and Local-International Platform ST. GEORGEN/GUSEN, Austria

KZ Mauthausen-GUSEN Info-Pages

Explorers´ Feedback

The following gives an overview of feedback to this KZ Mauthausen-GUSEN Web-Site in hopes of stimulating others to send in their own questions, information, suggestions or (scientific) contribution to the address mentioned below.

The feedback also demonstrates the lack of knowledge the public, researchers, authors and students generally have regarding the KZ Gusen I, II & III concentration camps.
Carla Giacomozzi, Archivio Storico di Bolzano, Italy wrote: " ... endlich hatte ich Zeit genug, Deine Web-Site und die von Ebensee zu sehen. Ich gratuliere mit Dir für Deine Idee und für die Bibliographie über Gusen. Bravo, immer weiter! "

Kellie Lawson, Denver, Colorado, USA wrote: " ... I'm not a survivor, or even a real historian. I'm only 27. My Grandfather served in Europe in the War and would not talk about. He's since passed on. The first thing I ever read was a book on Buchenwald ... I feel like I'm supposed to DO something, especially since I've accidentally happened onto sites of revisionists, etc. It frightens me that anyone could willfully "forget" or deny the holocaust. I would love to volunteer in some way with some group or another to keep the candle of knowledge lit. Please tell me who or what might be interested in accepting volunteers. I appreciate your help and thank you in advance. By the way, I've done alot of web searching of holocaust sites and yours is superb! "

Debra Harp wrote: " ... Thank-you so much for this important site. My father was in Patton's 3rd Army and was involved in the liberation of this area ... "

The Staff at wrote: " ... is contacting you because our editors have selected your site as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability. "

XY wrote: " ... I have been looking with great interest at the pages on the web about the Mauthausen Gusen concentration camp. I am a television Producer for ... and would very much like to feature the camp in a special report for our flagship programme ... "

Gustav Schay, Vienna, Austria wrote: " ... Ich bin durch etliche Jahre immer wieder in St.Georgen gewesen und hatte aber doch nie die Zeit gefunden mich über die lokale Geschichte der NS-Zeit an Ort und Stelle zu informieren. Durch Zufall bin ich auf Ihre Internetseiten gestoßen, die sehr aufschlußreich sind ... "

Beth Lazaridis wrote: " ... I was very happy to find your page. I would like you to tell me how to submit my father in laws name to someone that might care. He was a prisoner for almost 2 years there. I would like to help him document his memories and to leave his name for the record ... "

Martina Pierini wrote: " ... Mit grossem interesse habe ich den Mauthausen-Gusen Article gelesen ... Herzlichen Dank"

Joe Fernandez, California, USA wrote: " ... Mein Herr, you have a very impressive web page ... Danke schoen"

XY wrote: " ... Ihre Seiten sind wirklich Klasse und sehr informativ und ausführlich ..."

XY wrote: " ... heute habe ich die web site zur Geschichte der KZ Mauthausen und Gusen I, II und III näher gelesen. Es ist sehr wichtig, daß Gedenkstätten ehemaliger faschistischer Konzentrationslager auch im Internet informieren. ... "

William J Powers, son of a KZ Gusen liberator, wrote: " ... I was going through some of my fathers photos from WWII and found one labeled as St. Georgen, Aust. Since my dad spoke Russian, Polish, English and German, he was taken from Patton's Army in Germany and sent to help liberate the camps. I assume that he was there to help the victims of the cave camp there. It was an experience that so changed him that many people failed to recognise him when he returned to the USA, he looked the same-but his personallity changed.

He was an infantry Captain known for his caring for his troops, comradship and courage. After a week freeing the concentration camps he was a changed man. He lost all interest in the military and any form of violence. It took years before he regained any sense of humor. Even though he was a natural leader, he was unable to step forward except in situations where he sensed an injustice.

Well, his problems were small compared to the denizns of the camps, but I wanted to tell you what little I knew, and that Capt. William Poplawski was there to try to help - and add to the record of the disaster ..."

