KZ Mauthausen-GUSEN Info-Page

KZ Gusen I, II & III Commemoration
4 May 1996

500 young Italians at
KZ Gusen Commemoration

More than 1.500 (!) people from all over Europe and 500 young Italians commemorated together with relatives of KZ Gusen-victims, survivors, their families and the local population

the 40.000 (!!!) victims of the former KZ Gusen I, II & III Concentrations Camps at the MEMORIAL CREMATORIUM KZ GUSEN, Austria

A total number of 1.500 people gathered at the Memorial Crematorium KZ Gusen that was erected in the early 1960-ties upon an initiative of relatives of KZ Gusen-victims, survivors an their families from Italy, France and Belgium.

Official commemorative addresses were given by:

Furthermore; The local population contributed; The KL Gusen I, II & III concentration camp complex was the biggest "extermination-installation" of the KL "Mauthausen" concentration camp complex with its 40 satellite camps all over "Austria". KL Gusen-inmates mainly died by "extermination via hard labour" at low/no food, being "bathed to death", gazations and other forms of bestiality, violenceand brutality like medical experiments, hanging, "parachuting" in the stone-quarries,torture, no-food or freezing in railway cars, etc.

Founded in late 1939 along with the NAZI-invasion to Poland and the killing of a vast number of Polish intellectuals in Gusen, KL Gusen I became one of the first "extermination" installations in World War II - history. Later on the major groups of nationals being deported and killed in the Gusen camps had been;

The KL Gusen-complex and the Gusen-Memorial today reminds us to the facts that; The latest fact was caused by the great number of people being deported to the Gusen-complex from all over Europe starting with 1942/43 to produce automatic small arms and "Me 262" jet-fighters in the huge (underground) armament installations of that strategic camp-complex.

Especially Gusen-victims like the Benedicted Marcel Callo (activist of the French J.O.C.-youth organization) and Dr. Johannes "Papa" Gruber (maybe the most important Austrian resistance fighter) help us in never forgetting the tens of thousands of unknown people being killed and/or pained in this "Hell of Hells".

The commemoration for the 51st anniversary of the liberation of this giant and most live-consuming KZ Gusen I, II & III concentration camp complex was made possible in an exemplary local-international cooperation by

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970520 by Rudolf A. HAUNSCHMIED