The Nizkor Project: Remembering the Holocaust (Shoah)

Shofar FTP Archive File: people/z/zundel.ernst/power.newsletter/power.062694

Archive/File: holocaust/ihr power.062494
Last-Modified: 1994/07/09

POWER Newsletter (Ernst Zu"ndel) June 26, 1994

Provided by John Corrigan 


Keeping the finger in the dyke? Or brooming back the incoming

TO MY FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD: We revisionists are making so
many strides, in so many places, it is difficult to know where to
begin, with all the good news breaking out so fast!

     The most important news of immediate and temporary, but
good, impact is that the West-German Upper House, the Bundesrat,
has voted down, at least for the time being, the series of laws
called the "Verbrechensbeku"mpfungsgesetz" - in short, a
hodge-podge of Anti-Crime legislation, which included the
"Auschwitz-Lie" Law.

     This law would legislate that you have to believe that 6
million Jews were exterminated by the Germans, chiefly by means
of gas chambers during WWII in Poland and elsewhere!

     Earlier parliamentary study groups and legal experts, as
well as law professors, had dealt with the thomy constitutional
issues raised by these repressive laws conceming freedom of
speech and unfettered scientific enquiry. These are supposedly
part and parcel of Germany's democratic system, imposed by the
Allies in 1948 through their "Basic Law", which is similar to
that of Israel, which also has no constitution, but operates also
under a Basic Law. One wonders if that's a coincidence? -
considering that both non-constitutions were basically
influenced, if not drawn up mostly by Jewish academics from

     So, for the moment, the Bundesrat has turned down Helmut
Kohl's Christian Democratic Party's "Crime-Bill" because they
found it to be hastily drawn up, reactionary in nature, giving
the police and thus the state far too many sweeping and intrusive
powers violating civil rights.

     Apparently a committee of the Lower House and Upper House
will study this matter to see if there is room for compromise and
adoption in a milder form, etc.!

     This gives Revisionists a window of opportunity to contact
all the people we have sent you addresses for!  You can write as
many letters and/or postcards as you like. Try to have that Bill
scuttled. We have won only a reprieve or temporary respite - the
Holocaust Lobby work like termites, silently, incessantly,
without pause.  That has been their method from day one - and
will be their style till the end of time. They are people whose
second nature is *subversive* since they are basically cultural
aliens in our midst.

     They preach universalism - in the service of their own
tribalism. Frequently their double standard is blatant. But their
influence and near-total control of the media permits them to
carry on their rapacious assault on the remnants of Westem
civilization's founding traditions and governmental institutions
as well as European ideas.

     From them, who spawned and prompted situational ethics, and
the Communist idea that "Truth is what the Party says it is" and
not what the facts are - you can expect very little else!

     The "Holocaust" is their myth, therefore otherwise
intelligent men and women of learning and good education would
not dare to say that "The Holocaust is not debatable" in the same
breath that they want everythinly else debated, such as "Is God
dead?", abortion, Gay rights, homosexual marriage, etc.
(something not clear in this sentence) That's what our friends
have to understand! The Holocaust to the Jewish Lobby, does not
mean a "Moment" or even a "Period in History", as it is to
Gentiles. To them it means power to impose their concepts, their
truths, their fanciful, nonsensical tales of perversion,
debauchery, corruption and wanton ethnic violence - as promoted
in the novel and film "Schindler's List" - as facts of history!
Not because they are the facts - even they know that they are
spreading emotional accounts of fictional events - but to them
the Holocaust has become the yardstick by which they measure
their influence over Gentile intellectuals and institutions, such
as schools, universities, cinemas, the movie industry and lately
even the courts!

     They are rapacious, all-devouring, in their lust to dominate
the curricula, the content of textbooks and lately increasingly
even the content of entertainment, and teaching and training
manuals, which include their anti-German Holocaust Propaganda in
the Army, Navy and the Airforce as well!

     Unless and until we appreciate these tactics of our sworn
enemies, we will never be completely successful in defending
ourselves and our institutions against this alien onslauqht.

     Like some other leading revisionists, I thought that we
finally had these people cornered when the results of Leuchter's
examinations in Auschwitz proved the ludicrousness of their
claims. I thought that finally there was a chance of organised
Jewry and their liberal dupes and fellow travellers to begin
their retreat to normalcy, away from their mendacious, permanent
blood libel against the German people with the Holocaust Lie.
Well, I was wrong!

     These people are what the Canadian Criminal Code defines as
"wilfully blind". They can no longer claim that they have not
been apprised of the real, scientifically provable and verifiable
forensic facts of history such as what happened in places like
Auschwitz and what did not.

