such a hoax upon
the world?

If the above is correct, WHO perpetrated this hoax?

702 Claire:

->...particularly the whirlwind 24 hour-period last weekend, during
 ->which you learned the names of Butz and Leuchter, ordered their
 ->books, received them by mail, and read them.

Don't forget that he also subscribed to and began receiving the IHR's "Journal
of Historical Review" in the past week.  Further, he's become familiar enough
with it to assertively state that "perhaps 30% of it's [sic] attention [is on]
the holocaust."

I may have to subscribe to the Journal of Hysterical Rubbish, myself, just to
be able to claim that I once subscribed to a magazine, the subscription dept.
of which was so efficient, I received the first issue within 24 hrs.  Do you
suppose that people would believe me, or would they dismiss it as another tall
tale from Texas?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 839       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 02:53 EST
Sheri Pierce, thanks so much for emailing the material by and about Buchanan. 
Having reviewed it carefully, I found nothing in the material that convinces
me either that Buchanan is an anti-Semite or a Holocaust denier.  I found not
a single comment directly attributed to Buchanan that I consider even remotely
anti-Semitic.  Yes, I found statements critical of Israel, and the
relationship American Jews have with it.  But that is politics, not anti-
Semitism.  I find that I agree with his statements that the Jewish outrage
about the convent outside Auschwitz -- and Jewish treatment of Pope John Paul
II -- could easily be construed as anti-Roman Catholic, and wildly insensitive
to the Catholics who mourn their own Holocaust victims.

I also found the criticism of Buchanan by Buckley and others to be unfounded.

Sorry, unless you can do better, I stand by my position that I have no reason
to believe that Patrick Buchanan is in the least anti-Semitic, and I think the
charges against him are purely politically motivated.

Again, I repeat, that I am not a political supporter of Patrick Buchanan,
because I disagree with him about protectionism, and immigration policy.  I
do, however, have some sympathies with his opposition to Bush's "New World
Order," which has always sounded to me suspiciously like what Herr Hitler had
in mind.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 841       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 02:59 EST
Pooh Bah, Message 837: No, you aren't even close to characterizing what I

Hey, kiddo, I'm on \your\ side.  I think you're doing tremendous work here. 
Don't confuse who your enemies are.  That's how people make enemies they don't

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 842       Thu Mar 26, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 04:22 EST

Could you mail me the Buchanan dox, too?


Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 843       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 04:33 EST
 I originally posted the following essay in this topic's
 Message 681, but it was deleted by the sysop for reasons of
 length.  To comply with policy, I am reposting it, broken
 into five messages. -- JNS



                      Jew Neil Schulman

           Copyright (C) 1981 by J. Neil Schulman
     Introduction Copyright (C) 1992 by J. Neil Schulman
                    All rights reserved.

                     Introduction: 1992

      The following article, which I wrote twelve years ago,
 was originally published in the October, 1981 issue of \New
 Libertarian\ magazine.  I reprint it here, with no changes,
 if for no other reason than to disprove that I wrote it
 recently to defend Pat Buchanan from charges of anti-

      I am not a political supporter of Mr. Buchanan --
 largely because I disagree with his recently-acquired
 protectionist views -- but it bothers me that Buchanan is
 being called anti-Semitic merely for questioning whether,
 in the post-Cold-War world, massive U.S. subsidies to
 Israel serve any strategic political or military interest
 of the United States' taxpayer.

      It's worth noting that the same issue of \New
 Libertarian\ magazine that carried my article also carried
 three articles on the cover theme of that issue -- which
 was punk/new wave music -- and the first of several columns
 by Kerry Thornley, who once bunked with Lee Harvey Oswald
 in the Marines, was accused of being part of the JFK
 assassination by Jim Garrison, and who now -- possibly as
 part of some schizophrenic delusion -- admits it.  \New
 Libertarian\ was an interesting magazine to be associated
 with in the 1970's and 80's.  Though its circulation was
 tiny, its influence throughout the libertarian movement
 was wide.  It certainly was not in any way anti-Semitic
 in its views or editorial policies; the idea is laughable
 to anyone who knows Samuel Edward Konkin III,
 the magazine's editor and publisher.

      The David McCalden I reference in this article was one
 of the defendants in the Mel Mermelstein lawsuit against
 the Institute of Historical Review, which was reported
 widely and later made into a TV movie.  McCalden died a few
 years ago; of the many individuals I personally know who
 have died of AIDS, he is one of the few whom I know for a
 fact -- because of women who have told me so -- to be, to
 the best of their knowledge, exclusively heterosexual.

      McCalden and I had a strange relationship.  It could
 hardly be called friendship -- I, an apostate New York Jew,
 and he, an Ulster-born anti-Semite -- because we never
 grew to like or respect the other much.  But we were often
 thrown into each other's company at Libertarian Supper
 Clubs and parties, and spent a good deal of time in
 conversation, if for no other reason than that we were both
 writers for \New Libertarian\.  I called him Rabbi
 McCalden, because he had a much greater interest in
 Judaism than I did; he accepted the label with a sort of
 sardonic pride.

      I once debated him at a supper-club meeting as a last
 minute fill-in on the subject not of the Holocaust but on
 Northern Ireland.  Frankly, I don't remember what I said,
 beyond the position that decentralization along the lines
 of the Swiss canton system seemed the solution not only in
 Ulster but also in South Africa and the disputed West Bank
 in Israel.  He didn't disagree so it wasn't much of a

      On another occasion the two of us visited the Simon
 Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles together.  It was a
 fascinating exhibition to visit with such a person,
 particularly because his utter skepticism made me aware of
 how little physical evidence of the Holocaust was on
 display there.  It bothered me that one exhibit implied it
 was leather made by the Nazis from human skin; it couldn't
 have possibly been, since such would have been an
 unpardonable breach of Jewish law.  It also bothered me
 that there were Jewish newspapers from five years before
 the Holocaust began, that declared that six million Jews
 would be murdered.  The use of the six-million figure that
 early creates a cognitive dissonance in me that won't go

      I have no trouble believing in the Holocaust of the
 Jews by the Nazis, because I have no trouble believing in
 evil.  If you do not believe in this particular Holocaust,
 I can show you others: Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao ze Dong's
 China, and Pol Pot's Cambodia come to mind immediately.  If
 you prefer ancient examples, look up what Genghis Khan did
 when he rode into an innocent town.

      The six million figure isn't crucial to believing in
 the Holocaust.  Neither is belief in the gas chambers at
 Auschwitz, for that matter: forced marches, machine gun
 executions, starvation, exposure, and making people live in
 filth can pile up the bodies fast enough to make getting
 rid of the dead a major undertaking.

      One thing is certain.  Jews were well-established in
 Europe before the Nazis -- as well established as they are
 today in the United States.  At the end of the Nazis' work,
 Europe was Jew-free -- and it would have remained so if
 Germany had won the war.

      Whatever you believe about the Holocaust, "Never
 Again" are two words the world needs to take seriously.

     Here, then, is what I had to say about the holocaust
 over a decade ago.  I find that I have no major
 disagreements today with what I wrote in 1981.

      --J. Neil Schulman
        March 24, 1992

 [Article follows in my next message]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 844       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 04:36 EST


                      Jew Neil Schulman

       If you read the papers these days or turn on a
 television or radio, then you might have heard that there
 is an ideological and historical War going on concerning
 the Holocaust, with anti-Semites, revisionist historians,
 libertarians, and cranks uncritically lumped together on
 one side, and Jews, concentration camp survivors, and the
 Zionist Conspiracy uncritically lumped together on the

       Normally, I write under the name J. (for Joseph) Neil
 Schulman.  Today, for this article, I will call myself
 \Jew\ Neil Schulman.  This is because no matter what I say,
 I'm going to be classified as a Jewish writer by both sides
 anyway, and I hope to offend such collectivist bigots on
 both sides right off.

       I was born in 1953, have lived my entire life in the
 United States, and the worst anti-Semitism I've ever had to
 undergo is being stoned.  Certainly not much when you
 consider what Jews in Spain, Poland, Germany, and Russia
 have had to put up with, at various times in history.  For
 the record, I was Bar Mitzvahed at 13, gave a terrific
 performance, and have done everything I can do to avoid
 going into a synagogue ever since.  Much more interesting
 to me than the boring lessons in Hebrew were the horror
 stories my Hebrew tutor, Louisa Munzer, told me of her
 imprisonment as a young girl in Auschwitz, where she was
 sterilized by Nazi doctors performing medical experiments
 on her, and where--so she told me--she avoided being put
 into the gas chambers--by pinching her cheeks to make
 herself look healthy.

       I have been told by Jews all my life that if I'd been
 living in Nazi Germany, I would have been sent to a
 concentration camp simply for being born a Jew.

       It wouldn't have made any difference.  As an
 anarchist, I would have been sent to one by the Nazis
 anyway, regardless of my genetics.

       Still, living in the Land of the Free, I was
 propagandized in favor of my native State mercilessly as a

       I was told, as Unquestionable Historical Fact, that
 the Constitution of the United States "gives" us rights--
 never mind that I was also taught that the Declaration of
 Independence maintained before the Constitution that rights
 were not to be given or taken by a government.

       I was told, as Unquestionable Historical Fact, that
 the North fought the South in the Civil War to "free the
 slaves."  Never mind that the Emancipation Proclamation
 only freed slaves in territories the North did \not\
 control, and allowed slave states allied with the Union--
 Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, and sections of
 other slave states--to keep their slaves.  And never mind
 that the Confederacy told England that they were willing to
 abolish slavery if only England would support their

       I was told as Unquestionable Historical Fact that the
 United States entered into World War One because of the
 German sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania,
 supposedly a peaceful ship in international waters carrying
 American civilians.  Never mind that it has come out that
 the Lusitania was actually carrying British munitions.

       I was told as Unquestionable Historical Fact that the
 United States entered World War Two because of an
 unprovoked sneak attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor. 
 Never mind that Franklin Delano Roosevelt--in his economic
 and political policies fully as fascistic as Mussolini--had
 frozen all Japanese assets in the United States, had
 repeatedly insulted the Japanese ambassadors, had helped
 blockade the Indonesian Straits which the Japanese needed
 as vital trade resources, and --if you at all believe that
 the series of unlikely events which left Pearl Harbor
 totally unprotected was not coincidental--that in a classic
 chess move he had gambited the entire fleet at Pearl Harbor
 because spotting the Japanese that pawn was the only way he
 could get them to attack a country they knew they couldn't
 win a war against.

       Well, look at the invasion of Toyota, Datsun, and
 Subaru as reparations.

       All of the above Unquestionable Historical Facts were
 successfully questioned by such revisionist historians as
 the late Harry Elmer Barnes, a liberal; the late Charles A.
 Beard, a Progressive; and the very-much-alive James J.
 Martin, a libertarian.

 [continued in my next message]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 845       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 04:40 EST
 ["On Holocaust Revisionism" -- continued]

       So we come to the Holocaust.

       On the one hand we have a mixed bag of concentration
 camp survivors--most notably Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal;
 professional Holocaust historians, most notable Lucy S.
 Dawidowicz, author of \The War Against The Jew 1933-1945\;
 and Zionists, most notably Menachem Begin--who say that
 even to question the Holocaust is to give aid and comfort
 to those anti-Semites who would rehabilitate Hitler and the
 Nazis, deny the unspeakable suffering of the concentration
 camp survivors, and defame the memory of the Jewish dead.

       On the other hand we have a mixed bag of anti-
 Semites--most notably Willis Carto of the Institute for
 Historical Review; revisionist historians, most notably
 James J. Martin; post-War baby-boom generationists such as
 David McCalden/Lewis Brandon, resigned editor of the
 I.H.R.'s \Journal of Historical Review\; and libertarians
 (who take up the matter only in private conversations)
 who--for differing reasons raise various objections to the
 Unquestionable Historical Fact of the Holocaust.

       The latter question--among other things--whether the
 gas chambers existed to kill people or merely disinfect
 clothing, whether the number of Jews who died other than in
 war-related deaths was actually six million, whether the
 killing of Jews in concentration camps was an official S.S.
 policy of deliberate extermination, and whether the death
 of so many Jews could be blamed not only on the Nazis but
 also the Poles, the Russians, and perhaps the War itself.

       Not all of the questioning group question \all\ the
 traditional claims about the Holocaust.  David McCalden,
 for example, questions--for whatever his reasons are--the
 six million figure (he thinks it's closer to one million),
 the claims of gas chamber executions and cremation of the
 living, the claims of Jews being rendered into bars of
 soap, and the claim that the \Diary of Anne Frank\ is
 authentic.  McCalden does \not\, in conversations with me,
 question that Jews in concentration camps--along with
 gypsies, communists, homosexuals, and other enemies of the
 State--were subjected by the Nazis to shootings, forced
 labor, starvation, exposure, beatings, dislocation and
 breaking up of families, forced marches, robbery and

       If this isn't conceding the Holocaust, and arguing
 about details, I don't know what is.

       Of the various different claims about the Holocaust,
 some by their nature involve and arise out of those who
 were there as witnesses--concentration camp survivors,
 "Good" Nazis and even "Good" S.S. men, (Simon Wiesenthal
 documents deeds of kindness by individuals of both groups),
 regular-army Germans who disliked the S.S., and Allied
 soldiers who liberated the concentration camps.

       Some of the claims about the Holocaust, such as the
 six million figure, can't possibly be based on direct
 observation of witnesses and involve much interpolation of
 data, speculation, and debate about proper investigative
 methodology.  It was the traditionalist historians who
 started the "body count" numbers games, and it is not
 surprising that these games have now been picked up by the

       Complicating this entire subject--making it almost
 impossible for me to write about it objectively (my first
 two drafts of this article were almost incoherently
 profane)--are paranoids, bigots, camp survivors who even 3-
 1/2 decades later can't contemplate their experiences other
 than as an irreducible emotional primary not subject to
 rational analysis, issues of free speech and free press,
 the epistemological difficulties inherent in determining
 the truth of things for which one has no direct experience,
 smear campaigns against people I know to be good and fair,
 assertions about events and facts by persons who weren't
 even born at the time, the use of the Holocaust as a
 political football, and--how many times shall I say this?--
 cowardice, Cowardice, \\COWARDICE\\!

       More simply, people who talk about the Holocaust fall
 into three groups: (1) those who were there as
 eyewitnesses, know what they saw, extrapolate from what
 they saw to various conclusions according to their
 philosophical and emotional premises; (2) those who weren't
 there, perhaps being born afterwards, and would honestly
 like to know what happened; and (3) those who, for reasons
 of protecting Vested Interests, either know the truth and
 wish to lie about it, or don't know and wish to keep it
 that way so they may continue to protect those Vested

       In all three groupings are to be found traditional
 historians, revisionist historians, Jews, gentiles,
 libertarians, statist, Zionists, ex-Nazis, and anti-
 Semites.  For obvious reasons camp survivors cannot be in
 the second group; but their relatives and children can be.

       I wish I knew where to classify various specific
 people I know.  Sometimes I wonder whether I myself, belong
 in the second or third group.  Perhaps my only honesty is
 in continually asking myself that question.

       But there are some things I do know, and it is not as
 a professional historian (which I am not) that I will now
 discuss them.  I write only as a professional novelist and
 ten-year libertarian activist--hopefully rational,
 hopefully in love with truth and justice above all.  If
 that isn't enough credentials to address this subject, then
 tell me what mountain \you\ came down from.

       First.  The issue of the Holocaust has been tied in,
 by both sides, with Zionism and the politics of the State
 of Israel. 

       As an anarchist, I do not support the State of
 Israel--as I oppose all States, including the formation of
 a Palestinian State--and do not think that whatever
 happened to Jews over three decades ago is justification
 today for any statist acts and policies.  As such, I see
 that the sooner the issue of the Holocaust is made distinct
 and separate from the issue of the State of Israel, the
 sooner a consensus about what happened will be achieved.

       And if you believe that truth is arrived at by
 consensus--what an absurd concept!--then, no.  There is no
 consensus about it yet.