Charles R. Sandler, Attorney at Law and former US Military Commander of the libertated KZ Gusen concentration camps in May-June 1945 , U.S.A. wrote: " ... Once again I want to extend my comenendation to you and your colleagues for your labour and this very important an menitourous project. Keep up the good work ..."

Benito Bermejo, Spain wrote: " ... My congratulations for your very interesting site. Thanks for your work. I am historian. I teach history in Madrid and I am mysef involved in a research project about the photos made by the SS in Mauthausen (some photos are in fact from Gusen) ... "

Dinur Center for the Study of Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel wrote: " ... Our team has been setting up a web site that offers a variety of important links and research possibilities. I would like to inform you that your site KZ Mauthausen-Gusen Info Pages has already been added to our Internet Resources in Jewish History in the History and Memorial sections ..."

Tom Traub, son of a nurse from the 131st Evacuation Hospital at Gusen, U.S.A. wrote: " ... My mother is Mary M. Wood (Traub), 1st Lieutenant with the 131 Evac Hospital Unit.  She was at the camps and has many photographs that have been copied and given to the National Holocaust Memorial in Washington, D.C. in the USA.  She is in touch with several of the nurses that were also there, and they would like to return next year if there are events going on that are in English.  Please advise if there are any scheduled events for 1999 that these ladies could attend. My mother has had me do several searches to find information and the web site you have developed is one of the best ways to memorialize all of the good people that were there..."

Abraham Zuckermann, Survivor of Gusen 2 and founding member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, U.S.A. wrote: " ... I´m very proud that someone like you became involved with this great project to bring justice to the victims and let the world know that there were murderous camps like Gusen/Mauthausen ..."

Marc Vadasz, son of a Gusen 2 survivor, Sweden wrote: " ... my father was in Mauthausen, Gusen II and finally Gunskirchen between June 1944 and the liberation in May 1945 ... I just checked your very well made website and it was complete with lots of fascinating information. My father (he died two years ago) just told me about these "normal" things such as starvation, torture and killings, work and living in the fields for a year.

Starvation: Starvation was one of the subjects he talked abut the most. "Food" was given two times a day. It came in big pots from the kitchen. In the morning a portion of watery soup was given and in the evening soup again, but this time a bit thicker. Usualy 25 prisoners shared one pot of soup. When the "food" was served the prisoners stood in line. My father told me that sometimes two prisoners lifted a dead person and took him to the line in order to get the dead persons portion of soup. Sometimes bread was given. One loaf of bread was divided between 10 prisoners. Since the bread was old, green and usually rotten, it broke in small pieces when it got divided. In order to be as fair as possible, the bread was put on the ground and divided in ten small portions.  Two prisoners went to the portions. One of these prisoners turned his back towards the bread and looked at the other 8 prisoners. The second prisoner pointed at one of the portions and asked "who should have this portion ?" , the prisoner with his back towards the bread answered for example "Number 3" . This was done in order to be as fair as possible. My father also told me about canibalism, specially at the end during April-May 1945. He never wanted to talk about it. There was never enough water. Water was kept in large barrels and it was only permitted to drink on order. If you went to close to the barrels without permission, you were shot.

Torture and killing: Torture and killings happened all the time. As you know, the Mauthausen complex was a class 3 camp which meant "Rueckkehr unerwuenscht" and "Vernichtung durch Arbeit" . When my father told me about the torture he usually talked about the main Mauthausen camp and specially the "Bunker" . He saw  "fresh" prisoners being dragged towards the bunker, heard screams and shots from this place. The prisoners who were forced in the Bunker never were seen again. Another terrible torture was the " Apellplatz" in the Mauthausen camp. As you know the prisoners were counted every day for hours. Several prisoners died everyday of this procedure. During the winter the guards sprayed water on the prisoners and many frooze to death. Ofcourse the Wienergraben is not to be forgotten. In Gusen, my father told me about how the guards drowned prisoners in the water barrells. This was a "favourite" torture and happened everyday, specially with the so called "Muselmaenner" , the prisoners who were more dead than alive. Another common torture/killing was hanging the prisoners from there arms on special hooks in the wall until they died. The so called "Fuenf und Zwanzig" (25) torture was also common. A prisoner was tied down and whipped 25 times. The "Kapos" were specially cruel. It happened that these guards could force the prisoners to do gymnastic exercises and run around for hours AFTER working in the tunnels for 16 hours. The Kapos always used a whip or stick and constantly hit the prisoners. Many prisoners were killed by these excersises. My father mentioned one Kapo, "Marek" .

