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_Fromm,Bella: Blood and Banquets.1942_                                          

Police Commander Heimannsberg ... told me a 
peculiar story: "When Hitler held his recent 
speech in the Sports-Palast,vice police president, 
Bernhard Weiss, and I had the meeting watched and 
controlled by a troop of especially reliable and 
trustworthy policemen. The next day a police officer 
came to report at my headquarters. A man of whose 
integrity and Republican convictions I was almost a 
hundred percent sure. He had been posted by the 
entrance gate when Hitler arrived. When Hitler 
alighted from his car he evidently mistook the 
Republican giant for one of the bodyguards assigned 
to his personal protection. He strutted up to him and 
grabbed his hand.While holding it in his famous,straight-
forward,he-man grip, he gazed into the police officer's 
eye with that fatal hypnotizing and irresistible glare, 
which swept the poor officer right off his feet. Clicking 
to attention, he confessed to me this morning: "Since last 
night I am a National Socialist. Hell Hitler!"

Everyone watched Hitler. The Corporal seemed to be ill 
at ease, awkward and moody. His coattails embarrassed 
him. Again and again his hand fumbled for the encouraging 
support of his sword belt. Each time he missed the familiar 
cold and bracing support, his uneasiness grew. He crumpled 
his handkerchief, tugged it, rolled it, just plain stage fright.
The scene was a brilliant one, and in all the large 
company there were but two Jewish women. Maria 
Chintchuck and Elisabeth Cernuti, the wives of the 
Russian and Italian ambassadors.The former was 
seated next to Francois Poncet, French Ambassador. 
The other-call it the playful malevolence of fate,if 
you wish- fiund [sic] herself seated next to the 

Fromm, Bella: Blood and Banquets. pp.36,75.

_Fromm,Bella:Blood and Banquets.1942._
[handwritten: March 17, 1933]

"I play the piano for Hitler late into the night", 
he told proudly, "when he has his insomnia spells." 

I did not say:"Who cares?"
I was told that Hitler has some sort of emotional 
fondness for the giant with the oversized hands. 
Just as he has for his old friend Ernst Roehm. The 
household staff, and adjutants say: "Putz was with 
Hitler all night. Piano playing,they say..."
I have never believed the rumours of homosexuality 
that have been spread about Hitler. I rather believe, 
and many people have felt the same way, that he is 
asexual, or perhaps impotent, finding a sexual sublimation 
through cruelty. They take private films of an especially 
gruesome nature in concentration camps. Films that only 
the Fuehrer sees. These are rushed to him and shown, 
night after night.
0casionally Hitler's interest in a woman may be 
aroused; he may feel attracted by her charm-but 
that is all.His emotions culminate in a kind of 
jealousy caused by his sense of frustration, in the 
knowledge that he cannot respond normally.

Fromm,Bella:Blood and Banquets.1942. pp.9O

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_Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets,1942._           

Each woman crossing his path has been frightened out 
of her wits by Hitler,whose reaction to the woman of 
his choice is a morose effort to hurt her feelings.He 
screams at her,he rages.He provokes scenes about a 
trifle.He tortures the woman,treating her as if she 
were his personal prisoner.The case of his niece,Geli 
Raubal,is the perfect example.Aware that he could not 
love her as a normal man would love a woman, he kept 
her locked in a room, treated her as if she were a 
dangerous criminal, and finally shot her down one 
night in a fit of mad jealously against a phantom rival.
Hitler is inordinately fond of motion pictures.He 
spends many hours every night in his private movie 
room. It takes two or three full-length pictures a 
night to satisfy him. Once after seeing a picture in 
which Felix Bressart appeared,the Fuehrer said: "This 
fellow is wonderful.A pity he is a Jew.

Fromm:Bella: Blood and Banquets. 1942 .pp 90 .91.

_March (?)O,1933.:

Adolf paused. A plain-looking little man.The coattails 
well-cut,  in fact,better cut than the head,which 
seems out of drawing, as if it did not belong with 
the rest of him. The last time I saw him his suit
was not so well-fitting.New tailors go along with 
new jobs .The better the job,the better the tailor.