 [continued in my next message]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 846       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 04:45 EST
 ["On Holocaust Revisionism" -- continued]

       I concede that Jews fleeing Europe after the
 Holocaust had the right to immigrate in Palestine, having
 in many cases nowhere else to go, but I do not concede that
 the forced displacement of non-Jewish natives was
 justified.  And I certainly do not concede that either Jew
 or Gentile should be subject to the coercion of a bunker-
 mentality, welfare/warfare nascent-apartheid Jewish State.

       As a libertarian, I see the only possibility of any
 lasting peace in the territories now called Israel would be
 for the dismantling of all expansionist States in the
 Middle East.  Since it is obvious that there is little
 chance for this to happen in the "foreseeable" future, I do
 not foresee any possibility of lasting peace there.

       All who wish to live in such a State of Perpetual War
 are welcome to it; I want no part of it.

       Second.  So long as the Holocaust is being used in
 the political arena, as justification for acts of the
 Israeli State, then it is fair game to raise historical
 questions about it.  Period.  Those who would deny anyone
 the right to question \any\ historical fact which is being
 used to political ends are guilty of Intellectual

       If you do not know that the Holocaust \is\ being used
 politically, I will give you but one example.  It is all I

       After the Israeli destruction of the Iraqi nuclear
 power plant, which was accused  of being  a manufacturing
 facility of nuclear weapons, Israeli Prime Minister
 Menachem Begin stated that such a strike was necessary
 because of the Holocaust, and "Never Again" would Jews be

       If this isn't the use of the Holocaust as a political
 justification for a State's military policies, I don't know
 what is.

       I would say it is in the extreme interest of all
 Holocaust survivors--and all others interested in seeing
 truth will out--to prevent it from being used as the
 justification for Israeli political and military policies.

       Third.  Establishment Historians.  Do not expect
 anybody to accept your demands that your "facts" be
 Unquestionably Accepted as History.  You have lied to
 apologize for States too many times before.  If you tell
 the truth about the Holocaust, now, you are in the position
 of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

       In this category, I will now put author Lucy S.
 Dawidowicz for an article that she wrote and published in
 the December, 1980 issue of \Commentary\.

       In this article--professionally suspect, dripping
 with vitriol and sarcasm, full of loaded terms and guilt-
 by-association--Dawidowicz launched the most one-sided, \ad
 hominem\ smear job I've ever seen on revisionist historians
 such as Harry Elmer Barnes, A.J.P. Taylor, James J. Martin,
 and others I consider rational, truthful, and fair.  Since
 she has written three books on the Holocaust it is
 excusable that she does not include one fact about the
 Holocaust in this article, or even \references\ to facts. 
 What is inexcusable is that she calls other historians
 liars without rebutting one substantive charge they raise,
 relying not on facts for her charges of lying, but merely
 assuming her conclusion and demanding her readers take her
 on faith.

       Simon Wiesenthal I consider to be a much more
 difficult case.  On the one hand, he has supplemented his
 own first-hand observations of Jews being exterminated with
 a file (which I haven't seen) of affidavits documenting
 thousands of anti-Jewish atrocities.  For the most part he
 has been a one-man Angel of Retribution--a figure out of
 Raymond Chandler--wary of political interests and operating
 on private funds.  On the other hand, he \was\ employed by
 the O.S.S. after the war, exchanged evidence with the
 marsupial and hypocritical Nuernberg War Crimes Trials
 (which tried Germans for internal, non-War related
 atrocities, while never trying the Allies' War Crimes such
 as the bombings of Dresden and Nagasaki), and has
 cooperated with any State when it served his cause.

       His bad associations aside (and I will not succumb to
 guilt by-association here), I think him to be truthful and

       If the revisionists are to prove the Holocaust as a
 Zionist/Allied propaganda hoax, they must prove this
 individual man a pathological liar.

       Fourth.  Libertarians.  This is the War against the
 State, now and you'd better be on the side of the righteous
 or kiss freedom goodbye.  You who run from revisionist
 associations because you're afraid that your liberal
 friends in Washington D.C. won't invite you to their
 cocktail parties--so you can play statist games and pretend
 you're changing things--you are incubi and succubi of the

       We don't need you summer soldiers and sunshine

       You at \Libertarian Review\ and \Reason\ who banned
 articles on Holocaust revisionism and ads for I.H.R.
 conferences, then attack Sam Konkin for joining James J.
 Martin and Percy Greaves on the \J.H.R\.'s editorial
 advisory committee, publishing the banned ads and one
 article by Lewis Brandon--when you know that Sam Konkin has
 consistently used his name and \New Libertarian\
 publications to make libertarianism attractive to \all\
 suppressed factions--get out of the movement before future
 historians conclude that the libertarians of today were

       You who banned the I.H.R., whose ideas you never
 listened to, from your Future of Freedom Conference--when
 those you banned allowed libertarians to speak freely at
 \their\ conferences...Is this what you would have the world
 think libertarian marketplaces will be like when the world
 is run the way we say it should be?  That freedom to
 express ideas is only for those who toe your party line? 
 That we are free to trade our publications, incestuously,
 among ourselves--but that those whose ideas you disapprove
 of are to be chased away?

       Have you no courage that Truth , if set against Lies,
 can prevail?  If not, if human minds cannot discern the
 truth, then what hope is there for the future of freedom

       Don't you dare tell me that to deny someone space in
 a private publication, or at a private conference, is not
 the same thing as censorship by a State.  You do not
 control a State.  To some of you, I will answer; if your
 "Libertarian" Party ever comes to power, let those who
 believe in free speech shudder, for they've had an example
 of your tolerance.  To the rest of you--if there is no
 absolute principle of free expression of ideas no matter
 what the content--to be expressed freely and refuted
 freely--then what do we stand for?  Establishment
 publications will not publish them; and if we do not, are
 we to be outdone by Marxist and other collectivist statists
 in demonstrating the belief in a open marketplace of ideas?

       Do we really need the ludicrous spectacle of a
 Libertarian Free Speech Movement--for libertarians?

 [concluded in my next message]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 847       Thu Mar 26, 1992
D.NOTT [Sprocketeer]         at 04:47 EST
Pooh.Bah, how did the Nazis dispose of the waste gas from the gas chambers? 
It hadn't occured to me before to wonder wher it went.

You said the gas would be water souble--perhaps they bubbled the gas through
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 848       Thu Mar 26, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 04:50 EST
 ["On Holocaust Revisionism" -- conclusion]

       Fifth.  Concentration Camp Survivors.  I admire you
 for your courage.  I suspect that under such conditions I
 would not have had the courage to survive.

       But your pain is not a claim on the life of anyone
 today--Jew or non-Jew, German or American born after 1930--
 certainly no one of my generation. 

       If you use your pain as a weapon against the
 innocents of today, then they become \your\ victim, and you
 have allowed yourself to be destroyed in a way the Nazis
 could not accomplish by force: you have denied the value of
 individual human dignity.

       Do not let yourselves be the pawns of politicians. 
 Do not let your sufferings be an excuse to make others
 suffer today.  An Arab woman holding a dead baby, killed in
 an Israeli raid on a Palestinian guerilla camp, cries just
 as hard as you did.  If your suffering can be used by
 politicians to defend Israel, her suffering can be used by
 politicians to defend Israel's enemies.

       Sixth.  Revisionist Historians.  You have held the
 Candle of the Truth, to light the World.  Keep it lit and
 never let it die.

       Free yourselves from those who care nothing for
 truth, and liberate us from the crimes of the past by
 telling us how they really happened.

       Don't apologize for the sins of the States.  If you
 must err about atrocities, err on the side of the victims. 
 Don't tell us how few Jews the Nazi State killed.  Tell us,
 instead, how many others were also killed by the Polish and
 Soviet States, and--indirectly--by American denial of entry
 to Jews escaping from Europe.

       Tell us of the twelve million killed in the Holocaust
 of Stalin, and of the forty million killed in the Holocaust
 of Mao.

       If you find the methods of previous historians
 questionable, then come up with your own facts, and tell
 the World--once and for all--what really happened.

       Seventh.  Fellow Jews.

       I am a Jew, also, but I am many other things I
 consider to be much more important.

       I am a libertarian, a novelist, the son of a
 violinist and the grandson of a man who came to this
 country to escape the Czarist draft.

       If the word meant anything anymore, I would be happy
 to call myself a humanist.

       Above all, I am an individual human being, with the
 right and the responsibility to see with my own eyes, think
 with my own mind, and believe only what I can determine to
 be true.

       I will accept nothing on faith.

       I will not be intimidated, by Jew or anti-Semite.

       If you think that because I condemn the State of
 Israel as I condemn all other States, that this means that
 I collectively hate Jews and my Jewishness, then you are as
 bad as the anti-Semites who think that because of my
 circumcision I can't speak other than as a Jew.

       Both you, and such an anti-Semite, are guilty of
 collectivism and the logical error Ludwig Von Mises called
 \polylogism\: thinking that there is one logical truth for
 one group, and another logical truth for another group.

       Some of you play the game of heads-I-win, tails-you-
 lose.  A \goy\ says a word against Israel, he's an anti-
 Semite.  A \Jew\ says word against Israel, he's a self

       Any Jew who would call me either anti-Semite or self-
 hater to my face--you self-righteous bastard--I will give
 you a Holocaust--one to one.

       These days when, if we're to prevent the Holocaust of
 this entire planet, we must be Human Beings before we are
 Jews, Arabs, Russians, Americans, or Chinese.

       But I am not an Internationalist.  I am an
 Individualist.  If the world perishes, it will be because
 of nationalist collectivism that denies Individual Human
 Rights--and I don't intend to see life and liberty
 incinerated on the Cool Green Hills of Earth without a
 fighting chance.

       There is an Objective Existence--a body of facts that
 exists independent of human consciousness--and it is the
 right and duty of every person--Jew or gentile--to respect
 the truths of existence above all.

       What happened happened, but there is a difference
 between what happened and \knowledge\ of what happened and
 those who do not know must have the right to conclude
 things that you dislike hearing.  On a planet overrun with
 mass-murdering States--with their professional liars and
 propagandists covering up for the criminals--finding out
 historical truth is \always\ difficult, and may be

       Truth will not be arrived at by bullying and
 smearing.  It will arise--if at all--in individual human
 minds, whether Jewish or not.  The qualities of
 rationality, honesty, tenacity, courage and love of justice
 can arise in anybody who claims it.

       And, yes.  I have met honest, intelligent people who
 don't believe in the Holocaust.

       I didn't automatically believe in the Holocaust.

       I don't automatically believe in anything.

       But the fact is, I didn't even question the
 Holocaust--even after hearing the revisionist version--
 until I witnessed the spectacle of self-righteous Jewish
 historians basing their entire case for the Holocaust not
 on facts but on unproved assertions, numbers games,
 psychological intimidation, and smears against anybody who
 won't take them on faith.  When something stinks, I sniff.

       If being Jewish means the courage of the
 concentration camp survivors and of valiant Jewish fighters
 against murdering anti-Semites... of a people celebrating
 the tradition every year of liberation from slavery...of
 humor in the face of adversity...then I'm proud of have
 been born a Jew.

       But many peoples have equivalent legacies--some of
 the best friends Jews ever had have been \goys\--and
 there's nothing exclusively--even \predominantly\--Jewish
 about courage, love of emancipation, and humor.

       There's nothing even particularly Jewish about making
 your suffering a Cross You Have To Bear.

       But if being Jewish means to you that because Jews
 have been victims in the past, that it's all right for Jews
 now to victimize anybody who gets in our way, then beware.

       Maybe some new group of Nazis \will\ kill me for
 being born a Jew, but if this neo-Nazism can catch on among
 decent people, it will be because Jews made it possible by
 demonstrating that they care only for the Jews--at the cost
 of reason, of justice to all people, and of liberty.  Under
 such circumstances, I would deny I was Jewish even as I was
 being shoved into the gas chamber.

       I would die as an individual, the victim of
 irrationalism, not as a Jew, the victim of anti-Semites.

       If Jews do not stand above all as a people who love
 Virtue above all, then by default Jews will have brought on
 your own worst nightmares about Never Again--and Brother,
 we'll have asked for it!

      J. Neil Schulman
      October, 1981

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 849       Thu Mar 26, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 05:16 EST
 ------------ Category 15,  Topic 4 Message 771       Wed Mar 25, 1992 G.RAVEN
[Greg Raven]         at 04:51 EST

 To B.Eaton (regarding 660) ---
 > What has been proved is that between 1933-1945 6 million Jews died.
 This has been alleged. It has not bee proven.
 > Someone in a former post mentioned a woman who died because she no 
 longer had access to necessary medicine. There must have been many 
 like that such as diabetics who, herded into RR cars and then camps, 
 were denied insulin. All of the people like that were murdered and as 
 such are counted in the 6 million.
 Although there were probably many cases similar to this, assigning 
 the blame becomes difficult, as there are other factors besides. 
 However, I am not arguing that no Jew suffered under the Third Reich. 
 I am stating specifically that there was no policy of mass 
 extermination, and in fact no mass exterminations, of Jews under the 
 Third Reich. This means I reject the 6 million figure and all 
 attempts to "pad" the actual figure to make an already grim reality 
 appear fiendishly inspired.
 ------------ REPly to topic,   QUIt reading STArt new topic,  #,#-# read
prior PERmanently ignore this topic

  But the Holocaust has been proven, in courts of law in several countries. 
How do can you deny that it has been prroved?

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 850       Thu Mar 26, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 06:34 EST
Well, M.Rungu, are you afraid that you'll have to provide EVIDENCE instead of
ethnic slurs and libels if this topic is to continue? I believe that this was
the thrust of Ric's post.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 851       Thu Mar 26, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:30 EST
 806  NeilSchulman:

 >AH.STEIN, Message 776.  *sigh*  You are wrong, dead wrong.   Revisionist
 history and revisionist historians have as good a reputation for honesty
 and scholarship as so called "mainstream" historians.

 If I used the term "revisionist," it was only because I fell into the trap
 being set by the Holocaust deniers, who try to describe themselves as
 revisionists.  Please replace any use of the term "revisionist" by
 "anti-semitic, neo-Nazi Holocaust denier."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 852       Thu Mar 26, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 07:31 EST
 805  Ric:

 >I would also like to point out that I will not tolerate further messages
 which taunt Raven and Rungu, specifically spelling names backward, called
 them "Raving" or whatever.

 I applaud your taking steps to rein in the abusive, hateful, bigoted
 messages of the Holocaust deniers, but don't you think that censoring a
 message which sends a subtle message by spelling backwards the names of
 people who use backwards logic is going a little further than necessary?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 853       Thu Mar 26, 1992
REVENANT                     at 15:46 EST

   To be rather frank, I appreciate Ric's willingness to cut messages with
names written backward. What you describe as "a subtle message by spelling
backwards the names of people who use backwards logic," I found rather
infantile and beneath the sort of reasoned discussion/discourse this subject

   In facing down the sort of venom Raven and Rungu offer, sinking to their
level, subtly or in another fashion, still does not work. As Pooh.Bah has
done, you need to be reasonable, present FACTS and then ask for a rebuttal of
those facts. While I am certain that performing a running play-by-play of
witty remarks juxtaposed to the Raven/Rungu messages is fulfilling, it just
adds a LOT of HEAT and damned little LIGHT, to my mind.

   We've gone nearly 300 messages since I first asked Raven and Rungu to post
evidence of a Zionist conspiracy. Since that point, having been told I have
been "educated to the point of ignorance," I have, ignorantly, waited for a
reply of substance to my challenge. Again, being ignorant because of my
history degree, I AGAIN posted my request for evidence of the Zionist
Conspiracy. A reply to that request, which I do not imagine would be
inflammatory in the least, has not been forthcoming.

   Had I NOT been "educated to the point of ignorance," I would be forced to
assume that Raven and Rungu, in fact, had NO evidence for their claim of a
Zionist Conspiracy. Because of my handicap -- that history degree being such a
burden -- I assume that Raven and Rungu have so many sources to choose from to
answer me, they have, as yet, been unable to supply me with a source.