Work: My father had not so many problems talking about the Mauthausen year except when talking about the Gusen tunnels. He just could not talk about that. He always avoided the subject. What he did mention was digging in the dark, being hit by the gurads, prisoners being crushed by the stones. He mentioned the "Wienergraben" and the 186 steps. Up and down up and down carrying rocks, the guards hitting and prisoners being pushed down the wall and killed. But you were interested in Gusen, not the main camp. Sorry, he avoided the subject of the tunnels, it must have been a horror.

Living in the fields: Not all the prisoners had the "luxury" of living in the barracks. My father spent the entire year living outside in the fields. Every morning a special kommando ("Sonderkommando" ) was organized. This commando was given the order to collect all the corpses, put them on a cart and drive them to the crematorium. It happened that a guard gave order to put a "nearly" dead prisoner on the cart. Even if the prisoner was still alive he was thrown in the fire. the barracks were divided in two parts, one where the prisoners lived (Stube A) and one called the "Bahnof" (Stube B). If you were dying, to weak to work or very sick, you were thrown in the "Bahnhof" to die, without any water, light or food, just prisoner laying together on the floor, dying. Once a day the dead were collected on the cart and driven away to the creamtorium ..."

Prof. Mag. Adolf Brunnthaler, Austria wrote: " ... Grosse Anerkennung fuer Ihre Homepage! Es waere auch fuer die anderen Nebenlager von Mauthausen wuenschenswert, derartig umfangreiche und gut aufbereitete Information zu bekommen. Ich arbeite derzeit ueber das Nebenlager Grossraming, habe bisher aber noch nicht daran gedacht, damit ins Internet zu gehen ..."

Nicolas Weinberg, France wrote: " ... My great-parents and their family were Jewish from Austria. They all died. I know my great-grand father and his wife were deported to Terezin ... I wonder if the Austrian Jews were directly sent to Terezin, or transited by Gusen. I also wonder if there is any " Totenbuch" of Gusen ..."

Christine Kuster, Chapel Hill, NC, USA wrote: " ... My father was a prisoner at Mauthausen-Gusen for two years and was released at the time of liberation ... Are there any records of prisoners available as far as when they were sent there ..."

Madolynn Cronk, Editorial Division of Encyclopedia Britannica wrote: " ... As you stated, Gusen was indeed named in an earlier edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica. The 1973 Britannica article entitled "concentration camps" was a treatment of internment centres in general and included separate sections on military  concentration camps, political concentration camps, corrective labour camps of the Soviet Union, and concentration camps of Nazi Germany. In the section on Nazi Germany, it is stated that by 1939 six major camps had been established: Dachau, Sachsenhausan, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenburg, and Ravensbruck. The next paragraph, moving forward in history, includes a reference to Gusen, where the text states that from 1940 to 1942 nine new camps were established: Auschwitz, Neuengamme, Gusen, Natzweiler, Gross Rosen, Lublin, Niederhagen, Stutthof, and Arbeitsdorf ..."

Theo Joos, Bibliotheek Universitair Centrum Antwerpen, Belgium wrote: " ... I thank you for your prompt answer and I am looking forward, with patience of course, to the answers on my request also at the Archives of the Mauthausen Museum in Vienna ... Into the near future, when my personal homepage will be ready, your site and some others will be linked with your permission if you would like to give me the opportunity and this not for my glory but for those who suffered and died with no guilt against mankind. I insist on thanking you for your kind cooperation ..."

Nehemias Nunez, El Paso Holocaust Museum & Study Center, USA wrote: " ... Sir thank you very much. All assistance in our project is greatly needed, the information you have given us will be added ..."

