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"As Can I!"

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From: Matt Giwer (Daniel Keren) wrote: writes:

[Giwer] "Keep believing that. I post enough in this conference to make start a healthy skepticism in any unbiased reader."

[Keren] "Yep. Who can resist claims such as Giwer had made in support of `Holocaust revisionism'...

"1) That Belsen camp was really in Poland.

"2) That Zyklon-B would not release any HCN in a temperature of 20 degrees (this from a "163-IQ'ed retired engineer").

"3) That Degesch never manufactured Zyklon with an "Erco" carrier, and that such a carrier could not be bluish in color.

"4) That the Krema I gas chamber was really a `delousing chamber';

"Giwer also claimed it had cyanide residues on its outer wall.
"Naturally, he failed to document this claim.

"5) That the Nazis are not to blame for tens-of-thousands of deaths at Belsen (never mind that there were hundreds of tons of food nearby, which were nontheless not given to the inmates; they were not even given water).

"6) That the testimonies about gassing are "unsigned, un-notarized, type written statements provided by the Russians". (An outright lie, of course; most of these testimonies were given before German courts).

"7) And, one of my favorites: quoting the old .sig

"In Message-ID: <4n0ik8$>, Matt Giwer suggested that documents about a `gas chamber' and `gassing cellar' in the Birkenau crematoriums didn't count, as they were really due to `a morbid sense of humor' of the SS men who authored the documents.

"And we could go on and on."

-Danny Keren.

As can I.


While Germans were being convicted of making human "soap" (taken seriously in the seventh edition of Oppenheim and Lauterpacht's prestigious International Law, vol. II, p. 450) Japanese defendants were being convicted of making human "soup" in repeated trials.

This is not a misprint; it was considered a "proven fact" in 1948 - a "fact" proven in numerous "trials" - that the Japanese are a race of habitual cannibals who were forbidden upon pain of death from devouring the corpses of their own dead, but who were officially encouraged to eat Americans. Americans were served fried, or as soup; people were eaten when other food was available. Thus, the Japanese engage in cannibalism out of choice rather than necessity. Favourite human body parts for culinary purposes are liver, pancreas and gall bladder; Chinese are swallowed in pill form!

Among the "trials" in which this was "proven" are U.S. Tachibana Yochio and 13 others, Mariana Islands, 2nd-15th August, 1946; Commonwealth of Australia vs. Tazaki Takehiko, Wewak, 30th November 1945; Commonwealth of Australia v. Tomiyasu Tisato, Rabaul, 2nd April 1946; and the most complex war crimes trial in history, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) personally supervised by Douglas McArthur, which lasted from May 1946 until December 1948 (see The Tokyo Judgment, vol. 1, pp. 409-410, University of Amsterdam Press 1977, pp. 49,674-5 of mimeographed transcript.

The 25 defendants who survived trial were all convicted; 7 were hanged.

Their crimes included:

Planning, initiation and waging "aggressive war" against the Soviet Union (the Soviet Union attacked Japan two days after Hiroshima in violation of a Non-Agression Pact; on this same day the London Agreement was signed, pursuant to which the Nuremberg Trial was held); planning, initiation, and waging "aggressive war" against France (France is in Europe); illegal sea blockade and indiscriminate population bombing (case against Shimada), that is, the actions of the British in Europe would have been illegal if committed by the Japanese; trial of war criminals before a military tribunal (case against Hata and Tojo; see also U.S. vs. Sawada, probably the most disgusting and hypocritical accusation of all; the victims were 7 Americans guilty of participating in the fire-bombing of Tokyo in which 80,000 women and children were burned to death) and cannibalism. It was not alleged that the defendants ate anyone personally.

The evidence included:

* Soviet War Crimes Reports * Chinese War Crimes Reports * Soviet reports based on Japanese documents not attached to the reports * Summaries of Japanese military aggression in China (written by the Chinese) * 317 Judge Advocate General War Crimes Reports (total length: 14,618 pages) "quoting" "captured" Japanese documents, diaries, cannibalism confessions, mass murder orders, orders to gas P.O.W.s on remote South Sea islands, etc. ("captured documents" not attached to reports; proof of authenticity not required) * affidavits of Japanese soldiers imprisoned in Siberia * affidavits of Japanese referring to Japs as the 'enemy' * affidavits of Red Army Officers * newspaper clippings (admissable evidence for the prosecution, but not usually for the defense; i.e., events in China were proven by quoting the Chicago Daily Tribune, the New Orleans Times- Picayune, the Sacrimento Herald, Oakland Tribune, New York Herald, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, etc. * the "affidavit" of Marquis Takugawa (written in English and not read to him in Japanese) * the statements of Okawa (Okawa was declared insane and confined to a lunatic asylum, but his statements were used in evidence) * the testimony of Tanaka (a professional witness paid by the Americans; Okawa, when drunk, has confessed everything to Tanaka; Tanaka 'The Monster' Ryukichi was supposedly responsible for millions of atrocities but was not tried, instead he moved freely about Japan) * Kido's diary (titbits of gossip about everybody Kido didn't like) * Harada's Memoirs (Harada had suffered a stroke, so his dictation was incomprehensible; how well he could remember and what he meant to say were anybody's guess; the translations were a guess; many different "copies" had been "corrected" by a variety of people other than the person to whom he had dictated; added to which he had a reputation for telling lies).

The Prosecution's Answer to Defense Arguments at the end of the trial refutes all defensive evidence, stating that documents (translations of excerpts "copies" without proof of issuance or signature) are the best witnesses. If prosecution and defense both quote a document, defense have quoted out of context, but never the prosecution. Hearsay has probative value; testimony of defense witnesses has no probative value; cross- examination is a waste of time.

Five of the 11 judges - William Webb of Australia, Delfin Jaranilla of the Philippines, and Bert. A. Ršling of the Netherlands, Henri Bernhard of France, and R.B. Pal of India - dissented. Pal wrote a famous 700 page dissentient opinion in which he called the prosecution atrocity evidence "mostly worthless", remarking sarcastically that he hoped one of the documents was in Japanese.

A peculiarity of war crimes trials is that far from "proving" anything, they all contradict each other. It was held at Tokyo that the Chinese had a "right" to violate "unfair" treaties, and that Japanese efforts to enforce such treaties - because they were "unfair" - constituted "aggression".

When the atomic bombs were dropped, Shigemitsu had been attempting to negotiate a surrender for nearly 11 months, beginning on September 14, 1944. This of course became another "crime" - "prolonging the war through negotiation".

"Proof" of Japanese cannibal activity may be found in JAG Report 317, pp. 12,467-8 of mimeographed transcript; Exhibits 1446 and 1447, pp. 12,576-7; Exhibit 1873, pp. 14, 129-30, and Exhibits 2056 and 2056A and B, pp. 15,032- 42.

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