   Having seen you lambaste "regular" publishers for being of questionable
ethical standing, I find your suggestion that one of Carto's authors should
not be repudiated for his connection with Carto's publishing house rather
amusing. Were the French Literature Professor a beginning SF author who had
sold a novel to the only press who would publish him (the mythical CHARNEL
House comes to mind) you would have been all over him like ugly on a hound
   I can understand your revulsion at guilt-by-association, and someone like
David Duke may say he's no longer a member of the KKK, but that still doesn't
mean I want to hang with him and be his bud. I guess I just consider it a
human equivalent of the "rat poison" effect.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 854       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 17:47 EST
 847 Sprocketeer:

  > Pooh.Bah, how did the Nazis dispose of the waste gas from the gas
  > chambers? It hadn't occured to me before to wonder where it went.

 The Nazis ventilated the gas from the gas chambers into the outside air with
 the ventilation system exiting from the roof of the Kremas. This, BTW, is the
 same method employed by the state of Missouri.

 Now, Neil has related about the CA system but it cannot be compared to the
 Nazi camps. For one thing, the Nazis didn't have a little thing called "OSHA"
 nor did they care about any of the inmates - only the guards. The guards who
 operated the gas chambers had gas masks with special filters specifically for
 use with Zyklon B. Since Zyklon B had been used for fumigation for decades
 before the camps, these special filters had been tested very well not only in
 the laboratory but also in the field.

 Remember also that the gas chamber is a finite size with a finite amount of
 air. This size and amount are crucial factors in determining concentration of
 HCN. However, once vented to the outside air, the concentration drops
 immediately to a harmless level. Also, because HCN is "lighter than air," it
 rises rapidly and is blown away with the wind.

 There is another factor which make a difference between the CA system and the
 Nazi camps....the walls surrounding the CA prison. These walls, if higher
 than the venting system, could have more of a tendency to prevent adequate
 dispersal of HCN. The Nazi camps, OTOH, were fenced with barbed wire which
 would not have the same effect.

 Also, 0.3 g/m^3 kills humans instantly. The American prison systems use
 between 0.3 g/m^3 and 0.32 g/m^3 for the most humane execution possible.
 Since, from primary sources (such as the report on the "Resettlement of the
 Jews") we know that death occurred within MINUTES (as opposed to seconds),
 the logical conclusion is that the concentration used by the Nazis was lower
 than what is used here in the US. This would further lower the risk of those
 who were any distance from the gas chamber being affected by the ventilated

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 855       Thu Mar 26, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 17:47 EST

 You asked about the reason different concentrations are needed to produce
 death in different species. You have outlined the basics of why HCN is
 lethal. The overall conclusion is that it causes suffocation at the celluar
 level - cells cannot oxidixe properly because of the blocking effect of HCN.

 But, this means that the HCN must get from the lungs to the cells and that is
 where the difference arises. HCN cannot float freely from the lungs to the
 cells. It must combine with something in the host system's blood stream. This
 "something" is iron (at least in mammals). The ability of HCN to combine with
 iron and to be released to the cells in influenced by several factors,
 including the concentration of HCN.

 Since species have differences in various factors (including the amount of
 iron in the blood stream), the concentration of HCN must be altered, too. As
 HCN concentration increases, there is a progressive increase in the amount of
 the iron that is combined with it. This is known as the percent saturation of
 the iron. Therefore, the percent saturation has to be high enough to be
 lethal and, the easiest way to obtain that level is to alter the outside
 concentration of HCN to force the needed percent saturation.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 856       Thu Mar 26, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:14 EST
 823  Hans-Peter:

 >Thank you POOH.BAH. Nobody can accuse you of being lazy! You appear to
 have accepted the revised fatality figures of the current Polish
 government, which puts the fatality list at about 1 million. Since the
 overall estimates of 6 million were based on the assumption that 4 million
 died at Auschwitz rather than 1 million, shouldn't these newer estimates be
 reflected in the overall total?

 If you re-read Pooh.Bah's messages carefully, you will learn that it was
 not a matter of her accepting revised figures of the current Polish
 government;  what happened was that the Polish government accepted the
 figures she and other knowledgeable people understood previously.

 You would also learn that the facts revealed recently are causing competent
 historians to revise the death estimates upward, not downward.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 857       Thu Mar 26, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:15 EST
 Mike Burhans:

 > > What has been proved is that between 1933-1945 6 million Jews died.
 > This has been alleged. It has not bee proven.

 Some people just won't accept the facts.

 Actually, in a sense, you are correct.  New evidence seems to indicate that
 the number of Jews murdered by the Nazis was even higher than previously
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 858       Thu Mar 26, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:16 EST
 I found this on Internet and thought those truly interested in learning
 more about the Shoah might find it helpful.  (The Holocaust deniers, of
 course, will continue to ignore all evidence.)

 Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 08:10:36 EST
 >From: (Sasha Englard)
 Subject: Jewish Doctors During the Holocaust

 In reference to Robert Levy's inquiry on the fate and role of Jewish
 doctors during the holocaust (Mail Jewish,Volume 3 Number 34), I would like
 call his attention and that of the entire membership to a most relevant
 and touching recent publication. "I REMEMBER NOTHING MORE:The Warsaw
 Children's Hospital and the Jewish Resistance" by Adina Blady Szwajger.
 It is a TOUCHSTONE BOOK published by Simon & Schuster in English
 translation from the original Polish in 1990.  The author is a retired
 physician living in Warsaw and the book is an authentic powerful and
 moving recollection of her struggle to save the children of the Warsaw
 ghetto. I would welcome impressions and comments from those that have
 read the book.

 Warm regards.  Sasha Englard.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 859       Thu Mar 26, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 18:23 EST
To:839  SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]

Now you have established that the reverse is true: one may not criticize the
bogus historical 'research' without being labelled a
 PC, McCarthyist loaded with tactics and ruining scholars through guilt by
association. Am I reading you incorrectly?

 >RUDOLPH, Message 824: I define "McCarthyist tactics" as smearing a
 >person not for what they say or do, but because of whom they are
 >associated with...
 > but because questions he has raised about the
 >Holocaust serve the agenda of Jew-haters.  I do not fault a man
 >for deciding that truth is more important than politics or
 >association. The fact is that the Jew-haters have treated
 >Faurisson decently, and practically no one else has, all because
 >he has asked inconvenient questions.

Sorry, you have failed to impress me with this defense of Faurisson. A person
who is convinced of his opinion and knows it to be truth may be inconvenienced
by vocal opposition, but would NOT join forces with those of questionable
morality to advance his cause, unless in that person's opinion those immoral
individuals are not immoral.
 Are you suggesting that Faurisson is a fool who does not realize that his
booster is an overt anti-semite? Or are you claiming that he may overlook
Carto's evil because he is nice to him? What do you make of the moral
fortitude of a man who will willingly jump into bed with a hate merchant?
Would you rely on his testimony? Would you consider him a credible and
unbiased witness?

You have still not documented your thrice repeated charge that he was fired
for merely raising questions. We do have ample evidence that he quite
willingly joined Willis Carto, a known anti-semite, has worked DIRECTLY for
Carto, and if my memory serves correctly was funded by Carto.

I find your statement that truth is more important than politics or
association impossible to accept by a moral individual. Would you excuse
Heidegger's anti-semitism and Naziphilic writings because he was dedicated to
the truth of his philosophy? Would you excuse Heisenberg's Nazi association
because of the truth of his physics?
 Does truth automatically negate moral and ethical considerations?

 >How do I know that Faurisson is not an anti-Semite?  Because I
 >heard him lecture, I have talked to him, and I have read his
 >writings, receiving from him assurances that none of this was
 >intended in any way to harm the Jews, and finding nothing which
 >can remotely be considered anti-Semitic to make me disbelieve his
 >assurances.  If anyone here can find me anti-Semitic statements from Robert
Faurisson, I'll reconsider my position, but until then,
 >I say he's been shafted.

I accept your personal account, but it would hardly serve to convince me.
Rungu and Raven both have insisted that they do not hate Jews [but then again
they deny that Jews actually exist- recall the Talmudic Khazar claim]. Is
there a point when someone becomes convinced without actually shoving a Jew
into an oven?

Podhoretz' comment in the February Commentary bear repeating and I'd like to
hear your comment:

"... For some, nothing short of releasing the gas into
 the showers of Auschwitz constitutes anti-Semitism; and even that
 may not be enough- assuming (they quickly go on to add) that such a
 thing ever really happened; or if it did happen, that it resulted in
 as many deaths as "the Jews" claim it did."

 >Further, it's not at all necessary for Jews to have conspired to
 >destroy Faurisson's career -- and Faurisson himself never
 >expressed any feeling that he blamed Jews for being fired.  As a
 >matter of fact, I can't recall him blaming anyone, except perhaps
 >politicians who saw advantages in making him a cause celebre.

Well, if Faurisson did not make the claim, then why in the world did Neil
Schulman accuse the Jews?

 >D.BERKOWITZ, Message 825: Are you aware that many of thescientists
 >responsible for the American space program worked for the Nazis
 >first? Spare me the rhetoric about the purity of science.

In my rather long response to you I offered no rhetoric about the purity of
science. You have begged the question, and side-stepped the issue by bringing
in an area of contention that was not the topic of discussion. Did I offer
approval of the US government's deliberately ignoring the Nazi past of those
scientists? I did politely confront you to respond to numerous inflammatory
charges and expressions you made. You did not respond.

 >This is a general comment to all here: I don't think youunderstand
 >how insidious guilt-by-association is.  It starts with guilt-by-
 >association -- and the next thing you know, if you aren't careful,
 >Torquemada has you in some cellar, begging for the auto-da-fe.

I think you are guilty of what you are charging others, Neil. When pressed for
documentation, you answer that even Faurisson did not make the claim. This is
very serious. Your reminding the readers of your Jewish origin does not
justify rash or hysterical comments in defense of Faurisson. Rational debate
and discussion would insist on evidence. You haven't supplied any but have
hurled rather serious charges against Jews collectively.

Your psychological motivations are your own.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 860       Thu Mar 26, 1992
J.WEISBERGE1 [Jon W.]        at 18:35 EST
Hans-Peter 646:

I assume that you are making a case that there was no intimidation by the
Nazis of German voters in the 1932 election, not the 1933 one.  Am I correct? 
Or are you asserting that claims of intimidation in 1933 are false?

M.Rungu & G. Raven:

Both of you have made a point of saying that you do not deny that some
unpleasant things occurred under the Nazis, including but not limited to Jews.
Please give some examples of crimes, atrocities, hardships - whatever you want
to call them - that you *do* think took place, and your opinion of them.


In #689 you suggest that we cannot properly evaluate historical events until
"at least 50 years" have passed, and suggest that this applies to the case of
the Holocaust.  You do not produce evidence to prove that it didn't happen,
but demand that evidence be produced that it did.  On the other hand, in the
case of contemporaneous events elsewhere - most notably in the Ukraine,
Lithuania, Latvia, etc., you reverse this position, make sweeping assertions
about the "massacre of tens of millions," and then demand that anyone who
disagrees produce proof that it didn't happen.

Please explain the methodological discrepancy.

P.Pavlovsky 703:

The "French Lidice" was a town named Ouradour.

G. Raven 759:

The term "anti-Semite" was coined by a German writer & politician by the name
of Wilhelm Marr.  Its purpose was to place Jew-hatred on a "scientific" -
i.e., racial rather than religious - basis.

It is, in fact, quite easy to talk about "Arab hatred" by using terms such as

NeilSchulman 806:

Begging your pardon, but I have seen nothing to indicate that Holocaust
revisionist historians "have as good a reputation for honesty and scholarship
as so-called 'mainstream' historians." Among whom is this true?  Certainly not
among historians; there was recently a controversy over whether or not an IHR
call for papers should be printed in the newsletter of the Organization of
American Historians, which controversy does not exist in the case of most
calls for papers.

Since you profess such a high and rigorous regard for the truth, it would be
helpful for you to document this claim, perhaps by a list of Holocaust
revisionist historians holding tenured positions in history, or a list of
Holocaust revisionist writings published by mainstream presses - you know,
something along those lines.  Or do you subscribe also to the theory that it
is only massive pressure from the Jews that prevents the honest scholars of
Holocaust revisionism from attaining the professional status they otherwise
would have achieved?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 861       Thu Mar 26, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 18:36 EST
 >>> C.MAIER [Claire]

 > Cyanide posions the cytochrome oxidase enzyme in the respiratory
 > transport chain in mitochondria.  This should affect all aoxygen using
 > organisms.

In humans, CN also binds to hemoglobin, displacing O2.  In addition to
poisoning enzymes, it literally asphyxiates at the same time.  (Similar to CO
asphyxiation, except CN has a greater affinity to hemoglobin.)  I don't know
enough about CN and other animals to know if a similar result can take place
in them.

From what I understand, the antidote to exposure to cyanide gay is basically
an "upper" which the victim inhales.  This doesn't displace the CN from the
hemoglobin, but it instead increases circulation via elevating the heart rate.
In simplist terms, this means that the hemoglobin are circulated through your
system your body isn't deprived as much of oxygen.

This is the gist of the explanation about cyanide poisoning given to me before
I started playing with KCN in a lab.  Potassium cyanide is perfectly safe
unless ya accidentally dump some acid in with it.  :-)

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 862       Thu Mar 26, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric Helton]        at 18:41 EST
I have deleted 12 messages for violating my earlier guidelines, and have sent
those letters back to the authors in email.

Please do not call one another names, insult one another, put other members
down for whatever reason, spell names backward, etc.  What you are doing then
is called CHARACTER ASSASINATION, and it indicates to your audience that you
cannot support your arguments with facts or reason. That goes for EVERYONE

A hearty thank you to those of you -- especially Pooh Bah -- who are taking
this seriously and putting some effort into it.  I appreciate it, and so do
the people who knew little or nothing about this period in our history.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 863       Thu Mar 26, 1992
M.BURHANS1 [Mike Burhans]    at 19:07 EST
  You misunderstood my message.  I was quoting Raven whith the sentance
stating, "The Holcoust never has been proved".  
  Then I wne on to explain to him that it had in fact been proved in courts of
law in several different countries.

      Mike Burhans  [M.BURHANS1]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 864       Thu Mar 26, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 19:34 EST
You know...

It's probably because I'm not the brightest fella in the world, but the
foolishness of this whole "debate" is just starting to really come to me.

Do we question whether the American Revolution happened?  No.  Do we question
whether Africans were slaves?  No.  Do we question any of 10,000,000 different
things that have happened in history?


The only thing we question is whether the Holocaust happened.  Fine,  millions
of Chinese died during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution;
hundreds of thousands of Japanese died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Pol Pot has
killed millions of his compatriots in Cambodia.  But don't let the Jews
hoodwink you!!!

There can be no motivation behind Holocaust revisionism other than anti-
Semitism.  Only an emotion so powerful in its grotesque evil could enable
people to deny what's as much a part of history as the Crusades, and 
Columbus' arrival at the New World.

For four years, now, my liberal arts school has painstakingly trained me in
critical thought:  leave no assumption unchallenged, I've been taught. But I
can no longer deny what a charade this is.  This discussion ISN'T ABOUT

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 866       Thu Mar 26, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 21:38 EST
  I think "Holocaust affirmer" is a poor choice of words, Neil, because
"affirm" has a connotation of "approve of, promote".
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 867       Thu Mar 26, 1992
B.EATON2 [BZE]               at 23:23 EST
 In message 759 you are setting up straw men again.  Yes, Arabs are also
Semites, but 'anti-semite' has always been undestood to mean anti-Jewish.  To
argue with the word which has universal meaning is to show that while you
cannot bring proof of your major pts, you can try to divert the opponents by
meaningless quibbles.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 868       Thu Mar 26, 1992
RUDOLPH                      at 23:53 EST
Neil, You mentioned visiting the Simon Weisenthal Center and seeing an exhibit
which claimed to include leather made from skin: It bothered me that one
exhibit implied it
 was leather made by the Nazis from human skin; it couldn't
 have possibly been, since such would have been an
 unpardonable breach of Jewish law.Why would the Nazis have avoided making
skin into leather to conform with Jewish Law?  What are you actually referring
to here.  Was it a violation of Jewish Law that the Nazis made skin into
leather?  What does that tell you?  Or are you saying that it was a violation
of Jewish Law that the leather from skin was being exhibited?  Or what?  