Cindy Martinusen, San Francisco, USA wrote: " ... I am currently contracted to write a novel for an American publisher. The book is set in contemporary time, mostly in Austria with an unsolved mystery from WWII Europe.  I was interested in more information about Mauthausen-Gusen.  My husband and I will be traveling to Austria in October to do further research.  If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it.  One particular question that perhaps you would know, which camps were Austrian citizens who were opposed to the Nazis sent to before the war? I hope you can help me.  Especially when I read that Gusen has been forgotten, I thought perhaps this would be a way to help memorialize the camp and victims ..."

Hans Blank, son of KZ Gusen victim Wilhelm Blank, Berlin, Germany wrote: " ... Wenn ich helfen kann, den grausamen Schauplatz Gusen deutlich zu machen, werde ich das tun. Was bei uns politisch dagegen steht, werden Sie wissen. Trotzdem; Steinchen sammeln und vorallem jungen Menschen glaubhaft und hautnah die geschichtliche Wahrheit nahe bringen. Anders werden wir eine vernünftige Zukunft nicht erreichen ..."

Victor Kielich, Survivor of KZ Gusen I, Waikanane, New Zealand wrote: " ... I got your address from Internet ... I am 78 years old and in reasonable health. I was arrested on 25 of February 1940 and till October 1940 I was in Fort VII in Poznan, Poland. From there I was transferred to Concentration Camp Mauthausen No. 8062. On 6 January 1941 I was sent to Gusen 1 and been there until 5.5.1945. My Gusen No. was 43446 ... Yesterday I decided to look into Internet and wrote Mauthausen-Gusen. To my surprise I got all the beautiful presented information and the article written by Albert J. Kosiek whom I still see standing on the tank saying: "Bracia jestescie wolni - BROTHERS YOU ARE FREE" ..."

Valter Amadini, Brescia, Italy wrote: " ... My grandfather and all the others are alive in our memory and we must fight because their awful deaths don´t remain forgotten. Thanks a lot for your work that can guarantee that my grandfather´s death, and the death of every victims of Gusen camps have not been in vain ..."

The 4th period class, Beulah High School, Alabama wrote: " ... During working on this info-pages we learned about the third Reich during WWII. As we learned, we noticed that the Germans had a well organized military. What they used it for was wrong, to our minds. Their military was used in an attempt at world domination. This was wrong because it would abolish a lot of common freedoms. As we learned about these camps, we found that these freedoms were already taken from some people. The camps were an example of what might have happened if Germany did take over the world.

During this assignment we learned that the Gusen camps were as large and terrible as they were. We also learned that executions were made in more ways than shooting. We also learned that many innocent people died. Finally, we learned that the Holocaust and the reason for the war were two different things..."

Dr. David Querido, University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa wrote: " ... I have just visited ( and found your account of KZ Mauthausen-GUSEN very enlighting. Could you please let me know whether there is any information about the fate of Dr. Eduard Krebsbach after World War II - or of any other medical personnel who served at Mauthausen-Gusen during the war ..."

Fritz Voll (Jewish-Christian Relations), Calgary, Alberta, Canada wrote: " ...Was immer der Wert der Zusammenarbeit für diese Webseiten sein mag, ihre Bedeutung ist ohne Frage unermesslich. Ich selbst stehe mit Staunen vor einem kleinen Wunder der Fuehrungen Gottes in unser aller Leben.

Finden die vielen stillen oder auch lauten Notschreie der unzaehligen Opfer, deren wir gedenken, vielleicht doch noch Erhoerung, wenn nicht in ihrem eigenen, so doch in unserem Leben? Wer koennte es sagen? Wenn junge Menschen im fernen Alabama vom Schicksal der Opfer von Gusen beruehrt werden koennen und von sich aus die rassistischen Ausschreitungen an ihrem Ort damit verbinden, dann liegt darin ein Hoffnungsschimmer fuer all Eure und unsere Muehe.

Moegen sich unsere Traenen des Gedenkens, der Trauer, des Zorns und der Reue mit denen der Opfer verbinden und bei Gott und den Menschen nicht vergessen sein.