     They verbally and physically attack the bearers of the good
news that millions of Jews did in fact not die in "gassings" on
an industrialized conveyer-belt like scale, but that in fact most
survived the war and went on living in other parts of the world,
often under newly assumed names on distant continents - which is
nothing new in the Jewish experience.

     Thus - let me caution you - I spent 100 minutes with Mike
Wallace, an intelligent, seasoned veteran reporter, an
investigative reporter, as he called himself. I certainly showed
him the glaring inconsistencics of the Holocaust story.
Frequently I left him exasperated, and two or three times
speechless during the interview. I left with "60 Minutes", that
is, him and his staff of researchers and with Barry Landau the
producer, all the documents and stacks of books from Allied
sources to prove, even to a simple or stupid man, that the
Holocaust is an amalgam and concoction of fanciful tales of
Jewish and Allied propalandists.

     No one could fall to be persuaded by the weight of the
arguments and the documents. Only deliberate, wilful blindness
could be the reason why a man like Mike Wallace and his team of
investigative reporters would be concocting a grotesque farce,
like they did with my Holocaust-related interview on the "60
Minutes" program on March 20 1994.

     We are where we are in this debate only because "Racketeers"
in hatred have taken over the writing of history since Adolf
Hitler first started out to blow the whistle on these destroyers
of Westem Civilization, whose chief weapon and stock-in-trade
have been and are a finely spun web of is half-truths, outright
lies, distortion and premeditated, preplanned forgeries.

     Thus we have to understand that the Great Holocaust Debate
now raging is a struggle not only for the rehabilitation of the
German people, their leaders, institutions and role in recent
history. It is also a Litmus Test of great magnitude and global
proportions for Jews and liberals, to see if they have the will
and decency to free themselves from their deepseated prejudices
about things German or Nazi, and find their way back, through the
minefields of their own lies, to a normalcy of mind, now sadly
lacking in them and missing from the debate. We have to speak "by
them" or "through them", to get at the audience beyond them.

     It is not the Holocaust Lobby that we must aim to convince.
Most of them are too set in their ways or too prejudiced or
blinkered to look at anything else with an open mind. We must
treat them as the "excuse", and deal with the great mass of
normal people who listen to debates, talkshows, symposia, etc.

     True, we are making inroads! But we should re-double our

     Orthdoxy in every field of endeavour always uses the
instruments and willing tools of the politically correct. We are
the live, the creative thinkers in the field of history. We can
present our viewpoint in a thousand different ways and places,
and we will be heard and taken seriously.

Canada is an example!

Brian Mulroney, the former Canadian Prime Minister recently spoke
in a local synagogue about the importance of free speech to
Canadian society. He was the same man whose party went all-out
with other party spokesmen during my trials, and whose Minister
of Immigration wanted me deported from Canada merely for
excercising my "Constitutional Rights".

     So -- the former Prime Minister had a late conversion to the
cause of Freedom of Speech, but at least he stated to that Jewish
audience that in Canada people must have the right to speak their
mind on any subject without having to fear prosecution! For=20
Mulroney that's a gigantic leap forward!

Official War History in Canada - a revisionist bombshell:

     Two years ago there was a battle raging in Canada because
two Canadian film-makers had come to the conclusion that the
Allies were deliberately engaged in a policy of mass murder of
German civilians, chiefly old people and children in the big
cities, by means of terror bombing. The title of the film was
"The Valour and the Horror ".

     A Jewish "war veteran", Senator Jack Marshall, held Senate
hearings into this matter, which were highly publicised. The
Royal Canadian Air Force Veterans launched a $500 million law
suit against the film producers and the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation! A case was launched however, and the judge threw the
case out of court in short order. Now the official history,
written by government-picked court historians have come to the
same conclusion as the much-maligned "McKenna Filmmakers". There
is a stunned silence!

     The book entitled "Crucible of War" is now on sale to the
public. Canada's largest circulation newspaper, the Toronto Star,
had one of the McKenna brothers write a devastating review of the
book! Devastating to the Canadian militaries and governments'
involvement in the genocidal bombing war against the German
civilian population.

     Finally the facts are out. Canadian complicity in this
modern act of barbarism is now "matter of factly" and openly
admitted. No one seems embarrassed! No one is being charged with
being a War Criminal.

     Where is the Jewish Senator and war veteran busybody
Marshall? Not a word has been heard from him or the accused Air
Force killer pilots! Why? Because the revisionist viewpoint on
this genocidal Allied policy has in two years' time become from
"anathema" to "official history"!

     I believe that this will continue at an ever-accelerating
pace in the next few years.