Since this experience was significant for you to begin doubting the historical
accounts of the Holocaust, I would like to understand what this is all aabout,
what was against Jewish law, and what this told you that caused you to
question what you had thought was truth.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 870       Fri Mar 27, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 01:13 EST
I have just captured the last twenty or so messages and will read them offline
before responding, hopefully later tonight.

It seems that I have more patience in reading back in this topic than I
expected -- I've now read the first 600 or so messages, enough to get a handle
on who the players are here.

Greg Raven, I must create a real cognitive dissonance in you. Here I am, like
you, firmly pro-firearms (I'm not a member of either NRA or CRPA, but I have
friends in both and my Committee to Enforce the Second Amendment is as pro-2nd
amendment as either), a libertarian, openly friendly to revisionist history - -
and I'm not only pretty sure that one of the major holocausts this century 
killed most of the Jews in Europe but am Jewish myself.

Your understanding of the role of the Jew in modern history is seriously
flawed, and the enmity you've expressed towards Jews and the Jewish people in
messages in this topic takes certain characteristics of certain Jews and makes
sweeping, and untruthful, generalizations out of them.  I can assure you that
none of the Jewish participants in this discussion who put forward what you
term "exterminationist" history are part of any conspiracy to falsify history:
they are convinced of what they are saying, based on reasonable
interpretations of (admittedly sometimes incomplete) data. While there are
certainly proper questions that can be raised about the numbers of Jews who
died, what were the specific causes of their death, and who was responsible,
the overall truth is clearly that the state of Nazi Germany regarded the Jews
as mortal enemies, and had few compunctions about enslaving and murdering them
to whatever extent they believed necessary and possible.

I think the Jewish community has handled the revisionist challenge badly, with
a paranoid overreaction, if I state it baldly.  Nonetheless, there is reason:
the Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, between them, perpetrated the worst
anti-Jewish atrocities in the last two millennia. The revisionist historians
are pressing a lot of buttons.

I think you do revisionist historians, and true revisionist inquiry, a mortal
blow by associating revisionism about the Holocaust with anti-Jewish political
agendas.  The revisionists have a hard enough job, without giving those with
pro-Jewish and pro-Israeli agendas reasons to dismiss all revisionist views as
anti-Semitic on the face of them and therefore not worth listening to.

I find your statements in defense of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany to be 180
degrees away from the principles and goals of the Libertarian Party -- which
promotes anti-statism and political liberty -- and both NRA and CRPA, which
promote the freedom of an armed society to resist tyranny.  You can say all
you like about the evils of Churchill and Roosevelt, and are likely to get
little disagreement from me.  But Hitler was particularly a murderous tyrant,
and the only "good" thing one can say about him is that if you go by the body
count,  Stalin and Mao were even more murderous tyrants. 

Nevertheless, I have a question for you.  Through your association with NRA
and CRPA, you have no doubt heard of a pro- second-amendment organization
called Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. The goal of this
organization is to promote the protection of private firearms ownership among
Jews, who have been resistant to the idea, on the premise that if Jews and the
citizenry in general are well-armed, there can be no further holocausts.

My question to you is: do you believe in any restrictions on  the right of
Jews to keep and bear arms?

Neil Schulman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 871       Fri Mar 27, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:41 EST
 To Bevan (regarding 677) ---
 > As a person with superior professional qualifications in history to 
 Fred Leuchter has never presented himself as being a historian. You 
 need an engineering background to dispute Mr. Leuchter's findings.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 872       Fri Mar 27, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:42 EST
 To Dave Friedman (regarding 679) ---
 (Also Mike Burhans, regarding 682)
 > you say that Hitler didn t resort to a military build-up
 You guys sure are eager to discuss everything EXCEPT Shoah Business, 
 huh? I said Hitler didn't resort to a military build-up to revitalize 
 Germany. Big difference. The military build-up came later.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 873       Fri Mar 27, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:42 EST
 To Revenant (regarding 704) ---
 > What have you to offer in terms of evidence to support the 
 existence of a Zionist conspiracy to force the  Holocaust Hoax  on 
 That is not a topic in which I am particularly interested. I have 
 opinions on the matter, but they are largely irrelevant to the 
 discussion here. I don't care who, what, or how we got into Shoah 
 Business as long as we can get out ... now!
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 875       Fri Mar 27, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:44 EST
 To J. Neil Schulman ---
 Welcome. It's nice to have another staunch libertarian involved in 
 the discussion.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 876       Fri Mar 27, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:44 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 754) ---
 > And, since (sic) there these executions, liquidations, shootings, 
 etc. continued and there is no evidence that the distant superiors 
 ordered a halt to them, 
 So, then, when we read "Telephone Conversations, 30.11.1941, Wolf's 
 Liar" and see "from the bunker 13.30 SS O. Gr. F. Heydrich, Prague 
 (...) Jew transport from Berlin. No liquidation (...)" what are we 
 reading? Another one of those zany Nazi spoofs you have been trying 
 to fob off on us?
 > QED: There was a systematic extermination program of various 
 peoples (primarily the Jews) by the Nazis during the period known as 
 the Third Reich.
 Your "proof" is unbelievably weak. Do you really believe the stuff 
 you are putting out, here? If you were trying to prove that George 
 Bush had for years been the head of a worldwide drug smuggling 
 organization, you would not present as your best evidence the fact 
 that some sheriff's deputies in Chula Vista stole drugs out of the 
 evidence locker at the station so they could sell it themselves. If 
 there was a systematic program of extermination, show us how the 
 system (that is, Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, etc.) was involved. Stop 
 dancing around with nearly worthless low-level documents that concern 
 themselves with other aspects of the war. Get to the point.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 877       Fri Mar 27, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:45 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 755) ---
 > The number 4 million has never been a part of the historical 
 Guess again. They are part of the accounts that until recently have 
 been taught in history classes in California schools for years. And 
 what about those 19 plaques at Auschwitz?
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 878       Fri Mar 27, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 02:31 EST
AH Stein, Message 852: definition accepted and agreed to.

Mike Stackpole, Message 853: you bet I go after publishers for vile practices.
But I have \never\ blamed writers for dealing with any publisher, no matter
how bad.  I know how hard up it can get for us.

Pooh.Bah, Message 854: Thank you for the explanation about how cyanide gas
could have been used.  I am copying off your message and will give it to a
chemist I know (and a forensic specialist, when I can get onto one), to see if
what you say answers the objections.

On the face of it, though, your post puts forward a reasonable hypothesis.

D.BERKOWITZ, Message 859: No, you are not reading me correctly. It is not
criticism of the work of revisionists I am objecting to, it is \dismissal\ of
them for extra-historical reasons, such as whom they associate with, who
publishes them, and whether they have the right university degree to write
about the subject.

You seem to be confirming my point precisely.  You are applying a reversed-
time argument: that \since\ Faurisson later allowed  Jew-haters to publish him
when no one else would, that \therefore\ he must have been motivated by Jew-
hatred himself to raise the questions he did.   I submit that if he hadn't
been arrested, tried, fined, and fired for his writings, he never would have
found his way to Willis Carto -- or rather, Willis Carto would never have
gotten onto \him\.

As I Jew, I claim the right to answer a question with a question: does the
fact that Heisenberg had Nazi associations invalidate his scientific work?  Is
the fact that the NASA rocket scientists built missiles for Hitler first a
reason to say that Neil Armstrong never walked on the moon? 

I distinguish Faurisson from certain participants in this discussion (whom I
will not name; I don't wish this message to be deleted for violating GEnie
policy) in that while I have seen anti-Semitic statements posted here, I have
never encountered any from Faurisson. I go by the evidence.

And I never accused "the Jews" of ending Faurisson's career.  I see where you
got that impression, though.  I had two sentences in the same paragraph, one
of which defended Faurisson, and another which aid that certain Jews are using
McCarthyist tactics.  I was not intending to link the two into one concept. 
Perhaps I should have paragraphed better.

In any event, I do not hurl charges of McCarthyist tactics -- or anything
other charges -- collectively.  I deny "collective" guilt out of hand, and any
interpretation of my statements in such a way will lead to error.

Jon Weisberge, Message 860: Are you under the impression that the Journal of
Historical Review is the home of revisionist history or revisionist
historians?  JHR is one small publication, which does not at all represent the
"mainstream," if you will, of the revisionist impulse.  True, some true
revisionists publish there on the subject of the Holocaust, but that is only
because when they choose to raise challenges on \this\ particular aspect of
World War II era revisionism, no one else will touch it with a ten foot pole.

The bulk of twentieth-century revisionist writings is on the causes of the two
world wars, the cold war, and modern imperialism, and has as many left-wing
participants as right-wing participants.

I've already mentioned several of the most important revisionist historians --
Beard, Harry Elmer Barnes, AJP Taylor, James J.  Martin, and others -- in
previous messages.  All have firm  academic reputations.

D.Friedman14, Message 864: There can, indeed, be another motivation for
"holocaust revisionism," other than Jew-hatred.  Here are several.  (1) Desire
to have the truth fully documented.  (2) Desire to separate out the sort of
atrocities stories which are charged by one side to the other in \all\ wars
from the actual atrocities.  A recent example of "revisionism" was the charge
made during the recent Gulf War that the Iraqis soldiers who invaded Kuwait
took Kuwaiti babies out of incubators in order to steal the incubators and
ship them to Iraq.  The "revised" truth is that the incubators were hidden in
the hospital basement, because of Kuwaiti \fear\ that the Iraqis would steal
them; they never found  them nor stole them.  

May I point out that there has already been successful Holocaust revisionism? 
(1) That there were gas chambers used for killing Jews at Dachau.  Later
proved false.  (2) That the Nazis made soap out  of Jews.  Later proved false.
(3) That the Nazis made lampshades  out of Jews.  Later proved false.  (4)
That four million Jews died in the gas chambers.  That figure is being
downsized to between one and two million; the question of how many Jews died
is still open to debate by half a close order of magnitude.

Carl Fink, Message 866: If "Holocaust affirmer" has the "connotation" of
"approve of, promote," then -- necessarily -- doesn't "Holocaust denier" have
the connotation of "disapprove of, oppose"?

RUDOLPH, Message 868: Jewish law would strictly forbid any display of human
remains.  To see a lampshade displayed at the Simon Wiesenthal center with the
legend "a product of human misery" is both misleading and lends unintended
credence to the premise that there is little actual physical evidence of the

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 879       Fri Mar 27, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 02:33 EST
Pooh.Bah, since Greg Raven and M.Rungu have been doing such a weak job of
pressing hard revisionist questions,  I have a few of my own about the

1) How many witnesses to the operations of the gas chambers were deposed by
the western allies, and what is their  credibility?  I must say that
confessions put forward by  the communist regimes must be disqualified on the
face of them,  because of the complete lack of veracity communist-obtained 
confessions have on every other subject. 

2) What physical evidence is there that people, rather than clothes, were
exposed to lethal gas at Auschwitz?  Weren't  there gas chambers used for
delousing at the camps in  which it is now agreed by all that no human
exterminations by gas  took place?

3) It is put forward that the Nazis only gassed those Jews who were too sick,
feeble, or otherwise unable to be useful for slave labor.  The rituals of
separating the two groups as they got off the cattle cars seems to parallel
the logic,  though not the humanity, of the sort of triage that is used in 
battlefield hospitals to separate the wounded into three groups: those whom
quick attention will save, those who will survive without immediate attention,
and those who no reasonable care will save.  In battlefield triage, this last
group is separated out and left to die.

This sort of "triage" also occured in the camps.  Those Jews who were starving
to death were gassed.  Those dying of typhus were gassed.  Those who were
worked to death were gassed.  Those who were dying of exposure were gassed. 
This maximized scarce food for those slaves who still had work left in them.

What this seems to me is that the Nazis viewed the Jews much how the dogfood
industry views horses: work them till they drop, then kill them and use the

Is this a reasonable summary?

My question is: what is the particular significance of the \method\ of killing
the marginal slaves?  Was gassing in any sense cheaper or more efficient than
simply lining them up and shooting them? And if it turned out that the gas
chambers were used only infrequently for Jew-murder, does it change any of the
basic assumptions of Holocaust history?  I have wondered before  whether, in
fact, the stories of gassings were deliberately  invented by the Nazi guards
to taunt and terrorize the Jews,  and in fact shootings were largely used to
kill Jews instead. This goes back to my first question: how much \credible\ 
first-hand witnessing and physical evidence of human gassings  are available
to us?

4) Why do you place such emphasis on the fact that Faurisson has a degree in
literature rather than history?  C.S. Lewis, for example, had his degree in
medieval literature, but wrote authoritatively on philosophy, Christian
apologetics, psychology, and quantum physics.  Do you really believe that one
can't write on a subject without getting a university to accredit one on that
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 880       Fri Mar 27, 1992
D.NOTT [Sprocketeer]         at 04:40 EST
 > My question to you [G.Raven] is: do you believe in any
 >restrictions on  the right of Jews to keep and bear arms?
 >Neil Schulman (message 870)


 > To Revenant (regarding 704) ---  > What have you to offer in
 >terms of evidence to support the  existence of a Zionist
 >conspiracy to force the  Holocaust Hoax  on  us?
 > ---
 > That is not a topic in which I am particularly interested. I have
 > opinions on the matter, but they are largely irrelevant to the
 > discussion here. I don't care who, what, or how we got into Shoah
 > Business as long as we can get out ... now! (message 873,Raven)


 > To J. Neil Schulman ---  Welcome. It's nice to have another
 >staunch libertarian involved in  the discussion. (message


Raven failed to answer two VERY interesting questions:

Does he believe in any restrictions on the rights of jews to keep and bear

What FACTS can he offer to support his THEORY that jews conspired to hoax the

I have a modest proposal.  We should have daily or weekly updates, perhaps
here in the topic or as a cumulative library file, trackin which questions
G.Raven has failed to answer.  Each time he posts, we should remind him of
these questions.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 881       Fri Mar 27, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 04:42 EST
In all fairness, I just posted my question a few hours ago. I don't know if
Greg Raven uses Aladdin, but anyone who downloads messages in bulk and writes
responses offline for later upload should be allowed a decent interval before
we conclude that he's evading.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 882       Fri Mar 27, 1992
E.BROWN42 [scaramouche]      at 04:46 EST

 Lewis had an undergraduate degree in philosophy, and he made it clear that
 his writings on other subjects were those of an "enlightened amateur" and
 he advised his readers to consult experts in those fields to verify his

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 883       Fri Mar 27, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 05:55 EST
872 Greg Raven:

"The military build-up came later."

I am generously assuming that this is innocuous ignorance on your part.
Hitler's programs of economic reconstruction and rearmament, of course, went
hand in hand.

873 Mr. Raven:

"That [Zionism] is not a topic in which I am particularly interested."

This is either a lie, or you have disqualified yourself as a historian of the
events that took place under Hitler even more (hard though that may be to
believe).  Your consistent suggestions that the myth of the Holocaust is an
instrument of the Zionists suggests that you do, indeed, have a very strong
interest in the matter; for how could you assert this without having looked
into the matter?

But, of course, you could assert this without looking into the matter -- if
you were just taking the ravings of others concerning Zionism at face value,
and then launching them here, without any research or consideration on your
own part as to whether or not these ravings are true.  This would mean that
you, by your own admission, are supremely unqualified to back up these
nonsensical passages about "Holohoax," "Zionist conspiracy" and other ravings
you have spewed out.