Am zunehmenden positiven Interesse an meinen eigenen Webseiten kann ich die Erfahrung bestaetigen, dass das Internet mehr und mehr gebraucht wird, um schnell Informationen einzuholen. Zugleich aber entstehen dadurch auch neue Verbindungen unter Menschen, die sich andernfalls nie begegnet waeren. Ueber den Wissensaustausch hinaus entsteht im Internet eine demokratische Welt, die keine Grenzen und Regierungen, ja, nicht einmal ausgekluegelte Gesetze kennt.

Durch Eure Webseiten tut Ihr tatsaechlich mehr fuer die Opfer, als es je das bestbezahlte Kommittee oder Museum am Ort tun koennte. Ihr gebt den Opfern Namen und Stimme in dieser demokratischen, freien Welt, in der sich junge Menschen mehr zu Hause fuehlen als ihre Eltern, und von der ihre Grosseltern nicht einmal traeumen konnten. Ich kann nur hoffen, dass Eure Arbeit bei allen Beteiligten dort, bei den Institutionen und vor allem bei den zustaendigen Behoerden Anerkennung und Unterstuetzung findet.

Bei einer hiesigen Versammlung von Mitgliedern der verschiedensten Religionen hatte ich heute Gelegenheit ueber Oesterreich, Gusen und St. Georgen zu sprechen und dabei auch die Kinder von Alabama zu erwaehnen. Solche Informationen erfuellen viele Menschen mit neuen Hoffnungen und sind ihnen wichtiger als die letzten Erfolge der Raumfahrt.

Diese Gedanken kreisen in meinem Kopf, wenn ich an Eure Begegnung am 9. Mai denke. Glaubt mir, Ihr seit mir weit wichtiger als Euer Innenminister und alle, die ihrer Gedenkpflicht dienstlich nachkommen ..."

Marc Rosenblitt, USA wrote: " ... I am the grandson of Charles R. Sandler ... Mr. Sandler is a former member of the 21st Armored Infantery Battalion of the 11th Armored Division, U.S. 3rd Army. He was a Major and 2nd in command of his Battalion on May 5, 1945 when it was part of the task force which liberated Mauthausen and Gusen concentration camps. He served at Mauthausen ... and was in command of the troops that administered Gusen for the balance of May 1945 ... I suggest that you contact him by mail ..."

Chuck Tipton, USA wrote: " ... Thanks so much for the informative and interesting Gusen site ... Your site is moving, well documented and very interesting - I thank you for your efforts at educating us all with regard to Gusen and the story of the camps ..."

Perry Pierik, The Netherlands wrote: " ... I read this page with interest and made a copy for my archive. As an historian I´m also interested in this black chapter of European history. I wrote aboute the Holocaust in my book "Hungary 44/45 - The forgotten tragedy" by my own publishing house ..."

Jean Callo, Fougeres, France wrote: " ... Je suis le frere de Marcel Callo. J´ai affir par Madame Rosemarie Pabel que vous avez été, avec Madame Gammer, le grand organisateur de la journee du 4 octobre a St Georgen. Je veux vous exprimer toute ma reconnaissance. La veillée de prieres pres des tunnels fut particulierement emouvante. Je garderai aussi souvenir de l´inauguration de Marcel-Callo-Weg et de la recontre, le soir, dans le table paroissiale. Je vous redis toute ma reconnaissance..."

Lise C. Birch, daughter of U.S. Army nurse that worked at Gusen after liberation wrote: " ... I found these pages while looking for some information about my mother. She and several Army nurses were part of the liberation of the camp and took care of the survivors ... They were members of the 131st Evacuation Hospital ... They feel very strongly about being a part of this remembrance, as the lives of the victims and the survivors touch them still; and should not be firgotten ..."

Pierre Serge Choumoff, Secretaire general du Comite international du Souvenier de Gusen e Secretaire de l´Amicale francaise de Mauthausen wrote: " ... I am very glad that the Kosiek´s paper is finally made available thanks to you... I am happy to be close linked with both of you... in Elisabeth Hoelzl´s book... To reprint Aldebert´s drawings so well reproduced is a great event! This is a splendid achievement..."