     A few years ago Gorbachev and then Yeltsin made it official
history - that the Soviets under "Uncle Joe Stalin", notorious
Allied Partner-in-Crime, was responsible for the murder of the
Polish elite at Katyn in 1940. At Nuremberg, those infamous
Kangaroo trials of the German elite, the Allies, against their
better judgment and knowledge, charged the Germans with this
horrific crime. They lied at every level of Alled society for an-
other 45 years about this Soviet, thus Allied crime, and would
still be blaming the Germans if the evil empire had not collapsed
from within!

The Soviets had "collected" or "coerced" over 4000 signed
affidavits from people of the Katyn region, that stated that
these witnesses swore under oath that the Germans had committed
these terrible crimes. They allegedly "saw" it or at least "knew
of it".

     The Soviets also executed seven Germnan officers and
soldiers after lengthy show trials for these "never committed by
them" crimes of "Genocide" against the Polish elite!

     Today it's official history that the Western Allies were in
bed with such a murderous regime, and that the Germans and Poles
were the innocent victims of liars, corrupt military judges and
Allied disinformation con-artists, even Presidents and Prime
Ministers! Nixon laid a wreath at the Soviet Katyn monument.

     Not a nice picture of the lily-white Allied leaders but the
revisionist viewpoint won the day. And Dr. Goebbels, who informed
the world through "Nazi Propaganda" about the mass murders at
Katyn. was proved to have told the truth in 1943 - and the Allies
to have lied from day one!

     I predict that the same will happen to the Holocaust racket
one day. Then all those overpaid prostitutes in the media and
academia will be revealed to have been, at best, "suckers" or
"useful idiots". Many others will be revealed as deliberate
racketeers in hatred and anti-German bigots, who deliberately
closed their eyes to new facts, new discoveries, and new thinking
and interpretations about events, dates and places in history,
not interested in healing the wounds of war by freeing us from
lies, through Truth.

     They are fighting a losing battle. I give you a typical

Aaron Breitbart, Senior Research Analyst at the Simon Wiesenthal
Centre, mentions in conversations and letters that no one takes
people like Ernst Zundel and his revisionists seriously --- and
then proceeds to direct reporters to books like Deborah
Lipstadt's "Denying the Holocaust", because such books deal with
people like Zundel, even though in a one-sided, distorted way.

     So we have the "Non-Debate-Debate" of what they say we say,
and what we allegedly mean!

     Nevertheless, the debate grows louder and wider every week!
People are getting curious!

     Recently it was revealed to me that a well-known American
clergyman of great note, author of 12 books and many tapes on
religious topics, Dr James McArthur, teaches revisionism in a
quiet way, saying that the Holocaust is exaggerated, that fewer
than 1.2 million died and those mostly of diseases!

     So there are revisionists out there speaking to largc
audiences in their millions which we have not even heard about -
but they are being listencd to by the millions.

     Some of you undoubtedly watch the often freaky infomercials
on US television where they are promoting vaccuum cleaners,
knives and noodle machines. Well, recently someone on the noodle
show lambasted the Holocaust, while millions of people listened,
calling the Holocaust a lie and exaggeration.

In Austria two very important court cases were decided in favour
of Revisionism.

     Long-term readers of my newsletter will remember that the
President of the Association of Professional Engineers in
Austria, Dr Walter Lueftl, made headlines around the world a few
years ago when he said that the gassings in Auschwitz and
elsewhere technically implossible! He was promptly charged for
trying to "revive Nazism" in Austria, a crime for which he could
get up to ten years in jail, like the unfortunate "Gottfried
Kuessel", who had said that the Holocaust was untrue and that he
would like to see the Nazi Party legalized and allowed to run in
Austrian elections, which got him arrested, charged, tried and
convicted to 10 years in jall!

     So Luefftl's position was a courageous one to take. If I
ever get a proper court hearing in Germany, he has promised to be
one of my expert witnesses about the "gassing process" from an
engineering viewpoint.

     Another courageous Austrian, Ingenieur Emil Lachout, who was
a witness at my trial and whose testimony about the sensational
Mueller Document was very impressive and important, had a case
against him which had dragged on for almost 6 years, dropped by
the Austrian authorities.

     He even had to submit to a mental examination during his
ordeal, and Austrian officialdom was particularly nasty to this
former boyscout leader and teacher in a Christian school!

You can see - Victories are possible!

     Dangers lurk, however, in many places. Thies Christophersen,
a witness in my case, was recently the victim of a poisoned-gas
attack caused by acid! His car was totally destroyed by
sledgehammer blows and thousands of dollars'worth of books were
mutilated in his warehouse. Printing presses and camers were
damaged beyond repair.