Therefore, I ask you a simple question:  are you in fact, uninterested (and by
implication, completely ignorant) in the matter of this insidious Zionism,
which only a few messages ago seemed to interest you so intently?  Or are you
lying about your interest in what you consider "Zionism?"  IMHO, the latter
seems more likely in view of the corpus of your writings which already exist
on the matter.

Nevertheless, I'll look forward greatly to your response on this matter, in
the hope that, for once, you'll answer a question squarely, without the
acrobatics which impress no one.

Dave Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 884       Fri Mar 27, 1992
H.P.SKALIKS [Hans-Peter]     at 06:34 EST
AH.STEIN...message 813

Alan, you are usually quite sensible in your comments, but this one is
downright foolish.

If you are arguing that atrocities against German civilians were justified
because of the anti-semitic activities of the NS authorities, then what is
your complaint when somebody places a bomb in a crowded marketplace in
Jerusalem in revenge for something that another group of Jews had done?

All such forms of reprisal are nonsense. That philosophy makes you hard to
distinguish from some of the people on whom you are heaping criticism. It is
hypocritical to heap abuse on people who are only implementing your own

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 886       Fri Mar 27, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric Helton]        at 14:15 EST
[1 message deleted, 1 moved to 15/7]
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 887       Fri Mar 27, 1992
REVENANT                     at 17:05 EST

   In response to my asking for evidence to support the Zionist Conspiracy
theory you write "That is not a topic in which I am particularly interested. I
have opinions on the matter, but they are largely irrelevant to the discussion
here. I don't care who, what or how we got into the Shoah Business, as long as
we can get out ... now!" (msg 873)

   Because, as you have pointed out before, my history degree means I've been
"educated to the point of ignorance," I am tempted to believe you are dodging
my question. See, ignorantly enough, I assume that when you say there is a
Zionist Conspiracy to push Shoah on us, you have EVIDENCE to back this up.
That you apparently DO NOT leads us to a problem.

   Now, being one of the educatedly ignorant, I see the problem as this: Your
assertion is that the Holocaust was a hoax promulgated BY a Zionist
Conspiracy. This assertion REQUIRES a Zionist Conspiracy BEFORE a hoax can be
created -- a practical joke being played on someone perforce requires the
existence of a joker.

   I'm sure, of course, you'll want to correct me because, due to my educated
ignorance, I see your ASSERTION as fallacious. Obviously, IF there is no proof
of a CONSPIRACY, then there can be no byproduct of that CONSPIRACY.

   Of course, Raven, being as how you have not educated yourself into
ignorance, you will be able to point out the error in my thinking process. I
look forward on your doing this or, perhaps in the course of your wide ranging

Ignorantly yours,

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 888       Fri Mar 27, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 18:14 EST
To:878  SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]

 >D.BERKOWITZ, Message 859: No, you are not reading me correctly. It
 >is not criticism of the work of revisionists I am objecting to, it
 >is \dismissal\ of them for extra-historical reasons, such as whom
 >they associate with, who publishes them, and whether they have the
 >right university degree to write about the subject.

You have made the claim now at least five or six times, and I have yet to see
you present the evidence to bolster the claim. That you persist in
perpetuating an accusation without corroboration does not make a very
convincing argument.

Having the 'right university degree' will weigh in heavily when evaluating the
competence of the researcher and his claims. Competence in music does not
imply competence in historical research. Competence in journalism does not
imply competence in biological research. I would certainly listen to a medical
opinion from a physician than a cobbler. It may even be that the cobbler has
hit on a point, nevertheless being extremely skeptical has its place.

 >You seem to be confirming my point precisely.  You are applying a
 >reversed- time argument: that \since\ Faurisson later allowed  Jew-
 >haters to publish him when no one else would, that \therefore\ he
 >must have been motivated by Jew- hatred himself to raise the
 >questions he did.

Whoa, Neil. I think you have a fundamentally flawed understanding of guilt by
association. If Neil Schulman's brother-in-law was David Duke, and I drew an
inference about Neil Schulman's beliefs because his sister made such a poor
choice, I would be guilty of 'guilt by association'. "Association" in context
of that phrase means by "inference", or even in the more pedestrian usage
meaning "a shared interest and friendship" one could not impute the values of
one friend are necessarily held by the other. But when the two work in close
association and are mutually supportive of each other's position and one does
not discriminate the differences between them, then there is a justification
for the inference that they share common cause.

If, for example, George Bush would knowingly accept campaign funding from the
KKK, by the very acceptance I would correctly conclude that the position
espoused by the KKK is not too abhorrent for Bush to deny their aid. I would
consider that a sever moral flaw. It does not make Bush a KKK member, but it
would indicate that he is not sufficiently outraged by the morally bankrupt to
disassociate from them.
 Faurisson, however, is a collaborator with Carto, a benefactor, and a booster
of the IHR. If his revisionist scholarship was sufficiently impressive, he
would find a welcome audience amongst professional scholars, who, I would
think in most cases, are more than willing to countenance heretical views than
the public at large.
 If his scholarship passed scrutiny of professional scholars, he would hardly
need to feed from the trough of the Nazis.

 >I submit that if he hadn't been arrested, tried, fined, and fired
 >for his writings, he never would have found his way to Willis
 >Carto -- or rather, Willis Carto would never have gotten onto

What makes you presume that there was no connection between Faurisson and
Carto prior to his arrest, trial, and conviction? I cannot it substantiate at
the moment, but I did once read [and I must qualify that this could be in
error], that their collaboration predated his arrest.

 >As I Jew, I claim the right to answer a question with a question:
 >does the fact that Heisenberg had Nazi associations invalidate his
 >scientific work?  Is the fact that the NASA rocket scientists
 >built missiles for Hitler first a reason to say that Neil
 >Armstrong never walked on the moon?

I don't believe that I ever invalidated Heisenberg's physics because of his
politics, nor the accomplishment of the Nazi rocket scientists. I would say
that Heisenberg was an immoral individual, and I would say that the US was
guilty of overlooking the Nazi connection of the rocket scientists. A better
question would have been, would I say that it would it have been better for
Heisenberg to forgo the benefit of advancing his career and physics for the
world by refusing association with the Nazis? The answer would be a resounding
yes!!! It would have been better to have been denied his scientific
achievement in consideration of the more compelling moral imperative. It would
have been better to have lost the rocket science advantage than to debase
morality by overlooking war crimes.
 Do you believe that the 'ends justify the means' in your personal moral
philosophy? That is exactly what you are arguing in your defense of Faurisson.

 >And I never accused "the Jews" of ending Faurisson's career.  Isee
 >where you got that impression, though.  I had two sentences in the
 >same paragraph, one of which defended Faurisson, and another which
 >aid that certain Jews are using McCarthyist tactics.  I was not
 >intending to link the two into one concept. Perhaps I should have
 >paragraphed better.

But, even in this explanatory paragraph, you still allude to anonymous
'certain Jews' without documenting the charge or supplying any evidence. You
used inflammatory language, "McCarthyist tactics", without evidence to
document the assertion. THAT, Neil, is an example of McCarthyistic tactics.
Create anonymous villains, attack them, roast them with invective, gather
support, toss in the always charged word - Jews - and voila, a smear emerges.

 >In any event, I do not hurl charges of McCarthyist tactics -- or
 >anything other charges -- collectively.  I deny "collective" guilt
 >out of hand, and any interpretation of my statements in such a way
 >will lead to error.

Well, then who are these anonymous Jews that you mentioned above? Identify
them, show how they have used these tactics, show how they made an impact on
Faurisson's career or on anyone else's. DO not make a charge of conspiracies
without substantiation. None has come. That is a typical collectivist's
tactic. Deny collective guilt, and then pillory collectively all the same.

Have a good Shabbos,

Dov- [for R & R ] on loan from ZOG.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 889       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:18 EST
 871  Raven:

 > Fred Leuchter has never presented himself as being a historian. You 
  need an engineering background to dispute Mr. Leuchter's findings.

 Since Mr. Leuchter is an admitted liar, I don't believe anyone needs any
 special background to dispute his alleged findings.  Au contraire, the
 burden of proof clearly rests with those who are trying to convince that
 his fabrications are legitimate.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 890       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:19 EST
 873  G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:42 EST

 >I don't care who, what, or how we got into Shoah 
  Business as long as we can get out ... now!

 Take a look at the topic header.  It was you who got us into the "Shoah
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 891       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:19 EST
 >Message 876       Fri Mar 27, 1992
 >G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:44 EST

  there was a systematic program of extermination, show us how the 
  system (that is, Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, etc.) was involved. Stop 
  dancing around with nearly worthless low-level documents that concern 
  themselves with other aspects of the war. Get to the point.

 Pooh.Bah has done that, many times over, but you have refused to accept the
 clear historical evidence that she has presented. 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 892       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:20 EST
 >Message 877       Fri Mar 27, 1992
 >G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 01:45 EST

 > To Pooh.bah (regarding 755) ---
 > > The number 4 million has never been a part of the historical 
 > Guess again. They are part of the accounts that until recently have 
  been taught in history classes in California schools for years.

 No need to guess again.  There's a difference between the meaning of
 "historical accounts" and "high school social studies."
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 893       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:20 EST
 878  Neil Schulman:

 >D.BERKOWITZ, Message 859: No, you are not reading me correctly. It is not
 criticism of the work of revisionists I am objecting to, it is \dismissal\
 them for extra-historical reasons, such as whom they associate with, who
 publishes them, and whether they have the right university degree to write
 about the subject.

 It is quite reasonable to view with suspicion any commentary on anything to
 do with the Nazis, the Holocaust or Jews by an historian with a connection
 to Nazis, neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, or other anti-semites.  That does
 not mean that it is impossible for them to write something truthful in
 those areas;  merely that a prudent person would not accept anything they
 claimed without verification from a reliable historian.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 894       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:20 EST
 884  Hans-Peter:

 >If you are arguing that atrocities against German civilians were justified
 because of the anti-semitic activities of the NS authorities, then what is
 your complaint when somebody places a bomb in a crowded marketplace in
 Jerusalem in revenge for something that another group of Jews had done?

 I am not so arguing.  Furthermore, even if I was, that would be an absurd
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 895       Fri Mar 27, 1992
AH.STEIN                     at 18:21 EST
 >Message 885       Fri Mar 27, 1992
 >G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 06:39 EST

  I have pointed out in several posts, before I started investigating 
  this topic, virtually everything I had been told about the Holocaust 
  story ... in the classroom, on the television, in books ... was in 

 Everything?  I would imagine that even you would admit that's a wee bit of
 an exaggeration.  In fact, all I've seen from you is an argument that a few
 technical details describing the mass extermination of about six million
 Jews may have been misunderstood by some people.

 >It cannot be fair to allow discussion of this topic only when the 
  exterminationists outnumber the revisionists 20 to 1.

 We outnumber the deniers 20 to 1.  We outnumber the revisionists 20 to 0.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 896       Fri Mar 27, 1992
D.BERKOWITZ                  at 18:30 EST
Revenant, I certainly hope you are not holding you breath.

Dov [for R & R] on loan from ZOG
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 897       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:17 EST
 871 Raven:

  > You need an engineering background to dispute Mr. Leuchter's findings.

 Why? Leuchter doesn't have one.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 898       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:18 EST
 Let's review some tactics that are being used. Here are excerpts of Raven's

  > To Pooh.bah (regarding 706) ---
  >> The problem is, Raven, I have made no mistakes.

  > Virtually every post of yours has some statement that is at variance 
  > with the facts. I have been too polite to mention every one of them. 
  > However, this does not mean that you never make mistakes. If you are 
  > human, you make mistakes. You might as well admit it and save 
  > yourself the grief later on.

 Now, how many remember WHAT was written in my #706? Was the point of the
 message that "I have made no mistakes?" According to Raven, that was the main
 point that was being made. Was the message written to state that I have never
 made a mistake in my life or that in a particular message, I had not made a
 mistake? Let's see. This is my #706.

  > 671 Raven:
  >> When Pooh.bah makes out-and-out mistakes
  > The problem is, Raven, I have made no mistakes. The properties which
  > produced the condition causing the ground to heave, etc. at Babi Yar was
  > caused through the normal physiology of anaerobic bacteria. I told you
  > first to investigate physiology and then gave you the clue to research the
  > differences between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The fact that you
  > assumed the first clue (i.e. physiology) was in reference to HUMAN
  > physiology is not my mistake but yours.
  > Carl, OTOH, was being nicer by telling you directly where to look instead
  > of making you figure that out for yourself.

 Ah, so it was a very specific comment to which I was referring in which I
 hadn't made a mistake. Yet, how many lurkers (or participants) would remember
 this 168 messages later? This is tactic #1 being used in Raven's message.
 Delay response, selectively quote to twist the original meaning, intending
 for any response to look defensive. Well, I know that the participants and
 lurkers here can make up their own minds given the facts.

 The second tactic that is being used here is making an unsupported statement
 and claiming some sort of virtue precludes substantiating it:

  > Virtually every post of yours has some statement that is at variance 
  > with the facts. I have been too polite to mention every one of them. 

 Under normal circumstances, this unsubstantiated claim would not be given a
 second thought by participants and lurkers. Yet, when it is contained within
 a message in which the major point (i.e. everyone makes mistakes) is self-
 evident, there is a possibility that the credibility of that statement will
 also make this one believable.

 It amazes me that Raven doesn't give the participants and lurkers more credit
 for intelligence. Does he really believe that with all his other comments
 (i.e. "Hitler was a great man," "bloodthirsty Zionists," "Elie Wiesel is a
 professional liar," etc.) that anyone would find his claim of "politeness"
 credible? Would anyone find his claim that he has failed to point out
 statements "at variance with the facts" credible when he has proclaimed that
 he came here to enlighten all of us as to those facts?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 899       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:19 EST
 874 Raven:

  > However because you were not wrong when you said that the IHR agreed 
  > to the judicial notice of the (first) Mermelstein trial (post 166), 
  > you must have been lying.

 Reality Check:

 Here is the text of what was signed by the attorneys representing the IHR, et

                           STATEMENT OF RECORD AND

 Whereas, the Legion for Survival of Freedom, and the Institute for Historical
 Review, sent by letter dated November 20, 1980, directly to Mel Mermelstein,
 a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and exclusive reward offer
 in a letter marked "personal" dated November 20, 1980, offering Mr.
 Mermelstein a $50,000 exclusive reward for "proof that Jews were gassed in
 gas chambers at Auschwitz" and further stating that if Mr. Mermelstein did
 not respond to the reward offer "very soon", "the Institute for Historical
 Review would 'publicize that fact to the mass media'; ..."

 Whereas, Mr. Mermelstein formally applied for said $50,000 reward on December
 18, 1980; and

 Whereas, Mr. Mermelstein now contends that the Institute for Historical
 Review knew, or should have known, from Mr. Mermelstein's letter to the
 editor of the Jerusalem Post dated August 17, 1980, that Mr. Mermelstein
 contended he was a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald; knew, or
 should have known, that Mr. Mermelstein contended that his mother and two
 sisters were gassed to death at Auschwitz; and knew, or should have known, of
 his contention that at dawn on May 22, 1944, he observed his mother and two
 sisters, among other women and children, being lured and driven into the gas
 chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which he later discovered to be Gas Chamber
 No. 5; and

 Whereas, on October 9, 1981, the parties in dispute in the litigation filed
 cross-motions for summary judgement resulting in the court, per the Honorable
 Thomas T. Johnson, taking judicial notice as follows:

 "Under Evidence Code Section 452(h), this Court does take judicial notice of
 the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp
 in Poland during the summer of 1944" and "It is simply a fact that falls
 within the definition of Evidence Code Section 452(h). It is not reasonably
 subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination
 by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a

 Whereas, Mr. Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz contend that they
 suffered severe emotional distress resulting from said reward offer and
 subsequent conduct of the Institute for Historical Review; and

 Whereas, the Institute for Historical Review and Legion for Survival of
 Freedom now contend that in offering such reward there was no intent to
 offend, embarrass or cause emotional strain to anyone, including Mr.
 Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald Concentration
 Camps of World War II, and a person who lost his father, mother and two
 sisters who also were inmates of Auschwitz;

 Whereas, the Institute for Historical Review and Legion for Survival of
 Freedom should have been aware that the reward offer would cause Mr.
 Mermelstein and other survivors of Auschwitz to suffer severe emotional
 distress which the Institute for Historical Review and Legion for Survival of
 Freedom, now recognize is regrettable and abusive to survivors of Auschwitz.