Bill Leesemann, Jr., Safety Harbor, Florida, U.S.A. (Liberator, 101 Engr Combat Bn, 26th Inf Div) wrote: " ... Thank you so much for ... the Internet address of your St.Georgen/Gusen report. I passed your Internet address to my son in New Jersey who promptly called up your fine report, which I thought might have some of the detail found in your publication " 300 Jahre" and forwarded some of the material to me on our free library e-mail system available in all states and 20 countries. I was unaware that Gusen camps were involved so heavily in the Me-109 and Me-262 production... Have you seen Stephen Ambrose´s new book " Citizen Soldier" ? An extract from my memoir was used and appears on pp. 335/6. Mr. Ambrose has quite a following on military history with many books to his credit and this one still on the best seller´s list over 2 months..."

Jos. Hammelmann, President de´l Comite International de Mauthausen, Gr. Duche de Luxembourg wrote: " ... Mit grossem Interesse habe ich die eindrucksvollen Beilagen gelesen ... Als IMK-Präsident danke ich für die grosse Ehre ein kleines Vorwort zu verfassen... Mein Beitrag soll als Andenken an die vielen unschuldigen Menschen, die gefoltert, ermordet und schnell vergessen wurden, sowie gleichzeitig als Mahnung für die Zukunft verstanden werden. Dass mir die Projekte in Gusen sehr am Herzen liegen, beweisen meine schriftlichen Bemerkungen zu der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz in Wien... ich zitiere: " Meine Hauptsorge gilt jedoch Gusen, wobei ich ganz besonders die Verschandelung des Jourhauses als Verbrechen ansehe. Inzwischen habe ich erahren, dass in Bezug auf Gusen Absprachen zwischen einem französischen Häftling (Choumoff) - welcher auch die Interessen der Italiener und Polen vertrat - und der Plattform 75 JAHRE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH bezüglich gemeinsamen Vorgehens für die internationale Gedenkfeier zum 50. Jahrestag der Befreiung der ehemaligen Nebenlager Gusen I und II gab. Desweitern wurde das Projekt "Pflege Memorial Gusen" diskutiert. Es soll die Klärung der Eigentumsverhältnisse, die Rekultivierung des Vorplatzes, sowie das Anbringen von 2 Gedenktafeln vorsehen ..." Das alles ist glücklich und ausgezeichnet realisiert worden. Im Namen des Comité International de Mauthausen, auch in meinem persönlichen Namen beglückwünsche ich Dich und Deine engagierten Mitarbeiter und wünsche jetzt schon für die Zukunft einen grossen Erfolg..."

Alexandre Moatti, Le Groupe X-Resistance de l´Ecole Polytechnique, Paris wrote: " ... From today on I put, if you agree, a link to our site... Our association is in charge of memory of former students from Polytechnic School in Paris died for Resistance in WWII. One of those, JEAN SERVRANCKX (1920-1945), died in Mauthausen-GUSEN, as it is recalled in his biography..."

Dr. Ben Shapiro, Jerusalem, Israel wrote: " ... Ich habe Deine Website besucht und bin beeindruckt. Ich wuensche Dir viel Erfolg in dieser Arbeit. Ich selber wusste garnichts ueber St.Georgen/Gusen in der Holocaust Zeit ... habe jetzt übersetzt eine Geschichte vom Hebraeischen ins Englische. Das Buch ist die Ueberlebensgeschichte eines Maedchens (heute ein Nachbarin und Freundin von mir), die als Kinderpflegerin arbeitete in Steinkeller (ein Gut in der Steiermark in der Naehe von St. Martin bei Lauben. Das Buch ist vor zwei Jahren in Deutsch von Niza Ganor unter dem Titel "Wer bist Du, Anuschka" veroeffentlicht worden..."

Anton Legerer, Jr., ARCHE-Wien, Austria wrote: " ... gratuliere zu allen Aktivitäten, die ich beim Surfen ein bisschen bewundern konnte..."

Docteur Paul Le Caer, Tourgeville, France (Inmate No. 27008 of KZ Mauthausen-Redl-Zipf-Schlier) wrote: " ... J´ai bien trouve sur internet la publication de votre documentation existante sur Gusen et je te felicite de ce travail important pour la Mémoire ... Encore Bravo ..."