     We have had several attacks against our HQ in Toronto in
recent weeks. One nice, sunny Saturday afternoon a frenzied mob
of Homosexual activists demonstrated outside our building - why'?
I don't know why they picked on me.

     One night glass bottles were heaved at our building, the
culprits remanied well outside the range of our surveilance
cameras. The entire neighbourhood has been spray-painted with
swastikas and anti-Nazi slogans. One of the local houses has a 60
foot long wall slogan on it, "Ernst Zundel - Nazi - 206 Carlton
Street". Others say, "Die Nazi scum", and "Nazis off our

     Local anarchists have had film festivals entitled "Nazi
Lies, Video Tapes and Zundel", which showed our TV programme to
people of the Left.

     North German Television apparently broadcast a show called
"The Auschwitz Lie lives", in which my activities were prom*nenly

     We continue to draw the ire of the Simon Wiesenthal crowd,
and the Holocaust Lobby generally. They are upset by my public
advertising campaign in student newspapers and community
magazines and hundreds of weekly papers in the USA!

     I have been able to plant ads in many publications, due to
the generosity of some older senior citizens and some people who
remembered me in their Will. Wills, especially, are like "Manna
from Heaven" for our work, because it would take sometimes the
donations of hundreds of people to make up the sum of a single
bequest. We could not have embarked on our worldwide revisionist
outreach programme by radio and satellite television, without
this unexpected help. I had no idea that some of those good
people had put a provision in their Wills - often it was a terse
sentence, simply stating "... I leave Ernst Zundel of 206 Carlton
Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 2L 1, $......... dollars."
That was all! The rest was simple. Lawyers or relatives called
and said, "Mv father thought very highly of you, and wanted you
to use the enclosed check in any way you see fit." This enabled
me to buy the necessary but expensive radio and television
equipment - and above all air time! You have to buy air time to
get the message out to millions at an instant. Our regular
donations, valuable as they are, simply do not allow us to
operate on the scale we have been doing in the past 12 months.

     I had stopped asking for people to remember us in their
Wills, because some people thought it was cheap and unethical. I
don't see it that way! But I was affected by the suggestion of

     To me a bequest is a monument one can build for oneself and
future generations. One bequest last year, for instance, was
invaluable and worth much more than money - it was the research
papers and library of Dr. William Lindsey, Ph.D., one of my
favourite people in this world.

     I had driven to his home in Pennsylvania during stormy
winter weather and asked , man to man, what would happen to his
research papers and books? I knew that no one in his family had
the slightest interest in his work. He made out a little Codicil,
or addition, to his Will that very weekend while I was still with
him, and had it signed by his wife and a witness the morning of
my departure!

     Tragically, Dr. Lindsey died from the side effects of
some Anti-Leukemia medication within a few weeks of my visit. He
had even made financial provision that I could rent a minivan and
pay the gasoline to pick up the books and papers. All his books
bear a label "Donated by Dr. William Lindsey..." He has thus left
a legacy to future generations yet unborn.

     I have to admit I felt uneasy because of the previously
mentioned criticism about this "ghoulish" approach to
fund-raising. Since I knew Dr. Lindsey intimately and we were
close friends, I undertook the step. He put his hand on my
shoulder, looked me in the eyes, and said quite matter-of-factly,
"Ernst, I have no money to leave you. If I could I would leave
you a million dollars. You have done so much over the years, and
when I observed you during those terrible trials in 1985 and
again in 1988, 1 grew to admire you ... The world cannot ever pay
you back for all the persecution, abuse, terror and upheavel
caused to your life and family..." I was so moved by this that
tears welled up in my eyes. We shook hands, embraced and a few
weeks later his wife put him on the telephone as he lay dying of
a leukemia drug in a hospital. I look today at his books and
files before me, and think back in fondness and sadness, and wish
that he could have lived to see the rapid progress we are making,
on so many fronts - thanks to his "Intellectual bequest", i.e.
the knowledge he imparted to me over the years, and his financial
help when he was still working. We shared a bond through this
work, and had become comrades-in-arms. I miss him frequently.

     Thank you for your support over the years. Without your
financial help it would not have been possible.

     You make the difference!

Re: Revisionist Satellite L V. Program!

     Access America, the "Uplink Company", which we used to shoot
our program up into space, either caved in to pressure from the
Jewish Lobby, or was inept and incompetent, or both.

     They managed to not uplink our program three times in a
one-month period, and were late another time by half-an-hour, so
that we lost our audience - since they never uplinked an
explanation of their technical difficulties.

     I am looking for new stations and will published details

     We will be back! This I guarantee you!

E. Zundel

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