 Each of the answering defendants do hereby officially and formally apologize
 to Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and
 all other survivors of Auschwitz for the pain, anguish and suffering he and
 all other Auschwitz survivors have sustained relating to the $50,000 reward
 offer for proof that "Jews were gassed in gas chambers at Auschwitz."

 Dated: 7/24/85 and signed by attorneys representing: 

                          Legion for Survival of Freedom, 
                          Institute for Historical Review, 
                          Noontide Press, 
                          Liberty Lobby, 
                          Elisabeth Carto and 
                          Willis Carto.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 900       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:20 EST
 878 Neil:

  > May I point out that there has already been successful Holocaust
  > revisionism? 
  > (1) That there were gas chambers used for killing Jews at Dachau.  Later
  > proved false.  
  > (2) That the Nazis made soap out  of Jews.  Later proved false.
  > (3) That the Nazis made lampshades  out of Jews.  Later proved false.  
  > (4) That four million Jews died in the gas chambers.  That figure is being
  > downsized to between one and two million; the question of how many Jews
  > died is still open to debate by half a close order of magnitude.

 Neil, you are mistaking popular misconceptions for historical accounts. No
 historical work published within scholarly circles has ever made the claims
 you mention. The Nuremberg Trials did but they are NOT historical accounts.

 So, your claim that this is the result of "revisionism" is incorrect. It is
 the result of "history."

 Hans-Peter explained it very well in his message when he spoke of what
 authors of fiction, movies, etc. have caused to happen in this area. As you
 know, a novelist may base the storyline on a particular historical event or
 use that event as a backdrop for the story. However, because it is a work of
 fiction, the author is not bound by any conventions of truth. Yet these
 stories which are based in fact (but not totally factual) get acknowledged by
 the general populace as being factual.

 IOW, if anything of the above is "revisionism" it is that (1) there were
 operating gas chambers at Dachau, (2) that Nazis made soap out of Jews, (3)
 that the Nazis made lampshades out of Jews, and (4) that four million Jews
 died in gas chambers.

 BTW, even though the facts about the lampshades, soap and gas chambers at
 Dachau are not part of the Holocaust per se, if anyone is interested in the
 truth behind them, I will be glad to elaborate on these. However, it might be
 best, so as not to confuse the issue (and in a discussion of the Holocaust,
 these facts would be "off topic") to open up a new TOPic to discuss other
 events that occurred during the same period of time but are not part of the
 Holocaust itself.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 901       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:21 EST
 879 Neil:

  > 1) How many witnesses to the operations of the gas chambers were deposed
  > by the western allies, and what is their  credibility? I must say that
  > confessions put forward by  the communist regimes must be disqualified on
  > the face of them,  because of the complete lack of veracity
  > communist-obtained confessions have on every other subject. 

 To be perfectly honest, I don't know of any perpetrators who witnessed the
 gassings and were deposed by the western Allies. With all the extermination
 camps having been on Polish soil and with the USSR being the army which
 "liberated" Poland, it was the USSR who also captured the vast majority of
 those who were responsible for the gassings.

 One wonders, however, why this question is crucial. After all, who "deposed"
 Gengis Khan, Attila the Hun or even Stalin? Why do you believe (if you do)
 that deposition is important in this case?

 For instance, I do not rely on sources such as Hoess' confession or even on
 Kurt Gerstein's account. The former because of the likelihood that it was
 tainted and the second because, when taken in its entirety, the statements
 are not coherent.

 Yet, even though these are not credible and, I agree, cannot be depended upon
 to enlighten us as to reality, the rest of the evidence (in particular the
 paper trail) is more than able to stand on its own.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 902       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:22 EST
 879 Neil:

  > 2) What physical evidence is there that people, rather than clothes, were
  > exposed to lethal gas at Auschwitz?  Weren't  there gas chambers used for
  > delousing at the camps in  which it is now agreed by all that no human
  > exterminations by gas took place?

 If by "physical evidence" you mean autopsies, there are none. However, this
 is what we do have (and what supports eyewitness accounts).

 Even at Auschwitz there were de-lousing chambers for clothing. These are
 acknowledged to be just that and are not considered to be chambers for
 gassing people. Yet, there are structures which were contained within the
 same bldgs. as the crematoria (far removed from the de-lousing chambers),
 which have a lower concentration of HCN, which were tested for HCN in 1945,
 which had doors which were "gas tight" with a peephole and which eyewitnesses
 have claimed were used to gas people.

 The concentration of HCN supports the gassing of people but was too low to
 support the possibility of de-lousing. The gas tight door (for which we have
 the special order within the primary documents) had no need for a "peephole"
 if it was used for de-lousing. Some Deniers have claimed that the gas tight
 door was so that the cellars could be used as an air-raid shelter and that
 the peephole was to let in light. Yet, this explanation ignores the fact that
 these chambers were in the cellar where there would be no outside light and
 that the air tight chambers could have suffocated the occupants.

 So, the physical evidence supports that these chambers were used for some
 sort of gassing and, with the concentration of HCN being what it was, the
 only possibility would have been mosquitoes or humans (since they both
 require comparable concentrations). Now, if these chambers were to be used
 for mosquitoes (remember that Birkenau was in a swampy area so we shouldn't
 rule this out outright), why the need for a peephole? After all, from a
 simple viewing, would it be possible to determine if the mosquitoes are dead
 or "simply resting?" (That phrase is for Monty Python fans.) Yet, wouldn't it
 be true that that same peephole could be used to determine if people were
 dead since their struggle in their death throes would be clearly evident?
 And, if it was used for mosquitoes, how did the Nazis get all those
 mosquitoes in the chamber?

 Given these as the two possibilities based upon the physical evidence and
 using Occam's Razor, the conclusion is that it was people who were gassed in
 these chambers.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 903       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:23 EST
 879 Neil:

  > 3) It is put forward that the Nazis only gassed those Jews who were too
  > sick, feeble, or otherwise unable to be useful for slave labor.  The
  > rituals of separating the two groups as they got off the cattle cars seems
  > to parallel the logic,  though not the humanity, of the sort of triage
  > that is used in battlefield hospitals to separate the wounded into three
  > groups: those whom quick attention will save, those who will survive
  > without immediate attention, and those who no reasonable care will save. 
  > In battlefield triage, this last group is separated out and left to die.

 I guess you missed the message #832 by S.PIERCE6. Let me quote the pertinent
 parts here.

  >> Robert Faurisson is not a legitimate historian, he is a charlatan.
  >> He used outright lies attributed to "historical research" to "prove"
  >> there were no gas chambers.  His thesis depended on an entry in an SS
  >> doctor's diary which said, "This Sunday morning in the cold and humid
  >> weather I was present at the IIth special action (Dutch).  Atrocious
  >> scenes with three women who begged us to let them live."
  >>According to Faurisson, this passage proves: 1) that a "special action" is
  >> a sorting out by doctors of sick from healthy in a typhoid epidemic; 2)
  >> that the "atrocious scenes" were "executions of persons who had been
  >> condemned to death, executions for which the doctor was obliged to be
  >> present"; 3) that among the condemned were three women who had come in a
  >> convoy from Holland who WERE SHOT; 4) that there were no gas chambers,
  >> since the women were shot and NOT GASSED.
  >> The above is what he falsely attributes to the diary entry, citing its
  >> author and date!
  >> An eminent French scholar named George Wellers analyzed the diary entry
  >> and the surrounding documentation for Le Monde. He did ACTUAL historical
  >> research, checked the Auschwitz archives for the date of the entry and
  >>found that 1710 Dutch Jews arrived that day of which 1594 went immediately
  >> to the gas chamber. The remaining 116 (all women, including the doctor's
  >> 3 women) were brought into the camp.  The fact that the three women the
  >> doctor referred to were SHOT is not found anywhere in the diary.  In fact
  >> that information came out at Dr. Kremer's Polish war crimes trial.  He
  >>said there, "Three Dutch women did not want to go into the gas chamber and
  >> begged to have their lives spared.  They were young women IN GOOD HEALTH,
  >> but in spite of that their prayer was not granted and the SS who were
  >> participating in the action SHOT THEM ON THE SPOT."

 This gives but one example (there are numerous others) in which the "triage"
 analogy falls apart.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 904       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:24 EST
 879 Neil:

  > My question is: what is the particular significance of the \method\ of
  > killing the marginal slaves?

 The method is only important when we have a desire to know all the details.
 If someone is satisfied with knowing the large picture but doesn't care about
 the details of how, why, when, where, who, etc., then the method is not
 important to that person.

  > Was gassing in any sense cheaper or more efficient than simply lining
  > them up and shooting them?

 There were many good reasons for using gas rather than bullets. If you will
 remember, bullets had been tried already by the Einsatzgruppen. Here are the
 reasons (all of which come from the Nazis' own documents to justify the
 switch in methods):

 (1) Shooting women and children was very stressful on the SS who performed
 the executions. A method needed to be found which required less direct
 contact with the killing, fewer SS involved, and one in which it wasn't so

 (2) Not everyone was killed with the first burst of gun fire and this led to
 wounded people crawling out of the mass graves in which they had fallen,
 having to survey the bodies and "finish off" any who were still moving, etc.
 This added to the stress mentioned in #1.

 (3) Shootings, because of the noise inherent in them, alerted everyone within
 earshot what was happening. This caused panic among many and created many
 "ear" witnesses.

 (4) A war was going on and bullets were needed for that.

 The gassings solved these problems by:

 (1) The SS men saw living people going into the chamber and then saw the
 bodies but never had to see the blood or the actual death. Therefore it was
 less stressful (yet, even with this, there were many suicides among the SS at

 (2) No one in the gas chamber could avoid being killed. There were no

 (3) Gassings were silent. There are differing reports on what the surrounding
 population did or did not know about the functioning of the extermination
 camps. This tells us, bare minimum, that the gassing allowed a "plausible
 deniablity" for anyone who didn't want to admit what was happening at the
 camps. The sound of gun fire certainly would be much more difficult to cope
 with using the same technique.

 (4) Although gas was used to fumigate barracks, subs, etc., it was not needed
 in the same way in which bullets were needed.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 905       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:24 EST
 879 Neil:

  > Why do you place such emphasis on the fact that Faurisson has a degree in
  > literature rather than history?

 You originally claimed that Faurisson was an "historian." Such a designation
 implies a history degree. Also, when someone is being quoted or their work
 referred to, it is common to put that person's credentials up for
 consideration. For instance, Raul Hilberg has credentials as an historian.
 Faurisson does not. Neither does Elie Wiesel, btw, and I would point that out
 just as clearly as I have pointed out Faurisson's lack of history

 Each individual participant here is free to place whatever value he/she
 wishes upon those credentials. Some might claim that Hilberg is "educated to
 the point of ignorance" because of his credentials and, therefore, discredit
 him. Others might have the opposite reaction.

 Either way, do you see a problem with informing the participants and lurkers
 of various authors' credentials?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 906       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:25 EST
 885 Raven:

  >  Although Pooh.bah has indeed provided a lot of information, much of 
  >  it is irrelevant, tainted, or worse. The volume of her posts and the 
  >  subtlety of her errors makes it virtually impossible for someone with 
  >  a limited number of hours (and dollars) to disassembled each and 
  >  every one of her statements.

 Perhaps because my errors are so subtle even I am not aware of them. Would
 you mind enlightening me and producing just one example?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 907       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:26 EST
 885 Raven:

  > virtually everything I had been told about the Holocaust story ... in the
  > classroom, on the television, in books ... was in error. I can't think of
  > any other topic about which that can be said. 

 How many other historical events have you investigated on your own? Perhaps
 "virtually everything" you have been told about other events is "in error"
 but you are not aware of that.

 For instance, since this is 1992 and the 500th anniversary of Columbus' first
 trip to the "New World" maybe we should use that as an example.

 Most schools teach that Columbus was responsible for discovering that the
 earth was round. Is this true? No. It was Aristotle who proved the world is
 round, pointing out during an eclipse that the earth casts a spherical shadow
 on the moon. Plato popularized the concept. By Columbus's day it was taken
 for granted. The person mainly responsible for the myth was Washington
 Irving. (source: _Legends, Lies & Cherished Myths of American History_).

 Or, how about the "fact" that Columbus "discovered" the New World? Most of us
 acknowledge that this is wrong today but it is still taught in many schools.
 Not even getting into the inherent problem of saying that someone
 "discovered" a populated area, there is historical and archeological evidence
 that Lief Ericsson did indeed come to the New World and even set up a colony.
 Yet, he is never credited with being the first European to "discover" the New

 These are just two examples from one event. There are many more for this as
 well as every other historical event.

 How many other historical events have you researched and why have you
 concentrated what seems to be the lion's share of your attention on this
 particular one - the Holocaust?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 908       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:27 EST
 885 Raven:

  > Contrast this to the treatment accorded Pooh.bah, who could be anyone,
  > with any background, with any agenda, and who is lionized.

 I believe that you are assuming facts not in evidence here. First, I realize
 that you are new here on GEnie. I know this because in the first message in
 this TOPic you told us that fact but I also know it because I'm a long
 standing member of GEnie. Just because you do not know certain facts about me
 you assume that others are wandering in the same darkness. Many of the
 participants here have known me for years and quite a few of them have met me
 face-to-face and even more of them have talked to me on the telephone.

 Therefore, they are not "lionizing" an unknown - although I'm not certain
 that I would claim that anyone is "lionizing" anyone else here.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 909       Fri Mar 27, 1992
POOH.BAH                     at 19:28 EST
 885 Raven:

  > How do you think I feel, as a citizen of the United States, reading about
  > how FDR did every dirty and illegal thing he could to get us into two
  > world wars? How do you suppose I feel knowing that millions of soldiers
  > died needlessly because Anglo-Saxon "leaders" such as Churchill and FDR
  > cynically fanned the flames of war. How do you think I feel about the
  > firebombings of German civilian populations? How do you think I feel about
  > the ruthless attempts to exterminate the German populations of 
  > Czechoslovakia and other countries? How do you think I feel about 
  > Eisenhower reclassifying millions of German POW as DEF (disarmed 
  > enemy forces) so he could get around the Geneva accords and allow 
  > them to die of starvation, exposure, and disease? How do you think I 
  > feel about the post-war rape of millions of German women by Stalin's 
  > troops? How do you think I feel about the post-war rape of Germany 
  > itself, as pieces of its territory were wrenched away from it, and 
  > millions (if not billions) of dollar's worth of machinery and patents 
  > were taken as "reparations" for a war she did not start, and given to 
  > Britain and the Soviet Union? How do you think I feel about the 
  > United States fighting alongside the greatest mass murderer of all 
  > times, Joseph Stalin, and AGAINST the two countries who most clearly 
  > saw the dangers of communism, Germany and Japan? How do you think I 
  > feel about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? How do you 
  > think I feel about the Soviet Union being made a party to the Pacific 
  > War at the last minute so all the captured Japanese arms could be 
  > redistributed to the communists?
  > And these are just a few of the injustices I could mention from this 
  > short period alone. I find all these and more to be blatantly 
  > offensive, to use your terms. Are my feelings somehow less valid 
  > because I am not Jewish?

 Excuse me, maybe I missed something here. Could you please cite some message
 numbers in this TOPic in which any of the above are discussed in, what to
 you, is an "offensive manner." I really do not want to be in a position to
 offend anyone (unless someone finds the facts to be offensive) so I would
 appreciate an example where one of the events from your list above has been
 discussed in a manner which offended you. That is the only way that I can
 insure that I do not make similar mistakes in the future.