Behind Adolf loomed a huge, uncouth figure-his 
Adjutant,Oberleutnant Brueckner .At the Lieutenant's 
side appeared the elegant figure of Hans Thomsen. 
His suave elegance threw the clumsiness of the Fuehrer
and his Adjutant into rather tawdry relief.
Papen, in his flustered state,had been neglecting 
his duties.He was dashing from group to group to 
spread the news of the Fuehrer's arrival when he 
should have been at the door to welcome the illustrious
visitor.I saw Adolf throw a glance in "Tommy's" 
direction for a cue as to just what to do next.
Then I saw him try out the slippery floor with a 
tentative Nazi toe.Gathering his resources, his 
coattails flapping and his body moving forward 
dynamically,he dashed right in the direction our group.

My first impulse was the animal one of self-preservation. 
I wanted to scramble away.But already the Fuehrer 
was bent over Martha von Papen's shaking hand.
I could see Mammi trembling in anticipation of her
turn. My actions spoiled it for her,however. My 
attemtata [sic] retreat had attracted Adolf's 
attention from Mammi. He. came to me.I was 
rooted to the spot.

 "May I have the pleasure of bidding you good 
evening, gnaedige Frau?"he cooed.He seized my 
hand,pressed it to his lips,and presented me,
gratis,with one of his famous hypnotic glances.
It did not seem to work on me.I felt only a slight 
nausea.The fact is,I could not even feel that he 
was a member of the other sex.

Fromm, Bella:Blood and Banquets.1942.pp.95.96.

 "Are yo having a good time ?"I was,I told him.

"Where did yo gain these decorations?"      

They were from the World War, for my services 
with the Red Cross.

Fromm, Bella:Blood and Banquets,1942.p.96.

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_Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets, 1942._                                                                             

"You enjoy being here?" I said I did,but that, 
in addition, it was my job,as I was diplomatic 
columnist for the Ullstein papers.
I saw Hitler wince.The word "Ullstei."rang an 
unpleasant bell in in some noisome depth of his 
mind.Another kiss on my hand."Hope to see you again soon."
He was off.

Fromm,Bella:Blood and banquets, 1942. pp. (?)6

I followed Adolf with my eyes everywhere,not 
wanting to miss any of his debut.There comes a 
sudden flash into his eyes that leaves one chilled. 
It reveals the diabolical and sadistic streak in Hitler's 
twisted make-up.A glimpse of this expression leaves 
one no doubt as to the hopelessness of expecting any 
humane understanding or mercy from this bellowing,
blustering,dangerous egoist who obviously cloaks his 
inferiority complex with his cruel despotism. In 
talking to people you got the impression that he was 
addressing an audience.The most casual remark was 
delivered as though to a mass meeting.His gestures 
appeared as studied, and as unnatural,as those of a ham 
He was no awe-inspiring personality.He gabe [sic] 
no impression of dignity.He was indifferent to 
whom he talked or which group he joined.He was 
self-conscious and inferior in attitude.He. did not 
know what to do with his hands.He clung to his 
handkerchief or pushed his geady [sic] forelock 
from his brow.The forelock glistened under the 
elaborate care his Major-domo,fat Gustav Kannenberg-
formerly owner of a famous Berlin wine tavern.
Hitler's eagerness to obtain the good graces of the 
princes present was subject to much comment.He 
bowed and clicked and all but knelt in his zeal to 
please oversized,ugly Princess Luise von Sachsen-
Meiningen her brother,hereditary Prince George,and 
their sister,Grand Duchess of Sachsen-Weimar.
Beaming in his servile attitude he dashed personally 
to bring the princesses' refreshments from the buffet.
He almost slid off the edge of his chair after they had 
offered him a seat in their most gracious company.Papen 
found the most exquisite delicacies to feed his Fuehrer.
Hitler nibbled a lettuce leaf.He sipped orange juice.Everything 
else remained untouched.Of course,Hitler is know to be a 
vegetarian. But is there is another reason for his public 
abstinence ? Kannenberg told me recently: "The Fuehrer 
does not eat a bite unless my wife has prepared and cooked it.
And even then one of us has to taste it first before his eyes.
Upon the arrival of the immensely rich Prince Ratibor-
Corvey and his two daughters,Hitler was again 
overwhelmed.The princesses' mother is a granddaughter 
of Pauline Metternich.Ratibor is one of the best-paying 
members of the party.The young princesses reacted with 
proper show of pleasure to his hand kissing and his 
piercing glance.

Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets ,1942.pp.96.97.

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 _Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets, 1942._                                                        
October 8,1933
I thought you could get anything you wanted from Hitler."
 Leni blushed,which she has learned how to do with good 
effect."Oh it isn't what you think.He asks me to dinner 
a couple of times a week,but always' sends me away 
at a quarter to eleven because he is tired."

Fromm, Bella:Blood and Banquets, 1942.p .131.

December 17. 1933.
When, after Gigli's first song, the applause had died 
down,in expectation of the next aria, applause set in 
from Box No.7. Violent applause! Hitler is a good actor.
Gigli was forgotten.The  entire audience, so well-behaved 
and composed as a rule,broke into a frenzy of ovation.Little 
bunches of violets were flung into Box No.7.People climbed 
on chairs and bannisters to get a better glimpse of their Fuehrer.

Fromm, Bella: Blood and Banquets, 1942.p.143.

The adjoining box,very much to his annoyance, was 
taken by Victoria von Dirksen.Hitler is said to be sick 
and tired of finding himself so frequently next to "that old hag."

Fromm;Bella:Blood and Banquets,1942, p. 143.  December 17,1933.

August 4,1934.:Rolf is back from the Bayreuth festival.
I had dinner with him and he told me the gossip.
"We could always tell when Hitler was coming to a 
performance because the S.S.and plainclothesmen 
would be spread carefully throughout the audience.
He arrived,as a rule,when the house lights had gone 
down. He would be with his staff, and Winifred Wagner.
She has a hard time of it with her children,they say.
Especially with"Mausi",as Friedelind is called,who 
refused to join the Hitler Maidens,and who has taken 
something of a dislike to Hitler.Children see certain 
things rather clearly.

Fromm, Bella:Blood and Banquets, 1942.p.177.

April 12, 1935, (Goering) :The wedding party at the 
Kaiserhof comprised 33O persons high in government 
and army circles,with Hitler,of course,the focal point 
of most eyes.The dinner was fabulous.Wines at ten 
dollars a bottle.As the courses followed one another,
each more sumptuous than the last,Hitler grew ever 
more silent and morose. The barbaric splendor seemed 
to outrage him. After dinner he rose to deliver a little 
speech. By that time he had worked himself into such 
a temper that he could hardly conceal his rage.Getting 
to his feet,his chair slid from under him with such 
violence that it knocked down a crystal floor lamp,

Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets,1942.p.195.

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_Fromm, Bella:Blood and Banquets,1942._

(April 12,1935.Goering)which fell with a loud crash.
The whole scene operated like clockwork. Crash!Bang!
At the same time,four doors, cleverly camouflaged in 
the wall panels,were flung open, revealing S .S .men, 
guns drawn, ready to leap .At Himmler's wink the invisible 
doors closed.The vanished.Hitler cleared his 
throat for the wedding toast.

Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets,1942.p.195.

July 12,1937.:Had luncheon with Rolf at the 
Kaiserhof. In the lobby we met Kannenberg,who 
is now employed in the Fuehrer's household. We 
are old patrons of Kannenberg's wine tavern at 
Dorotheenstrasse. The fat old man's face beamed 
in recognition of old cash customers.

"Being in the in the Fuehrer's employ has improved 
your waistline , "I remarked.
He picked the winning side,"said Rolf.
Kannenberg glanced around uneasily. "I had to close 
the joint,"he said,"business was so lousy.You think 
it's easy, what my wife and I have to go through now? 
Just you try to get up a daily menu under such circumstances! 
The Fuehrer, as you know, does not eat any meat. Very 
little fish. And there are many vegetables he does not 
like. You have to be a magician!"

He looked around quickly again. "But I'm not supposed to 
talk about it.It's a criminal offense for us to talk about 
anything that is connected with his private life."
Rolf regarded his girth. "How much of the food do you 
have to eat before Hitler believes you won't poison him?"
Kannenberg colored."That's not funny. You have no idea 
how careful we have to be. When my wife prepares his 
meals, no one is allowed to approach within ten yards 
of the pots.
Then, sooto voce [sic], "As though anybody would want 
to eat that insipid stuff."

Fromm, Bella,Blood and Banquets,1942.p.128,249.

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