Paul L. Walker, Wheeling, West Virginia, USA (Liberator) wrote: " ... I was at Camp Mauthausen - Camp Gusen 8 May 1945 with the 131 Evac Hospital SM and I believe I saw Franz Ziereis at Camp Gusen hung on a fence... I am trying to get some info about what I saw... While at Camp Gusen we x-rayed many inmates and saw many things that were hard to understand. I would appreciate any help I can get about Gusen and Mauthausen..."

Jean Courcier, Rennes, France (Inmate No. 62208 of KZ Gusen II) wrote: " ... toutes les informations, photos et documents sur ce terrible camp le plus meutriere de tous les commandos de Mauthausen (peu de rescapes vivent encore)...Je me permet de vous feliciter pour le grand travail de devoir de memoire... c´est une oeuvre incomparable pour l´histoire..."

Paula Vogtenhuber, St.Georgen/Gusen, Austria wrote: "Die Website ist gut gelungen !! MfG, ..."

Charles V. Ferree, Military Order of the World Wars, USA wrote: "Congratulations from America! My heart felt thanks and congratulations for the courage necessary to build such a page. I am a WW-II veteran, also a "Witness-Liberator" . I have many friends in Germany and especially Austria. I have met Mr. Wiesenthal several times, and am very proud of your web site. It is most important that the world know the truth. My warmest regards, ..."

XY wrote: "My aunt was denied compensation from the German Article 2 Fund based on the fact that she does not have documentation about having been in concentration camp in Mauthausen. Furthermore, they wrote to her stating that Mauthausen was a man´s camp and do not accept the fact that SHE was there. Please provide me with data pertaining to the Mauthausen concentration camp or suggestions as to where exactly I can find data providing that there were female prisoners there also ... Thank you very much."

Pierre Serge Choumoff, Secretaire general du Comite international du Souvenier de Gusen e Secretaire de l´Amicale francaise de Mauthausen wrote: " ... Thank you also for having sent this interesting info-pages on Gusen. What for such important work! ..."

P. Batek, Toronto, Canada wrote: "... May I commend you on the touching story regarding the liberation of Mauthausen. May I also offer my assistance on further endeavours ..."

K. Comess, University of Washington (USA) wrote: "... Congratulations on your superb page on Guzen (Gusen). I have been a student of the war for many years and knew nothing whatsoever of the camp until I read your page. Keep up the good work..."

Anita H., USA wrote: "... My father was with General Patton during WWII and believes that it was Mauthausen Concentration Camp that was liberated by him. I have read the account of S/Sgt. Al Kosiek and found this link to you. If you can provide me with any further information concerning Gerneral Patton´s participation, however, small, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance, ..."

Bruce Edwards, Rutland, VT (USA) wrote: "... Just took a tour of your Web page, and I must say I´m very impressed with the scope and depth of your presentation. It´s one of the best pages on the Holocaust I´ve seen. I have a question, perhaps you can answer. Was slave labor employed by the private sector for stone quarry work in France? I´m particularly interested in finding out whether a certain Swiss company that owned marble and limestone quarries in France and Germany would have used forced labor. Regards ..."

Robert H. Abzug, USA wrote: "... As a historian whose work has dealt with the Mauthausen complex and the liberation of the various camps, including Gusen, I want to congratulate you on creating this Web Site, about which I just learned from the Holocaust History List on the Internet. You are truly doing a service to both the public and to the historical profession in presenting such a growing and comprehensive picture of the camp. I learned much just from my first contact with it, and will return soon. Best ..."

XY, USA wrote: "... I have visited your very fine website memorializing Gusen/Mauthausen/Linz camp complex. I wonder if you know anything about Lager Bindermichl which was at the far South end of Linz. It seems to have been a work camp, with low security (no watchtowers, just a fence) with about 2000 inmates, including Poles, Soviet soldiers, and others. I have never been able to find any reference to it and I don´t know if it was part of the Gusen complex. Neither do I find any reference to the role of the 260th Infantry Regiment of the 65th Division in the liberation of Linz-Urfahr and Enns on 7 May 1945. It was a short walk from Bindermichl to a hill overlooking Hoersching, where the US Army had a small landing strip. Also near the hill was a tiny burial ground, with markers indicating that Alois and Klara Hitler were buried there. Does your website have a detailed wartime map of Linz?"