 BTW, have you read Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice" lately? The tone of
 your message is very reminiscent of Shylock's famous speech: "I am a Jew.
 Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses,
 affections, passions? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do
 we not laugh? if you poison us do we not die?"

 Sorry to one and all for the digression into the works of Shakespeare. As my
 handle plainly illustrates, I have a love for works from the British stage
 and I cannot help these digressions from coming quickly to mind.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 910       Fri Mar 27, 1992
ERIC-M                       at 19:28 EST
 >>> G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]

Somebody asked:

 > What have you to offer in terms of evidence to support the  existence of
 > a Zionist conspiracy to force the  Holocaust Hoax  on us?

To which you replied:

 > That is not a topic in which I am particularly interested. I have
 > opinions on the matter, but they are largely irrelevant to the
 > discussion here. I don't care who, what, or how we got into Shoah
 > Business as long as we can get out ... now!

You brought up the outlandish claim that the Holocaust "hoax" was a Zionist
conspiracy.  Please back up your claims with evidence.  Thanks!

 |/ ric

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 911       Fri Mar 27, 1992
J.GERBER4 [Jim Gerber]       at 20:01 EST
        -=-=-=- To: D.FRIEDMAN14                 -=-=-=-

  > There can be no motivation behind Holocaust revisionism other
  > than anti-  Semitism.  Only an emotion so powerful in its

I must disagree.  Mr Schulman, in his series of letters alludes to other
reasons.  He points out that some Libertarians, join the ranks of the deniers
and says that he's not sure of his own motives.  I took that to mean that many
of these people are willing to throw in with anti-semites and neo-Nazis in
order to further their own agenda.  I don't know a lot of Mr. Schulman, not
having read his novels, but am willing to believe that he is not a "self-
hating Jew".  My personal opinion is that he's being totally honest with us- -
he isn't sure that his support of the revisionists is based totally on the
desire to bring out the truth.

There's a lot in Mr. Schulman's writings to make one think and a lot to agree
with--he is a VERY accomplished writer, IMHO.  On the other hand, he is, as he
admits, an anarchist and an extreme one at that (if there could ever be a
moderate anarchist!).  His views are frightening and it's certainly believable
that he would be willing to go to such extremes as supporting the deniers in
order to further his political aims.  If nothing else, Mr. Schulman has the
guts to admit that he and others do this.

                                        James Wellington Gerber
                                        "It's crackers to slip a
                                        rozzer the dropsy in Snide"

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 912       Fri Mar 27, 1992
C.FINK4 [Carl]               at 21:10 EST
>>...C.S. Lewis, for example, had his degree in medieval literature,
 >>but wrote authoritatively on philosophy, Christian apologetics,
 >>psychology, and quantum physics....

  Are you serious, Neil? Lewis was a smart guy, but he knew less about quantum
physics than a bright high school student might know today.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 913       Sat Mar 28, 1992
D.FRIEDMAN14                 at 00:24 EST
Jim Gerber:

Would you question the American Revolution?  The My Lai massacre?  The
Cultural Revolution?

Then what makes the Holocaust so especially "vulnerable" to historical
"review?"  It is no less an historical event (and a major one, at that) than
any of the occurrences I mention above.  So why this perverse obsession with
disproving Hitler's crimes?

Raven "for a war she [Germany] did not start" Oh, right.  Poland blitzkrieged
Germany.  Silly me.

Dave Friedman
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 914       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:24 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 792) ---
 > Therefore, since [sic] much evidence has already been presented 
 (and not rebutted with any sort of evidence) on the fact that there 
 was an extermination program, let us move on to the camps themselves.
 Whoa up there, little lady! You might have presented all your 
 evidence, but you are inaccurate in denying the presence of my 
 rebuttals. Also, it is mighty high-handed of you to suddenly and 
 unilaterally change the topic of conversation without so much as a 
 by-your-leave. You posted a couple of ambiguous Einsatzgruppen 
 reports (while not adequately addressing the ones I posted), posted a 
 couple of things about the Wannsee Protocols (while leaving 
 unanswered my doubts about this document), and made reference to the 
 probably forged Franke-Gricksh Resetttlement Action Report (while 
 completely side-stepping my question about both its authenticity AND 
 my challenge to discuss its contents).
 Along the way, you have failed to satisfactorily address the 
 following posts:
 Number 580, concerning the German Foreign Office memorandum of 
 21.Aug.1942 in which evacuation of the Jews is clearly stated as 
 being the intent of the Third Reich.
 Number 581, concerning Hitler's desire to postpone the solution to 
 the Jewish problem until after the war is over.
 Number 582, concerning my "reservations" about the Franke-Gricksch 
 Number 583, concerning the Madagascar Plan (about which you have made 
 numerous inaccurate posts). Also, you were incorrect in stating that 
 it was not possible to get currency into Germany during the war. 
 True, Britain proscribed it. However, Americans could send money to 
 Germany as long as it went through a "neutral" country en route.
 However, I accept the fact that you have no more evidence to support 
 your claim that there was a policy of extermination, while pointing 
 out yet again that you have failed to establish your claim in the 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 915       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:25 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 792) ---
 In "Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers," by 
 Jean-Claude Pressac (preface by Beate and Serge Klarsfeld), New York, 
 Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1989, 564 pages (oversized), $100, we 
 have what is promoted as "a scientific rebuttal to those who deny the 
 gas chambers." However, it is far from that, and in many ways it is 
 the most convincing argument yet that the revisionists have been 
 right all along about the Holocaust story. Here are a few examples, 
 with pages number references for any who can locate a copy of this 
 illusive tome:
 Pressac admits that his eyewitness testimonies (including the 
 well-known ones of Miklos Nyiszli and Charles Bendel) are riddled 
 with errors, absurdities, inventions, and contradictions (page 469 - 
 Pressac writes, "This study already demonstrates the complete 
 bankruptcy of the traditional (Holocaust) history ..., a history 
 based for the most part on testimonies, assembled according to the 
 need of the moment, truncated to fit an arbitrary truth and sprinkled 
 with a few German documents of uneven value and without any 
 connection with one another." (page 264)
 There is no conclusive or documentary evidence for the widely claimed 
 homicidal gassings in the Auschwitz main camp crematory building. The 
 entire building was drastically restructured and reconstituted after 
 the war, and the crematory chimney there is a phony. (pages 123, 
 131-133, 144-146, 551)
 The often quoted autobiography of Rudolph H   (former commandant at 
 Auschwitz) is riddled with errors. What is more, the handwritten 
 manuscript of several hundred pages contains not a single correction 
 or crossing out, suggesting that it was copied. (pages 127-128, 551)
 A 1945 Soviet film that documents extermination gassings in the 
 Kanada I section of Birkenau is a completely put up job. No homicidal 
 gassings were ever carried out there. (pages 46, 47, 49, 264)
 The 1946 British military trial of Zyklon suppliers Dr. Bruno Tesch 
 and Karl Weinbacher, which resulted in death sentences and hangings, 
 was unjust and probably a masquerade. (page 17)
 The widely quote figure of four million Auschwitz deaths is 
 propaganda and symbolic (pages 13, 501)
 Cremation is much more problematical and time-consuming than 
 Holocaust historians have claimed, and the widely repeated stories 
 about cremating 10,000 or even 25,000 corpses daily at Auschwitz are 
 absurd and impossible. (pages 244, 247, 253, 334, 413, 420)
 The word "sonderaktion" (special action) was not a euphemism for 
 killing or extermination. (pages 210, 213)
 The Germans did not use a secret code to conceal their crimes. (pages 
 247, 556)
 The diagram of "gas chambers" at Birkenau in the widely circulated 
 1944 War Refugee Board Report is inaccurate. (pages 459, 461)
 An architectural plan of Auschwitz-Birkenau from August 1942 shows 
 that the German authorities anticipated a camp large enough 
 eventually to hold 200,000 inmates. (page 203)
 Photographs and diagrams show extensive quarantine and recuperation 
 facilities for sick and injured Birkenau inmates. (pages 510 - 513)
 The plan to systematically exterminate Jews at Birkenau must have 
 decided upon between June and August 1942, and was first implemented 
 between March and June 1943. (pages 212-213, 246, 348) (This is a 
 radical departure from the standard Holocaust myth)
 The danger of Zyklon B was underscored in a memo from Commandant H   
 on August 12, 1942, copies of which were widely distributed around 
 the camp. (page 201)
 Workers from nine civilian firms helped construct Kremas IV and V 
 (pages 350, 384). These workers were allowed to go home to see their 
 families. (pages 210, 213) (This makes hiding the allegedly secret 
 gas chambers a bit more of a problem)
 There are six photos that show humane conditions at 
 Auschwitz-Monowitz. (pages 506-507) (These are from the Durrfeld file 
 of Nuremberg trial number 6)
 95 percent (or more) of the Zyklon B was used to kill lice, while 
 only 5 percent (or less) was used to kill people. (page 15)
 Pressac states that when gassing humans with Zyklon B, the gas goes 
 directly to the victims' mouths. (page 555) (That is, it does not 
 deposit itself on and impregnate itself into walls, skin, clothing, 
 etc., which Zyklon B is known to do.)
 In order to obtain more of the then-scarce Zyklon B to combat 
 disease, authorities at Auschwitz pretended to be gassing Jews. (page 
 188) (In order to save Jewish lives, the Auschwitz authorities 
 claimed to be killing them.)
 Photographs which traditionally have provided proof of the gassings 
 are not definitive proofs. (page 429)
 So-called eyewitness Nyiszli, on whose testimony Pressac depends a 
 great deal, multiplies his figures by 3, or by 5, or by 4, or by 2.5, 
 or by 6.7, or by 4 , or by 4 again, or by 2.5, or by 4 yet again, or 
 by 2 to 3. From this Pressac gets an average figure of 4, by which 
 the reader is supposed to divide the numbers in Nyiszli's comments to 
 get the true number. (page 475) Still, Pressac feels that Nyiszli is 
 a credible source.
 The average number of cremations per day at Krema II was 960 or 288 
 or 720 (page 110) or 752 (page 183) or closer to 1000 (page 470, 
 because the figure of 2,000 on page 334 is not acceptable) or between 
 1000 and 1500 (page 475) or nearly 625. (page 494)
 Pressac claims that the exhaust from gas and diesel engines (that is, 
 the CO content) is equally deadly to humans. (page 16)
 This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more instances in 
 which Pressac contradicts himself, but which cannot be shown in a 
 sentence or two. There are further instances in which when you 
 compare Pressac's work to others in the field, you come up against 
 still more discrepancies. All in all, this work is typical of the 
 "evidence" provided by exterminationists to support the Holocaust 
 Pressac is a pharmacist.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 916       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:25 EST
 To Daniel Brin (regarding 793) ---
 (and Patrick Braden, etc.)
 You are your fellow lurkers from the PEN system in Santa Monica will 
 no doubt find it interesting that in this message, Pooh.bah is 
 quoting from the Polish report that you implied did not exist.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 917       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:26 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 793) ---
 The following is a condensed version of Fred Leuchter's 
 qualifications, as presented at the October 1990 IHR Conference.
 Mr. Leuchter received his Bachelor's degree from Boston University in 
 1964, and did post-graduate study in Celestial Navigation Mechanics 
 at the Harvard Smithsonia Astrophysical Observatory in Massachusetts.
 Since 1965, he has worked as an engineer on projects having to do 
 with electrical, optical, mechanical, navigational, and surveying 
 He holds patents in the fields of optics, navigation, encoding, 
 geodetic surveying, and surveying instrumentation, including patents 
 on sextants, surveying instruments, and optical instrument encoders.
 From 1965 through 1970 he was the technical director for a firm in 
 Boston, where he specialized in airborne, opto-electronic, and 
 photographic surveillance equipment. He designed the first low-level, 
 color, stereo-mapping system for use in a helicopter, which has 
 become an airborne standard.
 In 1970, he formed an independent consulting firm. During his period 
 with this form, he designed and built the first electronic sextant 
 and developed a unique, light-weight, compact, and inexpensive 
 optical drum, sector encoder for use with surveying and measuring 
 instruments. He also built the first electronic sextant for the U.S. 
 Navy. He has worked on and designed astro trackers utilized in the 
 on-board guidance systems of ICBM missles.
 Because of his work in navigational devices he has had hands-on 
 experience with surveying and geodetic measuring equipment and a 
 thorough knowledge of map reading and cartography. He is trained in 
 reading and interpreting aerial photographs.
 He has designed a computerized transit for surveying use, and several 
 years ago he developed the first low-cost personal telephone monitor.
 During the past ten years, Mr. Leuchter has been a consultant to 
 several state governments on equipment used to execute convicted 
 criminals, including hardware for execution by lethal injection, 
 electrocution, gassing, and hanging. In the course of this work, he 
 designed a new gas chamber for the state of Missouri, and he designed 
 and constructed the first lethal injection machine in New Jersey. He 
 has also been a consultant on execution procedures.
 Mr. Leuchter holds a research medical license from both state and 
 federal governmens, and he supplies the necessary drugs for use in 
 execution support programs.
 In 1987, he formed Fred A. Leuchter Associates, a consulting 
 engineering firm specializing in general consulting, and the design 
 and construction of prototype hardware.
 Fred Leuchter has been a forensic engineer consultant, and has 
 testified as an expert in courts in the United States and Canada. ...
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 918       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:26 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 797) ---
 This is a copy of a sheet I received from Mark Weber of the IHR. I 
 believe it constitutes a future article in the IHR Newsletter.
 Leading Austrian Engineer Says Auschwitz Gassing Stories Not Possible
 A leading Austrian engineer says that the well-known stories of mass 
 extermination of Jews in gas chambers at Auschwitz and Mauthausen are 
 "technically impossible." Walter Lueftl, 59, reaches this conclusion 
 in a report of more than a hundred pages that deals primarily with 
 Auschwitz. Entitled "Holocaust: Belief and Facts," the report was 
 published recently in Vienna. In it, Lueftl writes:
 "The mass murder with Zyklon B [which was allegedly used to kill Jews 
 in Auschwitz gas chambers] could not have taken place. Not only would 
 this have violated natural law, but the technical and organizational 
 prerequisites for it did not exist. On the basis of structural 
 considerations, the crematories could not have handled the number of 
 victims. Corpses are not burning materials. To burn them requires 
 considerable time and energy."
 Lueftl also characterizes the often-repeated story of Jews being 
 gassed with diesel engine exhaust as a "sheer impossibility," and 
 mentions the "discrepancies in witness testimonies" which "exist and 
 have still not been explained."
 Lueftl, who is a court-recognized expert engineer, heads a large 
 engineering firm in Vienna. He has been serving as president of the 
 Austrian Engineers Chamber, a 4,000-member professional association.
 His report has set off a furor in Austria. A leading official of the 
 governing People's Party expressed fear that it could harm the 
 country's "image" abroad. In response to protests, Lueftl has been 
 obliged to resign as president of the engineers association. In a 
 statement, Lueftl condemned Nazi atrocities, but once again cited the 
 absence of supporting forensic evidence. (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 
 Munich, March 13 and 14-15: AFP and AP dispatches from Vienna.)
 Lueftl's report is yet another authoritative confirmation of the 
 findings of American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter, who testified 
 about his investigation of the supposed "gas chambers" of Auschwitz, 
 Birkenau, and Majdanek in the 1988 trial of German-Canadian publisher 
 Ernst Zuendel. ...
 ... The findings of Leuchter and Lueftl have also been corroborated 
 by the Institute of Forensic Research in Krakow, Poland.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 919       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:27 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 800) ---
 > Hydrocyanide HCN detaching from Zyklon B is a liquid with a boiling 
 point of approx 27 degrees Centigrade.
 This is interesting, but it is not germaine. None of the four tests 
 mentioned in this topic have tested for HCN. They are testing for the 
 presence of "compounds of cyanic ions," as noted below.
 > Much more durable are those complex compounds of cyanic ions 
 amalgamating with heavy metals. Such one is the aforementioned 
 Prussian Blue, but even it dissolved slowly in an aciduious 
 The first sentence is correct. The building materials used at 
 Auschwitz/Birkenau contained iron and other heavy metal ions which, 
 unlike solid pieces of metal, bond readily with HCN gas to produce 
 ferric-ferro-cyanide compounds. These compounds are extremely stable, 
 contrary to the second sentence, as was testified to by James Roth, 
 chief chemist of Alpha Analytical Labs in Massachusetts, at the 1988 
 "Holocaust" trial of Ernst Zuendel. Even after 45 years, the 
 compounds would not have weathered away. The proof of this is the 
 presence of Prussian blue staining still visible on the walls of the 
 delousing facilities.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 920       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:27 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 800) ---
 The results of the Polish forensic study are consistent with those of 
 the Leuchter Report. Thank you for typing it in ... it saves me the 
 trouble. The Institute specialists detected absolutely no traces of 
 cyanide compounds in most of the plaster and brick samples taken from 
 the alleged extermination gas chambers. Traces of cyanides were 
 detected in eight samples, seven of which were rooms in Block 3 of 
 Auschwitz (main camp) where, as the Institute's experts acknowledge, 
 inmate clothing was disinfected by gassing with Zyklon B.
 The presence of an almost indetectable trace in sample 15 from the 
 alleged homicidal "gas chamber" in Krema building II in Birkenau is 
 entirely in keeping with Leuchter's conclusion that the room from 
 which it was taken must have been deloused with Zyklon at one time or 
 It is not true that all the alleged gas chambers were exposed to the 
 elemen, as the Institute's experts contend. Specifically, the entire 
 crematory facility (Krema I) in the Auschwitz main camp, including 
 the alleged homicidal "gas chamber" there, has been completely intact 
 since the camp was liberated by Soviet forces in January 1945. The 
 authors of the Polish forensic report make no effort to explain the 
 adsence of cyanide compounds in this "gas chamber." Also, the alleged 
 extermination gas chamber of Krema II in Birkenau is protected by the 
 collapsed contrete ceiling, and is otherwise in its original 
 Finally, the Polish forensic report does not deal at all with the 
 deficiencies in the physical plant that Leuchter so brilliantly 
 brought to light.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 921       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:28 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 800) ---
 In response to questions put to him about the Polish forensic test, 
 Dr. Markiewicz states (in part):
 [Before conducting the tests] I was not informed then about the 
 so-called "Leuchter's Report" or about the publications coming out at 
 that time, nor were my co-workers. Their investigations and results 
 are known to you from the expertise the copy of which is in your 
 possession. I'd like to mention that the Management of the Museum did 
 not inform us about the copying of this expert appraisal and its 
 Now, in the light of letters and publications coming to us from 
 different countries, I have arrived at the conclusion that our 
 investigations aiming at the confirmation, if possible, of the use of 
 cyanic preparations in the rooms that survived whole or only in the 
 form of ruins, were rather preliminary in nature and incomplete. We 
 are bent on widening and deepening these investigations and have 
 already been preparing for  them. It is only now when suitable 
 materials from literature have become accessible to us that we see 
 the purpose and sense of such studies. Naturally, we shall publish 
 their results and make them accessible to you and your Institute [of 
 Historical Review].
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 922       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:28 EST
 To Pooh.bah (regarding 826, et al) ---
 > This (the 1-1.1 million) has always been the figure on which the 
 overall 6 million figure has been based. Therefore, there is no need, 
 just because Poland is finally bringing the plaques into line with 
 history, for history to revise the total figure when it never had any 
 of the sub-figures wrong.
 I can appreciate your trying to retain your deniability over the 4 
 million figure, but you are missing two main points: 1) the 4 million 
 figure was (and perhaps still is) widely taught as being true, and 2) 
 if the 4 million figure is a lie, then I am correct in stating that I 
 have been repeatedly lied to about the Holocaust story.
 From the Washington Times, Tuesday, July 17, 1990 
 Poland reduces Auschwitz death toll estimate to 1 million
 by Krzysztof Leski and Ohad Gozani, London Daily Telegraph
 London -- Poland has cut its estimate of the number of people killed 
 by the Nazis in the Auschwitz death camp from 4 million to just over 
 1 million. ...
 ... The revised Polish figures support claims by Israeli researchers 
 that Poland's former communist government exaggerated the number of 
 victims by inflating the estimate of non-Jews who died. ...
 ... Plaques  commemorating the deaths of 4 million victims were 
 removed from the Auschwitz museum earlier this month. But the Polish 
 authorities said accurate estimates of the number killed could only 
 be made by studying German documents seized by the Soviet Union. But 
 Moscow has refused to return the archives.
 According to Mr. Krakowsky, 5,860,000 Jews perished in the Holocaust, 
 mostly in Auschwitz and five other Polish death camps. There were 
 extermination camps in other occupied countries, including 
 Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union.
 Wow! Lots of new wrinkles here, huh? If "most" of the Jews died in 
 the Polish death camps, this would mean roughly 3,000,000 deaths in 
 the camps alone. If Auschwitz, the main extermination center, 
 accounted for only about 1 million of these, that leaves a lot of 
 slack to be taken up by the other camps, about which we know very 
 little, and which certainly have never been claimed to have been as 
 big as Auschwitz. And then we have these "new" death camps in 
 Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union! Doesn't anyone here see why I 
 have trouble swallowing this story whole? It is almost chameleon-like 
 in its ability to adapt to whatever is needed of it.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 923       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:29 EST
 To Neil Schulman (regarding 870) ---
 > Greg Raven, I must create a real cognitive dissonance in you.
 Not at all. I accept that you and I differ on some views. I don't 
 really understand why you might think otherwise.
 > ... the enmity you've expressed towards Jews and the Jewish people 
 in messages in this topic ...
 This comment worried me, so I went back through my posts to see if I 
 might have misstated my position to lead you to think that I harbor 
 enmity toward Jews. I could find nothing, and in fact I harbor no 
 such feelings toward any group. I will take the chance of posting the 
 obvious when I say that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all 
 Zionists are Jews. If you have specific examples that trouble you, 
 please bring them to my attention at your convenience.
 > ... do you believe in any restrictions on the right of Jews to keep 
 and bear arms?
 Yes, except in the Middle East     :->
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 924       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:29 EST
 To D.Nott (regarding 880) ---
 > I have a modest proposal. We should have daily or weekly updates, 
 perhaps here in the topic or as a cumulative library file, trackin 
 which questions G.Raven has failed to answer. Each time he posts, we 
 should remind him of these questions.
 If you think this would constitute harassment, perhaps you should 
 refer to my post 18, in which I specifically request that anyone who 
 feels that his question is not satisfactorily being address bring the 
 mater up again to me. There is no reason to become malicious or 
 hysterical ... just remind me. Simple.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 925       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:30 EST
 To Dave Friedman (regarding 883) ---
 You asked my opinion of Zionism. As a Libertarian and an atheist, I 
 am suspecious of all States and religions. However, generally 
 speaking I am only concerned with either to the extent that they 
 attempt to control my life, or use force, or commit fraud. If they 
 can find a way to let me alone, I am more than happy to let them 
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 926       Sat Mar 28, 1992
G.RAVEN [Greg Raven]         at 02:30 EST
 The power of the Holocaust story today ---
 LA Times, Friday, March 27, 1992, page A4
 Kohl Invites Waldheim to Lunch, Stirs Anger
 by Tamara Jones, Times Staff Writer
 Berlin -- Breaking an unofficial international shunning of Austrian 
 President Kurt Waldheim, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl invited the 
 former officer in the Nazi army to lunch today in what was described 
 by the Bonn government as a "polite gesture" and by Jewish leaders as 
 a moral outrage. ...
 ... Waldheim, a former United Nations secretary general, has 
 steadfastly denied allegations that he had a role in Nazi war crimes 
 while serving in Adolf Hitler's army in World War II.
 Althoug the now-disbanded U.N. War Crimes Commission agreed there was 
 a prima facie case for prosecuting Waldheim when the allegations 
 surfaced in 1986, the charges were not pursued. Waldheim nonetheless 
 found himself on a diplomatic desert island, ostracized by Western 
 leaders and officially barred from entering the United States under 
 an immigration rule used to exclude political undesirables and common 
 criminals. ...
 ... In New York, the World Jewish Congress, which represents the 
 Jewish communities in 70 countries, including Germany, condemned Kohl 
 for "going out of his way" to meet Waldheim, whose six-year term 
 expires next month. The organization made the initial allegations in 
 1986 that Waldheim was involved in the deportation of Jews in the 
 Balkans to Nazi death camps.
Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 928       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:42 EST
Scaramouche, Message 882: You miss my point.  Lewis wrote competently on
subjects for which he had no degree.  He had no degrees in theology
whatsoever, yet he's regarded as one of the great theological writers of this

But I will go further than that.  Degrees are worth nothing in evaluating the
competence of the degree-holder in his subject.

I hold no degrees whatsoever, yet I have written and published two novels (one
endorsed by Anthony Burgess and Milton Friedman, another endorsed by Colin
Wilson and praised by Robert Heinlein). So tell me.  Who's more competent to
write criticism of novels -- me, who's done it, or some Ph.D. who's never
published outside of academia, and couldn't write a potboiler to save his

Earlier this year I appeared on the Op-Ed page of the LA Times, on the subject
of gun-control.  I have no degree in criminology or sociology.  Should they
have rejected me on that account?

Note the following well:  I was once consulted by the head of the English
department of a major statewide university system (the holder of a doctorate
in English literature) to evaluate his fiction for commercial possibilities. 
The man's writing was incompetent at the grammar-school level --  barbarisms,
incorrect syntax, and misuse of common expressions.

Further, teacher's unions in this country regularly oppose competency testing
of teachers.  They know damn well what the results would show.

Am I competent to write about the subjects I choose to write about?  You bet --
because I \research\ facts before I write about them, and make damn sure my
facts are correct before committing myself to them.

A committment to honest research is the only "credential" anyone  needs.

To dismiss Faurisson because he holds an English degree rather than a history
degree is ridiculous.  As a matter of fact, most universities wouldn't make a
distinction.  My friend David Friedman has been teaching university-level
economics at Tulane (and has  written a textbook on it) with a Ph.D. -- in

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 929       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:44 EST
D. Berkowitz, Message 888: Well, \you\, for one, dismiss Faurisson for extra-
historical reasons: his association with Willis Carto.  QED.

Regarding degrees -- see above to Scaramouche.

Regarding whom candidates "associate" with -- that is because guilt-by-
association is politics-as-usual. 

I presume no prior association between Carto and Faurisson because I have been
presented with no evidence of it.  But Faurisson is French and lived in
France; Carto American and lived (lives?) in Southern California.  Six
thousand miles is one reason I assume no prior connection.  If you can prove
any, I'll reconsider my position.

My point about Heisenberg is that since his physics is not invalidated by his
political associations, Faurisson's writings are not necessarily invalidated
by his.

And I tell you as many times as is necessary: writing fundamental criticism of
Holocaust history is a good way not only not to  get published in any
mainstream publications -- no matter  what the quality of the work -- it also
risks blacklisting and political persecution.  Faurisson was arrested and
criminally charged for his writings.  You expect me to regard that as
something other than political repression?  Where the hell was PEN or Amnesty

As for who I accuse of McCarthyist tactics: Simon Wiesenthal, in calling for
criminal charges against those who write or speak their opinion that there
were no gassings at Auschwitz, or that the death of the Jews at Nazi hands was
smaller than is generally regarded; Lucy Dawidowicz, per my references in my
article; Abe Rosenthal, for his charges of anti-Semitism against Pat Buchanan.
Enough to prove that I'm not making "anonymous" charges?

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 930       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:45 EST
AH.Stein, Message 893: I have no problem with being "suspicious" about a
person's writings because of their associations.  But that's where it should
end.  One needs to judge the writing on its merits or lack thereof, without

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 931       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:47 EST
Pooh.Bah, Message 899: the fact that a court takes judicial notice of
something doesn't make it true or false.  It merely means that's what the
judge believes to be true.  And I have as low an opinion of judges as I do of

Pooh.Bah, Message 900.  Oh, yeah?  From the 1968 edition of the \Encyclopedia
Britannica\, Volume 6, page 980: "In March, 1933, on the site of an ammunition
factory erected in 1917, a concentration camp, infamous for the brutalities
practiced in it, was opened within the boundaries of Dachau. It was set up and
run by the Nazi S.S. (\Schutzstaffel\). About 70,000 out of 206,202 detainees
lost their lives in the gas chamber or in other ways."

So the Britannica's reference in 1968, 23 years after the end of World War II,
isn't a "historical work published within scholarly circles" but a "popular

I find the distinction less than useful.

OK, we have no credible depositions of gassings at Auschwitz, and we have no
corpi delecti.  Are you really saying that the  only \physical\ evidence we
have of human gassings at Auschwitz  are presumptions regarding the
concentrations of HCN left in  the materials and an application of Occam's
razor as to the purpose of the peepholes?

Can you understand why, with so little physical evidence, and no credible
depositions, this might be considered by a reasonable person a \debatable\
historical question, considering that in 1968 the \Encyclopedia Britannica\
was still treating  gassings at Dachau as established fact?

You say there are eyewitness accounts (plural) to the gassings.   I recall one
in the film \Shoah\.  How many other eyewitnesses  to gassings are there, and
what work has been done to verify the  credibility of the witnesses?  Since
this seems to be all we have to go on, it seems rather important.

Incidentally, I recall you chewing out Greg Raven in a previous message for
confusing typhoid and typhus.  It's not much of a mistake, when the \Webster's
Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary\ defines typhoid as "(1) of, relating to, or
suggestive of typhus."

Pooh.Bah, Message 903: Maybe I'm dense, but I don't understand how your
account disproves, or even relates to, my message regarding "triage" (as I
delimited it for the sake of this discussion).

Pooh.Bah, Message 904: Understood.  If killing could be done quietly and
neatly, it's easier.  Nevertheless, if it turned out that the camp deaths were
from other causes than gassings, it wouldn't exonerate the Nazis.  I don't see
that denying gassings as the method of murder -- given the paucity of physical
evidence -- is that big a sin -- and certainly not worth criminal charges, as
have occured in France and Canada.

Do you stipulate that there are only around 80,000 or so \recorded\ deaths at
Auschwitz, and that whatever others occured are unrecorded and uncounted?  Or
is there another record of the number of gassing victims?

Pooh.Bah, Message 905: I called Faurisson a historian because  he was
researching and writing about historical events.  See  my message above to
Scaramouche why I completely discount the question of "credentials."  Does
that make me a  functionalist?  

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 932       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:48 EST
Jim Gerber, Message 911: If you find an agenda in my writings here -- other
than a desire to see truth and fairness prevail --  please tell me.  I'll try
to stop doing whatever it is immediately.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 933       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:48 EST
Carl Fink, Message 912: C.S. Lewis was at Cambridge and Oxford, and had many
renowned scientists as friends and colleagues. Read his \Miracles\ if you want
to know how much or little he understood of quantum physics.

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 934       Sat Mar 28, 1992
SOFTSERV [NeilSchulman]      at 05:49 EST
Greg Raven, Message 922: I get the joke.  I acknowledge your wit.  But
seriously.  I need a straight answer on the open  record.  "Do you believe in
any restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms, and specifically, any
restrictions on Jews to keep and bear arms?"

I admit that I have a hidden agenda in asking this question,  but you don't
get me to go on the record about it until after I have an answer from you on

Category 15,  Topic 4
Message 935       Sat Mar 28, 1992
GRAFFITI [Ric Helton]        at 08:58 EST
This topic has gotten close to being filled up, and rather than have it close
automatically, we have created a continuation:  Category 15 Topic 9.

Please direct all further discussion from this topic to that one.  To keep
continuity, I have moved several of the most recent messages there.

This topic will be archived to the PF*NPC Library within the next few days, so
if you want to capture a complete copy to disk please do so.  Thanks.


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