Michael Fingerhut, France wrote: "... I´d like to commend you for the impressive work you put. I linked the page ... into my server MEDIATHEQUE-FRANCE"

Johan Eneroth wrote: "... My congratulations at an excellent site (KZ Mauthausen-Gusen). It is factual, captivating and well structured. You have set an example for other camp sites. Keep up the good work! ..."

Arnold Kramer (USHMM), USA wrote: "... We have made a link from the web page of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to you very good website about KZ Mauthausen-GUSEN. Best wishes ..."

Debra Cohen, USA wrote: "... Thank you for the new web listing. ... I will make sure to include the literature in my research. Thank you again! ..."

Charlotte Guthmann Opfermann, USA wrote: "Liebe Freunde! ... Will auch einen Abdruck des gesamten Materials bei der naechsten Holocaust and the Church Konferenz in New York in einigen Monaten und einer anderen Holocaust Konferenz an der Purdue Universität verteilen. Ich bewundere die von Ihnen geleistete Arbeit! "

Charlotte Guthmann Opfermann, USA wrote: "... Will einen Abdruck Ihrer Webseite an das Museum des Grossen Patriotischen Museums in Minsk, Belarus, schicken. Dort sind viele deutsche Juden in den 8 KZs in und um Minsk herum (und in den 260 KZs in Weissrussland allein) umgekommen. Herzlichen Dank im Namen der wenigen Ueberlebenden und der viel zu Vielen, die es nicht ueberlebt haben fuer Ihre ausgezeichnete, aufopfernde Arbeit. "

Annie Alpert (Nizkor volunteer), USA wrote: "... I had already heared about your excellent website from another friend, and I have included it on my list of bookmarks. I´ll be happy to add it to our list of links. Thanks!"

Joseph Sheen OM MBE, Albion, Victoria, Australia (Survivor of KZ Gusen II tunnel drilling) wrote: "... Please accept my sincere thanks for all you have done. If my health permits I would personally like to visit Gusen and thank you."

Chuck Ferree, USA wrote: "Thanks for the new web site on Gusen. I was there in May of 1945, also Mauthausen. I was a pilot in the US Air Corps, flying VIPS to the various Nazi Camps."

Fritz Voll (Jewish-Christian Relations), Calgary, Alberta, Canada wrote: "I discovered your Mauthausen/Gusen Web site today and have not finished reading it yet. Thank you for this site and the information it contains. I think I will have to make a link to it and possibly similar sites on my pages about Jewish-Christian relations. If you have info about other sites, please let me know ... Freundliche Gruesse, ..."

Mike Dunn (The Cybrary of the Holocaust), USA wrote: "Great, I´ll go for a visit and of course will link with you ... I´d be glad to share our trafic with you ..."

XY, AT-Vienna wrote (German): "... Auf Ihre Info-Page bin ich schon gestossen und muss sagen, dass sie unglaublich informativ und sehr gut gestaltet ist ... Ich beschäftige mich mit den Themen ... ´Holocaust` schon seit laengerem. Trotzdem waren fast alle Infos zum KZ Gusen neu fuer mich. Erschreckend vor allem die hohe Zahl der Opfer und die spezielle Brutalitaet, der sie ausgesetzt waren. Ich meine, dass Informationen darueber heute - vielleicht - wichtiger denn je sind und sich die von den Beschwichtigern gerne gebrauchte Behaubtung `... das liegt ja schon lange zurueck und ist nicht mehr von Belang ...´sich angesichts der von Ihnen zusammengetragenen Fakten von selbst qualifiziert."

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Most recent updates of this page were made on
000303 by Rudolf A. HAUNSCHMIED,
Martha Gammer, Siegi Witzany-Durda and
Jan-Ruth White with her students in US-Alabama